Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Solrisa happily allows Mortimer to have the first selection of the cookies, something she is used too because Rae, her sister, always had first choice of all the nice things because she was loudest.
She will peck over the crumbs once Mort has finished.
"And while Darl Quethos might be still alive, we stopped his plans and trimmed down some of his best allies"
"Oh yes, I think I kilt one! That was very nice!" Solrisa beams, smiling brightly at the happy memory. "It's good to kill the evil servants of the bad dragon in the name of the Dragon."
Solrisa's ears perk up at the mention of Manzorian. "Oh yes! We should go there! There is good cheese and ham there. And we can find out if we've stopped the bad things too!"
Happy to regroup, refocus, and lick our wounds.
Eidi |
"How do you feel about Lashona being actually a silver dragon Solrisa? Does that change something about her? Perhaps we should check with her too before trying to destroy the phylactery..." Eidi observes Solrisa waiting patiently and removes the pot from Mortimer hands after he gets one of the cookies "Only one, did your mom did not tell you when you are offered?" then passes it by to the dragon half-elf.
Assuming the group agrees, Eidi will teleport the group close by the Fortress of Unknown Depths, but not inside. He is happy though to first stop by the refuge and lick wounds.
Teleport failure: 1d100 ⇒ 69
Ascaria |
Ascaria, confused about how many cookies there are left and who has them, shrugs his shoulders and agrees with Eidi, at least in part. "Yeah, let's head back to Magepoint and check in. I'm not exactly clear on what our next objective is, though it's on the tip of my tongue..."
He thinks a moment, before adding, "And we've things to swap out as well. I feel I should be carrying a weapon of some kind... and there's some scrolls I want to pick up."
"We'll crash at the pub tonight though. I like Magepoint, but Cedric was talking about a rib roast... I've been thinking about it all day. I should let him know when we'll be there though, so he can prepare."
What time is it?
Mortimer Smith |
"Only one, did your mom did not tell you when you are offered?"
Mortimer frowns, single cookie in hand -- hung up on the question. M-mm-mm... my *MOM*? He looks down at the bejeweled and beloved cookie with great sadness, for why he knows not. "I -- uh," he shakes his head, ignoring the question. "I'm sorry Sol, I didn't know that you liked these too. Not everyone like cranberries. I thought maybe that's why they were the only ones left whole among the crumbs." He offers Sol his ruby studded cookie prize.
He then starts stowing the banners.
"Oh, why was Lashonna fighting all alone? Were there no more silver dragons? If I were a silver dragon, I would have totally been fighting Dragotha with her!" He punches the air at an imaginary foe as he speaks.
At the mention of a rib roast, Mortimer's stomach growls loudly. He had been after all, cheated out of breakfast. Sorta.
"Did you tell him yes?!" Mortimer asks Ascaria, somewhat urgently. "'Yes!', to rib roast?!"
"TO THE PUB!" he announces, not really waiting for a verbal answer. He spins around, looking for the portal to the pub.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"How do you feel about Lashona being actually a silver dragon Solrisa? Does that change something about her?"
Solrisa ponders for a moment, delighting in the sour cranberry’s contrast with sweet cookie.
”Well, dragon or not, it’s about good versus evil and I will always stop evil and help good,” Solrisa cites her base ethos. ”I don’t know what else to do other than that. Kill bad things, help good things. And also, eat cookies.”
”To the pub!” Solrisa marches resolutely with Mort towards the pub. Stride for stride, she’s thinking about pot roast and potatoes.
Ascaria |
Per GM, it's still morning, so...
Ascaria quips up, "Though I hesitate to say it, I think it's too early for the pub. Let's on to Magepoint to report in and get things rolling first. When we've checked in, and assuming nothing's on fire since we left, I'll let Cedric know to expect us for dinner tonight. Then Rib Roast!"
He makes ready for the teleportation, an experience he has yet to get used to but one he enjoys quite a lot.
Ascaria |
Ascaria laughs, "I guess sure. I mean, technically we just had breakfast, but with the dream/time travel/dimensional whack we just experienced who knows how long ago that was!"
"Eidi, would you be so kind? We can eat here, or take a quick trip to the Pub for breakfast and return here after. Pub might be more comfortable..."
Ascaria is willing to cast Plane Shift for a comfortable breakfast - especially as the pub is still a 'new' thing to him, and he's eager to spend time there in comfort rather than on this desolate plain.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
”Oh, is it time for second breakfast too? Yes, we should eat sausages and ham,” Solrisa agrees with Mort, obviously.
It’s probably true that she just ate a heavenly heroes feast, but she doesn’t know that that doesn’t mean that second breakfast is automatically cancelled. It shouldn’t be. There are rules, after all. And one should have second breakfast when one could.
Eidi |
Assuming the group reached Magepoint with the teleport, Eidi just shrugs "I do not know. I have no more cookies. I guess paying a visit to Cedric is legit given we technically spent more time on our vision or time to the past..."
The half-elf stomach roars, and he laughs "It seems the same magic that refueled us just took the food from our stomachs"
GM Rat Sass |
The Artists and Outcasts enjoy enough of the Shadow of Tilagos, setting themselves to the present timeline, which includes a visit to Ascaria's Pub! Your bellies are reset for a new day's meal, either mundane or divine, a meal brought to fruition by either Cedric or Eidi.
All goes well. Plane shifting can be quite dependable with a tuning fork and intention. The barren land of Tilagos gives way to the vibrancy of the gnome's demiplane. Your time is undisturbed, and your appetites are sated to your individual standards.
Returning to the beachhead of Tilagos, you bid the Maze a begrudging farewell, before the elderly half-elf lurches you away.
Teleportation proves equally dependable, when you've visited a place several times over, and your mind's eye is accurate, despite the cloudiness of an old half-elf's actual eyes.
Eidi brings you comfortably close to the Fortress of Unknown Depths, politely demanding of you a short journey along the beach opposite the docks. You can head into Magepoint, and inquire in the All-Seeing Eye, or you can proceed to the Fortress's walkway, and take your chances with the ocean tides, the blood hawks, and the gate.
The afternoon in Magepoint brings a happy surprise- a celebration of unknown merit is taking place in the courtyard of the Temple Library, spilling out and into the streets of Magepoint. The air carries confetti made of virgin paper bits of various colors, and several of the townsfolk bear a single mark on their foreheads, some a paired black-white brushstroke, others a small blue handprint. All of them bear grand smiles as musicians play unfamiliar songs, and bards perform newly-composed oratories to gathered crowds.
Welcome back to Magepoint.
Ascaria |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Ascaria has the party join hands before shifting them across the planar divide to the Pub. When they arrive, Ascaria breathes deeply of the herb garden, the little babbling brook, and the well lit structure itself. He lets himself in and calls out to Cedric, letting him know they’re back, if only for breakfast.
Over the morning meal, earned with their deaths not an hour before (or hundreds of years depending on your perspective), he chats with the group. ”We have things to sell, and I have a list of scrolls and other things I want to pick up. So we should plan on a day or two in Magepoint, tonight’s dinner here notwithstanding.” he smiles at Cedric.
