Mirror, Mirror: The Further Adventures

Game Master Terquem

Released from four centuries of self-imposed imprisonment, It’Dupree sets out to correct a mistake of her past which may have terrible consequences for her very existence.

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Dark Archive

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing

Imrael starts as he sees something in the mirror out of the corner of his eye....then he shakes his head. Bah, surely 'twas Bud's dark shoulder, or the whisp of Ballar's cloak. Confound he's so deluged in this group illusion he's almost believing it now! That would be the last thing he needs, to admit the possibility that such a beast exists, only to have the two drunks laugh and howl at he gullible the angels of law have become!

He nods curtly to Zae then follows Niv, silently echoing his thirst to find a door...whether it already exists or has to be made is yet to be seen.


Though the appearance of the magic auras was brief, and there was enough going on to be a minor distraction, you are able to piece together a few simple facts about the magic at work here, due to your knowledge and skill in the Arcane Arts. The Aura would indicate the magic at work, primarily, is of the school of Illusions, but it is also clear that it is not a spell exactly, but is more likely attributed to a “Magica Nature” – suggesting the creature that was observed has some innate magical abilities. While the image in the mirror had an aura, implying this magical nature, the mirror, while the image was present shared some of that aura, temporarily becoming a minor magical item itself. The relationship between the creature’s magical nature and how it is imparted to the glass is still a mystery to you

Once the issue with the mirror fiend is settled, for now, other features of the room come into focus

On the right, against the wall just as you enter the room is a long, high, narrow table. It is covered with a decorative red cloth, only a strip of material which does not at all cover the whole table, and placed in the center is a wooden bowl, carved with frolicking centaurs, fauns, and nymph-like creatures, and in the bowl are a few lush, ripe apples.

Further down this wall on the right there is a ten foot wide opening, and beyond this you can see what appears to be a kitchen, with a stone basin/sink, a manual well-pump, two low wooden tables, and a modified fireplace for cooking roasted meats, that incorporates an iron oven for backing bread.

Male Elven 7th level Conjurer (Spellbinder) Wizard Init +2 Perception +17 AC: 12 (Tch: 12 Flat: 10) Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantments) CMD 16/14 Fl Intuition +8 Spellcraft +15

Keryth shuffles along, nose buried in the journal, barely paying any attention to the goings on around him.

Recovering Drunkard/ 5th Level Nacho Proficienato / Muchacho's MMA 2 | HP 59/59 +0/0 Temp | AC19 T11 FF16 | CMB+5 CMD +16 | Melee +7 Rng +6 | Dorn +8 | Channeling 5/5
| F+8 R+2 W+8 | Init.+1 Perc.+9 In2ish +13 | Appraise +7 | Bluff +6 | Heal +10 | Know. Religion +10 Dungeon +3 | SpellCraft +10 | Intimidate +7

Stepping up to the table, Ballar's eyes quickly take note of the wooden bowl center piece. Bending down to get a better look Ballar spends some time admiring the carvings which bring to mind a line from the Drunken God's holy text, "There's always something worth celebrating."
Well, Cayden be prais'd! Noth'n like a good party ta invig'r tha appetite.

Continue south?

Dark Archive

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing

Imrael absent-mindedly gives the well-pump a few idle pumps, checking to see if it works.

"The forces of evil do not seem to have invested this kitchen. Shall we?"



The team moves cautiously across the dining room toward the kitchen. Ballar admires the fruit bowl, while Keryth keeps his eyes in the journal looking for more clues.

Imreal approaches the stone basin near the outer wall, and applies a hand to the water pump handle a few times.


The sound of air being forced out of the system is quickly followed by a sucking sound and then a flow of cold, clear water into the basin, which quickly drains away through a hole in the bottom of the sink.

