![]() |

As they talk, Oleg and 'Lana arrive at the garrison. Both look weary and 'Lana immediately moves to the girls and hugs them both fiercely. Tears silently roll down her cheeks as she embraces both women. Oleg walks over to Damen and claps him on the shoulder.
"What do you need us to do lad? Just say it, and the town will respond. The loss of two of our heroes and protectors is a great blow, but we will remember them!"

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana continued her conversation with Jhod, freeing providing details regarding the group's travels and trials, while also plying him for information about the happenings in Olegston and the surrounding areas while they were away can continue this as needed, moving ahead for now.
Trotting her horse up to the stable after Brigid, the priestess overheard the northern woman discuss her idea. Oh that's delightful! Svetlana nearly bounced on her toes and clapped in anticipation. There can be singing and dancing and storytelling, what a wonderful tradition. Sensing Damen's disapproval she added, We all will have our private moments of sadness over what has happened. Those emotions will certainly be served, but what of the celebration over their lives? Brigid's idea lets everyone express those feelings as well. And a little alcohol would be welcome, yes? Turning back to Brigid with a beaming smile, Svetlana really was bouncing up and down now. This will be so much fun! How can I help? Others maybe can gather firewood and I would not be of much use in the kitchens. Perhaps I should let everyone know! Yes, that's it! I'll go right now! Before Brigid could even get much of a word in edgewise, the priestess darts off towards the inn shouting. Everyone! There will be a celebration tonight for the lives of Kent Unsaid and Rangnar Blowsard! Everyone to the Commons tonight! It will be a grand affair, and there will be sing...., her voice trailed off as she made it some distance towards the inn and away from Damen and Brigid.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Daniel, but aside from returning Lana's hug and attempting to briefly cheer her and Oleg up, she acts exactly the same

Paetyr Orlovsky |

Paetyr raises his arms over his head and stretches, loosening muscles cramped from the latest leg of his journey from Restov. As his party enters the town Paetyr moves amongst the settlers he has traveled with these many days wishing them luck and prosperity. Taking his leave from the settlers he strides into town and with hope he thinks, Is this where I catch up with her or do I only find more rumors and smitten lads.
The ranger looks up and is reassured as he sees his eagle circling overhead. Bringing his gaze earthward his eyes take in the town while he makes his way through it. Paetyr notices a large bonfire being prepared and wonders if they are having a celebration to welcome the new settlers. First things first he cautions himself, as Paetyr stops a burly fellow carrying firewood and asks, Where can I find the town council or its representatives? While absentmindedly patting the pocket that holds his writ.

Damen Medvyed |

Before he could answer Brigid, Damen felt Oleg's powerful hand on his shoulder. But what was there to say, really? "Oleg... just... ah, Brigid and Svetlana seem to have plans. I'll think a bit. A bit. Maybe..." he cleared his throat, clotted with emotion. "Maybe we can talk about this later," the ranger finished with a grateful smile.
Next he turned to the warrior woman, letting a few moments of silence pass. "Some do like you do." His gaze purposefully turned to Svetlana's retreating form. "But... mourning is usually a bigger part of our customs. And celebrating is less."
He rested his weight against a nearby fence, looking up at the bright sky and intentionally dodging her gaze. "Did you know that in Brevoy I was a noble? Not a very good one. Or... a very noble one. Just a name. Just a name."
"And my house, Medvyed, we had a saying. 'Endurance overcomes all'. That usually meant enduring silently. No complaints. No wailing. No gnashing of teeth. Just a grunt and carrying on. I never understood why they did it. I never lost someone who mattered to me. Not really. But now I wonder how they did it."
Damen stood upright again, facing Brigid, and in a sudden rush of emotion embraced her tightly.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Damen's sudden embrace catches Brigid off guard, and for a shocked moment she stands unmoving within his arms. Then she slowly brings her hands up to his shoulders and squeezes them, pushing him away. When they are an arm's length apart, she looks him in the eyes, sharing in his grief. "Damen, I do not know if all things can be overcome," she says sadly, "but grief is special. Because ve do not vant to overcome it."
She slips away from his arms and follows Svetlana toward the inn.

