GM Trajan |

Round 4:
The hobgoblins gasps as they see their leader with the lady's lance protruding from his back, and his subsequent slide to the ground. The two archers heft their shields and break for the trees, exposing their backs.
The remaining rider takes a withdrawal, fleeing for the trees as well.
Wolf 1 and 3 attack.
Wolf 1 will snap at Durom (despite slipping), wolf 3 will try to bite Josiah.

Asliath Argentleaf |

Asliath ran over to Geryn and pulled on his arm. "Come with me, Geryn. There can be no honor in death at their hands."
Asliath knew she had to get Geryn out of there and start treating his wounds. The remaining wolves would quickly fall to their friends, and Asliath knew that her talents did not lie on the field of battle. She could do far more by tending to the wounded than risking her own life chasing after goblinoids and getting in the way of her boon companions cutting down the remaining beasts.
Healing: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16

Yockmund 'Joey' Beck |

I forgott about the concstitution thing for spellcasting, sorry. Did we have it nailed down how you wanted it done? Do I add my casting ability mod to the roll? Is it a caster level check? A concentration check? Or are you keeping with a constitution check?
Joey breaks into a grin as the wolfs and riders start dropping like flies, sweating and shaking he leans to the vallenwood for support as the taxation of his spellcasting come rushing at him all at onece. 'I wonder if I'll do more good now.' he contemplates, adopting a frown as he views his wounded companions.

Alessa Synran |

"Of course Geryn needed to leave the frontline, he was hurt badly."
She replies to Janos as she puts her lance through one of the remaining wolves, almost as an afterthought to the discussion at hand.
"I meant the rest of us. Besides, I didn't hurt Geryn, the enemy here did"
She points to the remains of the goblinoid on her lance, now skewered into the wolf. She seems slightly hurt and confused at the knight's words.
"Besides, we've got them on the run now, shall we give chase? Defeat the monsters like warriors of legend?"
Threat Confirmation 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Lance Damage 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Critical Bonus Damage 2d8 + 14 ⇒ (8, 6) + 14 = 28

Durom Stonehammer |

Seeing his clip is out Durom drops his crossbow, and pulls out his grandfather's warhammer and smashes it into the wolf, "Hey Trap its time for our favorite game, the great fang pick up!"
Warhammer attack:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Damage:1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Geryn Sellsword |

Geryn nods wearily and slides off of Huma as Asliath approaches him. "Treat the horse too. Costs a bundle," he mutters as he looks dazedly at the sword in his hand. "'Least sword's ok. Got this in Solamnia..." He blinks and shakes his head slightly, trying to regain focus, and does what he can to help Asliath treat him, mainly focusing on trying to stanch the blood flowing out of him.
Heal Check to Aid Another: 1d20 ⇒ 9

Asliath Argentleaf |

Asliath gently pushed Geryn's hands off to the side. It seems that in his slight delirium from the loss of blood, he was trying to wrap a bandage around his uninjured nose and not the jagged gash that continued to bleed from just under his lowest rib. The chain shirt had absorbed most of the impact from the blows, but the links had still managed to tear through his shirt and his skin. It looked garish, but Asliath was no stranger to blood and worked with methodical efficiency in helping her friend.

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Janos will go to his bag and remove his healers kits. Tossing one to Asliath (if she doesn't already have one), and remove some cloth bandages. Taking the cloth, he preps them for quick bandages and without hesitating, rips out the two arrows and begins to plug the holes. Afterwards, I'll either go to start trying to heal other or assist Asliath, whichever she preferes.
Heal Check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Alessa Synran |

"Is everyone okay to move? We should get to Solace. The cowards flee now, but honorless dogs like them would probably start shooting our wounded the moment we let out guard down out here.
She pats Summer on the head gently.
"Good job, girl, no dog is any match for you."
The horse snorts.
"I know you don't like it when I'm up in the trees, but everyone needs to be safe, and Solace is the closest safe place."
She looks up and adds quickly, "Mind you, I don't fear those swine... but it is not worth risking a lucky shot from one of the fleeing archers."