Recovering Drunkard/ 5th Level Nacho Proficienato / Muchacho's MMA 2 | HP 59/59 +0/0 Temp | AC19 T11 FF16 | CMB+5 CMD +16 | Melee +7 Rng +6 | Dorn +8 | Channeling 5/5
| F+8 R+2 W+8 | Init.+1 Perc.+9 In2ish +13 | Appraise +7 | Bluff +6 | Heal +10 | Know. Religion +10 Dungeon +3 | SpellCraft +10 | Intimidate +7

With Niversal perhaps distracted, Ballar accepts Imrael's invitation to move on. Prying his eyes away from the wooden bowl, the dwarf shifts his belt and with the clank of chains, heads south out of the kitchen into the next room.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Male Elf Sneaky Bastard 7 (knife master) init+10; Perception +14; F+4, R+12, W+4; melee +11( twf) dam 1d4+7 Sneak 4d8, 55 HP Max cmb 5 cmd 20

Niversal sits leaning against a wall watching the group explore... a kitchen... but finally Ballar moves on so Niversal goees with him to the next room south keeping out a sharp eye.

perc: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20

Dark Archive

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing

Imrael imperiously follows Ballar and Niversal into the next room.


The group takes a moment to examine the kitchen but finds no clues to the situation that is unfolding.

At the south end of the kitchen there is a wooden door, neither bolted nor locked, it doesn’t even seem to be capable of being latched shut and looks like it opens easily. While on the right, an open doorway gives access to the main central hall of the tower from the kitchen
Ballar and Niversal approach the south door, and a quick look by Niversal assures him it is safe and he nods reassuringly to Ballar who places a foot against the bottom of the door and pushes gently.

There is a small room south of the kitchen, merely fifteen feet deep and twenty five feet across. The room has three small, but good quality beds, and a single wardrobe. It appears as if the people who slept here were told to get out in a hurry. The beds are not made, and the wardrobe stands open, one sock and one leather sandal lie on the floor separated by a few feet between the beds and the wardrobe. The wardrobe is empty.

Male Undead Arcanist 7 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 79/79 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | Init +2 | Perc +7

Bud walks up to each bed and looks under and then sits on the last one. "Monsters always hide under the bed. Any kid knows that."

Dark Archive

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing

Imrael prods each bed with the butt of his polearm, ensuring that no horrors are hidden amongst the bedding. He repeats the ritual with the wardrobe. "Also, I should make sure there's no inter-dimensional portals," he says.

Tamagotchi Trainer 7| HP 48/48 | AC13(17) T11(15) FF12(16) | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9 | CMB +4 Rng +4 | Not in the face +7 | Perception +11
HP 84/84|| AC26 T12 FF23 | Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +7 || CMB +14 || Perception +10 (scent 30’)

I wouldn't mind a portal. I hadn't grown tired of the fear of never returning home and not understanding or speaking the language yet.

Recovering Drunkard/ 5th Level Nacho Proficienato / Muchacho's MMA 2 | HP 59/59 +0/0 Temp | AC19 T11 FF16 | CMB+5 CMD +16 | Melee +7 Rng +6 | Dorn +8 | Channeling 5/5
| F+8 R+2 W+8 | Init.+1 Perc.+9 In2ish +13 | Appraise +7 | Bluff +6 | Heal +10 | Know. Religion +10 Dungeon +3 | SpellCraft +10 | Intimidate +7

Putting his hands on his hips, Ballar frowns, Right, well less see wha's up stairs then shall we? The dwarf waits long enough for the group to search the room then leaves to the central hall and the stairway. (#4)

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24


Nothing of interest is found in the servant’s quarters, and Ballar leads the group back to the set of stairs in the center of the building.

As he looks up the wooden stairs on his right, and then down the stone stairs on his left he suddenly hears a sound

From below, the sound of something heavy, wooden, falling against the stone floor, like a chair being knocked over, followed by a scrapping sound as it is righted again

Perception, DC 16:
Read the spoiler above

Tamagotchi Trainer 7| HP 48/48 | AC13(17) T11(15) FF12(16) | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9 | CMB +4 Rng +4 | Not in the face +7 | Perception +11
HP 84/84|| AC26 T12 FF23 | Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +7 || CMB +14 || Perception +10 (scent 30’)

Zaehyra taps Keryth on the shoulder if he is still too deep into his reading and points to the stairs while silently wording, Hush...Something down over there.

