Well I voted

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Sovereign Court

Bob Barr for president

and no on ammendment 2, I don't want the state legislating marraige.

Have you voted yet? who'd you vote for. If not who are you voting for.

Are there any issues you voted on that were as important to you as the election? what were they?

Too young to vote :(


Liberty's Edge

Voting in our town is on Tuesday.

Normally, I vote Libertarian, but Bob Barr rubs me the wrong way. I disagree with his stands on same-sex marriage (he's strongly against it), freedom of religion (he has proposed that the military ban the practice of Wicca), and quote-unquote controlled substances (again, strongly against), as well as the fact that he VOTED FOR THE PATRIOT ACT.

Call me strange, but I think I might vote Populist this year... In other words, my bid may very well go in for Ralph Nader.

I also just realized that this is my first presidential election. Weird.

Sovereign Court

I'm having a lousy time deciding who to vote for, I don't like either candidate and the third party guys aren't impressing me too much this year.

Liberty's Edge

Callous Jack wrote:
I'm having a lousy time deciding who to vote for, I don't like either candidate and the third party guys aren't impressing me too much this year.

Yeah, tell me about it...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am voting in California. I ask everyone in every state who has an anti gay marriage proposal
in front of them to seriously look at the facts on both sides. I hope you will see that there is no advantage for anyone to take away basic constitutional rights from anyone else. I am voting against changing the California Constitution. I wrote a (hopefully) logical and unemotional argument to sway you to vote with me. Check the spoiler, please.

Proposition 8: Defense of Marriage or Bigotry?
The religious right has once again succeeded in putting before California voters a piece of legislation that is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous. This legislation would amend the California Constitution to deny many citizens the right to marry. It is important to vote no on Proposition 8 because it limits the basic freedoms of Californians.
"Proposition 8 changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California. It provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." That's what it says in the California General Election Official Voter Information Guide (CGEOVIG).
Equality under the law is a fundamental Constitutional guarantee: we all take it for granted. People like John McCain, Tom McClintock, the Roman Catholic Church, The Church of Latter-Day Saints, et.al. want to change the California Constitution to refuse equality to gay and lesbian couples. They argue that four "activist" judges in San Francisco ignored the "will of the people" by overturning proposition 22.
There are no “activist judges” pursuing their own agenda against the will of the people. The truth is that, after the California Supreme Court annulled nearly four thousand same-sex marriages performed by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, the city and county of San Francisco sued to have these annulments declared unconstitutional. On May 15, 2008 the California Supreme Court, by a vote of 4–3, ruled that the statute enacted by Proposition 22 and other statutes that limit marriage to a relationship between a man and a woman violated the equal protection clause of the California Constitution. It also held that individuals of the same sex have the right to marry under the California Constitution.
Republican California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger released the following statement on the same day:
"I respect the Court's decision and as Governor, I will uphold its ruling. Also, as I have said in
the past, I will not support an amendment to the constitution that would overturn this state Supreme Court ruling."(gov.ca.gov/index.php?/press-release/9610/)
What was really the “will of the people" in November of 2000? Voter turnout was extremely low for that election and it was mostly republicans. As Malcolm McLachlan reported in Capitol Weekly on May 27th, 2008,
"... Prop. 22 passed in a kind of "perfect storm" for conservatives: a low-turnout primary
election that featured a tight race between GOP presidential candidates McCain and George
W. Bush. The Democratic contest had been all but won by Al Gore by that point... Turnout in that election was 54 percent."
Supporters of Prop 8 would have us believe that it protects marriage and children. Bishop George McKinney argues in the CGEOVIG that if Prop 8 does not pass, teachers could be required to teach young children there is no difference between gay marriage and traditional marriage.
That is also false. California law already prohibits children being taught anything against the will of their parents. Prop 8 doesn't have anything to do with schools. It says simply this: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."(CGEOVIG)
Another argument put forth by supporters of Prop 8 is that it will save us money. Whatisprop8.com says that if prop 8 does not pass, taxpayers will have to pay for " a cascade of lawsuits." The California Attorney General disagrees. The CGEOVIG states that prop 8 will have a fiscal impact to state and local governments over the next few years of potential revenue loss, mainly from sales taxes,totaling in the several tens of millions of dollars. It goes on to say that in the long run, there would likely be little fiscal impact on state and local governments. Prop 8 will not save the taxpayers money. On the contrary, it will cost taxpayers many millions of dollars.
Looking again at our trusty CGEOVIG, we read that supporters of prop 8 such as Ron Prentice, President of California Family Council, argue that prop 8 does not take away any rights for domestic partnerships. This is a false analogy because marriage is different from domestic partnership. Marriage has much stronger protections than domestic partnership. The fact as stated in the CGEOVIG is that "California statutes clearly identify nine real differences between marriage and domestic partnerships."(Rachael Salcido,Associate Professor of Law McGeorge School of Law).
Barack Obama, Republican San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders, all six Episcopal bishops of California, and many Jewish groups including Southern California's largest collection of rabbis want to protect the Constitutional civil rights of all Californians equally. Joining them in voting no on 8 is the right thing to do.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

thread killah!

