PFS #6-15 The Overflow Archives 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Valeron De Stinzite

Inititiative, Perception Sheet



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Grand Lodge

Male Human Paladin 5 | HP: 47/47 | AC:22 T:12 FF:21 | CMB:+6 CMD:20 | Saves F:+11 R:+7 W:+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders, +2 vs death effects) | Init:+1 | Per:+8 | SM: +6 | LoH: 7/8 | Active Conditions: enlarge person

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

"Look at these items," Hamith says moving forward and collecting them. "The scroll may be useful, and the book? Cornelia, you may have more practiced hands with such magical things."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

Male Bard 5 | HP 34 | AC 18; Touch 12; FF 15 | F 4; R +7; W +6 | CMB+4; CMD 17 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2| Perc +5 | Stealth: +2 Bard 5

Chantoku looks around at the books.

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Dark Archive

Female Chelaxian Investigator Empiricist 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 (22) | T 13 | FF 15 | CMD 17 | Fort +3 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +11/+12 | Inspiration 3/6


Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Cornelia checks the previous room after collecting Virmil and notices a magical book and cloak! "These may be useful and exceptional finds to save."


"This is a very interesting 'map'!" She will gather both items and place them into her backpack for safekeeping, along with the other items located in the Dictionarium. She shakes her head sadly at the irresponsible destruction of so many magical items. "This kitsune will have hell to pay when we find him."

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Ashara ponders on the situation before exclaiming:"Indeed! But if this one here is Virml... then the one we met should be the Kitsune! Are we sure we want to keep exploring these halls? He's probably up to no good and he actually went upstairs, so he's nowhere to be found down here!"

Yup, if this one is the true Virml then the one we met should be the kitsune since "our Virml" specifically mentioned the "fox" used a spell to look like him. So I guess we have the choice of ignoring this and keep exploring or doing what the mission requires: going upstairs and confront the false Virml!

Dark Archive

Female Chelaxian Investigator Empiricist 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 (22) | T 13 | FF 15 | CMD 17 | Fort +3 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +11/+12 | Inspiration 3/6

I say we go confront the fake Virmil, because until he's captured alive, Mistress Koi is going to keep flooding the Archives. We can return to the Archives for the cleanup once we have stopped the flooding.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Paladin 5 | HP: 47/47 | AC:22 T:12 FF:21 | CMB:+6 CMD:20 | Saves F:+11 R:+7 W:+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders, +2 vs death effects) | Init:+1 | Per:+8 | SM: +6 | LoH: 7/8 | Active Conditions: enlarge person

"That didn't occur to me. Yes we should confront this trickster and end his plans before he causes more mischief."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

Male LN Kitsune Swashbuckler 6 | HP: 47/47| AC: 22( 15Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 21 | F: +4, R: +10, W: +5(+2vs. Mind Affecting) | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Panache: 2/5 |Active conditions: none

"Wait just a second." Alexandre speaks up. "Mistress Koi said we needed to find 2 things for her to stop flooding the archives: the kitsune still breathing, as well as all the pieces of scroll they came from.'He holds the scrap from the door of the room with the tooth fairies in it."He may have more of the scraps of the scroll, since he did give us one of them. However, We should finish looking around down here in this mess before we confront him. I don't know about you, but once I leave this watery mess, I really don't want to have to enter it again."

Sovereign Court

Male Bard 5 | HP 34 | AC 18; Touch 12; FF 15 | F 4; R +7; W +6 | CMB+4; CMD 17 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2| Perc +5 | Stealth: +2 Bard 5

"I agree let's look for the rest of the scrolls down here before we stop."

Sign up sheet:

Are you going to continue down here or go upstairs?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Ashara coughs politely:"Alexandre, friend, I confess I don't understand the logic behind your reasoning. We know the kitsune we need to apprehend is upstairs. We don't know what he's doing but judging by his actions it could very well be something extremely dangerous. We might need the scrolls but we can always come back later to collect them, if the kitsune doesn't have them on himself... A fact we cannot confirm unless we capture him. In short, dallying down here makes little sense when we know there's a potentially dangerous threat hiding upstairs"

Ashara votes to go up. I suppose we might loose some loot if we go upstairs now but that's the only things that makes sense. Maybe the DM could let us get back down here to collect the remaining stuff once we solve the Kitsune infestation?

