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-Will take Qty4 16th lvl characters (mabe 5 if you guys beg!)
-Newer players especially welcome. Don't be intimidated by high level...You can just pick a stat block from NPC codex, worst case:)
-Any race/class
-I am rules lite, role playing is what I like
-Fair warning: I am busy at work, so I'm thinking 1 post per day. But I can't shake my pathfinder itch:(
-Dudes and dudettes, this module is killer...
-PCs will be accompanied by a bookworm NPC named Nixie. She could be a prior acquantance or blood relation to you if you like. She won't be useful in combat.

Ser Clay |

Here's Griff, a Numerian Engineer of some repute. Going to the moon you say? Bring a Railgun I say...
Griff Valaryon
Level 16 Gunslinger (techslinger Archtype) Human CN
traits: trapspringer, fate's favored
HP:196 AC:29(34)18/25 CMB:16 CMD:20 BAB:+16/11/6
Speed:40 Initiative:12(May Draw a weapon for free when I roll Init)
Str 10 *Permanancy Ant Haul (30 Strength for Carrying Capacity)
Dex 30 (+6 Belt)(+1 Book, Read)
Con 20 (+6 Belt)
Int 12
Wis 16 (+2 Ioun Stone)
Cha 7
F 20
R 25
W 15
Acrobatics 16 + 3 + 10 + 5 = 34
Craft technological arms and armor 16 + 3 + 1 = 20
Knowledge Engineering 16 + 3 + 1 = 20
Perception 16 + 3 + 2 = 21
Survival 16 + 3 + 2 = 21
Disable Device 16 + 3 + 10 + *10 Locks = 29/39
Feats 4 Class Bonus Feats, 9 Normal
Iron Will
Precise Shot
Point Blank Shot
Deadly Aim
Rapid Shot
Extra Grit
Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Signiture Deed: Covet Charge (Deed Costs 1 Less to Min of 0)
Quick Draw
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Heavy Weaponry
Technic Training: Add Dex to Damage with (Railgun, Death Ray, Arc Pistol, Zero Rifle}
Firearm Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Nimble: +4 AC in Light of No Armor
Deeds: See Below
-Covet Charge (Ex): At 1st level, a techslinger can spend 1 grit point to use 1 charge fewer than normal when firing a technological weapon (minimum 0), as long as the weapon has enough charges remaining to be fired at least once. This deed replaces deadeye.
-Gunslinger's Dodge (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger gains an uncanny knack for getting out of the way of ranged attacks. When a ranged attack is made against the gunslinger, she can spend 1 grit point to move 5 feet as an immediate action; doing so grants the gunslinger a +2 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. This movement is not a 5-foot step, and provokes attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, the gunslinger can drop prone to gain a +4 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. The gunslinger can only perform this deed while wearing medium or light armor, and while carrying no more than a light load.
-Reliable (Ex): At 1st level, a techslinger can spend 1 grit point as a free action to prevent a timeworn firearm from glitching. This deed replaces quick clear.
-Gunslinger Initiative (Ex): At 3rd level, as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she gains the following benefits. First, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. Furthermore, if she has the Quick Draw feat, her hands are free and unrestrained, and the firearm is not hidden, she can draw a single firearm as part of the initiative check.
-Charge Recycling (Ex): At 11th level, by spending 1 grit point, a techslinger can grant 1 temporary charge to a technological firearm, even if the firearm normally can no longer be recharged. This charge must be used within 1 hour or it fades. The techslinger can grant temporary charges to multiple firearms as long as she has enough grit, but temporary charges do not stack with themselves in the same firearm. At 15th level, the techslinger can grant 2 temporary charges when she uses this deed, and at 19th level, she can grant 3 temporary charges. This deed replaces expert loading.
-Pistol-Whip (Ex): At 3rd level, the gunslinger can make a surprise melee attack with the butt or handle of her firearm as a standard action. When she does, she is considered to be proficient with the firearm as a melee weapon and gains a bonus on the attack and damage rolls equal to the enhancement bonus of the firearm. The damage dealt by the pistol-whip is of the bludgeoning type, and is determined by the size of the firearm. One-handed firearms deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if wielded by Small creatures) and two-handed firearms deal 1d10 points of damage (1d8 if wielded by Small creatures). Regardless of the gunslinger's size, the critical multiplier of this attack is 20/×2. If the attack hits, the gunslinger can make a combat maneuver check to knock the target prone as a free action. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point.
