GM Valen |

Use this thread for out of character issues and discussion.

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Hi to all. Thanks for the greetings, I'm all over these forums. I took the greetings to discussion to as not to clutter the recruitment, in case DM needs to recruit after someone drops.

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SFS ## 258259-702
Mustachio Marino
Wayfinders Champion (Faction Boon)
You’ve declared your allegiance to the Wayfinders and dedicate your missions to furthering the goals of that faction. A character with this boon slotted at the end of a successfully completed scenario gains Reputation as detailed in the primary and secondary success conditions of that scenario.
Faction's Friend (Social Boon; 3 uses): By assisting various factions of the Starfinder Society, you have proven yourself as a dependable asset. By slotting this boon, if you would fail to earn Fame at the end of the adventure by failing to fulfill a success condition, you can check one of the boxes on this boon. Doing so reminds your current championed faction of your past exploits, and you still earn 1 Reputation (but no Fame) with that faction as if you had successfully fulfilled the condition. You can use this boon only if you would also gain at least 1 XP for completing the adventure.
Marked Field Agent (Slotless Boon) SYSTEM:Hand , MODEL: Single ,LEVEL: 1. This implant rests underneath the skin of the palm of one hand, or at the end of a tentacle or similar appendage in species that lack hands. The augmentation can be activated or deactivated mentally as a swift action. Activating the implant causes a rendition of the Starfinder Society’s symbol to glow underneath the skin. This augmentation acts as a mark, letting others know you are a member of the Starfinder Society. It also increases the light level within 5 feet by one step while active.
Automated Defenses (Starship Boon): You defeated one of the orbital defense platforms orbiting the planet Elytrio. The platform contained several unique, albeit technologically outdated, innovations in starship design. The most promising adaptation of the technology is its ability to deter oncoming missiles using miniature automated drones. When you slot this starship boon, once per starship combat, a science officer can reduce the speed on a single tracking weapon fired at your starship by 50% for 1 round. Declare the use of this ability when the enemy weapon is fired but before its gunnery check is attempted. A science officer can spend a Resolve Point to activate this boon in any subsequent round or encounter. A starship can only be improved by a single copy of this boon.

GM Valen |

I am EST also, but work with a West Coast client (and 3 kids' schedules).

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Ha, ok. I was just wondering because yesterday morning when I was still in bed the thread blew up, but then it got quiet. Figured you guys were in the UK or something.
Could anyone do a computers check to search the local infosphere for information? Mustachio is a people person. He can't do that.

GM Valen |

Well done on the skill checks, gang! Your successes will make things easier for you (and likely make completion come a little faster).
[I recognize those are both stretches, however since Astrator doesn't haev diplomacy or culture- he is pretty stuck. Being relatively new to starfinder- are their some professions that would be useful for stuff like this? Thinking about how to improve astrator as he advances
@ Astrator - I can't suggest any particular professions that I have seen come up over and over in SFS scenarios. My only suggestions would be to 1) pick one specifically mentioned in the CRB and 2) perhaps keep it generic and, thus, perhaps allow for broader use, i.e, Profession (merchant) rather than Profession (fruit vendor).

GM Valen |

Just got an email, we are down a player who had to bow out. So, the party is down to just one iconic.

GM Valen |

@ All - In the interest of transparency, although this is meant to be a fast run, I am spending a good amount of time on the discussions with Philt because 1) the scenario does and 2) how things turn out have an impact reflected on the Chronicle sheet.
While it appears that discussions are coming to close, I want to give all of the PCs the opportunity to chime in before I proceed to their resolution.
For those who may be wondering, with the usual caveats that I can't see all possible events in the the future, it looks to me that we are on track to complete the scenario by the June 14th deadline as planned (even with a week off around Memorial Day) if we maintain the current post rate/pace.

Peet |

@ All - I recommend attempting a Culture/Life Sciences check as previously called for here before you post anything further as it may give you insight in how best to approach the shirren.
Guys, seriously. Make your culture rolls. When the GM gives you spoilered info and even drops hints that you ought to make the check, make the check.
Even if you are untrained you can still roll against a DC 10. Sadly, Obozaya rolled a 9. Mustachio, Astrator, I'm lookin' at you.

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I did do the culture check. I got a 17. So stop being condescending. I also did my best in that conversation but I don't know what exactly the gm was looking for

GM Valen |

@ All - Congrats, your teamwork helped avoid a fight with Philt! This required a combination of high skill checks and a circumstance bonus based upon the PCs making a specific offer. So you should be pleased as your efforts also earned a pretty swell boon that can be put to use in a more recent scenario.
I also want to thank you all for bearing with me. Although I have been GMing for decades, I am new to GMing via PbP. Trying to convey meaning and intent can be difficult when playing characters face-to-face and I am finding that it is particularly difficult in PbP games. It is a skill that I agree I need to keep working on, but you guys collectively worked your way through it, which is why the Starfinder Venture-Captains assign a task to a team.
Fortunately, the remainder of this scenario is much more heavily focused on combat, so the intents of the NPCs should be much more clear--cause they'll be shooting at you!
Looking forward to what's ahead.
Oh, and I want to make sure that everyone has 24 hours to post, so I won't have the bad guys try to come through the door until everyone has posted or a 24-hour period has passed since the "1 minute" warning was issued.

