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The two fairies leave the poor guardsman alone once their "ruse" is discovered. The man is simply sleeping, thank to the venom in The Baron's tail.
"We say the wolfman sneaking around on our way to say of farewells to the fallen. We thought this...human...was the creature, as he was lurking in the bushes. We are really sorry!", Tut says, her antennae wilting in sorrow.
"Tosh! We thought we had a vicious killer, we did! Would not change a thing...well maybe not stinging the guard, but how were we to know! Anyway, what is done is done...now where are the funerary cakes??"
The little dragon flits around as if the group might be hiding said cakes somewhere on their person.

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At the mention of North Wind's name, both faeries become somber.
"He was once a wonderful creature...wild and free..until the Dark One turned him! We were sorry to hear of his death, but he was out of control and needed to be stopped. Now we hear the Dark One has corrupted others from the forest, waters, and hills to fight your expansion. But this is a lie...as Tut has discovered it actually wants to kill all of you for some plan you thwarted...or some such..."

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Just so I'm oriented correctly, I have Svetlana, Damen and the fey over near the bonfire and the rest of the group wrapping things up by the body of North Wind. Is that right? Also, has anyone heard from Damen? It's been over a month since his last post.
With the guardsman safely sleeping, Svetlana turned her full attention to what the fey reported. Again, please do not worry about the guardsman. But I am delighted you chose to attend the farewell event for Kent and Rangnar! And I am most interested to hear about this "Dark One". Who is this foul creature? You say the North Wind was once a wonderful creature, please do tell me about him and the others the Dark One has turned! Finally, where would we find this Dark One so that we can seek our revenge for what he has done here.

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You are correct in your location
"Well all types of creatures live in these wilds. Some are good, others bad, but the majority are, well, just trying to survive. The North Wind kept charge of the wolves and other predators in the area making sure they did not cause a unbalance in nature. But the Dark One whispered to him, night after night, until he saw it as his duty to band his brothers together and rule the hills. As to who or what the Dark One is...well I do not know. He showed himself a few years ago..laid down some evil ground work, then seemed to disappear. Only recently have we heard of him again...and his hatred for you!"

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana nodded in thought as the fey spoke. This is all quite new information for us, and I would very much like to involve our friends in the conversation. Would you follow me over to where they are? Svetlana looked back over towards North Wind's body and then back to the fey. Your knowledge is incredibly valuable, and of course we want you to stay for the bonfire! You'll come, yes?
Assuming they are OK with it, Svetlana leads the fey over to the rest of the group to continue the conversation

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Nodding in agreement, both fairies follow you to the others. Once there they repeat the information from above. They both seem a little nervous with so many people around.
For the most part, only a few citizens stay for the ceremony. The fire and other excitement of the night has sent most back to their homes. About a 2 dozen people remain.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana walked slowly with the fey towards North Wind's body and the rest of the group, conversing and querying the whole way. She caught sight of Brigid and Paetyr, and hastened her steps. Ooh, there they are! Come quickly now! The priestess darted towards the group with the creatures in tone, pulling to a stop in front of her brother. I bring you the Baron Perlivash and the Lady Tyg-Titter-Tut! Good friends from our past adventures, I assure you. Svetlana's tone was both irreverent towards the creatures and their titles, but also warm-hearted so as to not offend. Turning back to the fey, she said. Would you be so kind as to tell everyone what you told me?
Assuming they'd agree and then others could ask follow up questions
After the fey re-told their story, Svetlana caught sight of Koren. A seductive, playful expression appeared on her face as she toyed with a lock of her blonde hair. Addressing Paetyr, but without taking her eyes off of Koren, she asked. So...who's your friend here?

Paetyr Orlovsky |

Paetyr is attentive as his sister introduces the fey and hardly moves as they relate their tale. His rapt attention is broke when his sister asks about Koren.
"This is Koren a Mage of some skill, Paetyr replies to his sisters inquiry. Turning to Koren he says, "This is my sister Svetlana." He continues, "Since we hardly know anything about you why don't you tell us about yourself."

Koren Fyoderov |

Koren's eyes brighten at the approach of Svetlana and he appears about to approach her when she introduces her companions. I fleeting look of impatience touches his face before being quickly smoothed away into a look of polite attention. As they tell their tale his features take on a more sincere expression of interest and when they finish he offers a bow, "Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. This Dark One sounds to be quite the nefarious fellow. I wonder if he is the magic user that aided our enemies tonight."
When Svetlana addresses him, Koren turns and presents a much more elaborate bow to her than the one he showed the fey. "My lady, Svetlana. I am humbled to present myself before such radiance. Paetyr here was first to answer my call for assistance. You must be proud to have such a stalwart brother, but if I may, yours is a face that could inspire courage in the meekest of men."
Half turning to include Paetyr and Brigid in the conversation Koren waves his hand and utters a strange phrase causing four spheres of softly glowing green light to appear and begin flitting around and between his fingers. Dancing Lights
"I am Koren, oft called the Luminous. Tales of great deeds and adventure in the Stolen Lands have made their way through the courts of Brevoy. Hearing such exploits, I was inspired to offer my magical skill to those who are forging a new future from these wild lands Standing in your presence I find myself sure that I have found the source of some if not all of these grand happenings. My not inconsiderable skills are at your disposal, if you'll have them."