-Heavy Weaponry Deeds (Ex): At 11th level, as long as the techslinger has at least 1 grit point, she can treat a heavy weapon as a firearm for the purpose of using deeds.
-Dead Shot (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the gunslinger can take careful aim and pool all of her attack potential into a single, deadly shot. When she does this, she shoots the firearm at a single target, but makes as many attack rolls as she can, based on her base attack bonus. She makes the attack rolls in order from highest bonus to lowest, as if she were making a full attack. If any of the attack rolls hit the target, the gunslinger's single attack is considered to have hit. For each additional successful attack roll beyond the first, the gunslinger increases the damage of the shot by the base damage dice of the firearm. For instance, if a 7th-level gunslinger firing a musket hits with both attacks, she does 2d12 points of damage with the shot, instead of 1d12 points of damage, before adding any damage modifiers. Precision damage and extra damage from weapon special abilities (such as flaming) are added with damage modifiers and are not increased by this deed. If one or more rolls are critical threats, she confirms the critical once using her highest base attack bonus –5. For each critical threat beyond the first, she reduces this penalty by 1 (to a maximum of 0). The gunslinger only misfires on a dead shot if all the attack rolls are misfires. She cannot perform this deed with a blunderbuss or other scatter weapon when attacking creatures in a cone. The gunslinger must spend 1 grit point to perform this deed.
-Startling Shot (Ex): At 7th level, a gunslinger with least 1 grit point can spend a standard action to purposely miss a creature that she could normally hit with a firearm attack. When she does, that creature becomes flat-footed until the start of its next turn.
-Targeting (Ex): At 7th level, as a full-round action, the gunslinger can make a single firearm attack and choose part of the body to target. She gains the following effects depending on the part of the body targeted. If a creature does not have one of the listed body locations, that part cannot be targeted. This deed costs 1 grit point to perform no matter which part of the creature she targets. Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are immune to these effects.
• Arms: On a hit, the target takes no damage from the hit but drops one carried item of the gunslinger's choice, even if the item is wielded with two hands. Items held in a locked gauntlet are not dropped on a hit.
• Head: On a hit, the target is damaged normally, and is also confused for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect.
• Legs: On a hit, the target is damaged normally and knocked prone. Creatures that have four or more legs or that are immune to trip attacks are immune to this effect.
• Torso: Targeting the torso threatens a critical on a 19–20.
• Wings: On a hit, the target is damaged normally, and must make a DC 20 Fly check or fall 20 ft.
-Bleeding Wound (Ex): At 11th level, when the gunslinger hits a living creature with a firearm attack, she can spend 1 grit point as a free action to have that attack deal extra bleed damage. The amount of bleed damage is equal to the gunslinger's Dexterity modifier. Alternatively, the gunslinger can spend 2 grit points to deal 1 point of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution bleed damage (gunslinger's choice) instead. Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are also immune to these types of bleed damage.
-Evasive (Ex): At 15th level, when the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she gains the benefit of the evasion, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge rogue class features. She uses her gunslinger level as her rogue level for improved uncanny dodge.
-Menacing Shot (Ex): At 15th level, the gunslinger can spend 1 grit point, shoot a firearm into the air, and affect all living creatures within a 30-foot-radius burst as if they were subject to the fear spell. The DC of this effect is equal to 10 + 1/2 the gunslinger's level + the gunslinger's Wisdom modifier.
