DM Downrightamazed |

Looking for anything Imuri knows about the Scarecrow. I remember there was a post somehwere...
Secretive criminal mastermind, no one's really sure who he is. Police have been trying unsuccessfully for years to pin him (or her) down, but with no results. It is quite possible the Scarecrow is not one person but many.

Kyras Erodal |

'Vu? Fantastic. For once, I won't fight the Dragon for control and simply let it shred her to pieces.' Kyras takes a deep breath before straightening upright. "Well, that's something to look forward to. Considering she recently tried to have me killed, she and I need to have some words." He glances at Azami and Rhon then looks back st Yeo. "Is there any other advice you have to give? Our time is limited. I have an invitation to the Palace for tonight's dinner, and no overzealous Palace Guard has confiscated it yet."

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine wipes at her eyes and puts on a brave face. "Yes it is wonderful, is it not?[/i] She turns away from Izumi to gaze upon the Temple again. She knows what she saw. But was I the only one?
She joins again with the others, the city rejoices, but for her, Tokine knows it is temporary. She thinks she prefers the earlier image of the red dragon protecting them as opposed to the black divine entity. [i]Norgorber offer his protection for his own reasons. Was that the web in the alley, with the orcs? Was it also the creature in the crack? Was it there to watch or to harm? Either way, it will not be tolerated. Norberer can offer protection but it will not be trusted nor invade her sanctity. But does the Lady trust him? Are the Bird and the Spider supposed to work together here?[i] She thinks back on young Shoto and his assortment of city criminals... then she thinks she doesn't know what to think.
Feeling a bit more resolved she turns back to Izumi. Over the din of the ceremony she calls out, [b]"How fares our little visitor in your wonderful nest."

![]() |

Imuri goes through several diguises, the tall courtier's hat taking its true form for only a few seconds during the process. He practices the aggressive warbanian stance and shuffles his feet as one who is uncomfortable and suspisious. He adds to that a layer of controlled irritation, as if he suffered from a constant internal struggle, remembering Erodel's comments about the dragon inside him.
Disguise - take 10 = 28
The young Shoto is not a true butei, but his practiced delivery in court help him with his acting. The disguise only needs hold for a few minutes while he determines the loyalties of those who seek to capture the gaijin.
Hey - whatever happened to my witch?
Imuri begins to plan the most important part of his errand - the escape.
My bonds will be easily slipped when you deliver me, he tells Daisuke. Accept your payment and make an excuse to leave, unless they want you to stay. After I argue with them to see what they give away, I will make my escape. You will be nearby to assist me. If you can hide your identity, then you must, so as not to spoil your arrangement with the syndicate right away. But my information helps no one if I am dead.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras: The professor nods, again surprising you with her gracefulness. Turning and gliding down, riding her powerful coils, she slides backwards a little bit, producing the same heavy, slidey noise you heard when you were standing outside the door. She calls softly to one of the tiny creatures that appear to be mining amongst the stalagmites. "Crxlgh! Crxlgh, I need you to bring me the heavy cloth I made. The one with the metal. Yes. Thank you my dear." The little fey creature ambles off behind some rocks and returns after a minute or two with a strange looking towel-like swatch of cloth. The cloth is a very beautiful, rich navy blue color. Professor Yeo returns with it, and drops it at your feet.
"Wrap the magnifying glass in this, Kyras-san, it will keep it hidden from prying eyes who wish to steal it." The cloth is enormously heavy relative to its small size, possibly weighing as much as 30 pounds, and upon closer inspection is made from thousands and thousands of impossibly tiny shards of some kind of deep blue stone. The workmanship is utterly staggering in complexity and quality. An odd silver metal binds the edges of the "cloth", keeping the stones in. The metal seems to be liquid, but is not moving. It is a flat, silvery color.
"As for the hounds, all I can say is you must seek Vu, you must seek a way to control the aspect of you that is the Gate of Destruction. You must control your temper, for the same part of you that grants power to the Dragon's blood in your veins also gives power to you as the gate, and as long as you do not control yourself, the hounds will find you too weak to command them, and they will attack."
The guardian suddenly hisses, and it is horrifying. "You must leave! Now! Both of you! Back the way you came, and quickly. Forces are here that I can not keep at bay for long. Fetch your friend the princess and begone!"

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: Witch is there with you, I don't recall you sending her away with the archers, So use her magic as you will. :-)
Big Hat steps over to Daisuke. "I can help with this." She says. She removes a scroll -- one of several in her possession -- from a tube on her belt, and after intoning the arcane text aloud, washes a field of magical energy over Daisuke, who now has the appearance of an utterly unremarkable coolie; just another laborer hauling "the goods" to and from the opium den. He nods in thanks at the rogue sorceress, then looks back at you. "All shall be as you say, my lord. Do we wait for Swift before continuing?" You note that it has only been ten minutes since the ninja departed to deliver your message to Yohuro Sensei.

