Haven's Cross Back in Town

Game Master Gritnarr Halldorr

As a supplement to the Primary "Haven's Cross: Introduction"

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"Woo ee! I love your enthusiasm but I make it a rule not to carry around that much coin because of people like me. I'll wager my lucky ring against that stack though. Take a look. Saved me from a bears grapple. Helped me steal a boat with none to notice me. Survived the sting of a giant scorpion. I owe my life to this ring. Whether my life is worth more than 50 large coins may be up for debate, I'd pay more for it though."

Nikolai shows her his minor ring of protection.
deception (it's worth way more): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Nikolai Barleyburrow wrote:

"Woo ee! I love your enthusiasm but I make it a rule not to carry around that much coin because of people like me. I'll wager my lucky ring against that stack though. Take a look. Saved me from a bears grapple. Helped me steal a boat with none to notice me. Survived the sting of a giant scorpion. I owe my life to this ring. Whether my life is worth more than 50 large coins may be up for debate, I'd pay more for it though."

Nikolai shows her his minor ring of protection.
[Dice=deception (it's worth way more)]1d20+5

"Ring doesn' look special to me. Definitely not work what I'm putting in."

Nikolai Barleyburrow wrote:

What have you been up to to get money burning your pockets?"

"There was a small gang of toughs causing problems in Voski. Seemed like the town guard were on the payroll and a group of merchants pooled their funds to hire the guild to get rid of them. They'd gotten a hold of some magical arms and felt like big shots. I waited for them, set some bait and killed them all and dumped them in the river. Had quite a stash at their hideout, I returned most of it. heh."

Mountain Dwarf Volamtar of Marthammor(AC 16)

A laugh comes from the bar of the drunken horse.

A familiar voice calls to your table.

"That's because I was already on a job. You're lucky. I would have done it much faster and much cleaner. I heard those bodies washed into a group of farmers wives trying to do laundry. Spooked to town and the merchants are playing dumb. Pretty sloppy."

Grit shovels the rest of his roast potatoes into his mouth.

"That's because I was already on a job. You're lucky. I would have done it much faster and much cleaner. I heard those bodies washed into a group of farmers wives trying to do laundry. Spooked to town and the merchants are playing dumb. Pretty sloppy."

"You just dumped them in the water without weighing them down? That's going to raise some eyebrows. Bet some of them guards are going to be preeeetttty grumpy about losing that extra gold. Sure hope they don't show up here."

"Look, I don't carry that kind of coin into a tavern. Seen too many people too drunk to notice their wallets been lifted and besides, if I needed that much drinking money I'd be dead. Seems a bit sloppy to not keep it safe. If you want to roll on my word I'm in for your price. You know I'm good for it and we can have a witness observe our agreement." persuation: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Nikolai Barleyburrow wrote:
"That's because I was already on a job. You're lucky. I would have done it much faster and much cleaner. I heard those bodies washed into a group of farmers wives trying to do laundry. Spooked to town and the merchants are playing dumb. Pretty sloppy."

"You just dumped them in the water without weighing them down? That's going to raise some eyebrows. Bet some of them guards are going to be preeeetttty grumpy about losing that extra gold. Sure hope they don't show up here."

"Look, I don't carry that kind of coin into a tavern. Seen too many people too drunk to notice their wallets been lifted and besides, if I needed that much drinking money I'd be dead. Seems a bit sloppy to not keep it safe. If you want to roll on my word I'm in for your price. You know I'm good for it and we can have a witness observe our agreement."

"Fine. Do it." Her confident anger seemed to be turning to physical aggression but your/Grit's pointing out her failings in subtlety have flustered her she rolls the dice quickly and finishes her drink.

1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 5

She rerolls the threes
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 2

"Roll, Peck."

Florr wrote:

Florr heads back to Haven’s Cross. Her first visit was to Storm Surge at the stables. She takes him out of town and gallops around the town wall several times. They take a break and eat apples and Florr tells her buddy all about her adventures.

Throughout the coming weeks Florr focuses on two things: discovering more about the events at the mansion and learning more about her inherent sorcerery.

