Hell's Rebels with GM Zek

Game Master Zektolna




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Male NG Human (Chelish) Brawler 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24 (grapple 26, trip 25) | F: +7, R: +7, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15 SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | No Spellcasting | Active conditions:none

The fact there's a trail to the bloody trap door worries Matiscio. Abandoned, huh? Right. Still, doubts be damned, he follows and keeps a watchful eye on their surroundings.

"Alright. I got a sun rod at the ready in case anything happens, Evander."

Readied a sunrod (std action to light it) and wielding my madu shield in my off-hand.

Shaman 7 | HP 58 | AC 13 T 11 FF 12 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +10* | Init: +1 | Perc: +17 | Sense: +17

Gilda mutters a few words under her breath towards the pocket where she seems to store Sprinkles Too.

False Life: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Also Heightened Awareness, so another +2 Perception.

Gilda then glances at her allies, seemingly deciding who is most likely to get eaten unexpectedly.

Ward Hex on Matty, granting +2 resist bonuns to saves/AC until it's overcome.

Gilda's Status:

HP: 42/42 +12 temp

Spells Prepared
0th - daze, detect magic, guidance, light
1st — [ ] burning hands [ ] ears of the city [X] heightened awareness [ ] mindlink [ ] unbreakawble heart [ ] charm person/detect undead
2nd - [ ] cure moderate, [X] false life [ ] spiritual weapon, [ ] lesser restoration/summon swarm
3rd - [ ] fly, [ ] stone shape, [ ] hold person/neutralize poison

Pearl of Power remaining: 1/1
Channels (DC15; 3d6) remaining: 4/4
Hexes: Chant, Evil Eye DC17, Misfortune DC17, Healing (2d8+5), Ward +2
Cure Light charges remaining 40/50

Maps | Info | Loot

GM Rolls:

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Evander creeps quietly down the stairs, turning the corner and navigating via his darkvision. The stairs continue to descend and the investigator begins to smell the strong scent of garbage and sewage. Near the bottom of the stairs, he’s able to see the full room before him.

The air is thick with the cloying reek of garbage and decay, and clouds of fat flies buzz about, making it doubly unpleasant to breathe within the dank chamber. A wooden door, reinforced with rusting iron strips, sits in the eastern wall.

In the midst of all the garbage, Evander notices four sets of writhing tentacles accompanied by faces mostly composed of mouths made of sharp teeth. While three of them seem oblivious to the investigator’s presence, the fourth’s face turns toward Evander and it begins moving toward him.


Initiative (Celia): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Initiative (Evander): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Initiative (Gilda): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Initiative (Gregor): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Initiative (Matiscio): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Creatures: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4

DC 12 Knowledge (dungeoneering):
These are otyughs. They’re known to feast on garbage and waste. Their bites can inflict disease.

DC 17 Knowledge (dungeoneering):
You know just about everything there is to know about otyughs. Feel free to check out their bestiary entry found here. Note that not all otyughs have the exact same stats. Some can younger, older, and/or smaller.

Everyone can act for round 1! Note that while all of you are in initiative now, only Evander is currently aware of the threat before him. The rest of you are just waiting right outside the trap door at the moment. The four of you are currently 25 ft away and around a corner from where Evander is on the map. Map added to the maps slides.

Male NG Human (Chelish) Brawler 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24 (grapple 26, trip 25) | F: +7, R: +7, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15 SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | No Spellcasting | Active conditions:none

Matiscio will light his sunrod (std action) as soon as Evander calls for help or other signs of trouble reach him. That leaves him with a 30ft move action. I guess that would be his 'readied' action, as I don't want to hold up the game by waiting till Evander posts.

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

For when Celia does sees the things.

Know. Dungeon.: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Will wait to post depending on whether Evander attacks or not.

