Geryn Sellsword |

Geryn, grunting, groans grotesquely, weaving words without a waste, "What has happened in our absence..." slipping slowly from the Sellsword. "Onward to Otik's--although I fear the worst." Weaving wearily, ridiing roughly, Geryn grieves sweet Solace' suffering.
This is what I get for writing alliterative poetry for an Ulfen a moment ago... Don't worry, it (probably) won't happen again.

Alessa Synran |

"Thank you." She wipes a few tears away.
"The trees... it's hard to explain. They are a part of the this place, as much as any temple, yes, but that's not what they are. More than anything, the Vallenwoods... they make Solace Solace."
She tries her best to explain, but the concepts are too ephemeral for her to properly put them into words. She struggles for a little longer, trying to find the right words, but sighs "I wish I could explain, but it's hard. Just know that something awful seems to have happened to a place I love"
She wipes away more tears and smiles, as best she can.
"Otik, on the other hand, Otik's is a place to rest, relax, and enjoy the company of friends. The best spiced potatoes you've ever had, too."
Her smile brightens at that.
"Otik is kind, and friendly, and always welcomes the weary to his inn. He's a great man."

Asliath Argentleaf |

"Otik can wait. This is more important."
Asliath dismounts from her horse and leads her by her halter up to the workforce, calling out to one of the workers.
"Excuse me. Where did you get that vallenwood? These trees are the lifeblood of Solace!"
Let's stir this pot a little.

GM Trajan |

You manage to hale two surely carpenters. You notice their accents are strange- they are not native Solacians.
Oye, we're workin' here. We ain't got no time to be chawjawin' with youz. These here wood be a b~++! to cut down, pardon me my lady, but I reckon youz might calling dis rock before youz calling it wood. Back to work, thez seeker priests ain't paying us by the hour.
Your confrontation has drawn the attention of a patrol of guards. They trot over, shields and spears in hand. YOU. ELF. We've told you before, we don't care about your trees, this temple is going to be built. Move along unless you want to spend time in the stockades. They stand between you and the structure, with their dull steel helmets reflecting the last of the day's sun. Each bears a badge with a shadowy cloaked figure on it- presumably the symbol of the Seeker god. Their spears aren't leveled for combat yet, but they seem like they mean business.

Alessa Synran |

Distracted from her thoughts of spiced potatoes yet to come, Alessa says to herself
"Seekers? When did seekers come to make decisions for Solace? I have been too long gone"
She shakes her head sadly, but attempts to be tactful, though the tone the guards have taken with her old friend brings a flash of anger to her eyes.
She suppresses it, though, holding back the anger towards the guards, the sadness for the loss of the ancient tree, and the confusion of the Seeker presence; she somehow speaks politely, though some of the emotion creeps through.
"We were merely concerned. Why use wood so hard to cut when other lumber is in abundance?"

Geryn Sellsword |

Geryn wearily glares at the guards, too tired to argue. Have things truly changed this much in our absence? It's hard to believe... Geryn slumps in his saddle, hurting too much to respond. Best to stay back for now, keep ready to draw my bow if need be... Damn that goblin!

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Removing his cloak just a bit to show the familiar themes of the Solomnic Knights on his ceremonial armor, Janos tries to pacify the situation, "Hold, lets all just calm down. We are friends, here, just curious to know what has, what is happening here, as he tries to step inbetween the guards and the elf. "We are not your enemies. I am a friend of the Seekers", removing a small holy symbol of the Seeker's faith, "and have helped them much in Solomnia and Haven. Do they hold influence here? That is very much against their normal charter", as he places a resolute but calming hand on Mr. Carpenter's shoulder.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 <with an additional possible +/- 2 for the armor?>
"If I may, good sirs, what Seeker-god wilt this shrine be dedicated to? It does make for an interesting location for a temple, both protected on all sides by the might of these other trees, but also a great risk of demolishing the town should it ever be lit of fire. I wonder, my friends, has this been concidered"?

Durom Stonehammer |

Durom flushes with a little anger seeing how these outsiders are affecting his friends, then he whispers to Brand "These seekers are just a bunch of charlatans like the rest I ran into during my travels."
"Bah! Nothing more to learn for now, let us go drink and eat." Durom starts to move away slowly and will go normal speed when he spots his friends following him.

