[PFS/DMK] 0-13 The prince of Augustana (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde


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| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

I've created a gameplay thread for people to dot, so that it shows up in their campaigns tab. I'll start the game as soon as everyone is ready

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Taldan) Cavalier (Huntmaster) Order of the Tome |HP 10/10|AC 17 T 12 FF 15| Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +0|Perc +0| Init +4|

ready, dotting

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

After a hurried summons to the Grand Lodge in Absalom, a quick conversation with Venture-Captain Alissa Moldreserva, and a wet, stormy trip across the Inner Sea to Andoran, the small, warm Pathfinder Lodge in Augustana is a welcome break from travel. “I can’t believe we are wasting our time on this matter,” says Caudron Wallace, the venture-captain of Augustana as he paces the main hall. “Frankly, I want as little to do with it as possible, so I’m passing it on to you.” Wallace nods toward a door at the back of the room. “The vagrant through there was found collapsed on our front steps gripping a wayfinder of all things. We still don’t know who he is. Talk to him, for the tale he tells is amazing if true, and then come back here.”

The adventurers find themselves at the back of the main hall, in a small sitting area with six comfortable chairs and a few bookshelves filled with the latest pathfinder chronicles. An old, withered man sits in one of the chairs, half-dozing when the PCs enter. His skin is shockingly pale and his features are sharp with high cheekbones and a jutting chin. Despite his filthy visage, matted white hair, and infirmity, when he awakes and regards the PCs he does so with a look of absolute, confident superiority.

Feel free to introduce your characters before you react to this encounter

Liberty's Edge

“My loyal subjects, welcome! I know that some of you might not recognize me in my current state, but it is truly me, Gandros, the long-lost Prince of Augustana. I have been in hiding since the untimely death of my father, the Emperor, preparing for my return to glory. Unfortunately, I bear ill news. The army I have been gathering in the otherworld has been infiltrated by agents of our enemies. When last I called my forces together for inspection, dark assassins attacked me and I barely escaped with my life.”

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

For those enjoying faction missions:


Defender of Democracy,

You carry the torch of freedom and it burns brightly in your hand. Yet we know that fire is a fragile and flickering thing. It is utter foolishness that anyone should take this “Prince” of Augustana seriously. Monarchy has never lorded over the independent nation of Andoran.

Already, though, there are mutterings in dark corners among those who have heard of his story that he may be the last son of some cursed Chelish noble line. Those mutterings could turn him into a rallying point to return our lands to slavery under the devil-worshipers.

We must shed light on the truth before these dark whispers find purchase. Search the man’s dwelling for some sign of his true origins and bring it to us that we may show the world.


Captain Colson Maldris


Most Worthy Subject of the Ruby Prince,

You are far from home and traveling among strange folk in strange lands. Know that you are not alone. Other agents of Osirion have gone before you and you may feel lost and alone, but another is far more so than you.

Pteliut the Keen was investigating the means by which foreigners move the relics they steal from our lands. From his last report, he was investigating a possible ring of smugglers among the sewers under Augustana. He has missed two check-ins since and we fear the worst.

You will know Pteliut by the tattoos of the crook and the flail on his wrists. Find him if you can. If he lives, aid him if he needs it, but do not unveil his subterfuge.


Amenopheus, The Sapphire Sage

Can anyone help me remember what the rules for Grand Lodge, Silver Crusade are when they have no explicit faction mission? Do they default to Osirion? The current guide doesn't say anything on the subject.

Grand Lodge

M Stats Alanya
Lvl 4 Hp 28/28 AC 18, T13, F16, F+4,R+2,W+3, CMB+5, CMD16, Init+1
H-Elf Summoner 4 HP 35/35 AC17/T11/FF16 F+4/R+2/W+3 CMB+3 CMD14 Init+1, Spd 30ft

A young elf clad in leather walks into the assembly.
With honey-yellow irises in black eyes he looks around.
Oh, am i de only person at dis time?

He'll introduce himself to the 1st person that walks in.
"Good day, i was almost worried i'd be de only one to show, since i even left early to get 'ere."
He extends a hand to said person.

@ The encounter:
"Not an enjoyable routine. Wit dark assassins, what should we visualize? Tugs, demons?"

