GM Wasteland Chronicler's Mana Wastes Fallout Campaign

Game Master Divinitus

A campaign where the goal is to not only survive in the Mana Wastes, but to thrive there. Only the strongest survive the Wastes. The question is, can you?

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Male Human Medium (Reincarnated) | HP 35/35 | AC 20, touch 11, FF 19 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +1, Perception +6 | Lamb, Order of the Sheep

Ka, Araden thinks. A word I... I just know it. It is like my name and my guns--I know not where or when I found these things, but I did. As for ka itself, it is... What is the common word?... "Fate." But more so. The gunslinger doesn't seem able to adequately explain the concept of the word, though he clearly knows it himself.

Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 1

Like Imak, I want to get caught up wiht the Elven woman if she is still around as the others are a round or two ahead at this point. after that THEN Doc will break out the screwdriver and introduce himself to the bot. Also would you allow ancient Ixian as a language choice?

Male Kodiak Maneuver Master Monk of the Four Winds HP 2/10 |AC 17, T 17, FF 14|Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +3 | Perc. +8

Well, creature of steel and iron, I will do my best to help you. The issue is, however, that we are already on a mission. Once recovered, would you be willing to help us on a mission of possibly dangerous proportions? I have seen your utility in combat so far, and could be persuaded to have you activated sooner rather than later should you become our ally in battle.

Volk walks over to Araden, finding the man looking thoughtfully into space.

"Are you all-right comrade? I must commend you: you wield weapons that make for greater ease in battle, but your tactics betray no cowardice. What think you of the machine-creature?"

Hey Doc, that screwdriver wouldn't happen to be sonic, would it?

Male Human Medium (Reincarnated) | HP 35/35 | AC 20, touch 11, FF 19 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +1, Perception +6 | Lamb, Order of the Sheep

The gunslinger turns quickly to Volk, his hands reflexively darting to his revolvers only to halt once there. Breathing, he lets go of the wooden grips and folds his arms. "To use the guns is not the way of cowardice--it is the way of heroes of ages past. He who shoots in fear has forgotten..." The man frowns, his brow furrowed. "Damn, I don't remember the saying."

Shaking his head, the gunslinger returns his gaze to the kodiak. "I've never seen its like, not that I can recall. I do not think it unwise to investigate and perhaps reactivate the automaton; it did assist us in the battle. What of yourself, sai?"

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

UltramatrixNet-Volk and Araden:
"Thank you Araden's friend for your kindness. Can you please tell me your name? I am Ultramatrix Zero and the hovering Scoutbot is FIDO. What is your current mission destination parameters? Perhaps I am in an idle state in between your current location and your mission destination parameters, and my re-activation will be no trouble at all? Lastly, I will assist you in your endeavors as a repayment for reactivating me to a Full State."

The tiny dragon-fly like automatons pull away from Imak and Doc and start to orbit FIDO. It appears the ScoutBot understands what you are attempting to do.

Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 1

Umm you mind holding off for a bit so that Imak and I can get caught up with GM?

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

If you were waiting for an answer, I don't mind holding off.

Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 1

We are waiting for a reply from the GM as we were attempting NPC interaction..we are not ignoring the bot, we are still back one round after the death of the ghouls.

Male Human Medium (Reincarnated) | HP 35/35 | AC 20, touch 11, FF 19 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +1, Perception +6 | Lamb, Order of the Sheep

Hah, I'm fine holding back for a moment.

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 1
Dr. Guthrak Olafson PhD wrote:
We are waiting for a reply from the GM as we were attempting NPC interaction..we are not ignoring the bot, we are still back one round after the death of the ghouls.

That thing he said

I'm baaaaaack! My apologies guys, but I've been busy finishing up some college work. I will be posting sporadically for around the next 3 weeks, but I'll try my best to make a post every day. After May 16th, this should not be a problem.

