Full Name |
Caith Crunnelon MacCailain |
Race |
Dwarf |
Classes/Levels |
Cleric 1 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
194 |
Special Abilities |
Dwarf Traits |
Alignment |
NG |
Deity |
The Dwarffather (LG Deity; Earth, Law, Protection, Good Domains) |
Languages |
Dwarven, Common, Celestial |
Occupation |
Wandering Missionary |
Strength |
15 |
Dexterity |
12 |
Constitution |
16 |
Intelligence |
13 |
Wisdom |
18 |
Charisma |
11 |
About Caith Crunnelon
Caith is a follower of The Dwarffather, whose proper name should never be spoken aloud in the presence of unbelievers. He wanders the land, attempting to convert those who are unaware of the glory and magnificence of The Dwarffather.
Character Sheet
Senses, Movement, & Initiative
Spot: +4 Listen: +4 Search: +1
Languages: Common, Dwarven, & Celestial
Movement: 20 ft.
Initiative: +1
Special: Darkvision 60 ft. & Stonecunning (+2 Search vs. Unusual Stonework, Free Search Check vs. Unusual Stonework Within 10 ft., Intuit Depth Underground, Trapfinding (As Rogue Ability) vs. Stone Traps)
Defensive Information
Hit Dice: 1d8+3 Hit Points: 11
AC: 17 (16 Without Buckler) Touch AC: 11 Flat-Foot AC: 16 (15 Without Buckler)
Fort: +5 Ref: +1 Will: +6
Special: +4 vs. Bull Rush & Trip Attempts; +2 on Saves vs. Poison, Spells, & SLAs; +4 Dodge Bonus vs. Giant-Type Monsters
Offensive Information
Dwarven Waraxe:
Attack Bonus: +2 Damage: 1d10+2 Critical: 20/x3 Type: Slashing
Attack Bonus: +2 (+1 if Thrown) Damage 1d4+2 Critical: 19-20/x3 Type: Piercing/Slashing Range: 10 ft. Ammo: 4
Grapple Modifier: +2
Special: +1 Racial Bonus on Attacks vs. Orcs, Goblins, & Bugbears
Skills & Feats
Appraise: +1 (+1 Int); +4 vs. Stone or Metal (+1 Int, +3 Racial)
Balance: -4 (+1 Dex, -5 ACP)
Bluff: +0 (+0 Cha)
Climb: -3 (+2 Str, -5 ACP)
Concentration: +10 (+3 Con, 4 Ranks, +3 Skill Focus)
Craft: +1 (+1 Int); +4 vs. Stone or Metal (+1 Int, +3 Racial)
Decipher Script: N/A (0 Ranks)
Diplomacy: +0 (+0 Cha)
Disable Device: N/A (0 Ranks)
Disguise: +0 (+0 Cha)
Escape Artist: -4 (+1 Dex, -5 ACP)
Forgery: +1 (+1 Int)
Gather Information: +0 (+0 Cha)
Handle Animal: N/A (0 Ranks)
Heal: +4 (+4 Wis)
Hide: -4 (+1 Dex, -5 ACP)
Intimidate: +0 (+0 Cha)
Jump: -3 (+2 Str, -5 ACP)
Knowledge (Religion): +5 (+1 Int, 4 Ranks)
Knowledge (All Others): N/A (0 Ranks)
Listen: +4 (+4 Wis)
Move Silently: -4 (+1 Dex, -5 ACP)
Open Lock: N/A (0 Ranks)
Perform: +0 (+0 Cha)
Profession: N/A (0 Ranks)
Ride: +1 (+1 Dex)
Search: +1 (+1 Int); +4 vs. Stone (+1 Int, +3 Racial)
Sense Motive: +4 (+4 Wis)
Sleight of Hand: N/A (0 Ranks)
Spellcraft: +5 (+1 Int, 4 Ranks)
Spot: +4 (+4 Wis)
Survival: +4 (+4 Wis)
Swim: -8 (+2 Str, -10 ACP)
Tumble: N/A (0 Ranks)
Use Magic Device: N/A (0 Ranks)
Use Rope: +1 (+1 Dex); +3 With Silk Rope (+1 Dex, +2 Equipment)
Skill Focus: Concentration (1st Level)
Weapon Group Proficiencies:
Basic Weapons
Axes (Including Dwarven Waraxe and Dwarven Urgrosh, Due to Racial Proficiencies)
Picks & Hammers
Dwarven Waraxe (30 gp, 8 lb.)
4 Daggers (8 gp, 4 lb.)
Scale Mail (50 gp, 30 lb.)
Buckler (15 gp, 5 lb.)
Silver Holy Symbol (25 gp, 1 lb.)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lb.)
Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lb.)
2 Bags of Caltrops (2 gp, 4 lb.)
3 Pieces of Chalk (3 cp)
Flint & Steel (1 gp)
Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lb.)
2 Tankards (4 cp, 2 lb.)
Beltpouch (1 gp, 1/2 lb.)
5 Days' Trail Rations (2 gp & 5 sp, 5 lb.)
100 ft. Silk Rope (20 gp, 10 lb.)
8 Torches (8 cp, 8 lb.)
Waterskin (1 gp, 4 lb.)
Flask of Holy Water (25 gp, 1 lb.)
Gallon of Ale (2 sp, 8 lb.)
Cold Weather Outfit (Free, 7 lb.)
Traveler's Outfit (1 gp, Worn)
2 Sunrods (4 gp, 1 lb.)
11 gp, 5 cp
Total Weight Carried: 104 1/2 lb.
Light Load: < 67 lb. Medium Load: 67-133 lb. Heavy Load: 134-200 lb.
Lift Over Head: 200 lb.
Lift Off Ground: 400 lb.
Push/Drag: 1,000 lb.
Domains: Good & Protection
Domain Powers: Cast "Good" Descriptor Spells at +1 Caster Level (Good Domain); Protective Ward 1/Day (Cleric Level Bonus on Saving Throws as a Touch-Range Standard Action for 1 Hour) (Protection Domain)
Spells Per Day: 3/2+1
Spell Save DCs: 14/15
Spells Prepared:
0th Level: Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1st Level: Protection From Evil (Good Domain), Bless, Shield of Faith