Male Tiefling (Pass for Human) Investigator (Conspirator, Empiricist) 6/Swashbuckler (Inpsired Blade) 1 | AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 18 | HP 53/53 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +6 (+2 vs illusions); resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Init +3 | Perception +13 (+15 to notice scrying); low-light vision, darkvision 120 ft | Inspiration 6/6 | Panache 4/4 | SLAs: Deathwatch At-Will |
Level 1: 6/6; Level 2: 4/4
| Active effects:

Evander draws his rapier, and calls back, "There are four weird tentacle things down here in the first chamber, and one of them saw me and is coming to attack." He then prepared to strike if one attacked him.

Move action to draw my rapier, readied action to attack the first one to come close.

Readied attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Confirm?: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Extra Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

All damage counts as silver for the purpose of overcoming DR.

Immediate action:

I'm going to Parry any attack that comes at me. I will not riposte - saving my panache.

Parry: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

Upon hearing from Evander Celia casts light on herself and heads down the steps. Peaking her head around the corner to see the creatures she tells the others. "Wait, wait, these are otyughs. I ran across some in Osirian when we were exploring a tomb. I know they look odd, but we might be able to negotiate with them. They are basically trash eaters. If we can strike some sort of deal to get them a steady supply of trash and refuse to eat they may let us pass. Could even prove useful as guards for us should we take this place over."

She yells out to the creatures in an attempt to at least stop the fight before it begins then let someone else take a more diplomatic approach once there is no threat of a fight "We outnumber you and will put you down if you attack. Wouldn't you rather make a deal? We can get you plenty of food, more than you have now, but if you fight us we will be forced to deal with you!"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

Codename: "Falcon" Male 'Human' Divine Marksman Urban Ranger 5/Bard 2 (AC: 19 [T: 13 /FF: 16] -1 if using Buckler hand; CMD 20; HP: 58/58; F+5, R+10, W+4 [+1 vs. Mind-affecting]; Init: +4 (+6 in Kintargo); Perc: +14 (+16 in Kintargo) [Low-light vision])

Considering there is no way for him to see or react to anything in the darkness, and being the last one in line, Gregor maintains his intent to light his buckler. As Evander moves into the darkened space, Gregor draws his bow, but takes no action until a call to danger is made.

Bardic Knowledge Dungeoneering 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Round 1 (before Evander)
Standard, Light on Buckler
Move, draw bow.

Shaman 7 | HP 58 | AC 13 T 11 FF 12 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +10* | Init: +1 | Perc: +17 | Sense: +17

Gilda sucks in air as she quickly parses Celia's proposal.

"I hope yer right!"

She considers biting her nails as she awaits the creatures' response.

Gilda will ready a Misfortune Hex should one of the beasties attack on the first attacker. DC17 Will.

Maps | Info | Loot

We'll pause combat here, but I'll keep your readied actions in mind if it resumes and we'll go ahead and use the same initiative rolls if necessary.

The otyughs pause at Celia's words. They seem to understand her and appear to be considering what she said.

One of the creatures picks up a heap of food waste that appears to consist of rotten meat and spoiled vegetables. It takes a bite of the rancid food before putting the remainder on the ground. It gestures toward the pile, then toward Celia, then toward itself. The creature opens its mouth to reveal rows of sharp teeth and makes a chewing motion.

Then it stops and stares at the wizard with outstretched tentacles.

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

Celia thinks a moment considering the meaning in the creatures form of communication.

Linguistics?: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

Not sure if there would be a skill to use to get a better understanding on their meaning?

"They eat old rotten stuff, I don't think it is meaning it wants to eat me. Maybe it wants more details on how we can offer it more food... or maybe it is expecting an offering right now?"

She calls back to Gregor "Falcon can you come explain to these otyughs how we can make a deal that will be good for them and for us?"

Assuming he makes his way up to the front.

As Gregor moves up she leans over to whisper in his ear "Convince them we will get them more food. I'm sure we could get Laria's waste to give to them, maybe even find other places around town to collect their waste, would serve a dual purpose of helping Kintargo and keeping these creatures happy. They're a bit grotesque and defensive of their territory, but no real threat otherwise. Kind of like ugly, over-sized dogs that just like to eat trash. They could be helpful should we claim this place as our own, maybe just get them to let us pass for now with the promise of getting them more of their food later?"

