Golorian Unfolds

Game Master JamesF

Golorian , many riches and dangers lurk in its secrets, within these tales from the noblest to the basest guide its path...

Current Characters


Male Elf Rogue Swashbuckler/4; HP: 27/27; AC:20; T: 16; FF: 15; F: 1/R: 8/W: 1; CMD: 20; Init: 6; Perc: 7; Sense Motive: 0
(963 posts)
Neolandis Kalepopolis

(92 posts)
Madame Ivanja
Flori the Fabulous

F Human Urban Ranger 6, Init +6 (8)†; Perception +10 (12)†; AC 18, 13 T, 15 FF/ hp 50/52 Saves F +7 R +8 W +6; +2 vs. charm and compulsion

played by Dave Young 992 (224 posts)

M orc Paladin / 1

played by Freddy Honeycutt (285 posts)

GM Goblin King

King of Goblins *MAP*

played by Dave Young 992 (2,333 posts)
Nolveniss Azrinae
Maeltheron Timmerond

Wizard - Bladesinger/6; AC: 16 (20BS); HP: 32/32; Init: +4; Perc: +3; Bladesong Used 0/2; Spell Slots Used 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/3 3rd 0/3

played by Filios (678 posts)
Lord Glorio Arkona
Liberty's Edge Marious

Male Human (Taldan) Barbarian 6

played by Lost Gamer (19 posts)
Promise Hapolo

played by PoorWanderingOne (15 posts)