Grand Lodge

F Elf Ranger/9 (HP 85/85 | AC:24 | T:16 | FF:19 | CMB:13 | CMD:28 | Fort:+9 | Ref:+12 | Will:+6 [+2 Enchant] | Init:+7 [+4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Perc:+11 [+4 vs. Humans; +2 vs. Evil outsiders; +4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-1
Diverse Training: 1/1 | Explorer: 1/1 | Retributive Abjuration: 1/1

A tall woman of elven lineage enters the room and glares at the homeless man in the chair.

So now this one human who finds it a waste of her time, wants me to talk to the homeless guy instead? How egotistical, like I have nothing better to do.

Shayla walks up to the man and is about to start her interrogation, set on leaving as soon as possible after she's done her. She then notices the man's half-dozing.

Grr! How do you mean, wasting time?!

With an agry face Shayla is about to sit herself down in the chair at the other end of the table, as far away from the human as possible. She then notices a young hallf-elf in one of the other chairs, and walks up to him to introduce herself.

The poor lad! Why did his elven parent make this horible choice?

She shakes her head slightly at this thought, and shakes the lad's hand when he offers it. "Good day, I'm Shayla. Know you're not alone, poor soul."

After her brief introduction to Chyras, Shayla sits herself down next to him instead. The homeless man then seems to wake up and starts rambling about being a long-lost prince.

Sure, and I'm the queen of the sky. Pff! Silly humans and their lies...

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Fighter 2 / Brawler 2 | HP 40/40 | AC 23 ff 19 t 14 | Init. +8 | F +9 R +7 W +5 | CMB: +7 CMD +21 | Speed 20 ft
Special Abilities & Skills:
Martial Flexibility 4/4 day ... Acrobatics +6 (-1 to jump), Perception +9, Sense Motive +5, Survival +5, Climb +4, Swim +4, Intimidate +3, Know (Dungeon) +4

..I am a pathfinder not a babysitter. This job just might be as bad as the last one. Fate has it out for me.. With a stern look Cyrus scans the room and stares at each person in the room in turn.

..I wonder if they will accept a Half burnt Half-Elf... He moves to a chair across the table from the other and sits down just then the old man at the end of the table starts to ramble about being the lost ruler of some place. ..even if I saved this "ruler" from certain death I bet I would still be shunned in his kingdom...


Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Distracted by his inter turmoil Cyrus can't make heads or tails of the old man or the other pathfinders in the room.

Silver Crusade

Human Cleric 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 | T: 10 | FF: 16 | CMD: 12 | Fort/Ref/Will: +4/+0/+5 | Init: +4 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light Level 1: Prot. fr Evil, Shield of Faith, Holy Shield | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Good 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6

A bright eyed young man enters the main hall and looks around with interest, a slight smile on his face as if he suddenly found something funny . On his left arm is a buckler engraved with the image of a bright sun with rays of light shining outward.
It's a tad ironic that I left Andoran to explore the world with the Pathfinders only to be sent BACK to Andoran. Oh well, I shall serve as best I can no matter where I go.

He sees the others in the room and can only assume they are fellow Pathfinders as well, and walks over to introduce himself with a smile.

"Greetings! My name is Maxwell Carter, servant of Sarenrae, but you can call me Max. I look forward to working with you!" he says, giving a small bow.
To himself he adds Wow, this elf lady looks quite perturbed about something. I hope it wasn't something I did...

He listens to Venture-Captain Alissa Moldreserva explain the situation, and walks over to where the homeless looking vagabond is before taking a seat nearby. When he begins to speak he pays close attention, especially to his claim to be a long lost prince.
That's quite a claim! No wonder the Venture-Captain doesn't want to deal with it. Well, he is either telling the truth of is suffering from some delusion. Regardless, he needs help.

He leans back in his chair, thinking on what the man said.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

the dice are not with me this morning it seems :(

Spells Prepared this morning:

Lvl 0: Create Water
Lvl 0: Detect Magic
Lvl 0: Light
Lvl 1: Protection from Evil
Lvl 1: Comprehend Languages
Lvl 1 Domain: Holy Shield

Liberty's Edge

Maxwell wrote:
"Greetings! My name is Maxwell Carter, servant of Sarenrae, but you can call me Max. I look forward to working with you!"