Kyras Erodal |

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Kyras's keen ears, a gift from his elven father, pick up the sound. "Azami, do you hear that?" He draws his sword after tucking the magnifying glass away in the impossibly heavy cloth. "I don't know about you, but I'm not one to back down from a fight and let someone else fight for me. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that whatever is causing that sound isn't here for Professor Yeo. Rhon, go get the Princess and head out." He draws the arcane energy together, binding his will into a shield of force that will protect him from harm. The Dragon pounds at his mind in the same rhythm as the hammering noise, intent on flooding his veins with more power than he can handle.
Does rolling a 20 on Perception give any more details? Given the time, Kyras also plans on casting enlarge person.

Shoto Imuri |

We will wait for Daisuke, but Imuri does not believe in idle time. He is still wracking his brain, trying to look for strategy or advantage. If you feel that taking a 10 on the Disguise check uses up the next 20 minutes, then we can move on.
Imuri's plan: Daisuke delivers Kyras to the Syndicate. Kyras taunts the captors with questions, maybe even feiging interst in his captors' cause, but quickly escapes with a modicum of information and maybe a prisoner to extort. If he does not make his escape within the hour, Daisuke and the others come storming to his rescue and he gets away, probably causing collateral damage ni the process. If left alone for any time, Imuri will scour the premises and glean what he can before rolling out.
Shoto Imuri looks at Daisuke's disguise and then glances at Big Hat and the maho witch. I can survive on my own devices for a time, but if your use of the kami can improve my disguise when I am delivered, I will be grateful.

Tokine Nagano |

@Tokine: Izumi beams. "She lives! She breathes and has taken some water. But still she does not fly. Would you like to see?"
Tokine is relieved and after her vision is not surprised it has not recovered fully. "Yes lets. But then there is still much to do for tonight."[b]
She will check on the songbird and its glorious recovery.
She checks that the evening's art has been collected and packed for transport. Grand majestic Eastern Dragons of wind, river, sea and earth...[b]"To show respect..as we have no representations of western dragons." For a moment Izumi thought to correct the Curator, as she knew the Temple had collected many art examples from the West, but the look on the Curator's face made her hold her tongue.
Then Tokine will hold court on the front of the Temple steps as surprised and curious townsfolk come to share their wonder at what just occurred across the town.

Azami Ito |

Peception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Azami gives a curt nod to Kyras' question, turning her attention to the professor as she asks, "Can you tell us what it is?"
Then, she reaches for Kyras' arm, pulling in the direction of the exit. "If the professor deems it best we go, we should heed her. We do nothing but incriminate and distract her by remaining." Her hard steel gaze scans the room with an air of a general evaluating a battlefield, taking a deep breath of that change in the air. "This cavern is not suitable for defending ourselves - we would be disadvantaged at best. Come."
Then Azami's mouth twitches into something closer to a smirk -such a far cry from her usual hard expression that it may be disturbing. "Death can find us outside where we have room to face it."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras and @Azami:
Professor Yeo shakes her enormous head and smiles indulgently. "Brave Kyras, no; please go. There will be no fight here. I will take my friends and I will hide. These incursions have happened before, and always we are able to weather them. This is one price I must pay for keeping my beautiful home here. Now please, do as the Irondawn says, and go. You may return tomorrow if you wish, the Doozers will pass, as they always do."
The great Guardian Naga then turns and gathers her coils about the poor, terrified little Pechs, who though scared seem quite steadfast. The whole group of them move off toward a cavemouth on the far wall.
From the top of the stairs and out the door you hear an anguished scream. It is Rhon. "NOOOOOOOO!"

