GM SpiderBeard's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master Barvo Delancy

Chapter 4: A History of Ashes

Online Maps | Party Loot Tracker | Party Assets

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I'll skip the post to continue to work through logistics - burn some time while Sevenspawn is in the most magical place ever.

Handy haversack is there to carry your loot!

I've zeroed out the loot values for the items which are claimed. Everyone gets 600.125 gold.

Let me know about any purchases you want to make on the way to wererat land.

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

604.125, I think

Also, that's assuming SS (or someone else) doesn't want the +1 Shortspear (which I think is correct, I just wanted to be sure before we totalled the cash)

NG Male Dwarven Barbarian 10 | HP 88/115 {118/145} | AC 21 (19 Rage, 12 Touch, 20 Flat-Footed) | CMB +14/+16, CMD 25/27 | Fort. +13/16, Ref. +6, Will +10/12 | Init. +2 | Perc. +15 | Speed 30ft | Rage: 19/25 | DR 2/- | Active conditions: N/A

I thought SS wanted the spear? I don't really need it, myself, so good to give to somebody else as a magical sidearm.

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

Apologies, I was looking at the wrong column when the GM said he'd zeroed out the values.

I've added the money and poison to D's sheet, and I'll think about some alchemical purchases if we are taking the time to go shopping (at the very least, I'll grab another Stun Bomb - those things are useful!).

Donnell will copy out the Blur scroll as an alchemical formula for Raven Six and himself (which will destroy the scroll).

Spellcraft (DC 17): 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (13) + 8 + (4) = 25

Also, I assume that the spider venom is Medium Spider Venom

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

Donnell picked up a couple of Pellet Grenades (silver) and another Fungal Stun Vial.

I welcome any other suggestions, but I think I'm going to try to save up for some magic stuff.

NG Male Dwarven Barbarian 10 | HP 88/115 {118/145} | AC 21 (19 Rage, 12 Touch, 20 Flat-Footed) | CMB +14/+16, CMD 25/27 | Fort. +13/16, Ref. +6, Will +10/12 | Init. +2 | Perc. +15 | Speed 30ft | Rage: 19/25 | DR 2/- | Active conditions: N/A

It just occurs to me that .125 gold doesn't quite make sense. The smallest denomination you can go is coppers.

So, uh... 604.12 for everyone, and 2 coppers extra. Somebody can claim those if they really want.

As for spending? I'll buy two Antiplagues (50 gp each) and two antitoxins (50 gp each)

Male CG Human Cleric 10 HP: 82/56 I AC: 22 (11 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: 10, CMD: 20 | F: +8, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5 Speed 20ft | Channel 4/4 | Spells 6/6 6/6 5/5 4/4 4/4 3/3 |

I'd like to get at two scrolls of Lesser Restoration if possible, and I'll pay through the nose for them, SB. Need to replace the ones I spent on Grau's niece. Let me know how much they'd be in these troubled times.

Also, I don't think SS needs the short spear.

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis
Sevenspawn wrote:
I'd like to get at two scrolls of Lesser Restoration if possible ... Let me know how much they'd be in these troubled times.

Generally 150gp, though as you say, I dunno if prices have gone up during plague times.

Donnell was going to use his scroll of Lesser Restoration to research the formula (assuming there's been time over the last few days), but if the prices are exorbitant, you can have his. Unfortunately, until he gets his next upgrade, he can only use formulae on himself...

Sevenspawn wrote:
Also, I don't think SS needs the short spear.

I thought you might say that - if nobody is interested in keeping it, it's worth a heavy chunk of change (2301 gp, or 575.25 each)

Female Android Alchemist 8/Rogue 2; Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +18; AC 21 (+2 Dex., +5 armour, +2 natural, +4 Shield); hp 26/70; Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +4

Boy, when I started playing Raven Six, I did not expect I'd be using my nanite surges to fudge support duty as party 'Face'. ^_^;

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

lol - yeah, Donnell wasn't supposed to be the party Face either - just a grumpy skills-monkey, forced to play nice with the rest of the group. Of course, when the group first started, we actually had characters with decent CHR scores...

Male CG Human Cleric 10 HP: 82/56 I AC: 22 (11 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: 10, CMD: 20 | F: +8, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5 Speed 20ft | Channel 4/4 | Spells 6/6 6/6 5/5 4/4 4/4 3/3 |

I'm in! I don't know what happened, but I'm suddenly allowed back in again... work banned Paizo and Roll20 for me for the last five days. Maybe I should just leave them open as tabs.... anyways, I apologize! I'll get reading and post tomorrow.

