PFS PBP We Be Goblins (+Too) (Inactive)

Game Master Revvy Bitterleaf

Stirge Map

Boar Map

Munchmeat Farm


Wayfinder of the Planes
Grand Lodge GM Baerlie

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(9,123 posts)
Poog of Zarangul

Male Goblin Adept 1 AC 14 (T 13, FF 12) HP 3/5 Fort +0 Ref +0 Will +3 Init +6 CMB/CMD +-3/9 Speed 30 ft
Ride +6, Spellcraft +3, Stealth +10

(123 posts)

Caro Cogitatus

Reta Bigbad
Sczarni Reta Bigbad - Caro Cogitatus

Female Goblin AC 20 (T 14, FF 17) HP 24/30 Init +3 Fort +5 Refl +4 Will +2 (+1 vs. Fear) CMB/CMD +3/16 Speed 30 ft Darkvision 60 ft
Perception +10 Ride +9 Stealth +10
Melee mwk dogslicer +8 (1d4+1/19–20) Ranged mwk shortbow +8 (1d4/×3)
(117 posts)

Jolly Roger

Chuffy Lickwound
Chuffy Licklots

Male Goblin AC 19 (T 15, FF 14). HP 11/11, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0. Init +4, CMB/CMD -1/13, Speed 30ft.
Acrobatics +7, Appraise +6, Climb +3, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +15

(119 posts)