Sayler Van Merlin wrote:

I am voting in California. I ask everyone in every state who has an anti gay marriage proposal
in front of them to seriously look at the facts on both sides. I hope you will see that there is no advantage for anyone to take away basic constitutional rights from anyone else. I am voting against changing the California Constitution. I wrote a (hopefully) logical and unemotional argument to sway you to vote with me. Check the spoiler, please.

[spoiler] Proposition 8: Defense of Marriage or Bigotry?
The religious right has once again succeeded in putting before California voters a piece of legislation that is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous. This legislation would amend the California Constitution to deny many citizens the right to marry. It is important to vote no on Proposition 8 because it limits the basic freedoms of Californians.
"Proposition 8 changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California. It provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." That's what it says in the California General Election Official Voter Information Guide (CGEOVIG).
Equality under the law is a fundamental Constitutional guarantee: we all take it for granted. People like John McCain, Tom McClintock, the Roman Catholic Church, The Church of Latter-Day Saints, et.al. want to change the California Constitution to refuse equality to gay and lesbian couples. They argue that four "activist" judges in San Francisco ignored the "will of the people" by overturning proposition 22.
There are no “activist judges” pursuing their own agenda against the will of the people. The truth is that, after the California Supreme Court annulled nearly four thousand same-sex marriages performed by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, the city and county of San Francisco sued to have these annulments declared unconstitutional. On May 15, 2008 the California Supreme Court, by a vote of 4–3, ruled that the...

Well here they did that 4 years back...bunch of morons.

what they didnt look at was the effects it had on common law marriage
Now you canbeat you live in GF of 8 years half to death and they cant pen spousal abuse on you but the lesser assault charge. In fact there has been apparel by folks in jail or awaiting trail since there crims are now much lesser chargers
You no longer have any common law rights at all.Why to go hate mongers with short sightedness

yeah go crusaders

Hey how about this, at the start of your post, say whether or not you have voted or are going to vote. You don't have to say who you chose if you don't want to, it's your right to keep it to yourself.

Well I go to vote on Tuesday. This will be my 6th Presidential election and I have come to notice that the older and wiser (hopefully) I get, the worse the choice in candidates gets. But I still go to vote, because I love my country and I keep hoping for a change for the better for all of us. But this year, geez...

I don't feel that McCain is really running a good enough campaign to sway me his way, and I'm not sure that Palin is going to be a good president if he keels over, yet oddly enough she is the only one in this race with any real executive experience by having been both a mayor and a governor. And his health care ideas don't really make sense. I also know a lot of women that won't vote for him because he and Palin are set on getting rid of their right to choose to have an abortion, even if the child is the product of rape or terminally ill.

Then there is Obama, with less than two full years in the senate as his total political career and the media shoving his wonderful qualities down our throats. Isn't it odd that the main stream media can dig up the smallest bit of dirt on every one else, but they can't find anything wrong with this one politician? Then there is the fact that he knows for certain that he is going to save us, despite the limited political career. Yet he never really tells us how. Are we just suppose to hope it works and then be amazed by his leadership if it does, all the time hoping it is for the best interests of everyone? It's like being in the middle of a used car dealers convention.

It's all a little too rehearsed, and some people I've talked to say it reminds them more of propaganda videos from history class. And what is with his VP choice Biden saying mark his words, in six months people out there are going to want to test Obama with some world crisis because they want to see his mettle? Is that really suppose to make us feel secure?

Plus Obama wants to cut the defense budget by 25%, while our troops are over there. Now I want us out of Iraq, I think we should have stayed with Afghanistan and finished there. But to cut the budget to equip and care for and properly protect the troops while they are still over there, where is that good? Keep in mind he said the defense budget, not the the budget for the war, they are two different things. We will always need a defense budget, we have to defend this country and keep our military as the best equipped in the world, but the war budget is strictly for the efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now to most of us this is a no-brianer, but I have people telling me that when he says defense budget he means just the war spending. No, the war budget, he'll take care of when the troops leave in this seemingly easy pull out that he promises to do.

