Luke's Crimson Throne Campaign

Game Master GM Crimson

The campaign site is here.

The current Battlemap is here.

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Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

I'll take a 15' move. I can study an opponent as a swift action.

Male Human Transmuter 8 (HP: 58/58) | Init: +8 | AC: 14 (18 w/Mage Armor) T: 14, FF: 11 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +9 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +8 | CMB: 3| CMD: 17 Active conditions: Mage Armor, See Invisibility

Andrezi gestures at one of the undead foes fighting Firinne, and the lion pounces on it!

Bite vs Zombie (Blue box): 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 7 + 2 + 2 = 16
Damage: 1d8 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 5 + 2 = 15

Claw 1 vs Zombie (Blue box): 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 2 + 2 = 31
Damage: 1d4 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 2 = 11
Confirm crit: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 2 + 2 = 24
Extra Damage: 1d4 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 2 = 10

Claw 2 vs Zombie (Blue box) : 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 2 + 2 = 26
Damage: 1d4 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 2 = 10

With one zombie creature to the north still a threat, Andrezi weaves a quick spell that fires two rays of fire at it!
Scorching Ray vs Zombie Touch AC (Red box): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Damage (Fire): 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 5) = 20

Scorching Ray vs Zombie Touch AC (Red box): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Damage (Fire): 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 3) = 15

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8

Nebbin continue to rush toward the fighting. I can't move my icon on Roll20, but since it's difficult terrain, it looks like all I can do is a full move, due east -- so that's 40 feet, which puts me just out of reach of red

Roll20 Battle Map


Nebbin arrives on the scene and does his best to lumber across the uneven ground to engage the nearest undead. A moment before he arrives at his targeted foe, however, two scorching rays from Andrezi reduce that monster to a smoking husk! Andrezi's summoned lion tears a second to pieces while a third charges Emi, ineffectually swinging a sharp claw that misses the young slayer.

As Trinia finally appears at the edge of the field, the two original undead decide this is a fight they cannot win. "Back into the earth! We must endure!" They move away from Firinne, the wounded male heading north toward one of two burrows there (but taking a route around the summoned lion's deadly claws) while the female tries to hobble-hop to another burrow to the southeast. They are unaware what a gifted fighter Firinne is....

FIRINNE gets an AoO against each fleeing monster. (These attacks come before Trinia uses inspire courage.)

Trinia seems to recognize the undead. "Trailgaunts! The footless freaks of the ranks of the undead! Don't let them escape--the pointy bones at the bottom of their legs make great holes for planting seeds! That's about all they're good for!"

The young bard's strange, insulting rant against your foes has a fortifying effect upon those who hear it: You feel confident in your ability to slay the monsters, sort of like the effect of one of Kayleigh's bless spells...only more powerful! (Trinia's used her inspire courage +2 bardic performance. Her only Perform skill with any ranks is Comedy; thank heavens she'll be leaving the party soon!)

Inspire Courage +2 (Su):

An affected ally receives a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +2 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

HEROES are up in Round 4!

INITIATIVE ORDER/CONDITIONS: Combat Round 4 (Bolded may act/post)
Original Undead
---Undead #1 (-19/??; moderately wounded)
---Undead #2 (??/??)
Trinia (36/36; IC +2)
Nebbin (81/81; IC +2)
Andrezi (51/51; plus summoned celestial lion 5/7 rds.; IC +2)
Emileva (73/73; Undead # 1 studied target; IC +2)
Firinne (41/47; Arcane Pool 7/8; pending AoOs vs. #1, #2; IC +2 post-AoOs)
Undead Reinforcements
---Undead #3 (destroyed)
---Undead #4 (destroyed)
---Undead #5 (destroyed)
---Undead #6 (destroyed)
---Undead #7 (??/??; -2 AC from charge)

Secret GM Rolls:

Andrezi Miss Chance scorching ray #1: 1d100 ⇒ 30
Andrezi Miss Chance scorching ray #1: 1d100 ⇒ 28

Trailgaunt #7 claw (charge): 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 2 = 11 for bludgeoning, slashing damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 (plus pain, Fort DC 15/16 negates)

Trinia Sabor Knowledge (religion) Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

Emi has to stop short to deal with one of the footless zombies. She turns on him and begins to hack, hoping to end it very quickly.