The prince frowns at the - in his eyes - disrespectful tone Maxwell and Chyras take.

You may address me as 'My Prince', 'My Liege' or 'Your Royal Highness'

after which he launches into a breathless retelling of his story

“I fled back through the magic portal to this realm. Grievously wounded, and with the assassins in close pursuit, I leapt into the dark river. I floated past the Almsman’s Sanctuary, but couldn’t climb out of the water. I did manage to grab one of the bridges, but a plank fell in with me. I held on for dear life and continued to drift downstream. I went over a waterfall and then emerged in the lake of ships and crawled to shore. Augustana has changed since I last walked my city’s bright streets, but I managed to find this house, bearing the symbol of my father’s empire.” He holds up the wayfinder hanging from a chain around his neck. “I knew I would find help here! If you remove the threat from my kingdom below and help restore me to my rightful place as Emperor of Andoran, I will grant you any boon within my power!”

@Chyras: you character has a Dutch accent?!

Grand Lodge

M Stats Alanya
Lvl 4 Hp 28/28 AC 18, T13, F16, F+4,R+2,W+3, CMB+5, CMD16, Init+1
H-Elf Summoner 4 HP 35/35 AC17/T11/FF16 F+4/R+2/W+3 CMB+3 CMD14 Init+1, Spd 30ft

No GM, he's supposed to have a slight louisiana cajun-english accent. Think Gambit from the old X-men animated series. On wikipedia, cajun english has a tab "features of", explaining the accent. Is the accent offending his highness?
The casual greeting was aimed at the 1st pathfinder to walk in actually.

After the weared out man finished his story, Chyras ponders for a moment,
"Your 'ighness, if we are to 'elp you, what is it you would 'ave us do to fight off dis menace?
Are dere any leads to follow?"

GM, if that were a dutch accent, you'd only find it with the elderly and politicians. Those seriously need to work on their speech.

Grand Lodge

F Elf Ranger/9 (HP 85/85 | AC:24 | T:16 | FF:19 | CMB:13 | CMD:28 | Fort:+9 | Ref:+12 | Will:+6 [+2 Enchant] | Init:+7 [+4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Perc:+11 [+4 vs. Humans; +2 vs. Evil outsiders; +4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-1
Diverse Training: 1/1 | Explorer: 1/1 | Retributive Abjuration: 1/1

@Chyras: Not only, but generally the English of the younger generation is indeed better. Luckily. The politicians are incredibly funny though, when using English.

No, another one! Poor lad... And look at his face! Oh... and a human...

After glares at Maxwell at the exact moment he wonders if he did something wrong, Shayla turns to face Cyrus. "I'm Shayla, pleased to meet you", she says with a smile.

Two of those poor fellows, and a human. He'd better not try anything funny with them.

Shayla listens to the homeless man telling something. Some kind of story. There are a lot of words, so she doesn't quite get it. The man then says something about giving a boon. "Oh, that's nice", she comments.

Grand Lodge

M Stats Alanya
Lvl 4 Hp 28/28 AC 18, T13, F16, F+4,R+2,W+3, CMB+5, CMD16, Init+1
H-Elf Summoner 4 HP 35/35 AC17/T11/FF16 F+4/R+2/W+3 CMB+3 CMD14 Init+1, Spd 30ft

Ok, not "only then", but often. But thusfar i hadn't met someone who'd pronounce english horribly wrong. ;)

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Fighter 2 / Brawler 2 | HP 40/40 | AC 23 ff 19 t 14 | Init. +8 | F +9 R +7 W +5 | CMB: +7 CMD +21 | Speed 20 ft
Special Abilities & Skills:
Martial Flexibility 4/4 day ... Acrobatics +6 (-1 to jump), Perception +9, Sense Motive +5, Survival +5, Climb +4, Swim +4, Intimidate +3, Know (Dungeon) +4

Turning to Shayla and standing Cyrus forces a smile."Hello, my name is Cyrus Geitus and it a pleasure to meet an Elf. It has been a long time." Cyrus turns away and sits down with a pained expression on his face.