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Conversations with NPCs shouldn't be crystal clear, so I think you did a good job. I was scratching my head on this one. The culture check didn't tell me much besides he was rich and powerful, so I tried appealing the financial side, but my diplo roll did suck.

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Where I completely missed was on the Life Science check that Peet pointed out. Even after he linked I read past it (I blame my cell phone screen)- the one that pointed us to forcing him to make a decision.
I have been in a couple games recently that have challenged my diplomacy side (GM Valen is also running one of the other ones- but there have been 4 now recently)- it's refreshing to have to be thoughtful and intentional. It also adds real nerves as the consequences of "what is going to happen if I get this wrong".
Just like a fight has to be dangerous to be good- I think NPC interactions need the real threat of failure too.

Peet |

I did do the culture check. I got a 17. So stop being condescending. I also did my best in that conversation but I don't know what exactly the gm was looking for
If you did I apologize, but if so your post got eaten, because you have no culture rolls in the gameplay thread after the post calling for the check.
I do see you making a Diplomacy roll in THIS POST but that's the only roll I see. After the GM posts his hint you have two more posts but I still don't see a roll.
You did make a culture roll way back here but that was for a different check.

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It's fine, you didn't know what happened. The GM wrote a long post with the culture checks, I took my turn, and then he deleted his post and reposted it several hours later. So I did do those culture checks. I just don't think it is polite to call particular people out like that. And bold their names and point out their failures. It was unnecessary.

Peet |

It's fine, you didn't know what happened. The GM wrote a long post with the culture checks, I took my turn, and then he deleted his post and reposted it several hours later. So I did do those culture checks.
No, I know about that. That one is right here. You rolled a 17 for that one several posts earlier.
But then there was another post later on that you missed which called for a new Culture DC 10 or Life Science DC 12 check.
It sounds like you still haven't noticed it, since you keep referring to the earlier one.

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Can we just move on? What is the value in this?
Everyone wanted that encounter to go well. Everyone was frustrated with how it was going. I personally missed important information that was vital to the team success.
It is over and done with. Let's just figure out how to survive this upcoming firefight.

GM Valen |

GM, do you think it might be helpful to write shorter posts so that people do not get so lost?
I will try to do this. I must admit that it is not easy to get the right pacing for PbP and, with us trying to move this one a little quicker than usual, I have been erring on the side of longer posts.
Plus, I (and thus my NPCs) do tend toward wordiness.

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From my standpoint- It was just my own rushing. While smaller posts are useful- I recognize that long ones are unavoidable.
I have no complaints

Peet |

PbP offers challenges that Face to face games do not.
Very true.
As a GM sometimes I break long sections into multiple posts. Partly to make it easier if I have to copy & paste.

GM Valen |

Actually the Doshko is unwieldy and Obozaya can't take AoOs with it anyway. Maybe she didn't know that. But I think she moved too far:
The logical thing wound be that she crawled 5 feet and then cast since Obozaya couldn't take an AoO anyway. If she actually tumbled she wouldn't have been able to cast.
@ Obozaya - I rolled the Acrobatics check for the grease, actually, which was unnecessary. I also had her incorrectly crawl a square too far. Good catches.

GM Valen |

That, and a little too much magic and doshku!

GM Valen |

Yes, my condolences as well. I know grief can be crushing and draining. Take whatever time you need.

GM Valen |

I was trying to keep up this past week but was working M-F 9-9 and yesterday I had an 80th b-day party to attend. I am catching us up :)
No problem. I expect real life to get in the way.
I am just trying to push us along because I know some players want to complete this game by June 14th for their Alien Archive boon (so time is running out fast)! Still, if we get in one round per day, I think that could be enough to get us completed (this is the last combat and effectively the end of the scenario).

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So when I moved mustachio last time, I specifically did it to get out of the way of the cart. Does the cart cover a 4x4 square? I stood off the tracks. I am hoping you will retcon this to miss him, as my post says he was intentionally moving to get out of the way, and maybe I just didn't understand the map.

GM Valen |

So when I moved mustachio last time, I specifically did it to get out of the way of the cart. Does the cart cover a 4x4 square? I stood off the tracks. I am hoping you will retcon this to miss him, as my post says he was intentionally moving to get out of the way, and maybe I just didn't understand the map.
@ Mustachio - Sorry. I will retcon. I believe I was under the impression that the cart was 10 feet wide, but it is not; it is 10 feet long--only 5 feet wide.

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We only need to get the stone. The SFS didn’t care about Talbot. That said, I honestly don’t know how to do that without killing him.
Philt wanted him alive, but I just don’t see that happening right now.