[PFS] bluedove's #33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (Inactive)

Game Master bluedove


Current Characters

Lamatar Bayden
Liberty's Edge Belondia

(22 posts)
Rhona Staelish

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Hell's Vengeance Map
(1,945 posts)

Silver Crusade Antonella Schiavo

played by Yours is mined (994 posts)
Cimri Staelish

Female Human Rogue Hell's Vengeance Combat Map

played by bluedove (137 posts)
Belle PBP

Female NG Elf Arcanist (White Mage) 1 | HP: 8/8 | AC/FF/T: 12/10/12 | CMD:11 | F:/R/W:+1/2/2 +2 vs. encht | Init: +4 | Speed 30ft | Appraise +8, Know (Arc) +8, Ling +8, Perc +7, SpCft +8(10) | Active Conditions: None

played by miteke (929 posts)
Space Gnome
GM bluedove

Rozenfrid Blom, Inkeeper of the Azure Cup

played by bluedove (556 posts)
Lion Blade
Sovereign Court Killia

Male Tiefling (Spitespawn/Lergeni) Paladin 3 / Swashbuckler 1

played by Sethran (88 posts)
Dark Archive Kitoro

Female TN Kitsune Bard (Duetist)/9 | HP: 66/66 | AC/FF/T: 23/20/13 21/18/13 | CMD: 18 18 | F/R/W: +7/11/9 +5/9/7 | Init: +4 (+4 with heightened awareness) | Speed 30ft | Low-light vision | Bluff +24, Diplo +22, DDev +10, EscArt +10, Intim +24, KnLoc +5, KnNat +5, KnNob +5, Perc +11, SMot +22, Scraft +5, Stlth +7 | Active Conditions: Heroism (180 minutes), heightened awareness (10 Minutes), inspire courage +3

played by miteke (1,155 posts)
Demon Slayer
Liberty's Edge Lyan Firesoul

Male Human Inquisitor of Ragathiel 8 - HP: 61/75 - Init: +7 - Fort/Ref/Will: +13/+7/+13 - Perception: +18 - AC: 24, T: 14, FF: 21 - CMD: 25 - Judgment: 1/3 - Destructive Smite: 2/6 - Rage 4/8 - Bane: 1/8 - Discern Lies: 8/8 - Spells: 1st: 0/5, 2nd: 3/5, 3rd: 3/3 - Active Buffs: Heroism, Shield of Faith +3

played by SkipperD (103 posts)
Grand Lodge My Pregens - Belondia

played by Belondia (36 posts)
Grand Lodge Peribras Sandlock

Male NG Halfling Ranger 8 | HP 52 | AC 20 (19) T 15 FF 16 (15) (no buckler) | CMB +9, CMD 23 | F: +9, R: +13, W: +7; +2 vs. fear | Init: +6 | Perc +15, SM +2, (+5 to both w/perceive cues), low-light vision | Speed 20ft | Favored Enemies: Human +4, Undead +2; Favored Terrain: Urban +4, Underground +2 | Spells: 1st (2), 2nd (2) | Woodland Stride

played by caps (630 posts)