Kingmaker. Footsteps to the empty throne. (Inactive)

Game Master DBH

Strangers, friends and even lovers. You have gathered together for your own reasons to explore and make safe the perilous region to the south known to all only as the Stolen lands.


The Greenbelt

Charter of rulership

Silverhold map

Kingdom shreadsheet

Stolen lands Map RRR


Notices 3


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Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

"We have always tried to do what is best for Silverhold!" Isabel adds, moving the other way around the fountain from her husband. "We have been here from day one, we built this city with our own hands and our own resources. Many of these women were there when I gave birth to my first son. We have passed through trials and we have done it together. I'm afraid, amongst these faces of my friends and colleagues I don't recognise yours Mister Grigori - why is this?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 14 + 1 = 27

The husband and wife team make a formidable debate pair...

Female N Human Herb Witch 3 / Wild Whisperer Druid 3 / Mystic Theurge 0 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 15 (11 Tch, 14 FF) | CMB: +4, CMD: 15 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +10 | Initiative: +1 | Perception: +15 (+17), Sense Motive: +5 (+7) + 1d6 | Speed 30ft | Herb Lore 6/6 | Inspiration 4/5 | Fenrir HP: 54/54; AC 25 | Muninn HP: 21/21 | Active conditions: None

Freya and Fenrir watch from the outskirts of the gathering, knowing full and well this situation is well outside of her expertise.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Background stuff:

PO: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Grigori gives your group a practiced look of scorn. "I was not aware that one needed to be personally known to you before being allowed to speak Madame! you claim that what you do what is best for Silverhold, but obviously it is what is best for you that rules here. You promise peace and plenty and then lead these poor people here, hundreds of miles from safety, surrounded by wild animals and monsters. With only you and your fellow oppressors for protection. How convenient!"

His roll was just better than yours. So the war of the verbals is equalish at the moment.

What are you doing now?

HP: 52/52 | AC: 19(Current 21), Touch: 14(Current 16), FF: 15| Fort: +3, Ref: +11, Will: +2 | Perception: +14(+16 vs Traps) | Init:+10

Can we offer any aid?

Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 Aiding Isabel if possible. I'm assuming this will aid the next roll not the previous.

Johanna moves about through the crowd trying to keep them calm and reassure the rulers have their best interest.

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Also going to aid Isabel here, she is best to take the lead on dealing with this guy verbally. I’ll add supportive RP and dialogue to fit her statements once she posts.

Diplomacy Aid Another: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

"Is it surprise that we do what is best for all of us?" Isabel responds, "You have appeared out of nowhere Mister Grigori, and you seem to have no goal but to sow dissent. Why is this? What makes you someone that should be listened to?"

Diplo: 1d20 + 14 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 14 + 4 = 20 Sorry guys! Guess I can't take 10 instead? *hopeful*

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Darian continues walking around the fountain, gracefully stepping down off of it in front of his wife before offering her his hand to assist her descent. ”Yes...I haven’t seen you out here helping with the work. I know I personally have lended my own blood and sweat to the construction projects here, alongside many of the fine folk gathered here. In fact I can’t recall ever meeting you before, while the majority of the rest here I have seen many times before...”

Promised RP for above Aid Another check.

M Human Fighter (Aldori Defender) 5/Aldori Swordlord 1 | HP38/46 | AC20 T14 F17 CMD21+ | F+6 R+6 W+2 | 20) | I+5 | Perc+0

That line is usually depicted as about the worst defense you could take in this sort of situation, so the die roll seems appropriate.

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

I try to fit one to the other :) Besides, he's not saying anything about himself, just us. Any information is good here!

Are you sure you want to do that?

PO: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

Ok, the war of the verbals once again comes out even.

Isabel and Grigori trade barbs for several minutes, both doing their best to weakening the others position with skillful wordplay. The crowd is enjoying this immensely. Watching it almost like a sporting match.

Finally Grigori retreats for the day with a few words on oppressive rulers censoring free speech. Isabel points out he's free to speak, and so is she as his tries a dignified withdrawal.

What are you doing now?


Lisl watches the speech unfold with some dissatisfaction.

