Nearly gods... (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven

Nearly Gods-monastery

Upper and lower

Rough Map

Gnoll Tower

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male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

"Do you know of any room that is particularially flammable?

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Tell them to have a tournament. Then you kill the winner."

Male Human Inquisitor 9 | HP 26/71 | AC 25, touch 18, FF 19; CMD 24 | Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +15 | Initiative +13, Perception +21 (darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch)

Azulth groans. "Okay, how do you pantomime 'tournament?' I DON'T SPEAK GREMLIN, RAZZY!" Azulth angrily swipes at the closest of the creatures, although he doesn't intend to hit it.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Hmm, I could understand what they say, with an extract, but I couldnt talk TO them. What if you just draw a circle, put two of them in it, and give them weapons? They seem violent enough to get the idea already."

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

"Do none of you listen? I speak their language"

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Well then get talking!"

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

LOL!!! I was wondering if you guys even read Alton and my posts.

Alton tells the gremlins that they are to fight for their leader. To find the strong of the group they will fight amongst themselves. But before he can continue they all break into fighting each other en mass. Soon enough only eight of them are standing, likely exhausted as they look at each other and then to Azulth, likely hoping he will take them with him.

Several options here attack the last few or wait for them to finish off each other. There are lots of other options just throwing out those two. Alton you can post what you actually say which might have different outcomes, or leave it as is, your choice.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

yeah i mean i feel bad for the little s**!s but that aura of misfortune is ridiculous. Best case scenario we leave them out in the wild somewhere, or keep them with us but always 40ft away.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Yes you could keep them as bad luck charms against your enemies! LOL! Who knows you might be able to overcome the ability somehow, then again everyone even gnolls see them as vermin. Trust me I never imagined this would happen but it would make sense since Azulth was so powerful and easily wiped the floor with their leader.

The gremlins/pugwampis breathe heavily waiting for a sign from their leader or words from his great second who can speak to them.

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

if they could turn on/off their auras or selectively effect people they'd make great undead minions without that I don't know,

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

it occurrs to me that 8 gremlins are more manageable than the multitude previously before us, we have another option beside killing them, we could take them with us, instruct them not to steal from our group, I animate a few a few skeletons to stay with them, keep them out of trouble, add some numbers to them in case they are attacked without devoting serious resources to them, and presto we have a rear guard, half of which don't sleep,

Male Human Inquisitor 9 | HP 26/71 | AC 25, touch 18, FF 19; CMD 24 | Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +15 | Initiative +13, Perception +21 (darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch)

"I mean, they're pests, and I get this weird feeling whenever I'm around them, like I'm gonna trip or something, but we could bring them along. Keep them in the back, far enough away that they don't bother people." Azulth nods. "Should we just have them stay here while we go to the caravan, though?"

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

*Eeegghh* or something along that sound comes out of the halfling, "Yes I guess they are living things and with some training could be useful, do we even know if they have genders or how do they reproduce? I could keep an eye on them as you go get your caravan, who or what is in this caravan? Otherwise I will be in the forge."

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

"I could make you some more company, sadly they won't be very talkative, now then, are we in consensus?"

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Well, i do not know if they have genders or how they reproduce. They seem willing to cull their own numbers at Azulth's word easily enough, however. I DO agree that we should keep them out of sight of the folks of the caravan, as i did analyze and report that one of these creatures ruined the ritual of the old card-reader. To answer your last question, there are mostly Varisians and an errant gnoll or two in the caravan. They are looking to take this temple over."

posted from memory of RP months ago, hopefully no errors

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

"Gnolls with humans, the humans must be pretty strong to keep them working." the halfling says rather impressed. He waits for some kind of action.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"I think the gnoll has a sort of... affectation for one of the humans."

"Anyway, let's get moving then, eh group?"

"Hey, Mage you want to tell them to stand down and protect me? Should I take them to the kitchen or someplace else?" The halfling in the black robe says not knowing Alton's name.

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

"Certainly, for the record, my name is Alton, of the house VenRysn," he then communicated to the gremlins, congratulating them on being the strongest of their kind, and naming them their chief guards, telling them their first job was to protect the halfling, while the rest of them went to join up with our caravan,
After communicating such he goes to animate 8 of the fallen gremlins, how many HD would that be

HP: 108/108, AC: 25_T:25_FF: 12, Perception +9, Initiative: +4, F: +10 _ R: +9 _ W: +13(+15 vs. fear), CMB: +7, CMD: 21, Speed: 40 ft.
Other Skills:
Halfing Monk: Acrobatics +10, Bluff -1, Climb +8, Escape Artist +7, Handle Animal -1, Religion/History +6, Perform +3, Ride +3, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +6

"Ah nice to meet you, you may call me Baris," He says happily.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

That would be 8 HD

The gremlins cheer and sway their weapons above their heads. One, likely the strongest or at least most intelligent comes up to Alton, "What do we do with the fallen, bring back to health or eat?"

