Golorian Unfolds

Game Master JamesF

Golorian , many riches and dangers lurk in its secrets, within these tales from the noblest to the basest guide its path...


Dice Rolls

AS this is my first game , I dont know how you roll dice , does the website have an online roller , or shall we use invisible castle?


F Human Urban Ranger 6, Init +6 (8)†; Perception +10 (12)†; AC 18, 13 T, 15 FF/ hp 50/52 Saves F +7 R +8 W +6; +2 vs. charm and compulsion

Yes, there's one here. Type [ dice]1d20+1[/dice], but without the spaces.

You'll get 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16 when it posts.

I also think you want ooc under "discussion." This is the discussion page. You have an hour to delete or edit posts.

When you post, there's "How to format your text" underneath the text box. Click that, and you can do bold and italics and all that.



1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

I edited the OOC . thanks


Fubar , can you think of a differnt name , I dont really think the acronym is a golorian ish Half orc paladisn name ?


F Human Urban Ranger 6, Init +6 (8)†; Perception +10 (12)†; AC 18, 13 T, 15 FF/ hp 50/52 Saves F +7 R +8 W +6; +2 vs. charm and compulsion


I run a PbP here, too. Fubar runs a couple, I think. One thing that moves things along is when the GM rolls everyone's initiative beforehand. You can do that with perception checks and such, too. They don't all do that, but that saves you tons of posts, and we can more quickly focus on the action/rp.

The hard thing about PbP is the slow pace. It can take days to get through one encounter. Anything that eliminates players rolling, other than attacks and checks, is helpful. I roll real dice at the computer for my group, but all the other GMs use the dice roller for that, AFAIK.

I have their initiative and perception modifiers on hand, roll it ahead of time, then tell them what they experience. Then, I post initiative order and let them do their thing. It saves hours. Just a heads-up. :)


OK , if noone has an issue with that , then next rolls I will :)

I will do it for Intiatives and perception rolls , hits and saves are up to you guys..

um... did I miss the post where folks were selected for this game?
I don't know if I am playing in it and if I am knowing how you wand us to deal with equipment would be lovely.

Wealth by level or nothing or.......



halfway down

starting cash as by level


ok lads

here is the score!

Wine and motherboards have now unmixed , got a new laptop , so will be on track from now..

thanks for your patience

Shadow Lodge

Thinking maybe the real life monster has eaten away at our DM.

It happens.

And it sucks.

Wizard - Bladesinger/6; AC: 16 (20BS); HP: 32/32; Init: +4; Perc: +3; Bladesong Used 0/2; Spell Slots Used 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/3 3rd 0/3

Jeez, I hope not, just when we were starting to pull this thing together - JAMESF - WHERE ARE YOU?

No posts under any alias since October 15th. I believe we have lost our Gm.
In the absence of the Gm I think I can confidently call this game. Goodbye all, this was an odd game but it had promise.

Wizard - Bladesinger/6; AC: 16 (20BS); HP: 32/32; Init: +4; Perc: +3; Bladesong Used 0/2; Spell Slots Used 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/3 3rd 0/3


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