GR's Little Keep on the Borderlands

Game Master Gerald Rose

Keep on the Borderlands using Barebones Fantasy rules.

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Ok team, I have sent chargen details to your email. All generation rolls shall be done on the boards. More info to follow.

Use this thread for random chatter and non-game stuff.
"Use boldface with quotes" for in-character speech.
Use blue OOC for out of character stuff and references to die rolls on the in-play thread.
Use italics for what your char is thinking
Use boldface italics if (god forbid) you have telepathy.

Okay - so if I understand this right:

Attribute 1: 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (6, 9, 1, 2, 8) + 30 = 56
Attribute 2: 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (8, 7, 4, 5, 9) + 30 = 63
Attribute 3: 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (5, 8, 6, 6, 4) + 30 = 59
Attribute 4: 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (6, 4, 6, 9, 10) + 30 = 65

Woot! Average or a little over! Happy Dance time.

I'm thinking Human (WIL bonus, extra descriptor (aids in gaining XP), bonus to all resistances, average movement) w/Thief primary, Spellcaster secondary.

However I do not have my heart set on those skills and if someone else wants that I will reconfigure.

(Keeping the human though cause darn it I like me Besmara icon.)

Edit: As for the descriptors, I'm not entirely sure who I'm playing yet...

Hi all.
I am looking over rules. Will find an icon once I've decided what I'm playing.

Dara Turner wrote:

Okay - so if I understand this right:

[dice=Attribute 1]5d10+30
[dice=Attribute 2]5d10+30
[dice=Attribute 3]5d10+30
[dice=Attribute 4]5d10+30

Woot! Average or a little over! Happy Dance time.

I'm thinking Human (WIL bonus, extra descriptor (aids in gaining XP), bonus to all resistances, average movement) w/Thief primary, Spellcaster secondary.

However I do not have my heart set on those skills and if someone else wants that I will reconfigure.

(Keeping the human though cause darn it I like me Besmara icon.)

Edit: As for the descriptors, I'm not entirely sure who I'm playing yet...

Sounds good. Remember you need to place your Skill Level into Spellcaster in order to use the skills within.

Yep. But since that would be my secondary - I'd only know one spell, right?

Based on the picture I think I have my negative descriptor: headstrong and brash. (Is that an appropriate one?)

Dara Turner wrote:

Yep. But since that would be my secondary - I'd only know one spell, right?

Based on the picture I think I have my negative descriptor: headstrong and brash. (Is that an appropriate one?)

Correct, unless Spellcaster is your Primary skill, you get one Spell per Spellcaster level. On the plus side, one spell covers quite a few effects in game.

"headstrong and brash" works. Descriptors are mainly RP tools, playing them out in game earns you DP (XP).

Male Wood Elf

Attribute1: 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (3, 1, 6, 2, 3) + 30 = 45
Attribute2: 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (9, 8, 7, 1, 9) + 30 = 64
Attribute3: 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (10, 9, 5, 7, 8) + 30 = 69
Attribute4: 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (1, 8, 5, 6, 10) + 30 = 60

Okay, how's this:

Tentative Characer:

Strength 64
Dexterity 69
Logic 45
Willpower 60

Race: Wood Elf (Dex bonus, longbow/longsword bonus, tree climbing bonus, darkvision, charm resistance)

Skills: Level Score
Cleric (Wil) 30
Enchanter (Log) 22.5
Leader (Wil) +10 40
Scholar (Log) 22.5
u Scout (Log) 22.5
Spellcaster (Log) 22.5
u Thief (Dex) 34.5
u Warrior (Str/Dex) +20 1 melee 62
ranged 64.5
XP for playing these:
Descriptors: Positive/Helpful: Puts those placed in his charge above his own life.
Negative/Hindering: Bigotted: believes elves are the superior race

Moral Code: Dedication Aspect
Somewhat Kind
Totally Focused
Very Selfish
Somewhat Deceitful
Totally Brave

Hmmm... are we starting Keep knowing each other or no? I think you said Greyhawk setting, but can we have a little specific background for what is happening in this arc?

ToBeDeterminedLater wrote:



Okay, how's this:
** spoiler omitted **

Veddy nice. Wood elves get +10 DEX, +10 to hit with longbow and longsword. +20 to climb trees, +10 to resist Charm spells. Ju will be scary.

Keep on the Borderlands takes place in the kingdom known as the Yeomanry, SW of Keoland. More or less on the edge of "civilized lands". The pirate is far from the ocean for some reason. You are adventurers just starting out, heading to the eponymous keep. You should know each other, having banded together at the very least for mutual protection. You may have been drawn to the keep due to rumors of trouble in the nearby caves, and the promise of fortune and glory.

Oh yeah, also this is set around 80-100 years in the past, relative to "current" Greyhawk and my other Greyhawk Campaigns. Think of it as a prequel. Episode 1. Without Jar Jar.

Younger sibling - brother got the boat :)

Starting Place for Dara:
STR 56
DEX 63
LOG 65
WIL 59 (+10?)

Cleric: 0
Enchanter: 0
Leader: 0
Scholar: 0
Scout: +32
Spellcaster(S): level 1 - 32+10+10 = +52
Thief (P): 31+20 = +51
Warrior: +28 (melee), +31 (ranged)

(1) inquisitive, (2) TBD?
(3) brash and headstrong

Moral Code:
Somewhat Kind
Very Focused
Somewhat Selfless
Somewhat Honorable
Totally Brave

Knows (1) spell - of some kind

Can she have a gun? She totally needs a gun. If no... then rapier. Actually she needs the rapier either way.

