Hollow's Revolution (Blue Side)

Game Master vayelan

Falcon's Hollow (Town Map)
Darkmoon Vale (Regional Map)

Current Encounter: The Forest Elder

Falcon's Hollow NPCs

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Male Halfling (HP: 29/29; AC: 16,t14,ff14; F +3, R +5, W+ 8(+10 vs fear) Witch 6

After the Adventures were done, Randu Riggling set about to reforming Falcon's Hollow with the help of others in the town. 'The Frolicking Cauldron Feasthall & Gambling Den' booms, and could make Randu a VERY Rich halfling by the standards of the Darkmoon Vale, except his own insistence on sharing ownership and the profits mean he ends up as simply very well off or 'just rich' instead of 'very rich'. It's fine by him, and he's not hurting. More importantly is the shot to the arm of the Hollow's economy overall. A rising tide lifts all boats they say, well, Randu tries to make sure all his coworkers and their kin have a boat too; metaphorically speaking.

While he encourages more halflings to move into the area, he also helps Rrruh with his efforts to form a catfolk colony of sorts! Why not? Despite his surly attitude (Which does lessen a bit as the town prospers) a few of the new halfling ladies show an interest but Randu's not the easiest fellow to love. Eventually, one perky halfling lass, as sunshiney as he is sourwind, seems to win him over.
Her having associations with the Bellflower Network might have something to do with it.

Knowing that the logging will eventually run out; the Witch of the Hollow builds up options. One of which is a stopping point for Dwarven pilgrims on their way to a holy site he helped rediscover! A lot of reseeding so the next generation will still have trees is done. Herbs are cultivated too, particularly ones good for healing and that becomes a minor draw and yet another export good. Woodcarvers of amazing skill are encouraged to settle down.

Speaking of healing, he is often pestered by folks who hear he removes disease or removes curses for (relatively) decent rates. In truth, he charges on some fickle factors... pretentiousness costs extra.

Knowing the best defense is sometimes a good offense, Randu makes sure a price remains on Bloodeye's head. While Randu seems retired from adventuring, now and then he vanishes, his patron still having demands that he shares only with those he trusts most then returns not too long after.

All in all, thanks to the help of adventurers like Randu, the Darkmoon Vale ends up as a better place. Not a perfect one, and still dangerous, but the oppression of the Lumber Consortium is dealt a huge blow in other areas and loses its grip on the Falcon Hollow entirely. Randu Riggling would scoff to be called a hero, but that is the legacy he'll be remembered for.

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