About HamithPlayer Name: DystopianDream
Hamith stands at average height with broad shoulders and short black hair that has only just begun to recede. His features are a mix between his Varisian father's and Ulfen mother's. Always quick to smile, he hides his fatigue and pain behind it, and continues on. Background:
Born to a Scarzni con man and an Ulfen shieldmaiden, Hamith Caid has always been adrift. The household soon could not stay together, and Hamith went with his father while his little brother went with his mother. When he was a young child traveling with his father, he witnessed many wrongdoings by the man, and eventually turned him in while traveling through the crusader state of Mendev. It was there, fighting his father, that Hamith first called on the power of the Inheritor and smote his father down. Completed Chronicles::
1. 8-04 Ungrounded but Unbroken
Boon Abilities::
Tattoo of the Open Road (Welcome to Pathfinder Boon): As immediate action when struck by a critical hit or dealt at least 15 points of damage from a spell or supernatural ability, you can expend this boon to gain 10 temporary hit points that last for 1 minute. During this minute, you also treat your Constitution score as if it were 10 higher for the purpose of determining when hp damage would kill you. Ungrounded Veteran: 3 uses. Grant +2 bonus on one of the following skill checks: an Acrobatics check to balance on a narrow or slippery surface, any Climb check, a Knowledge (planes) check to identify creatures or their weaknesses, or any Profession (soldier) check. If you are not trained, check box to treat yourself as if you were trained in the skill. Explore, Report, Cooperate: As a free or immediate action, may consider whether particular action would help realize goals of the society. Prized Find: 1 use. If failed to earn prestige on a secondary success condition, can instead treat it as a success, gaining full prestige. Model Pathfinder Agent:
[][][] Model Pathfinder Agent (Grand Lodge Faction): One of the Society's in-world venture-captains sees great potential in you. Write the name of that venture-captain after this boon. This venture-captain greets you by name whenever you meet. When you participate in an adventure in which that venture captain provides the mission briefing, you may check off a box before this boon to gain additional supplies of your choice with a value of at most 50 gp per character level. You must return any unspent supplies at the end of the adventure. If you have at least 20 Fame, the venture-captain invites you to take a direct hand in teaching the next generation of Pathfinders. You may spend 1 Prestige Point to become a part-time instructor at the Grand Lodge. You can use your educational skills to respectfully help your fellow agents thrive when they find themselves in challenging situations. If you are playing an adventure in the higher subtier, you may confer one of the following benefits upon each of the PCs who are 3 or more levels lower than you for the duration of the scenario: a +1 bonus to AC, a +1 bonus on all saving throws, or +1 hit point per level. Venture Captain: Ambrus Valsin [spoiler=PP Spent] 2 PP: wand of cure light wounds
Hamith Caid
This ability has no effect for a paladin who does not have the smite evil ability. This ability replaces
Bot Me:
Start of Combat Hamith will always try and talk to avoid combat. But whenever combat does come, Hamith is a moderately straightforward combatant. If an enemy is within his movement speed (20ft), he will charge while drawing his weapon. If an enemy is outside this range, he will draw his bow and fire a shot. He does not have Precise Shot, so avoids firing into melee when he can. He normally uses a move action to check if a creature is evil at the start of combat. Melee, Middle of Combat
End of Combat
Dice Rolls
[dice=Darkwood Composite Longbow]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Lay on Hands, self]2d6+4[/dice]