DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine: The functionary bows deeply. "A magnificent and tasteful choice, My Lady, of course." Your assistants come into the room and quickly get to work hanging paintings, putting up stands, arranging stones; implementing the layout as you instructed them earlier. Just as they are finishing, guests begin to enter, their eyes alight with curiosity. Shoto Imuri and Sera Aki-Kirei receive many looks of naked jealousy as they enter together. Tongues will wag from their proximity to each other, that is certain.
Numerous guests approach you with compliments for your peerless taste and immaculate style. You notice three young noblewomen -- their name escapes you at the moment -- all daughters of the same house, have their hair colored blue by glamer to match yours. They cover the lower halves of their faces with their expensive fans and blink coyly at you. You wonder if they know that they are standing by a painting called "Lover's Deceit" that was done by a talented young cloud dragon.
The functionary and his staff help direct the flow of people and quickly get servers in to refresh guests' tea and appetizers.
Is it your intent to head directly to the Imperial Gardens at this time? You are not certain where the emperor is at the moment, or if he is receiving visitors.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: Sera-Chan leans in just slightly closer than propriety might normally allow and whispers to you, her voice like a falling flower petal. "...oh Imuri-san, I thank you for escorting me, for though I appear happy on the outside, I am sad on the inside. The little store I showed you last night was robbed, and the painting, taken. It is so unfortunate that such things could transpire during such already-difficult times." Her smile as she looks about the room is as sharp as any katana. "The white tengu, I have learned, are skilled acrobats, and thieves, and assassins. It was in my lesson today, in which I was taught many things. Would you like to hear more? I always find discussing the ways of other peoples to be fascinating conversation, don't you think?"
You can just do one roll for both of these checks. Read whichever ones you clear.

Shoto Imuri |

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15 Just freaking awful.
Imuri does not trust the functionary, nor does he trust anyone he does not know that is associated with the mysterious...creature..called Wong Tsai. He looks past Aki-Kirai very briefly and notices the flower pattern.
Aki-Kirai-san, he whispers so no one else can hear. We are rivals by tradition, but our Empire is in danger. There are many mysteries around us and few have the skill and breeding to save all that we have grown. Moreover, you and I are the inheritors of the greatest families. I must ask for the sake of my Empire, and for the sake of my family. Can we unite resources against such things, or is the line of so many years still drawn between us after today's events? He winks very slightly at her before raising his voice.
I ask your opinion, Sera-chan, because as a creature of renouned beauty you must have some authority on the matter. Do you feel this painting is up to the ocassion it is presented for?
Sleight of Hand, with Hero Point up front 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34

Tokine Nagano |

So she will try to go there quickly as she behind in her timing. But she does find a palace scribe and inks a note to take with her. If denied entry, she will go to the hall where the main gathering will occur and place the art pieces on the low table to either side of where the Emperor will be seated.
The note she hopes to leave in the garden.
Great and Wise Emperor. Pardon my intrusion upon your meditation. I have come across a set of miraculous art that cuts deep at a possible conspiracy against your august rule. Even here in your private garden, I am weary of leaving them unguarded as attempted have already been made to steal them. I would have entrusted them to San Pen, but I have failed to find him here tonight. I saw another of your advisers tonight, Chujitsuna Kage. I will contact him to perhaps arrange a viewing.
your loyal servant,
Curator Nagano

Kyras Dragonborn |

Round 5, Initiative 18
Scorching Ray 1d20 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 4 - 1 = 15
--> Damage 4d8 + 8 ⇒ (6, 3, 6, 1) + 8 = 24
Scorching Ray 1d20 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 4 - 1 = 15
--> Damage 4d8 + 8 ⇒ (5, 5, 8, 4) + 8 = 30
The Dragon maintains its hold over Kyras, though the rage slips away as the Dragon tries to conserve its strength. With a roar, he launches an intense fire, hotter than a furnace, out of his hands at the door. The door buckles and cracks under the extraordinary heat, unable to bear the pressure of the fire's intensity. He shouts, his voice a mix of Kyras's natural throat and the Dragon's primal one. "VU!"
50 damage should be enough to destroy any wooden door. A strong wooden door has 5 hardness and 20 hit points, so this would be enough to destroy it twice over.
AC: 18 (+5 armor, +0 Dex, +2 natural, +4 shield, -1 size, -2 rage)
hp: 76/91
Spells: 2/7 1st, 1/5 2nd
Rage: 1/8
Current: shield, 6 minutes; enlarge person, 6 minutes; fatigued, 8 rounds