Koren Fyoderov |

Koren moved his grey mare over to the side of the road to let another group of wagons pass by. He absently reached into his vest and pulled out a flask of whiskey to take a pull as his eyes followed the settlers. So many on this road. If I recall correctly, there's only a small trading post between here and the wilder lands further south. The initial group sent down from Restov must have been rather successful in taming the nearby area.
His gaze caught a comely lass with dark hair riding in front of a merchant's cart. Koren flashed her a winning smile and graciously tipped his fine hat to her with a flourish. Whatever response she may have given was cut short as her driver husband or father, I wonder? flicked the reigns hard with a curse and spat in his direction while passing.
Koren sighed and waved his hand above the glob of spittle trailing down his vest causing it to vanish without a trace. He wiggled his fingers and muttered something under his breath and the cart suddenly began to swerve erratically before pulling sharply off to the side of the road. He mounted to resume his trek and as he passed the cart he smiled slightly at the view of the merchant flailing wildly at the empty air screaming of stirges. Koren's heart lifted further the nearer he drew to the old trading post in anticipation of the adventures to come.

Paetyr Orlovsky |

One of the towns folks stops what he is doing and points as he says, “Ye might be check’n for ol’ Oleg up by d’ commons, he be’n da one ya want.”
One step closer to finding my sister, Paetyr thinks. He lengthens his stride and rushes head long around the corner to the commons. As he surveys the yard watching the flurry of activity he is stunned as before him stands his sister, all the long rehearsed speeches die on his lips and all he can do is stand there stunned whispering, “Svetlana.”

Svetlana Orlovsky |

@Brigid and Damen: I'm taking some liberties with your movements here, I can change this if it doesn't work for you
Svetlana had been a chipper whirlwind of activity after darting off from her companions. Less than two hours later everyone in Olegston knew of the farewell event for Kent and Rangnar, and many had been persuaded to assist in some way. Via much flirtation and sweet-talk, more than half of the guard were hauling firewood to the bonfire site and arranging short benches to accommodate the expected crowd. With Oleg's assistance, a host of cooks and scullery maids flitted around like bees; the sight promised quite a feast for all attendees. The priestess had smiled widely at Brigid as the woman followed her to the inn and then to the bonfire site, not long after Svetlana herself had left. The tall archer had looked even more grim and inward than usual, but the priestess put that off to the recent deaths.
At the bonfire site, Svetlana darted about, offering suggestions on where to place tables and seats as beleaguered guards first grumbled but then grinned like school boys as she praised them for their help. A bit into the process Damen approached as well, with Zasha in tow. Svetlana was glad that most of the townsfolk barely noticed the ranger's companion anymore, despite the recent scare. Who's a good girl?! Svetlana almost shouted as she ran over to scratch the wolf's head and give it a hug. She proceeded to snag of small piece of meat off one of the tables and toss it to Zasha as well. Rising, Svetlana glanced at Damen, giving the man a curious expression as she noticed him seeming more pensive than usual. And working hard not to look at Brigid. No matter, both simply dealing with grief I'm sure. Instead of saying anything she simply gave Damen a hug too and returned to festivities set-up.
Lana's trotting up to the bonfire site brought Svetlana's head up. Nodding to the priestess she said, looks like more travelers and settlers just arrived. Quite the group. Can we invite them? It would seem a shame to exclude, but of course they never knew either of...of...the deceased. Svetlana smiled reassuring at the woman. Like many, she was struggling with how to discuss the pair's passing. The priestess very much hoped Brigid's plan would put that all to rest. Of course invite then, my dear! They may not have known Kent and Rangnar in life, but they shall know of their great deeds and celebrate with all of us. Lana's awkwardness crumbled at Svetlana's warmth, and a pleased expression bloomed on her face. Very good then! glancing back over his shoulder she added, I think the first arrivals are heading this way now. With a smirk she added in a lower tone. And from what I heard several of the men may be...just your type? That brought another enthusiastic smile to Svetlana, followed by a giggle, as Lana began departing back to the inn with a grin.
Still giggling a bit and throwing knowing expressions at Brigid that the northern woman showed little interest in, Svetlana began helping a few of the townsfolk in putting up a banner at the entrance to the bonfire sight. She kept looking for attractive men in the new arrivals though, impeding her effectiveness at the task. Maybe some of them might approach for a little flirtation, yes, she thought to herself. So when one man did approach and said her name in little more than a whisper, she immediately gave her long blonde hair a toss and prepared to bat her long eyelashes at the smitten newcomer.
Then she turned to look, really look, and the banner slumped in her hands.
He was older, but that much was to be expected she would remind herself later. But not just older, more rugged, more of a man and not so much the enthusiastic boy she knew who loved the outdoors. He had more facial hair, she had teased him years ago about his "peach fuzz", but it was fully grown in now. Grey eyes to her blue, the family resemblance was easy to miss at first, but Svetlana knew Paetyr at an instant.
And it terrified her.
The banner dropped completely, Svetlana's expression went ashen as she registered her brother's presence here. To her it could mean only one thing.
You. No. No. She stammered and looked as mortified as anyone present save the object of her fear had ever seen. No! The priestess staggered back, nearly falling in the process, and now several of the townsfolk who had been helping her with the banner took notice of her reaction. My lady, what's wro... one started before Svetlana shrieked, NO! I WILL NOT GO BACK! She bolted in a full sprint back to where Brigid and Damen had been awkwardly standing next to each other, taking refuge behind them. Now most of the gathering had stopped to see what the commotion was. Looking utterly terrified and crying, Svetlana pointed at Paetyr but addressed Damen, Brigid and whomever else would help, PLEASE, DON'T LET HIM TAKE ME BACK. I...I BELONG HERE NOW, NOT IN THAT WORLD. Stunned silence took in the entire gathering now, and several of the guard, especially those more than a bit enamored of the priestess, turned to face the newcomer with a deepening anger in their eyes.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

