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The invitation delivered last night was remarkably simple, especially given the importance of the occasion:
“Start where it all began. Meet us at the Pig’s Paunch one hour before dawn.”
The Pig’s Paunch is a run-down building with a faded sign of a large pig standing on its hind legs, arms folded above a corpulent belly. Inside, the air is thick with the scents of human sweat, stale tobacco, and leftover food.
We don't start till Friday. But, I thought I'd open this up. Feel free to have your characters arrive, introduce themselves, and interact.

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Ystrizz slips in, a tiny hooded and cloaked figure, and finds a place to sit... When approached to place an order, he mutters from under his hood. "Kaf, very strong, and pastries please... lots of pastries... very sweet with nuts and honey... um... three at least... four would be better."
After the server leaves the table, he pushes back his hood to reveal that he's indeed a little ratfolk, with dark grey fur, beady eyes and long whiskers, a few of which look a little ragged.

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Brundie arrives, tired and disheveled, looking like he was pouring over tome after forgotten tome, looking for that one clue, that one bit that has been eluding him. Very close behind, almost in the way even, is his small white rabbit. He makes his way up to the bar, slaps down a couple of coins and says "Ale", and begins to sip it.

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The rhythmic cadence of hooves walking on the cobblestone street echoes emptily against the buildings as the speckled mare approaches the tavern. The rider dismounts, stretches briefly, then ties the bridle to the hitching post by the water trough. The horse bends down to drink as the Tien-shu man retrieves an apple from the saddlebag. He proffers the fruit to the horse, who whinnys softly in approval as she bites through the apple with her teeth, allowing the remainder to drop back into her rider's hand.
With his other arm, he strokes the horse's neck affectionately. "I should not be long, Matsukaze. I will see if I can find another one of these inside for you, eh?"
He enters, stands in the doorway a moment as he absorbs the olfactory assault, and quietly steps in to survey the interior.
He approaches the bar, bows slightly to the bartender and requests tea. He looks at the man who appears to have not slept for at least a full day. "I did not realize Westyr-sensei was such a taskmaster. When did you sleep last?"

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Felix of the Golden Coin is a rather well-muscled sized young man with a somewhat bulky frame, hiding his strong muscles. He has soft green skin and medium tight braided blond hair in the colour of honey and amethyst coloured eyes.
He prefers a gray and brown coloured explorer´s outfit with a long blue overcoat, completed by a Parade Armor from Absolom and a long curved Falchion for battle.
Atypical for a half-orc he has a warm mellow Tenor voice and enjoys to sing.

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"Kaf, very strong, and pastries please... lots of pastries... very sweet with nuts and honey... um... three at least... four would be better."
The server returns with your drink and five pastries. You must look like a good tipper. Despite the business of the night, the server is calm and collected, taking time to talk. "Say, we don't get many of your kind around here. You one of those Pathfinders?"
He makes his way up to the bar, slaps down a couple of coins and says "Ale", and begins to sip it.
The bartender turns to Brundie. "Coming right up!" As he pours, he looks over the bar. "Cute rabbit. Don't let her poop on my floors. You a wizard or somethin? I had a wizard in here the other day with a peacock. A friggin' peacock!" He shakes his head in amazement.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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He approaches the bar, bows slightly to the bartender and requests tea. He looks at the man who appears to have not slept for at least a full day. "I did not realize Westyr-sensei was such a taskmaster. When did you sleep last?"
The bartender walks up after pouring the man beside you an ale. He looks a little confused at "sensei", but he gets the idea. "Most men leave work and go to the bar. Well, I never have to leave work! It's a blessing and a curse." He goes to heat some water for your tea, leaving you in the company of the man besides you.
Felix of the Golden Coin is a rather well-muscled sized young man.
As Felix walks in, the bouncer walks approaches him. "Hey, boss, let's have a chat a minute." He pulls you to the side in a non-threatening, but insistent manner. "We here at the Pig's Paunch are accepting folk. You are welcome here. But, your kind tends to draw trouble. Don't make my day difficult, ok?"
-Posted with Wayfinder

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"A peacock? That's a bit much, don't you think? At least with a Rabbit he can stay out of sight. A peacock is one heck of a target!"