Giving Gregor a moment to consider she replies to the creatures "We can bring you more of that," she motions to what the creature just ate "but we don't have it now. We didn't know you were here. My friend can tell you more so we can make a deal."

Codename: "Falcon" Male 'Human' Divine Marksman Urban Ranger 5/Bard 2 (AC: 19 [T: 13 /FF: 16] -1 if using Buckler hand; CMD 20; HP: 58/58; F+5, R+10, W+4 [+1 vs. Mind-affecting]; Init: +4 (+6 in Kintargo); Perc: +14 (+16 in Kintargo) [Low-light vision])

Gregor looks at the hideous blobs with skepticism as Celia discusses her plan. He keeps one eye on the things as he turns to return the whisper. He picks his words carefully, trying to use ones that they may not know, "You mean these... entities possess a level of... sentience that would engender bargaining? Though you compare them to... canines, are they possessed of the same... expectation of loyalty one can of the former? The best we can... produce on their behalf would be within our tunnels, and there's no promise of... sustenance and could become hindrance to our teams." He has a hard time thinking they would be doing anything but lying to these things just to avoid them on entry.

Turning to the otyughs, he asks, "What is it you want from us so we don't fight?" He awaits an answer with an eye toward understanding.

Sense Motive to understand their response 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 10 - 2 = 22 (different race or culture)

Male NG Human (Chelish) Brawler 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24 (grapple 26, trip 25) | F: +7, R: +7, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15 SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | No Spellcasting | Active conditions:none

Do not let the eye take control over the dominion of the mind. See, think, feel. Look past the obvious and peel away what outer layers you can to get the true nature of what you're looking at. He remembers the words by master Jalpur well, but not because the truth of them resonated within him at the time. There was a girl, a certain girl, who he couldn't help but stare at while these words were uttered.

How could he have known back then that they'd become relevant in an encounter with demonic-looking garbage grazers?! The beasts communicated with them, and seem to prefer a peaceful solution to their current stand-off, which by itself merits respect and understanding. "Huh, who woulda thought ..."

Matiscio will let the others do the talking.

Male Tiefling (Pass for Human) Investigator (Conspirator, Empiricist) 6/Swashbuckler (Inpsired Blade) 1 | AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 18 | HP 53/53 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +6 (+2 vs illusions); resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Init +3 | Perception +13 (+15 to notice scrying); low-light vision, darkvision 120 ft | Inspiration 6/6 | Panache 4/4 | SLAs: Deathwatch At-Will |
Level 1: 6/6; Level 2: 4/4
| Active effects:

Evander incredulously looks at Celia as she begins trying to negotiate with them, but turns back to the otyughs, still prepared if they attack. I am surprised that these creatures backed off. I figured they'd continue the attack like kytons or devils.

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

Celia shrugs to Gregor's inquiry "Like dogs, you feed them and treat them well, they will be loyal. However, yes unlike dogs they are quite a bit more intelligent. As for sustenance for them we have the tunnels, perhaps Laria's food wastes. There are other taverns in Kintargo I'm sure we could convince to give us their trash. Perhaps recruit some other members just to collect and deposit trash here?"

She smiles as she imagines them starting up some sort of trash collection service, rather than everything getting dumped into the sewers or who knows what else. Thinking to herself a catchy slogan Silver Ravens, keeping the city clean one pile of trash at a time...

Maps | Info | Loot | Talia's Journal

Celia, in this particular case, I think Gregor has the right idea that Sense Motive would be the most appropriate skill to use to try to understand the otyugh’s meaning.

At Gregor’s question, the otyugh gestures more animatedly toward the waste in front of it. Then it gestures toward itself again, this time appearing to mime gathering up something.

Gregor’s fairly certain that the creature wants you to give it more waste and garbage to eat. The ranger doesn’t believe the otyughs will let the group past without first giving an offering, though they might let you leave with the right words.

Male NG Human (Chelish) Brawler 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24 (grapple 26, trip 25) | F: +7, R: +7, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15 SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | No Spellcasting | Active conditions:none

Matiscio does all he can to keep himself from glancing at Gilda, but fails. "No offense, but, eh, ahem, perhaps you know where to score these fellows a juicy meal so we can pass on through?"

