Leinathan's Legacy of Fire PbP AP (Inactive)

Game Master leinathan

Will the PCs be able to restore order and balance to a world forever altered by a war of wishes?

Magical Loot Spreadsheet

Map of Kelmerane

Map of the House of the Beast

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Female Drow Urban Pugilist Barbarian 3/Battle Oracle 2 (AC: 21 [T: 14 /FF: 18] +1 dodge w/ crowd control ; HP: 55/55 [Rage 65/65] 0 NL; F+5, R+5, W+8 (+10 vs Enchantment); Init: +3 x2; Perc: +10)

We weren't heading to the battle market, we were encircling it, checking out the outlying buildings. I think ideally the battle market is our last stop. As the most prominent building here, it is likely the most occupied, so we don't want any outside surprises while we deal with it.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Traveling westward, now, towards the large building near the cliffside, our mercenaries (except Dmitri, of course) avoid the roads when traveling, going between buildings and such to avoid prying eyes.

Reaching the building, B12, our mercenaries find what once must have been an impressive and imposing church. The holy symbol of Sarenrae is in evidence everywhere, but much of the building is fire-choked, and dead bodies litter the grounds around the church and (from what you can tell from out here, staring in through its open and massive front doors) the inside as well.

Many of the bodies bear the red-chitin armor of the Pactmaster Guard, while the remainder appear to have once been priests or common citizens.

Male Human HP 45 / 71 | AC 23 / Touch 13 / Flat-footed 21 - CMD 17 | Fort +16 - Reflex +5 - Will +9 | Init +1, Perception +1

Coming upon the church, Dmitri is somewhat baffled. It was no surprise that the worshipers of beauty would get ostracized like this given the new order to the town; the gnolls weren't exactly going to worship her, of course. What was strange was the bodies were still there. Gnolls seem like the kind of beasts that eat their prey, or torture it. This was... unsettling.

"Apollo. I don't call on your narrow field of expertise often, but does it not bother you that these people haven't been eaten or tortured?" The question was cold, much like it's giver.

Knowledge:Religion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26 An Inquiry into just how much the gnolls hate Sarenrae, or rather, why they might so ruthlessly destroy said church.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 A quick miserable perception check on the surrounding area.

Dmitri scanned the sight curiously as he marched on. Still maintaining his role as bait, he didn't waste much time taking in the scene before he began to walk towards the inside of the burned church. There was a foul smell in the air.

A thought crossed his mind as his eyes wandered over the horde of dead bodies. It didn't take much to assume, but the pactmasters were too obvious. Why were they still here in their gown?

"The Daemon from earlier was summoned by a rather wonderful cleric or wizard. If this church is any signal, I would assume a Cleric. I suggest the rest of you tread lightly. Those with weak wills should stay back if he should reveal himself." he said, casting a casual glance at Apollo.

Looking over at Angmar as he wandered in, he beckoned him forward. "I believe we men of faith should take the first steps into this one."

Human Ranger [Beast Master] 4/Fighter [2-Handed] 1 | AC: 21/18/13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init: +2 [+2 in Desert] -[HP: 33/35], [Nom: 19/23]-
| Perc: +7 [+2 in Desert] | Hand.Animal: 9/11 l Kn.Nat: 4 l Survival: 6 [+2 desert/+1 track] l Intimidate: 9 l Ride: 7 I

Popping his head around the corner, Apollo replies.

It's out of character.

Peering into the large open doors, eyeing up the grand room beyond, the man quickly scans the area with his vigilant eyes.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22[/ooc]+2 in Desert[/ooc]

You got any ideas? I think something else is going on here. Not sure what, but Gnoll's wouldn't leave this many dead. It's uncommon to see the dead clothed and in such good condition.

Taking a deep breath and then gently breathing back out, the man questions the scene as he exhales.

[b]Leaving this many dead wouldn't be beneficial to those flea bags, and I'm fairly sure a Pactmaster slave would bring in a pretty coin or two.