Sign up sheet:

If you go upstairs first that's fine. You can come back down after you're done upstairs.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Paladin 5 | HP: 47/47 | AC:22 T:12 FF:21 | CMB:+6 CMD:20 | Saves F:+11 R:+7 W:+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders, +2 vs death effects) | Init:+1 | Per:+8 | SM: +6 | LoH: 7/8 | Active Conditions: enlarge person

"Indeed. The threat is the fox. If there's one thing I've learned in my time in Mendev, it's that you never ignore a threat, no matter how small or inconvenient."

Hamith hefts his greatsword onto his shoulder and looks expectantly at the party.

"We should hurry."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

Male LN Kitsune Swashbuckler 6 | HP: 47/47| AC: 22( 15Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 21 | F: +4, R: +10, W: +5(+2vs. Mind Affecting) | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Panache: 2/5 |Active conditions: none

"I'm not ignoring a threat," Alexandre responds, trying to not let his temper flare at the others. "I'm wanting to complete a process that we've already started, and have almost finished. We only have a couple rooms left to search down here, and it'll take more time to get to the stairs, than perform that search. We're well over half way done down here anyway."

Sign up sheet:

Handouts and maps have been updated. Handouts have been updated as if you succeeded at the perception check. No peaking until you do. I used the same picture for the fox. So in the top room that is the fox. It's just the same stock picture. I am assuming the majority of votes were to go upstairs.

The Pathfinder make there way back through the wet archives to where the fox must be hiding. In the Scriptorium.

This large chamber is crammed with desks and lecterns designed for copying scrolls and manuscripts. Along the north wall, a tall, broad shelf sags with sheaves of parchment, while near the exit to the south, a stack of ceramic ink jugs stands near wall-mounted racks of quills. Two bays of windows on the west wall offer an impressive view of the Lodge’s greatest landmark, Skyreach Tower, while the eastern windows overlook the library’s main stacks.

Perception DC18:

You see the other two scrolls. One is on a pile of books on the shelf. The other is stuffed into the foxes belt.

Knowledge Arcana, Planes DC15:

You are overcome with the feeling that if you speak the foxes name he will give up without a fight. This might also lock him back in his prison.

In the room you can see the fox at the back of the room and appears to be studying scrolls. In front of him is a giant, menacing crocodile.


Chankotu: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Cornelia: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Alexandre: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Ashara: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Hamith: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Fox: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Crocodile: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

COmbat round 1
bold may action


Sovereign Court

Male Bard 5 | HP 34 | AC 18; Touch 12; FF 15 | F 4; R +7; W +6 | CMB+4; CMD 17 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2| Perc +5 | Stealth: +2 Bard 5

Chantoku points his arm at the crocodile.

"Take this"

[Ooc]magic missile[/b]

Damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 2 = 8

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

As soon as she notices the crocodille and the fox Ashara starts casting a spell to summon supernatural aid.

"Surrender! We are onto your rouse!" she shouts

Spending a full round to summon a celestial eagle near the fox, it will full atatck once the summoning is completed

Grand Lodge

Male Human Paladin 5 | HP: 47/47 | AC:22 T:12 FF:21 | CMB:+6 CMD:20 | Saves F:+11 R:+7 W:+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders, +2 vs death effects) | Init:+1 | Per:+8 | SM: +6 | LoH: 7/8 | Active Conditions: enlarge person

Hamith slides past his fellows and moves along the edge of the room, around the desks, to end up right next to the crocodile.

He says to the fox, "Please, we do not wish harm to come to you. We only ask that you submit yourself to justice for what you have done. You must come back with us to Mistress Koi."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

Sign up sheet:

I will wait for everyone to act before I update. Seeing as how we are coming to a close I will try and make this combat more of a challenge.