Now both my grandfathers served in WW2 and Korea and one went to Vietnam, ask anyone from those generations and they will tell you that WW2 was done right because for the most part the military ran the show. Korea and Vietnam were a mess because now politicians run wars to their own agenda and the generals have to take orders based on statistics and and possible offensive political outcomes. Look where they have gotten us with this one and where it is going to leave us, rapid pullout or no rapid pullout. Heck we are still in Korea with a large military force, but for some reason a lot of people don't seam to remember this.

Personally I liked Huckabee. He was down to earth and actually knew what people in the middle and lower classes go through. Plus Huckabee wants to to go to the Fair Tax, and I don't know about you all, but I like the idea of getting rid of the income tax and getting my full paycheck.

Face it Congress and the Senate have no idea what it is like to have to work two jobs and still struggle to make it, even though we pay them huge paychecks to sit there looking at polls that somebody tabulated by asking only 1000 people, (heaven forbid that they should talk to us directly, it was bad enough they had to do that when they were looking for our votes) and discuss how best to help us little people out. You know Obama's 95% of America that he talks about. Here's an idea, how about the government takes a pay cut, and combine it with the hundreds of millions that they spent on selling us as to why we should elect them, and let that trickle down to us. It would be more helpful then what they usually trickle on us.

One thing I do know for certain, gang because it happens every year, the first order of business for those wonderful people that represent you and I in Washington is to vote on how big a raise they are going to give themselves this year for doing such a terrific job at getting us where we are now. (Remember all of them had a hand in it no matter how much they like to point at the other guy.) And you can bet it is going to be a good raise because times are tough and the cost of their living expenses while working so hard for you has gone up this year.

Side note: Sorry people, it is late and I'm tired so I guess I needed to rant a little. But remember, those of us that take the time to vote are allowed to talk, gripe, and rant about it. Those of you that choose not to vote... Well you didn't say anything when the moment counted, so don't b**ch about out come later. You want us to care about what your opinion is, then say it first on November 4th.

Take care and have fun, and good luck.

Scarab Sages

I voted, but that was in the Canadian election.

I will be voting come tues

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Dropped my ballot off last week (Oregon is 100% vote by mail/drop-box). Obama, yes on local tax measures, no on a bunch of garbage submitted by an anti-government activist.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

What's the source on Obama saying he'd cut the defense budget by 25%? I've seen the McCain claim, but (1) McCain's been lying a lot this election and (2) the Obama campaign refutes it.

Fox News and MSNBC had some political experts on this week late at night discussing it and that he apparently had said it. I had heard about the idea of it about a month ago as well, but it was Palosi and other Democrats that were insisting that it be done. I learned about that from MSNBC.

As to exactly when Obama said it I don't know, but it must have been in the past few days to make it worth putting discussions into this weeks news line up. He has said that he is going to cut funding for some areas while increasing spending in others and that he will raise taxes to do some of that. But I have never seen where any one can pin him down on which areas.

And where I trust McCain about as far as I can throw him, I am sure both sides have done a good job of covering stuff up and telling half truths and lies. It is the nature of politics and politicians.

Ether way this is going to be a historic race. The first African-American presidential nominee and the second female VP nominee. Although being part Native American, I can't help but think it would be neat to one day have a President Raven Wing or Running Elk. Now that would be a major change for America.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

designguy0036 wrote:

Fox News and MSNBC had some political experts on this week late at night discussing it and that he apparently had said it. I had heard about the idea of it about a month ago as well, but it was Palosi and other Democrats that were insisting that it be done. I learned about that from MSNBC.

Absent a quote and given the on-record refutation, I'm going to go with campaign lie. Thanks for the info.

And in the interest of equal time - Obama's comments on McCain's health plan are not true either.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Voting in our town is on Tuesday.

Normally, I vote Libertarian, but Bob Barr rubs me the wrong way. I disagree with his stands on same-sex marriage (he's strongly against it), freedom of religion (he has proposed that the military ban the practice of Wicca), and quote-unquote controlled substances (again, strongly against), as well as the fact that he VOTED FOR THE PATRIOT ACT.

Call me strange, but I think I might vote Populist this year... In other words, my bid may very well go in for Ralph Nader.

I also just realized that this is my first presidential election. Weird.

My understanding of the libertarians ideal, was that it cleaved very strongly to the ideals of the consitution and personal librerty. How does this Bob Barr guy even remotely fit to those ideas if he thinks that government should make laws regarding religion?