@Svetlana: it's all good here. Nice post, btw.
After the awkward moment with Damen, Brigid had tried to occupy her mind with recalling moments of notable bravery of Kent and Rangnar of which to sing the praises. Kent, she had the most trouble, until she finally decided that as a wizard, he would not likely to have appreciated the types of bravery her people would usually exalt. So she was thinking on a way to make staying in bed and casting spells from his bedroll while others fought an Owlbear sound admirable when Svetlana screamed.
It was like nothing she had heard come from the priestess before. Her bow was out and an arrow nocked while Svetlana sought refuge behind her and Damen.
Brigid pointed her bow at the stranger's feet as she glowered at him. Her emerald-green eyes blazed and her hair, loose and out of its customary braid, hung in brilliant red tresses down her shoulders as she stood between him and Svetlana.

Paetyr Orlovsky |

Paetyr’s smile at the recognition in Svetlana’s eyes quickly fades and he stands stunned as the scene slowly unfolds before him. His hart drops into his stomach as he listens to his sister’s insistent remarks about not leaving. No, he screams in his mind. The bile rises in his throat as he watches, crestfallen, his sister flee from him.
Oblivious to the hostile looks of the crowd he walks towards his sister, “No. No, that is not my intention.” He stops in his tracks as he notices a tall woman, with flowing red hair and a wild look in her eyes, pointing a bow at him. Taking a deep breath he says pleading, “Svetlana I am just here to talk.”