GM Trajan |

The rough sellswords soften when they are presented with seeker holy symbols.
Welcome brothers and sisters. Before you is the temple of the the Lady. Big events are happening- the High Seeker Hendrick has proclaimed that the Seeker gods have contacted him. Once the walls and ceiling of the temple are in place, we shall be granted her boons. Can you imagine, friends, the ability to heal injuries instantly? Returning life to the dead? Strength that the human race hasn't seen in centuries.
He pauses, recalling a well practiced statement. While the loss of a vallenwood was initially upsetting, the seeker goddess chose a small tree on the far outskirts of the city for protection of her temple. We could not lift such a grand structure into the trees. This, too, was in the Lady's message to us- we do not deserve the strength of the gods if we hide like cravens in the trees. She will grant us her grace when we are no longer hiding and no longer seeking. The tree was cut in secret and carefully hewed and anointed over the last few months. It was necessary that we assemble the pieces with haste- as you can imagine there were several protesters this morning, but we've managed to quell most of the resistance without injury. Well, I mean, injury to the guard, at least...
Turning to Josiah I suggest you get your friends in for the night. The seeker council left instructions that you were to report to them on the morrow for a new assignment. To the rest of you, clear off or you'll end up like the other protesters.
He gestures to the far end of the clearing. You can make out half a dozen stockades. Four of them have occupants currently.

Brand Vasari |

It looks at those people are desperate, which can be dangerous. All the anger Brand was feeling melts away and is replaced with pity.
Brand looks around and frowns at the stockades, but Durom's urging to get on to Otik's is too much to resist. The big warrior's stomach grumbles.
He looks back around and forces a smile. "I wish you peace my friends, but we must be on our way." Brand hustles to catch up to Durom. "After today I could use some good food, good drinks and good friends. Durom, did I ever tell you about that dwarf that I out drank in Crossing. Poor dwarf never could get over it. Of course he was from Kayolin, not Thorbardin. Maybe they don't make them as tough up north." Brand laughs for real making sure not to look at the temple or stockades less it ruin his mood.

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A little torn between respecting legit authority (if indead the Seekers were the political govenment here), and wanting to investigate the "protesters", Janos offeres a formal bow of thanks, "Perhaps my friends, you would allow me to speak with the protesters. Mayhap even get them to see . . . reason from an outsiders perspective"?
Diplomacy:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Bluff:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
I'd also like to see if I know anything about "The Lady"
Know: Religion, Nobility, or History:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Once the guards are a bit away, Janos will turn towards his allies, "Perhaps it is best if we retire for the night. It appears as thou the hospitality of this village is as cool as the night's caress, and it is best, I believe, that we not seperate".
And then, more to himself, but audible, "I have never seen the noble Seekers act as such before. I wonder if this is a singular occurence that gave credence to thine earlier ponderances"?

Durom Stonehammer |

"Bah! Probably was a gully dwarf, you drank with. So Brand are you challenging me? If you are it will be a mistake, hehe." Durom tries to make the air a little lighter with that chuckle.
Then he barks at the rest of the group, "Come on, we'll deal with that stuff tomorrow. Tonight is for celebrating the reunion of friends! Now come watch as Brand gets out drank by a old dwarf haha."

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The guard rebuffs Janos's advances. Best ye leave them there in the stockades alone. They're up for trial on the morrow if yer really interested. Them Seeker bosses will be sure to put those folk into a world of pain. I suggest youz find a place for the night before curfew sets in at sunset. He waves you on.
The Seeker gods are the latest of a number of attempts to communicate with otherworldly powers. Like many religions, the Seekers for the traditional pantheon- the Warrior is the father figure, the Lady is the mother, etc. The rest of the pantheon includes minor figures of mundane characteristics. However, unlike other pantheons that have clear 'good' vs 'evil' members, each of the Seeker gods have both light and dark aspects.
In her light form the Lady is healing, nurturing motherhood. In her dark form she's a seductress, a manipulator, and brutal warrior goddess. Often the depictions of her show both light and dark sides together.

Rumal |

Rumal pops up from being slumped over his mule's back, the mule having been casually following the other's horses as if he is used to going where he wants while the gnome is not in control. "Out drenk an ol drarf? I assept! Yewl wij I hannent." He eyes Durom shrewdly, pointing, and almost falling out of his saddle as the extended arm puts him off balance.
Yes, I'm still here, just been trying to track who's who out of all the characters, seeing who is posting and who isn't.