Build that wall higher Mister Jefferson

Callous Jack wrote:
I'm having a lousy time deciding who to vote for, I don't like either candidate and the third party guys aren't impressing me too much this year.

Vote in simapthy with your wallet dude. Unless your super rich, you best bet for your own ecomonic prosperity is to vote democrat. Lots of research on the subject. Besides, you don't have to like either candidated, its there polacies that matter :)

Sovereign Court

Zombieneighbours wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Voting in our town is on Tuesday.

Normally, I vote Libertarian, but Bob Barr rubs me the wrong way. I disagree with his stands on same-sex marriage (he's strongly against it), freedom of religion (he has proposed that the military ban the practice of Wicca), and quote-unquote controlled substances (again, strongly against), as well as the fact that he VOTED FOR THE PATRIOT ACT.

Call me strange, but I think I might vote Populist this year... In other words, my bid may very well go in for Ralph Nader.

I also just realized that this is my first presidential election. Weird.

My understanding of the libertarians ideal, was that it cleaved very strongly to the ideals of the consitution and personal librerty. How does this Bob Barr guy even remotely fit to those ideas if he thinks that government should make laws regarding religion?

Build that wall higher Mister Jefferson

Bob Barr has had a political awakening as he claims. The stuff he voted for was before he made the switch to libertarian, and yeah, the guy used to be a major a$*hat. Most people don't buy it, but in interviews when he talks about how he realized after the patriot acts reprecussions started coming to light that personal freedoms were being eroded slowly in the wake of 9-11 this made him take stock and decide that what he stood for was a failure of policy and that new ideas needed to replace those that clearly failed. Which is why he now supports pulling out of Iraq, deregulating drug use, etc. etc. Like I said a lifetime of political, do as I say not as I do, hard core conservative a$*hattery has left most libertarians disenfranchised with him and refusing to believe his "change of heart". I for one honestly think it may be genuine and until he shows me otherwise through words or actions I will accept that he's come to the light.

Sovereign Court

Zombieneighbours wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
I'm having a lousy time deciding who to vote for, I don't like either candidate and the third party guys aren't impressing me too much this year.
Vote in simapthy with your wallet dude. Unless your super rich, you best bet for your own ecomonic prosperity is to vote democrat. Lots of research on the subject. Besides, you don't have to like either candidated, its there polacies that matter :)

It's not about liking them, it's about neither man really being what I want in the White House.

The Exchange

Callous Jack wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
I'm having a lousy time deciding who to vote for, I don't like either candidate and the third party guys aren't impressing me too much this year.
Vote in simapthy with your wallet dude. Unless your super rich, you best bet for your own ecomonic prosperity is to vote democrat. Lots of research on the subject. Besides, you don't have to like either candidated, its there polacies that matter :)

It's not about liking them, it's about neither man really being what I want in the White House.

So you just vote for the lesser of 2 evils.......again.......like every friggin' election since I was old enough to vote.......This sucks, I'm goin' to Canada....naa, it's cold there!

Sovereign Court

Fake Healer wrote:
So you just vote for the lesser of 2 evils.......again.......

I'm not really sure who that is!

Scarab Sages

Callous Jack wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
So you just vote for the lesser of 2 evils.......again.......
I'm not really sure who that is!

I think the problem is that no matter who you vote for they are still a politician.

I voted also but I view votes like wishes, they only count if you don't tell any one what you wished for. So I'm not saying who I voted for.

designguy0036 wrote:

Now both my grandfathers served in WW2 and Korea and one went to Vietnam, ask anyone from those generations and they will tell you that WW2 was done right because for the most part the military ran the show. Korea and Vietnam were a mess because now politicians run wars to their own agenda and the generals have to take orders based on statistics and and possible offensive political outcomes.

With all due respect to your grandfathers, there was a much bigger difference betweeen WW2 and Korea/Vietnam.

In World War 2, the United States attacked Germany, which was already getting mauled on the other end by the Soviet Union. The Soviets destroyed...about 3 German divisions for every division the US and Britain took out. I think that is correct, but a WW2 expert can correct me. The Soviet Union definitely had it harder.

On Japan's side, the US gained naval superiority allowing it to leapfrog islands, but the final push was the US had atomic weapons, Japan didn't.

It would be the equivalent of China allying with the US and invading the other end of Korea to meet the US in the middle, or the Soviet Union dropping a nuke on Hanoi to convince the North Vietnamese they had to surrender to the US. Under those type of circumstances the US could hardly lose.

Fake Healer wrote:

So you just vote for the lesser of 2 evils.......again.......like every friggin' election since I was old enough to vote.......This sucks, I'm goin' to Canada....naa, it's cold there!