DM Downrightamazed |

Hahahahaaa, awesome! I love it; KABOOOOOOM!
Azami, ever the stoic warrior, barely flinches as fire pours out of your hands and shreds the door, even though her hair and eyebrows are rather singed. She favors you with a rare -- if barely noticeable -- smile. "Yeah. I didn't want to go in the front, either." she deadpans.
The door having been...removed...you are looking into a corridor roughly ten feet wide, with a nine-foot ceiling. It is constructed entirely out of wood. This hall goes ahead about 15' before curving to the left. It is from around this curve that you hear a panicked "YIPE!" and Vu's distinctive voice saying "Where are the twins? Damn it to all the hells, where are the twins?"
Azami raises her katana and prepares to charge down the corridor.
We'll re-roll initiative when you catch up with them. Want to give you a chance to roll stealth or somesuch, if you want it.

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras seizes control as the Dragon's energy saps away. Realizing that his sword is laying in the alley, he darts over to pick it back up. Utterly drained by drawing so deeply on his rage and the Dragon's magic. With a groan, he looks at the corridor too small to walk in while magically enlarged. He closes his eyes and lets the magic dissipate, shrinking to his normal size. Now at Azami's eye level, he gives her a look and enters the ruined door. Rounding the corner, he locks eyes with Vu. Holding his sword out, he points it at the fox spirit. He is a frightening sight, blood dripping down his jaw from tearing the throat out of her hireling. "Vu, I am going to kill you unless you surrender right now. Give me the Princess or die!"
Intimidate 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24
It takes him 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 rounds to get into position.

![]() |

Seeing his compliment was lost, as the Noble Imuri swept Aki-Kirei off, he smiled again. He would have to learn about this man, his family, abilities and goals. As he made his way around the room he eventually made his way to the display room where he had last seen the Curator. As he entered though he bowed low to the functionary and to emphasize his apology. "You are a master of your craft and it would please me greatly if I had someone to explain the marvelous pieces displayed here so elegantly. Regrettably my memory as been slipping as of late and I am most ashamed to be unable to recall when we last met. I am Kage, Chujitsuna and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance once more."
K: Nobility: basic knowledge of Imuri's family 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Basic because he is at a party and doesn't have the time to contemplate or read. Besides I think Chu was around before Imuri's grandfather was even born. I'm old... lol ;D