GM Trajan |

It's dusk when you finally enter the door of the Inn. A warm, familiar feeling washes over you as you cross the threshold. The shutters are open, letting in a light breeze, which is heavenly after the heat of the day has broken. The air is filled with noises of glasses clanging, people talking, and most of all the smell of Otik's spiced potatoes.
While many of the tables are empty, a cluster of robed figures (easily identified as Seeker priests) sits in one dark corner, mulling over there dinner. Scattered throughout the dining room are other locals enjoying their favorite meals.
Otik nearly jumps over the bar with excitement when he sees you, which is no small task for a man of his globular form. My friends! Where have you been!? Welcome! It warms my heart to see all of you together here after your long absence.
Durom, you're still keeping these whippersnappers in line? Rumal, you look three sheets to the wind my friend! Otik smiles as he tosses a small bottle from his apron to the inebriated tinker gnome. This ought to keep you speaking at a pace we can understand; it's a little spirit I've been working on for a while...
And what do we have here? Trap. Keep your hands above the tables please- I'm still missing half my good silver from your last visit.
I see the banner of the Synran knight- much famed for success in tourneys, but I can't imagine why he would let a serving wench carry it! Otik's eyes betray his jest, and he can't help but break out in laughter at the end of his joke. Mighty fine, my dear, mighty fine- for me to hear of you all the way back here.
Geryn, you sport a few more scars, but seem no less for the wear. They look good on you. I hope you left more than those in return. He shakes hands and schmoozes his way through the group, light on his feet for a bigger man.
Ms. Argentleaf, Brand, Joey, welcome back. Josiah- who is your other friend?
Otik begins clearing a long table to hold the party.

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Seeing this "Otik" the others speak of, Janos does begin to recal him, but having never spent much time here, it is not nearly as familiar a memory as the others. "Good sir, I am Sir-Knight Janos D’Larant Vin Donner, of the Order of the Crown, of the Knights of Solomnia. Son of the esteemed Lord and Lady Josephis Vin Donner, of Silver Citidal Keep, near Palanthis. And I am at thine service", with a formal bow of introduction, ',I've met thee, if briefly, perhaps 8 years ago, and your reputation for admirable hospitality and fame of perfecting potatoes proceedeth thee".

Alessa Synran |

"And you haven't changed a bit, old friend! Still eating too much of your spiced potatoes I see!"
She returns the laughter with her own friendly jibe
"Not that I blame you, whatever you do to them, I wouldn't want to stop either! But tell us Otik, how is Solace? My second home seems much changed since last I was here."
Alessa is clearly thrilled to see Otik is well, and that he has not changed, but the worry in her voice shows clearly in her last statement.

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After all the introductions are made, Janos will take Otik (and anyone else that wishes) off to the side away from earshot of the robed Seekers, "I couldn't help but notice, sir, that many of the tables are emtpy. Is this at all related to the, . . . to the prisoners outside? Can you tell me (us) what is really going on?"
Either Diplomacy (+8) or Sense Motive (+7) to try to gather Information, again with a +2 or -2 for the armor: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16
To little Sir Trapdodger the Mighty"They must be talking about something mighty interesting and important, to have a whole table to themselves and those nice soft robes. If only we knew what was so important. Perhaps an giant electric lizard-toad, . . . or wait! I would bet that they would be discussing needing a new town map, with that new church".

Trapdodger Barefoot |

To little Sir Trapdodger the Mighty"They must be talking about something mighty interesting and important, to have a whole table to themselves and those nice soft robes. If only we knew what was so important. Perhaps an giant electric lizard-toad, . . . or wait! I would bet that they would be discussing needing a new town map, with that new church".
"I bet they are talking about where important things are hidden. I should go find out and make sure no one else finds out where their stuff is."
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32 To over-hear conversations......
Wow kender utilizes ADHD and hyperfocuses becomes aware of everything within the bar at one time!

Asliath Argentleaf |

Asliath keeps a watchful eye on the Seekers as Otik greets them. She watches the others relay hearty greetings to the innkeeper, but keeps her own greeting polite and brief, so as to keep an eye on the Seekers in the inn. She didn't trust them. There was something not quite right about them; she'd never met anyone who was as secretive about what they were about as the Seekers. She took a seat near Alessa and surreptitiously kept watch on the odd holy-men that dared to fell one of the mighty vallenwood for something so vulgar as a temple to gods that answer no better than the gods that she'd learned about in her own travels, but she held her tongue.

Durom Stonehammer |

"Someone has too, the all get into so much blasted trouble!" He gives Otik a grin, "HAHA Glad you and your potatoes haven't been changed by these wannabe clerics like everything else around here. Bah who cares about them, it is time to celebrate! OTIK start the everflow of brew and potatoes at our table, Brand thinks he can out drink a hill dwarf HAHA! Let's show the youth how wrong he is haha." Durom speaks loudly not caring who hears, he notices the kender looking at the those seekers and laughs to himself, Let the kender take intrest in there pockets they deserve worse hehe.