Sovereign Court

Male LN Kitsune Swashbuckler 6 | HP: 47/47| AC: 22( 15Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 21 | F: +4, R: +10, W: +5(+2vs. Mind Affecting) | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Panache: 2/5 |Active conditions: none

Currently at 4 Panache

Alexandre looks at the almost instantaneous resorting to violence, and pauses upon seeing the culprit actively studying.
"Hold! Hold!" He calls out to the others as he crosses the room to be on the opposite side from Hamith, keeping his eyes on the kitsune and his pet croc.

"Explain what's going on here. The fish, ... the fish wasn't that articulate about this whole scenario. She only demands your return in order to undo the massive destruction that she has caused. If you're willing to be a bit more forthcoming with answers, maybe we can find a common ground to work from..." And he leaves the statement open in hopes to find a middle ground.

Attempting Diplomacy to peacefully end this mess, using Social Panache

Diplomacy(SP): 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 11 + (6) = 19
Social Panache bonus die: 1d6 ⇒ 5 so that's a total of 24

If I need a Sense Motive check:

Using Social Panache again, Please mention that I needed this
Sense Motive(SP): 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 9 + (5) = 34

If an enemy approaches me and enters my reach(Readied action):

"Very well,"Alexandre replies with a non-committal shrug, and goes to stab the foe.

Rapier attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Rapier damage: 1d6 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 5 = 18
Crit confirm?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Crit damage: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

Dark Archive

Female Chelaxian Investigator Empiricist 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 (22) | T 13 | FF 15 | CMD 17 | Fort +3 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +11/+12 | Inspiration 3/6

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
Know: Arcana: 1d20 + 7 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 7 + (2) = 19

With a flick of her wrist, Cornelia causes a sap to shoot into her awaiting palm when she spots the fox. A quick swap of the room shows her two more scrolls fragments and her keen insight tells her if they could just learn his name... then this would likely be the end of this threat... "We do not seek to harm you. Call off your crocodile and entreat with us, I beg you. My name is Cornelia, what is your name?" As she talks, she heads over towards the nearby scroll fragment in the pile of books.

Linguistics (Orator - Diplomacy): 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 11 + (6) = 21

Not sure exactly where on the map the scroll fragment is located, GM, if you could place Cornelia next to it?

Sign up sheet:

"No one shall catch me who can't catch my name.". The fox exclaims.

Alexandre tries to reason with the fox, but he does not care. The commotion does get the attention of the crocodile as it moves next to Alexandre. As the crocodile gets within reach Alexandre immediately stabs his underbelly with his rapier and opens up a huge wound. The crocodile immediately tries to slap him with his tail.

Tail slap: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Damage: 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

The fox tries to capitalize on the crocs pain and casts confusion on Grast.DC18 save.
Confusion effect: 1d100 ⇒ 16
Grast will act normally on next turn is your save fails.

Combat Round 2
Everyone may act


Sovereign Court

Male Bard 5 | HP 34 | AC 18; Touch 12; FF 15 | F 4; R +7; W +6 | CMB+4; CMD 17 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2| Perc +5 | Stealth: +2 Bard 5

Chantoku points his arm at the crocodile again.

magic missile: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 3) + 2 = 6

Dark Archive

Female Chelaxian Investigator Empiricist 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 (22) | T 13 | FF 15 | CMD 17 | Fort +3 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +11/+12 | Inspiration 3/6

Quick question, GM, who did the Confusion spell target? We don't have anyone by that name in the part. Also, did Cornelia retrieve the scroll fragment from the table?

Sign up sheet:

Sorry he targeted Hamith. Got this table mixed up with my other table. Yes you retrieved the other fragment.

