Halls of the Mountain King (4E) (Inactive)

Game Master Rev Rosey

Open Design's Halls of the Mountain King. Heavily adapted for PbP.

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Male Human Swordmage/Wandering Swordmage 11

Readying my Aegis of Shielding, then I'm probably going to use it on it's first attack.


Init so far:
Nayce - 29
Amenephus - 27 - readied Lance of Faith
Dorvin - 24 - readied basic attack
Quillan - 23
DS - 20
DAm - 15
Isari - 15
DAr - 15
H - 13
DB - 11
Rusty - 11

The howling draws ever closer, and you start to make out the sounds of many feet, padding rapidly towards the doors ...

The dragonborn holds up his flaming greatsword, ready to hew into the unknown horde.

We may get swarmed, so I'll ready a Cleave.

From the darkness, crossbow bolts shower down on Rusty and Amenephus.

Repeating Crossbow (AC). DAr1 v Rusty. Two crossbow attacks on same target at -2
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 untyped and 1d6 ⇒ 4 poison.
12hp damage to Rusty

Repeating Crossbow (AC). DAr2 v Amenephus. Two crossbow attacks on same target at -2
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 untyped and 1d6 ⇒ 1 poison.
7hp damage to Amenephus

Note that you cannot see the archers yet.

Glowing eyes loom in the dark, moving towards you fast, accompanied by rapid panting and snarled orders. As the party brace themselves for battle, a large dog-like creature hurtles into the room, throws back its head and howls. The sound echoes around the cavern, sending shivers down your spines and leaden terror into your hearts. Rusty is horribly affected and seems unable to move or think straight.

Behind the howler, you hear more snuffling and a second howler fills the broken doorway, howling again. This time, Isari is caught off guard by the howlers.

These creatures resemble nothing you've ever seen - the closest thing you can think of is a kind of mutated, slavering fighting dog, bred only to terrorise and kill.

The sound of creatures working a pump and winding crossbows can be heard in the darkness beyond.

Disturbing Howl (Will). Close Blast 5. On hit, target is stunned to end H1's next turn.
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 - H1 v Dorvin
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 - H1 v Rusty
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 - H1 v Isari
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 - H1 v Amenephus
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 - H1 v Nayce

Hits Rusty and Amenephus. 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 10hp each and stunned to end H1's next turn

Disturbing Howl (Will). Close Blast 5. On hit target is stunned to end H2's next turn
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 - H2 v Dorvin
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 - H2 v Rusty
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 - H2 v Isari
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 - H2 v Amenephus
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 - H2 v Nayce

Hits Rusty and Isari. Each take 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 and stunned to end H2's next turn. 5hp to Isari and Rusty

OK. This is a little complex. Bear with me. Readied actions go off now, so Amenephus, Dorvin and Isari all get their attacks on H1. Rusty doesn't as his init is after theirs.

However, Dorvin, Rusty, Isari and Quillan all get an OA on H1 as it skitters past you to get into the room. Let's sort those attacks out before I move on to the next batch.

Damage totals this round:
27 to Rusty
17 to Amenephus
5 to Isari


Nayce - 29 - no action
Amenephus - roll Lance of Faith; stunned to end H1's next turn
Dorvin - roll basic attack and OA on H1
Quillan - roll OA on H1
DAm - 15
Isari - roll OA on H1; stunned to end H2's next turn
Howler 2
Rusty - roll OA on H1; stunned to end H2's next turn

Male Dwarf Avenger 9

Opportunity Action: Basic Melee Attack on H1; 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 vs. AC for 1d12 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 damage.

Though hurt and addled by the ferocious attack, Rusty manages to gather enough wits to swipe at the canine beast streaking past.

Standard Attack 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16
Damage 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Ooof. I'm an idiot. Realise I somehow didn't roll the Howler attacks against Quillan. Here goes.

Howl of Despair (Will). On hit target is stunned to end Howler's next turn.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 - H1 v Quillan
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 - H2 v Quillan
Ahem. Apologies for that. Double crit. Quillan takes 20hp damage total and is stunned to the end of H2's next turn.

Male Human Swordmage/Wandering Swordmage 11

OA: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 201d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Male Dwarf Avenger 9

Quillan struggles in vain to keep his senses about him and his axe nearly slips from his grasp.

Current HP: 40/74

Et tu Rev, et tu?