The day after her visit with Storm Surge, Florr goes and chats with Old Bill. She tells him what she can remember about the events at the mansion, from the ghost coming out of the wall to the skeletons that they had buried to the dreams and the ink oozing from the walls. She asks him for insight and for any of his ideas, and anything she could do to help. “I’m worried that there is still an evil force there,” she says to Old Bill. “Can I help take care of any of that with you? I can smite some evil down!” she says, rather enthusiastically.

Florr begins a daily routine. Each morning, rain or shine, she takes Storm Surge out for a gallop to a stream outside of town. She tethers him on a long lead so he can graze and walk. She then takes her boots off and steps into the deep part of the stream, feet planted strongly apart. She concentrates on the flowing water around her feet, feeling the inherent strength and power of the water. She feels tiny pebbles bump her feet, moved by the veins of the stream. She focuses on channeling her own inherent power, experimenting with feeling her magic begin in different parts of her body. She also noticed how her mood and emotions influenced this as well. She also walks up and down the stream within the length of a mile, observing different parts of the stream, the shore, the rock bottom, the fish within. She thinks what she sees and experiences and how her magic is like all of the components of the stream. After several hours, she would get Storm Surge and gallop back to town.

Florr is broken of her meditative state to the sound of someone rustling through her camp. She opens her eyes to see a familiar older man making himself lunch while brushing stormsurges mane.

"You know, I've always loved horses. So wild. So powerful...they don't like boats though..."

He moves through the camp with a spry assurance uncommon in men his age. He squats down and offers you a drink. "you're not yourself Florr." The man smells like sea, ozone and ship stain. His eyes flash.

"The Florr I grew to admire is wild and powerful. Fearless. Headstrong. Impulsive... Followed her guts!" he frowns a bit. "You're unsure of yourself and your powers are waning because of it."

He stands up and sighs. "Go home. Bring a friend or two...subtle friends. But follow your guts. There's a lots going on in Cordon's Village, none of it good but all of it hidden. Look to the Grimoire.

He wanders off into the woods ignoring any questions.

Mountain Dwarf Friar of Hanseath (AC 17)

Aengus enters the Tavern and many patrons cheer.

"Round on the house and a ham hock for me please!" He stacks coins on the back counter with a practiced hand.

"Rurik and I will be returning to Doriast for the winter, we'll leave when our companions return from the South. If you'd like to join us, please do! Doriast is warm and a sight to behold. Greatest beers, greatest metalwork and the most beautiful women in the mortal realms!"


"Fine. Do it." Her confident anger seemed to be turning to physical aggression but your/Grit's pointing out her failings in subtlety have flustered her she rolls the dice quickly and finishes her drink.

1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 5

She rerolls the threes
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 2

"Roll, Peck."

Nikolai picks up his dice and rolls with a slight giggle.

1d6 ⇒ 5
1d6 ⇒ 2
1d6 ⇒ 5
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 1
1d6 ⇒ 6

He rerolls the 1 and 2
1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 3

"Hmm, looks like we lose our sixes, and a five, and a four. I win 8 to 6."

Nikolai Barleyburrow wrote:

"Fine. Do it." Her confident anger seemed to be turning to physical aggression but your/Grit's pointing out her failings in subtlety have flustered her she rolls the dice quickly and finishes her drink.

1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 5

She rerolls the threes
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 2

"Roll, Peck."

Nikolai picks up his dice and rolls with a slight giggle.


He rerolls the 1 and 2

"Hmm, looks like we lose our sixes, and a five, and a four. I win 8 to 6."

"Hurpmh...shift eyed..cutpurse.." she slides you your money and looks to Grit.

"Watch your tone with me Anklebiter."

She leaves.


The Rubrum Grima Estate was flooded by forces thought to be extraplanar. Submerged and trapped in their final moments.

A stone tablet was recovered by the matriarch of the family (and one of the original founding members of the guild) from a sunken ancient temple far to the south east. The tablet unleashed a madness that slowly overtook those in the mansions making them act erratically and believe they were trapped inside the mansion. It slowly filled with a dark sea of outworldly creatures. One had occupied the basement, growing fat and feasting on smaller creatures. It bit Thravum and Oleksandr bad. Somehow...bred a twisted form of Thravum but with a beard of writhing tentacles and fists like vices.

A wizard by the name of Karl Valdur left a coded message, he seemed to be trying to disable the tablets magics and reverse its effects but had to flee after encountering some sort of Acolyte. The wizard was unsuccessful. The adventurers were successful. Trapping it inside and interdimensional space after a glimpse of a madness from a far away place, the tablet was contained.