Grand Lodge

M Stats Alanya
Lvl 4 Hp 28/28 AC 18, T13, F16, F+4,R+2,W+3, CMB+5, CMD16, Init+1
H-Elf Summoner 4 HP 35/35 AC17/T11/FF16 F+4/R+2/W+3 CMB+3 CMD14 Init+1, Spd 30ft

Chyras smiles,
"Ah, i know de feelin. Pleasure to meet you Cyrus. What city do you come from?"

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Fighter 2 / Brawler 2 | HP 40/40 | AC 23 ff 19 t 14 | Init. +8 | F +9 R +7 W +5 | CMB: +7 CMD +21 | Speed 20 ft
Special Abilities & Skills:
Martial Flexibility 4/4 day ... Acrobatics +6 (-1 to jump), Perception +9, Sense Motive +5, Survival +5, Climb +4, Swim +4, Intimidate +3, Know (Dungeon) +4

"I can't remember." Giving Chyras a side-ward glace of suspicion. ..this guy is got some guts...who knows he might not shun me like all the others...he is like me after all...

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Taldan) Cavalier (Huntmaster) Order of the Tome |HP 10/10|AC 17 T 12 FF 15| Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +0|Perc +0| Init +4|

A young man wearing the livery of Andoran walks in just as the stranger begins his tale. A torrent of emotions cloud the man's face as he listens quietly. When the tale is told, he looks to the eagle perched nearby and nods almost imperceptibly. Taking a deep breath, he speaks. "Sir, forgive me for sometimes my memory lapses... I don't recall a time when the great nation of Andoran was ruled by an emporer. Could you remind me how many generations of emporers have their been?" he pauses for an answer. Upon hearing one, he continues. "I believe the modt imoortant thing us to tske you home. Once we get you there we can check the premises for threats and ensure your safety. Once ed the place has been thoroughly searched, we can use it as a available safe house and base of operations."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Taldan) Cavalier (Huntmaster) Order of the Tome |HP 10/10|AC 17 T 12 FF 15| Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +0|Perc +0| Init +4|

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

The prince again frowns as Hothan refuses to call him by his title. Although he doesn't react directly to Hothan's words, he seems somewhat scoffed by the presumption that his claims are invalid. His frown seems to decrease somewhat when Hothan mentions helping him get home.

Upon leaving the back room, back into the main hall, Venture-Captain Wallace addresses the Pathfinders:

“My diviners say that there is some truth to his story. There has never been a Prince of Augustana, nor an Emperor in Andoran, but the old fellow has a surprising amount of knowledge of the pre-revolution noble families of the city. He may be the lost scion of some noble line. If so, he’s fallen far. From the filth and stink on him when we found him, we’re fairly certain he’s been living in or near a sewer. The wayfinder is also a mystery, but for now, it makes him one of ours. However, I’m more interested in his supposed gate to the otherworld. If it exists, I want to know about it. Implausible as it may seem, I’m certain that his injuries were caused by otherworldly beings. We must take the possibility of a portal seriously. I don’t want to dirty my hands with this, but you don’t have that choice. Retrace the old man’s path through the sewers. The Almsman, whom he repeatedly mentions, is rumored to be an eccentric priest who runs some sort of hidden beggar’s sanctuary in the sewers. He may know where our prince’s portal is, if you can find him. But be warned; a local gang calling themselves the Steel Wyverns claims the sewers near the Almsman’s Sanctuary as their own territory.”

Tell me what Knowledge check or Dip(gather info) checks you would want to perform here

Grand Lodge

M Stats Alanya
Lvl 4 Hp 28/28 AC 18, T13, F16, F+4,R+2,W+3, CMB+5, CMD16, Init+1
H-Elf Summoner 4 HP 35/35 AC17/T11/FF16 F+4/R+2/W+3 CMB+3 CMD14 Init+1, Spd 30ft

Chyras, being the social type, uses his silver tongue to try and gather information on the "Steel Wyverns" gang.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Seriously...8 bonus and it gives me a 1...
Maybe they don't take very kindly to half elves?

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard 2 | HP: 16/16 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort/Ref/Will: +2/+2/+3 | Init: +11 | Perception: +8 | Sense Motive: +2

I do hope that none of our companions insist on trying to get us killed this time, Parumartish thinks as he enters the room, his familiar, Akila, scuttling close behind. He surveys those gathered with a critical eye. And the old vagabond is asleep... wonderful.