Swift action to study target and full attack.

Attack #1 (Power): 1d20 + 11 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 11 - 2 + 2 = 15

Damage: 2d4 + 6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 6 + 6 + 2 = 20

Attack #2 (Power): 1d20 + 6 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 6 - 2 + 2 = 8

Damage: 2d4 + 6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 2) + 6 + 6 + 2 = 18

Yeah, I'm a week or 10 days into one of those month long slumps when I can't roll anything above a 10 The majority of my rolls will be under 7 for a while yet.

CG Female Tiefling Magus 7 / Swashbuckler 1 | 53/53 HP | AC21 T15 FF16 | CMD22 | F +7 R +11 W +6 | Spd 30 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Arcana +16, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12, Climb +5, Dungeoneering +9, Fly +13, Local +9, Perception +9, Planes +10, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +19, Swim +5, UMD +10 | Panache: 6/6 | Arcane Pool 9/9 | Conditions: None

AoO #1: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
Piercing: 1d6 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

AoO #2: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
Piercing: 1d6 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15


Gifted though she might be, Fírinne is too focused on defending herself to take full advantage of their sudden flight. Presented with two different targets fleeing in opposite directions, she chooses to pursue the one to the south, figuring that the lion will take care of the other. She flings out a beam of fire from her outstretched hand as she pushes through the underbrush.

Scorching Ray vs #2: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 2 = 28
Fire: 4d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 4) + 2 = 19

Roll20 Battle Map


The southern end of the northbound trailgaunt barely avoids getting skewered by Firinne's quick opportunity attack; the one heading southeast likewise avoids her blade. It can't however, dodge the scorching ray the tiefling fires at her, and now it's about as damaged as its companion (moderately damaged).

Meanwhile Emi makes a couple of less-than-stellar hacks at her foe. The thing hasn't fully regained its balance from its ungainly charge, and the slayer's first hack connects, leaving the lesser trailgaunt barely standing.

NEBBIN, ANDREZI, and his CELESTIAL LION still up! Remember to roll your Miss Chance (20%) if you don't have darkvision or a light source.

Secret GM Rolls:

Emileva Miss Chance: 1d100 ⇒ 49

Male Human Transmuter 8 (HP: 58/58) | Init: +8 | AC: 14 (18 w/Mage Armor) T: 14, FF: 11 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +9 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +8 | CMB: 3| CMD: 17 Active conditions: Mage Armor, See Invisibility

Andrezi points at yet another zombie as his celestial feline does its gruesome work. It pounces on yet another foe!

Bite vs Zombie Boss (Red box): 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 27
Damage: 1d8 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 17

Claw 1 vs Zombie Boss (Red box): 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 33
Damage: 1d4 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 13
Confirm Crit: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 31
Extra Damage: 1d4 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 11

Claw 2 vs Zombie Boss (Red box): 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 7 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 24
Damage: 1d4 + 5 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 2 + 2 = 10
I'm sure this seems like a lot of bonuses, so to explain: The lion has +7, gets +2 from Augment Summoning, +2 to hit from Charge, and +2 from Inspire Courage. Also... check out these dice!

"I think this is going well so far," Andrezi says, drawing his sword as he starts moving. He spots Emi's approach and moves to a flanking position. Double move, drawing his longsword as he does so. He takes a circuitous route so as to not provoke an AoO.

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8

Laboring through the thick underbrush, Nebbin closes in on the remaining undead.

Full action to close to melee -- I moved next to the lion's undead, but if it killed it, I could have gotten to just north of the one Emi and Andrezi are fighting.
Mwk greatsword, power attack, AoO?: 1d20 + 13 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 13 - 2 = 19
Damage: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (5, 5) + 12 = 22

Roll20 Battle Map


The summoned lion tears apart another undead, and Nebbin's arrival on the scene spells the end of the fight. One of the two original undead, the female Firinne had been fighting, retreats to the nearest area of torn-up earth and burrows into the soil, vanishing from sight.