Lance of Faith v Howler 1:

1d20+9 v Reflex; 1d8+5 radiant damage

Rolls: (18)+9 = 27 v reflex; (4)+5 = 9 radiant damage

Amenephus is on 49 out of 66 hit points

Quillan, how come you're down that much - you haven't done anything today.

Folks, do me a favour all of you and check that you were all back at full hp/surges/powers etc at the beginning of this fight. You had an extended overnight rest after the drake/larva outing. You each have 1AP to play with as well.

Still need Dorvin's basic attack and OA on H1. Isari hit it by the way.

Male Dwarf Avenger 9

Oh yes, forgot about the extended rest. I'm used to things trying to kill me in the middle of night to mark the occasion. :)

Male Dwarf Warlord 10

Basic Attack
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 251d10 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 121d10 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

EDIT - Just for your information, Rusty, Isari and Dorvin all hit H1.

Even as the party reels from the first onslaught, you show your mettle. With a series of well-prepared attacks, H1 is bloodied almost before its mouth opens. There is little time to take stock however.

From behind the door-filling howler you hear frantic pumping, followed all too soon by the results. Through the legs of the howler you can see the outline of some kind of contraption, fitted with a nozzle. A shield masks the user, but you can tell it's something small. Which I can't easily manage on the map and still enable you to read the thing with any ease.

Even as you stare, something vile shoots from the bizarre mechanical devices... vile and yet oddly compelling.

This is an area wall 8 within 8 attack. Effectively a line attack as it just lands (or doesn't) on 8 contiguous squares. Here goes.
DB1 - Murderous Bombard. On hit, target takes 5 ongoing poison damage and is dominated. This bombard is aimed at C6-9, D9, E9, F9 and F8, attacking Dorvin, Rusty, Isari, Quillan and Amenephus v Will. Dorvin gets cover.

1d20+11=25 v Dorvin. Hits. Dorvin dominated and taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
1d20+13=18 v Rusty. Hits. Rusty dominated and taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
1d20+13=18 v Isari. Miss
1d20+13=20 v Quillan. Miss
1d20+13=25 v Amenephus. Hits. Amenephus dominated and taking 5 ongoing poison damage

2d6+5=8 poison damage. 8hp poison damage to Dorvin, Rusty and Amenephus.

Shocked into temporary submission, the group hardly notice a second attack coming from the other contrivance. Something horrible squirts towards Nayce, Amenephus, Quillan and Isari. (G6, G7, G8, F8, F9, E9, D9)

Same principle, different effect: Weeping Bombard (Fort). This one slows you (or weakens if you are already slowed)
1d20+13=23 v Nayce. Hits. Slowed (se).
1d20+13=28 v Amenephus. Hits. Slowed (se)
1d20+13=16 v Quillan. Misses
1d20+13=17 v Isari. Misses

2d6+5=10 poison damage.
10 poison damage to Nayce and Amenephus.

Whatever these strange creatures are, they have potent and horrifying weapons.

Damage totals and effects this turn:
18hp damage to Amenephus
10hp damage to Nayce
8hp damage to Dorvin and Rusty


Domination does nothing when you're stunned, so Rusty just needs to make two saves. One v domination and one v ongoing poison. Nayce, feel free to post at will.

Rusty - stunned to end H2's next turn; dominated (se) and taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
Nayce - slowed (se)

Amenephus - stunned to end H1's next turn; dominated (se); taking 5 ongoing poison (se); slowed (se)
Dorvin - dominated (se) and taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
Quillan - stunned to end H2's next turn
Isari - stunned to end H2's next turn
Howler 2
Deathspittle Bombardier 1
Deathspittle Bombardier 2

Apologies. Rusty didn't hit H1. Amenephus did.


I was expecting a just a few nice goblins to knock around.

Save vs domination 1d20 ⇒ 8
Save vs poison 1d20 ⇒ 2

Yes, it's a little more than gobbos.

Horrified by what he sees, the old dragonborn feels himself being taken over and can do nothing to stop it.