Dark Archive

Female Chelaxian Investigator Empiricist 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 (22) | T 13 | FF 15 | CMD 17 | Fort +3 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +11/+12 | Inspiration 3/6

Cornelia will spend a moment examining the scroll fragment to determine if she can glean any useful information from it to aid in their capture of the fox-man. Assuming that would at least be a Standard Action if not more. If only a Standard action, then she will close the distance with the fox.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Paladin 5 | HP: 47/47 | AC:22 T:12 FF:21 | CMB:+6 CMD:20 | Saves F:+11 R:+7 W:+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders, +2 vs death effects) | Init:+1 | Per:+8 | SM: +6 | LoH: 7/8 | Active Conditions: enlarge person

Will save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Hamith feels the Fox's magic affect him. "So be it," he says.

He steps up and chops at the fox with his greatsword.

Greatsword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
DMG: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1) + 6 = 13

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

Male LN Kitsune Swashbuckler 6 | HP: 47/47| AC: 22( 15Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 21 | F: +4, R: +10, W: +5(+2vs. Mind Affecting) | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Panache: 2/5 |Active conditions: none

Currently at 3 Panache

Alexandre lets out a sigh as he pulls his rapier from the croc almost by rote, only to drive the blade back at the beast. "Remember that we need him alive," He calls out, not removing his eyes from the beast next to him.

Standard- attack

Rapier attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
Rapier damage: 1d6 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 5 = 15

if I hit the croc and it still lives.:

With the second wound to the crocodile, Alexandre draws the blade out of that wound and drags it firmly along the spine of the beast, all the while drawing his mouth into a snarl while looking the beast in the eye.

Swift- Demoralizing the croc

Bluff to demoralize: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Ashara shakes her head at the violent outburst despite not really expecting a different outcome as she commands her eagle to sink her talons into the offending fox creature...

Attack roll 01 (talon): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 -> Damage roll: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Attack roll 02 (talon): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 -> Damage roll: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Attack roll 03 (beak): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 -> Damage roll: 1d4 ⇒ 3

At the same time the oracle invokes her divine powers to help her friends strike better

Bless again

Sign up sheet:

Chankotus missiles land right in the crocodiles wounds. Hamith sinks his sword deep into the crocodile and removes what life is left from the beast. Asharas eagle attacks the fox and its beak tear a piece of fur from the foxes neck.

Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 36

The fox exclaims."No one shall catch me who can't catch my name."
The fox casts confusion on Alexandre.
DC 18 save. If you fail , you babble incoherently your next round.

Combat Round 3
HamithConfusion: 1d100 ⇒ 90You attack nearest creature

Everyone may act

Sovereign Court

Male LN Kitsune Swashbuckler 6 | HP: 47/47| AC: 22( 15Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 21 | F: +4, R: +10, W: +5(+2vs. Mind Affecting) | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Panache: 2/5 |Active conditions: none

Currently at 3 Panache

Will save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Alexandre shakes the spell out of his head swiftly, before turning his gaze on the obviously addled kitsune. "Yeah, yeah, we heard you the first time. But bewteen the 5 of us, you're as good as caught anyway," he snaps back as he covers the distance to strike, pulling his punches at the last moment.

Rapier attack(Non-lethal): 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (9) + 11 - 4 = 16
Rapier damage(Non-lethal): 1d6 + 8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 5 = 18

Grand Lodge

Male Human Paladin 5 | HP: 47/47 | AC:22 T:12 FF:21 | CMB:+6 CMD:20 | Saves F:+11 R:+7 W:+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders, +2 vs death effects) | Init:+1 | Per:+8 | SM: +6 | LoH: 7/8 | Active Conditions: enlarge person

Red crawls across Hamith's vision. In the fox's place, he sees a demon of the Worldwound grinning back at him. He says through gritted teeth."May the Inheritor find mercy upon you devil, because there is no more forgiveness in me for your trespasses."

He howls and brings his blade up for a killing stroke.

Greatsword, power attack, bless: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 1 = 25
DMG: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6) + 6 = 16

Confirm: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 1 = 11
Crit DMG: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 5) + 6 = 15

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Attack roll 01 (talon): 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 19 -> Damage roll: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Attack roll 02 (talon): 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 16 -> Damage roll: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Attack roll 03 (beak): 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 13 -> Damage roll: 1d4 ⇒ 2

The eagle attacks the fox again while Ashara casts another incantation at it...