Look at spoiler: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Male Undead Arcanist 7 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 79/79 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | Init +2 | Perc +7

Bud nods to Zaehyra and says "You're right. Sounds like a chair got knocked over and set back up. You wanna be first into battle Imrael?" he adds as he points down the stairs.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Recovering Drunkard/ 5th Level Nacho Proficienato / Muchacho's MMA 2 | HP 59/59 +0/0 Temp | AC19 T11 FF16 | CMB+5 CMD +16 | Melee +7 Rng +6 | Dorn +8 | Channeling 5/5
| F+8 R+2 W+8 | Init.+1 Perc.+9 In2ish +13 | Appraise +7 | Bluff +6 | Heal +10 | Know. Religion +10 Dungeon +3 | SpellCraft +10 | Intimidate +7

Readying his dorn, Ballar gestures in the classic, 'after you' style for Imrael to lead the way.
Stealth check for stealthfulness going down the stairs: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13

Male Elven 7th level Conjurer (Spellbinder) Wizard Init +2 Perception +17 AC: 12 (Tch: 12 Flat: 10) Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantments) CMD 16/14 Fl Intuition +8 Spellcraft +15

Keryth doesn't even look up from the journal as he replies, Yes, yes, someone or something knocked over a chair. Not exactly the usual call to battle...

Male Elf Sneaky Bastard 7 (knife master) init+10; Perception +14; F+4, R+12, W+4; melee +11( twf) dam 1d4+7 Sneak 4d8, 55 HP Max cmb 5 cmd 20

Niversal quietly moves down the stairs as well drawing his daggers into his hands.

stealth: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (3) + 19 = 22

perc: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

Dark Archive

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing

Perception!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Keeping an eye out for ambushes and mirrors, whatever kerfuffle sent the others to call for battle seems to have escaped his attention, but with Bud and Keryth summing it up, Imrael gets the gist.

Sighing heavily, like a harried husband being asked to not kill a spider but instead take it outside, Imrael nods at Keryth's statement that such a thing is not his usual call to battle. "Hrm. But, alas, but if 'twill set your mind at ease, then I shall this accursed sound that you have heard! Hark! 'Tis silence I hear, so mayhap it has already died merely by my wishing it! I shall go down and retrieve the corpse now."

Imrael tromps heavily down the steps, weapon at a casual ready.


The stone steps going down below the tower are cut directly into the bedrock of the hill. They are steep, but they are also well cut, with plenty of room to stand at each step. The descent is long and at the bottom of the stairs you find a corridor which runs to the right where there is a tee intersection. At the intersection there is a corridor going south and a wooden door, with a draw bolt latch, but no lock on the north wall. Lying in the center of the intersection if the body of a dwarven female. The body is wearing dark, leather armor and there is a quiver on the belt which holds fourteen quarrels. She has dark red hair and a headscarf made of light weight material, which is formed into a mask over her eyes. Near the body is a light crossbow and a long slim dagger.

Male Undead Arcanist 7 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 79/79 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | Init +2 | Perc +7

Bud sees the body and chimes up, "I guess the silence killed her or is she just napping?" He walks up toward the body and casts detect magic and looks for any traces of it.

Tamagotchi Trainer 7| HP 48/48 | AC13(17) T11(15) FF12(16) | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9 | CMB +4 Rng +4 | Not in the face +7 | Perception +11
HP 84/84|| AC26 T12 FF23 | Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +7 || CMB +14 || Perception +10 (scent 30’)

More likely a ruse. I'll blind her if she makes any sudden moves. Zaehyra says as she readies a prayer.


Readying glitterdust if the dwarf should reach for or reveal a weapon.

Recovering Drunkard/ 5th Level Nacho Proficienato / Muchacho's MMA 2 | HP 59/59 +0/0 Temp | AC19 T11 FF16 | CMB+5 CMD +16 | Melee +7 Rng +6 | Dorn +8 | Channeling 5/5
| F+8 R+2 W+8 | Init.+1 Perc.+9 In2ish +13 | Appraise +7 | Bluff +6 | Heal +10 | Know. Religion +10 Dungeon +3 | SpellCraft +10 | Intimidate +7

Been having trouble loading Paizo lately, its working tonight though!

Seeing the dwarf maiden laying on the floor Ballar freezes, a skeptical look upon his face. It's been awhile since he'd interacted with another dwarf, much less a female and he can't say for sure if having another dwarf in the party would be good thing or bad. Besides, since being stranded in It'Dupree's neck of the woods Ballar's eyes have been opened to the likes of Jacquelyn and a few others with long legs.
Ballar scratches his head, Didn't Byron say he'd 'ad a girlfriend som'where's 'bout?

In2ish; Is this Byron's old girl and is she here to collect ali-money?: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Oh yeah, she really dead?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 - Ack, let tha oth'r guy find out!

