Smuz Whoistotallyagoblin |
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Smuz follows Reta. However, he keeps looking over at the cake, and the distraction causes him to stumble and bang into things a few times. He glances around embarrassedly, hoping no one noticed.
Zarongel |
Reta and Smuz head through the barn, while Poog follows Chuffy circling around the outside of the building and the remainder of the Licktoads scatter into the open farmyard.
Reta and Smuz find, after they have entered the barn, that a scarred Longshanks is between them and the exit into the farmyard. An odd-smelling haze of smoke hangs in the air around him. At first, he doesn't seem to hear them, but then Smuz bumps into one of the stall walls rather loudly. The Longshanks turns toward the pair of goblins rather befuddledly, just as the screaming starts outside: The rest of the tribe has been seen.
Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Poog 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Reta 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Smuz 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Corpule Gunders 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Round 1 init: Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta, Corpule
All right, guys, this is the last encounter of the module. If you have consumables, use them; there's no tomorrow!
Smuz Whoistotallyagoblin |
Smuz grins at the longshanks. "Smuz goblin!" he proclaims. "Eat!" He grabs his tanglefoot bag, steps beside Reta to get a clearer throw, and lobs it at the longshanks.
Move action to retrieve tanglefoot bag.
5-ft step to X8.
Throw tanglefoot bag, -4 range penalty: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 3 - 4 = 4
He frowns as the bag lands well in front of its target and bursts open uselessly. "Smuz goblin," he grumbles.
I'm assuming a 4 is nowhere near enough, even for a touch AC. :)
Zarongel |
Zarongel |
The Longshanks watches Reta's approach as if he's not entirely convinced she's really there, but the dogslicer drawing blood from his leg jerks him out of his reverie. He lets out a growly squawk and draws a long straight blade with which he chops down at her. The sword misses the goblin entirely and thuds into the dirt floor.
Draw weapon, Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Outside, the short Longshanks at the tables begin to shriek and run in various panicked directions, except for the two standing with the ribboned boxes and cake, who seem determined to defend the contents of the long table.
Round 2 init: Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta, Corpule
Smuz Whoistotallyagoblin |
Grumbling, Smuz fumbles for his javelin, steps to the side for a better line of sight, and then tosses it at the longshanks.
Move action to draw javelin.
5-ft step to Y9.
Javelin, firing into melee: 1d20 + 3 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 3 - 4 = 11
Damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
Zarongel |
Chuffy slashes at the short Longshanks unlucky enough to run in his direction and is rewarded both with its look of sudden terror and the spurting of blood from the wound.
The luckless Smuz tosses his javelin only for it to clang harmlessly off the Longshanks's metal codpiece.
Round 2 init: Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta, Corpule
Zarongel |
Poog viciously clubs the small Longshanks already bleeding from Chuffy's attack before it can react.
Reta cuts a gash into her foe's other leg to match the first, but the Longshanks stubbornly refuses to die.
He swings at the goblin again, but his longsword whiffs through the air above her head, not coming close to hitting her. Nervously looking over his shoulder at the panic behind him, he takes a step out of the barn.
Attack Reta 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4; 5-foot-step to X15
Both bleeding and bruised, the small Longshanks being attacked by Chuffy and Poog stumbles desperately away.
Withdraw to AD22
Round 3 init: Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta, Corpule
Smuz Whoistotallyagoblin |
Still grumbling at his terrible luck, Smuz fumbles for his vial of alchemist fire, then lobs it at the longshanks.
Move action: draw alchemist's fire
Throw alchemist fire: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Smuz cheers as the vial shatters and flames engulf the longshanks. "Smuz goblin!"
Ugh, awful damage though.
Edit: Forgot range, sorry. He'll 5-ft step to Y10 first and then throw. A -4 range penalty to attack roll brings his total down to 17. Should hopefully still be enough.
Zarongel |
Chuffy chases his quarry and lays him low with another slash of his dogslicer.
Smuz experiences the novelty of hitting what he was aiming at. The rather lackluster explosion does little to dampen the "goblin"'s enthusiasm at his success.
