K01 (Kingdoms of the Seven Continents)
Game Master
The Continent of Flangrica
Kingdoms of Flangrica
I've begun putting stat blocks on the Campaign Info page. If information is missing from your character profiles, I can only do so much. I know its a bit more work, but if you could put similar stat blocks on your profile page, it would help me a great deal.
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2
Druid + guy who looks like he's rotting = not good.
Lyraesel's thematic music
Indifferent Half-Elf Oracle of Bones 3
Here's a sketch of young gender-ambiguous Ellis Mirari.
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
DM you should have all the info needed behind my pics as well as for james...
Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)
Thank you. :) It really is very helpful.
Lyraesel wrote: Druid + guy who looks like he's rotting = not good.
Lyraesel's thematic music
Ah Loreena... I got to see her concert in DC.... snuck up to the first row after intermission. Quite an unforgettable experience.
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2
M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3
Allow me to check!
You are QUITE correct. I forgot to add the STR penalty.
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2
It's funny but I realize that in some areas, Lyrasel could be considered a terrorist sympathizer.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
indeed its intrigue Elven style.
and south of lin sharel you have 2 other kingdom that have even more complicated issues...
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
Arf DM, well at least we are trying to get out of town :)
Its all good. We're slowly working that way. And it looks like this is a busy week for everyone. I'll have more time to post on Wednesday. So hopefully things will pick up a little then.
For anyone who's interested my 8 hour shifts seem to keep turning into 10 to 12 hour shifts at work, just to get everything done that needs to be done.
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
Well i have really no action to do before we get underway. nor any while we ride.
(i'll be a little preoccupied, i will make various attempts to see if we are followed, -hide by the road for 30 min to see if anyone is behind us for example) find way off road camping sites for out nights, removing our tracks from and to the road and from our camping site, building smokeless concealed fire etc...)
M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3
Ditto on being all set; I will re-prepare Mount as need be.
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
unless you mount is combat trained i wouldn't worry too much about it Quee as you will use it as means of transportation and to carry your stuff around.
(unless you are using the spell mount for your everyday... :)
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2
Mount spell will give you 6 hrs per casting so 2 castings per travel day.
Are supposed to be expending gold on our rides? It seems to have just sort of happened and I have no idea how much it's supposed to cost for a mountless class.
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
a regular mount cost 75 gp to buy.
plus 12% would bring it to 84 gp.
RETIRED Spitespawn Tiefling Antipaladin (Lord of Darkness) 3
Sanar will purchase a healthy looking steed plus a decent amount of food for the trip, assuming some grazing (don't want to overload the horse).
Indifferent Half-Elf Oracle of Bones 3
Gold has been deducted. I now have a horse. Hm.
So grateful for your business, the horsemaster throws in the saddle, bridle, and a day's worth of feed. But the steeds can graze just as easily.
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2
Hey all, just spent the last 48 hrs dealing with being hacked, getting rid of intrusions, re-securing home network and changing every password, reissuing credit cards etc. Should be back up to speed tomorrow.
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
dang do they know you are in the resistance already? (sorry just trying to cheer you up)
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2
Does the surrounding area count as an urban environment?
Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)
I just realized, Cirrus was provided for me by the Elven(Elvish) military, so, technically he is stolen property... SHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I wonder how many bluff checks it would take to play a game of poker, in-game...
The hex itself is urban environment, the surrounding hexes are pastoral and forest environments.
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2
Ah if only Lyraesel got higher in the initiative it would be like shooting pigs in a forest. LOL
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
Just posting to remind our GM :)
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
DM you are the one who has initiative :)
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
you need help in doing a battle map dm? (i can do a excel one if you need)
Sorry everyone. I've lost internet connection for some time, and don't see when I'll be getting it back. "They're working on it." I'm posting from the library right now... I can get there about once a week. So we'll either have to discontinue the game until I can get my internet working again, or we can go to once a week posting... lol. (at least for me), But that option almost never works out.
Indifferent Half-Elf Oracle of Bones 3
I'm okay with discontinuing for now. I've got an RSS set up that alerts me when people post, so I'm good.
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
well good to hear that is only an internet problem.
i'll be here when you return to continue this game
M Humanborn
I will wait for the game to resume. If I lose my dot just PM me please.
M Half-elf: AC 15/11/14 / HP 21 / F +2 R +2 W +3 (+2 vs. Enchants) / Init. +1 / Perc. +2/ S. Motive +0 Story Summoner / 3
Tenro wrote: I will wait for the game to resume. If I lose my dot just PM me please. Ditto.
Female Half-Elf Druid 4 (Wolf shaman) HP 38/38 AC/T/FF 18/13/16 | F +7 R +3 W +7 (+9) Totem Transformation 1/4 Low light vision 60ft, CMD 16: Perception +9, Init +2
Male Elf Cavalier (2) Summoner (1)
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
Just to info you all that i am leaving tomorrow until Monday in order to attend a friend's wedding. I won't be able to post more then once per day during that time.
Fell free to DM NPC Me
M Humanborn
im still here but i am almost certain this campaign is going to be inactive forever.
Indifferent Half-Elf Oracle of Bones 3
M Humanborn
I am in another game that could use another person or two to get started. It is a modified/hybrid pathfinder game set in the Robotech/MACROSS universe. Link to Recruitment
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
Well i am placing this game in inactive status.
if it ever reopens feel free to contact me as i would be back
M Humanborn
Thanks. I tried to get them to make it inactive and also messaged stardust to no avail.
I did enjoy the game...
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
I haven t had a problem in the past with paizo doing that for me.
It takes a few days for the webmaster to get the request done.
M Humanborn
I had some other games that were inactive, I requested them to be marked as such and instead they made me gm. But maybe they were busy. Before that I hadnt had a problem, usual wait time was a week or two for me.
Halfling Hp 26/26 AC 22 (+5 Perc; +0 Init; Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3)
Well see you in our next game then