Male Elven 7th level Conjurer (Spellbinder) Wizard Init +2 Perception +17 AC: 12 (Tch: 12 Flat: 10) Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantments) CMD 16/14 Fl Intuition +8 Spellcraft +15

Glancing up from the journal Keryth offers, An illusion perhaps?

Dark Archive

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing

For a moment Imrael looks surprised. 'By the Great Pillars that worked??' but then the moment passes and his normal frown comes down like a postern gate.
"Hrmmmm. Did you say you heard something like the fall of the body? I usually catch things like that. So too, 'tis odd since we've seen neither hide nor hair of aught others in all our time here. Ah, save the other corpse upstairs. Think you these are related?"
Seeing that no others are approaching the body, Imrael tromps ahead. "I'll risk the ruse. Though I do not hold to hope for a clue, 'twould be amiss did we not make the effort."

Imrael searches the body.
Perception!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 Son of a...

Male Elf Sneaky Bastard 7 (knife master) init+10; Perception +14; F+4, R+12, W+4; melee +11( twf) dam 1d4+7 Sneak 4d8, 55 HP Max cmb 5 cmd 20

Niversal moves up as well and says anything of value on the body?

perc: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

heal is she dead: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5


A small metal flask, barely visible under the outstretched hand of this dwarf has a faint magical glow. There is also a glow around the girls eyes, but it is strange, difficult to examine

Zae keeps a safe distance, her hands up and ready to throw a spell at the dwarf in an instant if this turns out to be some sort of ruse.

The instinct Ballar has about his own kind tells him that this dwarven girl is really dead, but there is something different about her, something not quite “right. “ She is the right shape and size for a dwarf, but something is amiss, something about her face does not feel “right.”

Imreal is not afraid to reach out and roll the girl over by the shoulder until she is on her back, a stain of blood can be seen on her tunic below the right side of her neck. She has a wound, small, but serious. She does not look as though she bleed to death, but instead it appears she may have succumbed to shock.

Niversal spots a jewel on a silver ring on the dwarven girl’s left hand that looks like it could be a diamond, not very large, but certainly expensive. When he reaches for her hand he cannot feel a pulse.

Male Undead Arcanist 7 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 79/79 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | Init +2 | Perc +7

Bud looks at the body and then moves close to examine the eyes. "There is something strange going on here. Her eyes and that flask radiate magic. Let me examine them a minute. And I don't wanna hear any jokes about staring into the dead girls eyes!" He then examines her eyes for a bit and then the flask.

Spellcraft or Arcana: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Spellcraft or Arcana: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23


As Bud examines the eyes of the corpse, he feels something ancient stirring in his mind, memories flicker, disconnected scenes, faces, places, times he cannot recall, and he feels his hand compelled to reach out to the pretty girls face.

The dwarven girl wears a very thin mask over the top of her face. It includes the top of her nose, her eyes, and her forehead. It is something unlike any sort of magic item you can recall in your current existence. It is made of materials that are not of the natural world. You can remove the mask, if you want. Your character does not know this, but the mask is both a technological and magical device, which is why it appears so unusual to your detect magic ability – in a previous incarnation, it is possible that whoever “Bud” really was, he may have been able to identify this device

oh, and the flask holds a potion of cure serious wounds

Dark Archive

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing

Imrael mutters, "Odd. This shows some small semblance to that lightly-killed corpse in the front room. Did that not also have a small wound on the neck?

I begin to fear that we might encounter that most ancient and terrible of evil monsters. That one called...


Imrael watches Bud as he delves for more arcane answers in his odd way.

Male Undead Arcanist 7 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 79/79 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | Init +2 | Perc +7

Bud reaches out to the dwarf's face and pulls it off. You realize he is taking some sort of mask off of the dwarf. "This mask is magical but I don't understand what it does. There is something strange about it though. More than magic. This flask has a cure serious wounds potion in it. Who wants it?" he says as holds out the potion in his left hand while putting the mask away with his right.

Male Elven 7th level Conjurer (Spellbinder) Wizard Init +2 Perception +17 AC: 12 (Tch: 12 Flat: 10) Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantments) CMD 16/14 Fl Intuition +8 Spellcraft +15

Keryth looks up from the journal at the mention of the magical mask. Perhaps I can be of assistance?

Assuming Bud complies with the request...