Ashara casts cause fear against the fox DC to resist is 15

Sign up sheet:

As Alexandre prepares for another strike the fox gives up. "You have spoken my name.". The fox looks at Alexandre. "So you are the conundrum cracker. You have said my name, Caught. I can not best all of you. I have escaped once and I can escape again." Caught surrenders to Alexandre.

As Alexandre spoke the foxes name, Caught, a magical wand appeared and began stitching the scroll fragment back together. As they began to be stitched they glowed, but still missing one fragment they fell to the ground.

End Combat

Now its time to take him to Mistress Koi. Feel free to converse with him if you have any further questions.

Dark Archive

Female Chelaxian Investigator Empiricist 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 (22) | T 13 | FF 15 | CMD 17 | Fort +3 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +11/+12 | Inspiration 3/6

LMAO, nice on Alexandre.

Cornelia stops suddenly when Alexandre accidentally speaks the kitsune's name. "Huh..." She walks over with a coil of rope and offers it to Hamith to bind Caught. She then pulls out the last piece of scroll fragment the kitsune's belt. "Who are you? Why did you wreak such havoc here in this place?"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Paladin 5 | HP: 47/47 | AC:22 T:12 FF:21 | CMB:+6 CMD:20 | Saves F:+11 R:+7 W:+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders, +2 vs death effects) | Init:+1 | Per:+8 | SM: +6 | LoH: 7/8 | Active Conditions: enlarge person

Hamith feels the magic subside in him. He scratches his head and then binds the Fox with Cornelia's rope. "Yes, well done Alexandre! Let's take this trickster back to the fish creature and make things right."

Hamith starts back down the stairs.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

Male Bard 5 | HP 34 | AC 18; Touch 12; FF 15 | F 4; R +7; W +6 | CMB+4; CMD 17 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2| Perc +5 | Stealth: +2 Bard 5

Chantoku sheaths his rapier and barks at the kitsune. "What did you have to gain by all of this? Look at all the damage you caused."

Sign up sheet:

"A fey creature created the riddle. After I guess wrong it trapped me inside the scroll. I can escape again. ". Caught keeps saying a riddle over and over again.

"Who is the last to dine?"

Dark Archive

Female Chelaxian Investigator Empiricist 4 | HP 27/27 | AC 18 (22) | T 13 | FF 15 | CMD 17 | Fort +3 | Ref +8 | Will +4 | Init +3 | Perc +11/+12 | Inspiration 3/6

Do we have the entire riddle now that Cornelia removed the fragment from Caught's belt?

Sign up sheet:

No. You are missing the 3rd fragment. I'll give you a hint. You have 2 unexplored rooms in The Archives. Are you going to Mistress Koi or going down into The Archives?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Paladin 5 | HP: 47/47 | AC:22 T:12 FF:21 | CMB:+6 CMD:20 | Saves F:+11 R:+7 W:+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders, +2 vs death effects) | Init:+1 | Per:+8 | SM: +6 | LoH: 7/8 | Active Conditions: enlarge person

Oh, I thought we had them all. I vote we explore the rest of the rooms before going to Mistress Koi.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

Male Bard 5 | HP 34 | AC 18; Touch 12; FF 15 | F 4; R +7; W +6 | CMB+4; CMD 17 | Speed 30 ft | Init +2| Perc +5 | Stealth: +2 Bard 5

downstairs sounds good

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

"Now that the fox's been caught we should warn Shaine and then finish exploring what's left of the archives" Ashara says.

Agreed for going downstairs and finish our exploration

Sign up sheet:

Looks like everyone is for going downstairs. Update coming a little later.

Sovereign Court

Male LN Kitsune Swashbuckler 6 | HP: 47/47| AC: 22( 15Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 21 | F: +4, R: +10, W: +5(+2vs. Mind Affecting) | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +10 | Speed 30ft | Panache: 2/5 |Active conditions: none

Alexandre looks a little startled at the sudden surrender for a brief moment, as his concern was more toward the hallucinating Paladin then their quarry. After a moment, he shakes his head.