Once Grigori makes his retreat she says to Isabel, "Very well done. You handled that with decorum."

"I fear we haven't seen the last of him. A well-heeled traveler suddenly arrives in town to denigrate us, with no obvious means of support, no local family, no profession here? Someone is paying him."

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

”Perhaps. Miss Atsuko,” Darian turns to their newest helpful guest to town ”You’ve been quite helpful so far. Would you be willing to help us learn about our new guest? Learn what his motivations and goals are?”

He turns to the rest of the Council. ”I am going to try and undo any harm he may have done with the people. Josef, would you be so kind as to remain with my wife in case this Grigori fellow has associates in town who might wish more aggressive and direct tactics...”

Darian then begins moving through the crowd, seeing if anyone else has similar concerns as this Grigori and doing what he can to assuage them.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 Pfffft. Good timing. Where was this two rolls ago?

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

Isabel rolls her eyes at her husband's departing back, but takes Josef's (non-sword) arm none-the-less.

"He does worry." She says with a fond smile, before setting off the other way, taking stock of people's feelings and reinforcing the shared bonds that underpin Silverhold.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19

M Human Fighter (Aldori Defender) 5/Aldori Swordlord 1 | HP38/46 | AC20 T14 F17 CMD21+ | F+6 R+6 W+2 | 20) | I+5 | Perc+0

Josef frowns as the Baron wanders into the crowd, but takes the baroness' arm quickly enough. "With cause and without caution. You can protect yourself with magic and words from an unexpected assault better than he can. Yet he goes off to accidentally discover if the mouthpiece has partners with teeth while thinking about it enough to want you protected." The young man shakes his head. "Hard to keep the roads safe for people who are NOT attractive targets." He pats Isabel's hand and sighs. "But, for now, that's not my problem. Home, then?"

Female N Human Herb Witch 3 / Wild Whisperer Druid 3 / Mystic Theurge 0 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 15 (11 Tch, 14 FF) | CMB: +4, CMD: 15 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +10 | Initiative: +1 | Perception: +15 (+17), Sense Motive: +5 (+7) + 1d6 | Speed 30ft | Herb Lore 6/6 | Inspiration 4/5 | Fenrir HP: 54/54; AC 25 | Muninn HP: 21/21 | Active conditions: None

Freya and Fenrir continue to stalk around the crowd, listening to the mood and words of those still present and those dispersing.

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18

But apparently not very well...

Are you sure you want to do that?

So far Grigori hasn't had much effect on your citizens. Most seem to regard the war of words as good entertainment and little more. But some have noted that you came and responded when criticized, giving as good as you got. This has improved the peoples regard for you. You listened and responded without calling for the guard or making threats.

Johanna. A Knowledge local roll from you if you're going Grigori hunting.

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Feeling better about the support of his people, Darian's mood returns to its more jovial nature, and after taking a few moments to speak casually with familiar faces, he makes his way back to the castle, specifically the map room (or war room, though he hoped it would never be needed for that task), and leaned over the map of their lands, pondering their next moves as he reviewed various requests posted by the citizens...

Okay, so apologies here, but I'm in another Kingmaker game that is around this same point chronologically, so I'm kinda getting some things confused as to what we have and haven't done in the notices. I know we just saved Tig. I think Josef and Freya dealt with the turtle. I don't think we've addressed any of the others though, right?

HP: 52/52 | AC: 19(Current 21), Touch: 14(Current 16), FF: 15| Fort: +3, Ref: +11, Will: +2 | Perception: +14(+16 vs Traps) | Init:+10

I don't have any ranks in any knowledge's not the best to go hunting for him :(. I can try to follow him.

Johanna nods and makes her way through the crowd and streets and will do her best to follow this Grigori

Are you sure you want to do that?

Ok. A Stealth roll if being sneaky, or a Bluff roll if playing one of the crowd.

HP: 52/52 | AC: 19(Current 21), Touch: 14(Current 16), FF: 15| Fort: +3, Ref: +11, Will: +2 | Perception: +14(+16 vs Traps) | Init:+10

Sneaky, but there may be times I need to blend as well.

Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

Johanna does her best to move among the people and stay hidden.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Johanna Grigori returns to the inn and goes to his room for an hour, emerging after that and heading out to walk around the town.

What are you doing now?.

Darian, you've rescued Tyg and dealt to the turtle. The other notices are untouched so far.

Can I hear what everybody else is doing while Johanna is being sneaky? You have several hours to do things.

HP: 52/52 | AC: 19(Current 21), Touch: 14(Current 16), FF: 15| Fort: +3, Ref: +11, Will: +2 | Perception: +14(+16 vs Traps) | Init:+10

No interaction. She will sit and have a drink and some water while waiting. She will continue to follow and take note of what he does and who he may talk to. She will do this into the evening returning later to give a report.

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Darian carefully stacked the notices back up neatly after he had reviewed them, and walked away with a sigh. He made his way through Silverhold Castle to find his wife and child.

"There you two are," he says with a smile as he catches up to them finally. He walks up behind Isabel and slips his arms around her waist as he leaned in and kissed her neck from behind. He leaned over her shoulder and looked down at Magnus, still so small in her arms. "Hello son."

He stood there quietly a moment, basking in this joy. Eventually, though, the weight of the town overwhelmed him once more. "This Grigori is a problem. I hope Johanna comes back with good intel as to what he is really here for. We also have other monsters in the wilds near our lands to deal with...a forest drake, a worg, and a hodag, based on the reports. The request for troll blood makes me nervous as well. I hope there isn't a clan of trolls near us. A single troll can be managed, but a whole tribe...that would be a real threat. And whatever a 'shambling mound' is."

He steps away from Isabel, letting his hands slide across her stomach as he moves over to kneel down by the hearth and prod at the burning logs with the poker. "So much of our southern borders are a mystery to us yet. We will have to amend that soon."

M Human Fighter (Aldori Defender) 5/Aldori Swordlord 1 | HP38/46 | AC20 T14 F17 CMD21+ | F+6 R+6 W+2 | 20) | I+5 | Perc+0

After escorting the Baroness home, Josef will check to see if any of his team is in town or if they are all out on patrol (for simplicity, I'll say they are all out at the moment).

Then he'll wander into the tavern, and listen, see if anybody's talking about Grigori or the interaction at the fountain. Assuming someone does, eventually, . . ..

"So, what do you think of this Grigori person?"

Yep. going to try to find out anything I can.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Oh, yeah, I AM trained in that skill! Who knew?
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:
Darian Aulamaxa wrote:

He stood there quietly a moment, basking in this joy. Eventually, though, the weight of the town overwhelmed him once more. "This Grigori is a problem. I hope Johanna comes back with good intel as to what he is really here for. We also have other monsters in the wilds near our lands to deal with...a forest drake, a worg, and a hodag, based on the reports. The request for troll blood makes me nervous as well. I hope there isn't a clan of trolls near us. A single troll can be managed, but a whole tribe...that would be a real threat. And whatever a 'shambling mound' is."

He steps away from Isabel, letting his hands slide across her stomach as he moves over to kneel down by the hearth and prod at the burning logs with the poker. "So much of our southern borders are a mystery to us yet. We will have to amend that soon."

"I agree." Isabel says, rocking her son gently. "The southern border is a concern, but I confess I'm more worried about what Grigori is doing here - it reeks of an organised attempt to undermine us."

Magnus, picking up on his mothers mood begins to squirm until Isabel focuses her attention back on him and he quietens down again. "The monsters are part and parcel of taming wild lands like these, we can deal with them in time. For now I think we need to stay in Concord, do some more work on the town and show Grigori, and the people, that he is wrong about us."

Are you sure you want to do that?

Josef finds people don't seem to want to talk to him for some reason?

Johanna you see that Grigori is mostly talking to the townsfolk, trying to find those with a grievance against the rulers. As evening draws in he begins to look to return to the inn.

When you leave to report to the others Grigori has had a meal at the inn, flirted unsuccessfully with the waitress and gone to his room.

Which means the morning news the Grigori has been found dead in his room with his throat slit from ear to ear even more concerning.