Human Ranger [Beast Master] 4/Fighter [2-Handed] 1 | AC: 21/18/13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init: +2 [+2 in Desert] -[HP: 33/35], [Nom: 19/23]-
| Perc: +7 [+2 in Desert] | Hand.Animal: 9/11 l Kn.Nat: 4 l Survival: 6 [+2 desert/+1 track] l Intimidate: 9 l Ride: 7 I

Popping his head around the corner, Apollo replies.

It's out of character.

Peering into the large open doors, eyeing up the grand room beyond, the man quickly scans the area with his vigilant eyes.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14+2 in Desert=16

You got any ideas? I think something else is going on here. Not sure what, but Gnoll's wouldn't leave this many dead. It's uncommon to see the dead clothed and in such good condition too.

Taking a deep breath and then gently breathing back out, the man questions the scene as he exhales.

Leaving this many dead wouldn't be beneficial to those flea bags, and I'm fairly sure a Pactmaster slave would bring in a pretty coin or two.

Well anyways we gots to investigate! Angmar grumbles as he studies the butchery and bloodshed with a certain amount of distaste. Alongside his companions Angradd's stout follower makes his way into the temple shield up and mace drawn.

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

On the inside of the church, the fire has scorched and charred the inside walls more than it has the outside, and more bodies litter the floor. Near the center of the church, a dull red glow emanates from down a short stairwell. An investigation of the glow reveals it to be emanating from a huge iron door. The door is heavily barred and coated in red runes that glow softly.

On the other side of the church is the altar and the speaking podium, still standing. Remarkably, what appears to be a human man, garbed in the fine robes of Sarenrae, stands at the altar, quietly mumbling prayers.

As you know, gnolls are savage creatures, and one would hardly need an excuse to kill someone. On the other hand, Lamashtu and Sarenrae are enemies, and gnolls are rumoured to have been created by Sarenrae.

Heal DC 15:
These bodies are many years old, and may predate the gnoll occupation of the village.

Heal DC 25:
The wounds on the bodies of the priests and the common folk match up with the weapons that the late Pactmaster Guard carried. Likewise, the injuries on the late Pactmaster Guard match up with the weapons that the priests and common folk carried.

male Dwarf Inquistor 6 Initiative: +5 (roll twice) ; Perception +12, Darkvision AC: 20 FF 18 T 14 HP 60/60; CMD: 19; CMB: 7 Wil: +8 Ref: +4 Fort: +8 (All saves at +5 vs. Magic and poison +1 for each ajacent ally)

Heal 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Cast Divine Favor on myself for +2 attack and damage.

Angmar notices that most of the bodies lying around here haven't been doing so since yesterday but much longer. However for the moment he fails to make sense of this. As he notices the priest of Saerenrae the dwarf nods to his companions.

Well either the fellow over there is somehow blind or rather crazed... the Dwarf mumbles as he approaches. Not trusting the situation to resolve peacefully he approaches the priest weapons drawn.

[B]Ay! Ye be in charge here of this mess?[/OOC] he calls out.

Male Human HP 45 / 71 | AC 23 / Touch 13 / Flat-footed 21 - CMD 17 | Fort +16 - Reflex +5 - Will +9 | Init +1, Perception +1

"My money is on disturbed, if anything..." he whispers as he keeps infront of the dwarf, scythe visibly drawn. Stopping, he felt his eye twinge once more, but ignored it. The sight of Sarenrae's clergy still willing to be on these church grounds was more than just a little confusing.

"If you truly are a Cleric of Sarenrae, your first order of business would be to clean this mess up. I find it quite odd that a cleric of Lamashtu's faith would so eagerly wear her enemies robes..." he said matter'o factly.

He figured that if the cleric was of Sarenrae, the worst that would happen is he'd get a stern talking to, what with them being good and all that. If the cleric were evil, he'd no doubt attack on such an insult, or appear slimier, at the least.

He gauged the reaction accordingly.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

To narrow down his assumption, well, one couldn't be too careful.

""Reveal thine white soul to me, or else be a liar..."

He hissed and spoke in the layered tongue he'd used so much in the previous church. It was somewhat more refined, if that made any sense.

Cast Detect Good.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

The priest does not detect as Good.