"You all go and finish the search. I'll watch our troublemaker here until you find the last pieces of the puzzle," he says, giving the kitsune a wary look. "Besides, Who better to watch a kitsune, then another kitsune? It'll much harder for him to copy my form like he did Virml's."

Sign up sheet:

Alexandre volunteers to watch Caught as the other Pathfinders explore the rest of The Archives.

The door to the Cartographium is open, making the room a deep bog like the nearby corridors. The water’s surface is carpeted with maps made of silk, vellum, birch bark, and sundry other materials.

DC 15 Perception or Knowledge (geography):
Floating along the water’s surfaces he Pathfinders notice: a silk map that portrays Tian Xia mashed into the side of Avistan to create a strange supercontinent. This artistic map is more than just an intellectual curiosity, for incorporated into its legend and place names are the means to use the map as a scroll of dimension door.
Floating in the water the Pathfinders notice a strange bookmark bobbing in the water. This is a bookmark of deception.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Oracle of Life 06 HP 45/45 AC 23 T 13 FF 21 Cmb +4 Cmd 16 F +5 R +5 W +7 Perc +6 In +2 Channel Energy 08/08

Perception check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

"Nothing here it seems..." mumbles Ashara, unconvinced...

Grand Lodge

Male Human Paladin 5 | HP: 47/47 | AC:22 T:12 FF:21 | CMB:+6 CMD:20 | Saves F:+11 R:+7 W:+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders, +2 vs death effects) | Init:+1 | Per:+8 | SM: +6 | LoH: 7/8 | Active Conditions: enlarge person

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

I think we've already explored the Cartogrophium. If not, Hamith will hand the scrolls to Cornelia. if so, Hamith will move to the next room's door, listen at it, then open it if nothing is amiss.

"Come friends, let us be done with this quest. I will welcome walking without my boots full of water again."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sign up sheet:

You have explored the General Archives(the center room), Dictionarium(locked door), the Taxidermy Storage(Virml was here). The only thing left is the two right rooms. After Virml you went back up to get the other fox. Unless I'm having a dumb moment I'm pretty sure you're on track. You have one room left.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Paladin 5 | HP: 47/47 | AC:22 T:12 FF:21 | CMB:+6 CMD:20 | Saves F:+11 R:+7 W:+9 (+1 vs evil outsiders, +2 vs death effects) | Init:+1 | Per:+8 | SM: +6 | LoH: 7/8 | Active Conditions: enlarge person

Hamith moves up to the last door, checks it for danger and listens at it, and, if he does not detect anything, and once the party has made themselves ready behind him, he will open the last door.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sign up sheet:

If there are no objections we can move to the last room. I will update the handouts then.

The door to The Heritage stacks is open, making the room a deep bog like the corridors outside. This chamber mostly contains volumes of obscure and tedious genealogy.

DC 15 Perception:

Floating in the water the Pathfinders notice a scroll fragment.

Dark Archives:

Perception DC20It doesn't like me putting spoilers within spoilers.
In the northern most alcove of the room you see a 15ft diameter sphere of darkness. In the darkness you can see A heavy codex bound with cured dwarf skin, The Darklands Precepts is a guide to proper forms of address and correspondence among drow noble families, with shorter chapters regarding drow demonology rituals and other, equally dangerous rites.
The tome is written in Undercommon, a form of Darklands sign language. To discourage others from gleaning its secrets, The Darklands Precepts has two defensive features: a permanent darkness e ect emanating from it (15-foot diameter)and an alarm that responds to the bearer’s voice. The darkness Precepts poses no difficulty for readers with darkvision, and even wrapping the book in cloth is enough to block the effeect. When the bearer attempts to read the text aloud or speaks at all while carrying the book, The Darklands Precepts creates a ghost sound that simulates the clamor of 40 humanoids shrieking incoherently. The effect lasts only so long as the bearer speaks, and its responsiveness to sound imposes a –5 penalty on the bearer’s Stealth checks.

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