He rummages through his pack for some of the few things he’s carrying of the groups. He pulls out three cure serious wounds potions and hands them around. ”Everyone should have at least one of these, you know, just in case.”
He’ll then go through the other items, checking for anything else he might want to keep. Eventually, he gets around to the banners. ”I don’t think we should just sell these, they’re pretty neat. I don’t particularly want a banner waiving behind me everywhere I go either though, so I’m going to hang mine up here in the Pub for now I think. Everyone should pick one. If you have a preference.” He’ll pick last as none of them are bad.
Please check through the treasure sheet and make sure we're not selling something you might want. :)
Finally he says, ”I can talk to Krathanos. Maybe we can swap him all the trophies for his belt - which he owes us for his release after all. Even if it was in the heat of battle. Do you think I should reach out and see if he’s interested in a trade? I don’t think we want these things.” he looks over the taxidermy and shrugs - not wanting that stuff hanging in his Pub.
When the party has finished their repast, he sends everyone back where they came from and Eidi takes over, teleporting the group to Magepoint.
Ascaria can’t suppress his smile when he sees there’s a celebration. After all, what are they fighting for if it’s not moments like this. ’C’mon, let’s see what they’re celebrating!”
He rushes forward (as fast as his little legs can carry him) dragging the others toward the merriment.
Eidi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Greeting Cedric, Eidi picks up the healing potion offered by Ascaria and puts it in his left bandolier below the tunic cover.
After breakfast, the half-elf calls Rose with his invisible servant spell "Please Rose, follow Cedric instructions at the kitchen and prepare everything to refill the cookie pot. Make sure there are some cranberries for Mortimer in addition to my loved cinnamon favorites. I would please to cook with you but I have little time and plenty of work for tonight"
To Ascaria he says "I will pick the Banner of Thadimir, you guys probably prefer to make use of the other ones" for now he just stores it in his backpack "If we do not trade it back, I probably should set this in my mausoleum. It will be nice to remember our deeds at Tilagos, and you need nice treasure if you want adventurers to keep coming to your tomb after all, whom else would visit you otherwise, isn't it?"
From the party treasures Eidi picks up the lens of detection, if they were to be sold the half-elf would save the winged boots from nasty merchant hands too.
We should probably keep also the boots of speed, ring of evasion and wings of the gargoyle for our beloved front liners. The ring of invisibility is also nice, but Eidi has his fingers full already.
Eidi rises an eyebrow interested at contact with Krathanos "That is interesting Ascaria. I think we must demand him the belt as we set him free after all. Only bargain with him if he does not seem to pay homage to his word."
The elder then retreats to his chambers where he devotes himself with ink and parchment to inscribe a scroll of heal from his left daily spells.
-825 gp
Back at Magepoint, Eidi tries to remind what celebration might this be, the follows up Ascaria enjoying all the confetti slipping down his bald head "Wow, do you think there will be a masked costume parade? I love disguising contests!"
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Solrisa smiles and looks around the table. She likes her friends so much that it seems that she barely remembers her sister Rae, who was the *best*. She look on and feels joy in her heart for the friends she has made and continues to have. She knows that there is danger and evil in the world, but also that there is love and friendship and ham, too, so both sides were equal, except one had ham and they were clearly the better side.
Have gone through the list. Solrisa would like the Ring of Evasion, the Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Ring of Protection +3, & the Earth Banner. She will put back a Ring of Protection +2, Ring of Resistance +3, Amulet of NA +1 to sell.
Ascaria |
Sol - we all have rings of protection +5, given to us earlier (link). So I'll take your +2 ring back if you like, but no need to give you a +3 I think?
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Sol - we all have rings of protection +5, given to us earlier (link). So I'll take your +2 ring back if you like, but no need to give you a +3 I think?
Oh, how dare you show me facts and links with truth!?! Fine. Yes. I see. Will fix.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
”Oh, you take it, Mort! It doesn’t really match my hair...or my booties and it would be very flattering on you! It will highlight your eyes very nicely,” Solrisa presses the Earth Banner into Mort’s hands, already looking around at the rest. She’s used to getting second, third, or fourth pick (depending on when Rae would let her have a turn) and thinks nothing of letting those that she loves taking what they need first.
She looks over the other banners, not yet making a decision.
Mortimer Smith |
His belly adequately stuffed, Mortimer looks over the treasure but nothing in particular catches his eye.
... the ring of evasion. Mortimer considers the shiny warm gold ring and how it might look on his pale cool hand. Hmm, hm. The druidic ring was cool, but I am not sure I'm a two or more ring kind of guy. That's something for the older... more distinguished gentleman, like Eidi.
Besides, Solrisa just put it on.
Mortimer gazes at the green and black Earth banner. Why was that Sayren-Lei Storm guy so angry all the time? He admires the way the threads glint together. ... this is like some alternative universe. I hope the Storm Gang is getting along, where ever they are.
He picks up the Boots of Speed and looks them over. Is it me, or ... are these heavy? He puts them back down.
He turns back to the banner of green and black. How many portals can the Storm Gang open? Did they meet the Air Dukes? Were there Fire Dukes, Water Dukes and Earth dukes too?
He wanders over to the wings of the gargoyle and tries them on, raising his hand and flipping it back and forth to inspect the stone-like appearance. Huh. Flying stone? ... I'm already rock solid... I think I'll stick with my sword.
Avoiding the Krathanos pile, Mortimer turns once again thinking of the banner of greenness and blackness. In doing so, he nearly walks into Solrisa who thrusts the standard into his chest.
He brings up his hands to receive the offering. "Uhng!" Mortimer grunts as Sol presses it into him."Thanks!" he says, taking the banner.
He is also delighted with the new batch of cookies with additional cranberries. "Thanks Eidi!"
"Do you think I should reach out and see if he’s interested in a trade? I don’t think we want these things.”Eidi wrote:Eidi rises an eyebrow interested at contact with Krathanos
"YES -- the sooner we get rid of that smelly pile of crap the better off we'll be! I bet they can smell that in Diamond Lake!"
The afternoon in Magepoint brings a happy surprise- a celebration.
Mortimer's eyes become wide as he observes the town fair. "Do you know this one, Eidi?" Thoroughly baffled, he eyes the townsfolk (trying not to be too distracted by the younger females among them) cavorting. "I ... I didn't think the Mages would ... allow for this sort of ..." he waves his hands wildly to gesture at everything, and spits out some confetti.
Eidi tries to remind what celebration might this be, the follows up Ascaria enjoying all the confetti slipping down his bald head "Wow, do you think there will be a masked costume parade? I love disguising contests!"
"Masks? Costumes? A... what? Disguising Contest?!" Mortimer grins at the prospect of how much fun something he's never heard of can sound. "I think I like this alternative universe."
More later.