As Angmar and Dmitri approach, the priest stands and lowers his hood, smiling at them with a dark-skinned and attractive face. "I am in charge. Welcome..." As he speaks, his flesh begins to melt away, and his robes rot before your eyes. His eyes shrivel and fall out of their sockets and his cheeks become more and more sallow as the moisture evaporates from his face.

In the end, a corpse of a man, wickedly clawed hands extending instead of welcoming hands, stands before you. "...to my church."

Initiative, assuming battle ensues:
Huecuva: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Angmar: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Angmar Re-Roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Kori: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Kori Re-Roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Apollo: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Dmitri: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Angmar - 20

Huecuva - 19

Kori - 13
Dmitri - 13
Apollo - 4

So! You're faced with an undead monstrosity. Angmar is up first.

male Dwarf Inquistor 6 Initiative: +5 (roll twice) ; Perception +12, Darkvision AC: 20 FF 18 T 14 HP 60/60; CMD: 19; CMB: 7 Wil: +8 Ref: +4 Fort: +8 (All saves at +5 vs. Magic and poison +1 for each ajacent ally)

Assuming the dude is in charging distance. Charge (AC becomes 18), as swift action activate judgment for +2 to hit. Divine Favor is also active activate power attack. Charge Attack1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13 Damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Angmar fearless as always lunges forward but his attack is totally unbalanced and goes wide smashing intot he alter next to the undead.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Even guided by divine inspiration, Angmar's adequate martial prowess is not enough to pierce the creature's hide. His magical mace rebounds off of the undead creature's skin.

Grinning madly, the creature responds in kind with a rending claw attack.

Attack vs. AC 18: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Angmar interjects his shield between himself and the creature, and although the creature's strong claws still leave visible marks on the protective item, Angmar is spared from harm.

Looks like the rest of the party is up next!

Female Drow Urban Pugilist Barbarian 3/Battle Oracle 2 (AC: 21 [T: 14 /FF: 18] +1 dodge w/ crowd control ; HP: 55/55 [Rage 65/65] 0 NL; F+5, R+5, W+8 (+10 vs Enchantment); Init: +3 x2; Perc: +10)

Kori's eyes alight when the fact that there will be a fight becomes apparant. She too charges at the thing, swinging her long sword hard with both hands.

Charge, long sword attack 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 2 = 27, damage 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Human Ranger [Beast Master] 4/Fighter [2-Handed] 1 | AC: 21/18/13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init: +2 [+2 in Desert] -[HP: 33/35], [Nom: 19/23]-
| Perc: +7 [+2 in Desert] | Hand.Animal: 9/11 l Kn.Nat: 4 l Survival: 6 [+2 desert/+1 track] l Intimidate: 9 l Ride: 7 I

Just needed the word said Apollo, in response to Angmar's hint at storming the building.

Let's..... announced the man, as he tried to air his statement, yet was too dumbfounded to get the rest of his words out, amazed that Angmar and Dmitri could move so fast.

No different to my tactics, only they're together. Guess I'll be joining them! Hahahaha!

Apollo, quick to join the others in their swift assault, fully steps from around the corner and walks straight into the church, just in time to see the creatures hideous transformation through all of the dead bodies which lay strewn across the floor.

Eyeing his surroundings, the man grins.

Pactmasters? They wear the same as those I saw in Katapesh....My costume plot? COMPLETE!

Moving closer to the enemy, Apollo (still grinning) airs thought towards the nightmarish undead.

I like what you've done with the place! There's nothing quite like the sight of a human rug in the morning. I could almost imagine living here...that is if it wasn't for the smell of decaying bodies and the morbid remains of those you've slain.

Twisting his right shoulder around in its socket, Apollo presses his knuckles together and clicks them as he continues forwards to the creature.

My friend over there....he enjoys spilling blood as much as he spills his own, so if you ask nicely I'm sure he'd be happy to turn you into a floor decoration also.

Swinging his overly large hammer down off of his shoulder, Apollo continues as he begins waving his hammer in a circular motion vertically around by his right side.

You know though.....you'd better hope these guys finish you off before I get to you, because jokes aside there are a LOT of dead bodies here, and I think it's about time you paid for what you've done here.

Tightening his grip around his hammer, Apollo stretches and clicks his neck by rocking it side to side with what appears to be an amused yet tired expression.