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Looking very much like a scared six-year-old, Svetlana peered out from behind Brigid and Damen as Paetyr approached. She then saw the northern woman raise her bow, and if anything the terror in the priestess' eyes shown forth even brighter. NO, no Brigid, don't shoot him, she said as she put her hand on the other woman's to lower the weapon, he's...he's...my brother. That brought the rest of the townsfolk to a confused halt, including several of the guard who had begun drawing swords and axes. They now gave each other befuddled looks and waited to see what else transpired.
Calming a bit and taking a deep breath, Svetlana went on. Yes, he's my brother, his name is Paetyr and I do not want any harm to come to him. Continuing as if she was still addressing Brigid, Damen and the townsfolk, the priestess look at her brother as she spoke. He was a good bo...man, and I'm sure still is. But my father does not have my interest at heart and he I'm sure is here to enforce whatever new marital contract to which my father has promised my hand. Now more addressing Paetyr she added in a rather less regal tone. You go tell daddy that I have my own life now. I'm NOT going back. She stomped her foot as she spoke for emphasis.

Paetyr Orlovsky |

Best tread carefully here, he reminds himself, Half these men would probably kill me if they thought it would earn her favor. “Svetlana, you are mistaken about mine and father’s intentions.” He turns his head from side to side, looking at those who are watching the exchange, and shrugs his shoulders. Perhaps it would be better if we spoke somewhere a little more private, he offers.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid releases the tension on her bowstring slowly and takes the arrow in hand. She returns it to her quiver as she steps back and looks back and forth at Svetlana and her brother. She eyes the crowd and nods that perhaps moving away from what was likely two-thirds or more of Olegtown was for the best. However, she looks at the priestess to see what she thought.

Damen Medvyed |

The ranger's fingers hovered near to his morningstar, the other hand gesturing to Zasha who sat warily nearby. He glanced at Svetlana, allowing her to control the conversation, then to Brigid. Whatever their mutual awkwardness and distance, he was certain that they'd act as one in this fight.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana's eyes narrowed as she watched for any signs of deception from Paetyr as he spoke. he's always been terrible at lying, she thought, and seeing no indications of dissimulation led to a puzzled expression. Her brother's extremely reasonable suggestion to continue the conversation without the vast majority of the settlement listening in jarred her back to a full realization of the situation. The priestess' eyes went wide, and she spun around to face the crowd. A sheepish smile appeared on her face as she spoke. Ahem, yes, we'll continue this conversation elsewhere. Good people! Thank you all for your support, but I ask you to put aside concern for my welfare and focus on the celebration to come. Kent and Rangnar's should be paramount; Paetyr here is my brother and I am now confident he does not come to do me harm. I will rejoin you all shortly. After speaking she turned to Damen and Brigid, her expression again revealing her confusion at her brother's presence and what to make of it. Still, the fear was gone. I'll be OK, I believe. Allow me a moment to speak to Paetyr in confidence.
Svetlana gave one last reassuring smile to the audience and then took her brother's arm to lead him away from the crowd. She turned to Paetyr, her eyes searching his for a moment. Then, suddenly, she threw her arms around him in a full embracing hug. She said nothing, but a soft cry was barely audible. After half a minute she pushed back away and rubbed her eyes, looking again back to her sibling. Paet....tell me why you are here? I knew daddy would send people after me, but I thought you of all would understand why I had to run. If you aren't hear to chase me, then why arrive in this forgotten quarter of the world? This place...has been good to me. It is wild and untamed, yes, but I've been able to forge a new life for myself, and found lasting friends. I feel we are making something of this realm, somehow. I can't explain it more than that, but somehow I know this is my home, at least for now. So I would hear why you are here, but know that my leaving is not possible.

Paetyr Orlovsky |

Meeting his sisters gaze he replies, "I am not here to ask you to leave, far from it." Grabbing her hand he continues, "First I have some bad news." With a deep breath and an audible sigh he continues, "Mother is dead, she went in her sleep several months ago.
Choking back tears he continues, "However, my purpose here is not just to bring you this dreadful news." Holding his hands up in a placating gesture, “Father sent me to ask for your forgiveness and express his love for you.”
Over the next several minutes Paetyr relays to Svetlana the change that occurred to their father since their mothers passing, their father’s request for Paetyr to find Svetlana, and his subsequent journey.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid allows Svetlana her private meeting with her brother, giving her a nod. "I vill be close by," she tells her softly. Then she steps back and watches the two siblings move away from the crowd.
She senses Damen's awkward presence nearby, and she looks at him. "I know little about the Brevic families. Vould he try to take her back against her vishes? Should ve vorry about him?"