Ascaria |
HP = 105/105
Hero Points = 3
Equipped = Rod of Reach
Conditions = Magic Vestment (1/16h, Ascaria, Mort, Sol), Status (1/16h, Eidi, Mort, Sol), Wind Walk (1/16h, everyone), Brightest Light (1/16h)
Life Link (16)(100’) = Eidi, Mort, Sol
Channel Energy (12/12)(10/10) (DC: 27)(Avoid 9, 35’r, 1/1 swift) (9d6+1+2d6 phylactery)
Amiable Blunder (1/1 if Diplomacy failed by >5, re-roll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend Spell (3/3, 6th lvl)
Rod of Reach Spell (3/3, 6th lvl)
Vest of Surgery (1/1 Heal DC 20 to heal 1d4 ability damage in 1h)
Spellguard Bracers (3/3 Roll concentration twice and take the best result)
Mnemonic Vestment (1/1 Cast spell from a scroll without burning the scroll)
Tankard (1/1 Remove Fear), (1/1 Heroism (30m)), (1/1 unbinding to DC 25)
Physician’s Spectacles (1/1 Delay Poison)(Constant: Detect Poison, Diagnose Disease)
Expeditious (3/3 swift +10’ movement)
Melee Attack: BAB +12/+7/+2, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +12/+7/+2, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 17, Concentration +26)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (19): Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (20): (9/9) Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Endure Elements, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Obscuring Mist, Remove Fear
Second (21): (7/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Protection from Evil Communal, Status
Third (22): (5/8) Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer, Speak with Dead*
Fourth (23): (6/8) Blessings of Fervor, Brightest Light, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration, Sending, Speak with Haunt*
Fifth (24): (7/8) Air Walk Communal, Breath of Life, Burst of Glory, Cure Light Wounds Mass, Plane Shift, Serenity
Sixth (25): (6/7) Chains of Light, Cure Moderate Wounds Mass, Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Wind Walk
Seventh (26): (7/7) Cure Serious Wounds Mass, Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Restoration, Holy Word, Particulate Form
Eighth (27): (5/5) Cure Critical Wounds Mass, Create Demiplane, Holy Aura, Mass Heal
* Caster Level +2
- - -
”So, Sol,” Ascaria begins as they walk toward the party, ”There are two banners left. One that helps you walk on air and the other that help you cast a flaming pillar on your enemies from afar. I’m happy with either to be honest, so you should pick the one that helps you most. I suspect you’d like the flaming pillar, as you already have your boots for flight when I’m not around, but it’s really entirely up to you. Which would you like?”
When he’s done chatting with Sol, Ascaria thinks a moment, and tries to put the parties desire into words, casting Sending, ”Lord Krathanos. We fulfilled our offer of sending you off plane, and we have trophies of yours, will you agree to exchange for your belt?”
As he’s off-plane, or was, there’s a min. 5% chance of failure.
Low is bad: 1d100 ⇒ 43
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Solrisa looks from banner to banner, unable to decide which one would look better or match her color scheme of blues, blondes, and shiny metals.
”Oh, I don’t know Ascaria! This is really hard.”
She continues to ponder. You can probably decide for Solrisa if you want by suggesting which would look better.
Eidi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Eidi tries to help "What is your favorite color Sol?"
The elder nods to Mortimer "Indeed, this version is much more colorful and happy. I also wonder what festivity is this" he produces his ocarina and starts to follow the beat of the music.
mwk Ocarina: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Eidi tries to help "What is your favorite color Sol?"
"Oh! That's a very good question, Eidi!! What direction are we walking!? Because if we're going north it's probably bright sunshine, but if we're going south, then it's a shade of taupe, but if we're walking uphill, then a nice lilac unless I've eaten too much or need to use the bathroom, then it is most definitely the color of waking up to the wind through a beech tree's leaves!! So...does that help?" Solrisa tries to explain how colors work to Eidi.
"But sometimes I just like red, like when I can't find my left shoe or when my teeth itch. Sometimes blue is the best because it reminds me of tangerines, sweet sweet juicy tangerines. So yes, that is the best color for when you smile. Or blurple. Blurple is really nice too!"
Mortimer Smith |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Mortimer throws all of his breakfast at his brain.
... it's blue. Her favorite color is blue ...
He walks over to The Air Banner of Tylanthros, mostly silver with pale blue threads woven in, and offers it to Solrisa.
"Maybe this one? If you took this one, you could pick one of the other two pairs of boots to wear. Granted, they might not look as nice, but they would fit in and ... you could do the same flying thing -- and even more."
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"Oh... mmm... do you have a favorite one for walking in circles? I think we are walking in circles Solrisa!"
”Oh yes! The blue one is the best! Yes, of course!” Solrisa squees and takes the blue one. She is delighted and loves the color. ”Of course blue is the best. Unless Rae wants it, then I’ll take the red or the orange that’s been mixed with brown. Yes, but also yellow is good too. And blue is very nice for walking in circles, I think, yes,” Solrisa tries on the blue and decides that it’s perfect and exactly what she wanted and has always wanted (at least since 30 seconds ago).
She walks in circles as he tries out the shade of blue.
GM Rat Sass |
"C’mon, let’s see what they’re celebrating!”
"I also wonder what festivity is this" he produces his ocarina and starts to follow the beat of the music.
Magepoint welcomes you into its celebratory folds. In one outward gesture, Mortimer receives a black-white brushstroke between his eyes, and half-way down his nose. The pretty young thing steps off her step stool, and smiles shyly as she returns to her colorful wagon and entourage sitting on the edge of the town square. A spry and grey halfling violinist circles Eidi, encouraging the elderly half-elf to keep up, and improvise his ocarina playing. A young man wiggles a finger come-hither-ly to Solrisa, who receives the small blue handprint on her forehead from a wooden stamp. He turns back towards the pretty young thing and laughs, as she acknowledges his handiwork. He races off in search of another blank canvas in the swirl of celebrants.
Ascaria inquires among the Magepoint townfolk, and begins to grasp the roots of the festivity. Between the Fortress of Unknown Depths and the Temple Library, there have been several breakthroughs in research, both magical and biological. Cymria of Celadon was even seen smiling earlier in the day. The Temple Library is in process of organizing expeditions to targeted locations previously unheard of, as well as receiving eager new acolytes to bolster their ranks.
Mortimer's seafaring friends along the piers are yet another source of inspiration, as stories begin to circulate from the depths of the ocean from local clans of aquatic elves who are discovering ancient ruins and grottos replete with new plant life, heretofore obscured by powerful currents which have disappeared without explanation.
It is an exciting time to be alive.
"Lord Krathanos. We fulfilled our offer of sending you off plane, and we have trophies of yours, will you agree to exchange for your belt?”
Ascaria |
Ascaria’s eyes grow wider and wider as he joins in the revelry. He circles here and there, sampling everything he can reach - and if he can’t reach he asks for help (politely of course)! As he learns the reasons for the festivities he wonders, to himself at first. At some point, probably hours in, growing tired from the, uh, morning’s activities, he’ll find a suitable spot to sit, with a table, easel, barrel, or even just a board that he can spread out some paper upon. He’ll quaff from his belt flagon for focus.
Then he’ll draw.