"My name is Parumartish," he tells the other pathfinders before turning to the shelves of books. He listens to the man's story, uninterested in his political claims, but slightly curious at the mention of a portal.

This could prove to be quite an educational opportunity, Paru thinks when the venture captain confirms that the old man is not simply mad.

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Grand Lodge

F Elf Ranger/9 (HP 85/85 | AC:24 | T:16 | FF:19 | CMB:13 | CMD:28 | Fort:+9 | Ref:+12 | Will:+6 [+2 Enchant] | Init:+7 [+4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Perc:+11 [+4 vs. Humans; +2 vs. Evil outsiders; +4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-1
Diverse Training: 1/1 | Explorer: 1/1 | Retributive Abjuration: 1/1

More humans... woohoo...

when Venture-Captain Wallace addresses the Pathfinders, Shayla can't be bothered to listen to the story the man tells. That is, until the gang calling themselves Steel Wyverns is mentioned.

The what...?

"What are those Steel Wives you talk about? I take it a sword will kill them like anything else that lives?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (10) - 2 = 8

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Neither Chyras nor Shayla seem to be able to extract any information from the people on the street. Parumartish, meanwhile, blows a gasket trying to figure out the ancient history side of things, but it just does't make sense to him. Wallace must be right, there was never an emperor of Augustana. Not even close. Whoever this man is, he must be quite confused about his heritage.

On the map, Wallace shows the position of the sewer outlet from which Gandros came. It's near the north end of the crowded Augustana harbour, near where the north harbour wall hits land.

Silver Crusade

Human Cleric 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 | T: 10 | FF: 16 | CMD: 12 | Fort/Ref/Will: +4/+0/+5 | Init: +4 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light Level 1: Prot. fr Evil, Shield of Faith, Holy Shield | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Good 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6

Max gives a friendly wave to Parumartish and the others as they enter.
After paying attention to the details as the Venture-Captain explains where they need to be headed (and grinning at Shayla, not sure if she is joking or not) he speaks up, mostly to himself.
"While I'm not over excited about running about in the sewers, at least we have a starting point and some forewarning of potential danger."
He turns to face the others. "It could be worse, right! Well, we should make sure we have everything we need before headed down there at any rate...I bet it's dark down there."

Grand Lodge

F Elf Ranger/9 (HP 85/85 | AC:24 | T:16 | FF:19 | CMB:13 | CMD:28 | Fort:+9 | Ref:+12 | Will:+6 [+2 Enchant] | Init:+7 [+4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Perc:+11 [+4 vs. Humans; +2 vs. Evil outsiders; +4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-1
Diverse Training: 1/1 | Explorer: 1/1 | Retributive Abjuration: 1/1

"I fight with two swords. I'd prefer someone else to hold a torch if we need one." Shayla draws both her longsword and short sword, holding the longsword in her main hand.

A few seconds later Shayla frowns. "Uhm... did anyone even think of getting torches?"

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard 2 | HP: 16/16 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort/Ref/Will: +2/+2/+3 | Init: +11 | Perception: +8 | Sense Motive: +2

"Hardly," Parumartish chuckles. "Evoking light magically is... so simple as to be trivial. I would not be overly concerned about light."

Silver Crusade

Human Cleric 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 | T: 10 | FF: 16 | CMD: 12 | Fort/Ref/Will: +4/+0/+5 | Init: +4 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light Level 1: Prot. fr Evil, Shield of Faith, Holy Shield | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Good 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6

Max smiles at Parumartish, gently patting his buckler. "It's true, Sarenrae shall provide in my case at any rate, but not everyone has that ability. Best that we are all prepared, no?"
He looks to Shayla. "And yes, I have some spare torches in the event that they are needed."