What are you doing now?

HP: 52/52 | AC: 19(Current 21), Touch: 14(Current 16), FF: 15| Fort: +3, Ref: +11, Will: +2 | Perception: +14(+16 vs Traps) | Init:+10

Johanna gives her report when she returns for the evening. After a bit of discussion she turns in for the night. She awakes with the others to the unsettling news. As the others turn to look at her she claims she is innocent.

"What could have happened. This is bad. This will look bad for us. Perhaps there were others that saw me following. This could be a set up. Perhaps we should consider raising him from the dead to save face."

Female N Human Herb Witch 3 / Wild Whisperer Druid 3 / Mystic Theurge 0 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 15 (11 Tch, 14 FF) | CMB: +4, CMD: 15 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +10 | Initiative: +1 | Perception: +15 (+17), Sense Motive: +5 (+7) + 1d6 | Speed 30ft | Herb Lore 6/6 | Inspiration 4/5 | Fenrir HP: 54/54; AC 25 | Muninn HP: 21/21 | Active conditions: None

"Look bad is a bit of an understatement, don't you think." Freya says.

"Of course it is a set up. There are spells that allow conversation with the dead, but such spells do not guarantee honesty from the subject."

"Were there any guards keeping an eye on the inn overnight?"

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

"Can we access some of these spells?" Isabel asks, "Perfectly accurate or not we could at least get some basic information, and it would likely satisfy the public if we are seen to be actively investigating this with every possible method."

She looks at Johanna and Josef. "You two need to get to the inn at once and have the room blocked off. Freya, will you and Fenrir go with them? We need to investigate the scene as soon as possible before it gets cleaned and we lose any clues. Lisl, Darian, we need to investigate our magical and political options."

Female N Human Herb Witch 3 / Wild Whisperer Druid 3 / Mystic Theurge 0 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 15 (11 Tch, 14 FF) | CMB: +4, CMD: 15 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +10 | Initiative: +1 | Perception: +15 (+17), Sense Motive: +5 (+7) + 1d6 | Speed 30ft | Herb Lore 6/6 | Inspiration 4/5 | Fenrir HP: 54/54; AC 25 | Muninn HP: 21/21 | Active conditions: None

Frey nods, ready to go along with Johanna and Josef.

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Darian nods. ”Josef, the House Guard are at your disposal as well, should you need them. Kesten, Akiros, lend your aid to the investigation as well.”

He turns back to Isabel and Lisl. ”We will need to make our presence known in this investigation as well. From what I gathered from the town, they didn’t seem to be truly influenced by Grigori’s manipulations, but if we appear to condone his murder in the least, it may change some minds.”

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

"Getting bodies into the street should help with that." Isabel agrees. "One of us should make an announcement, condemning this death and promising that we're doing everything we can to help. That should help I think, other than that we simply have to follow through and actually find whoever killed him! It might give us some more momentum for additional security in the town too."

HP: 52/52 | AC: 19(Current 21), Touch: 14(Current 16), FF: 15| Fort: +3, Ref: +11, Will: +2 | Perception: +14(+16 vs Traps) | Init:+10

Johanna nods and heads out with the others.


Lisl listens carefully, then chimes in, "On the morrow I can prepare a spell that will let me speak with the body - a question or two for the remnants of spirit still tied to it. We must think carefully on what we will ask, of course."

"I am willing to make the public announcement if you wish, as I am, after all, a public figure of the law."

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Darian nods. ”Sounds like a plan. I...I’m not sure what you and I should do, darling. We were the focus of his ire, so remaining away from the investigation makes us look guilty, but I think being too enthusiastic about it makes us appear as if we are covering something up...”

M Human Fighter (Aldori Defender) 5/Aldori Swordlord 1 | HP38/46 | AC20 T14 F17 CMD21+ | F+6 R+6 W+2 | 20) | I+5 | Perc+0

Josef just shakes his head as he prepares to head back out into the settlement. "Knew there was a problem when people didn't want to talk to me. Didn't think it would be this bad. One murder investigation coming up." He sighs as he heads into the streets.