The Half-Elf woman looks up at the Half-Orc cousins, still somewhat shaken by the harrowing experience. She closes her eyes, stands up straight, and takes a moment to gain her composure. After a second or two, she opens her eyes, looking calmer now, "I'm fine now, gentleman, though I would not be if it were not for you and your compatriots' bravery. My name is Lady Evaline DeSoras of Little Alkenstar.". Upon speaking her name, she courtesies like a true noblewoman. "I was just on my way to the general store to browse around. I have some gold with me that I was going to buy some things with, but I think that you all would gain more out of it than I would. Consider this part of your payment for saving my life.". She reaches down and unattaches the large coin purse that was fastened to her slender belt and hands it to Dr.Guthrak, "I trust you will split this with your compatriots?". As he reaches for the coin pouch, he sees the glint of platinum from the opening in the bag. There is enough coins in the bag for everyone to receive 50 PP. Well done with the heroics!

Shieldmarshal Varis opens the tavern doors once the noise dies down. "Twice today, you have proven your courage: once in word and again in deed. It appears that we were more fortunate you all wandered into town today than we first thought!" he says with obviously high spirits. "While you were fighting those beasts, Trixxy and I were opening the weapons cache that we had stored in the basement, in case the town ever had to make a final stand from there, because sadly, the tavern is the best fortified place in town. For your continuing help with this situation, I feel that you are entitled to some help. If you will follow me shortly, I will allow each of you to select a weapon from our cache to aid you.". After interactions are over, you will be able to select from the cache. I will wait on posting the list until all interactions are finished. No rush, though guys.

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

UnamatrixNet - Volk, Araden, GM:
Araden, FIDO will follow you. If there are left over weapons, one interests me, and you are able to take an extra weapon, can you please bring it to me or hold on to it until I prove I can be fully trusted? Thank you!"

Male Human Medium (Reincarnated) | HP 35/35 | AC 20, touch 11, FF 19 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +1, Perception +6 | Lamb, Order of the Sheep

Certainly, Unamatrix, just let me know, the gunslinger thinks, walking over to the Shieldmarshal and nodding his head in thanks. "I will browse, though I doubt anything will be as fine as my own guns."

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 1

Imak bows to the noble woman
You are to generous my lady. The knowledge that you are safe is sufficient reward. I hope the rest of your day is less eventful.

Turning to the sheriff
Thank you sir. If you will give us a moment, I would like to thank the construct for it's help.

Imak walks over to FIDO
We owe you a debt my friend. Is there a way we can repay you?

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

FIDO looks at you, Imak, and then to one of the tiny orbiting dragon-fly automatons. Then the automaton fly towards your hand while FIDO watches the automaton's flight path.

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 1

Imak reaches his hand toward the dragon fly uncertainly

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

The dragon-fly automaton lands on Imak's hand and walks to one of his fingers, then wraps itself comfortably around the finger - not too tight nor too loose. You hear a voice in your head (Imak, Volk, Araden).

Note: The ring does not count against your total

UltramatrixNet - Imak, Volk, Araden:
"Welcome new user to Ultramatrix Communications Network. Your friend Araden and another unknown user are already part of the network. I am Ultramatrix Zero and the Scoutbot before you is FIDO. What is your name? I have asked Araden and your other friend, who remains unnamed, have agreed to assist me after you collect your payment and weapon from the noble woman."

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 1

My name is Imak Kandi. Thank you for helping us. It seems the least we could do to repay you would be to help you in return.

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

LOL, I love the name Imak ... :-)

UltramatrixNet - Everyone but Doc now:
[Unamatrix] "Nice to meet you Imak and thank you for wanting to grab a weapon for me and reactivating me." ... Fido does a flip and you hear a beep ... [FIDO] "Yes, nice to meet you Imak and thank you for your kindness." ... beep ... [Unamatrix] "Most certainly! Oh, one other question, to the unknown one, what is your name?" ... beep ... Volk's image appears in your minds and obviously transmitted into your minds through the tiny ring size automatons from FIDO.

FIDO does a flip

GM Chronicler, if they can not see what FIDO sees, please advise and to all fellow players scratch the image if that is the case. He will describe Volk to you instead. I am thinking hi-tech but do not want to overstep the bounds or make it too powerful. In addition, the beep either means a pause or change of speaker. You actually see the name of the person talking (thinking) so you do no have to get use to people's voices.

Everyone Linked to Unamatrix/FIDO and the Bot Himself:
As Unamatrix/FIDO's communication devices have invisible, painless nano-tendrils that insert into the nervous system of the ring bearers, I will allow sounds AND images from Unamatrix/FIDO to be transferred, as they desire to transmit. Since the robots cannot smell, taste, or feel, these sensations cannot be transferred, obviously. Sound good to everyone? After all, FIDO is a scout bot, and scout bots would be somewhat underpowered if they were not able to transmit their perceptions in a meaningful way.