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Was waiting for Damen, but figured we could move ahead a bit
Svetlana tilted her hips to one side, bit her lip and burned a smoldering gaze into Koren as the man spoke and performed. Very well met, Koren the Luminous, I for one would be delighted to have your not inconsiderable skills around. We have been doing all we can to assist the people in these lands, but sadly just recently lost our wizard. As she spoke she moved closer to the illusionist, eyes plaintive and wide. I do very much hope you would come to my rescue and replace him, but in full disclosure I must warn you. Our tasks here are broad and challenging. Why, we don't even know exactly what we are to do next! Moreover, to see this land and people to safety may take quite some time. Taking Koren's hand she added, You are a man with the stamina to see things to their climax, yes? The double entendre stood thick in the air, with the priestess for the moment seeming to act as if no one else beside herself and Koren were present.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Brigid twists her mouth while Svelana works her charms on the newcomer. She steps away for a moment and finishes twining her hair into its customary braid.

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Moving Forward
The following mornng dawns bright and chilly. The remains of the bonfire are being cleared away, along with the ruins of the burned buildings.
The party meet outside in the old dining spot inside the 'Fort'. Most of the space has been handed over to the local watch, but they are more than happy to have you here, and make space for the group. The only person missing is Damen. Before you can get up to see what has become of your ranger, Father Jhod comes from the guest building where Damen had retired for the night. A grave look on his face.
"Greetings friends. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Damen seems to have contracted some sort of disease. Wither from your previous adventures, or from last night's excitement, I cannot say. I do know he is a very sick young man and will need rest, and perhaps some special herbs. I believe the alchemist Bokken might have what I am looking for. It is a few hours ride to his hut...could I impose on you to go and gather these items. I have them written down here."

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Happy to continue introductions and RP between the PC's. In the meantime....
The attack on the village had put a damper on the mood surrounding the farewell for Kent and Rangnar, but Svetlana awoke the next morning cheered by the effort all had put into the endeavor. Bathing and arranging her jewelry and other adornments, the priestess quickly called upon her goddess's magic to shield her from the cold Cast Endure Elements. Brushing out her long blonde hair, she allowed herself a satisfied smile over how closely she could now pair a new casting of the spell with when the former day's iteration would expire.
Svetlana put on another of her gauzy, near-scandalous dresses, this time in white with yellow and black, before exiting her quarters. The townsfolk had grown use to how wholly inappropriate her garb was for the climate, but the priestess still appreciated the look from several oft the guardsmen changing watch. Winking back, she strolled on until she found a quiet meadow. She had seen it before but had yet to take the time to fully appreciate the location. There she sang and danced on her own, paying homage to her goddess but beseeching the Savored Sting for a chance to pay back this "Dark One" the fey spoke of Prayer for one hour to rememorize spells
Turning back into town, Svetlana frowned a moment, recalling that Damen had left the bonfire early after stating he wasn't feeling well. She resolved to check on him, after greeting those at breakfast inside what the locals now called "the fort". The priestess exchanged pleasantries with all present just as Jhod addressed the group. Thank you for letting us know, Jhod. I would be more than happy to assist, and I am sure Brigid here feels the same. Svetlana nodded to the archer, confident of the northern woman's answer. We may be able to enlist the help of others as well, but we will have you these herbs post-haste regardless. After Jhod had left, Svetlana turned to Paetyr and Koren. Neither of you know Damen well, but he is a very good friend and in keen need of our support. You will assist us, yes?
Assuming all agree.... After a very quick, very light breakfast, Svetlana went with the others to the stables to grab their horses before riding off towards Bokken's hut.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid's interest in a revel was muted after the attack. She couldn't bring herself to drink as much as she had planned, and her hair was back in its braid that night, but she still sang songs and told stories of Kent and Rangnar until finally retiring for the night.
The next morning she was back to her stoic self, and watched Jhod intently as he explained Damen's sudden illness. She immediately set herself to preparing for the journey, procuring an assortment of arrows and packing the saddlebags.
She is ready in short order, but takes a moment to find the house where Damen is resting. She looks on him briefly, only saying to him, "I vill not let you die in bed. You deserve a varrior's death, on your feet. Rest vell." Before he has any chance to respond, she is out and heading to where Zelter stands, saddled and ready.