Geryn Sellsword |

Seeing that he's not doing much good, Geryn just raises his arms and lets Asliath work. "Bloody goblins. Probably should have killed that one... oy, don't forget those weapons there--might be worth a bit of steel if nothing else." He coughs after saying this, then turns his head toward Asliath. "Maybe I should just let you work, then, while I sit here silently."

Brand Vasari |

Brand wonders why everyone is leaving the fight when there is still one wolf attacking the dwarf. He swings at the last remaining wolf standing in a puddle of grease.
Attacks wolf #1
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Damage: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
"Die you hairy bastard! Not you Durom."

Alessa Synran |

"Another one left?! I did not see it moving with all that magic goop it's slipped in. Never could understand what Joey's sorceries do. I thought it was dead."
She wheels Summer quickly
"Summer, let's finish this! More glory for us!"
She charges at the wolf with startling speed. There's no doubt why she saw so much success in tourneys. Her lance pierces flesh, deeply, between the strength of the rider and speed of the mount.
Charge Attack (with prone bonus) 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30
Poor thing, it takes 3d8 + 18 ⇒ (3, 6, 5) + 18 = 32 damage

Alessa Synran |

"It seemed more in a mood to eat our friends than to slink of to some lair with its fellows"
She replies smiling warmly while removing her lance from the corpse, shaking wolf blood and goblin blood from the weapon.
"If you'd like, though, I could give chase to those than ran. Take one prisoner.
She dismounts Summer, extremely gracefully for one in so much armor.
"Anyway, I remember the big one there shouting orders" she points to the largest goblinoid corpse.
"Maybe he'll have something on him that shows where they're from"
She begins inspecting and cleaning her lance.
"Not again!" she mutters more to herself than anyone "Blood all over my banner. No one will sing of a hero with a bloody banner, that's the stuff of villains." She sighs.

GM Trajan |

Round 4 wrap up:
The two archers make it to the treeline, one sports a kender's arrow from the back of his chainmail shirt like a tail. The withdrawing wolf rider backs away, his mount snarling. Once clear he pivots and dashes for the trees in a different path from the other two hobgoblins.
Wolf 3 snaps at Alessa as she drives her spear into him.
Wolf's last attack1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Sheathing Alessa's lance like a Tarsian Boar Kebab, the wolf shudders and falls.

GM Trajan |

Assuming no one persues the rider and hobgoblins...
The last wolf falls to Alessa's lance thrust. The sudden cessation of battle makes the clearing seem ominously silent.
The lifeblood of the two felled riders seems to pulsate more weakly out of their wounds with each passing second. Thanks to Josiah, Janos, and Asliath's efforts bandages are tied, wounds are poulticed, and bruises are nursed.
Successful heal checks will count as the start of 'long term care' - assuming the party does not engage in active combat or strenuous activity for the evening, healed party members will regain 2 hp per level. One healer's roll is the primary; additional healers making successful aid checks will boost the initial roll by +2
The bodies of the hobgoblins wear relatively fine gear: well forged weapons, strong steel links on their armor, and mass produced shields. Equipment, you note, that would not be normally worn by hobgoblins in the wild. Hobgoblins do not typically range this far from the mountains.
Following the cataclysm the goblinoid races breed like wildfire. They swarmed down from the mountains devouring villages of humans that were struggling in the first few decades of the dark times. Weaker goblins were pressed into service by their more powerful hobgoblin cousins; who fought tribal battles to consolidate power until they were unified under one monstrous king as an army.
Humankind fell back, consolidating, fortifying, and gradually pushing back the goblin hordes until they were forced back into the surrounding mountains and scattered to the winds.
Havens like Solace started as fortifications against goblin raids, but over the last two centuries have softened and no longer remember the days where they fought goblins for their lands. Still, the treetop houses in solace still sport murder holes, jokingly referred to as 'floor windows' from the days when they would retreat up the large, fire impervious trees.
The red paint that splatters across the chest of each armor, and diagonally across the shields, appears to be some sort of tribe or troop marking. While you recall stories of hobgoblins leading a tribe or two of goblins around Solace in the previous decades, none of you remember a time where this many hobgoblins were encountered at once...
Actions? Combat has ended. There is still plenty of time to take a slow ride to Solace for shelter this evening.
Rumors of goblins and war, until this point, has been just that- rumors. Born by the tales of drunks and rumormongers, the threat of goblins seemed almost a tale to scare children into eating their dinners. Presented with the cooling corpses of an organized band of hobgoblins seems even worse than the thought of a few tribes of dangerous goblins....