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: Big Hat looks sidelong at the Shoto witch, then cracks her knuckles. "I can add to your disguise if you wish, but knowing the kind of place you're going, I think I have some more helpful spells. I will cast them when we get closer." Your witch bows low. "I, too, can aid you, Lord; your tongue will be gilt, your eyes alight, and your manner beyond impeccable. They will suspect nothing, and you will learn all you wish."
After another minute, Swift arrives out of nowhere. "It is done." Is all he says.
You complete your preparations and make your way to the less prosperous side of Lanzhu. The northeast corner of the city has always been oddly ill-favored, perhaps because its lack of magical and military protection from the palace allows all manner of Enhathladi artifacts and...devices to enter and be used and misused by the criminal element that has always been attracted to this part of town. The mists here are thicker, and seem somehow emboldened; rising up to a man's waist where in all other areas they remain no higher than knee-level. Even on sunny days the northeast is a bit clammy, and colder than the rest of the city.
When you are close, Daisuke holds up his hand. "It is the next block over, my lord. We should prepare you now." Big Hat takes out three more scrolls and casts them on you, wave after wave of arcane energy stretching your form, strengthening your muscles, and lending you enhanced speed and strength. Your witch then moves her body the through the magical kata she is expert in, and your mind becomes clearer and your tongue more precise. "The air spirits are with you, Lord. As are we, your loyal servants."
You have Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, and Cat's Grace from Big Hat (spells last six minutes), and Eagle's Splendor and Owl's Wisdom from your witch (spells last seven minutes). So, +4 to STR, CON, DEX, CHA, and WIS. Big Hat then casts one final spell, pointing at you, the witch, Daisuke, and Swift each in turn. "There. Now we will be able to speak to each other at distance with the merest whisper."
Obviously, Big Hat just cast Message.
Any other thing you wish to do before you get "turned in"?

DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine: The townsfolk, unaware of the strange divine...partnership? If that's what it is? That is happening, are overjoyed, and taking a sudden interest in the temple. You are suddenly overwhelmed with visitors and well-wishers, many bring lovely bouquets, fine teas, jade china, and other magnificent items and heirlooms to display alongside the incredible array of art already there. In spite of yourself, you find your heart lifted at least a little bit by the tremendous outpouring of good will, even if it did require an ancient Rite of Consecration to, um, "kick start" it a little bit.
A gaijin, a silver-haired man in his fifties with excellent manner and upright bearing, approaches. He is dressed in understated finery after the fashion of men of the western coast, and his skin is tan and healthy. His gait is strong and regular, but he has a walking stick in his right hand. He carries no bag and has no visible weapons. His eyes shine with some inner energy as he approaches you. "My lady. What is..this place? I have been in Lanzhu for barely a day and already I have seen dragons on the wing, great warriors practicing mystical arts, and now a Consecratory Dance the likes of which I have never witnessed, and find myself face-to-face with the most beautiful woman I have ever been blessed enough to see. Who are you? Where am I? What sorcery is this?" He is literally slack-jawed with wonder as he takes in your temple.

Azami Ito |

When the Professor calls her Irondawn again, Azami turns toward the towering naga for one last moment, her mouth opening to ask what she means by that title...
...and then Rhon screams, and Azami's head snaps sharply towards the entrance, cursing under her breath as she begins to run up the stairs.

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras is hot on the heels of Azami after hearing Rhon, the potential danger of the Professor forgotten. Despite his legs being much longer than Azami's and not being weighed down by armor, he is behind the samurai warrior the entire way. Still, he dreads what they might find when they arrive.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras and @Azami: The two of you practically vault up the stairs and through the hallway, hammering through the door and into the stairwell. There you see Rhon, his eyes glowing bright white with arcane power as he scans the landing. There is a rapier on the ground, clearly magical, with familiar inscriptions on the handle and pommel, and a couple of large scorch marks on the wall. There is a fair amount of blood on the floor and a high, nostril-hair-singeing reek in the air.
Rhon's eyes return to normal and he mutters something too low to hear. He bends down to retrieve something small off the ground and turns to face the two of you. As he does so, you realize that you recognize the rapier; it is Erudima's. "They took her. The bastards came and took her by force. Why. Why?"
In his hand is the item he picked up off the ground, obviously intended as a calling card of sorts. It is a beautiful, perfect plum blossom.

Kyras Erodal |

Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Kyras spits in anger, a tongue of fire coming out as he does so. His fury bubbles up out of his blood, giving something for the Dragon to hold onto, but he recalls Yeo's warning about the Hounds and suppresses his instincts. Looking at the plum blossom, he does not know of its significance. "What does it mean?" Like Rhon did, Kyras opens his eyes up magically to try to get his own understanding of what happened here.

Tokine Nagano |

The flood of joy from the townspeople does much to lift Tokine's spirit. As long as we continue to help this community, there is nothing that prevent us from being a power for good. Her and the acolytes are busy receiving praise and gift. She had planned on a celebration tomorrow, but things change like the mists. The collected food and tea shall be shared with all tomorrow.
She is so busy that it is no surprise that she did not see the gaijin until he was directly in front of her.
Tokine receives his questions and complement, then she bows with a shy smile. "Well you are definitely visiting on an auspicious day. I am Curator Tokine Nagano, custodian of this humble Temple to Shelyn. I am glad you were able to witness the Dance. It is quite old, perhaps even dating to the founding of this temple based on its effect on the city. But then, are you a frequent witness of Consecratory Dances?