Female Android Alchemist 8/Rogue 2; Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +18; AC 21 (+2 Dex., +5 armour, +2 natural, +4 Shield); hp 26/70; Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +4

Go, team!

The last time I went through this encounter, we wound up having to bargain for our lives... o_o This went MUCH better!


No kidding! I thought that was going to go way worse. But the dice liked you and this was a particularly effective group for the encounter.

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

Sounds like we still have the boss fight, but yeah, that could have been much worse.

I'm going to clear out the Party Loot tracker in a bit. I think everyone has written down their items, but since SS has had intermittent access, I'll just note that he should have 604.12gp, a wand of cure moderate wounds (18 charges), and a Dust of disappearance.

Anything we haven't individually claimed but is likely still important to have around, I've listed under the Party Equipment tab. It probably makes sense that the smaller item are in the Handy Haversack and the larger stuff (alchemy labs, etc) are stowed at the house.

Note that I'll leave the +1 Shortspear on the list until we can sell it - nobody seems to want it and it's worth a fair chunk of change (2301gp).

Female Android Alchemist 8/Rogue 2; Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +18; AC 21 (+2 Dex., +5 armour, +2 natural, +4 Shield); hp 26/70; Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +4

Oh, yessss... Taking 'Explosive missile' was a good choice. :D

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

Donnell is going to be mightily disappointed to learn that he can't make them :)

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

Hey gang, I will be away until Saturday with no internet access - please bot as needed.

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

Loot tracker updated


Sorry for missing yesterday guys, crazy stuff is crazy.

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis
GM SpiderBeard wrote:
Sorry for missing yesterday guys, crazy stuff is crazy.

Hey man, life is life (nah-nah nah nahnah).

Speaking of taking levels in other classes, I'm wondering if that's a good plan for Donnell as well. Investigators improve rapidly in the first four levels, and after that there are more formulae and skills to be had but not much else.

Without it being too big of a shift, I could grab a level in Alchemist so that D can make some of those cool bombs (also, a lot of Investigator Talents are bomb-based, so it would be nice to have access to them). But I'm wondering if any of you have suggestions for a hole that might need to be filled in the group. Or, since Raven Six can already make bombs, if it makes more sense just to move along as I am. I am, for example, liking the mix of trap-making, alchemy, poison, and skills - Investigators are the jack-of-all-trades class that I've always wanted! (and that 2nd ed D&D tried to make for bards...)

PS: While I do like the new look of this website, the fact that the How to Format button no longer works, and that my own posts show up as 'New' is kinda making me crazy

Female Android Alchemist 8/Rogue 2; Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +18; AC 21 (+2 Dex., +5 armour, +2 natural, +4 Shield); hp 26/70; Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +4

We could maybe use someone with some basic arcane spellcasting power? Enough to cast Knock and Summon monster to set up flanks anyway.


The trick with an arcane multiclass is you're getting first level spells at level six, which can be effective if picked right, but don't scale well. That said, I am considering adding a fifth to the group (and have been forever). It will depend on if I find the right person since I dig the vibe y'all have. In the meantime, wands and scrolls and a good use magic device check can go a long way.


For Donnell, I think your best options are going further into investigator, or multiclassing with a martial class like fighter or urban ranger. You've invested heavily into crossbows already and this builds on that with improvements to feats, attack bonus, armor, and hit points. More points in investigator give you better studied strike, and access to the higher-level investigator talents which are more powerful.

You can go alchemist, but the big issue is you have to start a separate formulae list as they don't stack because they advance at different rate. And Raven is already blowing s#%+ up anyways.

You can of course multiclass however you want, this is just my couple'a cents.

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

Nah, I'm inclined to agree - I think I talked myself out of the multiclass by the time I finished that post anyway (also, I didn't know that the formula lists wouldn't stack).

Donnell gets a ridiculous number of skill points each level, so I'll just max out my UMD to help us with the arcane bit. I dumped my last investigator talent into an extra feat to bulk up crossbow use - perhaps that was a mistake and I should have taken a martial class level instead, but it's done now.

Also, I think I still hold on to a bit of prejudice from 2nd ed where multi or dual class just didn't work as well as it does now.


Yeah, I do suffer from anti-multiclass bias. Happy to have it in my games but I nearly always single class. The theorycrafters can find optimal combinations and that's fun for them but I like my characters to fit distinctive tropes.

Speaking of 2nd ed, Pathfinder is releasing a second edition playtest in August. I have no plans to switch games over but will consider it as I like the stuff that's been mentioned so far. It'll depend on if there's a lot of conversion materials and if the players want it.

