GM Lari's Phantom Phenomena (Inactive)

Game Master Dhenn

The Lucky Lantern
Illirigarde Manor
Kellid Monolith
Sincomakti Greenhouse

Draw From the Deck:
[b]Draw from the Deck: You have recovered a psychically charged harrow deck, commonly used for telling fortunes. You can expend its remaining energy to draw a card at random as a standard action, and you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to the ability score that matches the suit of the card drawn until the end of the adventure. If you do not have a harrow deck available, instead roll 1d6 to determine the suit (1 is Strength, 2 is Dexterity, 3 is Constitution, 4 is Intelligence, 5 is Wisdom, and 6 is Charisma). While the actual card you pick has no mechanical effect, you can roll a D9 (with physical dice, you'd roll a D10, rerolling 0) to fully simulate the draw for flavor purposes.

Silver Crusade

Bizarre phenomena have tormented the people of southeastern Ustalav for decades, and these events become stronger and more dangerous every year. Hoping to uncover the origins of these flashes of red lightning and spectral hauntings, Dr. Quolorum from the Sincomakti School of Sciences has set out with a team of able-bodied assistants. Can the PCs help the professor unlock the secret that dwells above Lantern Lake?

Phantom Phenomena includes six, 1-hour adventures that take the PCs to a superstitious village, a lightning-scarred woodland, an ancient Kellid monolith, a haunted manor, an occult university, and finally into the storm-choked mountains. Experience the adventures in any order to create a unique story.

Hi everyone,

I'm still pretty new to PBP (though not playing/GMing PFS). The upcoming game day has got me thinking about getting more involved in this side of things, though. I thought the recently released Phantom Phenomena quests might be a good way to try my hand at the PBP GM experience before committing to something for the actual game day.

For those who might not be familiar, the Quests are a series of 6 related mini-adventures, designed for the 1st level pregenerated characters downloadable HERE.

Players earn rewards that increase depending on the number of quests completed, and receive a chronicle sheet to give to a first level PFS character. Unless there's strong demand for CORE, this will be a Classic table, open to all the pregens linked above. A CORE table would be limited to pregens of the CRB classes.

A few notes:

  • I'm happy to get rolling as soon as we have six together. If you're interested, please note your first choice pregen.
  • I'd rather not double up on any individual pregen, but I'm not going to enforce any sort of party balance. Play who you like is my general philosophy. You're also welcome to switch to a new pregen between each of the quests, if you'd like to try out some different classes.
  • If inactivity is a problem, I may replace players between Quests. Players are also welcome to stop participating and receive a chronicle after any Quest is completed. In that case, I'll solicit new participants.
  • Combat will be run through Google docs.

If this sounds interesting to you, please sign up, or let me know if you have questions.

Silver Crusade

I'll whip something up.

Silver Crusade

What level will this take us too? 3?

I'd really like to join! I've been meaning to try Warpriest...

Silver Crusade

Rorek, this just grants 1 XP, 1-2 Prestige, and a variable amount of GP, roughly on par in length and rewards with a typical PFS scenario. It's pregens only, so there's nothing to whip up. Just take your pick from those pregens in the initial priest.

PatheticWretch, you're our Oloch!

I'd like a spot in this game, I'll play Merisel.

Silver Crusade

Then, I'll play either Amiri,Imrijka, or Lirianne. Not quite sure yet.

Silver Crusade

Actually I'm not sure, but I'll probably wind up playing Amiri or Valeros. So I'll cover melee front liners.

Scarab Sages

Are we going Core or was the everything open? Cause you know I've yet to be allowed a ninja anywhere *lawls*

But I will also play Lem if no ninjas

I would be interested in trying out one of the occult class pregens if you're ok with that.

Silver Crusade

Thenine, it looks like we're going classic here. Ninja's yours if you want it.
Paladin: Absolutely. Occult pregens are fine with me, and pretty appropriate for the theme.
So far, it looks like we have

  • Patheticwretch as Oloch, Warpriest
  • Justin as Merisiel, Rogue
  • Rorek as TBD
  • theNine as Reiko, Ninja
  • Paladin of Baha who as TBD occult

One more and we're full and can get rolling.

Lantern Lodge

I'll round it out with the Occultist pre-gen. Wanting to give some of those new classes a shot!

Silver Crusade

Great! Welcome aboard, everyone! Please head over to the discussion thread and we can get moving!

damn, too late!

Silver Crusade

Aron, if there's enough interest I'll do this again. And I'm happy to keep you in mind if a vacancy becomes available.

Scarab Sages

Throwing my name out there for the if there's enough interest I'll do it again then ;)

Grand Lodge

I would also be very interested in playing in these quests in PbP format. I'd probably use my level 1 Medium, Seline Spiritbound (who I haven't yet updated to the printed version of OA rules yet, but plan to very soon).

Silver Crusade

Seline, these quests are pregen only, much like the Silverhex Chronicles if you've played those.

I'm going to put in a table of this for the 9/19 Gameday. Those who have posted here will get priority.

Silver Crusade

Aron, Revvy, and Seline, I'm offering a table of this for the upcoming game day HERE. You three will have priority if you express interest.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Heh, I definitely should have known that these were pregen-only. But that's fine, I'll happily play the pregen Medium and apply the credit to Seline. :)

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