Heart of the Tempest Battle Stations

Game Master Radavel

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BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

Once the warp exit draws near, Heinrich will return to his cockpit, awaiting rapid-start together with two full fighter squadrons.
Once returning to real-space he will start immediately, creating the usual fighter shield around the Tempest, as well as a deep-space reconnaissance of the surrounding area in the search for hidden ships of potential rivals or pirate scum.

Otherwise, he will participate in the training Miss Guernstock puts his pilots (not to mention her own soldiers) through.
In the little free time remaining, he will search the ships database for information about Star Galleons, their layout, weaponry, potential weak-points. Most interesting is it's turret rating and potential hangar space it offers for enemy attack crafts.
Lore Imperial Navy or maybe Tactica Imperialis? 44: 1d100 ⇒ 32


No preparation on my side.

Dark Archive

The Heart of the Tempest emerges from the warp. It glides smoothly into real space. The planetary system before you orbits a Terra-class star, with 7 massive gas giants. Data banks show no in-depth surveys done to this system. An asteroid belt separates the fourth and fifth planets. Coordinates from the data slate places the point of real space re-entry of the Emperor's Bounty near the fourth planet. Travel time from your present position to the said spot should take five days. Meaning you should be there the moment the ship emerges from the warp.

Heinrich do you launch as an advance screen?

Dark Archive

Three days elapse and you near the asteroid belt. It is at this time that the auspex detect something.

Roll Detection Plus Scrutiny to interpret the signals. The Master of Auspex gets a Plus Ten bonus to the roll.

Squadrons remain in the launch bays. You may advise me of any actions you wish to take at this time.

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

I certainly would have launched an advance screen as stated in my 'preparation' post above. Any insight from that knowledge/research check I made?
At the very least, I would start a serious ahead screening once we near that ominous asteroid belt.
Are we using the detailed method of space combat?
There's actually a rule for this advance screen under the attack craft rules in battlefleet Konorus called "Combat Void Patrol".


While the CVP remains in effect, any enemy attack craft or torpedoes that move within 5VUs of the patrolled ship are immediately attacked by half of the squadrons performing the patrol(rounding up).

Doesn't state what happens to capital ships, but they're probably at least detected if they get near, yes?
How does detection work with small craft anyway? I checked the vehicle entry for my lightning, but it doesn't feature that statistic...

Dark Archive

Yes, the roll suggests that an advance screen would be prudent. More so, when entering unknown and uncharted areas. The asteroid belt may present a challenge to bombers. Sleeker fighters might be more in order. Will you be launching the advance screen now?

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

+++ Wing Commander to Fighter Squadrons:
Alpha, Beta, Ceta and Delta.
Prepare for immediate take-off and commence CVP as described in mission statement 45-Alpha-2.
Fire Hawk will join Alpha Squadron.
See you in the Void.
The Emperor protects! +++

Switching to the bridge channel, Heinrich checks out.
"I'm going out, taking the fighters with me.
Bomber and Boarding craft actions are not advised inside the belt though.
We'll take a hard look at it though.
Comm Channel to Blood Hawk is the usual.
Heinrich out."

Dark Archive

The silence of the void bears witness as The Heart of the Tempest launch its fighters. The asteroid field is just ahead. The projected emergence point of the Bounty just a little out than that.

Standby for directions; need the Detection+Scrutiny check

Scrutiny(20)+Detection(10)+Exceptional Leader(10): 1d100 ⇒ 9 4 Degrees of Success

The Lord-Captain looks over the shoulder of the young Ensign assigned to handle the ship's sensors and nods approvingly. The man stands up straight to listen to the Wing Commander over the vox responding, Understood. The Emperor Protects.

Dark Archive

Most awesome roll.

Three objects in the asteroid field do not appear to be asteroids. They appear to be derelicts, raider-sized. Off 45 degrees port. (That's the left side) A breathable atmosphere can still be detected.

The fighter screen is receiving this information now.

