Music by Morricone: A Stone and a Hard Place Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Loup Blanc

Chapter 3: Vengeance Ride

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Hey all, just checking in to see if there's any reason behind the somewhat slower post rate of the past few days. I know Sam's busy with stuff IRL, but it seems like a couple other folks aren't posting as frequently either. Are people just busy, or is there something I can do to keep things moving?

I opened the page to post one day and got sidetracked and then forgot I hadn't. =/

Will post later today.

Hah, no problem, just wanted to make sure I hadn't upset people or something.

Wounds: 0/3 | Bennies: 4/3 | Parry: 5 | Charisma: +2 | Grit: 1 | Pace: 6 | Power Points: 10/10

First: Cool, Cornealius is back!

Second: Since the Fallout game is going on, maybe people wouldn't be interested, but I'm starting a Deadlands: Hell on Earth (the post-apocalypse time period of this setting) and I'm looking for players, if anyone is interested.

Also, I think it goes without saying, but yes! Welcome back, Cornelius. Glad to see you here again. Hope things are going better.

Bennies 2/3 | Wounds 0/3 | Parry 5 | Toughness 5 | Charisma 0 (2 if respect military) | Grit 1 | Pace 6 | Xp 5

Meh, not really.

A big part of the reason I've been down:

I'm working as an on site vendor at a major company through a staffing company...sort of a permanent temp... and have been trying to get a permanent position within this major company.

I have just been turned down for the third time without so much as an interview with said company even though I've been working in their building with their people and have a reference from a department manager and am consistently among the top numbers in my department - which includes employees of the company from over 30 years from before they started hiring outside vendors for this work.

Part of my job includes listening to mistakes the people who work in this job I'm applying for and trying to correct them. Every idiotic grammar mistake or basic spelling goof up I encounter rubs further salt in the wound that the half-a-tards who would fail a second grade English test I have to fix the mistakes of got legit positions with the company that have amazing benefits and pre-60 retirement with an old fashioned pension, and I, a person apparently so good I'm the go to trainer for new employees in my department, am not worthy of so much as an interview.

Every day hurts a little more because I'm constantly reminded by how f@%*ing stupid the people they actually hired are and how I don't even get a second glance. I'm not joking. I actually was an elementary school teacher before and I've literally seen second graders who would not make these mistakes. I wasn't joking when I said these people would fail an elementary class....and they didn't just get an interview, they have the job.

The problem is hiring is done by the corporate office in another state. Even with management references here, on paper I look bad, because I job hopped a lot for a few years.

Oof. That's rough, man. I don't know that there's any more I can say than that, but I get your pain.

How different is Hell on Earth?

Wounds: 0/3 | Bennies: 4/3 | Parry: 5 | Charisma: +2 | Grit: 1 | Pace: 6 | Power Points: 10/10

@Cornealius: Wow. That's just plain awful. I feel for you.

@Sundakan: A lot in some ways, not a lot in others. The short version is that everything got blown to Hell (in an almost literal sense) by ghost rock powered nukes in 2081 and now the wild west is the wasted west. It's got a lot of similar themes, but the bandits ride motorcycles instead of horses (sometimes) and there's a bunch more alternate history to go through. For example, humanity discovered another inhabited solar system and colonized another planet, had a war with the natives, and came back.

That sounds pretty cool.

Wounds: 0/3 | Bennies: 4/3 | Parry: 5 | Charisma: +2 | Grit: 1 | Pace: 6 | Power Points: 10/10

I greatly enjoy it. There's a lot more if you have any specific thing you're interested in.

Grand Lodge

Strength d8 (2) Agility d8 (2) Spirit d6 (1) Smarts d4 (0) Vigor d6 (1)
Toughness: 5(6) Parry: 6 Pace: 4 Charisma: 0 Bennies: 2/3
Fighting d12, Guts d8 (4), Gambling d4(1), Lockpicking d6(2), Shooting d8 (3), Smite d4 (0), Healing d4 (0)

@Scruffy: That's rough man.

Behold thee wall o'text:
I am not in that situation, but as a 24 y/o engineering student all the jobs I can look up to for now are barman, barman, McDonalds employee and barman. In Spain there's a thing going on I like to call "F$*+ you, you are young" in which you don't get even simple jobs without experience in the field, but how can you get experience if they don't hire you? And with all the unemployment going around, there's plenty of old timers getting jobs that historically were thought for youngsters. So here I am, thinking about moving to greener parts. Like, literally, I'm trying to move to Ireland
Wish you the best luck!