Bill said he left it inside a glacier, in the hopes that if the container failed, the waters would be frozen and trapped.

Soon after, Florr and Nikolai uncovered a terrible secret. The local temple had been ifiltrated by some sort of...tentacled humanoid with dark powers. It had been being fed the brains of people reported missing that had come to town during the Harvest Festival . It was being aided by Mallark, a young mage and guild member. Fleeing the confrontation the two were pursued by Florr, Nikoali and the town guard lead by Captain Wyrmshadow. The gaunt creature used powerful magics to destroy the minds of guardsmen, horses and guarddog alike, through a near miracle Florr and Nikoali were unharmed. It was later discovered that the escapees had left behind a tome in a strange language and a black staff capped with a wicked Violet Amethyst recognized quite clearly by Erazire...

A Erazire, Florr and Nikoali accompany the Deepflagons and the Deacon Guldar in an attempt to find Gritnarr who’d gone missing while scouting the woods for the Goblins of the Broken Moon clan. They’re ambushed by feral elves living in the woods. They almost were successful in abducting Guldar after he was crippled by a severe toxin. After dispatching the elves in a brutal melee Nikolai succeeded in curing ???’s poisoning. Before long the come upon a small village of the elves. It seemed that a mysterious Dragonkin had allied itself with the elves, being a beastmaster of sorts to a menagerie of venomous vermin that were harvested as part of some sort of dark ritual for the cannibals. It was then that the Dragonkin mysteriously revealed he was a double agent and joined forces to dispatch the creatures and the elves. Grit had been being kept barely living. His legs were taken for a strew he refused to eat. A behemoth lizard tied to a tree nearby was the only other prisoner.

Eventually the companions found there way out of the woods and in a severe winter. The snow grew ever higher before they game upon a merchant being accosted by a Bugbear Necromancer and two animated bear corpses. Through feats of strength and bravery the guildmates saved the merchant finding a tomb written in a esoteric yet eeriely familar language. Seeking the Rubrum Grima as shelter from the storm until help could arrived the severely fatigued and snow-worn travelers found a mysterious caretaker to the wintery mansion. Before they could rest a wave of wicked undead, raised from the graveyard Florr helped dig. An inky black tentacle snaked from the tome, strangling Rurik. The companions survived and while they rested Rurik re-buried the dead.

Female Human Cleric/1

Florr finds herself waking in the middle of the night and thinking about her mysterious visitor. "Go home," the man had said, "There's a lot going on in Cordon's Village."

Cordon's Village, her childhood home.... Florr falls asleep with the smell of fresh fish and the sound of seawater lapping on the docks drifting in her memories.

The next morning, after her morning ride and meditation, she heads to the center of town to find Nikolai.

"Nikolai! Howsit been going? Can I buy you a drink?" When the opportunity presents itself, she'll ask, "What do you say about heading out on another adventure with me? I fancy a visit to my home on the eastern shore. I've heard... rumors... that something may be afoot there."

She sips her mulled wine. "This is very fruity and delicious, care to try? Think about it, and let me know if you're up for a trip!"

Changing the subject, she says, "You know Nikolai, I miss my friends Thravum, Oleksandr, and Olias. They've been gone for weeks now - you'd really get along with them, I know. Particularly Oleksandr. I think the two of you would have great stories to exchange!" She gets a refill. "I hope they get back soon. I wonder if one of them would be up for a trip east, perhaps Olias. I'd like to hear what other songs he's learned. Maybe he'll have a dwarven song from under the mountain!"

Changing the subject, she says, "You know Nikolai, I miss my friends Thravum, Oleksandr, and Olias. They've been gone for weeks now - you'd really get along with them, I know. Particularly Oleksandr. I think the two of you would have great stories to exchange!" She gets a refill. "I hope they get back soon. I wonder if one of them would be up for a trip east, perhaps Olias. I'd like to hear what other songs he's learned. Maybe he'll have a dwarven song from under the mountain!"

Nikolai sips from a large mug of beer using both hands.

"Olek? Tall guy with a beard? Always reading books and talking to his bird? I've known him a looooong time. I used to work for his father. Well, not his real father, he died when Olek was a baby. His teacher though. Mr. Karl. Olek was coming out this way to find out what happened to him. I helped him get here. Hired a crew and stole- uh...nevermind, heh."

