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![Father Zastoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF19-04.jpg)
I am opening up recruitment for a Rise of the Runelord, Burnt Offerings campaign. I am looking for a party of five: Fighter type, Rogue type, Divine type, Arcane type and one other that could be just about anything. Classes only from the Core Rulebook, Advanced Player’s Guide and Ultimate Combat will be accepted. There are a few classes from the APG and Ultimate Combat that I have not had the pleasure to referee, so you could be the first. Spell books, feats, skills, etc. will be accepted from these same tomes. Please design a 25 point build for your character, after all you are heroes. Good or Neutral Characters only please. Please use the standard starting gold for class type to purchase armor, weapons, equipment, etc. I will be pulling from both the original publication and Anniversary edition with likely many mods along the way, maybe even a side adventure or two. The preference is for players that has not had the opportunity to play or GM in this wonderful adventure, so please let me know your status about this. I plan on posting the start of the Campaign around September 13th, so there is time to submit your characters and make any final modifications before starting.
Your character is in Sandpoint to either attend the Swallowtail Festival or rededicate the Sandpoint Cathedral, or maybe both. Please let me know what circumstances brought your PC to Sandpoint. None of the PCs should be familiar with Sandpoint, as a large part of this adventure is discovering this interesting little town.
I have been the Game Master of adventures in face-to-face sessions, but this will be my first attempt at a PBP campaign. Your suggestions and patience will be appreciated. I am looking for a fun time to meet new friends. No rules lawyers please. I will try to referee by the rules, but with so many rules, and so many possible situations, mistakes or on the fly rulings may come into play. I am open to go over things in the Discussion area or privately. Ultimately the goal is a fun time for all. I am looking for people that can commit to daily posts. However, I am well aware that life sometimes gets in the way. NPCs will often be a part of the party. They can also fill in should an unexpected prolonged absence occur for a player.
Finally, PBP campaigns can be a long process. When we finish Burnt Offerings, I plan to move forward with the Skinsaw Murders with some or all of the same group.
Evan Whitefield |
I am definitely interested. I've been trying to play and/or GM this AP since it came out without any luck.
Character idea:
Shoanti Druid, or ranger. I would like to have him be related to the Sheriff and the Owner of the White Deer, possibly a younger brother or even son. I'll have him stated up and a back story written ASAP.
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![Father Zastoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF19-04.jpg)
Dotting. Will be submitting a rogue.
Couple of questions.
1) Traits ?
2) Standard starting gold ? Is that maximum or average?
3) Daily posts ? Does that include weekends? (not an issue for me, I am retired, but may be for others)-- david
1)Traits? Sure. Standard plus Rise of the Runelord specific.
2)Gold? Thanks for this question. AVERAGE please.
3)Daily Post? As often as you can, but I understand that weekends can be busy for folks. Weekends are usually when I have the most free time. During the week can be tight for me. We need to be flexible. The PBP Campaigns can be a long slow process.
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![Father Zastoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF19-04.jpg)
I am definitely interested. I've been trying to play and/or GM this AP since it came out without any luck.
Character idea:
Shoanti Druid, or ranger. I would like to have him be related to the Sheriff and the Owner of the White Deer, possibly a younger brother or even son. I'll have him stated up and a back story written ASAP.
I would prefer characters have no relationship, or at best absent or distant relationships. As noted above, Sandpoint is part of the discovery and fun in this adventure.
Evan Whitefield |
I would prefer characters have no relationship, or at best absent or distant relationships. As noted above, Sandpoint is part of the discovery and fun in this adventure.
I was going to have it be a absent relationship with my character leaving to rejoin the Shriikirri-Quah during the "Late Unpleasantness". I total understand that this is too much familiarity than you wanted. I'm revise my back story accordingly.
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Hi Mazra, I created this character especially for Rise of the Runelords.
We had a lenghty rp in the recruitment and got in a RoTRL game. However, the gm disappeared before we even got to the start of the festival :(.
He would need a few minor adjustments for your campaign.
Originally he had a distant relative living in the town to which he fled the Taldor noble from. We can erase that from the background, so that he just arrived in town and still has to meet her.
Can we take another trait by getting a drawback?
Do you plan on doing the other books as well?