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The bartender walks up after pouring the man beside you an ale. He looks a little confused at "sensei", but he gets the idea. "Most men leave work and go to the bar. Well, I never have to leave work! It's a blessing and a curse." He goes to heat some water for your tea, leaving you in the company of the man besides you.
"Thank you...
Takega hesitates as he strains to think of the more culturally appropriate honorific.
...kind sir."
He blinks reflexively and his cheeks redden in embarrassment as his mind processes the incongruity of the exchange. The blame is mine, I suppose. Common is such an...inelegant tongue at times.

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Ystrizz pays whatever coin the server says the meal costs... and adds in a silver for a tip... might be overtipping but he did get an extra pastry! If that wouldn't be enough, he'll make it a few silvers.
"Me? A pathfinder? well, kinda sorta... I've done a bit of work for them, but I haven't been confirmed yet. Might call it a field commission."

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Takega's ears perk up upon hearing the word "Pathfinder" behind him. He pivots on his stool to address the ratfolk. "You have been dispatched here from the Grand Lodge as well? I am honored to make your acquaintance. I am Takega Kawakami, of Shokuro province, a samurai of the Order of the Dragon."

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"Samurai? that's kinda like a knight, right? Awesome! Do you have a horse and everything? Nice to meet you, anyway. I'm Ystrizz. I dabble in alchemy mostly. ... Where is this Shokuro province? I've never heard of it, not that I'm very well versed in geography or anything, but I know my way around Absalom at least."

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"Yes, I believe 'knight' is the word you use here. My horse is outside at the hitching post, her name is Matsukaze. Shokuro is part of the Dragon Empires, though it is perhaps more commonly known here as Tian Xia. You mentioned having a 'field commission' -- I am in a similar situation. Li-sens--err, Venture-Captain Li is a distant kin to my family through my mother. She asked me to assist one of our national heroes, Mai Chun, with a series of tasks supporting her research into the history of our region. It went well enough that Venture-Captain Li then sent me here with a letter of recommendation to further my training."

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Seeing various people talk, Brundie takes notice of it all going down, but he doesn't join in. No, he has much more important things on his mind. Truthfully, had it not been fore the need for more coin for food and rest he wouldn't have heeded the summons and came at all.

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Felix of the Golden Coin is a rather well-muscled sized young man.
As Felix walks in, the bouncer walks approaches him. "Hey, boss, let's have a chat a minute." He pulls you to the side in a non-threatening, but insistent manner. "We here at the Pig's Paunch are accepting folk. You are welcome here. But, your kind tends to draw trouble. Don't make my day difficult, ok?"
-Posted with Wayfinder
Felix looks at the bouncer and raises and eyebrow.
"My kind?Well I have heard that pathfinder´s cause trouble, but not in Absolom sir?
Or do you mean my kind as I am a member of the college of bards? I was under the impression that most taverns are happy for a bard to liven up the mood and bring people to drink and be merry!"
Diplo: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

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"Tian Xia! You ARE from far away! Someday I'd like to travel, I think. Haven't had much opportunity yet myself, but I've heard that once I'm a fully confirmed member of the Society, that will change. Pathfinders go LOTS of places, I've heard. My first time helping the Society was simply running around Absalom looking for clues about the history of the Society itself. I guess you could say not everything about the Pathfinders is all rosy and pure, but I suppose that must be the case with any organization."
When Felix is drawn aside by the bouncer, Ystrizz takes a hissing intake of breath and nods in his direciton. "Oooh, that wasn't a wise assumption... you know, assuming he'll make trouble because he's a bard! or a Pathfinder... how rude!" He tilts his head to one side,whiskers twitching slightly. "Unless he meant because he's a half-orc, but that's racial profiling... and a very silly thing to do. That would be like assuming I'm afraid of cats! or that I like cheese. Well, I'm not, and I do, but that's beside the point!"

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"My kind? Well I have heard that pathfinder´s cause trouble, but not in Absolom sir? Or do you mean my kind as I am a member of the college of bards? I was under the impression that most taverns are happy for a bard to liven up the mood and bring people to drink and be merry!" Diplo: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
Good thing he has a negative Charisma mod.
The bouncer's eyes widen at the word, 'Pathfinder' as he realizes his mistake. "I apologize, sir! Bards tend to overindulge in our free Beer-For-Bards program. Let me go get you your first round!"As he walks away, embarrassed, he pauses a moment and shouts back. "By the way, your other Pathfinders are over there! The table with the pastries!"
-Posted with Wayfinder

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"Beer for Bards programm. Well mate, it seems I have found a new favorite inn!" Accepting the mug he moves to the others and introduces himself.
"Well met all! My name is Felix, and I am happy to join this expedition!"