Damen Medvyed |

Damn never takes his eyes off Svetlana and Paetyr as they move away. Zasha yawns, uninterested. But in answer to Brigid, Damen shakes his head. "The Orlovskys are, ah, not the most open-minded people the gods gave to Golarion. So it's possible. He might try to trick her or force her back. I've never met this Paetyr, but I've known a few men of the Orlovsky. Sometimes they need a good beating to remind them how to keep to their business." He finds the warrior's eyes with his own. His are uncharacteristically cold. Don't be afraid to... educate him... if you think he needs it."

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid nods once to Damen, then begins looking around at the other recent arrivals in the town. "If he means to take her back, he may have brought others vith him. Stay alert."
Not straying far from where Svetlana speaks with her brother, Brigid starts studying the newest group of pilgrims and settlers who have arrived.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana listened to Paetyr with a vacant, far-off expression, only showing any more of a reaction when he suggested their father wished forgiveness and love for her. Again she found no deceit in her brother's eyes, however. Mother...meant well, but in truth she died long ago. You cannot tell me you have not seen the lost sense of helplessness in her eyes. Trapped in a life she didn't choose, and championing it because she saw no way to rebel. I hope her soul finds rest, but... The priestess just shook her head instead of saying more. She then picked up the topic of their father. Is it possible he deceived you as to his motives? Perhaps have you followed to wherever you find me, in hopes of ensnaring us both? Daddy could be very sneaky when he wanted to be. You know that neither he nor mother approved of the amount of time you spent outdoors, away from the court and connections. They could see you weren't happy anywhere else, but it never mattered. But now daddy loves and respects us both? Does a tiger change its stripes so quickly? Svetlana's answers made it clear she was more than a bit leery of the information. Trust in Paetyr was one thing, her father quite another.
Svetlana had grown clearly more and more bitter as she spoke, and seemed to realize as much as she ended. Shaking her head, she laughed, and looked back up at Paetyr with a smiling, warm expression once more. Regardless, I'm actually very happy to see you. Daddy and mother and Alexi never did really understand me. But I feel you always did; we were always the two that didn't belong. What will you do now that you are here? Is there something you need to return to back home? Svetlana's eyes became lost in thought for a moment and then grew wide with inspiration. I know! You could stay here, with me! Smile beaming, she began hopping up and down on the balls of her feet as she spoke. This land, you would love it! It's full of wildlife and untamed nature. Two of those that had accompanied us died when we fought wolves a few days ago, so we need help! Svetlana's eyes were now full of hope, practically begging. Say you'll stay here and travel with me, please! please! please! You wouldn't leave your baby sister all alone in the woods would you??! Please stay! Please stay!
@Paetyr: I gave our older sibling the name "Alexi", he'd be oldest brother who fully adapted to court life. Also, is Paetyr's pet bird here?