He’ll do little doodles at first. Small hazy images of faces, food, drink, and even animals that he can see with his limited vision. All smiles. Once he places all these smaller works around the edges of the page, he gets to work on the center. Within the middle of the page, he’ll draw the dragons fighting - soaring through the air the black and the silver intertwined. Below that, he draws the party, failing to include himself as usual, battling the Swords of Kyuss while the druids retreat carrying a blurry smudge.
Craft Drawing: 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 23 + 2 = 35 (heroism)
He’ll carefully wrap the image into a scroll tube and seek out the party. Whether he finds them together, or one at a time, he imparts the same message. ”Lord Krathanos said no. We’ll have to dispose of his ‘trophies’ ourselves I suppose.” You can read Ascaria’s spoiler above.
Eidi |
"Not sure I am happy to leave Lord Krathanos to his own stuff, but have to focus on finding the phylactery I guess" Eidi compliments Ascaria's drawing, specially when he comes to draw the abomination that killed him, and let's himself enjoy of the celebration for a while. It is not all days that you rediscover a myriad of ages forgotten knowledge pieces after all!
When things settle on, the half-elf approaches the Fortress of Unknown Depths and requests for an audience to Manzorian.
While they wait for the audience, the elder invites the party to do some research "Let's check out this new knowledge and make some visit to the Temple Library to see what information they have about Kongen-Thulnir!"
K. geography: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24 +library
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
”Lord Krathanos said no. We’ll have to dispose of his ‘trophies’ ourselves I suppose.”
Solrisa looks surprised because she didn’t hear a thing. She looks around.
”Oh, you spoke to the big shouty man? Where is he? Maybe I should try to talk to him?” Solrisa asks, unsure how to help. ”And you wanted me to help you Eidi!? Yes, I’m very good at helping!” Solrisa beams, happy to be included in the research and work. She’s not very helpful, but very energetically unhelpful in her desire to help.
Mortimer Smith |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Mortimer freezes as he sees a young lady running toward him with a brush in one hand and a step stool in the other. Save to gently close his eyes as he sees the brush heading toward his forehead, he doesn't budge. He returns her shy smile and watches as she dances away.
That tickled. He turns to the party. "Well, how do I look?"
He wanders around the fair, slightly mesmerized, sampling what there is to sample and watching the various plays being put on for the crowd's entertainment.
Ascaria will eventually find Mortimer in a bar discussing fly fishing and sea elves with a local fisherman over beer.
"Lord Krathanos said no."
"Oh, uh..." Mortimer says, thinking he senses that Ascaria is upset. "I'm sorry that didn't work out. But -- think of it this way," he says, cracking a grin, "for all we knew, it was a cursed belt of stupidity." He pauses taking a swig of beer, "But all that stuff -- no one is going to want it. Do you think Eidi could prismatic spray all that away too? Or maybe send to a space that instantly destroys it? Or, maybe he can just do that destroy thing itself, without the space part." He nods, and toasts Ascaria. "But seriously, we might even just 'run' into Krathanos anyway! Sometimes the big ones just say scary stuff to discourage you."
"So, this --" he gestures wildly at life, the universe and everything " -- new breakthroughs in research, new unexplored territories and a previously unknown civilization of sea elves?! This -- " he gestures some more, " -- is because of us!"
"Let's check out this new knowledge and make some visit to the Temple Library to see what information they have about Kongen-Thulnir!"
Mortimer shudders slightly when he hears "Temple Library". "Do you think they wil let me in this time?" he asks solemnly and quietly.
Ascaria |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Ascaria responds to Mort, "Yeah, we might see him again, though I suspect he'll avoid us if he can. As for his stuff, we could just burn it. Or dump it in the town's dump."
"As for whether these successes have to do with us, I don't know. I kinda think they might, but we may never know for sure." he clinks his mug against those of the party, "To us!"
GM Rat Sass |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Festivities continue through the afternoon in Magepoint, and they promise to warm like embers through the night, as the populace aggregates outdoors along the pier and town square, in the courtyard of the Temple Library, and the warm interior of the All-Seeing Eye.
The knowledge-seeking half-elf pulls you all first to the All-Seeing Eye, where a request for an audience with Manzorian will surely find its way to the Fortress of Unknown Depths, then continuing to the Temple Library for a run at uncovering more knowledge regarding Kongen-Thulnir, cradle of Dragotha's phylactery, according to the Vision granted by the Fountain of Dreams.
The acolytes in charge of hosting Temple guests are much, much more relaxed in their duties, as the Outcasts enter and request access to the Archives. There are no demands for demonstration, nor dues to collect for the Library's usage. For your growing familiarity of the appropriate sections, Eidi serves as functional head of the sniffing snake seeking scholarship.
It takes the better part of four hours, consuming the back half of the afternoon in your first day's return to Magepoint, but it proves quite fruitful...
A grand tome titled Ancient Wonders, Civilization Honored describes a great ruined city built into the northern cliffside of the Rift Canyon. Legend of Kongen-Thulnir accounts for the giant tribes of
the Rift Canyon which hold it sacred, as one of their ancestral homelands.
Another book titled Hand of the Walking Mountains holds a particular surprise- a reference to the Order of the Storm, and their time-honored alliance with the giants of the same city. In cryptic passages of the rather thin treatise, members of the Order were revered as god-speakers for the powerful landscaping and peace-making with the wildlife of the Rift Canyon. In return, the giants were held in high esteem for their vigilance...
Eidi certainly maintains a sharp mind regarding the location of the Rift Canyon, but its exact latitude and longitude are as hazy as the mists of the Rift you witnessed in the Vision.
Your meeting with Manzorian is secured for this very evening, you're informed, as you eventually return to inquire at the All-Seeing Eye. You are welcome to venture out to the island at your convenience, with no specific time set on the written invitation.
When you do set out, the bridge welcomes you to a serene walk across the calmed waters, the bloodhawks only a distant curiosity.
You are greeted by Cymria at the front door, who escorts you to the second floor of the Fortress, where you find the halls well-insulated by thick tapestries, and wall-to-wall carpeting which quiets the foot falls. At the end of a second hallway, you are encouraged to pass through a beautifully crafted wooden door, which opens on a crafting chamber, replete with components on one wall, floor to ceiling, a summoning circle on the floor, as well as a scrying mirror on the opposite wall. Standing over a drafting table is Manzorian, looking quite hale, with unkempt hair, and writing fervently on several pages, almost at once. He senses you entering, but doesn't turn to greet you, while he addresses you.
"Very good to have you back, Artists. I haven't been this excited, well, since I laid eyes on your Fragment. Come look at this. You especially, Eidi."
On the several papers are designs and associated notes in magical scrawl. Manzorian points to them, each in their own turn, reverentially.
"Here. This one is called the Amulet of Light. Their front-line soldiers wore them to hinder the undead, and prevent their brothers from rising as undead if they fell." The amulet radiates a continual Consecrate Spell. Moderate Evocation, CL 5, Craft Wondrous Item, Consecrate; Price 25,000gp, Weight 1 lb.