This fellow seems kind of arrogant, from his manner I would assume he is a Wizard of some sort...so that fits. His spell casting and knowledge should serve us well.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard 2 | HP: 16/16 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort/Ref/Will: +2/+2/+3 | Init: +11 | Perception: +8 | Sense Motive: +2

"And would it not make sense for those without such an ability to prepare themselves based on the abilities they do have?" Paru asks tilting his head and giving the man a quizzical look. "She clearly asked because she doesn't intend to have a hand free, so I fail to see how you having an extra torch for her not to carry will help with that. Alternatively, I can cause magical light to radiate from an object like a sword and prefer not to personally be a shining target in a dark and dangerous place."

Silver Crusade

Human Cleric 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 | T: 10 | FF: 16 | CMD: 12 | Fort/Ref/Will: +4/+0/+5 | Init: +4 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light Level 1: Prot. fr Evil, Shield of Faith, Holy Shield | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Good 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6

"Well, no it's not that..." Max replies. "I was just saying, um, that we should...be prepared. Just in case."
He grins to ease his nerves, not wanting to look foolish or to upset anyone. "Obviously she wont need a torch, and I wasn't suggesting we want to be targets..." Max trails off.
Max clears his throat. "I just think we should make sure we have what we need before we set out."

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard 2 | HP: 16/16 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort/Ref/Will: +2/+2/+3 | Init: +11 | Perception: +8 | Sense Motive: +2

"Fair enough," Paru says, "I am ready when all of you are."

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Fighter 2 / Brawler 2 | HP 40/40 | AC 23 ff 19 t 14 | Init. +8 | F +9 R +7 W +5 | CMB: +7 CMD +21 | Speed 20 ft
Special Abilities & Skills:
Martial Flexibility 4/4 day ... Acrobatics +6 (-1 to jump), Perception +9, Sense Motive +5, Survival +5, Climb +4, Swim +4, Intimidate +3, Know (Dungeon) +4

"I have torches if we need them and I'm ready. Fighting brigands and thieves better then listening to a mad man." Cyrus stands.

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

The sewer entrance should be somewhere in the northwest part of Augustana. In the stink of the harbour, the entrance is not easy to spot, though.

DC 20 Perception (take 20 not allowed):

The entrance of the sewer extends under a breaker, making it hard to find. Still, to the trained eye, it is visible.

DC 15 K(Local)/DIP(Gather):

See the above perception check.

DC 25 PRC/K(Loc)/DIP(Gather):

There is an alternative entrance to the sewer: a cellar door in an alley provides maintenance access.

Grand Lodge

M Stats Alanya
Lvl 4 Hp 28/28 AC 18, T13, F16, F+4,R+2,W+3, CMB+5, CMD16, Init+1
H-Elf Summoner 4 HP 35/35 AC17/T11/FF16 F+4/R+2/W+3 CMB+3 CMD14 Init+1, Spd 30ft

DIP(Gather info): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Chyras tries to work his social magic and seems to have come up with something.
"I 'ave some good news people. Local gossip 'as it de entrance to de sewers extends underneat a breaker."
Going after what he's heard, he seems to spot it.

"And dere it is,"he points..

Liberty's Edge

Male Human (Taldan) Cavalier (Huntmaster) Order of the Tome |HP 10/10|AC 17 T 12 FF 15| Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +0|Perc +0| Init +4|

DIP (Gather): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 15

"Ah the sewers..." He looks to his eagle companion, Freedom, and sighs. "I am sorry old friend, you are not going to like it down there."

Grand Lodge

F Elf Ranger/9 (HP 85/85 | AC:24 | T:16 | FF:19 | CMB:13 | CMD:28 | Fort:+9 | Ref:+12 | Will:+6 [+2 Enchant] | Init:+7 [+4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Perc:+11 [+4 vs. Humans; +2 vs. Evil outsiders; +4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-1
Diverse Training: 1/1 | Explorer: 1/1 | Retributive Abjuration: 1/1

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
DIP (Gather): 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3

Shayla notices the same entrance as the others do, but to make sure it's the entrance they need she decides to ask a few locals. "You! Human! That's the sewer, isn't it?"

The locals don't seem to appreciate the question very much, though Shayla doesn't get why.

Grand Lodge

M Stats Alanya
Lvl 4 Hp 28/28 AC 18, T13, F16, F+4,R+2,W+3, CMB+5, CMD16, Init+1
H-Elf Summoner 4 HP 35/35 AC17/T11/FF16 F+4/R+2/W+3 CMB+3 CMD14 Init+1, Spd 30ft

Miss Shayla, you need charisma to get dese people to tell you de finder details.