Paetyr Orlovsky |

As Paetyr Listens to his sister he begins to interrupt her, to protest he view of their family, but can't help but feel she is justified in her reaction. As she continues her tirade against her father he can't help but marvel at the beautiful independent woman she has become.
As Sveltlana asks for him to stay Paetyr remembers how she is able to manipulate men into doing what she wants and how she always gets her way. But all that is quickly forgotten as he hears about the death of her two companions and the dangers of her journeys. He concerns disappear and his desire to watch over her and protect her grows to an almost overwhelming concern. With a smile he replies to her request, "Certainly, I could not live with myself if something happened to you." His feels a little better about her safety and as he considers things he hopes that over time he will be able to change her view about their father.
Bird is flying around waiting for me to call him.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Smile beaming, Svetlana hopped higher two more times before jumping into Paetyr in another hug. This will be so much fun!, she said as she let go of the embrace. You need to meet Brigid and Damen, they've been dear friends and we've been through a lot together. Brigid can be a bit....standoffish, at first but she has a really good heart. Damen and you will have so much in common! You both like the outdoors, and animals and such. Come on!
Before her brother could get in a word in edgewise, Svetlana had grabbed him by the arm and half-ran him back over to where Brigid and Damen were standing. All signs of the priestess' prior fright were utterly gone, replaced by unbridled enthusiasm and excitement. Brigid! Damen! You MUST meet my brother, Paetyr. He's going to join us on our travels! Isn't that great! Paetyr loves nature and has martial training as well. Svetlana glanced back at her brother at that point, as if to confirm that combat skills were still amongst his repertoire, but continued on without pause. With Kent and Rangnar gone, we really need help to deal with North Wind and Paetyr would be the perfect addition. The barest of pauses. Paetyr, these are my very good friends, Brigid and Damen. As I said before, they have been by my side in a number of perilous circumstances and I cannot say enough how much they mean to me. Having brokered the introduction, Svetlana stands by as the other three speak as much as they care to.
After Damen, Brigid and Paetyr have made their acquaintances, Svetlana jumps back into the conversation, though her tone became more serious and less chipper. Again addressing her brother she says, tonight we are having a stirring, northern-style farewell for our dearly departed Kent and Rangnar. Without their sacrifices the three of us might not be here today. But we are to celebrate their lives with stories and drink, rather than engage in some sort of morose funeral affair like back home. Looking around, Svetlana made mental note of a number of tasks that were as of yet undone, then gently approached several guardsmen and townfolk about them. All seemed happy to help and went about assisting.
Svetlana then took Paetyr's hand and led him over to where the banner had fallen over when he had initially approached. Here, you can help me put this up. She proceeded to hand him the other end of the banner, which announced the evening's event. As the two worked to put the banner up properly, the priestess went on in her prior excited tone. I have so much to tell you! It has been an amazing adventure in these lands. First we arrived in Restov to get our Writ and then we came to Olegston except it wasn't "Olegston" then just a trading post run by Oleg who is a REALLY nice guy you need to meet soon and then we.... Svetlana proceeds to tell Paetyr the tale of the group's travels from the beginning, with an emphasis on some being called "North Wind" she believes inhabited the body of a great wolf the group subsequently killed. Vengeance on North Wind, somehow, seems almost an obsession for her.

Paetyr Orlovsky |

Paetyr smiles as he is introduced to Svetlana's friends, They seem to have won mys sisters hart. When Svetlana mentions her fallen friends and Paetyr's joining the group he suggests, "It might be wise to get a few more helping hands, the group I traveled here with seemed to have some adventurous and sturdy individuals in it.
He barely gets the words out before Svetlana drags him off to help her put up a banner. He is content to listen to her voice a sound he has missed these many years, paying close attention to her tales about the Northwind.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid's mouth popped open when the worst she feared not only failed to materialize, but that Svetlana had managed to talk her older brother into staying. She returns her bow to her shoulder then extends her hand in greeting.
"My apologies for drawing on you. I hope you understand if vas in defense of Svetlana." She looks at Paetyr firmly, truly sorry for the who she threatened, but not for the why.
When the Calistrian priestess explains the evening's revel she has a mixed expression, truly not having expected her Issian ways to have been embraced so wholeheartedly.
But then she agrees vigorously about finding additional allies in their future forays into the wilderness. "Indeed. Volves who speak like men, and lay in ambush. It vas arrogant, foolish of us. Ve underestimated this North Vind. Unfortunately, ve have to again try to track it through its lands to confront it. Perhaps you vill be of help, but you must not think of this as just an animal."

![]() |

As the group of you are standing talking, a scream can be heard over the normal sounds of the village. It sounds like it is coming from the direction of the main gate-area.
Koren I hope you are still around...sorry for the delayed start, but please jump in now, as you also hear the scream!