Keryth removes his wand and waves it over the mask while staring at it intently. detect magic

spellcraft to identify : 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32


When Ballar removes the mask, the eyes, which were open and colored a misty blue-green, disappear becoming solid grey panels where the eyes used to be.

The dwarven girl is certainly not a “real” dwarven girl.

Her size, basic shape, and build would suggest she is a dwarf, but she has an alien face, not unpleasant, but definitely not the kind of face you’ve ever seen before. Her eyes are large and solid gold in color (with no “white”), the top of her nose has two additional holes, with small skin flaps that look as if they could close, but now they are open, and her brow is “knobby” but only slightly so. Overall, her face is not unattractive, but it is not the face of a dwarf.

Keryth examines the slim mask, studying it intently for arcane clues.

The mask makes use of a permanent Disguise Self spell effect, which cannot be altered, it seems, but always produces the same image. It is also a technological devices, and utilizes a trigger for the spell effect that is controlled through small silver contact disks on its surface. When looking at the “eyes” of the mask they appear lifeless, dull and grey, almost like a solid grey mirror.

Tamagotchi Trainer 7| HP 48/48 | AC13(17) T11(15) FF12(16) | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9 | CMB +4 Rng +4 | Not in the face +7 | Perception +11
HP 84/84|| AC26 T12 FF23 | Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +7 || CMB +14 || Perception +10 (scent 30’)

Suppose whatever she, or maybe it, isn't with us anymore? Zae asks, lowering her guard at the revelation that the strange humanoid. Any guesses as to who she was? More importantly why she is so recently dead?

Recovering Drunkard/ 5th Level Nacho Proficienato / Muchacho's MMA 2 | HP 59/59 +0/0 Temp | AC19 T11 FF16 | CMB+5 CMD +16 | Melee +7 Rng +6 | Dorn +8 | Channeling 5/5
| F+8 R+2 W+8 | Init.+1 Perc.+9 In2ish +13 | Appraise +7 | Bluff +6 | Heal +10 | Know. Religion +10 Dungeon +3 | SpellCraft +10 | Intimidate +7

Bud removed the mask...

In2ish: Is this Boloran's work?: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

One word pops into Ballar's head, Boloran. Thinking this is all completely self explanatory, the dwarf says little else save continue to watch Bud and Keryth gather clues.

Dark Archive

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing

Imrael cocks an eyebrow at Ballar. "And what, pray tell, is a 'Boloran'?"

Recovering Drunkard/ 5th Level Nacho Proficienato / Muchacho's MMA 2 | HP 59/59 +0/0 Temp | AC19 T11 FF16 | CMB+5 CMD +16 | Melee +7 Rng +6 | Dorn +8 | Channeling 5/5
| F+8 R+2 W+8 | Init.+1 Perc.+9 In2ish +13 | Appraise +7 | Bluff +6 | Heal +10 | Know. Religion +10 Dungeon +3 | SpellCraft +10 | Intimidate +7

Bit-toffa, somewha' famous bloke. Ballar shrugs and rests a hand on his dorn as he reminisces of his first meeting with Kitty Laverne's Boom Boom Club's now famous living construct, Boloran's tha guy who creat'd our Jacquelyn. Evil genious or jus'ta genious, tha lads down a'Kitty Laverne's are still debat'n tha. Ballar chuckles, Anyway, accord'n ta our previous thespian, Boloran's long gone, but tha bloke creat'd more'an one construct. This 'ere 'dwarf' may be 'noth'r o'his.

Dark Archive

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing

"Eh? What are you on about man? That is no golem, but just some demi-human creature, perhaps a mis-shaped kobold or other under-ground dwelling r--...."

Doubt creeps over Imrael's face until he begins to waver.

"I see that we may have a greater mystery here, and I would not have us kept ignorant for want of effort. Let us solve this conundrum and see if the thing before us was once a living creature or a magically animated fabrication."

Imrael advances on the creature and inspects with the rough hand of one checking an empty water skin for pinholes. He tears the clothing off and prods and clutches the tissue, trying to discern it's true nature.

Perception!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

If he's not sure, he raises his weapon for a vivisection.