Tokine Nagano |

"Oh Adviser Kage. I had hoped to get the chance to talk. I believe we were introduced by my dear friend San Pen, but it was some time ago. I had hoped to see him here tonight, but I am sure the duties of an Adviser are varied and must take priority to one's desire to see a friend at a gathering." There is a little more than just disappointment in her voice.
"But, I am honored that someone of your lineage has the opportunity to see the assembled works my Temple has gathered for this event."
After taking a complete turn through the hall explaining the provenance of each item and its significance. "I do not want to monopolize your time, but there is a unique piece I wish the Emperor to see. Is there a private place we may go? With Sifu San Pen absent, you may be my only chance to pass along this....find." The last word conveys a sense of discovery.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras: Vu, always brave at a distance, begins hollering back at you. "Dammit, Erodal! You're as bad as your sister! You thrice-damned Warbanians never learn, do you? Don't you set foot in here or I'll slit the elf's throat before you ca-UH!" There is a loud *WHUD* and Vu stops talking. You hear a loud gasp, the sound of someone's breath escaping through a hole in their lung, and then the thudding noise of two bodies hitting the floor. Immediately after, there is a scraping sound, and around the corner comes a man. He is armed, and he is dragging the unconscious forms of both Vu and Princess Eru behind him.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: The exceedingly graceful and lovely Sera Aki gives you a strangely inscrutable sideways look and another one of those smiles that you know has crushed the heart of a thousand lesser men, and speaks up, just loudly enough that many pause in their conversations to hang on her words. "No, noble Imuri-san, it is not." There are gasps. Aki-san smiles a smile that would make fox spirits blush, such is its mischievousness, and continues.
"The Curator Nagano, blessed as she is by our goddess Shelyn, sharing even her celestial blood, surely has reasons and instincts beyond those of mere mortals like ourselves for selecting the pieces she has chosen. I see before me a progression of cultures and styles, crossing the Land itself in a journey of artistic variations and motivations, such that no painting may be taken entirely on its own merits, but instead must be considered as piece of the whole of the presentation, such that each person must circulate through the entire room and experience all the works and contemplate them then, as a whole, and as pieces, and as all in between. So, "no" this painting is not up to the task, not by itself. But your question, Imuri-san, is well-asked in that it forces us all to consider that while insufficient by itself, this simple painting of a western dragon, done by a mortal artist from H'arun, does move smoothly, like a turn in a dance, from the dwarven representation before it, and to the elven triptych that follows." Subtly, she moves her fan. Her eyes are huge and doe-like as she looks out and up at the paintings. A shush falls over the crowd, then suddenly conversation picks up with renewed vigor, and people begin once again to circulate through the room, now following a specific pattern with ease and grace.
Aki Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
Aki-san does not look at you. "Mm. Shall we circulate, Imuri-san?"

Daisuke |

@Kyras Before you stands a samurai warrior, clad in black tabi with rope-soled sandals, black hakama, and a plain, dark blue kimono with no family crest. A grey hachimaki is wrapped around his forehead. He is young, early twenties, and wears his black hair in a tight ponytail.
He carries a katana and wakizashi in his belt.
Dropping the princess and Vu, he looks the Warbanian over critically.
"Kyras," he says flatly with a short bow, "I am Daisuke, a ronin. The Hoshi have honored me with the task of assisting you. Until we find your sister, my life is yours."
Daisuke pauses to listen for anything out of the ordinary.
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
"It will endanger our mission to remain here. We must go."
Disguise 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (12) + 25 = 37
I'm using the "+5 minor details only" modifier, retract if you think it's inappropriate.

Kyras Erodal |

Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Kyras eyes the stranger suspiciously, then sheathes his sword. It's a little too convenient, but he is getting too tired to start a new conflict. He subtly casts a small smell to determine if he is under any magical effects, then focuses on the man. He heads over to pick up both Vu and the Princess, holding each over one shoulder. "Who are the Hoshi, and why do they want to help me find my sister?" He looks at Azami as he returns with the pair on his shoulders, knowing that her senses are far more keen.
This is the NPC that Imuri's been dealing with?

DM Downrightamazed |

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras carries the pair out, followed by Azami and their new addition. "We are going to miss the party, but I have some pretty important questions for Vu. Let's get to the Temple. We'll be safe there, and Tokine can heal the Princess. Plus, I can't kill Vu while we're there, and I don't think I could control myself otherwise."

DM Downrightamazed |

Azami Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Azami Bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Azami returns Kyras' look and then gives Daisuke a once-over herself. "He's telling the truth, Kyras, at least about the Hoshi. Clan Hoshi are as ancient and well-respected as Clan Oda. They're Wizards, Scholars, Archivists. That kind of thing. If your sister was a researcher and/or mage, and if she had, ah, high-up connections, it's perfectly likely that they would wish to see her found and restored to her former position or positions, whatever they might have been."

Daisuke |

Daisuke nods, "Yes, that will do. I have information for you, and it would be best not to reveal it here, surrounded by those who are without honor."
Letting his guard down only slightly, he looks over Azami and Kyras, then chuckles, "A palace guard, a ronin, and a gaijin walk into a noodle house... surely the gods are laughing."