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Takega nods in acknowledgment. "Greetings, Felix-san. Please, sit and tell us more about yourself."

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"Oooh, nice trick Felix... does that happen every time?" Ystrizz looks curious and impressed, nose and whiskers twitching.

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"I'm Ystrizz! Is my nose really that pointy?" He crosses his eyes trying to see the tip of his nose... "Oh yeah, I guess it is!" He chuckles drily.

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Ystrizz sits and consumes pastries and kaf in prodigious amounts while waiting to see who he is meeting here and what it's all about.

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Suddenly, in the center of the room, surrounded by inebriates sleeping off their revelries, a familiar elven man steps up on top of a large round table. "Welcome! Welcome, my students! Please, have a seat!"
With that, Kreighton Shaine, the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Scrolls, nimbly drops down to sit cross-legged on the table before looking about the tavern with a sense of reverent wonder. After you all approach and have a seat, he continues. “Can you believe it? It all started here years ago—well, over four hundred of them at least. Under this very roof the Pathfinder Society was born."
He looks at each of you in turn before proceeding. “But today! Today you will begin your Confirmation! Master Farabellus, Master Zey, and I all agree you each have shown your worth and dedication to the Society, so there’s no better time to see if you can handle becoming full field operatives. Allow me to introduce you to Janira Gavix", he says as he motions for an excitable halfing woman to approach. She wears a large backpack and carries all manner of tools, pouches, and scroll cases around her waist. Shaine continues, saying, "Janira here will be going with you on your Confirmation. She was one of my brightest pupils and will no doubt be an invaluable resource on your journey, for she discovered the caves you are about to explore during her own Confirmation."
Janira speaks up in an enthusiastic and cheerful voice, "Greetings, aspiring Pathfinders! Six months ago, while I was mapping cave entrances in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, I witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. I thought little of it at the time, but I saw another one enter the cave again a month later as my Confirmation stretched on. A few days later, after I completed my assigned task, I entered the cave system, but was unable to fnd the gillmen."
Master Shaine hops to his feet. "Initiates, for your Confirmation, you will travel to these caves to explore and document its many passages. Additionally, and most importantly, you are to learn what the gillmen are up to in there. Oh, and you need to come back alive as well." With these parting words, the Master of Scrolls jumps off the table and strolls out of the building while humming to himself.
And with that, we're off! Pictures of both NPC'S are in the map slides. At this point you may each ask Janira one brief question. Then, she will give some more mission information.
Also, feel free to throw out some Knowledge (Geography or History) rolls.

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Knowledge(history): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Takega bows deeply to the halfling in deference to her appointed station as party leader.
"Gavix-sensei, I am unfamiliar with the race you and Shaine-sensei refer to as 'gill-men'. What can you tell us about them?"

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Know(Geography): 1d20 ⇒ 3 Untrained
Know(History): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
"Umm, I don't mean to sound stupid, but what's a Gillman, and why should we care what they are up to?"

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"WHere are the Kortos Mounts... and how far from Absalom.. Will we be traveling on foot? and if so, what is the terrain like? If it's really rough, can we get ponies, or dogs, or something to ride?"

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As the others exit the tavern, they feel a slight breeze in the air.
Funny thing is, there already was a breeze...and it wasn't coming from that direction.
"Ah! Fellow Pathfinders, correct?"
Suddenly, an oddly handsome young man, whose Keleshite features sorely mismatch the incredible pallor of his skin and hair, appears noiselessly abreast of them. He carries a large bottle of port wine, which he uncorks with one of the exotic-looking, mismatched short blades at his side as he moves.
"Terribly sorry I'm late. I'm Sirius Sa'luk. I assume we all received the same note."

