Memory Lane PBP (Inactive)

Game Master Winterwalker

Defunct thread

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Liberty's Edge

Unknown bipedal Raven

The bird man stops on the docks and answers your questions.

"Hail featherless ones. You seek the one called Charles, do you, the pilot of Higher Than The Sun? He is on board my lords. Seek him out up the stairs, you cannot miss him and his shining armor in layers."

"I am called Boo, and what more can I do for you?" He questions in a sing song like voice. "For I am in a hurry and must not be late, I have much to talk to about to my master Gunny and it's half past time I ate."

The Exchange

Alvartus 'The Gilded Pick' wrote:
Alvartus has his hand on his rapier, readying an action to draw if anything attacks the party.

You feel a distinct compulsion of peace, and would have to try and resist that compulsion first to draw it in anger or to strike someone.
The Exchange

SIDENOTE: Grenep/All: You may not have noticed, but in town you all understand each other even when speaking in other languages.

Male Human Cleric 1

"Thank you," I say to the birdman, and then, feeling invited, I lead the way up to the ship, looking, I think, for a man in plate mail.

Male Elf Wizard Level 1

Duneriur walks pasted Boo and into the boat, he heads up the stairs looking for Charles

Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0

Delweir falls into step with the others but takes a backward look to see if there is any great reaction by those on the dock as we enter.

Spot check: 18

The Exchange

Male Human Paldin 1

Aubec will walk up the steps, last or twoards the end if others dally, but before going into or on the vessel, he will scan for evil one last time, first towards the shore then towards the boat. If he sense evil he will attemopt to follow where he senses lesd him

Spot: spot (1d20=17)+2=19

Search: search (1d20=17)+1=18

The Exchange

Delweir wrote:

Delweir falls into step with the others but takes a backward look to see if there is any great reaction by those on the dock as we enter.

Spot check: 18

Nothing seems to be a danger, nor do you receive any odd looks.
The Exchange

Aubec the Brazen Knight wrote:

Aubec will walk up the steps, last or twoards the end if others dally, but before going into or on the vessel, he will scan for evil one last time, first towards the shore then towards the boat. If he sense evil he will attemopt to follow where he senses lesd him

Spot: spot (1d20=17)+2=19

Search: search (1d20=17)+1=18

you detect evil close, moving in the boat, if you narrow your search.
The Exchange

Male Human Paldin 1

Ok, Aubec will enter the boat and follow along with the others. However, if he senses the evil fading he will pause and let the others go ahead, waiting and hoping to discover the cause.

Male Half-Orc Druid 1

Grenep & Gritch enter the boat with the others.

The Exchange

Aubec the Brazen Knight wrote:
Ok, Aubec will enter the boat and follow along with the others. However, if he senses the evil fading he will pause and let the others go ahead, waiting and hoping to discover the cause.

The evil presence remains even though the Bird creature left and your friends enter the boat. In fact the presence remains somewhere in or around the boat. As you further concentrate you detect it as a 'faint' aura and the general direction is now the boat.

Joke: Evil always comes indeed.

Male Human Rogue 1

Havin felt the soothing nature of the town's wards, Alvartus will reluctantly enter the boat last.

As a test, he keeps his hands on his rapier to make sure the wards are still active while on the boat.

Male Human (Chelish) Illusionist 1

I suppose Kavelin should go aboard, so Alvartus can actually bring up the rear.

Kavelin thanks Boo for his assistance, bids him good day, and follows the others on board, allowing the armored folk to lead.

The Exchange

There is only one stair case at this entry way, climbing a short series of stairs it deposits you into a large meeting room of sorts.

The room is dimly lit with hanging hooded lanterns that are colored in alternating yellow and orange hues. A large darkwood table is placed in the center of the room, with thirteen chairs lined around it's round shape. In the center of the table is a mosaic of yellow, red, and orange stones that again make up the stylized "A" logo with the sun background.

As you approach the chairs they magically pull themselves out for you to sit on, and assuming you do they adjust you properly as you sit down.

Male Human Cleric 1

A bit wary at the obviously magicked chairs, I nontheless gingerly take a seat, taking my great sword from my back and leaning the scabbarded blade against the table near to hand.

Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0

"Our host intends for us to be impressed. He seems to be a man of great means. I look forward to meeting him"

Delweir takes a seat.

Male Elf Wizard Level 1

Duneriur takes his seat

Male Human Rogue 1

Alvartus looks at the magic chair for a moment before deciding better of it and leaning against the wall behind the chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

The Exchange

Male Human Paldin 1

Aubec brazenly collapses into his chair. The blade, wrapped in thin leather, 'thunks' against the back of the chair. As he leans back the blade is pressed up under his arm and behind his shoulder blade to twist until four feet of blade thrust above Aubec's head.

Male Half-Orc Druid 1

Delighted with the magic chairs, Grenep thunks his large frame down on one "Cooool" he says under his breath.

