GM ShadowLord's PFS #5–01: The Glass River Rescue (Subtier 1-2) (PbP Gameday 3) (Inactive)

Game Master The Rising Phoenix

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The Exchange

Phantom, manifested:
hp 0/11 | AC 17, Touch 11, FF 16 | DR 5/slash | F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1, Perception +4
Phantom, incorporeal:
hp 5/5 | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1 | Perc. +4
Male dwarf spiritualist 2 | hp 19/19 | AC 14, T 11, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 vs. poison, +4 vs. spell and spell-like) | Init +1 | Perception +9

Yes we definitely would have retrieved the rest of the party before going down the trapdoor.

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Orc Witch/2 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | HP 14/14 | F +3 R +3 W +5 | Init +4 | Perc +3(+5 when familiar is nearby)

After getting up out of bed and following the rest of the party down the ladder, she says "So, should we try the unlocked door first?"

Silver Crusade

Male Human, Osirian Fighter/1 HP: 13/13 | AC: 21/17 | T: 11 | FF: 16 | CMD: 16 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +1| Will: +1 | Init: +1 | Perc: +2 | Sense Motive: +1

Okawe scratches his head nearby the Sword & Wing scar..."I'm no tactician, but me-tinkin' prisoners'd be held 'hind a lock' door, eh?"

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

"May'haps your right about the prisoner, but the guards now they be another thing friend. We clear them out first and then our backs are safe from that dagger if you know what I mean."

Scarab Sages

Human (osiriani) Priest of The Lost Prince 3 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 10 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 (+9 vs divination) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1 | Sense Motive: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 5 ; 1st - 4/6 ; Psychic Strike: 7/7

"I say we don't trouble ourselves, friends, and open the opened door." says Shambala with a mocking grin.

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

Unless he heard or spotted something at the unlocked door Tsadok will open the door.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

The door to the south opens and reveals a long unremarkable passage that turns to the east about 70' from the door. Walking down the pasageway you see there is a door to the east which is unlocked and door to the north which is locked.

Perception DC10:
Scattered all along this hallway are various dried and bloodstains.

Scarab Sages

Human (osiriani) Priest of The Lost Prince 3 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 10 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 (+9 vs divination) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1 | Sense Motive: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 5 ; 1st - 4/6 ; Psychic Strike: 7/7

Shambala walks behind Tsadok'ul and looks around.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

"Have you noticed these bloodstains?" says eventually Shambala on an almost amused tone.

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Not seeing the bloodstains until pointed out, Tsadok nods at Shambala...

"Seems our lovely old ladies are not what they seem. We should watch our step. I am not comfortable though, with Pea'nut being left behind."

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Orc Witch/2 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | HP 14/14 | F +3 R +3 W +5 | Init +4 | Perc +3(+5 when familiar is nearby)

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Seeing the bloodstains, Mazon wonders "Interesting...I wonder how the bloodstains came to be on the walls?"

The Exchange

Phantom, manifested:
hp 0/11 | AC 17, Touch 11, FF 16 | DR 5/slash | F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1, Perception +4
Phantom, incorporeal:
hp 5/5 | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1 | Perc. +4
Male dwarf spiritualist 2 | hp 19/19 | AC 14, T 11, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 vs. poison, +4 vs. spell and spell-like) | Init +1 | Perception +9

"Och... all I know of bloodstains is that they're bad omens. I don't like the look of it."

Trevyn takes a minute to summon Arthes in corporeal form, as long as the others have no objection to waiting a full minute for him.

Silver Crusade

Male Human, Osirian Fighter/1 HP: 13/13 | AC: 21/17 | T: 11 | FF: 16 | CMD: 16 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +1| Will: +1 | Init: +1 | Perc: +2 | Sense Motive: +1

Following the party down the hall, Okawe is about to also remark about the blood stains when Trevyn begins to manifest Arthes. Okawe can't help but stand there mesmerized...

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

North or East. North is locked, east is open.

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Orc Witch/2 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | HP 14/14 | F +3 R +3 W +5 | Init +4 | Perc +3(+5 when familiar is nearby)

"Unlocked door again or should we choose the locked door this time?"