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Janira's eyes light up at the mention of the Gillmen. "The gillmen are a humanoid race much like humans, save for the three piscine gills on both sides of their necks. They’re a little secretive but not outright hostile. Most live in or near the water."
Janira turns to Ystrizz with a frown. "The area we’re heading to is controlled by a large centaur tribe. If we cross paths with any of them, they’ll see any mounts as an affront and might become dangerously unfriendly. Our mission is to explore the caves and investigate the gillmen activity, not fight the local populace." A smile breaks out on her face as her spirits are lifted again. "Remember, ‘Explore, Report, Cooperate’ applies to our interactions with every peaceful race! Not just fellow Pathfinders."
Unfortunately, none of you can remember anything on the history of the Gillmen.
Janira pulls out a large leather-bound journal and opens it on the table. “Before we set out, we should all get to know each other and review our plan. After all, the most important factors that determine whether an expedition will be a success are cooperation and preparation! I’ll go first!”
Janira pulls herself up straight, to her full 2 feet, 10 inches tall. Despite attempts to be formal, her natural exuberance shines through as she re-introduces herself.
"Like I said, my name is Janira Gavix. I grew up in Eastgate and joined the Society four years ago. I don't know what your reasons are, but initially initially I joined to see the world and sample all of the fine food it had to offer!" Janira pauses and drifts, thinking of some fine delicacy.
"Since then, I have changed my motives. I have discovered a love for learning. Now, I aspire to have my work published in one of the Pathfinder Chronicles! That would make my pa proud. How about you? Tell me about yourself! What made you join the Pathfinder Society?"
At this point, please describe your appearance, as well as giving a brief introduction in character. Janira will follow up with the below questions. Please choose two or three and respond in character.
"How long were you an initiate? Was it the full 3 years, or did you get a field commission?
Where did you grow up?
Where have you traveled before coming to the Grand Lodge?
Did you have a favorite class, training exercise, or teacher?
How do you handle yourself in a fight?"

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I did give a discription of my appearance in post 6 ;-). Including a picture.
Felix takes a deep breath and smiles.
"Well I have been an initiate for just a bit more than 2 years. One could say I was paroled. Na, I just had a lucky streak. You know, a chance opening here, a lucky find there. I was born in Absolom and have never left the Island. I really loved those classes were the professor hid something and we would search, as a team for the clues.
Well in a fight, I usually trust my luck, and the big blade on my back!"

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Description posted above as well.
Brundie, tired as he is, isn't really that much into small talk. "I don't like to fight, but I will if I must. I joined the Society to gain access to volumes of forgotten lore, which is my passion." He pauses, adjusts his tunic and to gather his thoughts. "I am a local man to Absalom, and I haven't traveled more than a day or so away from the city."

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description is here
"I guess you could say I got a field commission, I certainly have not had a three-year initiation. I'm only nineteen after all... I have traveled quite a bit, though, moving about with merchant caravans while my teacher had his own wagons and trained me on the road... I loved moving about a lot and seeing new things, meeting new people. Most of our travel was around Andoran, Taldor, and up into the River Kingdoms and Brevoy. Someday I'd love to visit Varisia and the southern countries like Qadira and Osirian, too." He pauses a moment as he considers Janira's other questions...
"As to how I handle myself in a fight, I throw things.. bombs mostly, but other things too... though I try not to hit my friends, so that puts a damper on what I can do sometimes. Someday I'll get good at throwing bombs and not hitting people I like. My teacher was a master alchemist and could do that. He was pretty good that way."

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Takega is physically imposing. Clearly of Tian heritage, he is kitted out with a simple but well maintained kusari gusoku that adds bulk to his already large (6'3", 205lbs) frame. A high quality (masterwork) katana rests at his hip and a wakasashi is strapped to his back. He chooses to shave his head. His black eyes are focused, even piercing.
Janira turns to Ystrizz with a frown. "The area we’re heading to is controlled by a large centaur tribe. If we cross paths with any of them, they’ll see any mounts as an affront and might become dangerously unfriendly. Our mission is to explore the caves and investigate the gillmen activity, not fight the local populace." A smile breaks out on her face as her spirits are lifted again. "Remember, ‘Explore, Report, Cooperate’ applies to our interactions with every peaceful race! Not just fellow Pathfinders."
Takega frowns upon hearing this. "Gavix-sensei, I must then return to the Lodge stables with Matsukaze after you are through with this briefing."
Takega will repeat elements of his initial conversation with Ystrizz (here and here) for the group.
"How do you handle yourself in a fight?"
"I stand in the gap between the storm and the shelter. To you, my allies," he says as he scans the table making eye contact with each member of the party, "you have my blades and my devotion."