My favorite justification for not voting that I heard from someone defending himself when told he should vote for the lesser evil was, "Who would you choose as the lesser evil for taking the One Ring to Mount Doom? Saruman, or Wormtongue?"

Sayler Van Merlin wrote:

Looking again at our trusty CGEOVIG, we read that supporters of prop 8 such as Ron Prentice, President of California Family Council, argue that prop 8 does not take away any rights for domestic partnerships. This is a false analogy because marriage is different from domestic partnership. Marriage has much stronger protections than domestic partnership. The fact as stated in the CGEOVIG is that "California statutes clearly identify nine real differences between marriage and domestic partnerships."(Rachael Salcido,Associate Professor of Law McGeorge School of Law).

Out of curiosity, I looked this up. The differences are listed with some commentary here

Nine differences have been identified:
(1) common residence requirement for domestic partners, not applicable to spouses,
In other words, a married couple does not have to live together, but domestic partners do.

(2) application for lifting of the minimum age requirement not possible for domestic partners,
In other words, you can get married under a certain age with (I'm guessing) permission from your parents, but not become a DP.

(3) to register a domestic partnership the couple must file a declaration with the Secretary of State, whilst spouses must obtain a marriage license from the county clerk,
So DPs deal with a different part of the government, somewhat higher up.

(4) possibility for confidential marriage in which marriage certificate and date of the marriage are not made public, not applicable to domestic partners,
Marriages can legally be made secret, DPs cannot.

(5) summary dissolution for domestic partnership initiated by filing joint notice of termination with Secretary of State, for summary dissolution of a marriage is petitioned to the superior court,
Similar to the third point.

(6) residency requirements for dissolution are different providing for a forum necessitates for domestic partners,
I'm not sure what the Latin term means, but from what I've read, if a DP moves out of state, the partnership is dissolved; this may be what is referred to here.

(7) differences with respect to the State Public Employee’s Retirement System,
I don't know what this refers to, but I'd guess DPs don't get pension benefits the same way as spouses.

(8) difference in interpretation with regards the property tax exemption for unmarried spouse of a veteran and
No idea.

(9) putative spouse doctrine does not apply to domestic partners.
I don't know what this means, but a Google search seems to show that this difference no longer applies.

About three of these, IMO, really look like nit-picking. I have no idea if the last one no longer applies.

I am trying to think of why a couple would ever want a marriage to be secret, but I do recall Janet Jackson was secretly married, so a Hollywood thing?

Sovereign Court

Wow, I don't even know where to begin with those bizarre thoughts on WWII so I'll just point out that there were a ton of politics going on in WWII, not just with FDR and Churchill second-guessing and interfering in Eisenhower's command choices but between the generals themselves as Bradley, Patton, Montgomery, etc. all tried to do their thing and played the game just like anyone today.

I do think politicians hinder the military today but I don't hold them 100% responsible as it's also the "do-it-fast, do-it-now" mentality of most Americans these days as well as the hackjob reporting the media delivers these days.

Callous Jack wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
So you just vote for the lesser of 2 evils.......again.......
I'm not really sure who that is!

The one who isn't the greater.

The Greater evil is pretty easy to point out, it uses the politics of fear, engaged in censorship, has beem shown to abuse power already and is probably a politicial crationist ;)

ofcause i am biased.

Sovereign Court

Zombieneighbours wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
So you just vote for the lesser of 2 evils.......again.......
I'm not really sure who that is!

The one who isn't the greater.

The Greater evil is pretty easy to point out, it uses the politics of fear, engaged in censorship, has beem shown to abuse power already and is probably a politicial crationist ;)

ofcause i am biased.

Um I can't tell which candidate you are refering too, I can pretty much apply those to both candidates if you give me a little time and I honestly have no idea what a crationist is, so I'm going to go look it up.

EDIT: Crationist isn't in the dictionary, is it a political term?

Dark Archive

NPC Dave wrote:
Sayler Van Merlin wrote:

Looking again at our trusty CGEOVIG, we read that supporters of prop 8 such as Ron Prentice, President of California Family Council, argue that prop 8 does not take away any rights for domestic partnerships. This is a false analogy because marriage is different from domestic partnership. Marriage has much stronger protections than domestic partnership. The fact as stated in the CGEOVIG is that "California statutes clearly identify nine real differences between marriage and domestic partnerships."(Rachael Salcido,Associate Professor of Law McGeorge School of Law).