The Exchange

Phantom, manifested:
hp 0/11 | AC 17, Touch 11, FF 16 | DR 5/slash | F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1, Perception +4
Phantom, incorporeal:
hp 5/5 | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1 | Perc. +4
Male dwarf spiritualist 2 | hp 19/19 | AC 14, T 11, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 vs. poison, +4 vs. spell and spell-like) | Init +1 | Perception +9

"That way looks fine." Trevyn heads toward the East.

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

"East works for me as well. But on a side note, Tyevyn, can your friend access the locked rooms?"

Tsadok will open the door, sword in hand.

stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

The door opens easy enough and the party moves into a long corridor that heads north. A wooden ladder in the southeast corner descends from above into this untidy chamber. Some pieces of broken furniture lie scattered across the floor, along with some soiled clothing. An oaken door is to the west and a corridor leads north.

Perception DC12:
Examination of the clothing lying about the room identifies outfits of dwarven pedigree for three individuals.

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Orc Witch/2 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | HP 14/14 | F +3 R +3 W +5 | Init +4 | Perc +3(+5 when familiar is nearby)

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
"Looks like we might have some dwarves hiding about...or at least someone of the same size. These clothes would fit them." Mazon points out. "Let's continue on in our circle then work our way to the center? However, I think the new ladder goes up to the stables somewhere."

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

GM, do I need another perception roll?

Scarab Sages

Human (osiriani) Priest of The Lost Prince 3 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 10 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 (+9 vs divination) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1 | Sense Motive: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 5 ; 1st - 4/6 ; Psychic Strike: 7/7

"Dwarves? That sounds like what we are looking for. Let's proceed through the door."

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

Tsadok'ul - No your previous one is fine.

The Exchange

Phantom, manifested:
hp 0/11 | AC 17, Touch 11, FF 16 | DR 5/slash | F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1, Perception +4
Phantom, incorporeal:
hp 5/5 | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1 | Perc. +4
Male dwarf spiritualist 2 | hp 19/19 | AC 14, T 11, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 vs. poison, +4 vs. spell and spell-like) | Init +1 | Perception +9

"Dwarven kind has never looked positively on me... we should be very cautious, even if they are the ones we're looking for. And yes, Tsadok, Arthes can easily access a locked room... though she might not be able to fight something on the other side of a locked door."

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

"Wasn't thinking fight so much as scout quietly. We've made our way around the perimeter of this venter area and it is locked up tight. Find out if it worth the noise to get in there."

The Exchange

Phantom, manifested:
hp 0/11 | AC 17, Touch 11, FF 16 | DR 5/slash | F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1, Perception +4
Phantom, incorporeal:
hp 5/5 | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1 | Perc. +4
Male dwarf spiritualist 2 | hp 19/19 | AC 14, T 11, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 vs. poison, +4 vs. spell and spell-like) | Init +1 | Perception +9

"Alright then. Arthes... go for it."

Arthes nods, then walks over to a corner section of wall. She phases directly through the wall, moving as quietly as her mostly-corporeal body can.

Arthes Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 Which isn't very quietly.

Silver Crusade

Male Human, Osirian Fighter/1 HP: 13/13 | AC: 21/17 | T: 11 | FF: 16 | CMD: 16 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +1| Will: +1 | Init: +1 | Perc: +2 | Sense Motive: +1

"Oy, Tsadok'ul; if Mazon be right, ya might could climb up dis ladda and bring Pea'nuh down wid us, eh? I'll cover you if ya goan do it."

Scarab Sages

Human (osiriani) Priest of The Lost Prince 3 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 10 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 (+9 vs divination) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1 | Sense Motive: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 5 ; 1st - 4/6 ; Psychic Strike: 7/7

"I think our big friend here speaks true. Your companion might be a valuable ally for the fight we could have to free the dwarves, Tsadok'ul."

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

"Agreed let me see if I can get him."

Moving quickly and quietly. Tsadok will move up the ladder and ease the trap door upward and looking around before going through.

edit****phone was acting stupid while trying to type

stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

if everything is clear he will go get Pea'nut.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

Clarification. Is anyone besides Tsadok'ul going up the ladder? If so, let me know.

The Exchange

Phantom, manifested:
hp 0/11 | AC 17, Touch 11, FF 16 | DR 5/slash | F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1, Perception +4
Phantom, incorporeal:
hp 5/5 | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1 | Perc. +4
Male dwarf spiritualist 2 | hp 19/19 | AC 14, T 11, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 vs. poison, +4 vs. spell and spell-like) | Init +1 | Perception +9

I was not planning to. Hopefully he does not get ambushed. :-S

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

always comforting to solo in somewhere and have the GM ask are you alone....

