[PFS] 07-10 The Consortium Compact by DM DoctorEvil

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

The Warehouse map

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Aspis Assault - Round 8

20 Sekell
15 Naysha (3hp dmg, prone in grease)
12 Toban (4hp dmg, frightened 4 rounds)
12 Lansle
3 Lizbeth (1 hp dmg, frightened 1 rounds)
3 Sorceror (mage armor, 3 hp dmg)

Lizbeth finally gets all the boxes clear and rushes around trying to find the way to activate the secret door, which she has forgotten in her rush to get away.

Toban turns and tries to run through the grease but fails to get any traction and just runs in place for a moment.

Rest of the party is up before the sorceror goes again.

Toban DC 10 Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf
HP(12/12) AC/Touch/Flat 17/14/13 Fort/Ref/Will 4/6/2 CMB/CMD +2/15 Init +6
Perception +8, Stealth +12, survival +6, climb +7, know(eng) +4, Dis Device +10, know(dung) +4
1 Ranger (Dungeon Rover)

attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Silver Crusade

Male Human Paladin 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC 23 (T10, FF 23) (+4 vs. big yellow blob if evil) | CMB: +7 CMD: 17 | F:+4 R:+1 W:+4* | Init +0 | Perc +7, SM +7, Social -1 | Speed 20 ft. | A Sure Thing: 1/1, Lay on Hands: 3/3, Second Chance: 1/1, Smite Evil: 0/1 | Active Conditions: Smite Evil (big yellow blob)

Sir Lansle goes around the grease, squeezing between the boxes and the dry patch of ground. Then he tries to stab the sorcerer with his longsword.

Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

"I warned y-you!"

Sovereign Court

Female Human Oracle 4 | HP: 31/31 | AC 15 (T13, FF 13) | CMB: +3 CMD: 15 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+4 | Init +2 | Perc +0, SM +1, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 4/4, 1st: 7/7 | Flicker: 2/2, Assumed Form (at will), Whimsical Prank (at will, +9) | Active Conditions: None

Lady Naysha tries to get out of the grease patch.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

But she can't!

Lady Naysha points at the guy who keeps making her friends run away. She whispers something in a strange language.

"Get that guy with your dust! It'll be so funny!"

Suddenly a strange little creature with the body of a rabbit and the torso of a lady, bounds out from behind the crates and leaps right up in the spellcaster's face! She blows a bunch of dust and pollen right in his eyeballs, just like she did before to the warrior! Then she leaps away and disappears!

Lady Naysha uses whimsical prank on the sorcerer. Blowing pollen and dirt in his eyes to blind him for 1 round.

Whiimsical Prank: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Then she laughs.

Grand Lodge

| HP: 31/31, Temp HP: 0/0 | AC 28 (T13, FF 16) (+2 dodge AC vs. aberrations, oozes, vermin)| CMB: +2 CMD: 14 | F:+8 R:+4 W:+7* | Init +4 | Perc +11, SM +8, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/2, 1st: 4/4 | Dancing Lights 1/1, Ghost Sound 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Speak with Animals 1/1 | Judgement: 2/2, Prepared Agent: 1/1, Resistant Touch: 5/5, Teamwork: 2/2 | Active Conditions: None

Toban screams as he tries to flee. "Ahhhhhh!"

Aspis Assault - Round 8 - concluded

Sekell's shooting from the rafters continues to be rather suspect - this shot not making it through the caster's arcane protection yet again.

Unable to stand in the greasy goo, Naysha still conjures another pookah that blows a handful of dusty and pollen into the eyes of the caster, blinding him for a few seconds as well.

While he is blinded, Sir Lansle squeezes past the boxes and the greasy area and strikes the remaining foe hurting him badly, but not quite taking him out of the fight.

Blindly striking out with his claws, the sorceror backs into a corner of boxes. His flailing attacks rend only air.

End of Round 8

Sorceror claw: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

Aspis Assault - Round 9

20 Sekell
15 Naysha (3hp dmg, prone in grease)
12 Toban (4hp dmg, frightened 3 rounds)
12 Lansle
3 Lizbeth (1 hp dmg)
3 Sorceror (mage armor, 11hp dmg, blinded)

Toban tries again to get traction on the slippery floor, as panic fills his eyes, but he can only tread in place as his footing fails him. Somehow he remains upright.

The fresh air from outside seems to return Lizbeth to her senses. Not sure what she was so afraid of, she is able to act normally this round.

The who party is up again, and while Toban is still frightened, Lizbeth can act normally. Looks like one more hit on the blinded foe will end this thing.

