"I have plenty of bunks and rooms for all, I can..." he pauses after standing up.
"The visions come. Be silent and watch." He speaks in a hushed tone.
We already have. One of the benefits to having the gift of foresight.
Aubec the Brazen Knight wrote: "T think the orc speaks for us all. Incidentally, I never thought I would utter those words! Let us saddle up, raise sails, hoist petards, and get this princess saved!' He is sold on the idea, if a princes wasnt enough, the mention of slaying giants sent him over the top.
"One question, good sir!" he adds. "This princess, is she wedded?"
He grins at the linear logic. "She is not married. Though there is a rumor the king and queen are pushing a betrothal. I believe she is pushing back, though I think she may have other concerns at the moment."

Grenep Featherwise wrote: Never known for being the shiniest copper piece in the purse, yet usually able to make good decisions once he's had time to think things through, Grenep at first listens to the questions of his fellow questors. For him the whole idea sounds like a grand adventure but some of them have brought up things he probably wouldn't have thought to ask. So, although he is bubbling with excitement inside he tries to keep it to himself.
Those near him though may notice his toes tapping at a rapid rate and feel him jumping up and down in his seat a little bit. They may also feel the need to double check that they are, indeed, looking at a half-orc.
Finally, when the part of 'rescuing a Princess' comes up Grenep can no longer contain himself and he leaps up out of his chair (sending it flying backwards across the room, possibly destroying it, and anything it crashes into, and completely unaware of the whole thing) with a resounding cry "Oh yes! Pick me! I mean yes! I agree! Rescue a Princess! Oh my that's So Romantic! Isn't it Gritchy!" The large ugly half-orc Druid then sighs lengthily and goes to drop back down into his no longer there chair, instead crashing to the floor with a noticeable thud. Not to fear however for up he pops, quick as a groundhog with a sort of giggle and an "ooops!" Thereby securely clenching in the minds of those watching that, yes, indeed, they have Never seen a half-orc quite like this before.
His animal companion Gritch the Badger tries to look, if possible, even more embarrassed than he usually does.
"Now thats the spirit!"
Caith Crunnelon wrote: "I be Caith Crunnelon, o' th' clan MacCailain. Fer short, ye can call me Caith. Th' Dwarffather called me tae service many a season ago," the stout dwarf introduces himself.
He mulls the armored man's offer for a moment before continuing, "Th' Dwarffather asks us tae assist those tha' need it. 'Twould be my honor tae be a part o' any venture tha' better'd th' world.
"Know this, though: His teachings come afore any quests tha' ye might be settin' afore meself. If'n tha' be acceptable, I be yer dwarf," he finishes.
"May his teachings guide you along the right path dwarf, I think we can work together fine. There are always many in need."

Sir Muerdon wrote: I arch an eyebrow as Able makes his speech. Then I smile.
"I am afraid my services are not for hire. But if your missions are worthy, I will gladly partake and should you choose to aid me in the pursuit of worthy goals, I would gladly accept. There is no need to worry about hazard pay or the like as far as I am concerned. May I enquire however what your thoughts are good sir, as to a soldier taking aid from the possessions of the fallen?"
"I admire your refusal to be paid to do the good deed, I'm sure I can accommodate you in other ways as thanks."
"The first mission I wish to assign you was one Boo, Gunny's familiar you ran into on the way in witnessed for me."
"I received a distressing plea from the Silver Princess far to the west of here, she sends word her palace is under attack by giants. Boo heard nothing more, and could not elaborate 'giant' so i do not know if this means the 20' tall monsters or over sized pigs."
"The princess is a good woman however, and the fact her city is under attack, without protection, and possibly besieged by evil giants seems a worthy cause to my ears."

Alvartus 'The Gilded Pick' wrote: "Let's talk contracts. I'm not one to be bound limb, favor, soul, and means to anything. How long is this "service" to last? What if we want out early?"
Alvartus squints his eyes at their host, looking for anything memorable or distinctive under that armor. He appears unphased by the sudden appearance.
The armor itself is unique, bulky and full. It looks almost melded to his form, it is a custom fit and engineered/crafted in a way that makes it impossible to see anything besides the armor itself. It's obviously worth a great deal being made of thick mithral and being engraved by an experts hand.
"These are not binding, no pacts, no blood, nothing like that. I am in fact more in your need than you are mine. As for contracts, lets call them missions, you will act under my leadership, you will fly my colors, and try to accomplish the goals I set forth, in turn I will compensate you as you see fit. be that money, information, knowing you fought evil, anything you desire in that regards I could acquire."
"I require nothing more than a commitment to try and accomplish whatever goals I set forth when I receive them."
Delweir wrote: "I am most intrigued but like most here I need to know specifics such as have been asked for. How do you come to choose the tasks you would assign to us and what do you expect as your share?"
"The tasks are chosen not by me, I don't know where they come from to tell you the truth, for I am just the messaenger.
Nor do I ever remember what is said when the message is delivered. All I know is when the next message comes, it will be soon."
Duneriur Mawdancer wrote: I unlike my companions require a bit more information before signing on with just anybody.
The first would be to see the face of the man I will be undoubtedly be risking my life for. This is your ship and as such should be adequately protected to show the face of the master we will be working for.
Secondly just what goal's must be met? I don't take job's blindly, I require enough information to make a informed choice.
He looks in your direction, Duneriur.
"If it were only that easy. No I'm afraid I cannot, there are a great many 'beings' that would sense my presence should I remove this armor. They would cause no end of misery to get to me, and probably go through you should they link us together. This is why I need you to act as my arms."
Sir Muerdon wrote: I arch an eyebrow as Able makes his speech. Then I smile.
"I am afraid my services are not for hire. But if your missions are worthy, I will gladly partake and should you choose to aid me in the pursuit of worthy goals, I would gladly accept. There is no need to worry about hazard pay or the like as far as I am concerned. May I enquire however what your thoughts are good sir, as to a soldier taking aid from the possessions of the fallen?"
"Explain, I don't think I follow you, but worthy missions I do have. I have one waiting this very moment."

"Greetings to you, those I hope to call business partners." He moves his head around the gathering, and the chairs used an unused but says nothing.
"I'm sure you are weary and I wish to not tally you further, however what I have to say will take so little time, yet reward you much."
"You thirteen have been gathered-" He pauses perhaps looking at the unfilled chairs, and shrugs his metal shoulders.
"-You have been gathered here for a special purpose. A 'job' offer if you will. My coffers are extreme, but my hands only two. I need some people to help me attain my goals, and in turn I will help you attain yours. What I purpose is simple, I have the means to find those in need, those that cry out in pain at night, those that are beset by evil forces, and those that just want someone to get a job done for the right price."
"Where you come in, is I need able bodies to help me get the job done. Of course I plan to compensate you greatly for this help. I simply cannot be everywhere at once. The gains will be substantial. What I purpose is to hire you long term on retainer, sort of a militia, or a band of mercenaries if you will."
"I will provide all your needs, be it gear, food, room, transportation, exotic items, and pay. You will simply provide your talents, your magic, or your sword arms and deploy to missions I assign."
"We can go over particulars, such as hazard pay etc. But it's quite simple what I offer, a long term job, with amazing pay and perks. You'd be reporting to me and only me."