The other leader trailguant carries a magical pearl in his pants pocket. The fresher Varisian ones still wear jewelry and trinkeys worth 100 gp total.

I marked the area where the last trailgaunt vanished with a pink X on the map; let me know if you want to try anything there. If not, I'll move the party forward soon.


Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

"They burrow. Great."

Emi tries poking her sword into the earth where the nearest one went down to see if she can hit "paydirt".

CG Female Tiefling Magus 7 / Swashbuckler 1 | 53/53 HP | AC21 T15 FF16 | CMD22 | F +7 R +11 W +6 | Spd 30 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Arcana +16, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12, Climb +5, Dungeoneering +9, Fly +13, Local +9, Perception +9, Planes +10, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +19, Swim +5, UMD +10 | Panache: 6/6 | Arcane Pool 9/9 | Conditions: None

Fírinne watches Emi's back, wary of another ambush.

"There's precious little I can do to something hiding underground," she says, watching the dirt for any sign of movement. "We'd best get moving. Maybe we can come back later to finish the job, when we're prepared enough."

Male Human Transmuter 8 (HP: 58/58) | Init: +8 | AC: 14 (18 w/Mage Armor) T: 14, FF: 11 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +9 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +8 | CMB: 3| CMD: 17 Active conditions: Mage Armor, See Invisibility

With the combat over Andrezi dismisses the lion. "I could summon a creature capable of burrowing down into the earth and giving chase. Is that worthwhile? Do we want to make sure that undead creature stays away?"

If folks want, I'll use my arcane bond to cast Summon Monster IV to summon a Medium Earth Elemental. It should be able to seek out the trailgaunt. Just say the word.

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8

"I think if we just stay on guard," Nebbin says. "It didn't actually come to our camp, so hopefully it really knows enough now to stay away."

I think we can leave it here. But that said, since we're resting and will recover spells, maybe it's worth using since there's no harm to doing so.

CG Female Tiefling Magus 7 / Swashbuckler 1 | 53/53 HP | AC21 T15 FF16 | CMD22 | F +7 R +11 W +6 | Spd 30 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Arcana +16, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12, Climb +5, Dungeoneering +9, Fly +13, Local +9, Perception +9, Planes +10, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +19, Swim +5, UMD +10 | Panache: 6/6 | Arcane Pool 9/9 | Conditions: None

Fírinne pauses a moment to think, then nods. "Do it. If we leave it to recover on its own, it could claim more victims before we can return to finish the job."

Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

Andrezi's offer is quite outside anything she expected, or can really visualize. She sidesteps.

"You're the expert. Do what you think is best."

Male Human Transmuter 8 (HP: 58/58) | Init: +8 | AC: 14 (18 w/Mage Armor) T: 14, FF: 11 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +9 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +8 | CMB: 3| CMD: 17 Active conditions: Mage Armor, See Invisibility

Andrezi places his hand on a plain silver ring, closing his eyes as he concentrates. Magic flows into his mind, and when his eyelids flutter back open he says, "Stand back, please."

Working more slowly, he weaves a convoluted conjuration spell that, upon completion, forms a man-shaped earth elemental. He points at the spot where the undead foe burrowed and says in Terran, "Find the undead creature and destroy it. Return to me when done."
Using Arcane Bond item to cast Summon Monster IV, bringing out an augmented Medium Earth Elemental. It has tremorsense out to 60ft and a Burrow speed of 20. It will seek out the trailgaunt and try to kill it. Lasts for 7 rounds

Roll20 Battle Map


Andrezi's earth elemental follows its orders and soon discovers and finishes off the hidden trailgaunt. On its body is an amulet that might have some value. Post battle, Trinia heals Firinne of the damage she took during the fight.

The rest of the night passes quietly. Little over an hour into your journey the next morning, your party comes across a roadside campsite on the east side of the road. There are signs of a recent struggle: lots of blood splashed about, and two areas of torn-up earth near the road are identical to the trailgaunt burrows you found in the night. It appears that a horse-drawn wagon was once at the site but exited northward.