"What do you say about heading out on another adventure with me? I fancy a visit to my home on the eastern shore. I've heard... rumors... that something may be afoot there."

"Sure, I'll tag along! Got that angry woman giving me the stink eye since I beat her at dice. Could use some time to let that cool off. I just gotta make sure I get a message to Olek. If he's not back before you want to leave I can leave it with Ol' Bill if he's around. What kind of job are we talking about here?"

Female Human Cleric/1

"Oh fantastic, I'm glad you'll come with me!" Florr says with gusto, finishing her drink. "I'm not sure what sort of 'job' this will end up being. My information was very vague, but I trust the source. I just know I should go home."

She looks at Nikolai again. "Do you have a horse? I'll be riding Storm Surge, and this'll get us there faster. I can help you take care of it too!"

She looks at Nikolai again. "Do you have a horse? I'll be riding Storm Surge, and this'll get us there faster. I can help you take care of it too!"

"Hrm, I've never owned a horse. I bet I know where I can find one though..."

He remembers who he is talking to again.

"I mean, if you can help me pick one out that won't panic when things go awry then I can buy one from that strange lady up the road. Most of my experiences with horses have ended poorly."

Female Human Cleric/1

"I'll help you, most certainly! Let's go!" She slaps down some gold on the table to pay for both drinks. "And maybe we can find someone else who I could ask to come along..." she trails off, starting to get lost in thought, and stands up. "Come on, Nikolai!"

They head to the stables and find Constance to negotiate a horse of the right size and temperament for Nikolai.

"Eh, I'm not sure I got much for the little one, no ponies or anything, 'specially if he ain't got much riding experience. In this weather you might be best off with a sled or a sleigh and hitching your horse to it."

Nikolai notices:
the thieves cant symbol for "fence" carved subtlety low on a post that Constance is leaning on.

Mountain Dwarf Volamtar of Marthammor(AC 16)

"Apologies if I'm evesdropping but it sounded like you were looking for some company on the road. I'm feeling a bit restless and would love to be back on the road and working. I'll be ready whenever you are."

Female Human Cleric/1

Florr is somewhat dumbfounded that a tough dwarf like Grit would want to come along on a small expedition to her little home town. "Yes-Sure-of-of course you can join us! Ever been east to the coast? I'm not sure what we'll find, but I was strongly urged by someone I very much respect." She draws herself up taller and gazes at the horizon, lost in thought.

"Eh, I'm not sure I got much for the little one, no ponies or anything, 'specially if he ain't got much riding experience. In this weather you might be best off with a sled or a sleigh and hitching your horse to it."

"Oooh, a sleigh ride could be fun! What do you think Florr?"

He gives a sideways glance to Constance,

"It'd also allow a bit of room for any souvenirs we may find along the way. I am a bit of a collector of things worth collecting afterall..."

Erazire, joining in on the conversation snarls. "I think I'll sssit this one out. I'll stay in the town and learn what I can from the blacksssmith. If you need an axe at some point down the road, ssseek me out again."

Erazire will remain in town, sitting out from this adventure.

Nikolai Barleyburrow wrote:
"Eh, I'm not sure I got much for the little one, no ponies or anything, 'specially if he ain't got much riding experience. In this weather you might be best off with a sled or a sleigh and hitching your horse to it."

"Oooh, a sleigh ride could be fun! What do you think Florr?"

He gives a sideways glance to Constance,

"It'd also allow a bit of room for any souvenirs we may find along the way. I am a bit of a collector of things worth collecting afterall..."

Constance nods knowingly. "Let me know if you have anything you're looking to unload." I'll rent you the sleigh for 200 gold pieces, or you can buy it for 1000 outright."

She shovels some snow from a corner of the barn that's blown in and with a surprising amount of strength, slides a very study and comfortable (though well worn) sleigh outside onto the snow.

"That's a very healthy and capable horse you have there. It'll be strong enough to pull, not sure if it's used to pulling though." she pantomimes how to hitch the horse to the sleigh when you're ready to head out.

A cowled stranger approaches as Erazire leaves.

