Kingmaker PbP

Game Master Egoish

Five brave souls attempt to tame the wilderness and forge a kingdom.

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AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Is the bear not a bit ambitious? Lets try that boar first I say.

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

We've come a long way to visit our friends here and collect this map Andrej. I fear to go back to the boar would be backtracking at best. Do not forget we have bested a troll. I believe we can take a bear, however large, if we are prepared.

Female Changeling (Green Widow) Bard / 1 ||HP: 8, AC: 13/11/13, Saves: W+2/R+4/F+0, CMB/CMD: +2/+14, Init: +2, Perc: +4

"Most normal, healthy animals would simply flee a group such as ours. Of course we could also try sneaking close enough to leave some food out for it to insure that it wouldn't try attacking us anyway out of hunger. I'm sure you men are capable hunters and perhaps we could find a nice hive along the way and collect some wild honey."

Cleric / 3 (Per:+4, Init+3, HP 18, AC: 14/13/11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+5)

"It's best if we go on a bear shouldn't be to much to handle for us, and in any case a large, dangerous boar is not any easier. Also Erastil clearly wants his temple reclaimed for use, it'd be impious not place that first in our thoughts and deeds. Maksim turns Arielle, "A distraction would work if we wanted to raid the temple but to restore it to use the bear would have to leave and the temple is likely its den. We may be able to bargain, doubly so if it is a guardian. We will see, your art of speaking to animals could be invaluable."

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

If we could befriend the bear and keep it as a guardian to the temple that would be best, at least in my book.

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Well... I know how I am fighting this bear and it is not with a sword.

He takes out his bow.

Tig spends the time that you discuss your plans harassing Jhod, hopping onto his clothing and asking him if he can sing. Seeing that the tiny fey will not be dissuaded Jhod will eventually relent and sing a hymn to Erastil normally sung on feast days, the song is quite long and Jhod is a passable singer setting a background to your conversation about the temple.

Imagine "All Things Bright and Beautiful" if everyone knows the song, not sure how international it is.


M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Hum a few bars.... :P

Cleric / 3 (Per:+4, Init+3, HP 18, AC: 14/13/11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+5)

Christmas is passed and I'm posting again.

Maksim addresses Andrej after Father Jhod's inspirational hymn. "Excellent way to fight, I'll do the same, but let those with winning words try first, with Erastil's blessing we may win without bloodshed."

Female Changeling (Green Widow) Bard / 1 ||HP: 8, AC: 13/11/13, Saves: W+2/R+4/F+0, CMB/CMD: +2/+14, Init: +2, Perc: +4

Arielle double checks her map against the two that she copied it from. "Well, I think I managed to combine the two separate maps into one usable map. What are our plans for the rest of the day? Are we going to push on already or wait until tomorrow?"

After sharing breakfast with the fey and many promises to return with more sweets next time you pass by you set off in the mid morning. Anza leads you to the area of the temple but even with the maps from the fey you have trouble finding the place, after two days of going backwards and forwards across the area while Anza and Arielle update your maps you finally come to a stand of extremely thick undergrowth surrounding ancient trees of amazing size. If Maksim, Silva and Andrej were to join hands they would probably reach halfway around one of these trees trunks.

Pushing through the undergrowth you get your first look at the temple, almost exact to Tig's drawing to the details but as though many hundreds of years had passed. The elk carving is overgrown with moss and ivy, the pillars are weather beaten and the steps collapsing, the reflecting pool is a thick green sludge of algae.


Lets hope it stays up this time, every other time i've been on its been down.

Female Changeling (Green Widow) Bard / 1 ||HP: 8, AC: 13/11/13, Saves: W+2/R+4/F+0, CMB/CMD: +2/+14, Init: +2, Perc: +4

"Wow. It definitely looks like it has been a while since anyone was last here. It will take quite a bit of work to get this place looking halfway decent again. Does anyone see any sign of a bear or other wildlife hereabouts?"

survival to look for animal tracks 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
If she finds any burrowing animals, Arielle will try to talk to them and ask if there is a bear living nearby.

The ground is soft beneath the undergrowth but there are no tracks, even the sky is devoid of birds near the temple.

1d20 + 6 - 20 ⇒ (15) + 6 - 20 = 1

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

Silva holds his greatsword as he scans the area for danger.

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17

Cleric / 3 (Per:+4, Init+3, HP 18, AC: 14/13/11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+5)

Maksim looks reverently at this magnificient if decayed temple, but stays in cover trying to see anything out of the ordinary.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 Anything else to see?
Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 Wildlife signs or tracks, bear tracks or signs, (territorial markings, bear manure, kills, etc. ) in the area.