Male Human Cleric 1
Delweir wrote:

"Our host intends for us to be impressed. He seems to be a man of great means. I look forward to meeting him"

Delweir takes a seat.

I smile.

"Powerful magic can impress but I will be better impressed with a worthy task."

Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0
Sir Muerdon wrote:
Delweir wrote:

"Our host intends for us to be impressed. He seems to be a man of great means. I look forward to meeting him"

Delweir takes a seat.

I smile.

"Powerful magic can impress but I will be better impressed with a worthy task."

"I agree that a worthy task impresses. It just seems more likely that a man of great means is more likely to be involved in worthy tasks, one way or another."

Male Human Rogue 1

"Or he just intends to distract us from his true intentions."

Alvartus is ready for just about anything to greet them - female, monster, disembodied voice, construct, he expects anything including the expected.

Male Human (Chelish) Illusionist 1

Unpurturbed, Kavelin takes his seat.

"I'm certainly looking forward to meeting him. He might be using magic for show, but a man with the means to do so should likely be a worthy patron who offers intriguing tasks that will pay handsomely in currency of a type both I and Alvartus should appreciate."

Male Human Rogue 1

"Now, currency I can relate too. Gold, jewels, trinkets...favors. Nothing more valuable than debt."

Male Human (Chelish) Illusionist 1

"I thought as much. For myself, however, the greater glitter is the lure of knowledge; it's market price is higher than even the noble metals. Still, a good amount of coin or precious stones is a fine can be traded for lore readily enough in some circles."

Male Human Cleric 1

"A scholar are you?" I say, "Perhaps this would be as good a time as any to introduce ourselves. I am Muerdon, a priest of the Swift Sword of the Gods. Members of my order are bid by our faith to spend a period of time in questing and fighting the forces of darkness. I had hoped that there might be a worthy quest in all of this." I wave my hands to indicate the ship and all that is in it.

"So what brings a scholar into such a place? Pursuit of the unknown?"

Male Human (Chelish) Illusionist 1

"It was merely a matter of staying secluded in training and feeding on whatever knowledge happened to trickle in through the walls or from between my masters' fingers, or going abroad and finding what I seek. If I had stayed with traditional study, I'd be old and feeble before I'd learned all I can.

The risks are greater, certainly, but the rewards are equally great."

Male Human Rogue 1

"Risk, reward - it's all a bloody tightrope act if you ask me. I'm not disagreeing, but I'm just gettin' sick of stealing from robber barons."

Male Human (Chelish) Illusionist 1

"Perhaps ancient tombs and the ruins of lost cities would be more to your liking? They would tend to be less...vindictive than robber barons if their treasures are liberated, more often than not."

Male Human Rogue 1

"I'm countin' on it. I'd rather steal from one dragon than a thousand noblemen. Excludin' of course if I don't get away with it."

Male Human (Chelish) Illusionist 1

"Hmm...I'm not sure stealing from dragons would be preferable, unless said dragon had already been slain. The wrath of a thousand beggared noblemen would pale in comparison to a dragon that found it's hoard a single coin short."

The Exchange

Male Human Paldin 1

"Ha! I think what the gilded pick is implying is that someone, we perhaps, have already slain said dragon? Or do you, Alavertus, plan on weilding blade and shield in this epic battle?" Aubec's eyes mist over for a moment as he poders the glory of a dragon-slaying. A slight crease of his brow, as his image of Alavertus, scooping his hard-won gold into bags. "Hmm..." he ponders, tapping his hands on the table impatiently.

Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0

"I am here to test what I have been taught to see if the world is as I read. Also, I do not wish to quitely sit and passively watch events. It would be better to die in the pursuit of wonderment than in the sick bed of someone who never set foot outside the village of his birth."

Male Half-Orc Druid 1

Gritch and I were just wandering the woods, as usual, when this messenger guy found us. Sounded like fun, so here we are!" Grenep says with a big ugly grin.

The Exchange

Male Human Paldin 1

"Ninety-nine tankards of ale on the wall..."

Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0
Aubec the Brazen Knight wrote:
"Ninety-nine tankards of ale on the wall..."

"I'm sure that singing that song violates a paladin's code."

Male Human Cleric 1

"Patience, good knight," I say to the Paladin, "Surely our host will arrive shortly, before we must all say good night."

The Exchange

There is a low audible humming noise that briefly fills your heads and gives you a sense of vertigo and in the space of a single blink, where there was no one sitting in one of the empty chairs there now sits what you think is a human in full articulated plate mail made of Mithril.

The full helmet he wears has no visible eye holes, a solid sheen of mithral. The mithral armor is engraved by a skilled artisan and the etchings filled with what looks like platinum. It is truly a mark of a master smith that both created and possibly etched it.

His metallic clad hands rest on the dark wood table, and he swivels his head as he addresses the gathering.

"Greetings to you, those I hope to call business partners." He moves his head around the gathering, and the chairs used an unused but says nothing.