Out of curiosity, I looked this up. The differences are listed with some commentary here

Nine differences have been identified:
(1) common residence requirement for domestic partners, not applicable to spouses,
In other words, a married couple does not have to live together, but domestic partners do.

(2) application for lifting of the minimum age requirement not possible for domestic partners,
In other words, you can get married under a certain age with (I'm guessing) permission from your parents, but not become a DP.

(3) to register a domestic partnership the couple must file a declaration with the Secretary of State, whilst spouses must obtain a marriage license from the county clerk,
So DPs deal with a different part of the government, somewhat higher up.

(4) possibility for confidential marriage in which marriage certificate and date of the marriage are not made public, not applicable to domestic partners,
Marriages can legally be made secret, DPs cannot.

(5) summary dissolution for domestic partnership initiated by filing joint notice of termination with Secretary of State, for summary dissolution of a marriage is petitioned to the superior court,
Similar to the third point.

(6) residency requirements for dissolution are different providing for a forum necessitates for domestic...

Really it's time that the states should follow the example of other countries such as The Netherlands, Canada, Belgium, Spain, South Africa, and the UK, and have some sort of gay marriage law, a religions belief shouldn't be law.

The Exchange

NPC Dave wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

So you just vote for the lesser of 2 evils.......again.......like every friggin' election since I was old enough to vote.......This sucks, I'm goin' to Canada....naa, it's cold there!
My favorite justification for not voting that I heard from someone defending himself when told he should vote for the lesser evil was, "Who would you choose as the lesser evil for taking the One Ring to Mount Doom? Saruman, or Wormtongue?"

Just to clarify, I still do vote every election. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton the first time, although I feel he was a good president despite his shaky morals (with a cigar, Bill! Really!! In the White House!!!!). I still feel that Perot would have been a better choice but oh well. I also didn't vote for George W. Bush the first time when I suspected he was the greater evil and the second time when he was tested and proven to be the greater evil.

Sovereign Court

Zombieneighbours wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
I'm having a lousy time deciding who to vote for, I don't like either candidate and the third party guys aren't impressing me too much this year.
Vote in simapthy with your wallet dude. Unless your super rich, you best bet for your own ecomonic prosperity is to vote democrat. Lots of research on the subject. Besides, you don't have to like either candidated, its there polacies that matter :)

cough bias cough

trickle down economics
tax cuts are no good if you don't have a job

Dark Archive

Mr. Slaad wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
I'm having a lousy time deciding who to vote for, I don't like either candidate and the third party guys aren't impressing me too much this year.
Vote in simapthy with your wallet dude. Unless your super rich, you best bet for your own ecomonic prosperity is to vote democrat. Lots of research on the subject. Besides, you don't have to like either candidated, its there polacies that matter :)

cough bias cough

trickle down economics
tax cuts are no good if you don't have a job

Heh every vote is biased. People vote for the person they feel best represents what they want done in the country. For a nation of people that are feeling the pinch economically why not vote for a person that'll help ya there?

Trickle down economics doesn't work in the day of globalization. Drive thru sir.

I voted last week. So your powers of truth manipulation on all sides are no longer effective against me. I have been set free! I pity you poor bastards who have to wait until tomorrow to get set free. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sovereign Court

Aarontendo wrote:
Mr. Slaad wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
I'm having a lousy time deciding who to vote for, I don't like either candidate and the third party guys aren't impressing me too much this year.
Vote in simapthy with your wallet dude. Unless your super rich, you best bet for your own ecomonic prosperity is to vote democrat. Lots of research on the subject. Besides, you don't have to like either candidated, its there polacies that matter :)

cough bias cough

trickle down economics
tax cuts are no good if you don't have a job

Heh every vote is biased. People vote for the person they feel best represents what they want done in the country. For a nation of people that are feeling the pinch economically why not vote for a person that'll help ya there?

Trickle down economics doesn't work in the day of globalization. Drive thru sir.

If Obama cuts my taxes, my house keeper loses a job, as do my lawn mowers, my friends go to the beauty salon less often, everyone gets less money. The rich will try to stay rich, and that hurts other people.

Sovereign Court

Pfft, I went to this whole "election" thingie a couple of weeks back and put my vote in the box. Turns out I guessed wrong!

So, out of curiosity, what do we get if we guess right? I'd hope it's something sweet like a dirtbike!