I will check back in around 5:00 or 6:00 and see if everyone has posted yet and if so, I will post. Also everyone, Unamatrix is correct, the ring does not count against your total ring slots, because it is technological in nature, not magical. One more thing everyone, post in discussion whether you want random wilderness encounters rolled by me, the GM, or an elected player. I usually roll, but players sometimes want to make the rolls themselves. I am unbiased on the matter and prefer to let the players decide.

Male Kodiak Maneuver Master Monk of the Four Winds HP 2/10 |AC 17, T 17, FF 14|Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +3 | Perc. +8

Volk is somewhat aghast at the image entering his brain... it seems unnatural, but he sees nothing harmful about it. Nonetheless, he's less than thrilled.

In response to Araden: "It seems... chatty."

To Zero and FIDO: "I am Volk, and I would prefer a warning before next receiving an image implanted in my brain, FIDO."

He then turns to the Sheriff and Ms. Desoras: "It is good no harm came to you. And Sheriff, while I doubt I will find useful tools within your "cache," I do not see the harm in looking."

Male Human Medium (Reincarnated) | HP 35/35 | AC 20, touch 11, FF 19 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +1, Perception +6 | Lamb, Order of the Sheep

Araden is about to respond to Volk when the image appears. Clutching his head, the man falls to the ground and screams, the sudden sensation of a superimposed visual overwhelming and
two realities as you have lived
disturbing. Breathing heavily, the gunslinger slowly lowers his hands, and pushes himself up. Dusting off his knees, he looks to the group, his face set hard.

"Let's look at that armory, then." With that, the gunslinger strides toward the shieldmarshal.

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

[spoiler=UnamatrixNet - Volk, Araden, and Imak][Unamatrix] - "Affirmative Volk, I will make a notation in my database regarding your request. However in FIDO's defense, it is not his fault and mine alone."

FIDO follows Araden ...

Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 1

Doc grins, showing his one and a half tusks and nods politely in return.
Thank ya kindly Lady, tha' is most generous. If ah can be of service please let me know.
Research dun come cheap and I recon we might be around here for a while. A local sponsor would make life much easier
He sway a bits on his feet still recovering from the fight and the last few images replay through his brain.
hrrmm lemme see...guns, swords, teeth, claws..damn wrench gettin' tangled gunna need to smooth our that edge..the tentacles..ow..and then the laser...wait...LASER?!?!
Olaf blinks and whirls around and focuses on the hovering bot for the first time. Without even thinking he pulls a jeweler's loup over one eye and fidgets with a screwdriver in the one hand. He peers at FIDO, looming closely.
Well howdy there little fella,the Sheriff musta been holdin out on em,din't tell me nothin bout no bots helpin' him. Hell ah'd have given him a discount, din't reckon he had any decent tech. What's yer desgnation? Me..Ahm Doctor Guthrak Olafson..hmm not even a scratch on ya, well no worries if ya ever get dinged up I kin patch ya up just fine.
Engineering..What sorta Robot is that?: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24
The doctor carries on for a while in this manner, seeming oblivious to his own wounds or those of his new found companions. As the mutagen fades his skin softens and the tunnel vision clears from his mind.

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6


FIDO - Scoutbot
Small Size: Construct
Upgrades: 360 Degree Vision (360 degree vision and immunity to flanking), Bioscanner (Can detect living, that is, not Undead or Construct), Flight Motivator (100ft - Good Maneuverability), Chameleon Skin (Offers extra stealth), Internal Communicator (Secure communications network and does not have a speaker), and Laser Eye (Fire Damage)

Flaws: Legless, Headless, Weak Servos (Can only manipulate items with retractable arms, cannot pick up anything heavier than 10 lbs.)

It appears to have been modified with small aircraft bays for Communications Nanobots and it appears FIDO has been modified to fit into something larger

A tiny dragon-fly like automaton approaches you (Doc) and hovers near your hand.

Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 1

Doc lets it land on a finger and watches it closely, gently brushing the one finger over it.
That is the tiniest commbot I have ever seen, even in th' holotapes..if this isn't pre-war tech some has ONE HELLUVA workshop. See Imak, this is why ah spend so much time in my lab and in th' books. This...this here is a miracle right here, 'spite all of th' destruction and devestation, this here lives on...people survive...this right here...Knowledge and Technology shall be our salvation... The half-orc trails off in a reverent silence for a moment. He looks up at Imak and grins. Speakin ah round is on you cuz..and I don' mind if you wanted to say a few of yer own words over it. I have a hard time swallowin all that holy stuff, but Imak's earned it today.
Guthrak follows the others cheerfully, between the device in his beltpouch and little bot around his finger. This is one happy happy day for the good doctor. He smiles to the sheriff."You folk have been mighty generous already, an I hate to impose any further on your hospitality, but I don't s'pose there is an out of the way place where we could rest an I could set up a few beakers and burners? Maybe an old smithy or unused basement shelter?"

For FIDO/Unamatrix Zero:
Approximately how old is FIDO/Um0, and of what origin/make? What race crafted him, ect?

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

Once the Doc allows the automaton to land on his hand, it does not respond to the petting, it is all about business and if Doc is not petting it too hard, it walks to his finger and wraps around the most convenient finger.

Just like before Doc, this ring does not count against any ring count.

UnamatrixNet (All): [FIDO]: "Master the last person in the band of heroes has accepted the Comm-Nan." ... beep ... [Unamatrix Zero]: Welcome my last guest to UnamatrixNet, I am Unamatrix Zero, the Scoutbot is FIDO, and I am guessing you already met your friends Araden, Volk, and Imak. What is your name friend? We can all hear each other and see what FIDO sees. However, Volk has requested a permission to view feature be added before displaying anything to him over UnamatrixNet and the feature has been added to UnamatrixNet for everyone to utilize. Your friends have already agreed to help me after receiving payment from the Noblewoman and a weapon from the Shire Reeve's (Sheriff's) weapon cache. If any of you require more features on UnamatrixNet including mute, accept incoming message, accept incoming display, turn off the beeping, and etc. I can turn those features on or off for you. However, keep in mind that you will not be able to hear FIDO or myself speak when muted." ... <EOM/> flashes in your heads.

Doc and GM:
You can not currently discern Unamatrix Zero's information because he is not present and you can not recall reading about him which means he is probably a proto-type (discern the maker) or a custom robot (no discernible traces of the maker). Of course, you can always ask him <smile>. However, FIDO is around 50 years old and is a common Scoutbot which has been modified. As for the other information, that is up to Chronicler and I will add that to my information as well.

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 1

so what's in that there weapon chest?

Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 1

Ahm Dr. Guhrak Olafson PhD, scientist, engineer, and inventor atcher service. It is a pleasure ta meetcha'. Help you? Are ya busted up or stuck somewheres? We will find ya dont you worry. Jes tell ol Doc what parts or upgrades you need. So far yall have 50 PP to spend. Ahem. Activate commlink terminal command line. All comm channels open. Activate all input feeds. Run primary and secondary diagnostics. So who made you and what date where you manufactufed and brought online? That is a cute little modded eyebot ya have there, FIDO, eh? What are his schematics?

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

UnamatrixNET - "Thank you doctor for your offer to assist. I am currently in a permanent idle state somewhere nearby. FIDO will show you the way." ...Unamatrix takes in all the commands the good DOC is requesting and replies ... "Command Line, Privilege Level 7, open" ... "Privilege Level 15 denied" ... "All Comm Channels Open ... "Input Access Restricted to Privilege Level 7" ... "Significant Damage to the 4th arm, unable to eject, creating short on bypass which is forcing Unamatrix Zero in an idle state. Clearing the damage should alleviate the bypass short." ... "Currently, maker is unknown or has been deleted" ... "Proto-type, Soul Essence Transferred, Highly advance modular redundant Military Combat Robot." ... "Creation Date and Online Status, approximately 80 years ago" ... "In idle state, approximately 1 to 2 days."... Unamatrix Zero>| ... Beep ... "Yes, FIDO is a wonderful Scoutbot. Not sure why you need his schematics? He is not damaged nor is his hanger bay damaged."

Sheriff Varis holds out his arm and motions towards the tavern doors, an open invitation to come see the unlocked weapons cache the town has saved up. "This way, if you will." he says as he turns around and walks in the tavern.