Shoto Imuri |

I'd liek to use my hat to emulate shackles and give myself a roughed-up appearance. Seems unlikely the half-dragon would come willingly or pristinely.
Imuri levels his gaze at each of the ronin. If you see fire or hear commotion, come for me. Swift will do what he can to know where I am if I am moved. If there are no indications of trouble, then do not disturb the work. The more I learn, the better for the Empire. Daisuke, do not be afriad to dishonor me or treat me roughly in this guise. Follow your commands as if loyal to them. I do not hold you responsible for their treachery.
We begin.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras: You detect traces of both Evocation and Enchantment at work here, but it is too faint to know the exact spells. Given the missing princess and the condition of the walls, however, it's not too tough to guess.
Rhon is utterly stricken. "The Plum Blossom syndicate again. This has gone too far. I must return to the inn and get Earanthil. I cannot rest until she is back in our company. I am sorry, I will find you at the palace tonight." The rogue scholar elf nods at you and Azami, and after consulting his spellbook, carves glowing green runes into the air and vanishes suddenly, teleporting himself off.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine: The old man smiles, a curious twinkle in his eye. "Oh, I've seen a few. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Baslav Meriko. I am a bard, and was once...well, let's just say I was at court, in a kingdom beloved of Shelyn, may her beauty illuminate the world, and it was in this kingdom I witnessed such dances. We erected several temples to Our Lady back in my day, but none so spectacular as this. What was the occasion for the dance? A rededication of some sort? And what was the spider for? I didn't understand that part. Your hair, that shade of blue. Are you a water sprite? It looks so lovely on you..."
Baslav blushes and looks down. "Ach, listen to me carrying on like a schoolboy, being so forward. I'm sorry, Madame, my manners are just shot to hell. I've been on a boat too long."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: Daisuke gives a nod and a tight bow. "Hai." Swift has already vanished into the shadows.
Moving forward, with the red-suited ronin dragging you unceremoniously along, you are met in an alley alongside the raucous and smelly building by a host of guards led by a man with a deep scar and an eyepatch. He is clearly a ronin, himself.
"Daisuke. Excellent. The Scarecrow will be pleased that you have brought us our prize from the west. You keep doing work this good, you'll get a promotion. You just wait and see. Now, for your payment." the ronion hands Daisuke a small bag, heavy with money and jingling. Daisuke takes it greedily and the ronin laughs cruelly. "Hah hah hah. And here, a little special something for your troubles. Read it later." He gives Daisuke a scroll tied off with a lovely violet ribbon and sealed with a wax seal in the shape of a plum blossom. Daisuke arches an eyebrow at it. "Thank-you. I am honored." he says awkwardly, and the man laughs at him again. "Hah hah hah hahhhh. You have no honor, remember?" He then turns his attention to you; "So! Gaijin! What do you have to say for yourself, huh? Ready to experience some real Imperial hospitality? Huh? Ahahahahahahahaa!"

Shoto Imuri |

Imuri-as-Kyras turns and spits near the laughing ronin's feet. He grimaces with irritation and strains against the shackles with his magically-improved muscles.
This is the second time I have been kidnapped today, fool. My first adversary was all cooing words and full of pretense that he wanted to help me. Your men liberated me from his soldioers while he fought to defend the city. I can only assume I am more important to you than I was to him.
The faux Warbanian sizes the man up like a new meal. If you have need of the Dragon within me, simply tell me what you desire and negotiate a price. But do not tempt him unless you are prepared to have your stink bathed in flames.
Taking a 10 on my Disguise check yields me a 28, plus any bonuses for the other spells on me.