"I'm sure you are weary and I wish to not tally you further, however what I have to say will take so little time, yet reward you much."

"You thirteen have been gathered-" He pauses perhaps looking at the unfilled chairs, and shrugs his metal shoulders.

"-You have been gathered here for a special purpose. A 'job' offer if you will. My coffers are extreme, but my hands only two. I need some people to help me attain my goals, and in turn I will help you attain yours. What I purpose is simple, I have the means to find those in need, those that cry out in pain at night, those that are beset by evil forces, and those that just want someone to get a job done for the right price."

"Where you come in, is I need able bodies to help me get the job done. Of course I plan to compensate you greatly for this help. I simply cannot be everywhere at once. The gains will be substantial. What I purpose is to hire you long term on retainer, sort of a militia, or a band of mercenaries if you will."

"I will provide all your needs, be it gear, food, room, transportation, exotic items, and pay. You will simply provide your talents, your magic, or your sword arms and deploy to missions I assign."

"We can go over particulars, such as hazard pay etc. But it's quite simple what I offer, a long term job, with amazing pay and perks. You'd be reporting to me and only me."

Male Human Rogue 1

"Let's talk contracts. I'm not one to be bound limb, favor, soul, and means to anything. How long is this "service" to last? What if we want out early?"

Alvartus squints his eyes at their host, looking for anything memorable or distinctive under that armor. He appears unphased by the sudden appearance.

Male Human (Chelish) Illusionist 1

Spellcraft check of 12 (roll 4, +8) to determine the nature of Charles' entrance...chances are Kavelin was too deep in conversation to notice much.

"Well met, Master Able. I would echo Alvartus' sentiments, and perhaps ask for particulars. The general arrangement sounds agreeable, but specifics would be preferable."

Kavelin leans forward in his chair, tempted to cast detect magic and scan the man's armor, but having enough skill in etiquette not to do least during a first meeting.

Male Human Cleric 1

I arch an eyebrow as Able makes his speech. Then I smile.

"I am afraid my services are not for hire. But if your missions are worthy, I will gladly partake and should you choose to aid me in the pursuit of worthy goals, I would gladly accept. There is no need to worry about hazard pay or the like as far as I am concerned. May I enquire however what your thoughts are good sir, as to a soldier taking aid from the possessions of the fallen?"

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

"I be Caith Crunnelon, o' th' clan MacCailain. Fer short, ye can call me Caith. Th' Dwarffather called me tae service many a season ago," the stout dwarf introduces himself.

He mulls the armored man's offer for a moment before continuing, "Th' Dwarffather asks us tae assist those tha' need it. 'Twould be my honor tae be a part o' any venture tha' better'd th' world.

"Know this, though: His teachings come afore any quests tha' ye might be settin' afore meself. If'n tha' be acceptable, I be yer dwarf," he finishes.

The Exchange

Male Human Paldin 1
Sir Muerdon wrote:

I arch an eyebrow as Able makes his speech. Then I smile.

"I am afraid my services are not for hire. But if your missions are worthy, I will gladly partake and should you choose to aid me in the pursuit of worthy goals, I would gladly accept.

"Indeed," Aubec intones, "I feel the exact same way! I will not kill, but to strike down evil. I will not take, but the spoils of the fallen evil."

Male Elf Wizard Level 1

I unlike my companions require a bit more information before signing on with just anybody.

The first would be to see the face of the man I will be undoubtedly be risking my life for. This is your ship and as such should be adequately protected to show the face of the master we will be working for.

Secondly just what goal's must be met? I don't take job's blindly, I require enough information to make a informed choice.

Male Human Magic-user 1 (Infernal Binder) | HP 8 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | Saves +1/+2/+2 | init +5 | Percep +0

"I am most intrigued but like most here I need to know specifics such as have been asked for. How do you come to choose the tasks you would assign to us and what do you expect as your share?"

The Exchange

Kavelin the Red wrote:

Spellcraft check of 12 (roll 4, +8) to determine the nature of Charles' entrance...chances are Kavelin was too deep in conversation to notice much.

"Well met, Master Able. I would echo Alvartus' sentiments, and perhaps ask for particulars. The general arrangement sounds agreeable, but specifics would be preferable."

Kavelin leans forward in his chair, tempted to cast detect magic and scan the man's armor, but having enough skill in etiquette not to do least during a first meeting.

Spellcraft result:


You get nothing on a spellcraft check to identify his entrance, he was simply not there, then there.

Sir Muerdon wrote:

I arch an eyebrow as Able makes his speech. Then I smile.

"I am afraid my services are not for hire. But if your missions are worthy, I will gladly partake and should you choose to aid me in the pursuit of worthy goals, I would gladly accept. There is no need to worry about hazard pay or the like as far as I am concerned. May I enquire however what your thoughts are good sir, as to a soldier taking aid from the possessions of the fallen?"

"Explain, I don't think I follow you, but worthy missions I do have. I have one waiting this very moment."

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