"Now this one is quite lovely. How would you like a Breathdrinker sword +3 Greatsword that dug into your skin, so you wouldn't lose it in a dragon fight? +8 Circumstance Bonus against Disarming Moreover, it protects you from their breath weapons, unless you allow the blade to absorb the dragon's attack, so you can use it against other opponents. Granted, it has to be an energy attack of some kind, but still. Quite powerful weapon right there." Strong Abjuration and Evocation, CL 14th, Protection from Energy, Spell Turning; Price 50,350gp, Weight 4 lb.
Manzorian rakes his hands through his hair, taming it somewhat, while turning to address you directly.
"These are items that glow with thought, with purpose. Something like your purpose, with this shared effort against the forces conspiring to bring about the Age of Worms. It can't be anything other than that." The Archmage touches several other pieces of paper, reverentially. "This knowledge sprung forth not long ago, and shortly before your arrival. Don't think I don't see the possible connection. Would you like to see more?" He rubs his furrowed brow a moment.
"My apologies, but I've been working on this for some time today. Tell me, how goes it? What have you managed, in your investigations? What should we understand about what you've learned? It will give me a pause to drink some water. I don't remember my last drink."
Eidi |
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Eidi sets the Ancient Wonders, Civilization Honored at the study table with revere. He dusts away the volume a bit to contemplate the gorgeous calligraphy of its title "Look Solrisa, you can help me with checking the index here. My eyes are not as much acute as they used to be, and this page is written in too small of a font"
The half-elf is excited to find word of Kongen-Thulnir and quickly refreshes everyone about his knowledge of the Rift Canyon struck by the discovery "What?! The phylactery has been hidden all this time right in front of Dragotha himself?! Look the Rift Canyon is the same place where the undead dragon lair is located! Remember Belekarde's journal? The man headed to the Wormcrawl Fissure, he might be exactly at the Rift Canyon too where Kongen-Thulnir and the phylactery are hidden!" the elder looks at his companions both out of gasp and smiling cheerily.
Eidi nods to Cymria and enjoys the walk surrounded by calm waters although his spirit is exalted by the prospects of the approaching conversation. He observes all the artifacts and reagents at Manzorian's place "I have always been envious of the good job you have done stocking your place Manzorian"
The half-elf smiles and researches the design notes with the wizard "Wow, this is something impressive, look at this greatsword Solrisa. And this amulet, this can be pure poison to the many undead we have been opposing Ascaria"
The elder nods and updates Manzorian on the results of Tilagos incursion "We think all this knowledge was made free when we accessed the Fountain of Dreams. Many secrets and ancient creatures are back into the world now. We have come to know Dragotha is the undead dragon Herald of Kyuss, but now we have a clearer idea of where we can find his phylactery to destroy him. We had a vision that it is at Kongen-Thulnir. But before deciding if travelling there is our next step in this travel through the Age of Worms we wanted to ask you advise to better understand what we witnessed"
Eidi let's others room to explain about their experience on fighting the Swords of Kyuss "Do you think it was just a vision? Or we actually traveled in time? Or maybe it was some kind of prophecy of what shall happen in the future? If it is something that happened in the past, which I am inclined to believe, we can really hope to find the phylactery at the Rift Canyon"
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
"Wow, this is something impressive, look at this greatsword Solrisa. And this amulet, this can be pure poison to the many undead we have been opposing Ascaria"
Solrisa oohs and aahs as Eidi explains things.
”Oooh...doesn’t Dragotha live near White Plume Mountain?” Solrisa asks.
More from Sol later. Trying to digest all this.
Ascaria |
Ascaria happily assists Eidi in his research, knowing that knowing is half the battle. Sure, lot’s of things are half the battle, but they’ve done well learning something about their opponents, and he sees no reason to stop now. He provides light as much as anything, though he’ll fetch tomes to Eidi so he always has what he needs at hand.
”Sounds like we’ll need to Wind Walk there aye Eidi? Or is there enough information here for you to teleport safely?” he wonders as they finish.
Reminding the party they have a standing rib roast in a few hours, he joins the others in the visit to the rather manic Manzorian. He looks over the Amulet of Light, ”Very nice.” and starts to wonder about his own custom magics. After all Consecration is nice but there are cheaper ways to make such a device he thinks - though he may be wrong, not having the skills needed to actually manufacture anything.
He asks Manzorian, ”So when you say this knowledge ‘sprang up’, what do you mean exactly? Something changed when we entered the dream-state, or past, or whatever it was, but we’re not sure what. What has changed?”
GM Rat Sass |
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"We think all this knowledge was made free when we accessed the Fountain of Dreams. Many secrets and ancient creatures are back into the world now. We have come to know Dragotha is the undead dragon Herald of Kyuss, but now we have a clearer idea of where we can find his phylactery to destroy him. We had a vision that it is at Kongen-Thulnir. But before deciding if traveling there is our next step in this travel through the Age of Worms we wanted to ask you advise to better understand what we witnessed. Do you think it was just a vision? Or we actually traveled in time? Or maybe it was some kind of prophecy of what shall happen in the future? If it is something that happened in the past, which I am inclined to believe, we can really hope to find the phylactery at the Rift Canyon."
Manzorian sets the cold glass down, newly drained of it water. It allows him to pour from the chilled pitcher again. He fails to offer a drink to you all, likely distracted from formality. The Outcasts' vivid description of the Vision keeps him fully fixated.
"A very visceral vision, by the sounds of it. The Order wanted you to feel the danger, I surmise. They could have simply embedded the knowledge in your drink, like a memory coming to the surface in epiphany. Not so, with what you describe. You were firsthand witnesses, and your success or failure to stave off the wave of Swords wouldn't have altered the druids' safe retreat. They stole this knowledge from the world, for the extreme danger it posed, should Dragotha find his way back to ushering Kyuss back into our world. For our sakes, I hope you can find and destroy the phylactery, at the very least. Did you suffer any long term effects, drinking from the Fountain? What was it like, talking with such ancient beings?"
"So when you say this knowledge ‘sprang up’, what do you mean exactly? Something changed when we entered the dream-state, or past, or whatever it was, but we’re not sure what. What has changed?”
"Well, the name Kongen-Thulnir, for one. I'm reasonably versed in geographic locations, in my travels, but until now, I've never heard of it. There is power in the name of things." The Archmage considers further. "Harrowdroth. Krathanos. The Roc King. The Night Twist. These eldritch entities are more vivid in my recollection, as if the association with the Order of the Storm was greying the memories. The Amulet of Light here, I found it listed next to the crafting instructions for another Amulet I was researching. The old tome had new pages, Ascaria. Physical pages that weren't there before, now appeared. Were the pages still bound in the tome, and my mind couldn't touch it, or did your finding of the Fountain magically restore them to this reality? It's challenging for me to understand it, but I think their suppression magic was illusory, convincing my eyes to look past it..." Manzorian frowns, looking about all his books. "It's a little unnerving, to think that if one cabal of druids can blank my memory on their personal archives, what of others?" Manzorian rubs his eyes, taking a deep sigh.