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

+++ Squadron Delta: Keep up CVP.
We don't want to get surprised from behind.
Alpha, Beta, Ceta: meet at her port side.
Combat formations.
We have raiders there. +++

+++ Heinrich to Captain: You want to engage them with the long-range batteries, Sir?
If we can lure them out of the field, we can fly bomber runs as well.
My fighters don't have the firepower to damage a capital ships itself. +++

Qalandar's eyes narrow as he looks at the sensors while the Ensign explains what he's seeing.

Ensign, bring us about and in range to support our fighters should those raiders decide to take an interest. He chuckles slightly, I'd say be discreet about it but just get us there. He stands and nods to the master of the Vox. Wing Commander, let's get a closer look. The Lord-Captain turns to Ioneyse, Commander, man the guns.

Sergeant, prepare boarding parties. If they're hostile, we'll be ready. If they need help, he shrugs, I suppose we'll see what we can do.

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

Half turning, Heinrich addresses his Copilot.
"Here we go Lucky. You heard the Captain.
We're gonna 'have a look' at our new certainly-not-hostile-neighbors.
I'll need your help in there.
If I have to make evasion-turns, you must check out the trajectories of those oversized space-rocks for me.
Saber, you use the optical enhancers and targeting scopes of yours to check out their hulls.
Check for Imperial iconography ... you know: the Aquila, Gothic letters, prayer-marks.
If you see anything disturbing, give me a shout.
We'll want to turn hard and fast if those have the cursed five-point-star all over them...
Zero, check for any vox traffic or sudden movements or power readings coming from the targets.
I want to know if anyone over there uses any system, even if it's the toilet."

What I intend:
I'll close in on the raiders (alone).
If they start to move (or fire!) I'll turn immediately.
Otherwise, I'll press on, until me or my gunner can make out any interesting details that may reveal friend/foe (or until I get attacked).
Pilot roll required?

The travelling through the Warp unnerves Chief Guernstock, but she doesn't show it. The training continues, and alongside the numerous marines, the pilots aren't spared by the harsh regimen. Only when the ship leaves the Warp does the training go back to normal, as an order to recuperate before the boarding is issued.

A message beeps onto the Captain's console.

"+++This is Barracks to Bridge. Boarding Squads assembled and on standby. Barracks out.+++", the vox blares. Looking over the assembled troops, Lydia allows herself a small sigh. Incompetent beyond belief., she thinks, seeing the rallied troops in full gear, as she pats her armour down for the fifth time. If the pilots are as good as the marines, only the Emperor can help us...

Dark Archive

+10 Pilot Roll Please to navigate asteroid field without any collision. For boarding action, the troops should use the assault boats. +10 Command Roll, please.

Command (57) +10: 1d100 ⇒ 7 (7 Degrees of Success)

Once the decision is made to board the derelict ships, The Lord-Captain barks out over the vox, ++Assault Troops prepare to head out.++ He turns to Ioneyse, Commander, you have the bridge. Chief Perambulus, you're with me. Making his way down to the assault boats, Qalandar boards with the marines, knowing that if there is salvage to be claimed, the Lord-Commander must be the first to set foot on the deck. Sergeant, how are the men?

Is the piloting skill for the fighters, or for the Tempest? Also, have the ships not done anything? Is that why we're moving forward with the boarding actions? We were waiting on taking any other actions until we got a bit more information out of the ships. Have they responded to any comms?

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

Since I asked for the test, I guess, the pilot test is for me?
As the Wing Leader approaches the asteroid belt, the MIU interface starts to itch with the impulses of the Lightnings machine spirit.

I can feel your excitement, Blood Hawk.
It will be a rough ride through there, so give me your all, yes?
We don't want to end as a miserable smear upon a overgrown rock, do we?

Pilot 62+10+10 Craft Rating = 82: 1d100 ⇒ 86
Obviously... Good thing I can reroll due to Small Craft Specialization
Reroll!: 1d100 ⇒ 78
Wheew, close. Too close!