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"On to the details of the mission at hand," Janira says with an eager grin. "After reviewing my mission reports personally, Master Shaine believes it is no coincidence that each time they entered the caves it was during a full moon, so it is also no coincidence that you have been called here now, just a day before the moon is full again. We both believe that tomorrow night is our best chance to fnd out why these caves are important and what exactly the gillmen are doing in there."
Janira turns to Takega. "One horse may be acceptable if she is well trained. Do you have a special connection with your horse? Will she be able to go into the caves? I see no problem with allowing one mount companion to travel with us."
She returns her attention to the group, and gets more excited as she goes. "The caves we’ll be travelling to lie under the base of the Kortos Mounts. We’ll need to spend every minute of daylight possible to reach the caves by foot, crossing over the Cairnlands, taking the paths to Diobel, and fnally making our way through the wilderness. With any luck we won’t run into any of the local inhabitants. Once in the caves, we’ll need to work together to explore and determine whether any gillman are present or have been recently. Keep an eye out for any other clues that might hint at the caves’ significance, too."
She reaches into her bag and pulls out some papers and writing utensils. "Remember, the Pathfinder motto. 'Explore, Report, and Cooperate.' It is difficult to remember the details of your adventure if you do not write them down. So, be sure to write down as many important details as you can." Here's where we get to a PbP difference. Normally, I would give you some handouts and let you take notes on them. For PbP, let's do it this way: When you want to "write something down", mention it in an Out Of Character comment.
That's the last of the information. Hit me with any questions you have for Janira before we head out.

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"I belong to Matsukaze as much as she belongs to me. However, I will defer to your judgement in this matter."
As a samurai Takega has the Animal Companion Link (Ex) and Ride Mount (Ex) abilities at 1st level. Matsukaze has the Combat Riding trick package (Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel) along with Maneuver(overrun). Heel should allow her to follow into the caves. GM call as to whether you'll permit squeezing in one-square-wide passages.

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Janira responds to Takego with an enthusiastic smile. "Of course! I would never split up such a close duo. But please, for our safety, do not ride her until we reach the caves. We do not want to start an interspecies war! That would not be a very successful Confirmation!"
She leans back in her chair. "Any questions before we leave?"
-Posted with Wayfinder

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"I'm ready to go!"

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Ystrizz takes the important papers that will help guide their investigation and turns to leave. "Yeah, let's go!"

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"...and THEN the Rouge Brethren - yes, they called themselves that, the irony was completely lost on them, they were imbeciles - warned me to never again set foot in that city, and when I came back anyway, they tried to push me off the top of the Teetering Tenements, but I jumped off before they could push me and clung onto the edge of a flying carpet all the way to..."
"...Hm? Oh, of course. Any time!"

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So, with what I should be making with this excursion I should be able to buy some access to more, well, unique, libraries to examine.

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Janira stands up from the table and claps her hands from joy. "Well, now that the questions are over, we have only one more step! We should take a moment to go through your gear and make sure nothing important gets left out."
Janira discusses the contents of your bags with you, and peeks inside if you'll let her. "Well, it sounds like we've got the basic adventuring gear covered! The one thing we might be missing is Alchemist Fire. It looks like only two of you have it. It's nasty stuff, but if we encounter some of the jungle vermin on our travels we will be glad we brought it!"
At this point she leads the group west out of Absalom and through the Cairnlands, picking up any last-minute purchases on the way out of the city.
Make any purchases now. I'm going to go find a sixth member for our group.

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A tall dark figure steps into the room, belated, as Janira was about to take the group out.
Its eyes seem to observe the room's occupants. Moreover, the eyes seem to be the most distinct feature it has.
It carries a backpack and a bag on its hip, where seemingly the eyes of a pet look curiously at the surroundings.
It slowly walks towards the group, then holds.
It locks it gaze right at the halfling.
<You....Janira? I am here, for assignment.>
The voice is as a dark whisper.
Witch King of Angmar, with an eastern accent.

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As Janira is leaving the Pig's Paunch, she approaches the tall, dark figure. "Well, they warned me you were a scary one! No matter. A Pathfinder is a Pathfinder! As long as you know how to 'Explore, Report and Cooperate'!" She gives him a big wink and walks out the door. She calls back over her shoulder. "I hope you brought your Alchemist Fire, scary guy! We're going to the jungle!"
Make all purchases now, on the way out of town.
She leads the group through Absalom. The journey through the City at the Center of the World is swift and without incident, and the long trek across the Cairnlands provides a great opportunity to discuss Master Shane’s class on the history of Absalom, for those who did not receive a field commission.
Most of the journey is uneventful, but Janira points out landmarks such as siege towers, distant mountains, and distinct fauna along the journey.
No encounters occur during the first day of travel, and you have an opportunity to rest and prepare new spells before entering dangerous territory. I'll give 24 hours, or until everyone checks in, till the next morning's events. Feel free to ask Janira, or each other, any questions you still have.