Female Changeling (Green Widow) Bard / 1 ||HP: 8, AC: 13/11/13, Saves: W+2/R+4/F+0, CMB/CMD: +2/+14, Init: +2, Perc: +4

"The lack of wildlife around this place seems rather odd to me."

Arielle moves up to what was once the reflecting pool and peers into the sludge.

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Andrej merely knocks an arrow as he keeps watch for a threat.

Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

There is no sign that a large predator lives in the area, any tracks in the bushes are long overgrown and the temple floor is hard stone covered with moss and weeds.

Sweeping the area with your bows you feel in danger but see nothing solid.

1d20 + 6 - 17 ⇒ (12) + 6 - 17 = 1

Cleric / 3 (Per:+4, Init+3, HP 18, AC: 14/13/11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+5)

"Something is not right here, but I see nothing, be very careful and don't stray far." Maksim moves up behind Silva wary for anything.

Female Changeling (Green Widow) Bard / 1 ||HP: 8, AC: 13/11/13, Saves: W+2/R+4/F+0, CMB/CMD: +2/+14, Init: +2, Perc: +4

Feeling a bit nervous and paranoid now, Arielle moves us beside Egan as she continues to looks around. "Well, are we just going to keep looking about out here or shall we try entering the place?"

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Egan stays mounted but urges Sparky forward to the pool. The large dog's new barding clinks softly where it needs some oiling. Try to find the scent Sparky. Egan urges.

Sparky's Perception with Scent: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

As Egan moves forward alone Egan...not yet. Silva slowly walks out of the safety of the forest following the gnome. It is unwise for you to take the lead.

1d20 + 6 - 15 ⇒ (2) + 6 - 15 = -7

Maksim and Arielle shuffle nervously while speaking, while Andrej stoicly aims his bow. Egan urges Sparky forwards and Silva moves to interject, both of them pushing into through the undergrowth and into the clearing proper.

1d20 + 6 - 13 ⇒ (1) + 6 - 13 = -6

Dark Archive

Sparky's got a good nose. If there is danger here he will know.

Female Changeling (Green Widow) Bard / 1 ||HP: 8, AC: 13/11/13, Saves: W+2/R+4/F+0, CMB/CMD: +2/+14, Init: +2, Perc: +4

Arielle follows the others into the clearing proper, picking up a stick as she does so and then poking at the sludge in the reflecting pool. "Well, shall we go on into the temple?"

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4
Skorn wrote:
Sparky's got a good nose. If there is danger here he will know.

He may be ripped to pieces shortly after he catches the scent as well.

1d20 + 6 - 11 ⇒ (5) + 6 - 11 = 0

You advance cautiously into the temple, trusting your hounds to warn you of danger. They seem reluctant to advance too near to the cavern mouth itself, flattening their ears and slinking forward.

Give me some co-ords and i'll update the map, is anyone still mounted?

Female Changeling (Green Widow) Bard / 1 ||HP: 8, AC: 13/11/13, Saves: W+2/R+4/F+0, CMB/CMD: +2/+14, Init: +2, Perc: +4

I guess Arielle is around T41 to poke at the sludge and dismounted from Breeze.

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

I imagine I am up at R39, still mounted on Sparky. Then I will move along the "R" line towards the temple. Sparky it combat trained. I see no reason to dismount.

Cleric / 3 (Per:+4, Init+3, HP 18, AC: 14/13/11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+5)

Maksim follows to the forest's edge then stands his ground, covering the party with a ready bow and arrow. (Hold action for anything that attacks them.)

"I can cover you from here, do not go anywhere beyond the courtyard for now." Maksim calls out.

Establishing local reference points: Point A is the pillar located at 41MN and 42MN, Point B is the pillar located at 43QR and 44QR, Point C is the rock that has its center at 32M, Point D is a rock centered at 25Y. Top of map is "north" regardless of the any odd compass directions.

I'm assuming that Silva's in the courtyard to the "west" of Point A, that Arielle is at or near T41, between point B and the pool, that Egan is wandering around to their "west" at R39, not getting near point C.

Maksim will move to 43P and hold action as described above with bow and arrow ready to fire.

ninja'd edit updating Egan's position.

P.S. Maksim has dismounted and left his horse a bit behind, off-map.

I gave Silva and Andrej a bit of time to post, i've just moved them up to where i think it would be sensible for them to stand.


1d20 + 6 - 9 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 9 = 3

You advance into the silence of the temple grounds, looking around cautiously speaking in hushed tones. The algae in the pool is a coating on the surface, underneath there is some dark and stagnant water think with sediment. Poking around you see no signs of life in the pool and do not contact the bottom, reluctant to plung your arm into the waters.

Since we're not in combat rounds at the moment you cannot hold actions, however since your "prepared" i will give you some bonuses to initiative should combat start so you have a better chance of acting first Maksim, i think Andrej has the same plan so i'll do the same for him.