Tokine Nagano |

@Tokine: The old man smiles, a curious twinkle in his eye. "Oh, I've seen a few. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Baslav Meriko. I am a bard, and was once...well, let's just say I was at court, in a kingdom beloved of Shelyn, may her beauty illuminate the world, and it was in this kingdom I witnessed such dances. We erected several temples to Our Lady back in my day, but none so spectacular as this. What was the occasion for the dance? A rededication of some sort? And what was the spider for? I didn't understand that part. Your hair, that shade of blue. Are you a water sprite? It looks so lovely on you..."
Baslav blushes and looks down. "Ach, listen to me carrying on like a schoolboy, being so forward. I'm sorry, Madame, my manners are just shot to hell. I've been on a boat too long."
Toline smiles at his kind words, and is completely intrigued at his story till the mention of the spider. Her eyes narrow a bit, but he continues on as if nothing were wrong.
"Oh the hair? I do get a lot of comments on it. I wish I knew, but I am a foundling of this temple." She unconsciously pats the mass on top of her head and immediately regrets it as the dancing has left it very unstable.
She hooks his arm and draws him away from the crowd. I am sorry Meriko-san as we are a little disheveled at the moment. I would give you a tour...well, you are devoted to Shelyn, I am sure you will see the beauty through the mess." She gives him a warm smile and leads him inside.
"The attacks in the city have left their marks on our temple. The dance was to..get the dust and cobwebs out..let it air out. But I must confess I am surprised as you about the spider. Especially as you and I are the only ones I know of that saw it."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: The ronin smiles evilly. "Oh we've got use for you, 'Dragon', don't you worry. The Dàocǎorén himself is going to speak with you. Now move it!" There is a terrible grinding sound and a rhythmic pounding coming from an alley to your right. The grinding sounds like a stone door being opened, or millstones turning. Out of the shadows two Large stone golems appear, each about nine feet tall and carved to look like a fearsome Akuma ronin. Their eyes glow dully in the late afternoon light. "Come around back with me, now, don't make the twins here pound you flat. 'Dragon'. HAhahahahahaaa!" Without warning or provocation, one of the other guards, a big half-orc taller than Kyras himself, jabs you in the shoulder with his falchion, drawing blood.
take one point damage
The ronin, the two golems, and in the end about a half-dozen other guards lead you around the building to a well-hidden side entrance. Through the grimy windows you see people eating the indifferent food they serve to keep up their front. One of them is Swift, his utterly nondescript appearance allowing him to blend seamlessly in with the locals.
The ronin bangs on the door and a gravelly voice answers "Enter". The ronin grunts and opens the door and drags you roughly inside, banging your shoulder on the door frame and nearly tripping you. Once inside, you see you are in a well-reinforced stone room. The outer wooden walls are merely a facade. The floor, walls, and ceiling of this chamber are all stone. There are two doors; the one you just came in, and one opposite you. Both are made of iron and stone and look extremely heavy and strong. The room is roughly 30' square. In the center stands a man of average height and weight and rough appearance; his face is scarred badly and he is wearing an eyepatch. His filthy and unkempt hair hangs down to his waist and is partially in dreadlocks. He wears no weapons, but has two powerful-looking rings on and a number of rods and wands around his belt. He nods in approval upon seeing you. His eyes bore into your own.
1d20 + 22 ⇒ (13) + 22 = 35
Without taking his eyes off you, the man barks an order at the ronin. "Chain him to the floor and send in the twins on your way out. Also, make sure Daisuke receives his Ultimate Reward for his service."
"Hai." The ronin bows. He takes a couple minutes to make sure your wrists and ankles are manacled together, like a true prisoner, then runs a chain through both sets and binds you to the floor. He sneers at you, then departs. The clomping and grinding of the stone golems signals their entry into the room. The door closes, and all is quiet. It is just you and this...man.
"So. Dragon." He says. "I must apologize for your poor treatment, but for one in my position such measures are an unfortunate necessity. Honestly I thought you'd be a little more beat-up. Daisuke is going soft. We'll have to make sure he follows through more thoroughly on his next job. Now, I have some questions for you. How you answer them will determine the way you are treated for the next several minutes you are here. My first question is this; when was the last time you saw your sister, Bethany?"

DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine: Baslav smiles, and his eyes crinkle up endearingly. "...don't worry, it'll be our little secret..." he whispers. Then, in a normal voice; "The Great Temple, the Temple of Pine, back in its day, that was a beauty. Served a very different purpose, I'm guessing, than your fine hall here, but was truly majestic. I played the harp and sang along with 99 other bards at the Consecration Ceremony. The Temple of Stone, too, was a majestic beast, much more intimidating though. Much more...tell me, my dear, what is your name?"
Something has changed in the atmosphere. There is something...off about this man, but not in a bad way. Something he said has really resonated with you.
There is also talk, in certain ancient books you have studied, of the last Bard King of Iridian having been banished to the sea, to the care of Gozreh, to atone for his sins for 101 years...

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine's cheeks flush briefly. "Oh my manners. Please forgive me. The day has been most....hectic." She gives the man a bow. Tokine Nagano. I am the curator at this temple, which serves as worship center, art gallery, performance space, and artistic workshop. All to serve Shelyn's glory. My duties also stretch to the palace. If you are to be a guest at the next two receptions, our work will be on display."
Know (History) -> 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Know (Religion) -> 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Talk of her temple brings to mind the history of the temples he mentioned. Temples long destroyed. Suddenly wariness comes to her mind, but she shows a smile. "You are playing with me with your tales. Surely you are too young to remember such ceremonies, especially to have performed in them. Those temples have been lost to us for over 100 years. I spent time on the frontier west of here looking for lost art, but did not dare venture to the cursed interior."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine: Baslav winks. "The sea is a remarkable preservative, Madame Nagano; all that salt, you know, goes a long way toward drying and pickling an old ham like me. Hehehee" He lets out a long exhalation. "I don't know anything about any receptions, though if that's a code word for 'party' then you can definitely count me in. No, I am here for something different. I am here to find some people..." He trails off, looking into the sky. His eyes, you notice, are a brilliant leaf-green color, and seem always to be laughing. He gives a little sideways smile, then turns to you. "You said this was part performance space. Can you take me to where you might do a dance? Inside? Some kind of floor appropriate for treading a few measures? There was a time where'd I'd scare up a jig anywhere but my knees complain on these cobbles, now..."