-Slinger's Luck (Ex): At 15th level, the gunslinger can spend grit to reroll a saving throw or a skill check. It costs 2 grit points to reroll a saving throw, and 1 grit point to reroll a skill check. The gunslinger must take the result of the second roll, even if it is lower. The deed's cost cannot be reduced by the true grit class ability, the Signature Deed feat, or any other effect that reduces the amount of grit a deed costs.
Rail Gun(15,000gp) Heavy Weapon; 200 ft. 3d10 (bl and p) Crit x4, Slow Firing, touch, 14lbs. Capacity 10 , usage 1 Charge Ignores DR 10, Attacks everything in the line of it's range.
Shots fired from a rail gun bypass an object's first 10 points of hardness, and can completely penetrate targets without hardness. 10 Capacty, 0 to use*
When making an attack with a rail gun, make a single attack roll and compare that result to the ACs of all creatures in a line extending out to the weapon's maximum range. This weapon damages all targets with an AC equal to or lower than the attack roll. However, if the attack's damage fails to penetrate any target's hardness or damage reduction, this shot is blocked and cannot damage targets that are farther away.
Death Ray (70,000g) 1 Handed Firearm, 200 ft, 1 Canister*. Slow Firing, touch. Variable Charge usage* See Below 1lb
A death ray is a handheld, wand-like weapon that fires a harmless carrier beam of energy at a target. When the beam hits a target, the death ray then projects a stream of specialized nanites through the beam into the body of the target. When firing a death ray, the wielder must decide how many charges of nanites she is consuming, to a maximum of 10. Even if the wielder engineers a method of using a larger reserve of nanites than normally come in a canister, this maximum does not increase. Immediately upon being struck, the nanites inflict incredible pain on the target, which must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw to avoid a grisly fate (DC = 10 + twice the number of charges consumed by the attack). For example, if 1 charge is consumed, the target must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save to resist the death ray, but if all 10 charges are consumed in the attack, the DC to resist the effects is 30.
If the target fails this save, it takes 100 points of damage as the nanites tear apart the victim's cardiovascular system. On a successful saving throw, the victim takes only 6d6 points of damage. Creatures slain by a death ray die spectacularly, seeming to melt into a pool of blood that swiftly fades away. The victim's gear is unaffected by this attack. A death ray has no effect on creatures that aren't living (such as constructs or undead) and can't penetrate a force field. The wielder can't score critical hits with a death ray. A death ray has a maximum range of 200 feet with no range increment.
Gravity Suit(20,000) Max Dex - Speed 30 Capacity 24. 1 Charge per Hour, AC* A gravity suit consists of several black, flexible straps attached to a framework of delicate servos, thin plates, and small strips of black polymer plastic—this give it an appearance of being ineffective armor. The armor bonus provided by an unpowered gravity suit is +0, but when activated, the suit generates a field of gravitons around the wearer that grants a +5 armor bonus (this bonus is a force effect). This bonus is doubled when it applies to the wearer's CMD score against bull rush, overrun, and trip attempts, and slows any fall as if the wearer were under the effect of a feather fall spell.
At the cost of 1 additional charge per minute, the wearer of a gravity suit can fly at a speed of 60 ft. (average). Activating this ability is a standard action.
2x Arc Pistol (10,000gp for 2) 1 Handed Firearm, 50ft 1d8 Crit x2, electricity, touch, Semi-Auto, +2 to Attack Metal objects or creatures in armor.
Zero Rifle (10,000gp) 2 Handed Firearm, 150 ft, 2d6 Cold , Crit x2 (Any crit target must make a DC 15 save or be staggered 1 rnd) 1 charge, 10 capacity
+2 Wisdom Ioun Stone (8,000gp)
+6 Dex/Con Belt (90,000)
Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier (+1 Luck AC Helm, negate 1 crit/day.) (5000gp)
Boots of Striding and Springing (5,000)
Bag of Holding I (2500gp)
Cloak of Resistance +5 (25000gp)
20x Battery (1000gp) Each Battery contains 10 Charges.
Prismatic E-Pick (10000gp) +10 Disable Device Lockpicks
Amulet of Natural Armor +3 (18000)
Gravity Grenade x8 (9000)