Stopping at the barracks, he grabs whomever is there. "Grab your tabards and gear. We need to be seen and we need to find a murderer." As they are ready, he heads for the inn to begin a (probably desperate) investigation.

Once they get to the inn . . .. "Kesten? Start getting people interviewed, see what anyone is willing to share. Akiros? Let's station some men around the building, a couple in the hallway outside the room he was killed in, and let's take a look to see what we can tell in the room itself." Josef will also take one of the guards in that he knows has got good eyes . . ..

I really hope he's got a good Perception, cause . . ..

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 16

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:
Darian Aulamaxa wrote:
Darian nods. ”Sounds like a plan. I...I’m not sure what you and I should do, darling. We were the focus of his ire, so remaining away from the investigation makes us look guilty, but I think being too enthusiastic about it makes us appear as if we are covering something up...”

Isabel nods thoughtfully. "You're right dear. Lisl you're right, this would be best from you. Shall we do it somewhere publicly or at least invite some of the townsfolk? We should probably cover our bases there, make it clear that we have nothing to hide."

Are you sure you want to do that?

So who is doing what?

1. Public announcement.

2. Examine the Crime scene.

3. Look for whoever who saw Grigori last?

Josef's look over the room where {b]Grigori[/b] was murdered turns up one thing immediately. All his gear and coin are still there, the room wasn't searched at all. The only thing the killer did was murder Grigori and leave without touching anything.

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

1. Lisl is going to tell the people and explain that she will commune with his spirit tomorrow.

2. Josef, Freya, Johanna are doing the crime scene and surrounding investigation.

Isabel and Darian are staying out of the way and trying to seem as though they aren't either disinterested or getting too involved!

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

As the others busied themselves with the investigation, Darian tried not to stress about it. ”So how’s our little Lord doing today?” he asks as he puts a hand gently on the babies head, his other along the small of Isabel’s back.

Female N Human Herb Witch 3 / Wild Whisperer Druid 3 / Mystic Theurge 0 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 15 (11 Tch, 14 FF) | CMB: +4, CMD: 15 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +10 | Initiative: +1 | Perception: +15 (+17), Sense Motive: +5 (+7) + 1d6 | Speed 30ft | Herb Lore 6/6 | Inspiration 4/5 | Fenrir HP: 54/54; AC 25 | Muninn HP: 21/21 | Active conditions: None

Having traveled along with Josef, Freya does her own examination of the crime scene, looking for any over-looked clues.

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33

Are you sure you want to do that?

Waiting on Lisl's spindoctor roll. And Johanna's rolls for the crime scene.

Freya, you find nothing out of place in the murdered mans room, however you do pick up a scent in the air. it's faint but clearly a distinctive woman's perfume.

Female N Human Herb Witch 3 / Wild Whisperer Druid 3 / Mystic Theurge 0 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 15 (11 Tch, 14 FF) | CMB: +4, CMD: 15 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +10 | Initiative: +1 | Perception: +15 (+17), Sense Motive: +5 (+7) + 1d6 | Speed 30ft | Herb Lore 6/6 | Inspiration 4/5 | Fenrir HP: 54/54; AC 25 | Muninn HP: 21/21 | Active conditions: None

Freya sniffs at the air in the room and turns to ask the others, "Do we know if Grigori had anyone accompany him to his room last night? It is faint, but there is the distinct smell of perfume lingering in the room."

Turning to her companion she says, "Get a good whiff, Fenrir. This might be our only real lead."

HP: 52/52 | AC: 19(Current 21), Touch: 14(Current 16), FF: 15| Fort: +3, Ref: +11, Will: +2 | Perception: +14(+16 vs Traps) | Init:+10

Will spend enough time to go over the scene completely so taking 20 in all areas at the scene on perception for a 29


As promised, Lisl prepares herself to make a speech for the community and calls together as many people as are willing to hear her. She makes a very brief and quiet prayer to Abadar (enhanced diplomacy) before she begins.

"Friends and neighbors, I know you have busy lives, so I will be brief," she says. "Yesterday we were visited by a public speaker who had some harsh words for our fledgling community. Unfortunately, while we chose to allow him his opportunity to speak freely, someone seems to have disagreed; we discovered his body last night, apparently murdered."