@Irish redhead hotty: Simple question... are there rules to play a robot/android/cyborg in Hell on Earth? I love post-apoc, and I have just decided that if I were to join that I would like to be either a Ninja Steel Man From the Dark Side of the Moon (or NiStMan FroDSiMo) or Eddytron 3000, Eddy's brain in a metal body.

Wounds: 0/3 | Bennies: 4/3 | Parry: 5 | Charisma: +2 | Grit: 1 | Pace: 6 | Power Points: 10/10

Cyborgs are indeed a thing. They're harrowed that have been fitted out with a ton of cybernetics to turn them into super soldiers.

Sorry about some of the longer posts that have been coming up, guys, but it's unavoidable at times when I want to set up the NPCs and even the campaign itself has them talking to each other. Hopefully it's broken up enough to be easily readable.

Does anyone have any more questions for Wyatt at this point? If you guys want to RP or do anything, now's the time; otherwise, I'll move us forward tomorrow evening.

Sorry for the delays, everyone--things have been hectic this week and I've been dealing with a lot of stuff IRL. I don't know that I'll get up a post tonight, but hopefully by tomorrow I'll have enough time and the right head space to move us forward.

Re: Eddy the Hero: I'm okay with that switch, since it hasn't really come up yet and Eddy's certainly been acting rather Heroic so far. I'd prefer this be the last outright change to characters, though, as we're quickly entering the campaign proper and territory where characters should only develop, not change their past.

Male Something similar to human, but one can never be sure without a DNA test Multiclass Slacker/Gamer...I'm trying to get into Eldrich Napper

Hey guys, I'm sorry but life has gotten to the point where I cannot consistently post, and I don't have time for my online games anymore. This includes both as a player and as a GM. I've enjoyed playing with most of you for almost a year now, but I just can't go on. I'm sorry. I hope you understand.

As I posted in your Fallout game, sorry to see you go, but I understand. Best of luck, and hopefully everything will get better and we'll game again someday. In the meanwhile, do what you can, and all our best wishes go with you.

Wounds: 0/3 | Bennies: 4/3 | Parry: 5 | Charisma: +2 | Grit: 1 | Pace: 6 | Power Points: 10/10

It's a shame to see you go, but real life simply doesn't cooperate sometimes. Good luck man.

I suppose it's better to bring up now than later: what do you guys want to do in terms of getting a new player or pressing forward? I think we still have a solid party and can move on without a sixth member, but if you guys would like to have someone else I'm certainly not against it. Sundakan, I know at one point you'd mentioned your brother was interested?

Grand Lodge

Strength d8 (2) Agility d8 (2) Spirit d6 (1) Smarts d4 (0) Vigor d6 (1)
Toughness: 5(6) Parry: 6 Pace: 4 Charisma: 0 Bennies: 2/3
Fighting d12, Guts d8 (4), Gambling d4(1), Lockpicking d6(2), Shooting d8 (3), Smite d4 (0), Healing d4 (0)

I always like meeting new people that I can later daze in shitbricking amazement with stupidly heroic -or heroically stupid?- acts.

That said, final decission lies in group consensus and DM choice.

Wounds: 0/3 | Bennies: 4/3 | Parry: 5 | Charisma: +2 | Grit: 1 | Pace: 6 | Power Points: 10/10

I'm alright with just keeping moving, but if we have someone in mind, I'm certainly not against a replacement either.

I'm fine with either going on with nobody else or whichever person you choose. My brother initially showed interest, but never even bothered to read the rulebook.

Alright, at this point I'll plan to keep us moving without looking for anybody new just yet. We may go looking for someone in a little while though.

As I've no doubt many of you have seen in other campaigns, I'm going to be off on a trip to France for my university soon. The trip starts this Thursday and goes until the 1st of June, so for about 3 weeks I'll be traveling, most of which will be spent at a chateau where I'll help with the renovation. It promises to be a fun time, but likewise, it will definitely impact my ability to post on here. Internet in some places shouldn't be bad, but at the chateau site it may be quite spotty, and also I probably won't have a great deal of free time to be on here.

That said, I'm hoping I'll be able to get on at least infrequently and check in, but this game may go slowly for the next few weeks. Fortunately we're moving into setup for another Savage Tale before continuing the main campaign, so as long as you guys are down for some free time to RP and interact with yourselves and some NPCs, it should work out fine. On that note, let's go ahead and do another round of Interludes as the group makes their way back to Tombstone!