Nayce - slowed (se)
Amenephus - stunned to end H1's next turn; dominated (se); taking 5 ongoing poison (se); slowed (se)
Dorvin - dominated (se) and taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
Quillan - stunned to end H2's next turn
Isari - stunned to end H2's next turn
Howler 2
Deathspittle Bombardier 1
Deathspittle Bombardier 2
Rusty - stunned to end H2's next turn; dominated (se) and taking 5 ongoing poison (se)

Saves against: Domination; Ongoing Poison; and Being Slowed, respectively: (1d20=1, 1d20=1, 1d20=19)


ALL I've talked to Ben who created much of this adventure and we took a look at this encounter. His suggestion (made by a playtest group and which I am adopting) is that the effects of the bombard attacks should last only until the end of the target's next turn. This makes sense as the wall attacks themselves dissipate. You'll still need to save against any ongoing damage, but please note the amended init list below.


Nayce - slowed to end next turn
Amenephus - stunned to end H1's next turn; dominated to end next turn; taking 5 ongoing poison (se); slowed to end next turn
Dorvin - dominated to end next turn and taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
Quillan - stunned to end H2's next turn
Isari - stunned to end H2's next turn
Howler 2
Deathspittle Bombardier 1
Deathspittle Bombardier 2
Rusty - stunned to end H2's next turn; taking 5 ongoing poison (se)

Male Dwarf Avenger 9
Rev DM wrote:
ALL I've talked to Ben who created much of this adventure and we took a look at this encounter. His suggestion (made by a playtest group and which I am adopting) is that the effects of the bombard attacks should last only until the end of the target's next turn. This makes sense as the wall attacks themselves dissipate. You'll still need to save against any ongoing damage, but please note the amended init list below.

That makes sense. You don't see a lot of dominated (save ends) until mid-paragon tier, especially one that's also a wall attack.

Male Half-elf Assassin 14 / Obsidian Stalker

Nayce conjures a shadowy noose about the wounded Howler.

Executioner's Noose on H1. 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 vs Fortitude. 1d6 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13 force damage on a hit, and I pull it to F9/F10/G9/G10 and it's slowed until the end of my next turn. (Those are all on a hit only.) I put a shroud on H2 (not H1).

I activate my Cloak of Shades: Until the end of your next turn, you gain concealment against all creatures and are invisible to creatures that are more than 5 squares away from you.

Move to I6.

Save vs Slow 1d20 ⇒ 12.

Alone among his companions, Nayce's head remains clear enough to do something sensible. Sizing up the situation, he drops a leash of arcane force around the neck of H1, dragging in close to Quillan and Amenephus and places a secret mark of doom on H2. Moving as swiftly as he can, he backs away.

In contrast, Dorvin plods mindlessly in front of the slavering canine thing and suffers an attack for his folly. Luckily for him, the howler proves more eager than able.

Dorvin - save v ongoing and

Move to C10 taking the OA from H1 as you do so.[/ooc]

OA from H1:
Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11- miss


Dorvin - dominated to end next turn and taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
Quillan - stunned to end H2's next turn
Isari - stunned to end H2's next turn
Howler 1 - BLOODIED; slowed to end Nayce's next turn
Howler 2 - 1 shroud
Deathspittle Bombardier 1
Deathspittle Bombardier 2
Rusty - stunned to end H2's next turn; taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
Nayce - invisible to creatures more than 5 squares away and has concealment until end next turn
Amenephus - taking 5 ongoing poison (se)

Male Dwarf Warlord 10

1d20 ⇒ 7

Quillan can only watch as yet more of the mutated horrors pour through the broken gates. The advancing figures are hunched, dark skinned, white-eyed and armed with guisarmes (reach 2). The first of them stabs ferociously at the helpless dragonborn.

Guisarme Hook (AC)
1d20+14=23 - DS1 v Rusty. Miss

A second figure barrels into the room, taking advantage of the party's fear and astonishment and aims a vicious blow at Dorvin, trying to knock the dwarf off his feet.

Guisarme Hook (AC)
1d20+14=33 - DS2 v Dorvin - Hits
1d20=5 - Dorvin save v being knocked prone. Fail
Additional 5 damage as Dorvin is helpless. Total 15hp damage to Dorvin and he is knocked prone.

Isari can do nothing, but feels the impact of the bombardier attack falling away.

From the corridor, more crossbow bolts fly towards the group.

Crossbow (AC)
1d20+13= - DArt 1 v Rusty. Misses

Crossbow (AC)
1d20+13=26 - DArt 2 v Amenephus. Hits
1d8+4=12 plus 1d6=4
Total 16hp damage to Amenephus

Howler recharges:
1d6=1 - H1. No.
1d6=3 - H2. No.