The sooner this is over with, the sooner I can kill the mutt's around here. I'm not letting you leave though. None of us are, and if it's any consolation, my hammer hurts more than a blade so you should be a little more thankful of your first few opponents.

This one. This one's not leaving. Not under my watch. It's time to pay for the innocent lives you took in this unholy place.

I'm behind pretty much everyone, so I'm 40ft away currently.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Dmitri, oh Dmitri, where art thou Dmitri?

Male Human HP 45 / 71 | AC 23 / Touch 13 / Flat-footed 21 - CMD 17 | Fort +16 - Reflex +5 - Will +9 | Init +1, Perception +1

Don't go shakespearian on me.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Damage: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 4) + 2 = 7

Looking at the fight that's slowly unfolding, Dmitri lurches his scythe, teetering back and forth as he rushes towards the new enemy, scythe swishing with his strides. His mouth is wide open in a grin at the prospect of the newly derived undead.

As he dashes he takes the moment to analyze what the creature could possibly be...

Knowledge: Religion: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

Stopping just short of it, he takes in the look of it as the claw bounces off of angmar, driving his scythe deep towards it's chest with a maddening lust of glee.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Kori's sword cuts deeply into the undead monstrosity, but...not too deeply. The creature's flesh seems to resist the drow's steel sword.

Dmitri similarly inflicts harm, but he's not strong enough to cut deeply into the undead's tough flesh.

Apollo slowly marches forward, berating the creature for its nature.

The creature is a huecuva, an undead created when a formerly good worshiper of a good diety turns to evil and then dies.


Angmar - 20

Huecuva - 19

Kori - 13
Dmitri - 13
Apollo - 4

Huecuva health 30/39. Angmar is next.

Male Human HP 45 / 71 | AC 23 / Touch 13 / Flat-footed 21 - CMD 17 | Fort +16 - Reflex +5 - Will +9 | Init +1, Perception +1

Lodging the scythe deep into the Torso of the huecava, Dmitri sneers. Placing a swift kick into the creature's Abdomen he pulls his scythe away before shouting; "This is a Huecava! They're they're a bit resistant, but positive energy should fell it!"

Human Ranger [Beast Master] 4/Fighter [2-Handed] 1 | AC: 21/18/13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init: +2 [+2 in Desert] -[HP: 33/35], [Nom: 19/23]-
| Perc: +7 [+2 in Desert] | Hand.Animal: 9/11 l Kn.Nat: 4 l Survival: 6 [+2 desert/+1 track] l Intimidate: 9 l Ride: 7 I

....OR A HAMMER! I'm on my way! shouts Apollo as his friends engage with the creature.

Can't go wrong with a Hammer, haha!

male Dwarf Inquistor 6 Initiative: +5 (roll twice) ; Perception +12, Darkvision AC: 20 FF 18 T 14 HP 60/60; CMD: 19; CMB: 7 Wil: +8 Ref: +4 Fort: +8 (All saves at +5 vs. Magic and poison +1 for each ajacent ally)

Angmar has no positive energy. But Angmar bring righteous might which should be plenty sufficient for whatever he is up against here.

Charge wears off so no +2 to attack and -2 to AC anymore
Attack 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 Damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Angmar swings his mace yet again, and yet again fails to penetrate the touch carapace of the undead creature.

Huecuva attack vs. Angmar (AC 20): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

The huecuva responds in kind with its own failure to penetrate Angmar's defenses, leaving more deep scratch marks in the dwarf's armor.

That makes it the rest of the party's turn :D

Female Drow Urban Pugilist Barbarian 3/Battle Oracle 2 (AC: 21 [T: 14 /FF: 18] +1 dodge w/ crowd control ; HP: 55/55 [Rage 65/65] 0 NL; F+5, R+5, W+8 (+10 vs Enchantment); Init: +3 x2; Perc: +10)

Kori, still new to her recent empowerment, scrunches her nose in confusion about the positive energy comment. Swinging again, she does so in a nice way, "Those are some nice long claws you have there. I don't see how this helps." she adds for the others' sake. Her confusion on how to be positive to something while attacking it puts her off her game.