Toban Acrobatics DC 10: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Paizo Employee

Female Human Occultist (battlehost) 4 | HP: 15/15 | AC 16 (T12, FF 15) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F:+6* R:+2* W:+5* | Init +1 | Perc +4, SM +0, Social +0 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 1st: 3/3 | MF: Abjuration: 5/5, Conjuration: 2/2 | A Sure Thing: 1/1, Pharasma's Blessing: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Warding Talisman +1, Sunrod, Shield (2 min), Resistance, Nauseated (1/5 rounds)

Lizbeth glares at her sword. "Some use you are. Aren't you supposed to protect me from that junk?"

She rolls her eyes then turns and hurries toward the battle.

Sovereign Court

Female Human Oracle 4 | HP: 31/31 | AC 15 (T13, FF 13) | CMB: +3 CMD: 15 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+4 | Init +2 | Perc +0, SM +1, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 4/4, 1st: 7/7 | Flicker: 2/2, Assumed Form (at will), Whimsical Prank (at will, +9) | Active Conditions: None

Lady Naysha tries to slide out of the grease and onto dry floor.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

But she can't!

She tries standing up!

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

And manages!

Silver Crusade

Male Human Paladin 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC 23 (T10, FF 23) (+4 vs. big yellow blob if evil) | CMB: +7 CMD: 17 | F:+4 R:+1 W:+4* | Init +0 | Perc +7, SM +7, Social -1 | Speed 20 ft. | A Sure Thing: 1/1, Lay on Hands: 3/3, Second Chance: 1/1, Smite Evil: 0/1 | Active Conditions: Smite Evil (big yellow blob)

Sir Lansle steps forwards and swings his sword at the sorcerer.

Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Slashing Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Aspis Assault - Round 9 - concluded

Naysha continues struggling with the slippery stuff she thought was fun a few moments ago. Now it's annoying. Finally on a second effort she manages to get to her feet, but is still mired in the grease.

Lansle keeps on the offensive and drives his longsword into the ribs fo the blinded sorceror who can't take anymore, and collapses in a heap on the floor, ending the Aspis attacks.

End of Combat

With the Aspis attack over, Delroya and her contacts can now safely move the goods from the warehouse, and end the threat of whip spreading across the Inner Sea Region, at least for now.

When Delroya arrives, she smiles at the PC's and says, "You have done a fantastic job. The Kortos agents left without resorting to violence. And while you made a bit of a mess..." she indicates the stacks of knocked over crates..."You stopped the Aspis as well. You have proof of Laszo's alchemical creation and a sample of the the unrefined whip, which will aid in creating antidote if it gets out someday. Last, you all acted in concert with one another admirably. Not like the Aspis where one must step on one's fellow agents to get ahead. I find your performance inspiring enough, I might just take Valsin up on his offer and join the Society myself. Please tell him so for me!"

She joins you in sailing from Diobel back to Absalom and the Grand Lodge. There you are shown to Venture-Captain Valsin's study. The man looks at you, and can't help grinning. "You have done an admirable job! You dealt a major blow to the Aspis Consortium operations on the Isle of Kortos, and prevented untold suffering from whip spreading into the cities and towns of the Inner Sea."

You completed both the Primary and Secondary Success conditions for this scenario. Well Done!

"Further, you recruited a fine agent by displaying the best qualities of the Society. By not using Lord Avid's writ, you maintained discretion with the local nobility on the Isle of Kortos."

You earn a boon called Lord Avid's Recommendation on your Chronicle Sheet. This boon gives a one-time +2 bonus on CHA-based checks against the nobility on the Isle of Kortos.

Lastly Valsin looks at Delroya and nods to you. "You have also managed to display the finest qualities of the Pathfinder Society, and in so doing, recruited a valuable asset away from our foes, and to our cause. I salute you!"

You have earned another boon on your Chronicle Sheets called Inside Knowledge, which allows you recurring +2 bonus to Know (Local) regarding Aspis activities by talking to Delroya. You can also burn the boon by taking 20 on one Know Local check about the Apsis.

End of Scenario!

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf
HP(12/12) AC/Touch/Flat 17/14/13 Fort/Ref/Will 4/6/2 CMB/CMD +2/15 Init +6
Perception +8, Stealth +12, survival +6, climb +7, know(eng) +4, Dis Device +10, know(dung) +4
1 Ranger (Dungeon Rover)