Will you hand out PFS credit when we play this? Just want to add that this is possible even with the house rules (a lot of people apparently do not know this).
(Sorry Helikon had him all set and ready to go for a couple of months)
Grand Moff Vixen |
Grand Moff Vixen wrote:Average starting gold please. When I said Standard, I meant average. Sorry for the confusion.Unless you prefer us to use the average gold, here is my roll.
[dice=Starting Gold]5d6 190 gold then.
Thanks for the clarification. I should have the character posted shortly. Since the background is already in place all I need to do is adjust the build in Hero Lab.
Grand Moff Vixen |
Mazra, I have made the needed changes. I added an appearance and personality spoiler. I will probably go through the background and see what tweaks I can make. My writing continues to improve, and I desire to bring his story to a higher quality than it was before. I made the background for the paladin about 1 1/2 years ago, so it has been a while since I really looked it over.
Other than that, the alias is complete. I present Xogar, a Half-Orc Paladin (Warrior of the Holy Light, Redeemer)
Mokshai |
I would love to get into this.
New to PBP, and never played Runelords.
So here is Brandark Plainswalker
Brandark was born of a brewing merchant family. He found through his life that he was highly resistant to suggestions that he should take up the brewing life like his parents before him. He was able to resist these suggestions, and with the money that he saved working for his parents, he was able to afford the cost of gear. He then was asked if he could travel some of the human lands to see about working in some new markets for his family.
During this time, he was set upon by goblins, and left for dead. He was found by a member of the dragon Cavalier, who inducted him into the order after restoring him to health. After rebuilding a small amount of cash, and reequipping himself, he found himself in Sandpoint just as a caravan with the swallowtail festival has arrived.
Male Dwarf Cavalier 1
NG medium humanoid
Init +1
Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +5
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16
hp 12
Fort 4, Reflex 1, Will 1
Speed 20 ft
Melee Lance +2 (1d8+6/x3) or Battleaxe +2 (1d8+4/x3) or Dagger +2 (1d4+4/19-20/x2)
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4+4/x2)
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 18, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 10
BAB 1, CMB 3, CMD 14
Power Attack, Paired Opportunists
Acrobatics -4, Appraise 1, Bluff 0, Climb -3, Diplomacy 0, Disguise 0, Escape Artist -4, Fly -4, Handle Animal 4, Heal 2, Intimidate 0, Perception 5, Ride 0, Sense Motive 5, Stealth -4, Survival 5, Swim -3
Dwarven, Common, Giant
Lance, Battleaxe, Dagger, Sling, Bullets - Sling (10), Bullets - Sling (30), Kit - Cavalier's , Kit - Dungeoneering, Kit - Cooking (AA), Kit - Gear Maintenance, Kit - Grooming , Fishing Kit, Leather Barding (Horse - large animal), Grappling Hook
Male Horse
N Large Quadreped
Init +1,
Senses Scent, Low light vision, Perception +5
AC 16, Touch 10, Flat-Footed 15
HP 23
Fort 5, Reflex 4, Will 1
Speed 50 ft
Bite Primary +3 (D4+3), Hoof Primary x2 +3 (D6+3)
Space 10, Reach 5
STR 16, DEX 13, CON 15, INT 2, WIS 12, CHA 6
BAB 1, CMB 5, CMD 15
Attack, 2nd Attack, Come, Defend, Guard, Heel, Down
Acrobatics +1, Climb +3, Escape Artist +1, Fly -1, Intimidate -2, Perception +5, Stealth +1, Survival +1, Swim +7
Leather Barding
Just to confirm the traits were 1 campaign, and 1 other ? And if selected, I will make an alias for him.
Bane88 |
![Khair Al Din](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF21-09.jpg)
Here is my crunch for Rin Okumura a catfolk ninja, taking the rogue slot if selected. If for some reason you're a catfolk hater, I can switch him to human or halfling.
Background to follow.
Male Catfolk Ninja 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 90; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 13)
CG Medium humanoid (catfolk)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee wakizashi +4 (1d6+1/18-20) and
wakizashi +4 (1d6+1/18-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Disable Device +5, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +7, Perception +7, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +9, Survival +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Stealth, +2 Survival
Languages Catfolk, Common
SQ cat's luck, catfolk rogue/ninja, poison use, sprinter
Other Gear studded leather, wakizashi, wakizashi, 45 gp
Special Abilities
Cat's Luck (1/day) (Ex) Can roll 2d20 for a Reflex save and take better result.