Shoto Imuri |

Welcome, Daisuke. For a second I thought you were my ronin servitor, Daisuke. And I was gonna freak out at you offering yourself to Kyras. : } This is a great group and I look forward to testing our...erm...honor against one abother.
Imuri allows the distraction to go on a moment longer while he falls into step with Aki-Kirai, but speaks to her earnestly. So we credit the Curator for showing us a great lesson. As samurai we are each insufficient in teh Empror's service. But together, as a whole, we are more than fitting for the task.
Waltzing through the room with Sera-chan, Imuri performs his obligated greetings and smiles. He steers her to one of the carefully designed corners where they can speak without being overheard, but without appearing to pursue privacy.
Even now many things are changing. As allies we both win the evening. As competitors, the Black Dragonflight may win.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras and @Daisuke: Your trip across the inner city is quick and without incident. Azami grumbles about not being at the palace for tonight's state dinner, but the knowledge she has been commanded to stay with Kyras at all costs gives her some piece of mind. At the entrance to the Imperial Temple of Cultural Exchange, you are greeted with surprise by Aikiko, Tokine's adorable young intern, who informs you that while Madame Curator is away at the state dinner, you of course welcome to enter and be at rest and be at peace within the walls of the temple. She gasps when she sees the condition poor Eru is in and immediately runs for cold compresses and healing magic.
When she returns, she immediately pours a potion down Eru's throat. With a short cough and splutter the young elf comes to and looks around groggily.

Sera Aki-Kirei |

Her elegant features betray nothing to any casual onlooker, but you can tell Aki-san is agitated. "Imuri-san, whatever are you speaking of? The black dragonflight...win? Win what? Already they have been victorious on the field of battle this day, it is true, but what else is at stake? Their war in the west they have no doubt come to speak to us about? If..." She pauses to bow to a noble of House Motomo, the depth of her bow a silent and subtle jab at the bourgeois, nouveau-riche noble. "...if we are to work together, I would know what we work towards. What do you know?"

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras scoffs at Aikiko's question, though not in any way that might disrespect her. "Hardly. She's a treacherous, treasonous slip of a fox spirit who will kill everyone in this Temple if allowed to say one word. You can heal her, but let me tie her up first. Bring some strong rope, maybe some chains if you can find them. Then you can heal her." He stretches in soreness and looks at the prone kitsune, then turns back to Erudima. "We got pretty fortunate. One of their demonspawn pets sold them out for its miserable life and led us straight to you. This is Daisuke, on loan from the Hoshi; he gave us a hand. Vu's the one that ordered you kidnapped, and yesterday tried to feed me to the Hounds of Tindalos."

![]() |

He was speaking to the functionary, but this works too! I had thought that Tokine had left the display room and so he was casually making his way around the event still ;). I guess I could have rolled a bluff check to 'look casual'
Chu is surprised momentarily when he is suddenly face to face with Curator Nagano. He hides his surprise by giving by bowing respectfully to her as he says. "I have heard much about your beauty and grace Curator Nagano and sadly I have been grievously misled. Descriptions pale in comparison to your heavenly beauty and, by how your display is meticulously arranged, enlightened mind. I Kage, Chujitsuna, would be honored if you would explain your pieces displayed here, for beauty and history intrigue me greatly."
He remains quiet and respect as she explains each of her pieces in detail, reserving any comments he has until it is welcomed to speak. He was not one to speak out of turn, since it could be viewed as very rude to one as masterful in her craft as Curator Nagano. Although the dissappointment in her voice as she spoke had brought him pause as he thought on what best to say.
"The honor of seeing such a masterful display is beyond words. It is a pity that San Pen was not here to see it as well." He smiles at her apology for taking up his time. "I need to spend more time outside the dusty library I call home and yes there is a place we can speak in private. Although there is someone I need to meet with first."
He smiled again as he maneuvered them to the furthest part of the display room, where they could speak more privately. He pretended to be admiring one of the display pieces as he began to speak telepathically with the Curator once more. There were far too many ears about for him to feel safe to speak aloud. {Forgive my rudeness in doing this Curator but I am not the most trusting, not when enemies of the Empire are about. There is a side chamber, where we may speak, it is very private and secluded. When you find the time to make your exit I will meet you there with the last person I must meet with. It truly has been an honor and I hope to see your next display~} He explains the directions as quickly as possible as he casts a wary serpentine eye around their part of the display room.