Shaman 7 | HP 58 | AC 13 T 11 FF 12 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +10* | Init: +1 | Perc: +17 | Sense: +17


Gilda pats her hip at Matiscio's inquiry.

"I think Laria's would be a good start, but yeah there's plenty'a places with good stuff up in Ol' Kintargo. Course the good stuff has a lotta us all pickin' through it for the juiciest bits, so it won't go unnoticed if we start haulin' a bunch down here..."

I imagine we can head back to Laria's for some trash. I imagine all our rebels are making a fair amount. These fella's will be good if we have any corpses we need to take care of, too. :)

Maps | Info | Loot

The otyughs continue to look at you hungrily.

It sounds like folks are planning to leave, get some garbage, and come back. If so, give me any social rolls you plan to make toward the otyughs on your way out. Also, if you're going to Laria's, you can go ahead and roleplay what you say/explain to her to try to get some refuse.

Codename: "Falcon" Male 'Human' Divine Marksman Urban Ranger 5/Bard 2 (AC: 19 [T: 13 /FF: 16] -1 if using Buckler hand; CMD 20; HP: 58/58; F+5, R+10, W+4 [+1 vs. Mind-affecting]; Init: +4 (+6 in Kintargo); Perc: +14 (+16 in Kintargo) [Low-light vision])

Quick question, ooc I know otyughs are normally large creatures, are these ones not large?

Gregor scrunches up his face at the idea, "I don't know that us hauling refuse in the hopes it will be enough is a worthy endeavor. If there isn't another way out of here, we may not be able to effectively lead a quartet of these things through the city to the nearest sewer entrance."

He turns back to the weird looking blobs of tooth and tentacle, "We do not have trash on us now, but if you let us pass, we will find you each a nice home with plenty of filth to eat after we have explored the space beyond." He turns back toward Celia, and whispers "Can they understand me?"

Diplomacy 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 10 - 2 = 20 (different race or culture)

Maps | Info | Loot

These ones are, in fact, medium-sized. Celia could tell you that's possible, in-character. Fwiw, the AP actually lists them as medium-sized, since they're considered 'young' otyughs.

The otyugh that's been miming with Celia growls at Gregor's words. It points vigorously toward the pile of garbage in front of it and doesn't move from blocking your path.

Male NG Human (Chelish) Brawler 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24 (grapple 26, trip 25) | F: +7, R: +7, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15 SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | No Spellcasting | Active conditions:none

"Imagine the doghousing variant the Thrunites will come up with if they manage to tame these guys ..." whispers Matiscio in the back. The thought was too horrifying to hold in yet the brawler can't help but feel bad for sharing it out loud.

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Celia nudges Gregor and shakes her head, picking up on the same meaning as he had before. She glares at the otyugh that is being persistent.

"Hey! Don't growl at us. We are trying to be nice and work something out with you. How about you calm down before things get ugly! If you won't let us pass now, maybe if we go get you some food and bring it back first? Would that make you happy or would you rather fight?" She shakes her head "I don't think you would like it if we had to fight...."

Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Assuming the intimidate works she will usher the others back upstairs where they can discuss their next course of action out of earshot of the otyughs.

Shaman 7 | HP 58 | AC 13 T 11 FF 12 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +10* | Init: +1 | Perc: +17 | Sense: +17

We could always split the group to bring some yummy trash back, we can likely just escape by running up the stairs if the otyughs grow restless?

Gilda taps her foot, wondering if there's some way that Old Kintargo would bestow upon her the ability to talk to the denizens here. She tries the old tongue that the mites she knew always used for good measure.

/Undercommon/"Hey, you big'uns understand this?"/

Maps | Info | Loot

Celia's efforts to intimidate the creatures don't seem to work as well as her first try. They continue growling and you notice they also seem to be inching closer to you. Still, all four otyughs occasionally glance longingly at their respective piles of garbage. While they don't seem eager to attack, they seem to be heading in that direction should you linger.