Brand Vasari |

Brand sits in a chair near the fire and relaxes. He gazes into the flames for a moment and breathes a sigh. It feels good to me home again.
Brand looks around at his friends and chuckles, but seeing how pale Geyrn is looking he hops back up and helps the warrior to a nearby seat. Otik I think we're going to need some accommodations for the night. Geryn here was injured on the way into town. Durom too. There were a number of goblins that ambushed us as we headed into Solace. It's a shame the town militia is too busy spending their time locking up peaceful protesters rather than patrolling for goblin scum that dare to come this close to town. Brand checks Geryn's bandages.

GM Trajan |

Otik takes orders for food and drink. You will, of course, be stayin' up in the west wing rooms. We've got plenty of space at the inn for you all. I send Tika up to prepare your rooms after you've gotten some food in you. You do look a bit banged up.
He pauses, and looks to the group in the corner.
Aye, we best not speak loudly, but things have changed here. Rumors of war coming have driven these priests slightly paranoid. Each day they seem to double in number, and each new robe wearer is more grim and doomsdayish than the last. They've come from all over, and have consolidated their power here. That temple they're building he pauses, clears his throat ... Well you can see they just don't understand how we run things here. They've pushed out the Council of Elders and now control the militia and all aspects of Solace. This church is to be their headquarters. Rumors of powers from the gods... Again his voice falters. Well, they're planning a big ceremony tomorrow evening; you'll be expected to attend. It frightens me, this talk of magic from the gods.
For those trying to hear the priests

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What Otik says and implies about doesn't sound good. Not at all the priesthood he is familiar with.
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
From what Otik says, these Seekers are far exceeding their normal practices and spiritual mandates, and what they seem to be speaking of, seems very out of character for the orginization, known for it's peace-keeping and spiritualism to the north.
Mayhap we might need undertake a mission this night to release these prisoners, if we are not hearing this snipet of conversation out of context. Perhaps something, or someone, is manipulating their minds in this town, towards so evil an end. Who indeed, is this Lady, as it sounds as though they are familiar with her in some personal way.

Trapdodger Barefoot |

Trap hears and as his head comes near to exploding he moves and tries to leave the bar and head for those in the stockades.....Thinking to save them and learn more secrets.
Trap heads to the stockades....
Have a bowl of DM Crunch
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Automatic perception check within 10 of a trap
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

Durom Stonehammer |

Durom leans close to his friend Otik, "I leave for a little traveling and the council lets themselves get kicked out by a bunch of Charlatans. You shouldn't fear the magic of the gods cause it doesn't exist. I traveled to every holy site my grandfather ever told me about and you know what I found? Just a bunch of trickster's like those over there,(he points to the seeker's table) they all just preyed on gullible suckers till they ran out of money and left to find more. Face it the gods left us, plain and simple. So all I believe in now is my friends and my belly." With that Durom starts to feast on the food and his ale. He tries to compliment Otik but his mouth is too full to understand him.

GM Trajan |

The kender bounds out the door before you can react.
Outside, the lamps scattering throughout the vallenwoods have been lit, leaving pools of yellow light dotting the darkness. Making his way down to the stockade would be easy for a clumsy child; for a graceful padfoot like Trap, it's a cinch.
The stockades currently hold two captives: one an older male elf with grey streaked hair, the other is a half elf woman with flaxen hair. Both wear simple brown linen robes, covered in filth thrown at them throughout the day. They are clearly not townsfolk, and look more like they belong walking through the pristine woods with their bare feet and unadorned outfits.

Asliath Argentleaf |

Asliath excuses herself from her friends and watching the Seekers with her peripheral vision, she makes her way to the back of the tavern and into the kitchens. She knew that Otik wouldn't mind; he used to let her into the kitchens when she was younger to help serve the meals and occasionally to sample the foods. She passed some familiar faces and gave some brief, but friendly greetings, making her way out the back and down the vallenwood tree toward the stockade.
She wasn't particularly surprised to see Trapdodger down here, nor Janos approaching, either. She didn't trust Janos like she used to. He'd fallen in with those Seekers and in the past couple of years she'd been trying to find some sign of the old gods; these Seekers were making up new ones. She'd seen no signs of any new gods coming to these lands, and the Seekers seemed to be like most any cult. She had no idea why Janos had taken up with them, but his faith in their beliefs made her uneasy, as if he might somehow have been brainwashed by those foolish men with their false gods.
The tension was building in the air as he approached. Asliath tried to play it off by focusing on Trapdodger.
"What are you doing, you little runt?" She'd been calling him a runt for as long as she'd known the kender. She'd always been taller than him, and he'd always taken the insult good-naturedly. It was a term of endearment between them these days.
"You took off out of the Inn so fast that I knew exactly where you'd be headed. You didn't hear what those..."
Asliath paused for a moment, lowering her voice before Janos stepped close enough to hear her.
"... Seeker fools said, did you?"
Now that Janos was within earshot, she admonished her kender friend.
"Playing around in places that you don't belong. Come away from there, Trap!"
She tugged gently on Trapdodger's sleeve. She had no idea whether Janos would agree with the men who cut down one of the mighty vallenwood trees in holding people in this stockade. This wasn't the way things were done here in Solace, and she didn't like it one bit.
Stealth roll to make sure no one noticed her leaving; just in case someone was watching. 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Just talking quietly to prevent Janos from hearing bits she didn't want him to hear (mostly to set up some more dynamic interplay between our characters); don't think a roll is necessary unless you want me to make one, Trajan.