Even with the quick stop to investigate the disturbed campsite, your party still reaches Trots before noon. Parked outside is a covered wagon that could possibly be the one that was recently at the bloody campsite. Inside the common room, two tables have been pushed together, and on their tops are spread a collection of Varisian clothing, pots, pans, and utensils, a few serviceable weapons, and other trinkets. Several human men are gathered around the table, closely inspecting the wares, while a lone barmaid tends the bar. Across the room, seated alone at a table, is a man that matches the description Master Orisini gave of Jasan Adriel: a barrel-chested man wearing a red headband.

Gonna pause here to see how you folks make the exchange and/or decide to push on to Harse.


CG Female Tiefling Magus 7 / Swashbuckler 1 | 53/53 HP | AC21 T15 FF16 | CMD22 | F +7 R +11 W +6 | Spd 30 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Arcana +16, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12, Climb +5, Dungeoneering +9, Fly +13, Local +9, Perception +9, Planes +10, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +19, Swim +5, UMD +10 | Panache: 6/6 | Arcane Pool 9/9 | Conditions: None

"I suppose this tells us where the rest of the monsters came from," Fírinne notes grimly at the roadside campsite. "At least we prevented them from claiming any further victims."


At the inn, Fírinne's attention focuses on the men standing around the table. Survivors, trying to take stock of what they have left? Or simply looters of the dead?

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Listening in a bit, it's easy enough for Firinne (or anyone else) to take stock of the conversation. A small group of merchants claim to have found an abandoned Varisian wagon and brought it to Trots to trade it, the accompanying horses, and whatever wares were found inside.

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8

Nebbin looks around, wondering why Firinne is paying attention to the survivors -- definitely not undead themselves, clearly -- and not heading over toward Jasan Adriel. He begins making his way in that direction, and nods a greeting.

But slowly enough that someone could stop him before he arrived if anyone wants to be more cautious than Nebbin is.

CG Female Tiefling Magus 7 / Swashbuckler 1 | 53/53 HP | AC21 T15 FF16 | CMD22 | F +7 R +11 W +6 | Spd 30 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Arcana +16, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12, Climb +5, Dungeoneering +9, Fly +13, Local +9, Perception +9, Planes +10, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +19, Swim +5, UMD +10 | Panache: 6/6 | Arcane Pool 9/9 | Conditions: None

Fírinne's suspicions are resolved by what she learns, though her disapproval remains. Still, it's not as though the merchants were the ones who murdered the caravan.

She takes up a position just inside the door, arms crossed, ready to intervene if things got rowdy.

Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

Emi accompanies Nebbin to speak with Adriel. She's mostly decided on her course of action. Whether or not they use Jasan Adriel to smuggle Trinia to Harse, she at least will be going as well. The bounty on Trinia is simply too high to truly trust anyone so close to Korvosa.

Her thinking isn't entirely unselfish though. Emi has only ever been outside Korvosa a couple of times on very short trips while in school. She's liking the space, trees, and fresh air quite a lot. A little more time out of the city would be pleasant.

Studied Target on Jasan.

Roll20 Battle Map


While Firinne and Andrezi (thus far, at least) stay near the front door, Nebbin and Emileva approach the man they believe to be Jasan Adriel. As Nebbin's great form looms between Jasan and the locals gathered around the loot table, your contact risks a quick grin. It's wide and infectious.

"You must be the giant Nebbin that Master Orisini told me about," he comments, adding a subtle nod in the big warrior's direction. "Ah--and the lovely Emileva! Oh--and you must be Miss Trinia, my charge. I shall watch over and protect you as if you were my own daughter!"

Trinia has quietly accompanied Nebbin and Emi across the room and now stands staring at her new guardian.

"I have a horse saddled and ready in the stable, milady. Perhaps we should sneak out now while the locals are otherwise occupied?"

Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

"I'm glad we've found you Master Jasan. We'll be needing at least one more horse though. I'm coming along as well, maybe some of the others. Is there a stable here where we can hire the extras we need?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 10 + 2 = 18

Male Human Transmuter 8 (HP: 58/58) | Init: +8 | AC: 14 (18 w/Mage Armor) T: 14, FF: 11 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +9 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +8 | CMB: 3| CMD: 17 Active conditions: Mage Armor, See Invisibility

Andrezi watches the exchange, unaware of any nuance to the situation. He nonetheless remains ready to employ magic should something go awry.