The howlers leap slavering among the companions and in the distance you hear more familiar howling approaching. H2 continues to protect the bombardiers in the doorway, while H1, crazed with pain, leaps for Quillan's throat.

Grisly Bite (AC)
1d20+9=27 - H1 v Quillan. Hits.
13hp damage to Quillan

Grisly Bite (AC)
1d20+9=19 - H2 v Rusty. Miss.

The pumping sounds resume and the bombardiers once more attempt to spread alarm, dominance and disease among the comrades. In the attempt, H1 dissolves as the disgusting fluid hits it.

D1. Weeping Bombard (Fort). On hit targets are slowed to end next turn. Aimed at C11-8, D8-9, E9 and F9 and attacking Dorvin, Rusty, Isari, Quillan and H1.
1d20+13=22 - v Dorvin. Hits
1d20+13=28 - v Rusty. Hits
1d20+13=16 - v Isari. Miss
1d20+13=17 - v Quillan. Miss
1d20+13=33 - v H1. Hits - a crit no less.
10 damage to Dorvin and Rusty and slowed to end next turn.

The second bombardier aims at Rusty, Isari, Quillan and Amenephus.

Weeping Bombard (Fort). On hit target is slowed.
1d20+13=18 - DB2 v Rusty. Miss
1d20+13=28 - DB2 v Isari. Hit
1d20+13=17 - DB2 v Quillan. Miss
1d20+13=17 - DB3 v Amenephus. Miss
Damage: 2d6+5=10.
10hp damage to Isari and 5 ongoing (se)

Damage totals this turn. Urk. They rolled rather well again.
Amenephus - 16
Dorvin - 25
Isari - 10
Quillan - 13
Rusty - 10


Rusty - taking 5 ongoing poison (se); slowed to end next turn
Nayce - invisible to creatures more than 5 squares away and has concealment until end next turn
Amenephus - taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
Dorvin - taking 5 ongoing poison (se); prone; slowed to end next turn
Quillan -
Derro Soldier 1
Derro Soldier 2
DAm - delaying
Isari - slowed to end next turn; 5 ongoing poison(se)
Derro Artillery 1
Derro Artillery 2
Howler 2 - 1 shroud
Howler 3 - delaying
Deathspittle Bombardier 1
Deathspittle Bombardier 2

In case any of you are curious to know what your foes look like, this reveals all.

Outraged at his grave injuries, the dragonborn roars and slashes at the remaining canine horror.

HP at the start of my turn: 22.

Standard: Victorious Surge against H2

Attack: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33
Damage: 3d10 + 12 ⇒ (8, 9, 3) + 12 = 32
(I added an extra +2 to damage because I'm bloodied and I have Dragonborn Fury racial feat.)

If I hit, I regain hit points as if I spent a healing surge (21 HP.)

Save against poison: 1d20 ⇒ 5

With a single, mighty blow, Rusty bloodies the mutated hound in front of him as the party start to regain their senses.


Nayce - invisible to creatures more than 5 squares away and has concealment until end next turn
Amenephus - BLOODIED; taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
Dorvin - taking 5 ongoing poison (se); prone; slowed to end next turn
Quillan -
Derro Soldier 1
Derro Soldier 2
DAm - delaying
Isari - slowed to end next turn; 5 ongoing poison(se)
Derro Artillery 1
Derro Artillery 2
Howler 2 - BLOODIED; 1 shroud
Howler 3 - delaying
Deathspittle Bombardier 1
Deathspittle Bombardier 2
Rusty - BLOODIED; taking 5 ongoing poison (se)

I'll post in turn, but I've just worked out that Amenephus is down to 15hp, so is also bloodied.

Male Dwarf Warlord 10

Would it be Nature or Dungeoneering to know about derros?

Dorvin wrote:
Would it be Nature or Dungeoneering to know about derros?

Nature. I'm allowing a +2 on any such checks from Dorvin and Quillan as they're likely to know a bit more.

Male Dwarf Warlord 10

[ooc]Nature check/ooc]
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Dorvin's memory does not fail him, although it is unlikely that those memories are comforting..

Derro are found in deep caverns and occasionally the ruined warrens of other underground races like goblins or orcs. They are said to be insane and cruel. Dire legends abound of their treatment of prisoners.