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Welcome back, Daniel! Hopefully your eye is all healed up.
Svetlana continued to talk Paetyr's ear off as they completed setting up the banner and assisted with various other small tasks in preparation for the night's event. Upon hearing the scream, Svetlana looked at her brother with wide blue eyes for a moment before taking off in a dead run in her gauzy yellow dress towards the sound. Come with me! We must see what that is! It could be the wolves again!

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Yea! That's great news. If you came back with an eyepatch we might have had to switch to a Skull and Shackles pirate campaign just on principle.

Paetyr Orlovsky |

Paetyr needs little encouragement from his sister and hastens to follow her. "Let me go first," he implores her fleeting form. Impetuous as always, some things never change, he thinks as he smiles to himself.

Koren Fyoderov |

Koren had arrived at the "trading post" Olegtown I think they call it now a few hours ago. After stabling his horse he had found a seat on a sturdy looking crate by a nearby shed that had a good view of the center of town. He pulled out a journal and pen from his vest and began to watch the passersby with a relaxed, indifferent expression. Every now and again he'd scribble something in his journal before looking back up.
After a while Koren's legs began to ache so he rose and stretched. He was in the process of putting his writing utensils away when the scream reaches his ears.
Heaving a sigh, he waved a hand and the wrinkles that had appeared in his clothes from his long sit vanished. He straightened his cap and set out with a calm stride in the direction of the sound.

![]() |

As the people crowd about the entrance to the village, the heroes push their way to the front of the line. Once at the front they find 2 guards comforting a young woman who is pointing out into the darkness. At the edge of the torchlight given off by the local guards, you see nothing out of the ordinary. A large lump does catch your attention, and as you stare at it, it slowly resolves itself into a huge hairy body. From there it is only a moment before you recognize the lump to be the body of some huge, hairy creature.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Is the creature moving? Does it seem alive?
Brigid draws the nocked arrow back to her cheek and aims at the shape in the distance.
If there's any movement from the shape, she'll send an arrow at it.
Ranged, deadly aim: 1d20 + 13 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 13 - 2 = 23
Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 4 = 12

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana skidded to halt next to the townsfolk, not heeding her brother's plea to allow him to go in front. The priestess quickly caught sight of the hairy lump in the shadows, but as quickly released it was not a threat at the moment. Instead of examining the body, Svetlana knelt down besides the young woman and in sympathetic and soothing tones said, No need to worry now, the guard is here along with a number of my capable friends. You are quite safe. Please tell me what you have seen.

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The young woman, between sobs tells an odd tale.
"I was just coming in from our home just outside the village when I felt...something behind me. I did not think much about it at the time...I did not want to be late for the memorial. Suddenly, there was this horrible smell, followed by what sounded like laughter and a loud crash. Well I just about jumped out of my skin, and spun around to see....that! I screamed and screamed, until these 2 nice guards showed up and now all of you! What is it??"

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana nodded sympathetically and stroked her hair to comfort her. That certainly is an awful thing to experience. Glancing up at her companions she says, I'm sure one of friends here could tell you more about what that creature...was. Looking back at the woman, the priestess went on. It seems to be quite dead now. Was it that way when you saw it, or did someone you saw help make it that way? Svetlana glanced around at the guards to see if blood was evident on their swords, or any other evidence of a fight. She also asked the woman, Pardon my manners miss, I forgot to ask your name.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid scowls. After a moment of thought, she draws in a sharp breath. "This may be a distraction! Return to your posts!" she yells to the guards. Then to the rest of the crowd, she shouts, "Return to the bonfire! Have all the varriors take up arms!"

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Nice call Brigid, didn't see that coming
Prior to leaving the scene, can those in the group with the relevant Knowledge skills have looked at the body of the creature?
Svetlana continued to console Inger as the others checked the body, helping the woman to her feet. The priestess look with puzzlement at Brigid as she announced her fears, but puzzlement turned to shock as shouts and fires were heard from the town. She steeled herself quickly though, and turned to three other nearby townspeople. You three, take Inger to safety! Handing off the woman, a grim countenance overcame Svetlana's face as she charged off in the direction of the shouting, fully assuming her companions would follow.