Attack, 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Unless he has other protection, her sword is magical and therefore bypasses his DR.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

It is a unique snowflake huecuva, not to mention being advanced, and thus has different DR than an average huecuva.

Male Human HP 45 / 71 | AC 23 / Touch 13 / Flat-footed 21 - CMD 17 | Fort +16 - Reflex +5 - Will +9 | Init +1, Perception +1

Dmitri grins wide, laughing a bit as he takes into consideration his inability to do proper damage to this resilient thing. "Very well then! If I can't cut you, I'll merely play dirty!" he boasts as he twirls on his ankle, violently swirling his scythe at the Huecava's legs.

Provoke an AoO
Trip Attempt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Bringing them to his legs he feels himself stutter somewhat on the turn, but he makes up for it with surprisingly well-placed power. Still, he's somewhat uncertain.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Kori, confused about her compatriots' comments about "positive energy", swings "nicely" at the undead, and in doing so is unable to harm the creature through its tough hide.

Dmitri, on the other hand, attempts to topple the creature, but his leg-sweep isn't powerful enough to send the strong undead falling to the ground. It sneers in his face and lashes out with its claws.

Claws vs. Dmitri (AC 17): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

The huecuva seems to be joining the failure train, though, and continues to simply scratch on Dmitri's armor.


Angmar - 20

Huecuva - 19

Kori - 13
Dmitri - 13
Apollo - 4

male Dwarf Inquistor 6 Initiative: +5 (roll twice) ; Perception +12, Darkvision AC: 20 FF 18 T 14 HP 60/60; CMD: 19; CMB: 7 Wil: +8 Ref: +4 Fort: +8 (All saves at +5 vs. Magic and poison +1 for each ajacent ally)

Angmar fully aware that sooner or later he will pass the biests defenses hacks down once more with his shield up.

Attack PA 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24 Damage 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Human Ranger [Beast Master] 4/Fighter [2-Handed] 1 | AC: 21/18/13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init: +2 [+2 in Desert] -[HP: 33/35], [Nom: 19/23]-
| Perc: +7 [+2 in Desert] | Hand.Animal: 9/11 l Kn.Nat: 4 l Survival: 6 [+2 desert/+1 track] l Intimidate: 9 l Ride: 7 I

With his companions engaged in battle with this undead looking creature, exchanging blows but missing on both sides, Apollo charges in, Hammer in hand, swinging it in circles faster and faster above his head, rampaging like a raging beast as he runs full speed towards the creature.

For all those you've murdered.....IT'S OVER! the man shouts, as he takes a wild swing at the withered creature.

Power Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Damage: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (5, 1) + 12 = 18

I'm counting this as on the last round, so hopefully you will too, as I was only taking my time on the first round to weigh up the situation, but charging gives me that extra +2 attack accounted for above, and a -2 penalty to AC as you know. :)

Male Human HP 45 / 71 | AC 23 / Touch 13 / Flat-footed 21 - CMD 17 | Fort +16 - Reflex +5 - Will +9 | Init +1, Perception +1

Watching the creature's claws carefully as it's sickly talons bounce somewhat harmlessly off of his breastplate, Dmitri has a chilling thought pass through his mind. "Whatever the lot of you do, do not let him cast! Surround him!" He says, avoiding the hammer that swings past his face rather violently as Apollo arrives.

5 foot step into a flanking position with Koritylija or Angmar opposite me. We've all surrounded him at this point.

Trip attempt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 Provoke an AoO Flanking bonus not included due to uncertainty.

Ducking beneath the hammer, he twirls once more, returning the trip attempt, once again trying to put the creature on it's back.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Apollo charges to attack the creature and swings his hammer hard at it, hitting it brutally and dislocating several rickety bones. Angmar follows that up with a powerful swing of his own, damaging the creature further.

The creature, hurt most badly by Apollo, turns its claws on him.
Claws vs. Apollo (AC 17): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Damage: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Finally jumping off of the failure train, it digs its claws into the unsuspecting flesh of Apollo, ripping at his musculature.

Kori is up for posting next, followed by Dmitri's already-posted action. Apollo takes 9 damage.