Deathspittle Bombardiers shoot strange concoctions from behind shield-mounted sprayers. Some burn, others paralyze, but all of them are poisonous and unpleasant.

Male Half-elf Assassin 14 / Obsidian Stalker

Nayce commands the power of shadow to assault the life force of the howler.

2 more shrouds on Howler 2 (Killer's Insight feat). Echoing Thread on Howler 2, using all 3 shrouds. 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23 vs Will. 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 psychic damage on a hit plus 3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 5) = 13 for the shrouds. On a hit, at the end of its next turn, the target takes 10 psychic damage if any creatures are within 2 squares of it. Also, during my next turn, I can teleport a number of squares equal to my Charisma modifier as a minor action. I must end the teleportation closer to the howler.

Grimly, Nayce casts his mark on the mutated canine before him and finds a way into its twisted mind. With what might almost be a whimper of relief, the howler collapses, revealing the full horror of the bombardiers behind it. Closer viewing is no improvement, but at least you now have a clear line of sight on your foes.

Nayce - I guess you can still teleport as a minor on your next turn as long as you end up closer to where the howler was. I am so ruling in any case, unless the power specifically states otherwise, which it doesn't seem to.


Amenephus - BLOODIED; taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
Dorvin - taking 5 ongoing poison (se); prone; slowed to end next turn
Derro Soldier 1
Derro Soldier 2
DAm - delaying
Isari - slowed to end next turn; 5 ongoing poison(se)
Derro Artillery 1
Derro Artillery 2
Howler 3 - delaying
Deathspittle Bombardier 1
Deathspittle Bombardier 2
Rusty - BLOODIED; taking 5 ongoing poison (se)
Nayce - can teleport Cha mod as minor action next turn.

Amenephus no longer sees the funny side of monsters appearing.

Healing Word on Rusty: Spend a healing surge +7

Destined Duel v Deathspittle Bombardier 2 - 1d20+9 v Reflex; 1d10+5 radiant damage

Roll:(20)+9 = 29 v Reflex - Crit (at last!)

15 Radiant damage to DB2, and Rusty gains a +2 power bonus to rolls against it until the end of my next turn. In addition, because I've used Healing Word on Rusty this turn, he gains a +4 bonus to damage rolls against it until the end of my next turn

Action point: Second Wind (giving me a +2 to all defences until the start of my next turn). Having taken his 5 ongoing poison damage, Amenephus is on 26hp.

Save against ongoing poison: 11 - Saved

Overcoming the initial shock of the mutant horrors confronting him, the eladrin is swift to bring succour to his dragonborn comrade. The bombardier flinches as the cleric's attack easily bypasses all its defenses.


Dorvin - taking 5 ongoing poison (se); prone; slowed to end next turn
Derro Soldier 1
Derro Soldier 2
DAm - delaying
Isari - slowed to end next turn; 5 ongoing poison(se)
Derro Artillery 1
Derro Artillery 2
Howler 3 - delaying
Deathspittle Bombardier 1
Deathspittle Bombardier 2
Rusty - BLOODIED; taking 5 ongoing poison (se); +2 to attack and +4 to damage on DB2 to end Amenephus's next turn.
Nayce - can teleport Cha mod as minor action next turn.
Amenephus - BLOODIED; +2 all defenses to start next turn (second wind used)

Male Half-elf Assassin 14 / Obsidian Stalker
Rev DM wrote:

Nayce - I guess you can still teleport as a minor on your next turn as long as you end up closer to where the howler was. I am so ruling in any case, unless the power specifically states otherwise, which it doesn't seem to.

That's generous of you, but I'll take it!

Whew, I'm back to 66 HP. Thanks, 'Nephus!


Please can you put all your stat figures in your profile :) I have the CB file, but it takes a looong time to load and ready access would be appreciated. Also - did you roll 2d6 for the extra healing for Rusty? 7hp seems a little low.

Male Dwarf Avenger 9

Quillan finally manages to clear the cobwebs from his head and assess the situation. Staring down the derro on the other side of the circle, Quillan swears a holy oath to hunt the creature down.

With determination in his eyes, Quillan rushes around the sacrificial circle and swings his mighty executioner's axe at the soldier. The impact releases an astral seal that moves out in waves and displaces the bombardiers, breaking their formation in the doorway.