“Pardon for eavessssdropping. I couldn’t help but hear that you’re leaving Haven’s Cross sssshortly, one...”man”...down. I too should be leaving sshortly, but Wissseman has been....”unhelpful”. I am not without ssskills, and would appreciate a ride out of town before... iss my assissstance welcome?

As he speaks, you note that the face behind the cowl appears to be partially covered in reddish scales, and his tongue is oddly misshapen.

Mountain Dwarf Volamtar of Marthammor(AC 16)
Sihtric wrote:

A cowled stranger approaches as Erazire leaves.

“Pardon for eavessssdropping. I couldn’t help but hear that you’re leaving Haven’s Cross sssshortly, one...”man”...down. I too should be leaving sshortly, but Wissseman has been....”unhelpful”. I am not without ssskills, and would appreciate a ride out of town before... iss my assissstance welcome?

As he speaks, you note that the face behind the cowl appears to be partially covered in reddish scales, and his tongue is oddly misshapen.

"Not much of a job that I know of, just hitching a ride east to the Coast for a bit for a change of scenery."

Female Human Cleric/1

"Nikolai, Grit, myself and.... You are welcome to come, what is your name and background?" Florr asks of the newcomer in the cowl. "Are you looking for information on someone or something?"

"I'm going to gather some provisions for the journey. I suggest you all pack and we can meet at the stables to leave at dawn tomorrow. I'll hitch Storm Surge up to the cart, he has some experience with that, and I'll pay for the sled. It's a three day journey, and I'm not sure exactly what we'll find when we get there, so I suggest you be prepared for anything!"

Florr buys food and drink and apples and hay, enough for five days journey. She also packs up her currently dried fish jerky, plus gathers 1000gp in a bag for the sled.

Female Human Cleric/1

"It's a month long journey, and I'm not sure exactly what we'll find when we get there, so I suggest you be prepared for anything!"

Florr buys food and drink and apples and hay, enough for six weeks journey. She also packs up her currently dried fish jerky, plus gathers 1000gp in a bag for the sled.

Mountain Dwarf Volamtar of Marthammor(AC 16)
Florr wrote:

"It's a month long journey, and I'm not sure exactly what we'll find when we get there, so I suggest you be prepared for anything!"

Florr buys food and drink and apples and hay, enough for six weeks journey. She also packs up her currently dried fish jerky, plus gathers 1000gp in a bag for the sled.

"I'll be able to keep us pretty fed, quite a few hares and a few Elk separated from their herds are pretty common this time of year. Bring enough oats for the horse and we should be able to get by."

Grinarr wrote:
"Not much of a job that I know of, just hitching a ride east to the Coast for a bit for a change of scenery."

"Friend dwarf, you misssunderstand me.... a change of ssscenery iss exactly what I dessire. Travelling in numberss ssseems more prudent than doing sso alone. You sssound like a man...dwarf...who can keep one's belly full, and therefore a good companion for travel."

Florr wrote:
"Nikolai, Grit, myself and.... You are welcome to come, what is your name and background?" Florr asks of the newcomer in the cowl. "Are you looking for information on someone or something?"

"My name Ssssihtric, of nowhere worth mention. As I grew into..."man"hood... I found I had ssssertain-gifts. It sseemed a better way to make some coin than ussseing my hands. I found later, though, it comesss at cost."

He pulls back slightly at his cowl exposing more reddish scales.

"Ssometimess I find ssimpler folk misstrusstful. Some of the louder and more ignorant attribute their- misssfortunes to things or people they don't undersstand. I have found it besst to move on when sssuch happenss. Wissseman was ssuppossed to have found me work. He hass not. I'm looking to move on, sssoon. You are travelling and have losst a companion. It sseemss fortuitoussss."

Mountain Dwarf Friar of Hanseath (AC 17)

Aengus wishes Florr and the gang well on their trip towards Cordon's Village an speaks a few words to them as they leave.

"May your drink be plenty, may your bellies be full, may your backs be strong and may your days be long. See you folks when you get back!"

Aengus helps Rurik and Grombar pack up for their trip into the mountains for the winter.

"It's going to be awfully quiet...send a pigeon and let me know how the family is. Bring back some food will you?...Here have a drink before you go."

He mumbles some hushed words over his tankard and it's contents give off an amber glow.

Mountain Dwarf Zealot of Clangeddin Silverbeard (AC 16)

"No way we're carrying back enough food for more than one of your meals."