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The party assembles and heads out into the wilds once again...but the wilds are much tamer now near the growing village. Much of the "wilderness" has been taken over with small farmsteads and cattle graze the low, rolling hills. The dark smudge of the Greenbelt can be seen off to the east.
The trip takes no more than a few hours, but within an hour you can see something is not right. On the horizon, a thin plume of smoke rises into the sky. As you get closer to the alchemist's hut your fears are confirmed.
Where once there was a quiet and peaceful little cottage, now only a smoldering ruin remains. Alchemical gear lies strewn and broken on the trampled grass before the burned structure, and from a nearby chicken coop, a voice can be heard shouting.
"Well of course I should let it steep more, but I do not have the time or materiel! What...don't tell me how to brew a potion you empty-headed dolt! Now, make yourself useful and hand me that vial over there...no, not that one the other one."

Svetlana Orlovsky |

As has been her want, Svetlana was amongst the last of the group to be ready to leave, and as they traveled frequent took quick side-excursions to take a closer look at an unusual plant or small animal moving in the underbrush. Afterward she would gallop her horse back to the group, careful never to fall out of line of sight of the rest.
The priestess slowed her horse as they approached the hut's remains, but became a bit less wary as the sound of voices were heard. Dismounting, she led her horse over to the chicken coop, and peering around the edge made herself known. Excuse me good sirs, Bokken, is that you? I do apologize for the intrusion but we would have dear need of your assistance.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid stays silent and alert, staying a good distance behind Svetlana. She sits high in her saddle, bow strung and in hand but no arrow nocked.
Without looking in his direction, she whispers low to Paetr. "You are a tracker, no? See if there are tracks about that vould reveal an attack."

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Looking into the dim interior of the chicken coop, Svetlana and make out the figure of Bokken sitting on the floor surrounded by a vast number of bottles, beakers and other alchemical odds and ends. Across from the dishevelled figure, on her perch, is a chicken. As she looks on, Bokken addresses the bird.
"You see, it takes only a drop or two of the chemical to make a reaction...oh, Hi! Can I help you?"
He turns at Svetlana's voice.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Cognizant that it was primarily Kent who had previously cultivated a bond with Bokken on the group's last pass through this area, Svetlana had put on her most ingratiating smile as she came into the man's full view. That smile stayed frozen on her face as she took in Bokken's companion. Ah...yes, hello! To...to both of you! I do hope the day is treating you kindly. We all remember fondly our last visit here. Sadly, I come with dire news. Our wizard, Kent, died tragically and another member of our group is gravely ill. Damen is in desperate need of select herbs that could remedy his condition. Showing Bokken the note Jhod provided with the list of herbs she adds, Would you be able to assist us in providing these items? I'm sure that Kent would be proud of how a fellow scholar such as yourself could assist where he alas cannot now.
Diplomacy Check 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

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"How am I doing...HOW AM I DOING!! I am sitting in a chicken coop talking to a chicken about the finer points of academical formula. How do you think I am doing!"
He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly shaking his head.
"Sorry..sorry..did not mean to bite yer head off. Just had a bad couple of days, I have! First being threatened by some wild wizard wantabe, then a crazy giant coming and burning down my home...now this chicken questioning my recipe for mango-flavored healing potions...sigh!"
He looks over your list and hums and haws at the various ingredients, until he come to the end.
"I have almost all the ingredients for this potion, and a very potent one it will be. However there is one item I do not have. This item is distilled from the sap of a dryad's tree. I may have had some, before that brute destroyed my home. Sorry about that, but without this ingredient, the potion will not work."

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@Paetyr: You examine the ground around the burned out remains of the cabin, and easily find the huge tracks of a giant. The seem to stop in from the south, then head east after wandering around this area. The other tracks are those of chickens and a humanoid...most likely this Bokken fellow.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana listened sympathetically to Bokken's plight, keeping an ear open for any signs that the chicken was actually communicating in any way. Regarding his recent misfortunes she said, I'm am most sorry to hear of your difficulties with this "wizard wannabe" you mention. Can you tell me more about this person, what their concern was and where they could be found? Also, what might have caused this giant to act so rudely against your home? As a priestess of the Savored Sting, I will not sit idly by while revenge is called for. Please, tell me all of what you know of this giant and where he could be found. After patiently waiting for Bokken to gather the herbs, she nodded in expectation when he said the dryad's tree sap could not be found. Given the difficulties you have gone through good sir, I am most grateful for what you could provide. Tell me, would you happen to know where this tree sap could be located?