Female Drow Urban Pugilist Barbarian 3/Battle Oracle 2 (AC: 21 [T: 14 /FF: 18] +1 dodge w/ crowd control ; HP: 55/55 [Rage 65/65] 0 NL; F+5, R+5, W+8 (+10 vs Enchantment); Init: +3 x2; Perc: +10)

Sorry for my general holiday inactivity, they were busier than I had expected.

Kori, seeing how little of an effect her weapon has on the thing, decides to go right for her fall-back, and moves to get a grip on the thing and lock it down to make it easier for the others to beat down. She drops her sword and steps in to get a hold of him.

Grapple check (improved) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Kori throws her arms out and grabs the creature in a savagely strong grip, wrapping her arms about it to keep it in place and restrict its movements.

Directly following that, Dmitri sweeps its legs out from under it, putting it off balance and allowing Kori to throw it to the ground and pin it.

Since it was already grappled, I let the trip make it pinned instead.


Apollo - 4
Angmar - 20

Huecuva - 19

Kori - 13
Dmitri - 13

Looks like Apollo's up.

Human Ranger [Beast Master] 4/Fighter [2-Handed] 1 | AC: 21/18/13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init: +2 [+2 in Desert] -[HP: 33/35], [Nom: 19/23]-
| Perc: +7 [+2 in Desert] | Hand.Animal: 9/11 l Kn.Nat: 4 l Survival: 6 [+2 desert/+1 track] l Intimidate: 9 l Ride: 7 I

With the decaying creature now pinned to the ground, Apollo seizes the opportunity and attempts to cave its skull in, careful as to not hit his travelling companion in the process.

Light's out. he remarks, as he hefts his hammer high into the air, before bringing it down with a crashing thud.

Power Attack: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 +4 (as it's on the ground and...I'm not sure if there are any other bonuses to hit a pinned creature) = 18.

Damage: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (5, 6) + 12 = 23

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

True to his intentions, Apollo is easily able to destroy what's left of the undead creature, slamming it directly in the head and crushing a circle of dessicated flesh inwards.

Apollo's killed it!

Human Ranger [Beast Master] 4/Fighter [2-Handed] 1 | AC: 21/18/13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init: +2 [+2 in Desert] -[HP: 33/35], [Nom: 19/23]-
| Perc: +7 [+2 in Desert] | Hand.Animal: 9/11 l Kn.Nat: 4 l Survival: 6 [+2 desert/+1 track] l Intimidate: 9 l Ride: 7 I

As the Hammer comes crushing down, striking true to its target, Apollo quickly releases one hand as soon as the devastation is done, purely to cover his face from the mess he'd just caused.

Ugh, bone and brain everywhere, though I'm glad it's on my clothes and not on my face. Still, gonna need a wash that's for sure.

Panting on the floor, the man looks around as he wipes the sweat from his face.

Gotta say that last hit took it out of me. I'll be up in a mo. Anyway, good work everyone. If it wasn't for Dmitri and Kori's teamwork, there's a chance this could have gone another way, but saying that, without Angmar's healing, I doubt we'd have even made it this far.

After a few moments, Apollo clambers to his feet, using his Hammer shaft....still inside the creatures head....to hoist himself up a little faster.

Everyone....there's no telling what's up ahead and it seems our next stop is the Battle Market, so let's search this place to see if we can find anything of value, interest or help, and prepare ourselves for the dangers ahead.

male Dwarf Inquistor 6 Initiative: +5 (roll twice) ; Perception +12, Darkvision AC: 20 FF 18 T 14 HP 60/60; CMD: 19; CMB: 7 Wil: +8 Ref: +4 Fort: +8 (All saves at +5 vs. Magic and poison +1 for each ajacent ally)

Well struck! Angmar remarks as he wipes some undead goo from his face.

I says we examine this here place in a bit more detail before we head to batttle market! with that the Dwarf begins to search the cathedral in a bit more detail hoping to round up some valuables.

Search the place take 20 on perception

Female Drow Urban Pugilist Barbarian 3/Battle Oracle 2 (AC: 21 [T: 14 /FF: 18] +1 dodge w/ crowd control ; HP: 55/55 [Rage 65/65] 0 NL; F+5, R+5, W+8 (+10 vs Enchantment); Init: +3 x2; Perc: +10)

Kori just shrugs and snorts derisively as she always does. They just did what they've been doing, she never understood the point of praise. She gets up, dusts the remains of the thing off of her, and recovers her weapon. Once she's composed, she also looks around the building, not intending on taking a long time doing so.