Scarab Sages

Human (osiriani) Priest of The Lost Prince 3 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 10 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 (+9 vs divination) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1 | Sense Motive: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 5 ; 1st - 4/6 ; Psychic Strike: 7/7

Shambala was not planning to either.

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Orc Witch/2 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | HP 14/14 | F +3 R +3 W +5 | Init +4 | Perc +3(+5 when familiar is nearby)

Mazon will be standing at the bottom of the ladder, and if Tsadok'ul says it is all clear she will climb out to try to help out if needed.

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

Arthes moves through the wall to her west and comes through into a small cell. The door to this jail cell has a small window at eye level, blocked by three vertical iron bars. Matted straw is strewn across the floor, and a set of manacles hangs affixed to the wall opposite the entrance. Two buckets sit at the center of this dank prison, but the room is otherwise empty.

Ah the love, looks like Tsadok'ul is off alone then. Good choice all things considering...

The half-orc hunter climbs the ladder and opens the trap door. As the lid flips up he sees the the agitated mare immiedately. Working around it the best he can he quickly makes his way out of the stall. Because it is so dark and he is in such a hurry to avoid a shoe to the face he totally misses the trapped wire by the door. His foot triggers the wire and a cascades of stone and other debris fall from above the stall with a tremendous crashing noise. The noise is so loud you're quite sure ethat your secret mission down below will not be a secret for much longer. Tsadok'ul is able to dive out of the wall of the large majority of the debris but catches a heavy stone on his shin. 2 Damage

He makes his way through the stables and retrieves Pea'nut successfully without any further trouble. It takes them a minute to work around the debris and the mare, but eventually they both back it back down below several minutes and decibels later.

Let me get a Perception check for the north-eastern area of the map please.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Damage: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4

The Exchange

Phantom, manifested:
hp 0/11 | AC 17, Touch 11, FF 16 | DR 5/slash | F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1, Perception +4
Phantom, incorporeal:
hp 5/5 | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1 | Perc. +4
Male dwarf spiritualist 2 | hp 19/19 | AC 14, T 11, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 vs. poison, +4 vs. spell and spell-like) | Init +1 | Perception +9

Arthes will peer through the slit in the jail cell door.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

Peering through the doors is a ten foot corridor that extends north-south. In the immediate area she can see it's empty, but she can see it extends beyond her sigh in both directions.

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

Appearing a little worse for wear but serviceable, Tsadok alternates between rubbing his shin and scratching Pea'nut's ears. A low rumble being heard from the feline, happy to be re-united with his companions.

Looking around the north-eastern area.....nothing catches his eye.

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Silver Crusade

Male Human, Osirian Fighter/1 HP: 13/13 | AC: 21/17 | T: 11 | FF: 16 | CMD: 16 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +1| Will: +1 | Init: +1 | Perc: +2 | Sense Motive: +1

Okawe looks a bit sheepish for suggesting the side-track that caused all the noise, but doesn't make too much of it. He takes a look around.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Scarab Sages

Human (osiriani) Priest of The Lost Prince 3 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 10 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 (+9 vs divination) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1 | Sense Motive: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 5 ; 1st - 4/6 ; Psychic Strike: 7/7

"So our hunter's back! Are we going to enter these rooms eventually?"

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

"Yes, we should proceed, we've already knocked on the door as it were."

"Trevyn, can Arthes unlock the doors from the inside? so we don't have to break them down. Or does someone else have ability to unlock a locked door?"

The Exchange

Phantom, manifested:
hp 0/11 | AC 17, Touch 11, FF 16 | DR 5/slash | F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1, Perception +4
Phantom, incorporeal:
hp 5/5 | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1 | Perc. +4
Male dwarf spiritualist 2 | hp 19/19 | AC 14, T 11, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 vs. poison, +4 vs. spell and spell-like) | Init +1 | Perception +9

Once Arthes returns to him and relates what she saw, Trevyn says "Och, that she can. She's useful for all sorts of things. Arthes, if you please?"

Arthes phases through the nearest door, leaving a strange film of silvery ectoplasmic mucus on the near side of the door, which the rest of the party can clearly see. If she sees no creatures, Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 she will turn around and unlock the door, if possible.