Alessa Synran |

Knowledge History 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
She nods to Sir Janos
"You are right. Heroes looks after friends when the battle is done, they do not foolishly seek more blood needlessly. Sometimes the rush of the charge makes me forget"
She smiles, "I am just fine, though, but thank you for your offer of aid. It will take more than that for them to pierce my armor."
She looks to the dead, and a shadow crosses her face.
"This isn't right, though. Look closely at their gear. This is equipment of fine make. Very fine, perhaps not the work of a master, but closer than I'd ever expect to see on a beast-man."
She shakes her head
"They should not even be here. No goblins have been seen for quite some time."
She looks to the wounded, then the enemy corpses.
"I don't like this. The big one spoke as if it was our lives he sought, not just wealth or possessions. I do not think these were bandits. Whatever is happening, we should get to Solace quickly."

Brand Vasari |

Brand drags his dire flail in the grass to get rid of the blood and matted fur sticking to it. Then he lays the metallic spiked ball in the fire to burn off any lingering traces of stench. Meanwhile he grabs his healer kit from his pack and head's over to Durom. Looking over his shoulder to Alessa, "That was one hell of a charge! Where in the world did you learn to do that?"
He places a hand on the dwarf's shoulder to keep him still then he unpacks his kit. "You and Geryn are going to need at least three or four days of rest. Hold still a moment and let me tend to these bites." then he starts cleaning and dressing the wound.
Heal Check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
"I'm all for heading into Solace and killing more of these bastards, but I'd rather do it on a full stomach if I had the choice."

Geryn Sellsword |

Geryn groans and nods thankfully to Asliath as she finishes attending to him. "Well, at least I can say that run-of-the-mill goblins didn't do this to me. I swear, the ogres in Solamnia showed less skill." Moving carefully so as to not disturb his bandages, he moves to examine Huma. "Almost killed Huma too... bastards. 'S a good horse, and those are hard to come by. Hey, does anyone have experience treating horses?"
Damndest thing. Better fighters than most bandits too--ogres aren't that well-trained, but bandits have some experience usually. Guess I'll be using the bow for a little while, give Huma a rest too.
Heal to aid another if someone else can attend to Huma.
1d20 ⇒ 1
...Ow! Thank god it's now, and not during combat.

Asliath Argentleaf |

If it's fine, I'll try to work at bandaging up (and/or stitching up) some of Huma's wounds.
Seeing that Geryn will be fine for the moment, Asliath starts to tend to the wounded mounts, particularly Huma.
"It is rather odd that we'd be seeing goblinkind this close to Solace. They haven't been this bold in generations, and they're definitely not this well equipped in general. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about these markings on their armor to know what they mean."
She continues to soothe and pat the horse while tending to his wounds, feeling a little bit better now that she can contribute more to the welfare of her group of friends.
"I think we'd better head for Solace and let someone know that there are goblins that are this bold nearby. I'm sure we can't be the only travelers they've attacked recently. Someone's bound to know something more."

Durom Stonehammer |

As Brand wraps up Durom he grunts a little and says, "Needs to be a little tighter lad, by my grandad's beard have you forgotten all I taught you in healing."
Everyone can see Durom is uncomfortable being one of the two injured this badly and lets out his retorts, "Geryn will need that long, but a dwarf just needs a night of drinking and I'll be fine. That's probably why that oversized mutt got better of me, I never fight well on a empty belly."
He looks to Alessa, "Good to see my lass has become quite the fighter, but yet I see you still steal my kills. Just like on those hunting trips we used to take haha." You can see a proud look in his eyes of how you all preformed.
As he complains and makes excuses he moves over to the weapons, "Let a trained eye see how well their crafted."
Knowledge(History):1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Craft(weapon):1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Using to check the style and how well the weapons were crafted.