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
She doesn't take 20. I'm sure I've said it before, it's just a rule I vehemently disagree with so I refuse to use it (even to my advantage)

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Angmar and Koritylija spend a pretty good amount of time searching the monastery but are unable to find anything particularly hidden or interesting among the ruins.

Human Ranger [Beast Master] 4/Fighter [2-Handed] 1 | AC: 21/18/13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init: +2 [+2 in Desert] -[HP: 33/35], [Nom: 19/23]-
| Perc: +7 [+2 in Desert] | Hand.Animal: 9/11 l Kn.Nat: 4 l Survival: 6 [+2 desert/+1 track] l Intimidate: 9 l Ride: 7 I

Being the suggestee, I would have searched also, but with the result being zilch, I will....continue. :p

All in a days work, Angmar.

Apollo smiles, joining in with the search, but sadly turns up with nothing also.

It was worth a look, but I guess we have nothing further to aid us. With only one place seemingly left for us to go, is everyone prepared? I'm thinking I'm about as ready as I'll ever be.

Apollo smirks as he gestures his hand forward to follow.

Shall we? he asks, as he begins to make his way back out the door, not in any particular hurry.

Male Human HP 45 / 71 | AC 23 / Touch 13 / Flat-footed 21 - CMD 17 | Fort +16 - Reflex +5 - Will +9 | Init +1, Perception +1

As the search unfolded and the lot of them rummaged through everything that was even of slight value, Dmitri took an interest in the cleric. Why a Huecava? Why was it allowed to dwell here? How recently had it arrived? Too many questions... However, it was dead, and the situation seemed to have been nipped in it's bud.

Kneeling down, he grabbed the undead's religious symbol, tearing it away from the stub that had been left of it's neck. Twirling the grimy thing in his hand, he scowled. Sarenrae was the quintessence of all things remotely attractive. Far too nice for his liking, what with a good deity and all, but still...

Pocketing the symbol, he made sure to be one of the people in the middle as they left. Something of the situation still reeked of strangeness and a chilling uncertainty. It just frankly didn't make very much sense for these things to be so haphazard. There was a connection somewhere... and he'd likely learn it at the battle market.

He remained silent as the group left, in obvious deep thought.

Female Drow Urban Pugilist Barbarian 3/Battle Oracle 2 (AC: 21 [T: 14 /FF: 18] +1 dodge w/ crowd control ; HP: 55/55 [Rage 65/65] 0 NL; F+5, R+5, W+8 (+10 vs Enchantment); Init: +3 x2; Perc: +10)

Kori walks, self-sure as usual, but no longer trying to sneak. She feels confident that they are mostly done, and just need to finish the one last place to be done with the whole affair.

male Dwarf Inquistor 6 Initiative: +5 (roll twice) ; Perception +12, Darkvision AC: 20 FF 18 T 14 HP 60/60; CMD: 19; CMB: 7 Wil: +8 Ref: +4 Fort: +8 (All saves at +5 vs. Magic and poison +1 for each ajacent ally)

Angmar a bit disappointed that the search turned up nothing of note joins his companions to the battle market.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Each of the heroes is unaccosted as they travel across the plains and through the abandoned streets of destroyed Kelmerane. In the distance looms the great circular bulk of the Battle Market, growing larger in their vision as they close in on it.

The entrance, an enormous set of wooden double doors, stands wide open and unguarded.

Female Drow Urban Pugilist Barbarian 3/Battle Oracle 2 (AC: 21 [T: 14 /FF: 18] +1 dodge w/ crowd control ; HP: 55/55 [Rage 65/65] 0 NL; F+5, R+5, W+8 (+10 vs Enchantment); Init: +3 x2; Perc: +10)

Can we hear any sounds coming from within, or does the whole place appear dead without a perception check?