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

I heard about the new edition (mostly from people complaining that PF promised there wouldn't be one), but know nothing about what is slated to change. I still have a lot to learn about this edition, so it'll likely be easy enough to switch to a new set of rules, or keep this one, or do some weird mix of the two (which is what happened when I played D&D - we learned Basic, 1st ed, and 2nd ed almost simultaneously, which resulted in house rules for everything. I didn't even realize it until I dusted off the 2nd ed Player's Handbook to try to interest my son in the game.

Female Android Alchemist 8/Rogue 2; Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +18; AC 21 (+2 Dex., +5 armour, +2 natural, +4 Shield); hp 26/70; Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +4

I can't afford to buy a new ruleset right now. :(


Well the playtest will be a free download and will likely run for a year.

I've been following the changes and won't list everything here. But the short of it is the game seems more intuitive. There's just as many rules, but they are easier to apply.

The reason I mention it here and not other games is if we did try it out, CoTC is an early AP and thus an easier conversion. But it will also depend on if there's a full bestiary or whatever. Anyways, questions for later :D

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

My Humble Bundle purchase of PF books now seems less thrifty and more "you should have seen this coming"

Female Android Alchemist 8/Rogue 2; Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +18; AC 21 (+2 Dex., +5 armour, +2 natural, +4 Shield); hp 26/70; Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +4

I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean. ^^;

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

Not sure which part you aren't sure about, but Humble Bundle raises money for charities by selling bundles of games or books for ridiculously cheap. So, for $8, I got digital copies of all the PF rulebooks, the Beginner Box, some campaigns, and a whole bunch of comics.

I just meant that maybe this was all so cheap bc something new was coming, but that could just be my cynicism shining through.

Female Android Alchemist 8/Rogue 2; Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +18; AC 21 (+2 Dex., +5 armour, +2 natural, +4 Shield); hp 26/70; Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +4

Ohh, now I see! I had no idea what Humble Bundle was.

So, which of the PF comics do you have? :)

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

A bunch of Dynamite comics came with the Bundle:

Army of Darkness: Reanimator
Dejah Thoris & White Ape of Mars
Pathfinder Goblins
Pathfinder Vol 1
PF Worldscape
Vampirella Vol 1
Vampirella vs Dracula

Sadly, I have not had a chance to read any of them yet...

Female Android Alchemist 8/Rogue 2; Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +18; AC 21 (+2 Dex., +5 armour, +2 natural, +4 Shield); hp 26/70; Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +4

I've got PF Worldscape. :) I rather liked the three archetypes and all the character sheets that came with it. The story... Well, I thought Hollow Mountain was better. ^_^ But there were a few fun surprises.

You'll have to let me know what PF Goblins is like. I'm hoping there's something in there about the the Green Knight.


I should really check those out. THe most I've done is listen to a couple of the audio plays since I love the Big Finish Doctor Who stuff so much.

Male CG Human Cleric 10 HP: 82/56 I AC: 22 (11 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: 10, CMD: 20 | F: +8, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5 Speed 20ft | Channel 4/4 | Spells 6/6 6/6 5/5 4/4 4/4 3/3 |

We got that book, where again? From the boat?

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

Yeah, the book was in a footlocker on the ship.
The coins though... I think they are just in general circulation - no telling where they originated.

Female Android Alchemist 8/Rogue 2; Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +18; AC 21 (+2 Dex., +5 armour, +2 natural, +4 Shield); hp 26/70; Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +4

Does it say on the coins we found when and where they were minted?


They are Korvosan silver shields.

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

A couple of unanswered questions that I don't want to forget about:
- Donnell's silver dagger - is it magical?
- Who/what is Andaisin?

Male CG Human Cleric 10 HP: 82/56 I AC: 22 (11 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: 10, CMD: 20 | F: +8, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5 Speed 20ft | Channel 4/4 | Spells 6/6 6/6 5/5 4/4 4/4 3/3 |

Hey, SpiderBeard - has it been revealed to us where the ship was from? As in, what port or country it originated from?


Yes, the Direption is from Nidal, which is a nasty place across the mountains to the south of Korvosa.

Female Android Alchemist 8/Rogue 2; Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft, Low-light vision, Perception +18; AC 21 (+2 Dex., +5 armour, +2 natural, +4 Shield); hp 26/70; Fort +8; Ref +11; Will +4

Having had a look at the D&D 5e srd, I think I can safely say... blegh.
It's clear they tried to improve on 4e, but it still falls flat compared to 3.5 (to me, anyway), and that means it doesn't hold a candle to Pathfinder 1e.
I really hope Paizo doesn't look to 5e to inspire the upcoming second edition. I adore the lavish range of options of this system

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

I haven't been paying attention recently, but the podcasts and interviews I was listening to ... I dunno, two years ago? ... made it sound like 5e was coming more or less in line with Pathfinder.