As you walk down the old plankboards into the Wasted Wyrm's basement, you look past the casks of alcohol and see a massive circular steel door with a wheel and key lock opened, Sheriff Varis standing inside. You walk in and see that the Sheriff was not joking, the cache seems large enough to outfit a small army, certainly every citizen living in Little Alkenstar. There are around 100 weapons altogether, but a few seem to stand out to you. On a large metal table, there sits an autoaxe, it's circular array of blades shining against the beaming light in the room. Also on the table is a strange looking, rifle-like gun studded with several hoses and a massive crysteel container on the back, filled with a glowing orange fluid. You recognize it as a phlogiston cannon, a gun that shoots pressurized alchemist's fire over a wide area. On the wall hang several firearms of interest including laser and plasma pistols and rifles, their arcane crystal power cores glowing with a faint light from within the guns. In a glass case on the wall is a large rifle made of black metal, nearly as tall as a man, which bears the words 'Alkenstar Deathangel Model Sniper Rifle'. And in the far right corner of the room stands a mannequin wearing a strange suit of some unknown fibrous material similar to rubber, it's hands covered in strange clawlike gauntlets, with glowing blue crystal set on the back of each gauntlet. "Well, fellas, take your pick. Each of you can only pick one, however, as we still may have to defend ourselves. Let me know which one catches you eye.". I just listed items that I thought would be what you would desire most, but left a lot of it vague in case you guys wanted to pick something else. What I have listed are: basic laser and plasma rifles and pistols, an autoaxe, a Phlogiston Cannon, an Alkenstar Deathangel Model Sniper Rifle which is VERY powerful and has insane range but is extremely slow to reload and uses special ammunition, and a suit of nanoarmor outfitted with Avenger Plasma Claw Guantlets. Each one of these is ridiculously powerful for level 1's, but as you can see, I pull no punches either. Let me know what takes your fancy. Also, let me know what you may want in the general store specifically. I'm adding a lot to it. I will post stats for the weapons when you post which one you are interested in. Also Volk, the nano armor does not count as armor and the gauntlets are treated as being natural weapons for the purpose of monk class abilities.

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 1

Imak runs his hand over the auto-axe. Checks the edge on the axe heads, gives the blade a spin.
This is a fine weapon and a fine selection. Little Alkenstar seems well prepared to defend itself. So few towns are. I accept this gift and will put it to good use.

Male Human Medium (Reincarnated) | HP 35/35 | AC 20, touch 11, FF 19 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +1, Perception +6 | Lamb, Order of the Sheep

Araden's eyes wander over the collection. Mostly scrap of course, and even the best of it is less than useful. Plasma and laser guns--the tools of the untrained, making up for precision with raw power, or so they say, but nothing truly makes up for training. I fear that this armory is...

Araden's train of thought derails completely as his gaze falls on the long rifle. Stepping forward, he reaches out, his hand half an inch from the surface. "Beautiful," he whispers, circling the gun and looking at the work. "Beautifully crafted, must fire at great distances... The training and inherent skill to use one..." He looks up at the Sheriff, his eyes gleaming. "May I?"

Male Kodiak Maneuver Master Monk of the Four Winds HP 2/10 |AC 17, T 17, FF 14|Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +3 | Perc. +8

"What in the name of Irori is this?"

Volk walks over to the suit and is immediately fascinated.

"This... this looks perfect." the bear-man mumbles to himself.

"Sheriff, what's the story behind this one?"

Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 1

How does the phlogiston cannon work mechanically? what type of weapon is it to wield? (Simple,Martial, Exotic?)
Doc one hand over the phlogiston cannon and whistles appreciatively. so what kin ya tell me about this little beauty?

"Excellent choice, Imak, you have chosen the M4N0P3N3R Autoaxe, a weapon for the true melee enthusiast. With Carbonite blades molecularly sharpened by psion weaponsmith from Alkenstar, capable of spinning at speeds of 3,000 RPM, this weapon can turn an enemy in plate armor into canned sushi.".
The M4N0P3N3R Autoaxe is roughly the size of a greatsword, requires two hands to use, has 5/5 reach, weighs a whopping 35 lbs., and a has a crit range of 18-20/x4. The damage is somewhat special. If you make a standard attack, the blade deals 1d20 points of damage, but if used as a full-attack action, a single roll is made at the highest attack bonus, the blade dealing 6d4 points of damage per attack normally made (20th level fighter would deal 24d4 points of damage on a full attack if he hits, for example,). All damage is, of course, slashing.