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Unaware of any mistrust between them, Janos trails the mighty Kender down to see Asliath. Walking to them calmly, "We must free these people, now. After you left, I heard the Priests say that they where to be executed. Otik tells me that this group has managed to exclude the town council and elders from their govening duties, and we can not let this happen. Are you with me?".
"They also speak of a Lady to pass some sort of judgement and something large to be revealed tomorrow."

GM Trajan |

As Janos, Trap, and Asliath descend to the ground and skirt the guards on their way to the stockades, the others begin receiving their food and drink from Otik, Tika, and the other Inn staff. Shortly after the food arrives, the cluster of clerics breaks apart. Each of the priests of the Seeker gods splits off into different directions once they reach the Inn's door. As they pass by, one stops to speak at Josiah. Brother Josiah, you should report to the High Seeker, I believe he has a mission for you. says Abbot Argentine, one of the higher members of the Seeker order. He gives his order without waiting for a response, and moments later is off into the night.
Actions? Janos, are you attempting stealth or going to let the patrolling guards find you?

Rumal |

During the conversation, Rumal keeps himself occupied with the bottle Otik gave him. He takes a few swigs, and appears to truly be measuring factors. The first one he drinks cleanly, takes notes on the initial kick, first taste, and breathing in and out, the burn. Second swig, he holds in his mouth, swishes a little, spits into an empty vial he has available before setting it to burn. He notes all these factors as well.
After all this, he proceeds to drink it normal, and addresses Otik. "It has a smooth feel, just a touch of burn, however, its potential for combustible propulsion may still leave a bit to be desired. It will do nicely as an intoxicant, I might suggest a little blackroot, but that may not be as favorable to most humans as it is amongst the dwarves." His speech amazingly clear, like always, it seems that his head is clear when it comes to the science of alcohol and combustibles.
"Now, I b'leve there was to be a drinkin' contest?" He looks to Durom and Brand, "or d'you two shtill refuse to let me compete?" He looks to have a renewed attention span, now that he got some fresh booze in his system.

Asliath Argentleaf |

As Trapdodger pulled out the tools of his trade and began to work on the lock to the stockade, Asliath shot Janos a mysterious glance, then watched with wary eyes out into the night for any sign of patrolling guards or watchful passersby, gripping her staff tightly.
"I don't know what you think you heard, Janos, but I heard nothing about murder, just that these people needed to be 'dealt with'. Nothing good can come from that, so I'm glad you're here to help us free them. Keep an eye out for your Seeker friends," she said tersely.
She was sure that Janos could sense how tense she'd become, but she didn't care; he'd either try to turn on his old friends and hand them over to the Seekers, or he'd help free these prisoners. Either way, there was no room for doubt, and she needed to know just as much as anyone did where his loyalties lie - either with his friends or with those charlatans.
Perception Check:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

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Senseing that she is a little off by his presence, but deciding it was a conversation for another time, "Knowest thou a safe place we can take these people? We need to form a plan before we act rashly and perhaps get them, and ourselves in any more trouble. As you command, milady, I'll watch for guards, but what do you have planned for after their release"?

GM Trajan |

Trap snaps open the padlock on the stockades, releasing the tired looking prisoners.
In the dim light, the elderly elf turns his gaze on the kender It was kind of you to aid us, but foolish to involve yourself in this business. We can fend for ourselves. Begone, before the patrol returns and catches you kender-handed. He stiffly raises himself, and checks on his partner. Together they shuffle off to the shadows.
Perception rolls, and stealth rolls if you plan on remaining hidden please
Back in the inn...
Otik breaks out his finest spirits for the initial rounds (and has a gallon jug of some rotgut ready for the later rounds). He sets out several small pewter cups for the contest, and pours one himself.
You said something about drinking? His first two cups disappear in quick succession.
Fort check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11