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Ser Clay, Death Ray is 140,000gp, I think. scroll down here for list. I didn't check the rest of your values.

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Hi Adsal! Yes, Bearlie's game was super fun.
I've never GMed PFS before but I certainly can if that's what the group wants! I may have to PM you a question or two on how to get the reporting done accurately. And everyone would need to make PFS legal chars: so PFS numbered chars, 20pt buy, only legal races/classes, no item creation feats, ect.
What you guys like ta do? PFS or no PFS?

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As far as I remember, you can't make PFS characters like that. For PFS you need to have reached the level legally...well at least last time I read about it. So basically we would have to use pregen...which I'm not really a fan of.
Unless PFS has a different rule for modules but in general, I'm against it.

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Alright will spend the rest of my gold on consumable but for now this is my sheet(without skills):
Vidar Hemming
Male Human
Feral Hunter (Hunter) 14/Trophy Hunter (Ranger) 2
Hp ?/? (14d8+2d10+64+14 FCB)
AC 23, Touch 14, Flat-Footed 19 (+4 Dex, +9 armor)
Fort+18 Ref+18 Will+17
Bab +12/+7/+2
STR 14 DEX 14 (18 with animal focus) CON 14 (18 with animal focus) INT 10 WIS 26 CHA 10
Ranged Called Pistol +21/+16/+11 (1d8+4/x4)
Ranged Holy Pistol +20/+15/+10 (1d8+3/x4)
Magical Lineage: Reloading Hand.
Killer: Add crit modifier as damage on crits (not multiplied).
Feats: Still Spell (Human), Point-Blank Shot (1st), Amateur Gunslinger (Bonus), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bonus), Rapid Reload: pistol (3rd), Precise Shot (Bonus), Outflank (Bonus), Rapid Shot (5th), Shapeshifting Hunter (7th), Extend Spell (9th), Deadly Aim (11th), Weapon Focus: pistol (13th), Snap Shot (15th)
Abilities: Favored Enemies (Evil Outsiders+8, Humans+6, Giants+4, Changelings+2), Feral Focus, Firearms Style, Improved Tracking, Nature Training, Second Animal Focus, Swift Tracker, Track, Wild Empathy, Wild Shape (6/day).
Hunters spells known:
Hunter spells known (5th level)- Baleful Polymorph, Call Lightning Storm, Fickle Winds, Summon Nature’s Ally V
Hunter spells known (4th level)- Find Quarry, Flame Strike, Ice Storm, Strong Jaw, Summon Nature’s Ally IV
Hunter spells known (3rd level)-Call Lightning, Ice Spears, Instant Enemy, Named Bullet, Spike Growth, Summon Nature’s Ally III
Hunter spells known (2nd level)- Reloading Hands, Ricochet shot, Spider Climb, Stone Call, Versatile Weapon, Summon Nature’s Ally II
Hunter spells known (1st level)- Entangle, Glide, Jump, Longshot, Pass without a trace, Thunderstomp, Air Step, Summon Nature’s Ally I
Hunter spells known (Orisons)- Detect Magic, Guidance, Know Direction, Resistance, Spark, Virtue.
Ring of Natural Attunement (Drake) (12 880 gp), Ring of Freedom of Movement (40 000 gp), Called Pistol+4 (51 350 gp), Holy Pistol +3 (51 350 gp), Headband of Wisdom+6 (36 000 gp), Wild Mithral Chainshirt +5 (65 100 gp), Endless Bandolier (1500 gp), Wand of Abundant Ammunition [50/50] (750 gp), Alchemical paper cartridge [60] (720 gp), Boots of Speed (12 000 gp), Cloak of Resistance+5 (25 000 gp)
3 450 gp

Ser Clay |

I'd prefer not to play this via PFS rules. We'd have to use pre-gens since most PFS characters never advance beyond 12th level. Also no crafting in PFS, or Psionic 3rd party etc. I'll bow out if we're looking at running this as a PFS module I believe (Very few people have level 16 PFS characters) =)

Ser Clay |

Ser Clay, Death Ray is 140,000gp, I think. scroll down here for list. I didn't check the rest of your values.
I meant to reply to this :)
I crafted most of the tech for 50% value via Skills and Feats.

Mattastrophic |

Could I join with a 16th-level version of my now-20th level PFS character? I ended up GMing this one for my high-level PFS group, and never got to play with my lovely aristocrat.
Also... this has me wondering, do you guys know of any third-party material that would be appropriate this sort of PC?