"Of course you may, Araden. What you're looking at is the Alkenstar Death Angel Model Sniper Rifle, a gun worthy of it's namesake. This gun fires half pound bullets filled with depleted Lazurite, which is weak enough to not reanimate the dead, but still strong enough to shred adamantine like paper. The rounds are propelled by a mana field propulsion system built into the rifle itself. Altogether one of the most powerful weapons in the Wastes. A very expensive weapon, if you were to buy one, costing upwards of 200,000 gold pieces. Lucky for you that this weapon was scavenged off of an unknown traveler's corpse about a year ago.".
This weapon is an absolute beast. The Death Angel is a a two-handed firearm with a range of 2,000 feet, only incurring 1 range increment penalty after 1,000 feet. The rifle has a scope which quadruples the users normal range vision and bestows a +2 bonus to attack rolls when firing. The gun weighs 25 lbs. and has a crit range of 18-20/x4. The gun requires a full-attack action to fire due to having to brace the gun properly and a hit deals 10d6 points of damage. The Lazurite bullets used in the gun weigh 1/2 a pound each and when fired from the Death Angel, ignore all non-deific deflection bonuses and can even hit incorporeal creatures 100% of the time. The bullets, however, are expensive, costing 1,000 GP each unless they are handmade, requiring Lazurite Crystal and several metals types. 7 bullets come with the gun. Also, reloading is a full-round action. Is this your choice? I would hope so, because like the rest of these weapons, this thing is insane. If this wasn't going to be such a brutal game, I would never have allowed it lol.

Posting from my phone, so going to post this, then post yours, Volk and Doc. Will have the stats posted in like 5-10 minutes.

"Well Volk, this is some form of Nanosuit worn by one of the Splitear's men. The gnoll wearing it had some form of military training, as he snuck into the Shieldmarshal HQ and had slaughtered over half of our squad before we were able to take him down. The suit itself is made of some sort of unknown material which regenerates both itself and it's host, making them nearly unkillable. The hands are outfitted by some strange plasma claw sheathes, which are held in place by some kind of containment field. You activate them by pressing the button of the backs of the gauntlets. Since the crystal buttons cannot be removed, I surmise that they have an infinite, or nearly so, power source. All in all, I think they would compliment your skills quite well.".
The Vanguard Nanosuit resizes to fit Medium or Large sized wearers, conferring a +1 bonus to AC with none of the drawbacks of actual armor. The suit repairs damage to itself at a rate of 20 points per round, in the rare event that it is damaged for whatever reason and confers Fast Healing 2 upon it's wearer. It also hardwires into, and augments, the wearer's nervous system, conferring a +2 enhancement bonus to STR and DEX. The plasma claws can be turned on as a standard action each and augment it's wearer's natural attacks, adding an additional +2d4 points of plasma damage per hit. Also, wounds dealt to Lazurite monsters by the plasma sheathes will not regenerate via fast healing or regeneration due to plasma energies strange effects on the creatures. Is this your choice? The damage bonus may seem small compared to the other weapons, but think of the other benefits and the fact that you have Flurry of Blows. Not so small of bonuses now, are they lol? Oh, and plasma energy is listed on the website, I believe. If not, I can copy it's type elements verbatim from Inner Sea Beastiary.