Alessa Synran |

Clearly happy with Durom's approval Alessa beams.
"Any kills I've taken were earned through things you've taught. I learned to ride from my parents. I learned to joust in tournaments. You, my dear friend, though, you taught me to fight."
She leads Summer Storm, walking to her old mentor.
"You always said that the real thing was never anything like the tournaments. I'd say you were right save for one thing. The charge feels the same. Summer felt it, too."
The horse whinnies.
"Right. Fighting evil, driving them back, and even the killing blows, those are things of song. Don't forget that I will be known throughout the land one day. The songs will be beautiful."
She gazes up at the sky, lost in her own imagination of heroics and tales of times long past.

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Going from friend to friend, and stopping to whisper to Alessa, with a mournful expression, "Killing, . . . even killing evil, shall never be worthy of song, and is never, ever a beautiful thing. Though they be monstrous bestials, they are worthy of our respect, even in death. Once we begin to forget the value of an enemies life, . . .".
Doing at least a cursery physical exam on everyone and rechecking the interventions, Janos nods in approval. "I am ready to venture to this town, now. I'll cover the rear, if no one minds that is. And once again, Brand, you are more than welcome to ride with me, shouldst thou require". As Janos begins to mount his stead, Janos whispers bits of the Solomnic funeral song.
Did we lose Joey?

GM Trajan |

The swords, spear, and shield have the telltale signs of being mass produced- well made, but not masterwork. The hammer blows were quick, the quenching and sharpening just enough to be efficient and deadly, but none of these weapons were made with the care given to a beloved weapon. The weapon was likely left handed, and quite tall. The steel tastes of a bit of sulfur. Likely there were many more of these pieces crafted in this batch.
This is the point where the PCs usually tear every coin and inch of equipment off of their foes....
The hobgoblins have simple kits- barding for their wolves to ride on, but no actual protection. Just leather strips and a small saddle. The hobgoblin leader's eyeball trophies have already been pickpocketed, however you do find a small pouch of coin (10 steel, 20 gold, 3 silver). Most interesting among his possessions is a crudely drawn map of the Solace valley, designating the vallenwood trees and the normal militia patrol stops. Small markings in charcoal have been made in various peripheral places on the parchment; a quick survey seems to show a systematic marking of the perimeter leading to the current tree's position. It appears that these hogboblins have been about the valley for at least a few days time.
It looks like everyone is ready to proceed to Solace. Anyone claiming the hobgoblin's gear?

Trapdodger Barefoot |

"Ooooooooooooooo a map tha looks like a good one I love maps, hey look our fire is even marked on it! Not really but the tree is there and the rock. I wonder if these other marks are battles or something, maybe the bandits base camp is on here........"
"So into town then. I have not been there since...uho, nevermind."

Durom Stonehammer |

Durom smiles at Alessa, "Glad at least one of you didn't forget my teachings haha. Truly my lass I can't wait to hear that song and it will be such a beautiful melody." He blushes a little after realizing he said that out loud. The Dwarf tries to change the subject and picks up one the enemies blades, "No love in there steel, but still too good for goblin make. The way they pounded out these blades were in mass qaunities, I would bet my grandfather's anvil on it. The Question is who would be gearing up gobbos with these weapons? Plus they smell of sulfur, probably deep within a mountain's Bah! wouldn't be suprised if the mountain dwarves did this to further insult us Hill dwarfs." He spits on the ground when he speaks of the Highlar dwarfs. Leaving a bad taste in his mouth, the dwarfs grunts while he loads his clip with bolts and sets it back in the crossbow. After that a sudden bellow comes from his stomach and he looks to the group and then the pile of loot. "Looks like the gobbo's are at least buying us our dinner tonight, lets get moving! Your elder is hungery BWAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!