The otyughs don't seem to understand Gilda's words at all.

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

Seeing their continued agitation, but not an outright attack Celia moves to usher the others back up the stairs "Let's go for now. We can get them some food and come back to avoid an unnecessary fight."

Codename: "Falcon" Male 'Human' Divine Marksman Urban Ranger 5/Bard 2 (AC: 19 [T: 13 /FF: 16] -1 if using Buckler hand; CMD 20; HP: 58/58; F+5, R+10, W+4 [+1 vs. Mind-affecting]; Init: +4 (+6 in Kintargo); Perc: +14 (+16 in Kintargo) [Low-light vision])

Gregor just shrugs and shakes his head, heading for the stairs as Celia suggested. He mutters to her as they go, "Am I missing something? Are these walking filth bins worth placating? If this is to be our new hideout, don't we want to be rid of the vermin?"

Male NG Human (Chelish) Brawler 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24 (grapple 26, trip 25) | F: +7, R: +7, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15 SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | No Spellcasting | Active conditions:none

"They're sentient beings who, unless pressured, won't attack you. Attacking them just because they might be a nuisance seems ... well, something our friend Barzillai would do without a worry on his mind, no?"

Maps | Info | Loot

The otyughs only follow you to the base of the stairs, so you're able to exit the basement without issue.

Feel free to continue your current conversation and/or discuss the matter further. If you're planning on getting some garbage, let me know where you're going and how you plan to transport the waste. If you're planning to talk to someone (like Laria) about it, feel free to go ahead and roleplay what you say to them.

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

Celia rolls her eyes at Gregor and nods to Matiscio's words "Well, two things to consider. First, why fight a reasonably harmless intelligent creature when we don't have to? Second, if we are to make this a new hideout they could be advantageous to keep around as a first line of defense."

She pauses a moment for Gregor to consider that before explaining further "Let's just assume that is the only entrance, or at the very least it is the easiest entrance to find. People stumbling down there might think twice before exploring further if they are confronted with those creatures, not having previous knowledge of them. If we can figure out a means to keep them happy and allow us to pass freely, then allowing them to stay there would be a useful first defense of the new hideout. In essence, it makes little sense to fight and kill something that we can turn to our own advantage."

Male Tiefling (Pass for Human) Investigator (Conspirator, Empiricist) 6/Swashbuckler (Inpsired Blade) 1 | AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 18 | HP 53/53 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +6 (+2 vs illusions); resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Init +3 | Perception +13 (+15 to notice scrying); low-light vision, darkvision 120 ft | Inspiration 6/6 | Panache 4/4 | SLAs: Deathwatch At-Will |
Level 1: 6/6; Level 2: 4/4
| Active effects:

Evander isn't sure about this, but Celia seems confident, so he decides to go along with her. "It's also possible that there's another entrance, perhaps connected to the sewers, that we could use for our people to come and go. However, I do have a concern. If we can use garbage to bribe our way past them, what's to stop someone else from doing the same?"

Shaman 7 | HP 58 | AC 13 T 11 FF 12 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +10* | Init: +1 | Perc: +17 | Sense: +17

"Ehh, Barzillai's goons ain't so clever. And ya'll are forgettin' we just found a fancy new way to git ridda all the bodies that we keep pilin' up. A lot easier than usin' acid or draggin' em down to the docks!"

To Laria's for some trash pick-up! Gilda will look for a handcart to effect delivery, believing there to be nothing suspicious about her pushing a handcart laden with trash about the city.

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

Celia shrugs and smirks with a bit of a cocky remark "Well, I suppose that's a risk, but one I hope is less likely since not as many people are as well studied as I am."

Assuming we head to the coffeehouse

When they get to the coffeehouse Celia takes the lead to speak with Laria since the others seemed somewhat hesitant to the whole idea. "I was wondering if you could help us with something. We have need of a good quantity of rubbish. Rotten food, old vegetables, bad meat, et cetera. Do you have a trash heap we could collect or know where we could find something like that? Furthermore, any ideas for maintaining a consistent supply of such trash? Maybe yourself and other shops would be open to collecting it for us to pickup on a regular basis and dispose of for you?"