Catfolk Rogue/Ninja +1/2 bonus on feint and pickpocket checks.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Poison Use You do not risk poisoning yourself accidentally while poisoning a weapon.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Sprinter (Ex) +10 ft to speed when charge, run, or withdraw.
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![Father Zastoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF19-04.jpg)
Just to confirm the traits were 1 campaign, and 1 other ? And if selected, I will make an alias for him.
That would be preferable, but any two would work also.
It will probably be a week or more before I pick the party. I imagine that many are vacationing this weekend, so I am expecting more character submissions over the coming week. I am looking for a well rounded party that will have a variety of characteristics, yet where the backgrounds and traits may help form a common bond.
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Hi Mazra,
Could you reply to my earlier questions please? Guess you skipped over them with all the others.
If you don't like void school let me know. I think it fitted my character concept nicely, but I can pick something else. He's mainly meant as a conjuration wizard focussing on battlefield control.
Can we take another trait by getting a drawback?
Do you plan on doing the other books as well?
Will you hand out PFS credit when we play this? Just want to add that this is possible even with the house rules (a lot of people apparently do not know this).
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![Father Zastoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF19-04.jpg)
Hi Mazra,
Could you reply to my earlier questions please? Guess you skipped over them with all the others.If you don't like void school let me know. I think it fitted my character concept nicely, but I can pick something else. He's mainly meant as a conjuration wizard focussing on battlefield control.
Talathel "Tal" Darkariel wrote:
Can we take another trait by getting a drawback?
Do you plan on doing the other books as well?
Will you hand out PFS credit when we play this? Just want to add that this is possible even with the house rules (a lot of people apparently do not know this).
Sorry about that.
I am not familiar with the Void schools. I don't believe it is in Core or APG.
Sorry, but only the starting two traits.
Only Core, APG and Ultimate Combat.
PFS credits are eligible.
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I've played the first book before and GM'ed it in person, I'm quite sure I could keep my knowledge separate from the character's knowledge. Though I'd understand if you'd rather not include someone who's done it before, though not as a play by post.
I would most probably play a gnome alchemist or a gnome cleric of Brigh. If you don't really like silliness, then I'd probably go Dwarven Cleric of Torag.
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I am not familiar with the Void schools. I don't believe it is in Core or APG.Sorry, but only the starting two traits.
Only Core, APG and Ultimate Combat.
PFS credits are eligible.
I meant if you were going to do the other books of RotRL as well :).
I will change to the Earth elemental school if you prefer that over Void. I posted the entire void school in my alias (from another book), but if you are not comfortable with it, I can live without it :).
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![Father Zastoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF19-04.jpg)
Mazra wrote:
I am not familiar with the Void schools. I don't believe it is in Core or APG.Sorry, but only the starting two traits.
Only Core, APG and Ultimate Combat.
PFS credits are eligible.
I meant if you were going to do the other books of RotRL as well :).
I will change to the Earth elemental school if you prefer that over Void. I posted the entire void school in my alias (from another book), but if you are
not comfortable with it, I can live without it :).
Let's see how Burnt Offerings go. I do plan to move on to The Skinsaw Man.
I'd like to keep things to the books mentioned. There are so many peripheral rules out there. The Elemental Arcane Schools are in the APG, so Earth Elemental School is cool.
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![Father Zastoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF19-04.jpg)
alternate racial traits: what is the verdict of them?
They are in the advanced race guide, which is not an allowed book. so I presume not allowed, but wanted to double check with you :)
Traits were mostly outside the books from the beginning. They were somewhat AP specific, but they add flavor to your character; so I am open to Traits. What do you have in mind?
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![Father Zastoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF19-04.jpg)
I've played the first book before and GM'ed it in person, I'm quite sure I could keep my knowledge separate from the character's knowledge. Though I'd understand if you'd rather not include someone who's done it before, though not as a play by post.
I would most probably play a gnome alchemist or a gnome cleric of Brigh. If you don't really like silliness, then I'd probably go Dwarven Cleric of Torag.