Dara Turner gets a +10 to WIL, and +10 to all Resistance checks, being a hyoo-man.

Male Wood Elf

Character up on Profile Page

Ditto! (mostly)

Got wifi again.
Could I get some help on how half elves work?
Be on and off for next few weeks, will try to participate, if not, join in later.

Based on what the GM sent out:
Half-elf – fast mover, 50% chance of gaining each trait from elf and human

Which means they probably move faster than 8 - which is what my human moves. And that you either get the 'elf' bonus or the 'human' bonus - which the GM may be rolling after you do your abilities and stuff?

Core melee dwarf idea then

5d10 + 30 ⇒ (8, 6, 4, 5, 2) + 30 = 55 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (6, 3, 10, 3, 6) + 30 = 58 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (10, 10, 5, 5, 1) + 30 = 61 5d10 + 30 ⇒ (8, 10, 1, 5, 7) + 30 = 61
Str 71
Dex 55
Log 61
Wil 58

Original rolls on dice app
No modifiers

Awright Logan, you get +10 STR, Infravision (see using heat signatures), +10 to Resist Poison and Magic, Slow Mover, +5 to BP (body points). Did you get the cheat sheet in email?

Yup. Already included the str bonus. Think that I have my stuff straightened out. Just need to create a new alias.

Schweet. Will try to begin tonight. If you are unable to post cause you is on the road, your char will be the silent partner in the background.

Male Dwarf BP: 5/41

I think I've got it

PS is this a round up or round down system (for stuff like the skills Str/2)?

Male Dwarf BP: 5/41

Also, it basically is night already for me. Nothing tomorrow though. Will try to post when I can.

Arden Ironfist wrote:


I think I've got it

PS is this a round up or round down system (for stuff like the skills Str/2)?

Based on the fillable character sheet I found, it is round up.

Male Dwarf BP: 5/41

Oops. Starting wealth.
2d10 ⇒ (9, 8) = 17

Dara, he is probably looking at the cheat sheet I sent out. In addition to the 6 items you also get 2D in coin. So you're not totally broke.

Arden, it is notable however, that there is no alignment in Barebones Fantasy - just your moral compass. If you wish to state your alignment as a reference that's fine though.

Male Dwarf BP: 5/41

I guessed. Just decided to put it in to match with the religion. I did include my starting wealth.

Male Dwarf BP: 5/41

Question: did you send a pair of emails having something to do with an inquisition and if so why?

Male Wood Elf

starting wealth: 2d10 ⇒ (8, 8) = 16

Yessss. We did the season finale of Death in Midgard, and had the first session of Dark Heresy. Set in the Warhammer 40k universe. Dark future, you are Acolytes for the Inquisition. Lots of background info online. Mana and Gav are running pregenerated characters. Mana and Jess are Imperial Psykers (psychics), Gav is an assassin. Carlson is an Adept (a government clerk, knowledge guy). Daryn has shown interest and may join.

Male Dwarf BP: 5/41

Wow, three campaigns and another two on hold, all run by you. That has got to be hard to keep track of. Got any guard characters for when I get back? (I think that I've decided that I like the tank type characters)

I have the ultimate tank guardsman for you my man.

Male Dwarf BP: 5/41


Male Wood Elf

and that might have been your tenth. Please see the spoiler to you on the in game board. I was just about to post the same here.

Male Dwarf BP: 5/41

Too late, it was supposed to be Arden, I just forgot overnight.

Male Wood Elf

Oh, well if it was supposed to be "Arden" then that's all good. We'll just start calling you Arden instead of Anden, then. I'm going to delete the spoiler, since it's still under an hour.

dum dum money!
2d10 ⇒ (2, 9) = 11

It is notable that in this module, none of the NPCs have names or descriptions or races listed. It is up to the GM to flesh out the NPCS as he/she sees fit. A very different angle from modern materials.

Makes changing the npcs easier I guess.... and I do that allthe time :)

As for knowledge skills, do we just run with what seems right for our characters?

Or do we know *nothing* since none of us has ranks in Scholar? :)

Male Wood Elf
GR wrote:
It is notable that in this module, none of the NPCs have names or descriptions or races listed. It is up to the GM to flesh out the NPCS as he/she sees fit. A very different angle from modern materials.

Well, if I remember correctly. As a preteen GM/player when this thing first came out, I don't remember "role-playing" with the "un-named" npc's being a big part of the game. xp 'Course, that may be because we were all preteens and that's how we understood it to be done at the time.

Very true. As I recall we did our best to get out of the damn keep ASAP so we could kill stuff.

Dara Turner wrote:

As for knowledge skills, do we just run with what seems right for our characters?

Or do we know *nothing* since none of us has ranks in Scholar? :)

*nothing* is tempting, but your characters have knowledge of what they are trained in. So if you are thief trained, you have knowledge of thief stuff, Warriors fighty stuff, etc. I say any skill you can roll (have ranks in or can default to) can be used as a knowledge check. The knowledge sought must fit under the purview of the skill being used. The system is deliberately vague in order to avoid having to worry about fiddly stuff like that.

Scholar would be for stuff that is too specific or esoteric for the "general" skills. If it fits you might try, but I well leverage a penalty.

Male Wood Elf

just how far is a "space", anyway?

A Space is meant to be a flexible unit of measure. In close quarters, it can represent 5 ft. Outside maybe more. The same way a Turn is not defined as well. Think less specific and more abstract/cinematic.

Male Wood Elf


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