Azami Ito |

I knew we should not have left her behind. Damn me for allowing it.
Gritting her teeth, she nods to Kyras to confirm that the symbolism is indeed the Plum Blossom Syndicate, offering to take the blossom "calling card" from the scholar. She then returns Rhon's nod, and leans slightly away as the runes flash and he disappears.
"We only heard Rhon scream, which means that the Princess was taken silently." Azami bends to take up the rapier, checking whether there is blood on the blade to assure her that the blood on the ground is not hers, but her assailants --likely a false hope. Regardless of its state, she will tie it to her back, wrapping the blade with a leather thong.
Scorch marks on the wall from spells of fire, although we heard no explosion. Even though it is obvious perhaps to Kyras, Azami is speaking the details of the scene as if inscribing a report. It is doubtful that the Professor could not keep the Syndicate at bay, and she spoke of doozers.
"We should get you back to the Palace," Azami intones perfunctorily, her steel gaze focused on the blood on the floor, any tracks made in the blood or sign of direction of escape.

Tokine Nagano |

"You catch us at a busy time, but arrangements can be made. Excuse me."
Tokine moves off to find Rai where she is assisting Izumi. "Rai. Can you find some help to clear the tables and chairs out of the back patio room. Open to the doors to the interior courtyard, so that observation may be maintained. And then have some tea prepared. Come meet our guest."
Tokine leads Rai back to the gaijin and introduces them to each other. "Rai will see to your needs and refreshment. I can be found here in the courtyard if you have any other requests. There is much to prepare for the Emperor's reception tonight." Tokine bows and turns to survey the collection of art that will be transported to the palace.

Shoto Imuri |

Sorry for my absence. Selling a lot of insurance so I can maintain my trip to Gen Con.
Imuri-as-Kyras affects affects a feral grimace at the mention of Kyras' sister. I would think the whole Empire knows by now I have not seen her in some time, and that I have not yet found her here.
Suspiciously, Imuri allows himself to look as if a pregnant thought interrupted his response. What does this have to do with the Hounds? Do you have them searching for her, too?
Rlls and other stuff
[ooc]Bluff 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Also, given my enhancements, it looks like the Disguise check nets a 31. I am checking in with you to be sure my manacles are faux and my blade is still poisoned, yes?

DM Downrightamazed |

@Azami: Kyras gives a bewildered look. "The Palace?" he says with an incredulous snort. "The princess has been taken, and by some no-nonsense spellcasters by the look of it! Ones in the employ of someone mean enough to leave a calling card! Aren't you supposed to start an investigation or something? She is a guest of the palace, last I checked."
@Tokine: Baslav shakes his head as you attempt to depart and leave him in the courtyard. "No, no!" he says intently, though he is smiling and his eyes are still bright and friendly. "I need you here, too. And you!" He points at Rai. "And anyone else you can muster. I'm going to teach you a few steps. I'm going to teach you something to help you. This is a dance they do at court in the Floating City. It is very useful at receptions and balls and places where there are people doing the kinds of double-dealing and other mischief people are wont to do." (You have never heard of the "Floating City".)
@Imuri: "Oh indeed we do, Kyras-san, indeed we do! Mistress Bethany is very precious, you know. Friend of the emperor, benefactor and traitoress both. She's a live one, she is. What about your powers, then? Is it true you melted a man's face off yesterday morning? The Erinyes seemed quite impressed with both your power and your -- shall we say -- acumen." Your host smiles like a knife. "Are you as strong as they say?"
That's a big "yes" to both your questions, Imuri-san.

Shoto Imuri |

Imuri-as-Kyras sizes up the man before him. The dress is a criinal affectation - he dresses like the dregsbecause he deals with them. His real appearance indicates something else. Growling, Imuri keeps up the charade, aware of the two stone golems and the man before him. He speaks through the spell on him to Swift, but speaks aloud, responding to teh Scarecrow.
I am strong enough that these stone soldiers and those heavy doors are not enough to protect you from me, if you insult my sister again. Imuri pretends he is struggling against something internal. The dragon in me, it is what you want. And I want my sister. Tell me what you know and I may choose to reward you with service from the Beast. You needn't burn this bridge with the dragon's own fire
Sense Motive 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
I wish to study the Scarecrow's stance and confidence. Is he taking a risk by being here with me? Is his trust in the chains and golems, or is he certain there is no physical risk to him at all?
To the other gang: hope Kyras appreciates what I've gotten myself into!