CG Female Tiefling Magus 7 / Swashbuckler 1 | 53/53 HP | AC21 T15 FF16 | CMD22 | F +7 R +11 W +6 | Spd 30 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Arcana +16, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12, Climb +5, Dungeoneering +9, Fly +13, Local +9, Perception +9, Planes +10, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +19, Swim +5, UMD +10 | Panache: 6/6 | Arcane Pool 9/9 | Conditions: None

"So, Andrezi," Fírinne says, "what's the Academae like?" Though her tone is light, the twitching of her tail betrays her anxiety at the situation.

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8

"If you're going," Nebbin says, "we should all go!"

The lack of ranks in Ride is probably not great here...

Male Human Transmuter 8 (HP: 58/58) | Init: +8 | AC: 14 (18 w/Mage Armor) T: 14, FF: 11 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +9 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +8 | CMB: 3| CMD: 17 Active conditions: Mage Armor, See Invisibility

"In short: difficult and deadly," Andrezi says in response to Firinne. He's happy talking about the subject. "It's ten years of study to graduate from the Acadamae, and the first three you're effectively just cheap labour. Did you know that one in five students don't survive the first year?"

"Anyhow, I obviously survived the first year and chose to specialize in transmution magic," Andrezi continues to chat away. "They have some the best conjurers in Golarion, but I admit that my philosophy around magic is around using it to change the world. For the better, little by little."

Roll20 Battle Map


While Firinne and Andrezi chat near the entrance, Jasan considers Emileva's request. Frowning, he offers a guess that the inn might have a spare horse or two available, but likely not four. He somewhat distastefully points out that a horse-drawn wagon seems to be newly available, though bartering for it might draw some additional scrutiny to the new arrivals.

"I probably could use an additional escort, though, if whole families are being attacked on the road, as seems to be the case."

Roll20 Battle Map


Oops File!

Emi's unable to pick up any definite vibes from Jasan. He seems legit.

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8

"Yeah, we don't want you to get attacked," Nebbin says in a quiet voice. "We'll have to go get that wagon."

Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

"We can also check into buying a couple of horses elsewhere if the wagon is a problem."

Emi goes to take a quick walk around the village, looking for a stable or maybe a farm that might be willing to sell a couple horses.

I guess this would be gather information?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Roll20 Battle Map


Emi steps outside and quickly discovers that there is no village here--it's just the inn, a stable, and some outlying sheds.

Meanwhile, Jasan leaves some coins on the table to pay for his meal. Getting to his feet, he whispers that perhaps it would be best to slip out of the inn now while most folks are occupied with the recovered wagon and its contents to lessen the chance that Trinia could be spotted or identified. He suggests that maybe the hulking Nebbin can act as a sort of natural screen for them by walking back to his friends loitering near the door.

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8

Nebbin nods -- that seems like a good idea, and he's not really good at intrigue -- so heads back toward his friends.

I have no idea if this guy is our friend or going to stab us in the back, which is great!

Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

Emi is very quickly back to tell Nebbin "We're going to need the wagon. No other options."

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8

Nebbin nods. "Do you want me to go ask if they'll sell it?"

Nebbin will ... but almost anyone else would probably be a better choice. If there's anyone who's going to get completely fleeced, it's Nebbin.

Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

Emi pats Nebbin on the back.

"Never mind. I'll go take care of it."

Emi goes to find the person claiming ownership, or salvage rights, or however this sort of thing works.

CG Female Tiefling Magus 7 / Swashbuckler 1 | 53/53 HP | AC21 T15 FF16 | CMD22 | F +7 R +11 W +6 | Spd 30 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Arcana +16, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12, Climb +5, Dungeoneering +9, Fly +13, Local +9, Perception +9, Planes +10, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +19, Swim +5, UMD +10 | Panache: 6/6 | Arcane Pool 9/9 | Conditions: None

The high casualty rate among students draws a frown out of Fírinne. "That seems extraordinarily wasteful. Still, I'm glad you made it through."