Maps | Info | Loot

Laria raises an eyebrow at Celia’s question and scratches her head. Eventually she replies, “I’ve got a pile of trash next to the Coffeehouse that you can use as you please. Shouldn’t be too much of an issue. Not sure about other shops, though. There’s usually a worker with the city who comes by and picks it all up. Someone might start asking questions if too many shops suddenly stop producing trash.”

The halfling will also offer Gilda’s one of her hand carts that she normally uses for coffee deliveries. The shaman guesses one cart can hold enough rubbish to last the otyughs a few days. However, the garbage would be pretty visible - and rank - while in transit to the basement of the Lucky Bones.

Male Tiefling (Pass for Human) Investigator (Conspirator, Empiricist) 6/Swashbuckler (Inpsired Blade) 1 | AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 18 | HP 53/53 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +6 (+2 vs illusions); resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Init +3 | Perception +13 (+15 to notice scrying); low-light vision, darkvision 120 ft | Inspiration 6/6 | Panache 4/4 | SLAs: Deathwatch At-Will |
Level 1: 6/6; Level 2: 4/4
| Active effects:

"Celia, could you cloak the refuse in an illusion to make it look empty. I'm not sure if we can do something about the smell, though. Is there a spell we could use to hide the scent?"

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

Celia nods "I can do that. As for covering the smell, there is an improvement on the spell I know to create the illusion. It would also alter the smell. However, we would need to find a means for me to copy it to my spellbook. I haven't had the time to research it myself as of yet." She shrugs "Unless someone else has another means to mask the scent."

Thinking a moment she continues "Honestly though, does it really matter if it's just a trash pile being carted through town? Is there some ordinance against carting trash? I mean, if one or two of us are doing it and the others are just following behind in case of trouble I don't think it would be that troublesome unless I'm missing something."

Could learn Major Image to provide the illusion and adjust the scent, then use a Reservoir Point to change my prepared spell if we wanted to go the discreet route for some reason.

Male NG Human (Chelish) Brawler 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24 (grapple 26, trip 25) | F: +7, R: +7, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15 SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | No Spellcasting | Active conditions:none

Matiscio smells where all of this is leading to.

"So, Gilda and I get to play two idiots whose load of 'fresh vegetables' got rejected by a merchant and now we need to haul it across town. More specifically, this place? I doubt any overly dutiful guards will continue their protests if stopping us means said garbage becomes their problem."

All of this somehow helps with formulating the next thought that hits his mind. "Maybe, maybe we ought to use your powers of illusion to make one of the wheels look shaky so they won't bother to stop us at all."

Maps | Info | Loot

It appears y'all are still in the planning phase, so I'll hold off till you've reached more of a consensus. It sounds like the options so far are to magically disguise the trash in some way or to simply have a couple of you cart it and the others follow behind.

Codename: "Falcon" Male 'Human' Divine Marksman Urban Ranger 5/Bard 2 (AC: 19 [T: 13 /FF: 16] -1 if using Buckler hand; CMD 20; HP: 58/58; F+5, R+10, W+4 [+1 vs. Mind-affecting]; Init: +4 (+6 in Kintargo); Perc: +14 (+16 in Kintargo) [Low-light vision])

Gregor has been tight-lipped about the whole decision, as he was clearly outvoted on the issue, and is now involved in the notion of hauling garbage to persuade large 'sentient' filth eaters. He can see Celia's utilitarian approach as a much more viable rationale than the bleeding heart stance. She does appear to understand how to appeal to his line of reasoning. Gilda's was a bit macabre but still valid, as much as he always hates to agree with her.

It's at this point that he feels like they are splitting hairs and wasting time. "I doubt we need to waste much more time or limited spellcasting resources on disguising a cart of garbage. Pigeon has proven quite glib, and is not out of place performing the task, and it seems Allocco is willing to help. The other three of us," he indicates himself, Celia, and Evander, "can follow at a safe distance, but with space between us. Say Reverend and I on the edges of the street, while the lady is less the sort to skulk about and can walk up the middle, maybe even ahead of the cart a ways."