"Obviously this is a terrible crime and we intend to pursue it to the fullest. No person is above the reach of the law - not even those of us who have taken leadership roles. It is our responsibility to keep this community safe, and open, and prosperous, and by Abadar's name we will not allow such dangers to thrive, nor shall this community have 'one law for mine and another for thine.' A full investigation is underway."

"I will, today, be calling upon the holy gifts of Abadar to attempt to speak with what remains of his spirit, still clinging to its bodily shell. While it is impractical to do so in a fashion that is open to everyone, we will make this attempt available to members of the public as much as we can accommodate, so that there will be a fair and open display of anything that we learn from this attempt. It is of course possible that his spirit will not respond, or that it may try to provide misleading information, but our goal ultimately is to find the truth."

"If you have any questions or concerns, please, do not hesitate to ask. I swear by Abadar's judgement that no harm shall come to those who speak up or who have concerns over these events."

Diplomacy, enhanced: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 10 + 2 = 27

Diplomancy! Finally a decent roll at a decent time!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Human Fighter (Aldori Defender) 5/Aldori Swordlord 1 | HP38/46 | AC20 T14 F17 CMD21+ | F+6 R+6 W+2 | 20) | I+5 | Perc+0

"Great. Simple assassination, with the prime suspects being, well, us." Josef takes some time and examines the one wound (and the rest of the body, if it matters), looking to see if any details jump out at him.

Heal: 1d20 ⇒ 5
BAB+Int: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 2 = 21 Hoping for some comments about the weapon or style of attack. I get the "sounds like a knife from behind with surprise", but I want to avoid assumptions if possible.

And the skill set is part of why he is overseeing patrols in the land instead of policing the city!

Are you sure you want to do that?

Josef from looking at the body Grigori had something small, but very sharp drawn across his throat from behind. His clothing looks as if he were undressing when it happened.

Asking the staff at the inn turns up that Grigori did have a young woman accompany him back to his room the last night. No one had seen her before or knew who she was.

Fenrir whuffs after catching the scent, he has it memorized.

Lisl's speech quietens any mutters regarding the murder. While many things are said about Adabarians no one who knows them would ever call one a liar!

Johanna, you turn up nothing new.

Grigori's possessions:
Potion of cure light wounds,
Potion of cure moderate wounds,
Potion of undetectable alignment (3),
Scroll of scare,
Scroll of sound burst,

Chain shirt +1,
MW buckler,
Rapier +1,
Shortbow with 20 arrows,
132 gp

No informative documents sorry.

What are you doing now?


Lisl returns to let her companions know of her commentary.

"I have prepared the spell to speak with dead," she says. "Note that there are several limitations: I can only ask two questions, and it is possible that his spirit may resist the spell, or try to lie. We should decide what we wish to ask in advance."

Liberty's Edge

|HP: 59/68 AC: 24; F: +12, R: +12, W: +10 | Perc: +10, Stl/Perf +12, Dec/Dip +13, ELore +14, Itm +15, Arc/Occ/Nat/Rel/Soc +8 | Speed 25ft | Weapon +15, 2d6+4+2. | Foc 1/1 | Active conditions:

"He's doing well." Isabel replies, a smile playing around her face as she holds the Little Prince in her arms. "He's feeding well from what the wet nurse said and he sleeps well, with a little encouragement. You're such a good boy aren't you?" She whispers to her son before passing him over to her husband as Lisl approaches.

"Best to wait for the others then." she suggests, once the cleric has said her piece. "We need the best information we can get first before we try to decide questions."

Human Bard 6| AC 20 FF 17 T 11| HP 49/49| F +4 R +8 W +6| Init +1| Percep +9
Inspire Courage, Bull’s Strength, Tongues

Darian nods and asks ”Would your truth detection spell work alongside the other one?” as he coos Magnus and rocks him a bit before setting him down gently in his crib. He then steps over behind Isabel and puts his hands on her shoulders at the base of her neck and begins giving her an impromptu shoulder massage.

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