Roll20 Battle Map


While Emileva moves to haggle with the merchants, innkeeper, and whomever else is involved with the horse-drawn wagon, Jasan and Trinia slink out the front door, using Nebbin as a sort of screen. Emi gets a decent deal--300 gp for the pair of horses, the wagon, and all necessary harnesses and other accessories. She gets the impression that the merchants who found the abandoned wagon aren't entirely sure about the laws of salvage in this case, but she also senses that they're fairly certain that there were no survivors of the attack who'll come looking for the lost wagon (and are seriously spooked by the bloody landscape they witnessed nearby when they found it). They're happy to have the wagon off their hands.

The subsequent trip to the village of Harse goes quickly, quietly, and without incident. Idle chat with Jasan en route makes your party more trusting of the fellow, as he definitely seems to know a lot about Master Orisini. Trinia has swiftly grown to trust the man as well, keeping her horse close to Jasan's while constantly asking questions about what her new life outside the city will entail.

At Harse, you say your farewells to the bard and her new protector. There's news of Korvosa's troubles, but the blood veil doesn't seem to have hit the village yet, outside an isolated case or two. The plan is to return to Korvosa at first light. While you spend the rest of your day relaxing and gathering a few supplies for the return trip, you discover there's another traveler in town heading for Korvosa: a majestic catfolk wanderer named Miakoda. Perhaps you could travel back together for mutual protection.

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8

That was an easier journey than I expected; thank goodness for trying to get new PCs in. :D

"Oh, you may not want to come to the city," Nebbin regretfully informs Miakoda.

"It's not a very happy place right now. There's --" he lets his voice drop "a plague going on and the new queen is ..."

He trails off as he's not quite sure how to describe Ileosa.

Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

Emi cuts in on Nebbin before he says something best left unsaid.

"The plague is a disaster. That aside you'll want to watch your step and mind what you say. Best you stay away from politics."

Portrait l CG fm amarrun Evangelist8 [Desna] l 60/60hp l AC20, T14, FF16 l F +9, R +8, W +13, Ini + l Perc +17 SM +17

Her tails swishing as she looks from Nebbin to Emileva and back, a smile just barely touches Miakoda's lips. "Most rulers in most places prefer their subjects watch their words and speak not their minds save to praise. I have not met many queens, but I know the type. And plagues hold little fear for me--indeed, perhaps the Song of the Spheres can give the people succor?"

Hopping down from the branch she had been napping in, the amarrun stretches. "I have no designs upon queen or city, save to give help where I may. A question, though, if I may: know you of the House of Arkona?" Her half-smile vanishes and her tail goes still. "I should very much like to find them."

CG Female Tiefling Magus 7 / Swashbuckler 1 | 53/53 HP | AC21 T15 FF16 | CMD22 | F +7 R +11 W +6 | Spd 30 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Arcana +16, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12, Climb +5, Dungeoneering +9, Fly +13, Local +9, Perception +9, Planes +10, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +19, Swim +5, UMD +10 | Panache: 6/6 | Arcane Pool 9/9 | Conditions: None

Fírinne tilts her head quizzically at the newcomer. "I have heard of them, but I can't say I've ever met any." She spreads her hands apologetically and smiles. "We're not really the sort that nobles like to be seen hanging around with."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human Slayer (Vanguard) 8 | HP: 34/83 | AC: 23 (T: 13, F: 20) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +5 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +10 | Speed 20'

Upon hearing the catfolk Miakoda's question, Emi's stomach lurches and she elevates her usual caution. Studied Target on Miakoda

"The Arkona name is associated with Old Korvosa. They're important there I guess. Can't tell you much more though."

Bluff (withholding information): 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 9 + 2 = 18

It's been a very long time back now, but a member of the family came up previously in association with a very unsavory butcher shop.


Portrait l CG fm amarrun Evangelist8 [Desna] l 60/60hp l AC20, T14, FF16 l F +9, R +8, W +13, Ini + l Perc +17 SM +17

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

"Yes you can," Miakoda answers. "But I will not press. I am a stranger to you, but perhaps I can prove worthy of trust? The roads are dangerous even at the best of times, may I accompany you back to the city? I have never visited famed Korvosa before."