Azami Ito |

Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Sense Motive 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Knowledge: Local 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Azami's looking for clues as to direction or hints about the Princess' kidnapping: blood on the rapier? Tracks in the blood on the floor, heading anywhere? Anything on the ceiling? Five senses report? Anything special about the blossom? Does it look freshly picked? Also - any thoughts as to how they would have known to look here at the university, why they want the Princess. Finally, knowledge local for where one could find Plum Blossom Syndicate members.
Azami turns to give Kyras a stony look. teeth gritting. "The orders of the Emperor were to protect you, and supercede the orders of the Guard. The Princess' kidnapping, while unfortunate, is not my duty." She turns back towards looking at the blood, glancing up and down the hallway; her actions seem out of concert with her words - she is clearly hunting for some way to follow the assailants.
A thought occurs to her, her features slackening a moment...and then hardening further. "Unless they followed us, the only people who knew of our intention to go to the university were the Emperor and those in the shack: Shoto Imuri and the criminals. I knew we could not trust them. But why would the Syndicate steal the Princess...and not you? To lure Rhon away? To lure us after?" She falls into silence.
Then she speaks again, her voice holding a personal tone never yet used with Kyras. "I will not allow the Plum Blossom Syndicate to undermine me further by having you captured as well, as much as I might wish to see their blood run like a river in the dirt." She straightens, skin crinkling at the corner of her eyes as they narrow. "However, perhaps on our way to the Palace, we might happen upon them."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: The man in front of you laughs heartily. "Oh, I know exactly where your sister is, Kyras-san, and I am prepared to tell you, provided you pass a little test. Don't scowl so, my good man, this test requires nothing of you but to continue standing right there. Hahaha, not that you have a choice, of course." With two big backwards strides, never taking taking his eyes off you, he is standing by the door opposite the one you came in. He pounds on it twice, the booming of the door indicating to you a hallway of some sort behind it. There is the clacking of a lock and the sliding of a metal deadbolt, and the door then opens into the room and in walks the most miserable excuse for a Fox Spirit you have ever seen.
Clan Shoto has dealt with many creatures from many planes, sometimes as summoners and commanders, sometimes as supplicants, most frequently as equals. Because of this, the miwchievous and sly glory of a kitsune is nothing new to you. This sad and debauched specimen, however, is. The fox's nails and teeth are stained a terrible yellowish-brown and her fur is a sooty color and very dull, lacking any sheen or lustre whatsoever. Her ears droop and her eyes have little focus or spark.
"Vu." Says the man sternly. "Do your job, prepare the vial. We will verify the potency of his blood and then be on our way, with our new friend, here, in tow." The fox spirit shapeshifts into its more human shape, though it retains a fox's head, tails, and fur. It bows obseqiously to your "host" and mumbles obeisance, tripping over its own thick tongue. "Of c-course, My L-lord."
As it steps toward you, fumbling with something on its belt, Vu the Fox Spirit gives a little sniff, and then suddenly stops, just within your reach. Her brows furrow and she sniffs more deeply, then starts to growl low in her throat, though it is more piteous than she perhaps knows.
"What! What is it?" Demands her superior.
"This man is not Kyras Erodal! He is not y-...he is not The Dragon!"
Both of them look at you, wide-eyed. The air hangs heavy.
Dude: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Vu: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Imuri: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Initiative Order:
Imuri (29)
Vu (24)
Mystery Man (10)
Your move, sir. By the by, here is a map of your current situation, to make things easier. (Hopefully.)

DM Downrightamazed |

@Azami: As far as you can tell, the blood on the rapier is human. There are no footprints, unfortunately, for there is insufficient dust on the stone of the stairs and floor in which to make prints, and it appears none of Eru's captors stepped in any blood.
The thought occurs to you that the Black Dragonflight want Erudima, according to Madame Curator Nagano-sama, but obviously could not be seen to act directly in such a matter. Since the Plum Blossom Syndicate has already proven themselves willing to take on dirty work for any number of crime lords (and, unfortunately, "Great Leaders" of the city wishing to keep their images clean while still doing dirty work), it seems quite possible they could have endeavored to do this for the visiting, duplicitous gaijin.
The only place you can immediately think of that it would be easy to find Syndicate members is south of the university a ways, in the worst part of the city and not on your way to the palace. You do, however, know for a fact you could find some there. There is a restaurant that is a front for an opium and slave-trade den that you know of...
After looking thoroughly around, you notice a weird, wet sound coming from above you. You look up and are startled to see the most gigantic Black Widow spider you have ever seen in your life -- its body is the size of a small dog, its total diameter at least a couple meters -- clinging to the ceiling with six of its legs. The front two legs are wrapping something scaly and crimson, about the size of a human head, in its webbing. If the spider has noticed you, it gives no indication of this.
Ceiling is fully 20' up.
Kyras has bent down and is incanting some kind of spell over the bloodstains. He seems completely unaware of the spider.