Ok so, I think they need to remove the phase lurch ability when the phantom is in corporeal form. While incorporeal, sure, let it pass through walls because the phantom still needs to return to the spiritualist to become corporeal and therefore manipulate objects, requiring a 1 minute ritual, but when she's corporeal this ability allows you to bypass stuff you shouldn't be able to. LOL

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

it does seem a bit overpowered but I haven't read up on the spiritualist class yet. Although it is emensly helpful right now - with Shadowlord's approval. I like your alternative - has to be with PC to become corporeal.

Scarab Sages

Human (osiriani) Priest of The Lost Prince 3 | HP: 20/20 | AC: 16 | T: 12 | FF: 14 | CMD: 10 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +4 | Will: +7 (+9 vs divination) | Init: +4 | Perc: +1 | Sense Motive: +1 | Speed: 30 ft.
Tracked resources:
Spells: 0 - 5 ; 1st - 4/6 ; Psychic Strike: 7/7

Did we even test the last door? I don't remember :P

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

Phasing through the door into the hallway beyond Arthes finds that the area is bare save for a rickety side table and chair set against the north wall. Attempting to unlock the door meets with failure as it apparently requires a key. A set of keys however sit on the table at the far end of the hallway, alongside a browned, half-eaten apple, stale crust of bread, and dull paring knife. Ironbound oaken doors lie on the eastern and western walls, and a door-lined corridor stretches to the south.

It does seem overpowered, but i did a quick search and it all appears in order to me. It seems you could bypass every obstacle or locked door which seems a tad extreme, especially at level one!

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Orc Witch/2 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | HP 14/14 | F +3 R +3 W +5 | Init +4 | Perc +3(+5 when familiar is nearby)

"Let's try each door on the left first, starting from the south heading north." Mazon suggests.

Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

Liking Mazon's suggestion, Tsadok moves to the first door on the left and peers inside.

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 \-/ seriously, that is the 3rd 2 in a row for my character rolling perception checks

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

Hang on, I'm confused. How exactly did the party get into the hallway again? Arthes attempt to unlock the door failed, it required keys.

Scarab Sages

Female Half-Orc Witch/2 | AC 12 T 10 FF 12 | HP 14/14 | F +3 R +3 W +5 | Init +4 | Perc +3(+5 when familiar is nearby)

Sorry. Just goes to show that you don't make posts when you are half awake. I think I was just assuming that we were getting reports on what Arthes saw, either that or I was posting for the future after the keys are used.

The Exchange

Phantom, manifested:
hp 0/11 | AC 17, Touch 11, FF 16 | DR 5/slash | F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1, Perception +4
Phantom, incorporeal:
hp 5/5 | AC 15, T 15, FF 12, F +5, R +2, W +4 | Init +1 | Perc. +4
Male dwarf spiritualist 2 | hp 19/19 | AC 14, T 11, FF 13 | Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6 (+2 vs. poison, +4 vs. spell and spell-like) | Init +1 | Perception +9

Arthes moves over to the table with the keys on it, still watching for trouble, picks them up, and moves back, phasing back through the door. She then hands the keys to Mazon.


Grand Lodge

M half-orc (Combat Reflexes 3 AoO/round)
Hunter 2 | HP 18/18| AC 18 (12t 16ff)| +6 Fort +6 Ref +3 Will | +4 Init ,+7 Perc, +11 Stealth, +7 Survival

sorry saw the part about the key and understood that to mean Arthes unlocked the door. Please kick me back out of the hallway. Or I can once I get back to the motel later. Can't move icons on my phone

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

No worries, I just didn't want to assume that Arthes did it before Trevyn typed it out. What if the keys were triggering a trap or something!?

Arthes notices that there are eight blackened keys on the key ring. On the table the keys sit the word "Rosh" is caved many times over and over again.

Give me perceptions for the hallway room please.

Arthes returns to the door and hands the keys to Mazon who goes through two keys before finding the correct one. Putting the key in she opens the door and leads the party into the hallway. Per her suggestion she tries the first door on the left and after three keys finds the correct one to open the door. After unlocking the door she opens it and winces.


A loud metal on metal sound echoes througout the hallway, reverberating off the stone. The cell is dark but with her darkvision she easily sees that in the corner of the room you can there is a nearly naked dwarf dressed only in underwear. The dwarf is in menacles affixed to the wall. He tries to hide deeper in the shadows.

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