Grand Lodge

F Elf Ranger/9 (HP 85/85 | AC:24 | T:16 | FF:19 | CMB:13 | CMD:28 | Fort:+9 | Ref:+12 | Will:+6 [+2 Enchant] | Init:+7 [+4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Perc:+11 [+4 vs. Humans; +2 vs. Evil outsiders; +4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-1
Diverse Training: 1/1 | Explorer: 1/1 | Retributive Abjuration: 1/1

Charisma, what's that?

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Fighter 2 / Brawler 2 | HP 40/40 | AC 23 ff 19 t 14 | Init. +8 | F +9 R +7 W +5 | CMB: +7 CMD +21 | Speed 20 ft
Special Abilities & Skills:
Martial Flexibility 4/4 day ... Acrobatics +6 (-1 to jump), Perception +9, Sense Motive +5, Survival +5, Climb +4, Swim +4, Intimidate +3, Know (Dungeon) +4

Cyrus does not notice the sewer entrance so he just follows the other pathfinders. Coming up to the sewer. ...looks like it might be to close quarters in there for my polearm... Cyrus stows his guisarme and pulls out his shield and longsword.


Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 to find sewer

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard 2 | HP: 16/16 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort/Ref/Will: +2/+2/+3 | Init: +11 | Perception: +8 | Sense Motive: +2

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Parumartish notices the entrance under the breaker immediately, but, before he can say anything, several of the others run off to ask the locals. He sighs a little impatiently but, given an extra moment to observe, notices another more convenient access point in a cellar door in the nearby alley. He waits, slightly annoyed, for the others to return from their wasted time (1d4 hours to be specific) harassing the locals, during which he checks to see if the cellar door is locked.

"Well, if you are all finished running around like chickens without heads, there is a cellar door over here that provides maintenance access to the sewers," he announces, trying unsuccessfully to mask his impatience.

Silver Crusade

Human Cleric 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 | T: 10 | FF: 16 | CMD: 12 | Fort/Ref/Will: +4/+0/+5 | Init: +4 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light Level 1: Prot. fr Evil, Shield of Faith, Holy Shield | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Good 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
oh look, the ground!
Max doesn't spot anything, but he follows the others well enough and can notice the entrance once they point it out.
How did I miss that? I am glad to have these companions with me this day, I feel so out of my element...
He watches as Shayla bellows at a nearby human, barely suppressing a chuckle at her forthright manner.
He takes a moment to ready himself for what is sure to be an unpleasant journey, making sure his Scimitar is at hand.
Just then he hears what Paru says in his irritated sounding voice and feels relived.
"Well, that entrance seems like a better option for our needs. If it's all the same to everyone else I would rather we NOT go storming in the front door of a gang's territory."

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The alternate entrance door leads down to a stairway.

Please indicate the order in which you wish to descent. The stairway allows for single file.

Turning around the corner:

The smell of waste and rot is strong in this large chamber where filthy water flows in a series of cascades between tiered stone tanks. A raised platform along the east wall is connected to the passage’s walkways by several thick wooden planks creating a makeshift bridge. On that platform is what looks to be a makeshift alchemy lab on a rough-hewn table—beakers, glass vials, dirty bottles, and moldy buckets cover the entire surface of the table.

Silver Crusade

Human Cleric 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 | T: 10 | FF: 16 | CMD: 12 | Fort/Ref/Will: +4/+0/+5 | Init: +4 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light Level 1: Prot. fr Evil, Shield of Faith, Holy Shield | Channel Energy 5/5 | Touch of Good 6/6 | Restorative Touch 6/6

"Well, who wants to go down the mystery stairway first? We'll probably want someone tough and perceptive in the lead. I'll follow close behind."

Maybe Cyrus in front? Shayla bringing up the rear? I'll go 2nd.

Grand Lodge

M Stats Alanya
Lvl 4 Hp 28/28 AC 18, T13, F16, F+4,R+2,W+3, CMB+5, CMD16, Init+1
H-Elf Summoner 4 HP 35/35 AC17/T11/FF16 F+4/R+2/W+3 CMB+3 CMD14 Init+1, Spd 30ft

"I'll follow as number tree den."