As noted above, I prefer those that have not experienced this wonderful adventure. There are surprises that would be hard to ignore. However, your character could fill a needed slot, so I will not rule it out.
Gilthanis |
![Wild Elf](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/WildElf_final.jpg)
Gilthanis wrote:Traits were mostly outside the books from the beginning. They were somewhat AP specific, but they add flavor to your character; so I am open to Traits. What do you have in mind?alternate racial traits: what is the verdict of them?
They are in the advanced race guide, which is not an allowed book. so I presume not allowed, but wanted to double check with you :)
I was thinking the tinker trait, it gives a +1 disable & engineer. And I am proficient in any weapon I personally craft. I understand if you say no, I could craft my own weapon during "down time" and then be able to use it.
YanJieming |
![Island Defender](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Island_90.jpeg)
Here's the crunch on my Cleric of Shelyn. Lyraylamora Blanch. I have not played Rise of the Runelords before.
As far as background and personality, I will try to have those up in the next few days.
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![Aron Kir](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9074-Aron.jpg)
Definitely interested. I've never played Runelords and am dying to. It sounds like Advanced Race Guide may be in play? In that case, I'd propose a Human Sorcerer with the Imperious Bloodline. Unknown to him or her, the lineage goes back to Thassilon. If that's not appropriate, I'll develop an alternative.
YanJieming |
![Island Defender](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Island_90.jpeg)
Definitely interested. I've never played Runelords and am dying to. It sounds like Advanced Race Guide may be in play? In that case, I'd propose a Human Sorcerer with the Imperious Bloodline. Unknown to him or her, the lineage goes back to Thassilon. If that's not appropriate, I'll develop an alternative.
I may be wrong, but my understanding is that the ARG is out, but there are some things he's been able to make exceptions on (such as catfolk, since they are also in bestiary 3).
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![Father Zastoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF19-04.jpg)
Mazra wrote:Gilthanis wrote:Traits were mostly outside the books from the beginning. They were somewhat AP specific, but they add flavor to your character; so I am open to Traits. What do you have in mind?alternate racial traits: what is the verdict of them?
They are in the advanced race guide, which is not an allowed book. so I presume not allowed, but wanted to double check with you :)
I was thinking the tinker trait, it gives a +1 disable & engineer. And I am proficient in any weapon I personally craft. I understand if you say no, I could craft my own weapon during "down time" and then be able to use it.
So your would require the Craft Skill, or at least it would makes sense to have it using this trait? Can you copy and paste the specifics? It looks like something that should be OK.
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![Father Zastoran](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF19-04.jpg)
Definitely interested. I've never played Runelords and am dying to. It sounds like Advanced Race Guide may be in play? In that case, I'd propose a Human Sorcerer with the Imperious Bloodline. Unknown to him or her, the lineage goes back to Thassilon. If that's not appropriate, I'll develop an alternative.
YanJieming is correct. I do not own the Advanced Race Guide.
This is my first time with a PBP Campaign and handling Recruitment. I would like to be accommodating. I own Bestiary 3, so I can be flexible. But let me point out for you and everyone, that in the end I will be picking a party of five. I already have over five characters submitted, so unfortunately some people will not be picked. In the end I will pick five that I believe will be a good fit for one another, and ones that will be easier for me to GM.
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Gilthanis wrote:Mazra wrote:Gilthanis wrote:Traits were mostly outside the books from the beginning. They were somewhat AP specific, but they add flavor to your character; so I am open to Traits. What do you have in mind?alternate racial traits: what is the verdict of them?
They are in the advanced race guide, which is not an allowed book. so I presume not allowed, but wanted to double check with you :)
I was thinking the tinker trait, it gives a +1 disable & engineer. And I am proficient in any weapon I personally craft. I understand if you say no, I could craft my own weapon during "down time" and then be able to use it.
So your would require the Craft Skill, or at least it would makes sense to have it using this trait? Can you copy and paste the specifics? It looks like something that should be OK.
Well, from what I have read, that is quite a powerful trait. It basically gives the owner free proficiency feats with every single weapon there is. If he just crafts them. It has quite the possibility for abuse, but it depends on what the player is planning to do with it.
Question for the GM: do you need me to adjust my character page or is it okay if I do it after and if I have been accepted?