Tokine Nagano |

Very well..it is important that I talk with someone the Emperor can trust, Tokine thinks back at the Adviser. I am off to make a last installation in the Emperor's Garden, then I can meet you...say 15 minutes.
She will then gather the last two delicate pieces. She will thank her staff and dismiss them back to the Temple. She will also thank the Palace staff for their assistance. She will then head off for the Gardens.
She will not look to wright a note, having now spoken with Adviser Chujitsuna.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras and @Daisuke: Aikiko gives Kyras a dubious look, but dutifully fetches rope, though she balks at actually tying up the unconscious kitsune. The two of you finish the task as Azami looks at Daisuke and says "Kyras doesn't get to talk in private, or at least not with ronin. Anything you need to say to him you can say to me."
Aikiko administers a potion of Cure Moderate to Vu, who coughs and hacks and comes to, blinking. She tries to move, realizes she can't, and laughs a resigned, defeated laugh, relaxing her body on the floor as she does so. "Oh this oughta be good." she says sarcastically, and gives Kyras a baleful look. "Revenge time, is it big fella? I can speak with pretty much total certainty that you'll regret that. There are certain very important people who are charged with revenging my injury or death. Very big. Important. People."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine: In the emperor's garden, you are startled to meet a man tending to the most exquisite orchids you have ever seen. He is dressed plainly, though not in the clothes of a gardner. He is crushingly handsome; chestnut-brown hair falling silkily around his ears and a closely-trimmed beard frame his hazel eyes, which are intense and searching. His focus on the flower before him is nearly absolute when you arrive, yet he turns just slightly when you step softly into the cool night air.
Turning to face you, he smiles slightly, then bows deeply. "Madame Curator Nagano? It is a pleasure. I recognize you from descriptions, though they fail utterly to truly capture radiance such as yours."
There is something about him, about his bearing...he is not an aasimar like yourself, but definitely of celestial blood. You can just sort of tell. He speaks again. "I am Ryuu, the Emperor's master gardner. May I assist you with something? Perhaps you seek one of our humble flowers for tonight's display?"

DM Downrightamazed |

@Chu: You can easily spot Shoto Imuri in the far side of the display room, speaking softly with Sera Aki-Kirei.
@Imuri: Advisor Chu has entered the display room, his tall and fearsome presence and air of ancient knowledge alike rather disturbing many around him. He appears to be looking for someone...judging by the brief eye contact he makes, you would guess that someone to be you.

Kyras Erodal |

Intimidate 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20
Bluff 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
Kyras holds himself back from spitting in her face. "Shut your mouth, you treacherous dog. You know where we are? The only reason you still live is because this is a holy place that does not tolerate violence. My associate insisted that we come here, to keep you safe. But she can't keep you safe forever, not from my new pets. You see, when you betrayed me and left me for dead, the Hound found me and attacked. As you might have seen from the state of the storage unit, it was quite a fight. In the end, I seized control of it and the others. They follow me now, like loyal pets. All I have to do is whisper in the dark and they'll come for you, to drag you into their world. You'll never be free, and your miserable soul will never make it to Pharasma for judgment. Now, if you want to keep your worthless life and soul, answer my questions: who are you working for? Why did your inept hired thugs kidnap the Princess, and where is my damn sister?"soul
Sigh. At least 1s aren't an automatic failure on opposed skill checks. Hopefully Azami will pick up that she's 'good cop' to Kyras' 'bad cop'.

Shoto Imuri |

Has it been an hour since I was buffed? I have removed all the effects of those spells, but I'd like to check on Swift if the message spell hasn't expired. I don't quite know the caster level, so I am guessing six.
Imuri makes brief eye contact with the advisor while formulating his answer to Sera-chan. He is somewhat stunned that she does not know about their ruse. Now the game begins, he thinks to himself. Have the Sera a part in the deception , in which case I tip my hand. Or do they really not know? Or have they seen through it, but the sisters protect the ruse to avoid attention as I have?
Beautiful and wise, Sera-san, Imuri decides to whisper in her ear, though he knows he places himself at great risk. You are certainly aware that the Black Dragonflight staged an attack on this city today to test its defenses. Did you not see the goblins disguised as silver warriors? Their hobgoblin captains certainly each had loose tongues. By their focused attention at the Sera and Shoto estates today, I am certain they know both houses are aware.
He steps back quickly and gauges her immediate reaction. All hangs on this moment.
Sense Motive w/ hero point1d20 + 18 ⇒ (9) + 18 = 27