Shoto Imuri |

From time to time, we'll have posts, which can't be interrupted, bring out information that prompts an immediate reaction. FOr example, you know I am about to skewer the Scarecrow frmo my questions before, and when the far door opens, there's no question that's when Imuri makes his move. You'll have to tell me if that's fair (being trapped in the room with the Scarecrow AND the two golems is no good, yes?), or if the nature of the pbp means I shouldn't want to interrupt your post and just react to it as printed. It's late, so I'll post my reactions tomorrow.

DM Downrightamazed |

From time to time, we'll have posts, which can't be interrupted, bring out information that prompts an immediate reaction. FOr example, you know I am about to skewer the Scarecrow frmo my questions before, and when the far door opens, there's no question that's when Imuri makes his move. You'll have to tell me if that's fair (being trapped in the room with the Scarecrow AND the two golems is no good, yes?), or if the nature of the pbp means I shouldn't want to interrupt your post and just react to it as printed. It's late, so I'll post my reactions tomorrow.
No problem, we can retcon. Just pretend my previous post ended after the door opened and the fox spirit came in, and make a bluff check to catch them by surprise, and a DC10 Escape Artist to ditch the manacles (I know they're fake, but there is now a real chain attached that you don't want to get tangled in). :-)

Shoto Imuri |

Seeing his opportunity, Imuri-as-Kyras sheds the fake manacles and draws his katana. He advances directly on Scarecrow with a determined look.
Escape Artist 10 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13
Attack flat-footed Scarecrow (with challenge) 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
Damage 1d10 + 2d6 + 13 ⇒ (10) + (2, 6) + 13 = 31
Fort save DC 13 or unconscious one minute
The Shoto samurai swings deftly at his quarry, intent on taking his body outside the room. He snarls with disgust for his enemy. Command your statues to remain in place, or there will be no antidote for you, Scarecrow. I will watch you die and question your corpse.
Imuri allows Swift to hear thes 25 words.
If the fox spirit moves to attack or close the door, Imuri barks at him. You deserve better masters, kitsune-san. Leave the door and let this play out, or die with him.
Assuming this is a surprise round, I will wait to make sure all this happens as I assume before telling you about round one. Off to a decent start, though!

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine smiles at the man. Clearly he can see how busy everyone is. He offers help, but his insistence is a bit troubling. But...new art is to be treasured and found lost art is to be rejoiced.
With a pleasant resigned expression, she nods her assent to Rai and clls out to those nearby. "Gather round. Take a break. Bavslav Meriko-san wishes to teach us an old dance. Our second new old dance of the day" In a day of strange sights, the wonders to not seem to have slackened their pace of arrival.
She still keeps a careful eye on the gaijin to note any sense of a threat, as he is most odd.
Sense Motive -> 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Kyras Erodal |

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Spellcraft 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Kyras inspects the scene of the abduction, looking over it with the magic of the Dragon giving him insight into the underpinnings of the spells cast here. He is unusually focused, though it is far from effortless to keep the Dragon at bay while tapping into its power and investigating the magics of the ambushers. He is so focused, it seems, that he does not notice the spider looming over his very head.

DM Downrightamazed |

DM Downrightamazed |

Imuri: Your host lets out a startled yell as you burst forth. "What th-!"
Your Host's Fort save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Correct about the Surprise Round; it's a Standard only.
The man takes a step back, bleeding terribly from the wound you have given him. Bizarrely, he is chuckling in between coughs of pain. "K-Kyras, you idiot. Wait..." Something is different about his voice, but the poison seems not to be having an effect.
Round 1, you are up.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras: There was definitely a brief bout of Evocation in this hallway, and judging from the rapier being left behind, you'd guess the princess was knocked unconscious and spirited quickly away, maybe even just seconds before you got there. It seems oddly sloppy to leave behind Eru's weapon, even if just because it's so fine a blade.
You are about to investigate the blood when you notice Azami looking up. "Um. Kyras-san, look up. Slowly." She says. She seems not afraid, but focused, like she's considering her options.
Above you is a giant, horrid black widow as described above.