Grombar pats Aengus' stomach.

"Try not to go into hibernation too long this winter."

Grombar looks towards Guldar's Forge. "That beast has certainly taken a liking to that little one." he motions.

The runty Ankylosaurus found in captivity with Gritnarr a week or so ago lays on a snowpile while Cassandra, Guldar's daughter. She piles snow on it's head and laughs whenever it shakes it off.

Barakor of Gorm Gulthyn (AC 22 (23vsRanged))

Rurik scowls a bit and nervously adjusts his already adjusted armor and fidgets with his helmet before putting it on.

"I don't like us all being...all over the place. Jorlitharr is always off someplace but the rest of us..."

Mountain Dwarf Friar of Hanseath (AC 17)

"Grit is fine. He just needs his space. He went through a lot. He'll benefit from some quiet time on the road. Gorm watches over him and he's tougher than any of us. We'll all see each other soon. Go already."

Aengus changes the subject.

"That new spear Jorlitharr had sent back, do you like it? It's a fine weapon. I believe it was the same one Thravum had found. Dwarven made. Does it feel true? You spent awhile in the yard with Samuel...you're moving well with it."

Mountain Dwarf Zealot of Clangeddin Silverbeard (AC 16)

Grombar looks to each of them.

"Let's go. I'd like to reach the edge of the Holgirr Mountains before next snowfall."

Grombar starts leading a small sturdy cart fitted with skis towards the stables. He haggles a bit with Constance before finally fitting an old and shaggy looking mule to the cart.

"Let's go Rurik. You've been whining about missing Doriast for an age."

Barakor of Gorm Gulthyn (AC 22 (23vsRanged))

Rurik ignores the small talk and nods to Aengus.

"See you soon brother. We'll send word when we arrive in a month."

His expression isn't discernible beneath his helm.

Soon, Grombar and Rurik are out of sight.

[Upon returning to Blasingdell]

Though Olek is anxious to depart as soon as possible he eventually concedes to his and his companions weariness. The journey has already been a long one and the rare chance to sleep in a real bed is all too tempting. The following morning he joins the group for a well deserved feast of a breakfast.

“I do wish to leave for Haven’s Cross with haste. You see, this owl…”

He trails off a bit, lost in his own thoughts, then starts again abrubtly,

“I’ve been searching for clues about the disappearance of a dear friend and mentor. The scrolls I found at the manor said he was in ‘the library.’ I thought that was metaphorical and referring to his written works. This owl, which has the exact appearance as his familiar, brought a similar message. And it mentioned the astral plane. He may literally be in Bill’s library!

I know there is still important work here to be done which will help this town prosper. I do not want to interfere with that. There is some preliminary research I can start which I would not have the benefit of performing while on the road. Take as much time as you need before we leave, but please no more. I will be putting Blasingdell’s best librarian through their paces. Find me there when we are ready to begin preparations to leave.”

[Montage ending with Olias’s performance]

Shortly after Olias’s performance a light snow begins to build in strength. Late into the evening the strange sight of winter lightning illuminates the sky in rapid intervals. A few dozen townsfolk, drunk on the merriment of the heroes return, and the future prospects of their town, but mostly drunk on wine and ale, are still awake and begin stumbling out of the taverns. They hoot and holler at the storm and begin singing a chorus of ‘Blasingdell’s Riches’ as they pelt each other with snowballs.

In the morning everything is covered in a powdery white blanket a foot deep.

The Owl is quiet and appears tired most of the journey. It doesn't speak again.

It's a boring and quiet trip. [ooc] anyone does anything of note lemme know

Once the walls of Haven's Cross are within sight, the owl flies over and continues northward leaving Haven's Cross behind it.

Samuel looks off the walls towards you squinting.

You see the gravestones outside the walls half covered in snow.

He waves and opens the gate as you approach, it's path having been dug out. The snow piles build up into it's own walls.

"It's been quiet." he says to you.

"Greetings everyone!" Sighanna says, walking up behind Samuel. She's wrapped in a fur lined cloak with a hood. She puts a hand on Samuel's shoulder and smiles at the Olias, Thravum, and Olek. "So good to see you back here. Come, let's all have a drink and talk. I'd love to hear the news of your adventure in the mountains!" She gestures towards you and nudges Samuel to come with them.