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"Well where to begin. It must have been, oh, a week or so ago when he arrived at my door. An old, scarred man looking for a number of, shall we say, dubious reagents. Well I do not sell such things to people I do not know, so I told him I did not have them. He only smiled and told me that I would "Reap the East Wind!", whatever that meant. Well a few days later, this giant appears and demands I fulfill a list of ingredients that he has brought. Well, thinking I could outsmart the beast, I just sent him off with weeds and harmless colored water. The list, you see, was the same ingredients the stranger had asked for a few days before. Well I guess the giant returned them to his master, who was not amused that I took his money and gave him worthless herbs, so the giant returned and destroyed my home. The man was with him, laughing all the time as he collected the items he had requested from the ruins of my home. He told me that I should leave this land, least I be blown away from the coming storm. Then he left with the giant."
Taking a breath, the elderly alchemist stretches and moves out of the old coop and into the sunlight.
"As to the location of a dryad...well there is a big forest over yonder. Must be some fey living there who might be able to show you such a grove. While you are gone, I will begin to brew the other ingredients so the potion will be near completion once you return."

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana's eyes narrowed as the man mentioned the "East Wind". That is a sad, sad story indeed. My friends and I would love to meet this giant and the man who accompanied him. Would you know where we could find them?
Regardless of his answer.... Svetlana offered a final smile as she left the man to his chicken conversation. Returning to the rest of the group she recounted the conversation in full. Obviouly assisting Damen comes first, so we should make haste to the forest and speak with the fey to find a dryad's tree for sap. But afterward we need to find this man speaking of the East Wind. If what the fey said before is true, they may also be goaded forth by this mysterious "Dark One".
Ready to head to the forest if the rest are

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

A jade fire kindles in Brigid's eyes as she listens to Svetlana describe the attack on Bokken's homestead. Her face grows even harder as she looks over the destroyed house and gardens. She wars for a moment between searching for the tree sap and going after the giant.
Finally, she relents and turns Zelter toward the forest. Before they get far from Bokken's, though, she turns and asks Svetlana, "Did he say vhat the reagents vill do, once combined?"

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana shook her head in response to Brigid's question. Heal him, I presume. I saw no deception in the man...however odd he is. Moving on forward towards the fey and dryad's tree, the priestess remained lost in thought, saying little else.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana looks back at Brigid, a blank expression on her face. Hmm, I must admit I did not think to ask that question. Something we would not want, I presume. Nevertheless, we will have another opportunity to ask the question after we obtain the tree sap.

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Welcome back and hope you all had a great New Years and Christmas...
The forest is very thick here, and it takes some time to get through the many small saplings and bushes. Once in, however, most of the undergrowth recedes and you make better time. Your horses' hooves crunch on the freshly fallen leaves as you move deeper into the woods.
Where did you want to go?

Paetyr Orlovsky |

Paetyr moves deeper into the forest checking the ground for tracks. He searches his memory for things he remembers about Dryads trying to narrow down possible areas to search. "Stay close, he advises his companions.
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Survival: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid dismounts, and leads Zelter by the reigns while she walks through the woods. She follows Paetyr about twenty feet behind him, keeping her bow in her other hand.

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Paetyr you remember that the dryad appears as a beautiful woman and can charm a man with a wink of her eye. She lives in a special oak tree, and if anything happens to the tree, she could die. Large woodland areas usually have 1 dryad, and other friendly fay creatures are usually allied to protect her.
Twilight comes early under the bare boughs of the forest. A cold breeze rattles the skeletal branches above you, creating eerie noises and casting weird shadows onto the forest ground.
You feel you are about in the middle of the Greenbelt at the moment. Night is just a few hours away.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Happy New Year all!
Svetlana sighed and reluctantly dismounted as the group came to the edge of the Greenbelt, where the lack of a path meant heading directly into underbrush. This is my least favorite part, she pouted for a moment before nodding at Paetry's suggestion to follow close. With her magicks, the cold did not touch her, but the priestess' eyes flitted from one eerie noise and odd shadow to the next as they occurred. She nodded wordlessly as her brother recommended finding a spot to camp, hopeful that the next day may bring better times.

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The night passes swiftly and with the morning come a cold, autumn rain. Within minutes the party is soaked to the skin as they break camp and move further south through the forest. While uncomfortable, the group is in no real danger from the weather.
After spending several hours following animal trails and moving up and down numerous hummocks, you come on the site of some ruins. Whatever use to have been here was quite substantial, as columns and heavy stone walls still stand in some places. Ahead, the building seems to sink into a section of boggy ground.
Please roll perception

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A quick survey of the pond turns up a curious fact....steam seems to be wafting up from the water. At the same time you register this, your eyes focus on what you thought were a small jumble of stones, and suddenly one...blinks! Your shock and surprise are confirmed as a large, slime-covered frog-like creature rises out of the water. It is the size of a pony had has two huge tusks hanging from its mouth. It looks at the party and then gives a loud "Ribbit!"

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana's glum mood changed instantly once the odd-frog like creature came into few. Although she kept some distance, she said cheerfully to the creature, Greetings friend! Can you speak?
If the creature doesn't respond, she'll repeat it in the other languages she knows