"Let's hearten a little here. I've got several other magical items that have revealed themselves to me. Hopefully to other like minds."
Manzorian goes on to describe his discoveries.
Like the ripples of sunlight off a pool of water, the brilliant colors of this full-length cloak seem to dance and swirl as its wearer moves. Woven from hundreds of tiny scales taken from each of the five chromatic dragons, this cloak has the ability to imbue the wearer with some of their power. The Cloak of the Sorcerer-King grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma. In addition, it allows the wearer to take on the Aspect of each of the chromatic dragons once per day, gaining some of the abilities of that dragon. Activating an Aspect is a standard action for the wearer, and each aspect lasts for 1 minute. No other aspect may be assumed for the duration of the effect. The following describes the aspects and their effects.
Black: The cloak becomes jet black and drinks in the surrounding light like a bottomless pit. The wearer’s features shift subtly, his skin and hair take on a grayish cast and his eyes become an acidic shade of green. The wearer gains acid resistance 30 and may cast Darkness once as a spell-like ability while the aspect lasts (CL 18th). In addition, any sorcerer spell he casts with the acid or water descriptor is automatically extended and empowered, as the metamagic feats, with no adjustment to the spell’s level or casting time.
Blue: The cloak becomes dark blue and faint sparks of electricity dance over it. The wearer’s features shift subtly, his skin and hair take on a bluish cast and his eyes fade to pure white. The wearer gains electricity resistance 30 and may cast Ventriloquism once as a spell-like ability while the aspect lasts (CL 18th). In addition, any sorcerer spell he casts with the electricity or earth descriptor is automatically extended and empowered, as the metamagic feats, with no adjustment to the spell’s level or casting time.
Green: The cloak becomes deep, forest green, and seems to fade into natu-ral vegetation. The wearer’s features shift subtly, his skin and hair take on a greenish cast and his eyes become a sickly shade of yellow. The wearer gains acid resistance 30 and may cast suggestion once as a spell-like ability while the aspect lasts (CL 18th). In addition, any sorcerer spell he casts with the acid or air descriptor is automatically extended and empowered, as the metamagic feats, with no adjustment to the spell’s level or casting time.
Red: The cloak becomes bright red and seems to smoke and smolder. The wearer’s features shift subtly, his skin and hair take on a reddish cast, and his eyes glow with a golden light. The wearer gains fire resistance 30 and may cast locate object once as a spell-like ability while the aspect lasts (CL 18th). In addition, any sorcerer spell he casts with the fire descrip-tor is automatically extended and empowered, as the metamagic feats, with no adjustment to the spell’s level or casting time.
White: The cloak becomes snow white and a chill hangs over it. The wearer’s features shift subtly, his skin and hair fade to a bleached white, and his eyes darken to pure black. The wearer gains cold resistance 30 and may cast fog cloud once as a spell-like ability while the aspect lasts (CL 18th). In addition, any sorcerer spell he casts with the cold descriptor is automatically extended and empow-ered, as the metamagic feats, with no adjustment to the spell’s level or casting time. Strong abjuration and transmuta-tion; CL 18th; Craft Wondrous Item, eagle’s splendor, resist energy, creator must be a sorcerer; Price 102,000 gp, Weight 2 lb.
This powerful ward resembles nothing more than an unremarkable 1-inch-diameter sphere of polished steel. The Lodestone’s power, however, is a great blessing to those who battle incorporeal undead and creatures who can travel ethereally. The Lodestone strengthens the boundary between the Ethereal Plane and the Material Plane, preventing any incorporeal undead from manifesting within a 20-foot radius. It also prevents any travel to and from the Ethereal Plane within that radius, negating the effects of spells such as Blink, Ethereal Jaunt, and Etherealness. Because the Lodestone is so tightly bound to the Material Plane, it may not be taken to another plane. Any time its possessor is transported across planes, the Lodestone remains behind. Strong abjuration; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional lock; Price 39,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Possibly the Order of the Storm’s deadliest achievement, the means of crafting these bows remained a closely guarded secret for millennia. Crafted from ordinary yew and trimmed with dragon bone, there is little about this nondescript bow that reveals its undeniable power. A +2 composite longbow (+5 Strength), this bow allows the wielder to find the weak spots in his enemy’s hide, allowing him to ignore any natural armor bonus (including any enhancement bonuses to that natural armor) for one attack three times per day. The wielder must declare that he is using this ability (a free action) before the attack roll is made. Strong divination; CL 16th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, true strike;Price 50,900 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Crafted from adamantine and studded with precious and semi-precious stones, this scepter grants the ability to penetrate the arcane defenses of the most powerful dragons. The wielder receives a +4 bonus on caster level checks to overcome the spell resistance of dragons. Moderate (no school); CL 10th; Craft Rod, Greater Spell Penetration; Price 5,500 gp; Weight 5 lb.
This elixir comes in five varieties, one for each of the five chromatic dragons. Made from the blood of true dragons and enhanced by magic, the elixir grants powers of its associated creature to whomever drinks it. Thick scales of the appropriate color cover the drinker’s skin, granting him a +4 enhancement bonus to his existing natural armor bonus. Meanwhile, his physique grows in power to match his draconic form. He gains a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, and a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. His face extends into a fierce snout, while his fingers twist into sharp claws, giving him 2 claws and a bite he can use as natural attacks. Powerful wings burst from his shoulders, giving him a fly speed of 60 feet (average). He gains a breath weapon of the appropriate type usable once every 1d4 rounds, dealing 6d6 points of damage. A DC 14 Reflex save halves this damage. The drinker also gains complete immunity to the energy type associated with his breath weapon. These effects remain for 10 minutes. Moderate transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, polymorph; Price 6,550 gp; Weight 1 lb
This phylactery continuously grants the wearer the effects of the Protection from Evil spell. While this type of protection is the most common version of this item, phylacteries for the other protection from alignment spells also exist. Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, magic circle against evil;Price 30,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb
This shimmering silver cloak seems to be spun from quicksilver. Its form constantly ripples and flows around the wearer and light dances across its surface. It grants the wearer complete immunity to paralysis and a +10 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks. Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement;Price 25,000 gp; Weight 2 lb
This ring continuously grants its wearer the protection of the Death Ward spell. Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Forge Ring, death ward; Price 60,000 gp; Weight —
This +2 heavy steel shield has a highly polished concave reflective surface that contains a large golden gem at its center. Twice per day, on command, the gem can ignite a brilliant beam of sunlight, blinding the living and destroying the undead. This effect is equivalent to a Sunbeam spell (caster level 13th). Strong evocation; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, sunbeam; Price 74,170 gp; Weight 15 lb.