Male Human Lev 4 Wizard/Mage Armor AC16/Spell DC 14

Olek waves to Samuel and Sighanna.

"It's been quiet."

"That's good--where the devil is that bird going..."

Olek, fixated on the owl turns to the bird on his shoulder.

"Myra, fly."

The raven launches from his shoulder and follows the owl.

Male Half-Elf Level 4 Bard (AC 13; Spell DC 15)
Sighanna Gemcutter wrote:
"Greetings everyone!" Sighanna says, walking up behind Samuel. She's wrapped in a fur lined cloak with a hood. She puts a hand on Samuel's shoulder and smiles at the Olias, Thravum, and Olek. "So good to see you back here. Come, let's all have a drink and talk. I'd love to hear the news of your adventure in the mountains!" She gestures towards you and nudges Samuel to come with them.

Olias enters Haven's Cross shivering. "Damn cold! Who's idea was it to travel through a blizzard?" He continues grumbling to himself, until he is greeted by Sighanna. "Ah, Sighanna, my friend. How are you? You have the right idea with that cloak. I'd love to have a mug of hot mulled cider, anything to warm my frozen bones. I'll tell you all about the latest..."

He pauses when he sees the owl fly. Watching Olek send Myra, he asks, "What do you think it means?"

Later, once inside the tavern, Olias nurses his cider and shares the events of Blasingdell with Samuel and Sighanna and how they bested Crimsonwing.

"I wrote a song to mark the occasion and spread word of our deeds. Have a listen." Olias takes out his lute and begins to play "Blasingdell's Riches."

male Mountain Dwarf Fighter 4

"This is what you get...birds...'flighty' (flapping motion)...HEH!...hehe...One good bird deserves two...heh...birds..."

male Mountain Dwarf Fighter 4
Olias wrote:
"Watching Olek send Myra, he asks, "What do you think it means?"

"It means don't follow birds! Need an animal with sense. Mole. Badger. Funginoid. Dogmole. Thallid. Dogbadger. Birds'r known t'be daft!"

Thravum follows Olias into the tavern and sings along to his songs. He doesn't know the words, so he sings louder. He also orders rounds for he and his friends, and then drinks theirs as they sip.

male Mountain Dwarf Fighter 4

Several hours later....

"wer goina chase after....owl... tracks?...Cupple days...donewanna stay...luv you guys....owl...heh...dogbadger...heh....road.....*snore*"

Myra follows the owl easily and quickly despite the weather.

It's not long before Myra sees the Owl land on the roof of a familiar mansion finding an opening and wriggling itself inside.

Mountain Dwarf Friar of Hanseath (AC 17)

"An honest to anvils DRAGON! YOU SLAYED A DRAGON! This calls for the good stuff you g~&*@$n heroes!"

Aengus calls into the kitchen of the Drunken Horse Lodge.

"Hilda, the Dwarven Red Eye! We're drinkin' it all!"

Aegnus slurs an old drinking song about drinking out a Dragon's skull and claps Thravum on the shoulder excessively.

Aengus sings along once he learns the words of Olias' song.

"All this celebration has me itching for adventure. I'm tired of these walls. It's not that cold, let's go on a damn adventure! I'll carry Thravum til he sleeps it off!"

Sighanna laughs at Aengus. "There you go again my friend! They have just gotten into town. I think they deserve at least one night's rest inside by a fire!" She drinks a small sip of the Red Eye.

"That being said, though," she continues, "I do think we should 'chase after the owl' as Thravum says. I can be ready to go on a journey by tomorrow afternoon."

She turns to Olias. "Another round of your song, please!"

Anyone have anything they'd like to do or say beforehand please post but I'll assume Sighanna, Aengus, Thravum, (Erazire or Olias) and Oleksandr head out in the morning? Unless someone wants to head out eariler.....

Sighanna will be ready to go the next day. Featherhoof will come as well.

Your trip to the Rubrum Grima is short and uneventful. The sun glares off the snow drifts. The snow has reached the rough and icy stage typical of mid winter after a few warm days and refreezing. You trade your snowshoes for boot spikes purchased from John Mercy.

The Mansion looms in the distance, it's restoration frozen until the spring thaw. A gentle waft of smoke snakes it's way out from the chimney.

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