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras, @Daisuke, and @Azami: Vu's eyes grow wide. "YOU'RE A LIAR!" she yells. "The hounds answer to NO ONE! They...the hounds?" She suddenly seems confused, stopping her tirade before it even starts. She takes a breath and tries again. "You don't frighten me, Erodal. I know you don't control s~!*. You're nothing. You're gonna end up just like your sister, confused and in over your head, desperately sniffing around the underworld looking for anyone or anything that can help you get back to some semblance of a life! "
Azami Sense Motive v. Vu: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Azami Sense Motive v. Kyras: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Azami looks from Vu to Kyras, seemingly not entirely sure what's going on. Abruptly she hauls off and punches the tied-up fox spirit in the face with a brutal right cross. No blood is spilled, but the kitsune is going to have a heck of a black eye. "I'm starting to hate this temple." the samurai grumbles crossly. She grabs Vu by the throat and gets right up in her face. "Listen you miserable and ruined excuse for a kitsune, you don't tell him what he wants and I'm just taking you into the alley and killing you. You've done enough just today for me to report your death to Captain Takagami with a clean conscience and even get a pay stipend for it. Now spill it!"
Dealing with both Kyras and Azami is too much; Vu starts to crack. "Okay! Fine! Okay! Hahahaahaaa, you wanna know what? I don't even know where Bethany went! She was at the building you just took me from, but some nut disguised as dragon-breath Erodal here showed up and took her out! Ran off into the city with her! So I can't even tell you what you want, now! Okay! And as for the princess, she was just bait. I don't even know where the order came from, that was all on the Children of the Uniter. The guys in blue back there? You need to talk to them, oh but too bad I guess because twinkletoes here" -- she indicates Daisuke with a toss of her head -- "killed the one that was with me so I GUESS YOU'RE JUST OUT OF LUCK! AHAHAHAAAA!"
Something is quite off about Vu now, even moreso than usual. Her jaw is a little slack and she's starting to froth a bit. Her laugh is keening and hysterical.

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine bows at the gardener's complements "Ryuu-san, I have always marveled at your artistry on my occasional visits here. For myself, I am here to leave a few pieces for the Emperor's serenity, but I am sure they do little compared to the garden itself. But perhaps these items, you might enjoy too Ryuu."

Sera Aki-Kirei |

@Imuri: Sera Aki pulls back and covers her face with her fan, exposing only her eyes to you. It is a gentle rebuff, like one gives a favored courtier, but it is a rebuff nonetheless. A moment hangs heavily between you, and a thousand lifetimes pass in the time it takes the next grain of sand to fall from the top of an hourglass to the bottom.
Aki-chan angles her fan subtly to render her voice audible to you only, and speaks quietly. "Did you see Queen Llirrianna's dress, Imuri-san? It is most lovely, like soft night fallen in summer, when the winds still blow clear and fragrant, and winter is far away. She would challenge even Oda Kazue and myself in matters of style and beauty. But she is a very skilled sorceress, you know, and my only sorcery is being myself." She smiles mischievously and lets her point sink in. "The gaijin and akuma and monsutā of the Black Dragonflight appear many ways, and the powerful sorceress that leads them gives them many guises and boons. Clan Sera saw what you saw, and reacted...appropriately. But there is more. Like any true master of go, the real threat, the real opponent we are playing, is skilled in feints and ruses. The Black Dragonflight does not know it, but they are a feint. They are the largest feint. You know of the disappeared Erodal woman? The gaijin researcher? Her disappearance was not an accident. Nor was that of the Sifu."
The greatest beauty in the empire seems to consider for a moment. Something catches her eye, and she speaks again. "I must be away. My sister needs me. Meet me at Madame Chen Daiyu's tea shop, at midnight. Bring no one with you. If it is truly the will of the Shoto to end the true threat to the empire, then there are things you must know that I cannot speak of here." She gives you an insouciant little curtsey that will tell all those watching that you are still in her favor but she must attend House duties, and walks delicately back towards the main room, where you can see her older sister is locked in conversation with the Erinyes, the tall and lethal devil looking like she may eat the elder Sera for dinner, or make love to her. It's often difficult to differentiate these things.
Wong Tsai is making his way around the room, speaking with various art lovers, courtiers, nobles, and visitors. If he is at all aware of what has happened to him or his namesake at the Shoto City House, he gives no indication.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine: Ryuu smiles and bows humbly to you. "My lady, you are far too kind to one of my lowly station. I thank you. Whatever pieces you wish to contribute I will welcome, and use all skills at my disposal to complement with the most ideal arrangements of flora possible. What is it you have brought?"