Male Human Transmuter 8 (HP: 58/58) | Init: +8 | AC: 14 (18 w/Mage Armor) T: 14, FF: 11 (15 w/Mage Armor) | Perception +9 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +8 | CMB: 3| CMD: 17 Active conditions: Mage Armor, See Invisibility

Being new to the group as well, Andrezi bows to Miakoda and says, "It's a city, and full of the types of complexities you would expect to find. The plague is a problem, but if you can help I have no doubt that you would be welcome."

HP 92, +13 CMB, CMD 26, +2 Init, +9 Perception, AC 20/13T/17FF (-2 when raging), +10 Fort, +6 Ref, +3/+5 Will Human barbarian 8

"Oh yeah, we ran into undead on the way here!" Nebbin says. "But I can make sure you're OK if you need. I won't let anything happen to you!"

CG Female Tiefling Magus 7 / Swashbuckler 1 | 53/53 HP | AC21 T15 FF16 | CMD22 | F +7 R +11 W +6 | Spd 30 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Arcana +16, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +12, Climb +5, Dungeoneering +9, Fly +13, Local +9, Perception +9, Planes +10, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +19, Swim +5, UMD +10 | Panache: 6/6 | Arcane Pool 9/9 | Conditions: None

"I'm still fairly new to the city myself, as it happens. Besides," Fírinne says with a grin, "it'll be nice to have someone else around who can answer the incessant questions about having a tail."

Roll20 Battle Map


As your group re-enters the city, Nebbin is approached by a young man from the Korvosan Guard. He and Emi don’t know the fellow’s name, but they recognize him from past visits with Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. He tells Nebbin that Cressida sent a letter into Old Korvosa earlier that morning summoning them to an audience with her. He suggests reporting to Citadel Volshyenek immediately.


Field Marshal Cressida Kroft has changed since last some of you saw her: She has dark bags beneath her tired-looking eyes and appears to have lost some weight. ”Good to see you folks,” she says, eyeballing the newer recruits and perfunctorily asking Emileva if the newer folks can be trusted. Then the leader of the Korvosan Guard sighs and asks if your group is up to performing a small mission for her.

”One of the Guard informs me that a young woman has been seeking aid for the last few days,” she begins. ”Her brother is a musician who was to perform at some gala at the South Shore manor of the Carowyn noble family. The fellow never returned home that night or in the days since. The young woman visited the Carowyn estate and claims that it was dark, silent, and locked up. Then a couple more citizens asked about other missing relatives this morning, folks who had also reportedly attended a party at the Carowyn estate. I’d like you to look into this matter as soon as possible. Something feels off about this whole matter, and I’d like your team to investigate. With all the other things going on in the city, I don’t have the available manpower to send in a contingent of the guard. Also, you people are better able to deal with a situation that regular guardsmen might not be equipped to handle.”

She writes a quick note, adds the wax seal of her office, and hands it to Emi. ”This authorizes you to enter the Carowyn manor if you indeed find it locked up as was reported. If your new associates need guard cloaks for future missions, a clerk will provide them. You needn’t wear them for this mission, though; this note should suffice if anyone questions why you’re breaking into the manor house.”

For the sake of convenience, let’s say that the party can sell the horse-drawn wagon for the same price they purchased it at Trots.


Carowyn Manor proves to be a stately gabled house located on Shoreline Way, almost at the far southwestern and of the city. It features a two-story mansion and a smaller building, likely the servants’ quarters. The entire perimeter is surrounded by a tall, thick hedge. The only entrance to the grounds seems to be the manor’s front double doors, unless you’d like to try one of the ground-floor windows or climb up 15 feet to the balcony that hangs over the front entry. As was reported, the place is silent and may even be abandoned…but the hedges seem to have been pruned a few days past.

The Roll20 battle map linked beneath my alias should be updated. For Miakoda, send me a PM or leave your Roll20 user name in the chat and I’ll set up your token so you can move it.

Secret GM Rolls:

d20 Rolls: 4d20 ⇒ (18, 13, 12, 17) = 60

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