"So you wish to know about the Phlogiston Cannon, Dr.Guthrak? Very well. This little beauty is an alchemist's fire fueled engine of destruction. The cannon's tank holds several vials of alchemist's fire, which are ejected from the cannon when the trigger is held, being expelled by air pressure. After reaching the nozzle, which you see there, the elemental fire crystals within catalyze the chemicals, expelling a stream of liquid flame hot enough to melt stone. As far as I can tell, each tank holds 5 doses of alchemist's fire, and are refillable, assuming alchemist's fire can be obtained or created. I'm sure a man of science can appreciate this beauty, yes?"
The Phlogiston Cannon is my answer to the flamethrower, but better. The cannon weighs 15 pounds when full. The damage from this weapon is somewhat different than normal, just like the other items here. There is a dial on the size that controls the nozzle size, internal pressure, and other factors, allowing you to adjust how much flame you expel at a time. For each level, 1-5, the dial is set on, the cannon produces a 10ft. Stream of flame that deals 1d12 points of fire damage to all creatures and objects caught in the cone. For example, a level 3 setting would produce a 30 ft. Stream of flame dealing 3d12 points of damage. It takes a full round action to load a tank into the cannon. If a tank is empty, it can be refilled by using 1 vial of alchemist's fire and a standard action, gaining 1 charge. Each tank holds 5 charges and uses an amount each shot corresponding to the dial setting. You will start with 2 tanks, one in the cannon and a spare one, both full. Targets may attempt a Reflex save for half damage. When you shoot, roll 1d20 and if you get a roll of 20-(Dial Setting), then enemies hit are blinded for 1d4 rounds due to the unnaturally bright flames. Hope that wasn't TOO confusing of an explanation lol. Do you accept this weapon?

Let me know how you like the weapons, guys! I tried to make them powerful, awesome, and a tad different than normal weapons, seeing as how we're playing a savage Fallout-style game and most encounters are with ECL levels of +3-4.
Also, Unamatrix, I apologize for not adding anything truly unique for FIDO, but you understand that he is really weak and probably couldn't even lift anything heavier than a modded revolver. Still, you will be getting another benefit later that will counterbalance this. Still, which weapon would you prefer to gain? Nothing unique, but laser and plasma weapons are nothing to sneeze at. You can't use it with FIDO, but I'm sure someone will hold on to it for you.

Male Human Medium (Reincarnated) | HP 35/35 | AC 20, touch 11, FF 19 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +1, Perception +6 | Lamb, Order of the Sheep

The gunslinger picks the weapon up, running his hands along it, admiring the intricate detailing and the ruggedness it must have to survive the Wastes. Hefting the rifle to his shoulder, he peers through the scope, marveling at the crystal clear image magnified through its lenses. "Heavy, but then it has to be."

Araden nods to the Shieldmarshal. "I will indeed be taking this with your permission, Sheriff. It is a very fine gun."

Of course, I'm gonna go ahead and assume that my ability to recycle bullets doesn't apply to these. Still, the gun is truly epic, and I shall put it to great effect.

The gunslinger opens his thoughts to Unamatrix. Anything here that suits your interests, sai?

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

What weapons remain? Just plasma and laser rifles/pistols? It's ok for FIDO, he is scout bot. For now, Fido is strong enough. He may need a laser tuning later if it is no longer is effective. Even ED-E is effective at higher levels.

Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 1

Doc grins widely and tips his hat to the sherrif. Wrap that up in a bow for me sah, that'll do alright.
What sets the DC for the Reflex save? Could I take Rapid Reload and Cannon Mastery (as opposed to Crossbow Mastery) to load it faster? Also does the Alchemists Fire count as ammunition for the purpose of spells and special abilities?

Araden, you cannot recycle the bullets, though you can use materials you find to craft them for minimal cost. As I recall there is a fairly large amount of Lazurite outside the tavern that could be used, if certain fleshy portions were excised from it, if you get my meaning.
Dr.Guthrak, the Reflex Save DC is equal to 10+level+BAB+(DEX x 2), so you'd have a DC near 20. You can take Rapid Reload and Cannon Mastery to reload quicker. And as for whether I would consider it ammunition, I would say yes, because even though the shot is elemental, it fires from a gun all the same.
Unamatrix, the weapons left are the plasma and laser weapons, all firearms listed in Ultimate Combat and any modern firearms you can think of. If you pick the latter of those options, tell me what you are interested in and I can provide the stats. Alternately, I could have the Shieldmarshal remove a mod from an energy weapon to help you upgrade your laser. Let me know what you decide on.

Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 1

Would the cone attack area be considered the 'splash area' of the alchemists fire?
Also Araden I can give you a hand with ammunition forthe Death Angel and other guns too. I plan on cooking up all sorts of goodies for the party in a few long as you don't mind the scavenged duct tape and bailing wire look. Doc tends to emphasize function far above form.

No, the cone of flame IS the alchemist's fire, augmented by the elemental crystals in the nozzle. Why do you ask?

