Kingmaker: Apocalypse

Game Master GrimWeasel

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Male Human Guntank 1st level


Hello there

Female Elf Ranger

Erin has joined the damn campaign. This Paizo page sucks. The internet of things is for tossers. That is all.

Human Cleric of Sarenrae 1

Checking in. . . Looks good Rob.


Male Duergar Cleric Forgemaster 1

Hello folkes

Male Duergar Cleric Forgemaster 1

Heeeey. I didn't know we already had a cleric in this team. I'm more than happy to go a different direction. I've got a helluva team based, melee combat maneuver inquisitor well fleshed out.

Human Cleric of Sarenrae 1
Proizvoditel' "Maker" wrote:
Heeeey. I didn't know we already had a cleric in this team. I'm more than happy to go a different direction. I've got a helluva team based, melee combat maneuver inquisitor well fleshed out.

I was under the impression you were going the route of Mystic Theurge. I'll be going straight cleric. Front line defense and channeling to slay undead. We'll be completely different.

Male Duergar Cleric Forgemaster 1

I'm just messing around. My guy's designed as a Crafter and Jack of All Trades Caster. Nice thing about clerics is they are so freakin' customizable and I am going to be branching into Mystic Theurge. Plus it'll be good to have somebody who didn't give up channel energy in an undead heavy campaign. Nice to see you on this side again Eric.

Male Inquisitor-Infiltrator/Sanctified Slayer: 1. Gunslinger-Mysterious Stranger: 0. Ninja-Trickster/Scout: 0.

Rob are you allowing the Variant Multiclassing format available from the Pathfinder Unchained Book which can be found here? sing

(You'll need to plug it in and fix the gap in multiclassing, it's not letting me post the link)

I think I would prefer to leave the unchained, psyonics, and occult stuff out simply because we don't have the books to reference and I don't want to spend too much time in game looking stuff up should a problem arise. If you want to pick up the book I don't have a problem with it.

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