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

well met barris he says with a grin before turning to the speaking one,you may eat the ones that do not move if you wish, I have no orders regarding them, but gather all your belongings, weapons and valuables, for soon we leave, stay in the ruin until our return."

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Interesting turn of events. Not sure the lady will like it, but she shouldn't be too mad as long as we take them with us."

The little vermin look at Alton confused, then they pick up their few meager possessions, drag the dead bodies and carry only a few away with them following the halfling as he goes to the forge.

Male Human Inquisitor 9 | HP 26/71 | AC 25, touch 18, FF 19; CMD 24 | Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +15 | Initiative +13, Perception +21 (darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch)

"So. Uh. Back to the caravan?"

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Sounds like it. Was there anything else in the basement?"

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

You did not look in the basement.

There is not much mirth with the little creatures as they drag the barely living and dead bodies of their family with them away from your group.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"wait... we didn't clear the basement. Let's do that."

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

"Shall I set it ablaze?"fire, that's all they think magic's good for

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"the basement? No. There might be texts down there."

Male Human Inquisitor 9 | HP 26/71 | AC 25, touch 18, FF 19; CMD 24 | Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +15 | Initiative +13, Perception +21 (darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch)

"Books? Alright, alright. Let's go looking..." Azulth grumbles to himself, content to follow Arasmes on the way to the basement.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Alright, let's go. Maybe keep those things up here or something, don't want them getting in our way."

Arasmes leads the way downstairs, keeping an eye out for threats.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
Inspiration: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 6) = 7 (take better of those two and add to above)
+2 to spot traps; +4 to hear details or find concealed/secret objects

Perception 20
22 vs traps
24 vs audio details or concealed/secret objects

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Sorry been busy and trouble sleeping.

The monastery’s undercrypt is a series of ten-foot-wide rough-hewn passages dug in a double-cross formation. The main thoroughfare runs north to south, with two similar eastwest passages crossing the main hall about fifty feet apart. An eerie silence pervades the cool subterranean funerary network, which must contain the bodies of scores—if no hundreds—of honored worshipers of Sarenrae in shallow niches carved into the walls of the east-west passages. Many of these skeletal remains have been roughly tossed from their niches, and countless bones and skulls line the floor.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Even a casual look at the remains littering the floor shows signs of a struggle. Some skeletons lie jumbled up against a wall where they fell, their skulls crushed by the blow of a weapon. Many wear the faded orange robes of monastery clerics, often with signs of crippling injuries suffered at the hands of their betrayers.

DM notes:

A20a. A pile of skeletons bearing terrible broken bones
lies at the terminus of this passage. A +1 mace is still
clutched in the bony grip of a skeleton here.
A20b. A corpse of a man in yellowing leather armor—
clearly not a member of the monastic community—lies
at the end of this passage. He wears a suit of masterwork
leather armor and bears a +1 dagger.
A20c. Buried under a jumble of bones at the end of
this passage is a small teak box emblazoned with the
holy symbol of Sarenrae. The box contains a wooden holy
symbol of Sarenrae suspended from a silver chain and a
fully charged brooch of shielding.
Claiming the Monastery
When the PCs have cleared out the monastery and are
confident its dangers are handled, proceed with Part
Three. Award the PCs XP as if they had defeated a CR 3
creature in combat for this achievement.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

"Hmm. I wonder if these guys are gonna attack us."

Arasmes takes a piece of debris from nearby and throws it down into the mass of skeletons, to try to stir them to attack if they have the ability.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

No sign of reanimation, yet.

Do you all have Darkvision? Otherwise state how you see.

The catacombs have absolutely no light, even with it being night.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

Darkvision 60

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

Alton takes the broach and offers the weapons to his Conrad's seeing as he already had a magic weapon.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

Arasmes will explore using the left hand rule, following the tunnels keeping the left wall within arm's reach. He will reassess periodically to ensure there are no areas he has missed.

Arasmes will take the dagger if Azulth doesnt want it.