Nothing's any good if the house burns down. Look at both Mac and Obama: we're zillions of dollars in debt and massively overextended on pensions and benefits to seniors, and it's getting worse all the time...and they want to keep spending! Oh, just ignore the flaming pieces of roof falling...turn up the music, let's have a few more drinks and keep on partying. Well, sooner or later the music stops. Sooner or later China gets tired of lending us money. Sooner or later we're spending everything we have just to keep up with interest on the debt. What happens then? When that happens, nothing else will matter.
I'll vote for any candidate who is willing to admit that our debt is driving us to total financial ruin, and to tackle the problem head-on....but I don't see one.

Liberty's Edge

I'm pro Union so I won't be voting republican. I fully support Obama and feel that some of the reasons people around my town/state won't vote for him are just cover-ups for hate and racism. I've even had older relatives become very angry with me because "I'm voting for a "N". I can't believe that hate and bigotry like that still exist and it makes me ashamed of my own family. Crap, some won't even admit that they're Irish, they're even bigoted against their own heritage

Dark Archive

Mr. Slaad wrote:

If Obama cuts my taxes, my house keeper loses a job, as do my lawn mowers, my friends go to the beauty salon less often, everyone gets less money. The rich will try to stay rich, and that hurts other people.

Well with the tax break they're getting and the additional higher education funding he wants to push through, hopefully your housekeeper and lawn mower can get jobs that'll serve them better and not you.

I love your argument: Keep people poor so they will continue to serve me for chump change.

Liberty's Edge

Aarontendo wrote:
Mr. Slaad wrote:

If Obama cuts my taxes, my house keeper loses a job, as do my lawn mowers, my friends go to the beauty salon less often, everyone gets less money. The rich will try to stay rich, and that hurts other people.

Well with the tax break they're getting and the additional higher education funding he wants to push through, hopefully your housekeeper and lawn mower can get jobs that'll serve them better and not you.

I love your argument: Keep people poor so they will continue to serve me for chump change.

Oooh harsh! But then, I was thinking the same thing myself. Cut your own grass and clean your place yourself, I do.

Sovereign Court

Aarontendo wrote:
Mr. Slaad wrote:

If Obama cuts my taxes, my house keeper loses a job, as do my lawn mowers, my friends go to the beauty salon less often, everyone gets less money. The rich will try to stay rich, and that hurts other people.

Well with the tax break they're getting and the additional higher education funding he wants to push through, hopefully your housekeeper and lawn mower can get jobs that'll serve them better and not you.

I love your argument: Keep people poor so they will continue to serve me for chump change.

Its offensive to me that you would even suggest that's my argument. I just would rather have everyone have tax cuts and we cut government spending than some have tax cuts, some have raised taxes, and we increase government spending. I lve my house cleaner (who's voting for McCain).

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Mr. Slaad wrote:
If Obama cuts my taxes, my house keeper loses a job, as do my lawn mowers, my friends go to the beauty salon less often, everyone gets less money. The rich will try to stay rich, and that hurts other people.

I assume you mean "raises" your taxes. Frankly, there's little evidence that the upper tax brackets are kicking in their share to keeping the economy running. Whereas if the lower and middle classes have more to spend, they'll do so (they don't tend to save), pushing up income for the wealthy. Welcome to real economics, as opposed to voodoo.

Somewhere along the line the monied class lost track of the idea that you need to have people who can afford to buy goods. If they hadn't lost track of that, trickle-down might work.

Sovereign Court

aegrist13 wrote:
Aarontendo wrote:
Mr. Slaad wrote:

If Obama cuts my taxes, my house keeper loses a job, as do my lawn mowers, my friends go to the beauty salon less often, everyone gets less money. The rich will try to stay rich, and that hurts other people.

Well with the tax break they're getting and the additional higher education funding he wants to push through, hopefully your housekeeper and lawn mower can get jobs that'll serve them better and not you.

I love your argument: Keep people poor so they will continue to serve me for chump change.

Oooh harsh! But then, I was thinking the same thing myself. Cut your own grass and clean your place yourself, I do.

Ummm, okay. That is what I will do. But it is not only them who will be out of jobs, but employees of businesses who cannot afford to keep so many employees in the face of increased taxes.

Sovereign Court

Russ Taylor wrote:
Mr. Slaad wrote:
If Obama cuts my taxes, my house keeper loses a job, as do my lawn mowers, my friends go to the beauty salon less often, everyone gets less money. The rich will try to stay rich, and that hurts other people.

I assume you mean "raises" your taxes. Frankly, there's little evidence that the upper tax brackets are kicking in their share to keeping the economy running. Whereas if the lower and middle classes have more to spend, they'll do so (they don't tend to save), pushing up income for the wealthy. Welcome to real economics, as opposed to voodoo.

