Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana awoke with a stretch and a smile, not for the first time extremely happy with her goddess' gift that allowed her to ignore the cold around her. She had always hated bulky clothing, never fashionable, ever androgynous. Magic made her summer clothing possible year round.
The priestess was less useful than normal around camp that morning, as she was caught up in appreciation of several spring wildflower patches in the area. She came back to the task at hand as the group prepared to leave, galloping a bit to catch up as they continued on the trail.
Svetlana had several spells and most of her channels left prior to sleeping. I'm sure she could have gotten both Damen and Brigid (and anyone else hurt) back to full hp.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Svetlana will again find Brigid elsewhere or occupied with the camp when she again offers healing, so unless she makes a concerted effort or channels, Brigid trusts her own body to recover.
The northern warrior does not complain about the cold as she girds herself with her heavier armor and stows the chain shirt. She checks her bow and the rest of her gear, rubbing the nighttime frost off the fletching of her arrows, and soon she is ready to go.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

@Rangnar: Yep, you are healed up. Brigid declined the healing, but regardless I have plenty for you

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A cold, damp autumn morning greets the players, as they stumble out of their bedrolls and into the brisk morning air. The heavy clouds do not look like they will be moving far today, so the party is in for a cold, damp ride.
where to? Tracking is almost impossible in this weather...but you could try..DC-25

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid moves to Zelter and pulls on the stag's helm. Keeping her bow ready in one hand, she follows Damen and Zasha as they track the warg's trail. She lets Zelter be tethered to Svetlana's horse, preferring to stay on the ground to better keep an eye on the tracks they follow.
If it seems that Damen and his wolf are able to follow the tracks without her assistance, she mounts her horse and rides ahead, cresting rises and following ridges to get a better vantage point, but always staying within sight of the group.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

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LOL..and I thought I was the only one who did that!!
The weather remains foul for the full day, and the tracking is slow and grueling, but you are able to follow the tracks deeper into the hilly lands. Night come on quick with the overcast sky, and soon you are once again looking for a spot to camp.
Roll survival to find a decent camp site for the night

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Damen: Survival 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
After wandering around in the cold drizzle, Damen finally finds a decent campsite. You all try to find a dry, warm place to sleep, and soon only the sentry is still awake.
1d20 ⇒ 2
26th of Rova
Another cold, grey morning greets the party, as the last watch wakes them all. While still a cool, blustery day, the rain has stopped, and perhaps by midday the wind will have pushed the clouds to the south and some sunny skies might be reveled.
It was a cold and uncomfortable night for those without proper clothing (winter) or magical protection.
Anyone who is not protected by magic or winter clothing will need to make a FORT save vs. DC-15, or catch a cold

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Despite having sojourned with the group outside for sometime, Svetlana took little interest in participating in the art of locating the best campsite or hunting game. Instead, the priestess would sporadically and spontaneously become semi-obsessed with a the local fauna or flora, haring off after a bunny there or a colorful bird here. Once camp was established, Svetlana would typically refocus and assist in set-up. She would repeat the pattern in the morning as well after her prayers to the Savored Sting. Via magic, the cold never touched her, and she looked on with some sympathy at the others that struggled to shake off the freezing weather. Once the group was ready to ride, Svetlana would hustle to get herself ready, and took off after the group in a gallop, typically the last to set out.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid readies her gear stoically and endures the cold in silence. By this time of year, her old home would have been a month or more into deep winter. She mounts Zelter and gets ready to continue the hunt.

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With a few sniffles, the party mounts up and continues on their way.
The cool autumn wind has blown the clouds away, and a weak sun attempts to warm the lands. The trial leads up into the highlands area. You finally come to a small cut between two rugged hills; a small rill trickles out the center. Low brush and scrub cover the area, but a very obvious track leads deeper into the canyon.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

If this beast thinks like a man, then this is a trap. But by valking into it, ve may finally confront it. Brigid shows no fear, though her eyes are alert. She draws her thumb along her bow string as she studies the canyon.

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Not usually terribly concerned with tactics, Svetlana's eyes glimmer as the group discusses the next step. Nodding vigorously with Kent's thought she adds,we could jump it! Perhaps we work our way through along the sides or top of the canyon, and ambush their ambush. Certainly would be proper revenge for what this creature did to Petra!
I have no idea if what Svetlana is suggesting is even possible

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid's eyes glitter as emeralds in the light as she thinks of Svetlana's plan. Her own experiences in her highland home would serve them now. The climb vill be difficult. I vill go up.

Damen Medvyed |

Damen held up a hand to Brigid as Zasha sniffed at the ground around. He looked at the warrior meaningfully. "Don't, ah, let me stop you, necessarily, but I have a little experience with ambushes." He rubbed the back of his neck and scanned the hills, seeming a little nervous. "From both sides, actually."
His next words addressed the group. "If we want to beat them... ah, well. Don't underestimate our enemies here. If they have sharp noses they might already know we're here, but we need to stay downwind. If they're alert, anyone on top of the canyon will be obvious too, so you, uh, that is, w-we, should stay a little bit below the crest. Or our quarry might be waiting for us to do exactly this, knowing we'd spot the likely ambush. Wish we could send some kind of decoy into the canyon to draw their attention. If they're there."
Zasha came and perched at the ranger's feet. "Anyway," he added, scratching the wolf's head, "I'll go up too. I've spent a lot of time in the mountains."

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

Brigid stares at Damen for a brief moment, then nods once. Then ready your bow, she says simply.
Brigid pulls her breastplate armor off once more and puts on her chain shirt. Then she ties her helmet on the back of Zelter, shoulders her bow, and begins to climb the canyon wall.
Taking 10 will get me a 16 by switching out armors.
Stealth: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24

Damen Medvyed |

With a shrug, Damen nimbly followed Brigid up the sheer wall for a moment. Then, pausing, he turned to Zasha. "Stay here for a moment, little one."
Taking ten on my climb check gets me 22, so I should be fine

Svetlana Orlovsky |

I'm assuming Brigid and Damen come back to the group
Svetlana waited as Damen and Brigid scouted the cliff side, milling about impatiently. When they arrive and report what they saw, Svetlana frowns and shrugs. Well, shall we check out this cave? Yes? Yes! Having answered her own question the priestess bounds off towards the cave entrance, stopping just outside while assuming the group will follow.

Brigid auf Whitehelm |

I thought we were going to cover the rest of the group as they went into the canyon from the ridge. Daniel, what's the range from the ridge to the cave entrance?

Svetlana Orlovsky |

Svetlana will wait for Damen to return, then move to the cave with him