Minor Action: Oath of Enmity on DS1
Move Action: Move to D6, going around the circle.
Standard Action: Splinter the Formation on DS1 w/ OoE.

  • 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23 vs. AC
  • 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30 vs. AC
  • 1d12 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20 damage and on a hit, teleport DB1 to C9 and teleport DB2 to E9.

  • That's going to radically change the battlefield.


    Dorvin - taking 5 ongoing poison (se); prone; slowed to end next turn
    Quillan - POSTED
    Derro Soldier 1
    Derro Soldier 2
    DAm - delaying
    Isari - slowed to end next turn; 5 ongoing poison(se)
    Derro Artillery 1
    Derro Artillery 2
    Howler 3 - delaying
    Deathspittle Bombardier 1
    Deathspittle Bombardier 2
    Rusty - taking 5 ongoing poison (se); +2 to attack and +4 to damage on DB2 to end Amenephus's next turn.
    Nayce - can teleport Cha mod as minor action next turn.
    Amenephus - BLOODIED; +2 all defenses to start next turn (second wind used)

    Male Dwarf Warlord 10

    Move - stand up. Minor - Second Wind. Move - shift to D12.

    Dorvin snarls, "Ye're goin' nowhere, ye wee abortion."

    1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 Save vs poison

    Quillan's attacks slam into the bombardiers, forcing them both to bring their bizarre contrivances in front of them, shielding themselves from some of the blow.
    Immediate interrupt - resist 10

    Nothing can prevent them from being forcibly teleported into the room and much less advantageous positions.

    The soldiers shift to keep distance between themselves and their nearest foes and strike again. Thoroughly un-nerved by the abrupt arrival of the bombardiers, they both miss.

    Guisarme Hook (Fort). On hit, target is knocked prone.
    1d20+10=11 - S1 v Rusty. Fail
    1d20+10=15 - S2 v Dorvin. Fail.

    Two more lightly armed derro hurtle in, mobbing Rusty.

    Attacks (AC)
    1d20+13=28 - Am1 v Rusty. Hits
    1d20+11=12 - Am2 v Rusty. Fail.
    1d6+4=10 plus 1d6=3 poison.
    13 damage to Rusty.


    Isari - slowed to end next turn; 5 ongoing poison(se)
    Derro Artillery 1
    Derro Artillery 2
    Howler 3 - delaying
    Deathspittle Bombardier 1
    Deathspittle Bombardier 2
    Rusty - taking 5 ongoing poison (se); +2 to attack and +4 to damage on DB2 to end Amenephus's next turn.
    Nayce - can teleport Cha mod as minor action next turn.
    Amenephus - BLOODIED; +2 all defenses to start next turn (second wind used)
    Dorvin - +2 defenses to start his next turn (second wind used)
    Derro Soldier 1
    Derro Soldier 2
    Derro Ambusher 1
    Derro Ambusher 2
    Derro Ambusher 3 - delaying
    Derro Ambusher 4 - delaying

    Male Human Swordmage/Wandering Swordmage 11

    Isari places a ward on one of the bombardiers, then steps to the side of it's fellow and slashes at it, frost forming on his blade.

    Aegis of Shielding on B2, shift to C10 and Frigid Blow on B1(If it begins it's turn next to me, -2 to speed): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (12) + 17 = 291d10 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

    1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

    Mixed up Quillan and B2's positions, but it all still works and didn't affect anyone's attacks. Sorted now.

    More crossbow bolts buzz malevolently through the air towards the beleaguered dragonborn.

    Crossbow (AC)
    1d20+13=21 - Art 1 v Rusty. Miss
    1d20+13=28 - Art 2 v Rusty. Hits
    1d8+4=7 plus 1d6=6 poison
    13hp damage to Rusty

    From the dark passage, you can hear the panting of another Howler, seemingly stuck being the crossbowmen.

    Frost forms around B2's feet as Isari slashes at its hamstrings.

    The bombardiers look utterly bewildered by their sudden change of position, but the madness in their eyes tells you have have no intention of giving up easily.

    B1 ignores the danger of having an irate dragonborn and a swordmage on either side of him and dementedly unleashes another gout of poison.

