Kayla - Black scorpion |
oh I kept thinking he left the building for some reason. man I have been really messed up this whole combat.
Taissa Hellseeker |
I got a little messed up too, but I think I've cleared it up. There are two main foes - the werebear bartender upstairs and the sheriff who has run out the window.
Kayla - Black scorpion |
the sheriff may be escaping, unfortunately nobody said anything when I asked about putting a tracer on her to find out where she goes.
So i didn't waste the magic. also in the confusion, I actually thought that the Sheriff didn't have a very high survival chance.
DireMerc |
Alright you may have noticed that lately I have a lot more time to check on pathfinder and I am watching over each of my games almost 24 hours a day. Things have calmed down considerably for me and I find myself bored of most of my games so I have nothing better to do lol.
With that in mind there is something I have had on the back-burner for a long time. A game I want to start. I'm going to post this in each of my games before I make an open recruitment giving my current players a chance to join in first.
Here is the pitch so to speak.
The whispering way has been growing in power lately. Several raids have happened and the three lesser seals to the Whispering Tyrants prison are broken. The great seal still remains however but the leaders of Lastwall, Taldor and the dwarves of Kraggodan believe (rightly so) that the whispering way is going to try and destroy it to release Tar-Baphon upon the world once more.
A team is being assemble to go to Gallowspire and to ensure that the Great Seal is not broken.
The task will not be easy. To get to Gallowspire one must traverse the Desolation lands. The location were the Tyrant killed Arazni and the site of a massive battle between the undead armies of the whispering tyrant and the shining crusade.
The desolation lands is a vast area seethe in necromantic energies were undead roam.
Not only that but wounds do not heal naturally here, and healing spells are only half as effective. Food doesn't perish, and bodies do not decompose, Dimensional travel is impossible, summons spells cannot be used. If you consecrate an area natural healing works in that area and healing spell work normally. Negative energy spells are twice as effective and necromancy spells are cast at +2 caster level.
One you have crossed the Desolation lands you will reach the city of Adorak which you must cross to reach Gallowspire.
The city's undead nobility were hunted down and destroyed, and the Great Seal was put in place to ensure Tar-Baphon's imprisonment within Gallowspire. Despite these efforts, the city was unlivable by this point and was swiftly abandoned by all living creatures. Even so, the ruins remain home to horrific undead creatures, although they tend to avoid the haunted presence of Gallowspire, almost as though they fear to go there.
What resides in Gallowspire now nobody knows as none living has reached that place in nearly 600 years.
Not gonna lie I made this campaign to be a merciless meat grinder if you want to test you mettle it starts at level 10 (do you want mythic? I originally didn't plan on it but could easily incorporate it) 28 point buy and 62 000 starting gold (cannot spend more that 50% on one item)
Cruor Venelli |
Thank you for the heads up, sounds really nice, however right now I'm about tasked to capacity. Good luck anyway!
Taissa Hellseeker |
Oh, I'm thinking about it. I assume no third party stuff? Gestalt would be better than mythic to me for a meatgrinder.
Kayla - Black scorpion |
So, I forgot are classes from the Path of War book permitted? cause I thought about some level dips into Stalker class
If not that is fine as well, just thought I would ask.
Mercer & Corbie |
Sheriff fled carrying Cimri, but Taissa intercepted her and attacked her.
Sheriff dropped Cimri and attacked Taissa back.
By my count Mercer, Cruor, and Kayla have acted this round.
Appula, Taissa, and Patronicus haven't.
I have no idea if anyone has successfully been intimidated.
Cruor Venelli |
You didn't roll the werebear's AoO against me, do you want to do it myself?
Taissa Hellseeker |
Stealth Synergy is a feat where if people are sneaking together, they all use the best roll of any person with the feat. Since I'm an Inquisitor, I get to cheat and use any of your rolls even when you don't have the feat. With two people, it raises the average from 10.5 to 15. As you get more people you get even better.
It makes nonstealth people into decent stealthers and stealthy people into ghosts.
Azrielan |
Hello, all!
Just coming on, finally, to say that I am really sorry that I haven't been on the boards recently.
The holidays kinda caught me off-guard, and my campaigns were sort of pushed into the background.
With school starting again, I pushed it back even more.
However, with me having a chance to settle myself down at school, I'm more than willing to jump back into this game.
It will, however, require a bit of catch-up reading on my part (that I haven't done yet), and I'm assuming a bit of explanation from the GM as to my whereabouts.
Kayla - Black scorpion |
Are we waiting on anyone? Is it me?
Kayla - Black scorpion |
well I know I went to the stables but I have no idea where the enemy is located nor if I have been discovered.
I am unsure if there is a way to even get to the archers from where we are.
Cruor Venelli |
I have no idea of the layout of the place, so I would avoid charging blindly through the main gates.
Cruor Venelli |
Ok, so we come from the northern side of the map. How tall are the walls?