Biff: Hearts (Love)
Claire: Diamonds (Desire)
Eddy: Spades (Victory)
Sam: Diamonds (Desire)

Any questions or comments, let me know!

Grand Lodge

Strength d8 (2) Agility d8 (2) Spirit d6 (1) Smarts d4 (0) Vigor d6 (1)
Toughness: 5(6) Parry: 6 Pace: 4 Charisma: 0 Bennies: 2/3
Fighting d12, Guts d8 (4), Gambling d4(1), Lockpicking d6(2), Shooting d8 (3), Smite d4 (0), Healing d4 (0)

I will go for it tonight, gotta study!

#Only2FinalsLeft #OhGodWhyImDoingThis #IHateTheseThings #IFeelTheWarpOvertakingMe

Whoo, howdy all. Finally back here and ready to get up a post this evening. I'm sorry for the big delay and my lack of posting at all while I was gone; the Internet where we were staying was spotty at best the whole time, and I didn't have a great deal of time to post in any case, so I was more or less just offline from the boards for those three weeks. Then this last one I've been trying to settle back in at home, get moved in and set up and checking through all my games, some of which had hundreds of new posts. But, here I am, so I think we can get things moving again. Hopefully the momentum hasn't totally died.

And a Benny each to Sam, Claire, and Eddy for your Interludes. Sundakan, if you want to post Biff's story in the coming days feel free. As I said before my trip, we're gearing up for another Savage Tale here before the campaign proper drives forward any further.

Wounds: 0/3 | Bennies: 4/3 | Parry: 5 | Charisma: +2 | Grit: 1 | Pace: 6 | Power Points: 10/10

Very eager to get back to this. Let's get this show on the road!

Sorry, I've found myself on an impromptu (for me) trip to Baltimore, just from yesterday into tomorrow. The hotel we're at has wifi so I'm able to post, just with less free time to organize my thoughts and write up the next bit than expected. I'll have something up this evening.

So, as I've mentioned a lot of other places (so most of you have probably seen this) I was in a really bad car accident. I'll be doing my best to keep up, but I'm on a tight schedule for another day or two before I have a lot of free time to devote to things I'd like to be doing, and then I've got a follow-up with my family doctor to make sure the hospital didn't miss anything important that might, you know, kill me or something.

Samuel Warren wrote:
"Truth be told, I'm surprised the man isn't here... or perhaps I just haven't seen him."

Haha, silly you, thinking I'd offer the chance for that enemy arc to end so soon. No, I've got plans for our Mister Harris.

Can those plans involve a Wild West Yugioh showdown? I vote yes, on the grounds that it would be super rad.

Well, Deadlands is one of the few RPGs where you could realistically yell "It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-DUEL!" So basically it's my hope that at some point that will happen.

Hey guys, I'm posting this in all my active games so everyone is aware of it; I'll be traveling abroad to Iceland for about three weeks through my university starting on Thursday. I should have reasonable access to internet while I'm there since we're primarily staying in its two larger cities, but I don't know how often I'll have the time to post since I'm on a trip through school and not traveling by myself. I imagine I'll be able to post on a semi-regular basis, but I want everyone to know I probably won't be posting once a day for the next three weeks or so. Some days I'll probably post fairly regularly, and others I might not be here for a few days. I'll try to keep you guys updated on when I'll be around and when I won't, but the truth is I don't exactly know.

If I'm gone for a few days, feel free to take control of my character if we need to move on or if there's something specifically relating to me needing to post, as I can't guarantee I'd be able to answer it in a timely fashion. Anyway, I'll still be here for the next few days, and if I'm not around for a while, have fun gaming!

Eddy? Biff? You guys still here?

Grand Lodge

Strength d8 (2) Agility d8 (2) Spirit d6 (1) Smarts d4 (0) Vigor d6 (1)
Toughness: 5(6) Parry: 6 Pace: 4 Charisma: 0 Bennies: 2/3
Fighting d12, Guts d8 (4), Gambling d4(1), Lockpicking d6(2), Shooting d8 (3), Smite d4 (0), Healing d4 (0)

Got hit real bad these last week with my final exam, I am real sorry for not having anticipated it and warned you.

I will post as soon as I wake up and set my laptop, gotta comically try to woo this fine lady!