He looks at Celia, "There is a minor spell to allow us to communicate quietly with one another over short distances, yes? If you have access to such a spell, we should likely begin using it more actively during our missions."

Male Tiefling (Pass for Human) Investigator (Conspirator, Empiricist) 6/Swashbuckler (Inpsired Blade) 1 | AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 18 | HP 53/53 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +6 (+2 vs illusions); resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Init +3 | Perception +13 (+15 to notice scrying); low-light vision, darkvision 120 ft | Inspiration 6/6 | Panache 4/4 | SLAs: Deathwatch At-Will |
Level 1: 6/6; Level 2: 4/4
| Active effects:

Evander was actually of a like mind with Gregor - they might make for useful guards, but they would only be loyal as long as they were fed garbage - and they might eventually become dissatisfied and attack anyway. Still, if they had to, they had to.

"I concur with the plan, Falcon. You and I to the sides of the street, Alloco and Pigeon moving the cart, and Lily either behind or ahead, varying which it is."

Shaman 7 | HP 58 | AC 13 T 11 FF 12 | CMD: 14 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +10* | Init: +1 | Perc: +17 | Sense: +17

Gilda shrugs off all the complexities being presented in the logistical challenge of carting trash through the City.

"Ehh, in my experience when I'm pushin' an empty cart I tend to get asked more questions. And the few times I had a cart with something new in it, the guards had the nerve to ask me if I stole it!"

She beams.

"I found it's no problem cartin' trash through the City, especially when I'm talkin' or singin' to Sprinkles... err, I guess.."

Gilda pauses for a moment.

"Sprinkles Too today. It was when I lost a perfectly good half-apple that Sprinkles ran..."

Gilda inhales and takes a couple deep breathes, seeming to change the topic.

"It shouldn't be a problem, 'specially with all this good stuff here."

Gilda quickly snatches a particularly intact coffee roll and tucks it away for Sprinkles Too to enjoy.

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

Celia nods "Sounds like a plan then. I will trail behind."

Male NG Human (Chelish) Brawler 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24 (grapple 26, trip 25) | F: +7, R: +7, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15 SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | No Spellcasting | Active conditions:none

The brawler tries to keep Gilda's vivid descriptions from getting into his head. Hearing them is one thing, but visualizing them? Stop thinking about it!

"Alright, the sooner we get this over with, the better."

Maps | Info | Loot

GM Rolls:

1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
Perception (Celia): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Perception (Evander): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
Perception (Gilda): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
Perception (Gregor): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28
Perception (Matiscio): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

With a plan in place, you collect the handcart that Laria indicates and place the pile of trash from the Coffeehouse into it. As it turns out, you’re in luck. Garbage was set to be collected tomorrow, so the hand cart is nearly completely full once you’ve finished loading it.

Gilda and Matiscio push the cart while Evander and Gregor stick to the sides of the street. Celia trails behind.

Gilda’s intuition turns out to be correct and the Korvosan guards you pass along with a pair of Rack Hellknights don’t bother you. In fact, they seem repulsed by the cart’s contents and hurry to get out of close proximity.

Unaccosted, you make it to the ruins of the Lucky Bones and down into the basement where the otyughs still reside. They look up and start moving in your direction with mouths open. The lead otyugh seems to recognize you from before and halts the otyughs’ advance. They sniff at the smell of the fresh garbage you’ve brought and flail their tentacles in anticipation.

Male NG Human (Chelish) Brawler 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24 (grapple 26, trip 25) | F: +7, R: +7, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15 SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | No Spellcasting | Active conditions:none

"Next time we need to sneak someone in or out of the city, well, now we know how to do it," Matiscio quips once they're in the clear. Even though the guards and Hellknights gave a wide berth to the cart, it wasn't exactly a stress-free endeavor and what better way to get that stress out than humor?

Sadly, the sight of the horrifying monsters flailing their nappy tentacles at the group brings him back to the stressful here and now. "My teacher always told me to look with heart, mind and soul but these fellas are challenging that bit o' wisdom", he says in what is almost a whisper.