I haven't played D&D since 2e though, so I don't have a point of comparison. I'm loving the current PF - even if I do get bogged down in all the options :D


I quite like 5e, but I'm so familiar with Pathfinder I don't really see the point in switching. Plus I like Paizo as a company. 5e "feels" a lot like 2e actually. It's not a bad game.

Pathfinder 2nd is definitely not 5e. I think spells are more similar to 5e but that's really about it.

NG Male Dwarven Barbarian 10 | HP 88/115 {118/145} | AC 21 (19 Rage, 12 Touch, 20 Flat-Footed) | CMB +14/+16, CMD 25/27 | Fort. +13/16, Ref. +6, Will +10/12 | Init. +2 | Perc. +15 | Speed 30ft | Rage: 19/25 | DR 2/- | Active conditions: N/A

I'm cautiously optimistic. Running a game of 5th edition right now (I wanted to actually field test the rules) and our GM has taken a break from Pathfinder to run his rather heavily modified Starfinder rules set. 5th isn't bad. I like the simplicity, even if it does mean a lack of options.

I'll give PF2 (Or P2e, whatever the accepted term is) a try, certainly, and I'll probably buy the book, but time will tell if I'll actually like it.

NG Male Dwarven Barbarian 10 | HP 88/115 {118/145} | AC 21 (19 Rage, 12 Touch, 20 Flat-Footed) | CMB +14/+16, CMD 25/27 | Fort. +13/16, Ref. +6, Will +10/12 | Init. +2 | Perc. +15 | Speed 30ft | Rage: 19/25 | DR 2/- | Active conditions: N/A

So, I was probably mistaken in thinking the coins came from the boat. I thought I read somewhere that we may have found evidence to that regards. But chalk it up to Thod mishearing what all the smart people were talking about.

Sevenspawn wrote:
Everyone got 18 back from SS's Channel Energy by the end of the battle, and Thod got an extra 5 from the Wand of Healing. Thod - if your current listing of 28 is accurate, it would now be 51. Let me know if it is or if you need a quick heal.

Huh, apparently I did not write that down. Not sure why. I'll remedy the situation.

NG Male Dwarven Barbarian 10 | HP 88/115 {118/145} | AC 21 (19 Rage, 12 Touch, 20 Flat-Footed) | CMB +14/+16, CMD 25/27 | Fort. +13/16, Ref. +6, Will +10/12 | Init. +2 | Perc. +15 | Speed 30ft | Rage: 19/25 | DR 2/- | Active conditions: N/A
I'd rather let them in and see them wreck he shop for us - we're going to be in enough trouble as it is!

Ah, apologies. Looked back, and was a bit confused as to our goals here. My goal was a mix of 'don't let innocents get in the cross-fire' and 'try to get the word out that the cure is a sham.'

Male CG Halfling Investigator 10 | HP: 57/57 | AC: 22 (18 FF, 16 Tch) | CMB: 6, CMD: 21, FF: 17 | F: +8, R: +14, W: +11 | Init: +8 (+10 urban)| Perc: +15 | Locate Traps +20 | Disarm Traps +21 | Speed 20ft | Inspiration 9/9 | Harrow Points: 2 | +6 vs Poison, +2 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps | Active effects: Heightened Awareness (+2 Perc & Know); Resist Fire (20); Heroism (+2 attacks, saves, skills); Darkvision; Comp Lang; See Invis

No worries - I'm not quite sure what the plan is either (other than somehow shut down this operation). I'm hoping we find out the perfumery's cure is backed by someone of importance.

Male CG Human Cleric 10 HP: 82/56 I AC: 22 (11 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: 10, CMD: 20 | F: +8, R: +5, W: +11 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5 Speed 20ft | Channel 4/4 | Spells 6/6 6/6 5/5 4/4 4/4 3/3 |
GM SpiderBeard wrote:

Yes, the Direption is from Nidal, which is a nasty place across the mountains to the south of Korvosa.

Forgive the Sherlock-ian bend here, but where is the Queen from?


She's old money from Cheliax. The short history is that the Chelaxian empire was once huge and included both Korvosa and Nidal. When the empire collapsed (a God died, long story) and Cheliax turned to literal deals with devils, Korvosa and Nidal became independent. It would be reasonable to say that Nidal is under Cheliax's sphere of influence and Nidal is a Land of Nasty Things, but it is technically independent.

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