Poog, Chuffy has already slain his target, but as you come around the corner of the barn, the flaming Longshanks Reta and Smuz are fighting would come into view and be within range. Would you like to transfer your attack to him?
Zarongel |
As he comes around the corner of the barn, Poog's eye is attracted by the half-hearted flames licking at the clothing of a Longshanks at the barn door. Taking it as a sign from Zarongel, he alters his course and clubs the toe of the burning Longshanks.
Round 3 init: Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta, Corpule
Zarongel |
The Longshanks stubbornly refuses to die ... but he does run. He takes off toward the house, through the panicking crowd of shorter Longshanks.
Withdraw to P23
The short Longshanks scatter toward the farmyard gates, trying to dodge the rest of the Licktoads, all save the pair still standing next to the table of colorful boxes and delicious cake.
Round 4 init: Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta, Corpule
Smuz Whoistotallyagoblin |
Second Round of alchemist's fire damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5
With the tall longshanks out of the way, Smuz makes his way to the object of his desire, not even caring about the final flash alchemist's fire makes as it burns out. "Smuz goblin eat!" he cries longingly at the cake.
Double move to Y18.
Zarongel |
Chuffy ducks under one of the round tables as he heads for the big rectangular one.
Smuz fails to notice that his alchemist's fire was a late bloomer, a final sparking burst of flame dropping the longshanks in a charred huddle on the ground, as he heads for the cake.
Poog scampers around the edge of the big table and shouts at the pair of short Longshanks there.
Winnius Paddlefoot 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Round 4 init: Winnius, Wellma, Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta
Zarongel |
The no-longer-whelps converge at the cake table. The short Longshanks standing there, however, show no signs of running and screaming; instead, they glare at the interlopers and prepare to defend their loot.
The male short Longshanks takes a moment to size up Poog, spits on the ground, then swings a fist that smashes the goblin right in his handsome face. He shouts something to the female, then steps out of the way, leaving her a clear path to the devotee of Zarongel.
The female short Longshanks takes the male's place and follows his punch with an attempt of her own, which Poog just manages to duck.
Winnius attacks Poog 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 & 5-foot-steps to Z26
Wellma 5-foot-steps to AA25 & attacks Poog 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Round 5 init: Winnius, Wellma, Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta
Poog of Zarongel |
Poog activates his Happy Beat Badge; just in time to avoid the worst of it. It still stings though. Poog screeches in anger, "You dare lay hands on Zarongoolee's chosen?" The echo of his words (and self-preservatory reflexes) make him add, "...well he likes me anyway."
Poog steps gingerly back and unleashes a world of fiery opinion on them!
Burning hands: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Zarongel |
Chuffy's dogslicer fails to penetrate the many petticoats of the female's impractical-looking white dress, but she yelps in dismay as he slices open a slash in the skirt.
Smuz hurries toward the sugary deliciousness of the cake.
Poog uses the magic of his Licktoad badge not only to escape serious injury but also to position himself ideally to dish out the fiery wrath of Zarongel on the pair of short Longshanks. The divine fire licks hungrily at their ridiculously-elaborate clothing.
Winnius Reflex 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Wellma Reflex 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Round 5 init: Winnius, Wellma, Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta
Reta Bigbad |
![Katapesh Merchant](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PPM_KatapeshMerc.png)
Reta's eyes go wide at the veil the female halfling is wearing. "Ooooooooh, pretty," she says in awe. Narrowing her eyes at the short longshanks, "GIVE RETA FACE COVERER! RETA LIKE FACE COVERER!" She then moves up and swings at the halfling closest to her, hoping to quickly eliminate him and then move on to the real prize.
5' step to Y 25; Attack Z 26
Dogslicer: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Zarongel |
Reta slashes the male short Longshanks, making a superficial, if still satisfyingly bloody, wound.
The male shouts something to the female, then steps away from and back toward Reta before punching her with his bare knuckles.
The female closes in on the other side of the girl goblin and throws an elbow at her which fails to connect.
Winnius moves to X26 & attacks Reta 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Wellma 5-foot-steps to Z25 & attacks Reta 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Round 6 init: Winnius, Wellma, Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta
Zarongel |
Smuz Whoistotallyagoblin |
Smuz's eyes gleam and his lips part into a wide smile. He reaches out with a hand and tears into the cake, bringing back a large piece to stuff into his face.