    Weeping Bombard (Fort)
    1d20+13=16 - B1 v Rusty. Misses
    1d20+13=32 - B1 v Quillan. Hits
    1d20+13=23 - B1 v Amenephus. Hits
    Damage: 2d6+5=11
    11hp damage to Quillan and Amenephus plus 5 ongoing damage. Always assuming he lives to do any of this.

    B2 backs up and pumps furiously, sending more vile gloop towards Dorvin, Isari and Rusty, in the process showering B1 who screams as the attack hits him.

    B1 is bloodied at the end of B2's turn.

    Weeping Bombard (Fort)
    1d20+13=29 - B2 v Dorvin. Hits
    1d20+13=32 - B2 v Isari. Hits
    1d20+13=28 - B2 v B1. Hits
    1d20+13=17 - B2 v Rusty. Misses
    Damage: 2d6+5=8
    8 damage to Dorvin and Isari plus 5 ongoing damage.

    Isari, does your Aegis apply to all hit allied targets? I haven't factored it into the damage rolls at all yet.


    Rusty and Isari get OAs on B1.

    Rusty - taking 5 ongoing poison (se); +2 to attack and +4 to damage on DB2 to end Amenephus's next turn.
    Nayce - can teleport Cha mod as minor action next turn.
    Amenephus - BLOODIED; +2 all defenses to start next turn (second wind used); ongoing 5 poison damage (se)
    Dorvin - +2 defenses to start his next turn (second wind used); ongoing 5 poison damage (se)
    Quillan - ongoing 5 poison damage (se)
    Derro Soldier 1 - under Quillan's Oath of Enmity
    Derro Soldier 2
    Derro Ambusher 1
    Derro Ambusher 2
    Derro Ambusher 3 - delaying
    Derro Ambusher 4 - delaying
    Isari - ongoing 5 poison damage (se)
    Derro Artillery 1
    Derro Artillery 2
    Howler 3 - delaying
    Deathspittle Bombardier 1 - taking 5 ongoing poison
    Deathspittle Bombardier 2 - under Isari's Aegis of Shielding

    Male Human Swordmage/Wandering Swordmage 11

    Only reduces damage to one ally. Not that it applies, since I was in the attack. OA: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 251d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

    Isari's opportunistic blow hits home.

    Got it. Thanks.

    Rusty is confused by the disappearance of the derro before him. He takes out his confusion on nearest foe available.



    I'm going to try to avoid grayed-out OOC text, which I find difficult to read. Please let me know if you prefer it to be inside the tags.

    I figure I've taken 13 + 13 + 5 = 31 HP of damage.
    I'm now at 35 HP, and I am bloodied.
    OA on B1:

    Attack (+2 from flanking with Isari) 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33
    Damage (+2 from Dragonborn Frenzy) 1d10 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

    Standard: Comeback Strike vs. Am2
    Attack 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
    Damage (+2 from Dragonborn Frenzy) 2d10 + 12 ⇒ (6, 4) + 12 = 22

    If I hit I can spend a healing surge for 21 HP, which would bring me to 56 and out of bloodied.

    Saving throw vs poison 1d10 ⇒ 9

    Between them, Rusty, Isari and an unlikely ally in the form of B2 wipe out the first bombardier. There is a clonk as the lethal contrivance the derro was wielding hits the floor.

    Rusty turns his considerable attentions to the nearest ambusher and chops a sizeable chunk out of his foe.

    Rusty comeback strike hits. Regain those hp. I'm happy with whatever formatting you like as long it's clear to me and others what is in and what is out of character. I can try and find another way of posting monster rolls ooc if it's a problem for you - larger or smaller text perhaps?


    Nayce - can teleport Cha mod as minor action next turn.
    Amenephus - BLOODIED; +2 all defenses to start next turn (second wind used); ongoing 5 poison damage (se)
    Dorvin - +2 defenses to start his next turn (second wind used); ongoing 5 poison damage (se)
    Quillan - ongoing 5 poison damage (se)
    Derro Soldier 1 - under Quillan's Oath of Enmity
    Derro Soldier 2
    Derro Ambusher 1
    Derro Ambusher 2
    Derro Ambusher 3 - delaying
    Derro Ambusher 4 - delaying
    Isari - ongoing 5 poison damage (se)
    Derro Artillery 1
    Derro Artillery 2
    Howler 3 - delaying
    Deathspittle Bombardier 2 - under Isari's Aegis of Shielding
    Rusty - taking 5 ongoing poison (se)

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