It is quite a task to dodge all those asteroids and drifting debris. At one time, only the MIU connection and the just-in-time warning impulses of the machine spirit saved the Lightning from a potentially deadly collision with a medium-sized asteroid (~100m in diameter) that just happened to ricocheted off another bigger asteroid they just passed.
The Copilot is calling out coordinates and approach vectors with the speed of an automatic gun and droplets of sweat form on Heinrich's forehead but eventually, they reach the target ...

Dark Archive

Lord-Captain the piloting roll is for the fighters since they are the ones moving to investigate the derelicts. On the other hand, if you wish the battlecruiser to move into the field, you also need to roll piloting test.

"Ready and able, Sir!", replies Lydia, before nodding at the troops from behind her helmet. Not really either of those things, but there's little more I, or they, could've done. Cradling her storm bolter in one arm, she grabs hold of a handle on the wall. "Ready to take point after your landing, Lord-Captain." The first test of the crew approaches... There's bound to be those stressed out, and those panicking. A smile seen by nobody but the Bosun stretches on her lips.

Unless the ships are more than 9 VU into an asteroid field, the Tempest will stay outside of it and standby to open fire should they prov to be hostile.

The Lord-Captain nods to Sergeant Guernstock, I suppose we'll see. The tall man barks the order to take off then turns back to the rows of marines behind him, some shaking and sweating with the prospect of danger. Trust your training, Qalandar's voice rings out through the assault boat. This is your first test. It will not be the last. Trust your training. Trust the Chief. Have faith in the God-Emperor and you will see this through.

Dark Archive

Heinrich, you have 3 vessels before you designated: Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Which do you approach first? Also, who will be accompanying the boarding parties and which vessel will they board?

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

"Lucky, is there a leading vessel or are all equidistant to us?
If there's no obvious leader, plot me a course to the closest one relative to the Tempest."

Dark Archive

"Target designate Alpha is nearest to us. Should we proceed there?"

Heinrich, Awareness check please at minus 10

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

"Yeah, lets check it out first."
Oh ... Yeah, Awareness ... Uhm... I may have forgotten about that one.
So 35/2 -10 = 7?

Awareness: 1d100 ⇒ 11
Actually quite close.
If I can get my MIU bonus to the roll (I am probably using the sensors if the lightning anyway?) its actually a bare success.

Dark Archive

Heinrich, the names of the raiders have been scratched out. You can only think of one reason for that: pirates!!!

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

+++ Heinrich to Tempest.
They're pirates ... Or worse.
The names of their once-proud vessels have been carved out.
I'll get the hell out of here, so if you want to show Tempests fangs ...
Now is a good time! +++

Dark Archive

The Master of the Auspex reports energy signatures spiking from the three raiders.

++Commander, if they don't respond to comms, open fire. Focus all fire on designated target Alpha. God-Emperor willing, they'll think twice about pushing the attack.++

Using Exceptional Leader (along with Lord-Captain) to give +10 to any one of Ioneyse's attacks. Was Qalandar's Command roll above for the boarding action that we'll be doing? Or for something else? We'll be targeting Alpha.

Dark Archive

The fighter squadrons are in the direct line of fire if The Tempest fires on Target Alpha

Meanwhile do you launch the bombers and assault boats?

BS:43 | WS:32 | ST:28 | T:34 | AGI:52 | PER:35 | INT:44 | WP:30 | FEL:43 | Pilot (Space) +20 Wing Commander

A nagging feeling way down his spine and the angry whisper in his ear informs Heinrich of the disagreement of the Blood Hawk.
Fleeing from combat is not exactly the nature of a predator.
Pushing through, Heinrich calms the spirit by telling it, that the fight is merely forestalled, rather than abandoned.

That matter dealt with, he takes stock of the tactical situation, noticing quickly that the fighter squadrons are in the way of the ships main cannons - never a good place to be.
+++ Fighter squadrons: Scatter.
Keep Squadron formation, but break attack formation.
Beware of immediate ship-to-ship salvos between Tempest and Target-Alpha. +++

Launching further bombers/fighters is an extended action, Command +10.
Who's doing that?

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