Kori looks at the open doors with uncertainty, "Did they hear of our work and flee, or set up an ambush? Either way an open door always leads to more questions." She has her sword drawn as she approaches suspiciously, peering everywhere for hidden enemies ready to jump out at her.

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Human Ranger [Beast Master] 4/Fighter [2-Handed] 1 | AC: 21/18/13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init: +2 [+2 in Desert] -[HP: 33/35], [Nom: 19/23]-
| Perc: +7 [+2 in Desert] | Hand.Animal: 9/11 l Kn.Nat: 4 l Survival: 6 [+2 desert/+1 track] l Intimidate: 9 l Ride: 7 I

Well, I guess they're not expecting too much trouble. Either that or they're well enough guarded inside to not worry about an open door.

Looking around at the group, Apollo comments; Have we all remembered our disguises? If this place is as big on the inside as it is on the outside, we'll be needing them. smirks the man.

male Dwarf Inquistor 6 Initiative: +5 (roll twice) ; Perception +12, Darkvision AC: 20 FF 18 T 14 HP 60/60; CMD: 19; CMB: 7 Wil: +8 Ref: +4 Fort: +8 (All saves at +5 vs. Magic and poison +1 for each ajacent ally)

Regardless we better be careful Angmar grumbles as he makes his way tot he door eyes and ears open.

Take 10 on perception for 20

Male Human HP 45 / 71 | AC 23 / Touch 13 / Flat-footed 21 - CMD 17 | Fort +16 - Reflex +5 - Will +9 | Init +1, Perception +1

Looking towards the large open doors Dmitri can't help but feel his uncertainty become a slow-boiling sense of growing excitement.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

Peering through the doors Dmitri is as high on alert as he can be. There were a lot of unanswered questions he'd be seeking as he ventured through this god-forsaken debacle. It certainly promised to be interesting.

What? Half-Elf Writer 1 / Dancer 1 / Chemist 1

Loud and raucous activity can be heard emanating from the open door - a susurrus of talking, the clinking of glasses, and even the roar and growl of a fight comes from the inside. Apparently, many creatures dwell within.

Inside the door, one can see a hallway leading off to the right, proceeding around the outside of the circular Battle Market, and an open entrance to the inside of the Battle Market, what seems to be a huge interior chamber taking up most of the indoor area.

As the party approaches, a little goblin pokes his head out. The goblin is dressed in a colorful and flamboyant jester's outfit, and looks nearly dead with exhaustion. The goblin flails a stick coated in bells at them with a jangle, and chirps, "Welcome, welcome! The Mouth of the Carrion King wishes an audience with you immediately! Please, come, come!" and beckons them follow him inside.

male Dwarf Inquistor 6 Initiative: +5 (roll twice) ; Perception +12, Darkvision AC: 20 FF 18 T 14 HP 60/60; CMD: 19; CMB: 7 Wil: +8 Ref: +4 Fort: +8 (All saves at +5 vs. Magic and poison +1 for each ajacent ally)

Angmar looks around at his companions.

Shall we?

Human Ranger [Beast Master] 4/Fighter [2-Handed] 1 | AC: 21/18/13 | Fort: +7 | Ref: +7 | Will: +2 | Init: +2 [+2 in Desert] -[HP: 33/35], [Nom: 19/23]-
| Perc: +7 [+2 in Desert] | Hand.Animal: 9/11 l Kn.Nat: 4 l Survival: 6 [+2 desert/+1 track] l Intimidate: 9 l Ride: 7 I

You know what....

Forget the disguise... airs Apollo, as he moves forward towards the Goblin.

Do you wish to be free of this place? You look as though you could do with a rest. he says quietly to the little, exhausted Jester.

Female Drow Urban Pugilist Barbarian 3/Battle Oracle 2 (AC: 21 [T: 14 /FF: 18] +1 dodge w/ crowd control ; HP: 55/55 [Rage 65/65] 0 NL; F+5, R+5, W+8 (+10 vs Enchantment); Init: +3 x2; Perc: +10)

Kori shrugs at Short-legs' question, eyeing the oddly well-spoken goblin suspiciously. "Well, looks like they're here and know we're coming. Just know I ain't bowing to no one." She follows, her weapon still drawn, and watches the path to be familiar with it in case this thing turns sour.

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