[PFS] #5–08: The Confirmation (Play-by-Post) (Inactive)

Game Master Robert Brookes

Current Encounter Map: Kortos Cavern

Current Characters

Lantern Lodge Robert Brookes

(2,582 posts)
Zokar Elkarid
The Exchange Amahl "the Fat" Bishankar

HP 25/25; AC 14, T 14, FF 12; F+5, R+5, W+2; Perc +7, Init +2, evasion

played by James Martin (153 posts)
Thorn's End Guard
Grand Lodge Caranthir Silverhand

Elf Fighter 1 / Wizard 1 / Eldritch Knight 6 / Arcane Archer 3 | HP 80/80 | AC 23; Tch 18; FF 15 | F +12; R +14; W +8 | CMB+12; CMD 29 | Speed 30 ft | Init +11 | +3 Icy Burst Longbow: +23 (1d8+7+2d6/x3) | Perc +23

played by PatheticWretch (1,035 posts)
Grallak Kur
Grand Lodge Fensyriath Orochi

Male Wayang Bard (Archaeologist)-3 | AC 17 t14 ff14 | HP 26/26 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | darkvision 60', Perception +5

played by Scott Young (86 posts)
Dalviss Crenn
GM Lamplighter

played by Scott Young (4,729 posts)
Standard Pregen

Male Human Bloodrager 4 (HP 30/40) (AC 18/12/17) (CMD 20) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +2) (Init +1) (Perception +7)

played by Luke_Parry (927 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Sovereign Court Taelbin Morro

played by TobiasBlues (79 posts)
Sovereign Court Thaddeus Silverhorn

HP:21/21 | AC:18 | T:13 | FF:15 | CMD:17 | CMB:+4 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+6 / +7 vs. traps | Will:+4 | Initiative:+3 | Perception:+9+1d6 | Darkvision (120') | Stealth: +11 | Group Loot

played by Lekku (391 posts)

Previous Characters

Cimbria Arctus

WS: 37 BS: 39 St: 35 To: 32 Ag: 33 In: 37 Per:31 WP: 38 Fe: 35 Wounds: 12 Fate: 2/3 Wealth: 20 Awareness (per) 31 CL Adeptus Arbites (int) 37 CL Imperium (int) 37 Inquiry (fel) 45/40 Ironclaw (39) 30m S/2/- 1d10+4I pen: 0 clp: 12 Rld: Full reliable, Scatter H-O Creed-9 50m S/3/10 1d10+3I pen: 0 clp: 35 red dot sight Silencer Flak cloak 3 All

played by Brox RedGloves (174 posts)
Agathion-Blooded Aasimar
The Exchange Ione

Agathion Aasimar

played by Jamie Warrey (2 posts)