P.s.-Once again, I am really sorry for my low rate of post these past few days, it caught me by surprise (I completely misread my lasyexam dates and thought I had one more week)

Sorta same here. Weird work schedule and worked in my mom's birthday in there somewhere.

Male Human Commoner 2/ Philosopher 2/ Gamer 5/ Writer 5

No problem, just wanted to check in and see if anything was up. Eddy in particular, I know you've had some trouble with campaigns disappearing on you, so I just wanted to see if something was wrong.

Wounds: 0/3 | Bennies: 4/3 | Parry: 5 | Charisma: +2 | Grit: 1 | Pace: 6 | Power Points: 10/10

Do we all see him now that he's been exposed, or should I wait for Sam to say something before I go for my gun in a crowded hallway?

Male Human Commoner 2/ Philosopher 2/ Gamer 5/ Writer 5

At this point in time in the game, Sam's the only one who's actually spotted the man. If he points him out to the rest of you you'll be able to spot him and at that point you could try and shoot to your heart's content... except that as soon as Sam starts shouting about him, the man is liable to start pushing and running. And then we'll break out the Chase rules!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Strength d8 (2) Agility d8 (2) Spirit d6 (1) Smarts d4 (0) Vigor d6 (1)
Toughness: 5(6) Parry: 6 Pace: 4 Charisma: 0 Bennies: 2/3
Fighting d12, Guts d8 (4), Gambling d4(1), Lockpicking d6(2), Shooting d8 (3), Smite d4 (0), Healing d4 (0)

Chase rules... interesting, but counteroffer: how hard would it be to start punching through walls to shortcut? What if I were to supercharge with chi my fists?

Ah, this reminds me so much of my Goliath Barbarian back in 3.5... "When Pelor closes a door... YOU SMASH THROUGH THE WALL BESIDE IT"

Off the top of my head: roll Strength instead of Agility, and be prepared to owe the Grand Hotel a lot of money in reparations. The claim to a newly-found gold vein would probably cover it.

In all seriousness though, the Chase probably wouldn't involve a lot of obstacles of going through walls; it'd mostly be down the stairs and out onto the streets of town. I suppose if you rolled well enough you could break right through the floor to skip some crowding and a flight of stairs, but that wouldn't be much of a net gain, and again, lots of money in damages.

Hey all, posting in all my games to say that as of this evening I'm going camping with family and then paintballing for several days, so I won't be able to post. I'll be back the evening of Sunday the 10th, and hopefully I'll be back to regular posting and catching up then or Monday morning.

By the by, to help speed things along, I'm thinking it might not be a bad idea to preroll your Agility tests for the rest of the Chase. That way I can just draw the Action Cards for each round and get going without an extra round of posting and waiting and posting again. The downside is that you'll know roughly how you can do each round ahead of time, and spending Bennies on these rolls would be super risky since you don't know what all's to come, so if you guys don't want to do that, it's fine too. Just wanted to give you all an option to start stuff along while I'm away.

Hey everybody, anything up? I'm seeing a lot of silence over in Gameplay, maybe because you're unsure of what to do, or maybe because people don't have any actions to take for Round 1 of the Chase where we kind of let off, but what's happening? The game seems to have come to a crashing halt here.

Grand Lodge

Strength d8 (2) Agility d8 (2) Spirit d6 (1) Smarts d4 (0) Vigor d6 (1)
Toughness: 5(6) Parry: 6 Pace: 4 Charisma: 0 Bennies: 2/3
Fighting d12, Guts d8 (4), Gambling d4(1), Lockpicking d6(2), Shooting d8 (3), Smite d4 (0), Healing d4 (0)

I was actually waiting for the rest to post, as I screwed up and fell down the stairs, more or less, just before your vacations.

But if it helps moving things forward, I will give you some classic Eddy as soon as I arrive home!

I posted, was just waiting for results.

Fair enough, I just wanted to check in to see if people were confused about anything. As far as results, I can't really give those just yet, since we need to figure out who's going when and actually get to see when the opportunity presents itself to Biff for such mighty chip-flicking.

I've been waiting for everyone else to go, since I suck and don't get to summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon at him yet.

Wounds: 0/3 | Bennies: 4/3 | Parry: 5 | Charisma: +2 | Grit: 1 | Pace: 6 | Power Points: 10/10

I already said that I'm not doing anything other than continuing to run after they guy this round. I'm not opening fire in the middle of a crowd with a -4 to hit. I'm not crazy.

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