Kyras Erodal |

Bluff 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
Kyras watches the unhinged fox for a moment, a look of disdain on his face. "You are such a failure, Vu. You couldn't even poison me with any sort of competence. How did my sister put up with you for so long? The Bethany that I remember would have never allowed someone so incompetent to work for her. I'll bet that she didn't even let you in about where to find the Telestari. She wouldn't trust a simpleton like you with even such a basic scrap of information to her plans. Look at you. You look absolutely haggard. Your teeth are stained, your fur is clumped, and this..." He picks up one of her droopingly limp tails, letting it drop with a quiet thump. He turns to Azami, no longer even giving Vu the respect of addressing her directly. "She's obviously as of little value as she appears. If you want to kill her, I don't mind."

Shoto Imuri |

Imuri lets Sera Aki-Kirai go without protest, knowing his attmepts to communicate with her privately will create some murmurings among the match-making crowd, and upset those courtiers who thought to gain a diplomatic victory by attempting to arrange her marriage.
Still, watching her go for a second, the Shoto considers that there are many kinds of victory, and in difficult times, a marriage between Sera Aki-Kirai and a worthy samurai could be a significant boon for the Empire, and not just its great clans.
His eye is drawn to the sorceress and erinyes, and he wonders how to respond. Clan Sera is right to be afraid, and it would appear Imuri knew less of the game than he thought. But swimming through all manner of secrets was the life of a Shoto.
Imuri studies the sorceress and her host for the merest seconds before gambling on eye contact. He must go, but if he goes too soon, he might disrupt the older Sera's plans, while appearing as a false sycophant. The gain is not worthwhile. Because they are gaijin, even as the guest of the night, he can wait a few minutes as others occupy the group's time. Imuri has practiced his introduction, he does not worry about being a few minutes late.
Instead, he moves over to the Imperial Curator, playing the part of the excessively eager courtier. The right volume and pace would gather a little extra attention at first, but the promise of a courtly exchange of niceties wold buy him minutes, while astute courtiers resolved to eaves-drop the conversation after the boring protocols were resolved.
Ah, Curator Nagano. Ever are you a lovely sight. Not only do you radiate your own beauty, but you bring beauty that fills these imperial halls and blesses our visitors.
As he continues his greeting, Imuri uses the shift in posture created by various bows and sweeping gestures to look around himself. When he has sufficiently bored those nearby, he lowers his voice and injects quickly.
I have a very important piece of art that requires your attention immediately, Tokine-san. Something that commands not only the attention of an artist, but also the knowledge of one who communicates with the kami. If you will observe for a few seconds.
Imuri gestures toward the nearest alcove, a subtle hint that he does not require (or have) much time.

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Chu retires early from the gathering, feigning a previous engagement with several old scrolls, as he makes his way to the most secluded entrance to the servants chambers. As he passes through the hall he watches to make sure he isn't being followed, or watched, before changing his features to that of a wizened old man. His robes slump as he becomes shorter and his stature becomes bent with age, making his disguise a little more complete. When he reaches the servants chamber entrance he stands off to the side and draws out an old looking tome.
The old man wastes no time, he closes an old looking tome as you approach. The title reads Kaze no Hon, The book of Wind, before the old man slips it up one of the arms of his over sized robe. "Good you have come, were you followed? Quickly now time is short and another awaits us..." The old man begins moving slowly, deeper into the castle.