This mantle is made from plain gray silk, embroidered with delicate white tracings of powerful runes of death and warding. Worn over normal clothing or armor, it continuously gives the wearer the benefits of the Hide from Undead spell (Will save DC 15). Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, hide from undead; Price 7,500 gp; Weight 1 lb
Crafted from the skulls of the mightiest dragons, magically resized to fit over a humanoid-sized head, these items are among the most sought-after of the order’s creations—for who has not wished to be a dragon? This item comes in five varieties, each crafted from the skull of a different-colored chromatic dragon. Once per day, the wearer may transform into a juvenile dragon of the appropriate kind. This effect lasts for 1 hour, although it may be dismissed at any time as a standard action. The effect functions as the polymorph spell (caster level 17th, without the HD restriction), except that the wearer gains the breath weapon of the dragon he becomes, as well as its sensory abilities (darkvision, keen senses, blind-sense, and so on). Strong transmutation; CL 17th; Craft Wondrous Item, shapechange; Price 86,000 gp; Weight 4 lb.
Eidi |
"Mmmm.... now that you say I perhaps felt my stomach turned over. When we came back we were all tremendously hungry and had to have a second breakfast. Do you meant something like that?" the elder keeps his thinking on Manzorian questions "It would have been incredibly interesting to talk with them, but to be sincere, we were too pressed by the hoards of undeads to care..."
"It is fearsome that a pack of humans can convince everyone's mind that what has happened is a different thing, and conceal the truth from the world..." Eidi strokes his graying goatee before continuing "I do prefer to think we just changed our temporal line, but because there is only one line of time the changes happened in a way that everyone still remembers when our changes were not made"
The elder studies all the objects Manzorian points out "Wow! All those are very interesting pieces! This Dragonbane scpeter particularly, it can be a real boon if we end up fighting Dragotha and his minions"
Mortimer Smith |
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Mortimer, eyes fixed on Manzorian, offers some chilled water to his companions before helping himself.
He's like Allustan -- with the 'never can have enough water' thing.
He looks at Eidi and Acaria. They think just as hard. Why aren't they thirsty? If it's not thinking, what makes these Academic types so thirsty?
He pours Manzorion more ice cold water when he finishes his current quaff, lest Manzorian stop thinking aloud.
"You were firsthand witnesses, and your success or failure to stave off the wave of Swords wouldn't have altered the druids' safe retreat. They stole this knowledge from the world, for the extreme danger it posed. [ ... ] Did you suffer any long term effects, drinking from the Fountain? What was it like, talking with such ancient beings?"
Krathanos? 'Eldrich'? He seemed so stupid. Does listening to the rambling speculation of a giddy Mage count as suffering? Mortimer smiles.
"It was amazing," he gloats. Still, the actual present day druids , Maxie and Valeris had a similar impression about missing ... memories. I know what it's like to not remember. None of this helps really me, though.
"What do you mean?! Do you mean we really didn't actually make any difference slaying of all the undead soldiers? I tell you, it is if we were really there! We changed the past!" Mortimer exclaims, slightly disheartened by the suggestion that their group experience was just some Druidic experiment in mass hallucination. "What makes it safer now, for your book to have new pages, or missing pages restored? What about the sea elf civilization discovery? How does any of it help?"
He listens as Manzorian rattles off the list of discoveries, not fully understanding the usefulness of many given the limitations of each. Nor does he find that any lend themselves particularly to his style of combat. He leans against a wall and tries not to look so terribly bored as the group discusses Manzorian's list.
As they ready to depart, he wonders what discoveries the Druids they met near Magepoint have experienced recently.
"Hey, at some point we should pay a visit to Maxie and Valeris too?"
Ascaria |
Ascaria isn’t sure he agrees with Manzorian’s belief on the nature of their shared memory. He still thinks they might well have assisted in that battle, but it doesn’t matter. He keeps to himself on that at first while he listens to the litany of new magics available. Nothing really grabs his attention - though it is an impressive list, and he says so, ”My that’s an impressive list. So much power.”
He agrees with Eidi’s remarks about the remarkability of it all, and nods with Mort, ”Memory is indeed a tricky thing. But I feel as though we were there too.” He agrees further with Mort’s idea of visiting Maxie and Valeris, ”Let’s head out there tomorrow morning and see them when we’ve more time to spend. They should know what their help of us has wrought.”
Eidi |
"What do you all think about sharing our discoveries with Lashonna?" Eidi looks interested at Mortimer's water pouring and smiles "Shall we pay her a visit? Or shall we direct ourselves to the Rift Canyon"
And to Manzorian he asks with bright shiny big eyes "Have you noticed if this grand revealing has perhaps unveiled some old forgotten spells in your spellbooks library? Perhaps something you would be willing to share?"
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Do we have monies to buy things? The bow and the ring are of interest to Solrisa.
Solrisa oohs and smiles and aahs at the various revelations and magics. It's clear that she doesn't have a full, deeper understanding of what is happening, but she's eager and excited to be on board and happy to help kill bad things.
"So...what do we do next? How can I help? Do we have too many cookies? I could eat those or kill bad things. Just let me know."
Mortimer Smith |
"What do you all think about sharing our discoveries with Lashonna?"
"If you're right," Mortimer says, turning to Eidi, "then we still have some time -- and I think we should use it to talk to as many people as possible!" Mortimer pours Eidi more water.
Mortimer looks at Manzorian. "Just out of curiosity, wasn't there a rod , or uh, something?"
Ascaria |
We'll divvy tomorrow when we have an opportunity, presumably, to sell things. Should be over 75kgp.
Ascaria nods, "By all means, let's visit Lashonna as well, perhaps for tea tomorrow if she's available. We've some things to unload in the morning, then maybe visit the druid's at lunch, then Lashonna for tea, or maybe even supper depending on her availability. We can figure out what we're doing from there over the next few days."
He dimly remembers the rod, and wonders what Mort's interest in it is.
Solrisa Iome Arabasti |
Solrisa stretches out, looking around, smiling. She's happy to have some calm and quiet for a bit, and more importantly, time for Eidi to work on his cookie collection.
She relaxes and enjoys the days, helping sell equipment and taste cookie doughs, as needed.
GM Rat Sass |
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Thank you for your patience...
"Do you meant something like that?"
Manzorian shakes his head. "No, no, I meant the Wild Watchers. The very ones who protected the Fountain of Dreams. From your accounting, it felt very one-sided. Instructions, compliance, no real exchange. Did they allow you a chance to ask them questions?"
"How does any of it help?"
"As I see it, your revelation of where the phylactery is, this Kongen-Thulnir, that certainly helps our efforts to prevent Kyuss from returning us to the Age of Worms. You have leverage against Dragotha, should you be able to locate and destroy his chambered essence. As for pages previously unseen, they describe magical items the Order would have considered useful against the armies of Kyuss. If you don't consider it useful, then you are right to ask if any of it would help."
"Have you noticed if this grand revealing has perhaps unveiled some old forgotten spells in your spellbooks library? Perhaps something you would be willing to share?"
"I have not, but I have also found myself spending most of my time examining these magical constructions. I might just do that, begin exploring, but these discoveries sort of leapt out, tugging my shirttails for attention. Give me some time, and I'll let you know if I find anything you might consider valuable."
"Just out of curiosity, wasn't there a rod , or uh, something?"