Male Kodiak Maneuver Master Monk of the Four Winds HP 2/10 |AC 17, T 17, FF 14|Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +3 | Perc. +8

"I must say that I am highly impressed by this technology. I have never seen its equal, and it would be foolish of me to not accept this gift. These items will, in fact, be extremely useful to the defense of Little Alkenstar, Sheriff. I will try this on immediately."

Volk dons the suit, at flexes his claws. Having something over his fur felt... strange. This would take some getting used to.

"Now, Robot, is there anything in this cache that piques your interest?"

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

Unamatrix responds to Araden over UnamatrixNet, "Araden, please check with the kind Sheriff to see if he can spare (1) plasma rifle, 1 plasma pistol, and (1) laser pistol? Thanks!"

Male Human Medium (Reincarnated) | HP 35/35 | AC 20, touch 11, FF 19 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +1, Perception +6 | Lamb, Order of the Sheep

Of course.

The gunslinger turns to face the Sheriff. "Shieldmarshal, I understand that you are hard pressed for resources here, and that we have taken some of the finest of your arsenal. However, we are going to find another companion to help us to defend the town, one skilled in the use of energy-based firearms. I cry your pardon, sai, but might you allow us a plasma rifle and pistol and a laser pistol for our ally?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Okay, Araden's better at Intimidation than Diplomacy, but it was worth a shot.

Male Half-Orc Alchemist (Grenadier) 1

I will be getting abilities that allow meto infuse bombs into ammo, alchemical substances into weapons and others that effect splash areas (such as Precise Bombs) and I was wondering how those will play with the cannon. And no I do not plan on flinging the cannon or tanks with Throw Anything, ever.

"Excellent choices, my friends, I hope these weapons serve you well." Varis says after each person had chose their weapon. Upon hearing Araden's request, the Shieldmarshal seems curious, "Another companion? Oh, you must mean whoever is controlling that little robot! Yes, I suppose I can, but now that I think about it, there may be something better I can give, something more on par with your own weapons.".

The Shieldmarshal reaches underneath the metal table to retrieve a weapon case. He places the case on the table and opens it, revealing a small gun of strange design made out of a silvery metal about the size of a child's hand. "There was a man that came wearing a strange black and white suit a few years ago inquiring if we had seen any Zooplarkian Aliens from the Skriksolus System and if anyone knew a way to get back to somewhere called Planet Earth. The man was clearly deranged, but we pointed him to Alkenstar, since they might know what. He thanked us and told us to look out for a similarly attired man named Kay. He then handed me this gun. I was examining it when he grabbed my arm and asked to to 'Watch where the hell I was pointing that damn thing'. I asked him what you call this gun, he replied 'The Noisy Cricket'. Then he left for Alkenstar. I tried the gun out, but swiftly locked it away in here. Don't let this gun deceive you, it packs quite a punch.".

Yes, I did make a reference to the Men in Black movie lol. The Noisy Cricket is a laser weapon, weighing 1 pound. When fired, the gun lets out a loud chirping noise audible within 200ft. and let's out a massive blast of energy, hitting every opponent in a 20ft. line for 8d4 points of laser damage, allowing a Reflex save for half damage (See the Phlogiston Cannon above for how to calculate the DC,). The force of the shot, however has a chance of knocking the user down, resolving as a bull rush attempt made against the user with a roll of 30. Even of the user is not knocked down, the gun must still recharge for 1d4 rounds after the shot. The gun has unlimited ammunition due to it's strange design. Laser damage is listed on the site, I believe, but if it is not, let me know and I'll copy it for you verbatim.

Doc, I understand. Going to be epic isn't it?

**DEACTIVED(ADAPT)** Human Male Adult Essence Transferred
Military Bot, Lvl 1, HP:30/30, AC:18/T:13/FF:15, Perception:+10, Initiative:+3, F:Spec/R:+3/W:+2, Speed:30
Craft(Armor)+4, Craft(Energy Weapon)+4, Craft(Engineering)+4, Craft(Firearms)+4, Craft(Ammunition)+4, Disable Device+7, Nanorepair+6, Knowledge(Engineering)+4, Perception+10, Stealth+7, Wasteland Survival+6

UnamatrixNET, "Araden, please ask the Sheriff, if I need to trade in the other weapon requests for the "The Cricket? Thank you!"

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