Codename: Lily | Human | Wizard (Exploiter) 7 | HP 48/48 | AC 14 | T 13 | FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +5 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc +13 | Reservoir 10

Celia notes to the otyughs "Here you go. Now we will continue past since we have held up our end of the deal. Later we will see if we can get you more."

Celia waits for Gilda and Matiscio to dump the trash for the creatures, once they seem to be happy with their new food she will start toward the door to show the others it is safe.

Maps | Info | Loot

The otyughs take the garbage readily and greedily. The lead otyugh actually seems to wave one of its tentacles to Celia as she passes.

The rest of you are also able to pass unaccosted, which is probably for the best since you feel a bit queasy and sick to your stomach as you pass by the piles of trash. This isn’t a place you want to linger for long.

As you reach the door on the other side of the room, you notice something shiny in the southwest corner of the room you're currently in. It doesn’t appear the otyughs are at all interested in whatever it is as that part of the basement seems to be untouched.

Door-opening protocol:

Perception (Celia): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Perception (Evander): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Perception (Gilda): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28
Perception (Gregor): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15
Perception (Matiscio): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22

Evander Disable Device: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 11 + 2 + (2) = 35 +2 from Gregor
Gregor Disable Device (Aid Another): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Gilda manages to spot a trap triggered by opening the door. Evander and Gregor are then able to easily disarm it to safely open the door. The trap appears to have been a poison stiletto - a nasty surprise for anyone caught unawares.

The door is also locked, but Evander and Gregor are again able to open it after a few attempts. On the other side of the door is another staircase leading down. The stairwell becomes dark at the edge of what you’re able to see, leaving where it goes as a mystery for now.

Let me know what light sources you’re using/will use to see as well as if you choose to check out the shiny thing in the southwestern corner of the room. If you want to do anything else before descending further, now’s the time to specify such things.

Male NG Human (Chelish) Brawler 7 | HP: 67/67 | AC: 22 (16 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24 (grapple 26, trip 25) | F: +7, R: +7, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +15 SM: +14 | Speed 30ft | Martial Flexibility: 6/6 | No Spellcasting | Active conditions:none

"Do we care to fetch that shiny object from over there, there in the corner, before we push on? I can go get it." Normally Matiscio would've objected to that, but their trash gathering-and-delivery scheme had already enveloped him in an ungodly odor. Stepping forth into the Otyuch's den surely couldn't make him smell any worse.

Assuming that getting the trash and feeding it to the tentacle boys doesn't take longer than 6 hours, Matiscio is still holding on to an activated sunrod. It sheds normal light in a 30-foot radius and increases the light level by one step for an additional 30 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light).

Would fetching the item require any swimming and or climbing? Matiscio will put away his shield if so.

Male Tiefling (Pass for Human) Investigator (Conspirator, Empiricist) 6/Swashbuckler (Inpsired Blade) 1 | AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 18 | HP 53/53 | Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +6 (+2 vs illusions); resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 | Init +3 | Perception +13 (+15 to notice scrying); low-light vision, darkvision 120 ft | Inspiration 6/6 | Panache 4/4 | SLAs: Deathwatch At-Will |
Level 1: 6/6; Level 2: 4/4
| Active effects:

Evander has 60 foot darkvision.

"If it won't make the otyughs hostile, then go ahead and get it. As for going down the dark stairs, Perhaps I should move ahead at the edge of the light, since I can see farther into the darkness."

Codename: "Falcon" Male 'Human' Divine Marksman Urban Ranger 5/Bard 2 (AC: 19 [T: 13 /FF: 16] -1 if using Buckler hand; CMD 20; HP: 58/58; F+5, R+10, W+4 [+1 vs. Mind-affecting]; Init: +4 (+6 in Kintargo); Perc: +14 (+16 in Kintargo) [Low-light vision])

Gregor nods to Matiscio's suggestion, "Go ahead and grab it, I'll provide overwatch just in case."

Gregor will be maintaining the light spell on his buckler.

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