"You're referring to the Fragment, Mortimer, the one you were hesitant to leave with me. Do you remember it? Perhaps your memory has suffered through the Trials. No matter, I have a lead on the owner of the Sixth Fragment, and may very well be able to secure it in the near future. I make no promises, of course, but I am filled with a dose of optimism, given the recent events."
Manzorian claps his hands together, waiting for further questions or observations.
The next morning arrives more calmly than it greeted you yesterday, though the activity about town suggests that there will likely be merriment towards the latter part of the day, for the errand boys and girls flitting about like bumblebees, at the fish market and at the farmer's market, securing packets of food which would easily feed a dozen at a time.
The day is brisk, the skies clear.
Ascaria |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
HP = 105/105
Hero Points = 3
Equipped = None
Conditions = Magic Vestment (1/16h, Ascaria, Mort, Sol), Status (1/16h, Eidi, Mort, Sol), Wind Walk (1/16h, everyone), Brightest Light (1/16h)
Life Link (16)(100’) = Eidi, Mort, Sol
Channel Energy (12/12)(10/10) (DC: 27)(Avoid 9, 35’r, 1/1 swift) (9d6+1+2d6 phylactery)
Amiable Blunder (1/1 if Diplomacy failed by >5, re-roll to avoid worsening attitude)
Rod of Extend Spell (3/3, 6th lvl)
Rod of Reach Spell (3/3, 6th lvl)
Vest of Surgery (1/1 Heal DC 20 to heal 1d4 ability damage in 1h)
Spellguard Bracers (3/3 Roll concentration twice and take the best result)
Mnemonic Vestment (1/1 Cast spell from a scroll without burning the scroll)
Tankard (1/1 Remove Fear), (1/1 Heroism (30m)), (1/1 unbinding to DC 25)
Physician’s Spectacles (1/1 Delay Poison)(Constant: Detect Poison, Diagnose Disease)
Expeditious (3/3 swift +10’ movement)
Melee Attack: BAB +12/+7/+2, Size +1 Damage: +0
Ranged Attack: BAB +12/+7/+2, Dex +1, Size +1 Damage: +0
Spells (Caster Level 17, Concentration +26)
Once per Day: Arcane Mark, Comprehend Languages, Message, Read Magic
Zero (19): Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
First (20): (9/9) Cure Light Wounds, Diagnose Disease, Endure Elements, Enhance Water, Liberating Command, Obscuring Mist, Remove Fear
Second (21): (7/8) Burst of Radiance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Light Prison, Pilfering Hand, Protection from Evil Communal, Status
Third (22): (5/8) Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestments, Neutralize Poison, Prayer, Speak with Dead*
Fourth (23): (7/8) Blessings of Fervor, Brightest Light, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection from Energy Communal, Restoration, Sending, Speak with Haunt*
Fifth (24): (8/8) Air Walk Communal, Breath of Life, Burst of Glory, Cure Light Wounds Mass, Plane Shift, Serenity
Sixth (25): (6/7) Chains of Light, Cure Moderate Wounds Mass, Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Wind Walk
Seventh (26): (7/7) Cure Serious Wounds Mass, Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Restoration, Holy Word, Particulate Form
Eighth (27): (5/5) Cure Critical Wounds Mass, Create Demiplane, Holy Aura, Mass Heal
* Caster Level +2
- - -
Though Ascaria enjoys his time with Manzorian, he eventually suggests departure, with plenty of time to make it for dinner. After all, it’s a standing rib roast we’re talking about here. After dinner, he suggests, ”We should take a few days to get geared up so we’re ready. We should also see if we can figure out how to destroy this phylactery before we get there - in case we need special materials, spells, or whatnot. I’m not very good at research, but I’m happy to help Eidi, if you need it.”
He sleeps soundly in his own bed (ahhhh) and rises early to at least coffee from Cedric (assuming we’re eating the usual Heroes’ Feast). The two of them chat amiably while the party eats, with Ascaria telling Cedric everything that’s been happening to them, and Cedric providing a list of things he needs for the Pub. Mostly just a few last minute goods, as well as some hard-to-find seasonings that would be helpful. Ascaria promises to do what he can.
In the morning, he does his usual prep - even though they’re supposedly safe in Magepoint. He doesn’t take any chances. Ascaria ensorcels the shields of the party (Magic Vestment (+4 on Ascaria, Mort, and Sol)). He'll then watch over his friends (Status (Eidi, Mort, & Sol)) and refresh everyones Life Link just in case. He’ll also cast Wind Walk on the group out of general paranoia and top it all off with the Brightest Light on his hat band.
He tucks his hatband in his vest pocket for now as, hopefully with Mort’s help, he goes shopping. He collects all the parties goods, and sells them off wherever he can - there’s a lot!
Party Divvy!
Each of us receive 77,416gp. We are also picking up: Raise Dead Diamond (5k, x2), True Resurrection Diamond (25k), Diamond Dust (5k), Commune Incense (5k)
Eidi, as you’re the one who casts commune, please take the incense. Let me know if you need more in the future as well.
I’ll do a purchase post later. Let me know if any of you need a loan - I’ll have about 10kgp extra if you need it, though I might get some boots too, we’ll see.
Eidi |
"No questions really. By when we arrived and they explained what was going on, we found already surrounded and fighting. No questions to the Wild Watchers. No exchange at all certainly"
"That is clever Ascaria. Let's invest some of our time at the Temple Library researching how other heroes have dealt with phylacteries in the past" Eidi enjoys the dinner with fruition common to his age and goes to sleep comfortably at the Pub.
The next day he provides heroes' feast and thanks Ascaria a lot for his quartermaster job and the incense in particular.
When they have opportunity Eidi will search at the Temple Library about phylacteries and how to destroy them, how others have done in the past.
K. religion: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (6) + 30 = 36
K. history: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19 +any library bonus
During his visit, he also requests access to inscribe new spells the way he did in the past.
Working on a spell list and some items for Eidi
Eidi |
Eidi invests a couple days to inscribe new spells into his spellbook from the mages of Magepoint.
Level 5
wall of force
dominate person
hold monster
inscribe level 5th -250*1.5 (learning fee) = 375 gp *4 spells = 1500 gp
Level 6
undead anatomy III
permanent image
planar binding
inscribe level 6th -360*1.5 (learning fee) = 440 gp *3 spells = 1320 gp
Level 7
walk through space
scouring winds
reverse gravity
inscribe level 7th -490*1.5 (learning fee) = 735 gp *4 spells = 2940 gp
total inscribe cost: 5760 gp
total inscribe time: 11 hours
Afterwards the elder half-elf looks for the availability to buy the following items glove of storing 10000 gp, lesser rod of quicken metamagic 35000 gp, orange ioun stone prism 30000 gp, bracelet of second chances 15750 gp.
Likewise, Eidi will work during the evenings on starting his work of improving his headband of mental prowess.
Spending 25000 gp, time will depend on when we go back to adventuring, but no less than 25 days
Total budget (if finding everything): 121510 gp
Total gold remaining: 6792 gp