Geryn Sellsword |

Geryn, feeling somewhat better but still fairly weak, grunts as the others talk. I'll lay claim to the goblin leader's weapons at least. Just put 'em in my pack if you don't mind--not sure I can deal with them right now." He winces slightly in pain as he speaks. "Also, would someone mind me riding double? Not sure if Huma can handle a rider right now, poor beast." He looks sadly at his horse for a moment, looking over Asliath's work for a moment. Good thing we have a few skilled healers here... have to thank Asliath when I get my strength back. I wonder if that barding could be adapted, though...
No, seriously. Is there any way that the warg barding could be tweaked to fit a full-grown horse. >.>

Josiah Carpenter |

Josiah shakes his head. "I'd hoped that the rumors of goblins were just that, but... Surely the Seekers would have tasked us with driving them away if they had known?" He seems even more disturbed by the ramifications of this new knowledge. Hearing Durom's grumbling, he nods. "Let's go, then. We have ground to cover before we reach home." He mounts his horse and leads the way.

Brand Vasari |

Brand stares at the flames for a moment before sighing and kicking dirt to put out the fire. He retrieves his weapon and gear and climbs up on the back of Janos' horse. Thanks for the lift my friend.
I still find it hard to believe that things can be as bad as that. Goblins are like any other vermin, you just have to root the pests out now and again. I wouldn't be worried about it. Let's get to the inn and get something to eat!

GM Trajan |

As you round the last curve of the path leading down toward Solace, you pass several of the palisades from the previous century's goblin wars. Most are covered in dirt or rotted away, but a few defensive structures break through the undergrowth.
The path widens into a well traveled road. The first glimpse of Solace proper is a strange one. Even in the dwindling twighlight, there seems to be too much light. The most dense cluster of vallenwoods in the valley have long made up the cluster of suspended in air homes and businesses. However, in the middle the aerial city, planted between the two tallest vallenwood trees, is a looming structure in the process of being built. In it's current state, it looms 3 stories high off the forest floor. Scaffolds are scattered about all sides of it, and small lever and pulleys work in concert to lift large panels of wall and roof sections into place. At first it looks like spans of stone are being added to an ample sized theater, but upon closer examination you are appauled to see that the building is being constructed out of hewn planks of vallenwood.
In addition to being almost fireproof, vallenwood is almost as hard as steel and impossible to grow. No new trees have sprouted in hundreds of years. To fell one would take a team of lumberjacks working around the clock, likely with axes and saws harder than steel and sharper than one would think possible. To kill such a large specimen would be unthinkable in terms of both work and the rarity of resource.
Yet here in front of you lies exactly that- the lifeless corpse of a vallenwood being displayed in such a vulgar use. Adding insult to injury, the building is constructed on the ground- bereft of any of the lofty defense that the great trees give almost all of Solace's other structures (save, of course, the smithy and several stables).

Durom Stonehammer |

Prior to Janos: He holds up the blade he was looking at earlier and motions at various points of it as he talks, " See lad, as you can see from the blade's angle that the smith used quick strikes with his hammer, and see they just sharpened it enough just to be deadly not for lasting. Those are a few techniques many smiths’ use when making weapons for a large company or even army." He throws the blade down in annoyance. "Also there was no love put into the crafting of this blade, a smith puts a reflection of his soul in every weapon he takes time to craft. That blade shows no such reflection. If the smith only made these blade one at a time, by Paladine's blade I would beat the black smith code back into him! Durom shakes his fist in the air. "And lad I've been feuding with gobbo's since before you were born so I know what they can and cannot make!" And with that he stomps a foot on the ground and ends his lesson on mass produced weapons to Janos.

Alessa Synran |

"This... this is not the Solace I recall from my youth! The people of that place would never do such a thing."
Summer Storm senses her rider's discomfort and snorts, shaking her head.
"It's... it's alright girl. You never liked those trees, it's alright"
She blinks back tears.

Durom Stonehammer |

Looking at the destruction of the Vallenwood, Durom mutters,"I got a bad feeling about this, but lets see what Otik can inform us of this cursed change." He looks away from the house, "Come on to Otik's, lets move away before one us of does something stupid. Come on Trap and Alessa you'll feel better after we eat and find out what's going on here."
He whispers to himself, "Found nothing and may have lost my only real home. Should of never left, if only Solace's dwarf stayed this wouldn't of happened. Stupid gods."