Full-round action: eat as much cake as possible. :-)
Zarongel |
Smuz and Poog each grab a handful of the cake and stuff it in their respective mouths. The sugary concoction has a quasi-magical effect on their metabolisms, giving each a rush of manic energy.
Any goblin who consumes a handful of cake as a standard action sees a phenomenal increase in their speed and reflexes, as if affected by a haste spell.
Round 6 init: Winnius, Wellma, Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta
Zarongel |
Distracted by her companions stuffing their mouths with cake, Reta misses the short Longshanks entirely, instead striking the leg of the table. Her dogslicer shatters with the blow, leaving her holding only the hilt.
To make matters worse, the male short Longshanks steps in behind Reta, sandwiching her between himself and the female, and punches her in the back of her wide head. As she rebounds from that blow, the female follows up with a second punch, which drops the young goblin to the ground.
Winnius 5-foot-steps to X25 & attacks Reta (flanking) 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 3 + 2 = 16 damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Wellma attacks Reta (flanking) 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 2 = 17 damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Round 7 init: Winnius, Wellma, Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta
Reta Bigbad |
![Katapesh Merchant](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PPM_KatapeshMerc.png)
Not only does her weapon shatter, but she is struck from multiple angles managing to only absorb one of the hits with one of her badges.
Activate Happy Beat Badge vs. Winnius; 5' step to X 24(Unless that's not possible then I guess X 26)
Unfortunately, that one hit is all it takes as she falls in a heap.
Hp's: -1/8
Smuz Whoistotallyagoblin |
Smuz's eyes gleam and he laughs gleefully at his new-found energy. At speeds uncharacteristic for Smuz, he bounds around the table and to the other side of the male short longshanks to cut off his escape. "Smuz fast goblin!" he proclaims and moves to stab with his knitting needle, realizing at the last moment that he doesn't have it out yet. He quickly draws it.
Grumble...Haste still doesn't get around that draw and move at the same time BAB +1 restriction...grumble.
Move to W25 by way of W23, then V24 to avoid AoO.
Move action to draw knitting needle.
Poog of Zarongel |
Poog nearly doubles up laughing at Reta's mishap (sputtering up some sweet icing, which he gingerly licks back in) - but gets angrily serious when he sees her drop to the ground. "Zarongul never allow Reta to shuttup!" The words invoke divine magic which Poog holds in his hands, then he quickly steps in and unloads his hand on Reta.
Cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Zarongel |
Chuffy seems more concerned with regaining cover than with hurting the short Longshanks, his slash failing to hurt her.
Smuz dashes around the end of the table, drawing his trusty knitting needle.
Poog delivers Zarongel's blessing to Reta, restoring the girl-goblin to consciousness, albeit prone and unarmed.
Round 7 init: Winnius, Wellma, Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta
Reta Bigbad |
![Katapesh Merchant](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PPM_KatapeshMerc.png)
As her eyes flicker open from the deep recess of unconsciousness, she scowls as she finds herself laying on the ground. Until she happens to notice a big, green and gold, multi-legged bug crawling about a foot from her nose which causes her eyes to go wide. Remaining perfectly still so as not to frighten it, OKAY, RETA WILL WAIT FOR RIGHT TIME TO SNATCH PRETTY BUG. ONCE IT PAST RETA'S NOSE, IT WILL NOT SEE ME NO MORE AND THEN I WILL GET IT. She giggles quietly to herself at her wonderful plan as she waits for the bug to pass.
Or, ya know, delay. :)
Hp's 3/8
Zarongel |
The male short Longshanks shouts something to the female as he steps between Reta and Smuz and punches the blue goblin.
More cautiously, the bleeding female circles around to Smuz's other side and kicks at him.
Winnius 5-foot-steps to W24 & attacks Smuz 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16 damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Wellma moves to W26 & attacks Smuz 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 2 = 13
Round 8 init: Winnius, Wellma, Chuffy, Smuz, Poog, Reta (delaying)