Imreal’s “investigation” of the body reveals that it is, in fact, the corpse of a once living biological being, however…

The deceased has a mechanical arm (left arm), disguised ingeniously to look almost completely real. And a three inch scar, healed over a long time ago but still visible, on the left lower side of her chest

As more details are revealed about the corpse, you begin to get a pretty good feeling that this was a real person, who has died, and not a construct – most likely not the work of Boloran

Sorry about the mix up - was updating games too fast again

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Recovering Drunkard/ 5th Level Nacho Proficienato / Muchacho's MMA 2 | HP 59/59 +0/0 Temp | AC19 T11 FF16 | CMB+5 CMD +16 | Melee +7 Rng +6 | Dorn +8 | Channeling 5/5
| F+8 R+2 W+8 | Init.+1 Perc.+9 In2ish +13 | Appraise +7 | Bluff +6 | Heal +10 | Know. Religion +10 Dungeon +3 | SpellCraft +10 | Intimidate +7
Terquem wrote:
Her eyes are large and solid gold in color (with no “white”)

I think this was the line that threw me off :) Sounds like an android to me.

Ballar stares at Imrael for a moment as the warrior priest begins his thorough examination. When it quickly becomes obvious the 'dwarf' was not a construct but a living being of some sort, Ballar shrugs off the realization of his own mistake, yet keeps silent, giving a humorous look to the others. Leaning in to whisper to Bud, It'll be fun ta see how far Imrael's will'n to go, eh?!

Male Elven 7th level Conjurer (Spellbinder) Wizard Init +2 Perception +17 AC: 12 (Tch: 12 Flat: 10) Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantments) CMD 16/14 Fl Intuition +8 Spellcraft +15

After studying the mask's aura for a moment Keryth remarks, The mask makes use of a permanent Disguise Self spell effect, which cannot be altered, it seems, but always produces the same image. It is also a technological device, and utilizes a trigger for the spell effect that is controlled through small silver contact disks on its surface.

Looking down at the corpse's face he continues, It would seem that the mask's primary, and possibly only, function is to allow her pass for a dwarf.


Further past the corpse lying on the ground, on the left there is a wooden door. The door has no lock, bolt, or handle.

While immediately to the right of the corpse there is another passageway going south, and down that way another door. But this door is held shut with a bolt and pad lock which you can clearly see.

I’ll try to get a new map up tonight

Recovering Drunkard/ 5th Level Nacho Proficienato / Muchacho's MMA 2 | HP 59/59 +0/0 Temp | AC19 T11 FF16 | CMB+5 CMD +16 | Melee +7 Rng +6 | Dorn +8 | Channeling 5/5
| F+8 R+2 W+8 | Init.+1 Perc.+9 In2ish +13 | Appraise +7 | Bluff +6 | Heal +10 | Know. Religion +10 Dungeon +3 | SpellCraft +10 | Intimidate +7

Spotting the two wooden doors out of the corner of his eye, Ballar snaps his fingers at Niversal, Oi! Nivers, doors! Vaguely pointing a finger indicating that the elf should investigate the nearest door, the dwarf returns his gaze to Imrael and his explorations.

Male Elf Sneaky Bastard 7 (knife master) init+10; Perception +14; F+4, R+12, W+4; melee +11( twf) dam 1d4+7 Sneak 4d8, 55 HP Max cmb 5 cmd 20

Niversal laughs and trots to the hallway with the lock checking for traps prior to attepting to unlock it.

traps?: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

He will then disable the lock:

disable device: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16


Bypassing the unlatched door, Niversal moves south down the near passageway to the Door that is bolted shut, the sliding bolt held closed with a padlock.

He gives the door a good once over, and finds no sign of any traps, and then turns his attention to the pad lock.

It is sophisticated, to say the least, with a small key hole. After trying a few of his tools, Niversal is convinced he cannot open this lock without a Key

I would like all characters to please make a perception Skill roll

Dark Archive

Outsider WarPriest 6 | HP 48/48 | AC 20/13/16 | Init +7 Perc: +6 | 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 | Fervor: 4/4 ||Atk: +10/2d4+10 w/REACH |FX: +1 save War blessing

Perception!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........

Male Undead Arcanist 7 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 79/79 | F +7 R +4 W +5 | Init +2 | Perc +7

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Male Elven 7th level Conjurer (Spellbinder) Wizard Init +2 Perception +17 AC: 12 (Tch: 12 Flat: 10) Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantments) CMD 16/14 Fl Intuition +8 Spellcraft +15

perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

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