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Yes. Thanks

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Are we ready to enter? Egan asks. Before moving up from his current position, but after being sure we are advancing, Egan will cast Shield of Faith on himself.

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4
Egan 'Little Fire' Thermogauge wrote:
Are we ready to enter? Egan asks. Before moving up from his current position, but after being sure we are advancing, Egan will cast Shield of Faith on himself.

Here we go. Silva leads the group in.

Female Changeling (Green Widow) Bard / 1 ||HP: 8, AC: 13/11/13, Saves: W+2/R+4/F+0, CMB/CMD: +2/+14, Init: +2, Perc: +4

Arielle follows closely behind Egan as they enter the abandoned temple.

Cleric / 3 (Per:+4, Init+3, HP 18, AC: 14/13/11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+5)

Maksim will move slowly, maintaining his bow nocked and ready to fire. He moves "south" on the other side of the pool and advances from there to the temple.

Tactical movement is from 43P to 42Q then down the column 42 to Row Z. If in game rounds then Move action followed by Hold action, round by round. Move 30' per move action so 30' per round or equivalent.

"Yes, mi'lord, I'll give cover fire from the other side o'the pool. Make haste slowly, please, too quick, and I'll not be able to support ye."

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Andrej follows Maksims example and moves along side him, his bow also at the ready.

1d20 + 6 - 7 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 7 = 5

As you call out to each other arranging your advance the sound of Silva's voice disturbs something inside the cavern, you hear a low threatening growl which causes Sparky to shy back. A large grizzly bear lumbers into view from the cave mouth, letting off a huge roar as it rears onto its rear legs.

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16 Initiative, Andrej and Maksim have a +4

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

That's a big bear. Egan says, allowing Sparky to move back.

INitiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Cleric / 3 (Per:+4, Init+3, HP 18, AC: 14/13/11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+5)

Please DM tell me where Maksim got to before the appearance of the bear.

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 4 = 11

As Maksim hears the bear's roar and sees it coming into sight, he stops moving, lines up the shot and pulls to quarter-draw, ready to fire. "Make friends quick, he doesn't look happy."

If the bear charges or attacks he will fire on it.

Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 Note behavior of the bear to tell if he is about to charge or otherwise attack.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 Look at bear.
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 Is the bear a sacred guardian of the temple?

Trust Maksim to be too ignorant to pound sand. ;)

As far as you can tell Maksim this bear is not sacred to Erastil. It also doesn't seem to behave like a natural bear, its very aggressive.

The bear has grey fur as though it were aged, its muscles are corded and thicker than you would expect of a natural creature and its eyes are bloodshot and savage. Its claws and teeth extend to an almost unnatural length.

Since there is no surprise round unfortunately Maksim was so surprised by the bears appearance that he didn't manage to take the shot before the bear acts, however Andrej may still beat it!

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Silva sees the bear and stands ready for a charge.

How far away is the bear?

Female Changeling (Green Widow) Bard / 1 ||HP: 8, AC: 13/11/13, Saves: W+2/R+4/F+0, CMB/CMD: +2/+14, Init: +2, Perc: +4

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Arielle casts a spell to allow her to speak to animals and tries to convey to the bear that they just wish to explore the area and did not come to hurt it.

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Andrej 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

AC17/Touch14/Flatfoot13/CMD 17||HP12/[12]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+1|Percept +1/Sense Motive +1|Init+6 Male Skald Human Fighter (Aldori Archetype)/1 *Favoured Class

Andrej will follow Maksims lead and shoot when he does.

Cleric / 3 (Per:+4, Init+3, HP 18, AC: 14/13/11 F:+3 R:+4 W:+5)

"There is something wrong with that bear, much more savage looking than normal. Be wary, I'll fire if it attacks anyone."

If the bear attacks Maksim will fire on it. Let me know and I'll post the rolls.

Round 1

Round order, Silva > Bear > Andrej > Maksim > Egan > Arielle.

I didn't move anyone since i think having a bit of range might help you in this fight. Silva is up!

M Gnome - Alternalte Racial Traie Pryomaniac Oracle of Fire / 3 (Per: +1 Init:+1 HP 21/21 AC: 20/12/18 F: +1 R: +1 W: +2)

Egan whispers, not wanting to agitate the bear further. To me Silva. I can bolster you armor.

Paladin of Erastil-3/ Init:+1, Perception:-1, AC:18/11/17, CMD:19, HP:28, Fort:6 (11 vs cold), Ref:4, Will:4

Silva moves in front of the gnome (R38) and readies to attack the bear if it comes into melee range.

The bear bellows again as it drops on to all fours and dashes forward.

Moves to P31.

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