Somewhere along the line the monied class lost track of the idea that you need to have people who can afford to buy goods. If they hadn't lost track of that, trickle-down might work.

Oh yeah, that's what I meant.

The Exchange

aegrist13 wrote:
I'm pro Union so I won't be voting republican. I fully support Obama and feel that some of the reasons people around my town/state won't vote for him are just cover-ups for hate and racism. I've even had older relatives become very angry with me because "I'm voting for a "N". I can't believe that hate and bigotry like that still exist and it makes me ashamed of my own family. Crap, some won't even admit that they're Irish, they're even bigoted against their own heritage

My mother-in-law is voting Mac because Obama sounds like Osama and he has purple lips. I kid you not. "I'm entitled to my opinions no matter how much of a scum them make me!"

I really like that we get the right to vote but how about we earn it. Maybe some mild testing to weed out the morons and give voting licenses to the others.
I also would love to see a licensing system for people to have kids. Terminal stupidity shouldn't be something that allows kids to suffer or put one person in the highest office over another.

Sovereign Court

Fake Healer wrote:
aegrist13 wrote:
I'm pro Union so I won't be voting republican. I fully support Obama and feel that some of the reasons people around my town/state won't vote for him are just cover-ups for hate and racism. I've even had older relatives become very angry with me because "I'm voting for a "N". I can't believe that hate and bigotry like that still exist and it makes me ashamed of my own family. Crap, some won't even admit that they're Irish, they're even bigoted against their own heritage

My mother-in-law is voting Mac because Obama sounds like Osama and he has purple lips. I kid you not. "I'm entitled to my opinions no matter how much of a scum them make me!"

I really like that we get the right to vote but how about we earn it. Maybe some mild testing to weed out the morons and give voting licenses to the others.
I also would love to see a licensing system for people to have kids. Terminal stupidity shouldn't be something that allows kids to suffer or put one person in the highest office over another.

She's right, you know. Those purple-lipped people, out to destroy the nation...

That is about the most absurd reason for not voting for someone i have ever heard in my entire life. I mean, lip color?

Can we vote none of the above; like in Brewster's Millions

Liberty's Edge

Valegrim wrote:
Can we vote none of the above; like in Brewster's Millions

Amen, brother...

Liberty's Edge

what's she talking about? Purple?

Fake Healer wrote:
aegrist13 wrote:
I'm pro Union so I won't be voting republican. I fully support Obama and feel that some of the reasons people around my town/state won't vote for him are just cover-ups for hate and racism. I've even had older relatives become very angry with me because "I'm voting for a "N". I can't believe that hate and bigotry like that still exist and it makes me ashamed of my own family. Crap, some won't even admit that they're Irish, they're even bigoted against their own heritage

My mother-in-law is voting Mac because Obama sounds like Osama and he has purple lips. I kid you not. "I'm entitled to my opinions no matter how much of a scum them make me!"

I really like that we get the right to vote but how about we earn it. Maybe some mild testing to weed out the morons and give voting licenses to the others.
I also would love to see a licensing system for people to have kids. Terminal stupidity shouldn't be something that allows kids to suffer or put one person in the highest office over another.

Ah, it is nice to see how cyclical we are. Poll taxes? Need to own land to qualify? Have to be a man? Have to be a white male landowner? Putting up restrictions for the right to vote is a time honored tradition. It is good to see people embracing the idea again.[/snark]

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

I too am pro-Union and have had the wonderful luck of both being laid-off (in 2002 from a TV station) and then had my next job "down-sourced" (in 2005 from an Auto company). Last year I had Appendicitis that nearly killed me and the insurance my employer provides was about as good as not having any at all. Therefore the Democrats are fully endorsed and supported by me.

As a resident of Michigan (where unemployment is nearly 9%) we've been feeling the economic downturn for a number of years longer than the rest of the country. It's so bad some of my friends can't even take a saturday to play D&D and I had to cancel my Pathfinder subscriptions! From gas to groceries to medical bills I'm about 2 paychecks from extreme Urban camping. With winter coming up and heating costs estimated to rise another 21%! That's $200/month!!!

Jobs, Healthcare, Energy... That's what I'm voting for.

--Vrock the Vote Nov 4th!!!

P.S. The Poll Tax could be said to still be alive and well. Have you seen the lines for early voting in some states? People are standing in line for HOURS! I don't know about you but my employer wouldn't be too keen on me being off a day or a half day to vote. Time is money and time spent in a line is money out of my pocket just the same as if they charged at the Ballot Box. Thankfully I'm going first thing in the morning and work afternoons and the weather will be unseasonably warm in Detroit.

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