Male Human Inquisitor 9 | HP 26/71 | AC 25, touch 18, FF 19; CMD 24 | Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +15 | Initiative +13, Perception +21 (darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch)

Azulth's scimitar glows as a torch like some magic weapons, if that's acceptable.

Azulth follows behind the others, his scimitar shedding a dim light as he walks. Catching a glint of metal, he pauses at the same body from which Alton takes the brooch, and slips the symbol of Sarenrae around his neck. Nodding for Arasmes to keep the dagger, he continues behind them, absently humming a tune under his breath, though he treads silently.

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Alton what broach? Weapons? Guys!!! My notes not yours!
Anyways, I can assume you are taking a 10 to search the place?
Azulth that is fine for your weapon to shine.

Moving on then... a few hours later you get to the end of the catacombs...

You find a door, this is assuming you searched all the catacombs before exploring the door.

Azulth, excellent description. :)

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

A19. Laboratory

This chamber seems to be an enormous laboratory. Against the north and south walls are two identical daises raised about five feet from the laboratory floor, each accessed by a wide set of curved stairs. Atop each dais is a wide workbench covered in a bewildering series of glass beakers, tubes, alembics, athanors, and other alchemical tools. Some of these containers are filled with a murky green substance.

A massive mold-encrusted basalt table dominates the entrance of the room, flanked by two small tables to the east and west containing surgical tools and sheaves of old parchment. The walls of the subterranean lab were clearly fashioned from the living rock under the monastery, but carefully cut mold-encrusted tiles line the floor, interrupted occasionally by metal drains the size of dinner plates.

Please move yourselves to a specific location when doing the spot check.

if you approach the glass apparatus on the north or south walls, DC 20 Spot check or K: Nature check:
You notice the liquid within quivers ever so slightly. Both series of tubes and beakers contain an ooze—a slime mold.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

Perception: 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 10 + (2) = 31 plus bonus vs traps, concealed stuff, etc

Arasmes approaches the nearest alchemical station.

Male Human Inquisitor 9 | HP 26/71 | AC 25, touch 18, FF 19; CMD 24 | Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +15 | Initiative +13, Perception +21 (darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch)

Azulth stands by while the others search, less because he wouldn't understand it--he probably would--but more because he isn't interested in alchemy and the like. It was always more of Razzy's thing, y'know?

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

yes, hahah! i was immediately drawn to it!

Arasmes will generally fiddle with things in an attempt to combat the vile fungus ooze mold stuff if possible, without fighting it.

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

sorry, I had a post but apparently the site ate it, and I didn't realize such. I'll put up a post now Alton looks where Arasmes was examining the vials perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25 "do you figure the slimes might be ambulatory? We might be able to weaponize them, chuck them in their glass vials and have them attack whoever they're throne at"

Silver Crusade

Nearly Gods Upper and lower

Slime molds explode from the vials also one shoots out from a pipe near the doorway attempting to land on Azulth.

A total of four slime molds are attacking. One is not visible anymore for it slipped into the drainage system as the other three each attack one of you.

Alton and Arasmes you both get to act in surprise round. Also please roll your initiative.
initiative: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5

The molds simply try to slam Alton and Arasmes, but the third tries to encompass Azulth's head, landing on him.

attack on Alton: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
attack on Arasmes: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
attack on Azulth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 still need to succeed on a touch attack before engulfing your head.

Feel free to check out slime molds in beasiary 2 for their stats.

male Grey Elf Oracle (bones, black blooded, duel cursed) 5/arcanist 3/glory rouge 2 (mageslayer)

initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 Alton steps back five feat firing off a ray of arcane fire at the nearest slime1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 4d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 3, 1, 6) + 4 = 20 "well I guess that answers that question, but I meant for our enemies would be the ones to be harmed by the slimes." He quips preparing to slice through the next one with his blade to conserve the last remaining arcane magics he had left

Alton's blast decimates the slime as it burns away.

HP 34/38 Sirocco-born
HP: 38/38, AC: 23 _ T: 16 _ FF: 17 _ Perception +10*, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +3, Fort +6* _ Ref +9* _ Will +8* (+X vs trap, enchant, poison, sun), CMB: +9, CMD: 23*, Speed: 30*
Investigator 5 // Monk (MoMS) 3 / Rogue (Investigator) 2

init: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Arasmes runs up and tries to discorporate one with his fist.

fighting defensively: 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 7 - 2 = 21
fist: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Now AC 27

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