Sekell climbs down from rafters of the warehouse, pulling his hood as far over his face as he can. He then begins trying to find all the arrows he fired, all the while keeping his face turned away from the others as deep in the shadows of his hood as he can. Anyone with two eyes in their head, or one in Lizbeth's case, can see why he's trying o hard to hide his face. The purple skin of his face is now flushed to a bright pink. If dad ever finds out I missed almost seven shots in a row he'd swim across the ocean, sunlight be damned, and break my longbow over my thick skull. Embarrassed and mortified at his shooting, Sekell quickly gathers as many arrows as he can before climbing back into the rafters. He quickly disappears into the shadows to sulk until Delroya shows up.
arrow: 1d100 ⇒ 34
arrow: 1d100 ⇒ 90
arrow: 1d100 ⇒ 59
arrow: 1d100 ⇒ 51
arrow: 1d100 ⇒ 25
arrow: 1d100 ⇒ 32
arrow: 1d100 ⇒ 49
stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Sovereign Court

Female Human Oracle 4 | HP: 31/31 | AC 15 (T13, FF 13) | CMB: +3 CMD: 15 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+4 | Init +2 | Perc +0, SM +1, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 4/4, 1st: 7/7 | Flicker: 2/2, Assumed Form (at will), Whimsical Prank (at will, +9) | Active Conditions: None

Lady Naysha smiles. "YAY! We did it! Great job everyone!"

Silver Crusade

Male Human Paladin 3 | HP: 28/28 | AC 23 (T10, FF 23) (+4 vs. big yellow blob if evil) | CMB: +7 CMD: 17 | F:+4 R:+1 W:+4* | Init +0 | Perc +7, SM +7, Social -1 | Speed 20 ft. | A Sure Thing: 1/1, Lay on Hands: 3/3, Second Chance: 1/1, Smite Evil: 0/1 | Active Conditions: Smite Evil (big yellow blob)

Sir Lansle sighs in relief. "Oh, boy... That was nerve-wracking!"

He gets down on one knee, holds his sword tip down into the ground and prays to Iomedae.

"Blessed be the Inheritor! Thank you for your continued aid!"

Grand Lodge

| HP: 31/31, Temp HP: 0/0 | AC 28 (T13, FF 16) (+2 dodge AC vs. aberrations, oozes, vermin)| CMB: +2 CMD: 14 | F:+8 R:+4 W:+7* | Init +4 | Perc +11, SM +8, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/2, 1st: 4/4 | Dancing Lights 1/1, Ghost Sound 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Speak with Animals 1/1 | Judgement: 2/2, Prepared Agent: 1/1, Resistant Touch: 5/5, Teamwork: 2/2 | Active Conditions: None

After a short while Toban comes to his senses.
"Wooo! Oh wow! We did it! Sorry about trying to run off on you guys."
Toban whispers a prayer to Shelyn.

Here are the completed Chronicle Sheets for the Consortium Compact. Well played!

Was thinking 04-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild for the next scenario, unless someone has already played it.

Grand Lodge

| HP: 31/31, Temp HP: 0/0 | AC 28 (T13, FF 16) (+2 dodge AC vs. aberrations, oozes, vermin)| CMB: +2 CMD: 14 | F:+8 R:+4 W:+7* | Init +4 | Perc +11, SM +8, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7 | Speed 20 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 2/2, 1st: 4/4 | Dancing Lights 1/1, Ghost Sound 1/1, Prestidigitation 1/1, Speak with Animals 1/1 | Judgement: 2/2, Prepared Agent: 1/1, Resistant Touch: 5/5, Teamwork: 2/2 | Active Conditions: None

Sounds great! Have not played.

Paizo Employee

Female Human Occultist (battlehost) 4 | HP: 15/15 | AC 16 (T12, FF 15) | CMB: +4 CMD: 15 | F:+6* R:+2* W:+5* | Init +1 | Perc +4, SM +0, Social +0 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 1st: 3/3 | MF: Abjuration: 5/5, Conjuration: 2/2 | A Sure Thing: 1/1, Pharasma's Blessing: 1/1 | Active Conditions: Warding Talisman +1, Sunrod, Shield (2 min), Resistance, Nauseated (1/5 rounds)

Sheets look great! Thanks.


Will be traveling for work M-W. Let me get the new game started on Thursday or so this week. Will send you all PM's when the thread is ready.

Sovereign Court

Female Human Oracle 4 | HP: 31/31 | AC 15 (T13, FF 13) | CMB: +3 CMD: 15 | F:+4 R:+4 W:+4 | Init +2 | Perc +0, SM +1, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12 | Speed 30 ft. | Spells: 2nd: 4/4, 1st: 7/7 | Flicker: 2/2, Assumed Form (at will), Whimsical Prank (at will, +9) | Active Conditions: None

Do you think it will be ready to play soon? I am excited!

By fault, as I got distracted by PF2 and a few other things in RL. Here is the thread for the new Gameplay. Feel free to dot in there with whichever PC you are using for this scenario.

Also, please complete the necessary info in Discussion tab to complete a Chronicle Sheet, including Day Job roll if applicable.

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