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Reposting this info from the Recruitment thread for convenience:
Player: PatheticWretch
Character: Necress Nyx
PFS# 132076-16
Faction: Dark Archive
day job: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30
dungeon roll: 1d3 ⇒ 1

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Repost from recruitment
Player: B Viggers
Character: Orophin
PFS: 100387-1
Faction: Liberty's edge
Perform(sing): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (12) + 22 = 34 75gp (bahh one short.)

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By the way, I'm on holiday from this Saturday for a week, and have no guarantee of internet access. Feel free to NPC me as required.

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Orophin normally hangs back unless there is undead around.
The biggest thing to remember is his curse, if he takes lethal damage, then he takes half again as non lethal.

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No worries. I wasn't really expecting a full start right away.

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Expecting some big weather this weekend in my area, so if things get wonky I may have trouble posting. I should be able to from my phone of course, but there was an issue a few years back where even that had trouble for the better part of a day so I just wanted to touch base in case. Cheers to the weekend everyone!

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Life can certainly be difficult at times, but I think we can all understand. I hope all is better with your family and you are feeling better yourself.

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FYI, I'm taking a weekend trip with my beautiful wife to get away from the Utah cold. I'll be back on Tuesday.
Hopefully I don't miss much with it being a weekend, but I'm unlikely to post. Please bot me as necessary!

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Have a great time!

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Well enjoy your time away as well!

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I think this is the first 'stealth-comando' party I see around :D

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I was mentioning that to some friends recently about how happy it makes me to see stealth used in PFS. It is a rare and wonderful thing. ;)
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Hey there Orophin! I just heard about the Myth-weavers' crash and I wanted to offer my sympathy if you were among those that lost data. I heard that they lost data from after July of 2016 and I immediately thought of you. Best of luck with that.

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Yeap. I lost a level on most characters. Only two brand new ones were totally gone though.
I'm a glass half full kind of a guy - free partial rebuild! :-)

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Lol! Good on you for that take on things. I love it! I used to do everything by hand until a few years ago when I found hero lab. I still print everything out as well, and back up every file but if I had to I think I would look at things like you do. Free partial rebuild!

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I sent a PM to DMCC in the hopes we continue this. I was just a bit concerned the game had stalled. Fingers crossed that things are ok and he will continue.

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Thanks for taking the lead on that. If the GM is unable to continue, we can usually find someone to take over as this is a sanctioned PFS run. The nature of this evergreen might make it difficult if an alternate GM has to take up the mantle.

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If we can't find anyone else, I'll step back from playing and take over the GMing. But there is no real time pressure here, so lets give GMCC a few more days. The storms hitting the states at the moment have been pretty bad by all accounts.

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I am fine with that. I just thought I should send him a PM first and then after, I thought I should mention it here. Thanks for the feedback and the offer to run for us Oro. Lets see how we fare after the weekend. :-)

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Hola and Aloha!
It looks like I'm gonna take over for our esteemed DMCC and get you guys through the rest of the scenario. I've got a bit of catching up to do, but I hope to have an update made sometime today.
I will request your patience- -this will be my second foray into PbP GMing- -but if you're willing to put up with a few minor bumps, I'm sure the road will be smooth enough.
A note on posting frequency: I will do everything in my power to get an update each weekday, but weekends will be hit and miss endeavors (there's a local con next weekend, for example). I will keep everyone posted.
Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for being willing to jump in. No worries, no pressure.

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Yes, thanks for jumping in. I hope things get better for DMCC.
I'm sure the weekends can be busy, especially with a convention coming up. As previously stated, no worries. Thanks again for jumping in.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Glad to help. I've had games get orphaned, and I've had orphaned games get picked up, so I'm happy to pay it forward.

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GM CrazyComic - we hope all settles down for you in RL and you get some time to come back once they do. Thanks so much for running us this far...we all know RL can get hectic at the wrong times...so take care of yourself. We wish you the best and see you when you get back.
GM Temporary - Thanks for carrying the torch forward.

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Update sometime today.
Question: Have you gals and guys explored the octagonal room completely? Or do you need me to re-introduce that one?
Also, currently it appears some of you are headed one direction, and some of you in another. Is this intentional or merely a facet of PbP and incongruous presence at the computer?

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We have not actually been in the octagonal room yet. Our exploration as alerted us to its location, but we have not stepped in. We looked down south, but moved to the Northeast chamber and work west then south to out current positions.

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Correct. Waki did step over to look at the one room mentioned and Crios did step out of line by a few feet just in case something came from that other side, but we are all heading the same way.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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The aforementioned convention starts tomorrow. While I expect no issue tomorrow or Friday (as I still have to work, and can update pretty easily during), Saturday and Sunday will be pretty hit-or-miss.
That said, business as usual.
Also, any feedback would be appreciated. I'm still a little green as far as the GM side of PbP goes, so any suggestions or criticisms would be welcome.

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Thanks for the reminder on your convention TA. I hope you have a great time!
As for feedback, this seems to be a good one to get your feet wet in, as far as PbP goes. A tomb exploration with good flavor and cohesive background story makes for good role play and you have been doing a fine job of bringing the tomb to life, so to speak. The detailed descriptions of the rooms we explore, even at just a passing glance, has been good and gives us an idea of things. The recent trap room tells a story itself in the number of traps present and the current state they are in. Just great stuff.
Thanks again for picking us up!

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To speed things up, I wanted to ask if everyone would be cool with the following assumptions for character actions moving forward;
If any member of the group succeeds on a skill check, perception, knowledge or otherwise we share the info under any spoilers.
The group sticks together, though not always tightly in formation. Stay within one move action of the party.
At any door, the GM can roll perceptions for the lead characters and provide the info to the group, unless there is a reason not to, and then a spoiler works fine.
We check for traps as we go along and at each door, disarming as needed, and upon entering a room or new passage we communicate quietly and since Necress is deaf, we always face her when we talk even if we just mouth the words.
Any other standards of operations you want to add or disagree with, chime in. I just want to make it easier for the group to move along and not get hung up with waiting for one character to make a post about something that we would likely be doing anyway.

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Good with me. I have never been with such a stealthy group either

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I would like to assume one of the roguish ones checks any door or chest with take 20 before opening it too. Unless there is any time reason not too, of course ;)

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Good idea!
-Posted with Wayfinder

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The unsettling oracle looks at the orc and wills him to fall prone. No spell components for me since it's verbal and I cast all spells as silent.
Casting command, DC 17 Will or fall prone.
Not relevant to current situation but you pointed out an interesting gray area of the rules. And I like those gray areas.
Even if the the spell is cast without saying casting words, it would seem the caster still needs to communicate the command to the target in a shared language as the command spell is a language-dependent spell.
Having a look at the Silent Spell metamagic it only forbids the use on bard spells. But then, there is the language-dependent descriptor.
A language-dependent spell uses intelligible language as a medium for communication. If the target cannot understand or cannot hear what the caster of a language-dependent spell says, the spell fails.
I think the relevant bit there is the spell fails if the target cannot understand what you say to him. Thus, even if the caster can cast all the spell without saying a word, if the target did not understand what she wants to do, the spell would fail. I think signs language might work here if the cultures are close enough and the message simple enough, but probably uttering what you want its still the most safe thing as it is not open to GM interpretation. Interesting enough you can even conceal the communication with Bluff as a secret message, so no one else understands what you are commanding.