Grand Lodge

F Elf Ranger/9 (HP 85/85 | AC:24 | T:16 | FF:19 | CMB:13 | CMD:28 | Fort:+9 | Ref:+12 | Will:+6 [+2 Enchant] | Init:+7 [+4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Perc:+11 [+4 vs. Humans; +2 vs. Evil outsiders; +4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-1
Diverse Training: 1/1 | Explorer: 1/1 | Retributive Abjuration: 1/1

"Whaaaat, there's a door?", Shayla asks, obviously mocking Parumartish.

Tsk, know-it-all human...

"Unless someone else wants to, I'll go in front."

And if someone else wants to be in front, I'll bring up the rear.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard 2 | HP: 16/16 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort/Ref/Will: +2/+2/+3 | Init: +11 | Perception: +8 | Sense Motive: +2

"Yes, there is. Pity you didn't notice yourself," Parumartish returns with a smile of amusement.

More of a pity none of that elven grace is reflected in her manner of conduct.

I can go fourth or fifth. Doesn't matter to me. I can always act in surprise rounds, but I probably shouldn't be at either end.

Grand Lodge

F Elf Ranger/9 (HP 85/85 | AC:24 | T:16 | FF:19 | CMB:13 | CMD:28 | Fort:+9 | Ref:+12 | Will:+6 [+2 Enchant] | Init:+7 [+4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Perc:+11 [+4 vs. Humans; +2 vs. Evil outsiders; +4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-1
Diverse Training: 1/1 | Explorer: 1/1 | Retributive Abjuration: 1/1

This human's just like him, pretending to be better and... Yuck!

Shayla looks away from Parumartish, and tries to hide the anger she feels welling up.

"Stay away from me", Shayla mutters, though it's mostly aimed at her memories of someone else.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Fighter 2 / Brawler 2 | HP 40/40 | AC 23 ff 19 t 14 | Init. +8 | F +9 R +7 W +5 | CMB: +7 CMD +21 | Speed 20 ft
Special Abilities & Skills:
Martial Flexibility 4/4 day ... Acrobatics +6 (-1 to jump), Perception +9, Sense Motive +5, Survival +5, Climb +4, Swim +4, Intimidate +3, Know (Dungeon) +4

"I'll take the lead." ..I hope they are better in a fight then they look the only one with decent weapons is the elf...

Grand Lodge

F Elf Ranger/9 (HP 85/85 | AC:24 | T:16 | FF:19 | CMB:13 | CMD:28 | Fort:+9 | Ref:+12 | Will:+6 [+2 Enchant] | Init:+7 [+4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Perc:+11 [+4 vs. Humans; +2 vs. Evil outsiders; +4 Urban; +2 Underground] | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-1
Diverse Training: 1/1 | Explorer: 1/1 | Retributive Abjuration: 1/1

"Then I'll take the lead, sweetie", Shayla says to Cyrus with a friendly smile.

Poor thing, I hope he doesn't get hurt. Probably has been through a lot already, considering one of his parents is human. Bleh...

Shayla walks to the back, and glares at Parumartish on her way there. When she follows the others down the stairs, she keeps her swords ready to strike anything that attacks her down.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Fighter 2 / Brawler 2 | HP 40/40 | AC 23 ff 19 t 14 | Init. +8 | F +9 R +7 W +5 | CMB: +7 CMD +21 | Speed 20 ft
Special Abilities & Skills:
Martial Flexibility 4/4 day ... Acrobatics +6 (-1 to jump), Perception +9, Sense Motive +5, Survival +5, Climb +4, Swim +4, Intimidate +3, Know (Dungeon) +4

After a light is lit, or conjured Cyrus will move slowly down the staircase and around the corner.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard 2 | HP: 16/16 | AC: 12 | T: 12 | FF: 10 | CMD: 10 | Fort/Ref/Will: +2/+2/+3 | Init: +11 | Perception: +8 | Sense Motive: +2

Parumartish gives the elven woman a curious stare.

Strange, he thinks. It's probably best if I try not to upset this one; she may not be entirely stable.

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