Hu'tonkton |

Hu'tonkton listened in rapt silence as the priest described the ancient city, perhaps the last bastion of holy left to the world. He accepted the berries with quiet reverence and carefully tucked them into a front pouch hanging from his belt, giving the kender a long cold stare as they disappeared.
"This one can but offer sincere thanks for the gifts you have bestowed. And the vow to return and aid in your fight against these evil men and their dark god." He bowed low and then stepped away, toward the man and his trio of smallfolk.
He did not doubt that he could find this place by his self - though still yet foreign to this place, he'd always had a keen sense of place and direction. Now that he had a general way to point his nose, the city would be found sooner than later.
And yet... the road had been long and lonely, and it would be good to have someone mind his back. If the city was as the priest said - there would be others there, and likely trouble in tow.
"Do not pretend at knowing the elven way, and I'll not try to understand why such an honorable man would make company with a thief and a drunk. To say nothing of the dwarf.
His smile was all teeth, the fierce grin of a gator. Your head serves for something other than holding your helm, though. There is some sense in your words. Friends? No. Companions, nay. We shall walk the path together but make no mistake upon where we stand."
onward!!! :)

Rumal |

Not that I have a problem staying a night, but we did JUST wake up to come have a half-battle before talking to the elf priest. I'm guessing it's about 10 in the morning-ish, and we've barely exerted ourselves.

Rumal |

We still have our mounts, and we are curious and a little skeptical, so I don't think we would try to rush too much. Rumal would be better towards the middle, not for safety sake, but you don't want the drunk leading, and someone should be behind him so he doesn't become a straggler.

GM Trajan |

Two days traveling north finds the woods becoming more dense with each mile. Standing water starts overtaking dry ground, and travel slow. You find a clearing dry enough to put down camp and settle in for the night.
Midway through the third watch, the night's normal noises cease, creating an unnatural silence.
Perception check, and let me know if your'e on watch or sleeping

Rumal |

Rumal would be sleeping, as he would likely be either on the first watch (by staying up to drink), or last watch (waking up to drink off his hangover).
Perception 1d20 - 8 ⇒ (5) - 8 = -3 (included the sleeping penalty)

GM Trajan |

Durom, not human.
The dwindling firelight obscures most of the clearing in shadow and dampens all of the color to a drab grey. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the light reflecting back from two red irises standing among the trees about 2' off the ground, peering into the clearing.
A few seconds later 2 more pairs appear to the right and the left of the first set of eyes.

Hu'tonkton |

Hu'tonkton was resting with his back against a fallen log when the strange disquiet fell across the clearing. He pulled his bow close as he spied the pair of red eyes in the night - goblin, most like, by the shape.
He tried moving slowly, so as not to show the interlopers that he was aware of their presence, but that very moment the fool kender started shouting.
Hu' cursed under his breath in elven and raised his bow to fire.
Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Long bow attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Long bow damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6

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I'm going to assume I'm asleep until woken, but here Init just in case.
Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
When I do wake up, so that no one is waiting on me, I will stand up, draw my faithful sword, offer a customary knightly salute to the enemy, while offering a little "prayer" to enter battlemind, and assume a defensive stance, of the Platinum Dragon's inward passions.

GM Trajan |

Looks like 1. Hu, 2. Trap, 3. Enemies, 4. Rumal, 5. Durom, 6. Janos
Hu'tonkton's arrow is a quite whistle as it cuts through the air into the edge of the clearing. A gurgle followed by the sound of a small body thumping to the ground is all you hear of the red eyes that formerly hid outside the range of the light. You hear a screech as four more goblins draw closer (10 yards away) and leave the treeline their spears aiming for you. A fifth goblin draws a horn to his lips at the edge of the clearing and prepares to blow.
Trap's turn

GM Trajan |

Trap's small arrow zips into the nearest goblin (goblin 2), which leaves a shoulder wound trickling greenish blood.
Goblin Five sends three short blasts of his small horn into the air. He turns and flees into the brush.
Goblin 1 was felled by Hu's arrow.
Goblin 2 approaches trap and stabs with his spear.
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Goblin 3 stabs at Hu with her spear.
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Goblin 4 sees Durom struggling to free himself from his bedroll and load his crossbow. Stab stab.
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
All failures! Rumal, Durom, & Janos are up

Rumal |

Rumal sits upright from his bedroll, his eyes bloodshot red, and glaring at the kender. He looks around, squinting to see what's going on before noticing the goblins in the camp to awake more fully. In surprise he extricates himself from his bedroll, grabbing his crossbow as he does so. "Dangblastedgoblins! Whodoesagnomehavetokicktogetadrinkandsomedquietaroundhere?" he complains, holding his pounding head with his free hand.
What would be my penalties for being sober?

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If I'm able, I'll charge at the goblin attacking Trap, hopefully also setting him up for a flank. If not, I will try to simply move there and attack, uless it draws AoOs.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 (+4 without charge, +8 is I can flank)
Damage: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

GM Trajan |

Janos charges to the goblin near Trap, but fails to connect. Trap and Janos now flank the goblin.
Order for round 2: 1. Hu, 2. Trap, 3. Enemies, 4. Rumal, 5. Durom, 6. Janos
Horns echo through the wood. Sets of 3 clear horn blasts come from the north, northeast, Northwest, and even southeast of you. Through the trees you begin to see glimmers of light, as if dozens of torches are being lit. Now that the goblins are within the range of your campfire, you see they bear the same red hand printed armor and mass produced weapons.
The remaining goblins screech in goblinoid and continue the fight.

Hu'tonkton |

Hu'tonkton shifted slightly to the side as the goblin wench tried him with her spear. Clumsy as she were ugly. Stupid too, to test me...
He worried not over her, nor the others she came with. There are many and more about the woods, though. In the dark, it seemed they were nearly surrounded. He would run if necessary. Not out of fear - he'd slay any man who named him a coward. But he'd not see his quest end here, dying with this lot.
Leaping to his feet, the bow stumbled from his fingers. His hands found the hilt of his primary steel and pulled the light blade free. He'd not need both swords to deal with this one.
He grinned.
Masterwork Rapier Attack 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Damage 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
crit: 18-20/x2
"Get to the horses - they are many, and we are not."