Jacobus Varadin |
Yelling in delight as the giant tick is splattered, Jacobus maneuvers around and hits out with his mace at another mite.
mace to hit, 2H, low ceiling: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 4 - 2 = 8
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
GM Giuseppe |
Serolt’s arrow instantly kills one of the three remaining mites, and Roksana’s swing is enough to smash another mite’s head.
The last mite standing tries to run away, withdrawing in desperation.
Combat is over!
You gain 1000 XP! The best part is that I’m not rounding the number: this is the exact amount of XP you gained in the Old Sycamore, and that’s such a round number!
GM Giuseppe |
It has been a war. A war in miniature, perhaps, but still a war.
And you didn’t even have the least tactical advantage.
Forced to fight in low-ceiled, foul-smelling tunnels,
the Swordlords’ agents were able to defeat the entirety of the mites’
tribe dwelling below the Old Sycamore. Now, it’s time for them to
claim their loot. Because, after all, this was still a war; and every war has its loot.
Now that combat is finally over, you have plenty of time to heal your wounds.
As you do so, Mik-Mek approaches and asks, in his usually poor Common, “Well fought. Now, will you help me retrieving the sssacred ssstatue?”
Exploring the Old Sycamore: In order to speed up the exploration, I’m going to allow you a simple choice concerning the way you would like to explore the single rooms that make up this underground system. You can opt for searching the area in a relatively short amount of time, taking 10 on your Perception checks in each room. This would require 1 minute per chamber, for a total of about 10 minutes spent exploring this site. Otherwise, you can take your time and opt for taking 20 on you Perception checks in each room. This would require 10 minutes per chamber, for a total of about 2 hours spent exploring this site. Remember that some of your horses have been running away during the storm. If you wish to track them later, every hour you spend exploring increases the Survival check’s DC to track the mounts by +1 (because outside it’s raining, see the Survival skill). It’s up to you to decide whether you want to go with a quick inspection or with a close examination of the site.
I’ll post again at 07:00 P.M. GMT +1.
Roksana 'Rok' Jedynak |
"Alright Mik-mek, let's find your statue and then get the hell out of here." Roksana puts her weapons away a few moments after it's clear the final Mite is not making it's way back.
"I could use some healing by the way, I got a little burnt." She gives a sidelong glance to Kryo before adding a small smirk. The fight over she wants to collapse, her back aches after spending the whole thing crouched, but she keeps to her feet and starts looking through the cave. "Let's make this quick if we can, I've decided this isn't a good place to hide from the storm any more."
I'd like to opt for taking 10 (Perception: 10 + 6 = 16) but if the group would rather take their time Roksana can be convinced to relax.
Jacobus Varadin |
Jacobus murmurs a prayer to Abadar for keeping him safe and whole. Law and Civilization is the only solution for wickedness.
He then approaches Rok and winces as he sees her burn wounds. Taking out his healing wand, he carefully eases her pain, removing most of the scars.
He looks at Kryo, "You have to be careful with the fire. Fire will kill foe and friend. It makes no distinction. The smoke in closed spaces is also deadly."
There was a hint of fear in his voice, "I would really prefer if you avoided using that tactic again, especially when I'm concerned." He stutters, "I...I had a very bad childhood experience back in New Stetven."
I vote to take 10, get the horses, come back, and take 20 on searching this place.
Rok, please roll your own healing and let me know how many charges were used
Serolt |
Serolt murmers, "Yes, fire is everyone’s ally, but no one’s friend." as he looks at the slaughter.
He straightens up, or at least as much as he can in the low-ceilinged hole, "Yes, much as I like loot, I do not like this place. Let us search quickly, and if we find what we need let it suffice. We won't find any secrets with such a search, but it's enough for now."
He looks to Jacobus, "If you lot want to search more thoroughly, I'll wait in the rain and watch over the horses."
He keeps his bow handy during the search just in case, and he spends an inordinate amount of time looking for the scimitar he was forced to leave behind last time. For such a common weapon, Serolt is attached.
Take-10 Search is 17.
When we do search for the horses, my take-10 tracking is 20. Should be enough to track down our steeds even with a few hours delay unless the ground is particularly hard.
Kryolani |
Kryolani finally relaxes, seeing the last of the mites fleeing the chamber. He flops over onto his back, letting a slow groan escape his lips. "Oooooouch."
He waves weakly to his compatriots, "Right. More careful with the fire. I'll have to come up with a fix for that one of these days." He rolls over and slowly pushes himself to his knees. "Really, Rok. I'm sorry. Seemed like a good idea in the moment. Like the whole place needed a bit of flame put to it." He shakes his head to clear the cobwebs, and staggers to his feet.
"Hey Jacobus, a touch of healing from that wand for me as well, if you don't mind?"
I'll stay behind to take 20. I want to be absolutely certain there are no more lingering problems down here, AND that we get as much reward as possible out of this pit. I almost died twice for it! Besides, I'd be useless tracking down the horses anyway.
1 charge of CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
My Take 20 check is 25.
GM Giuseppe |
You spend some time exploring this underground system where the mites used to live before your arrival. Apart from the dead bodies of the mites you’ve slain in combat, there’s little more of interest for you, except for Serolt’s scimitar. During the exploration, you gather all of the mites’ weapons you stumble across. These subterranean rooms hold no secrets, or at least this is what a quick examination reveals. The only room containing something noteworthy is actually the war room, where you fought the mites’ leader and his “army” for the first time.
Rows of wooden pegs line the earthen walls, some hung with
tiny, filthy cloaks. In the center of the room stands a rickety
table held together with twine, covered with a filthy redchecked
tablecloth and heaped with mounds of dirt and twigs
and gravel, apparently arranged to form some sort of map.
Sitting at the edge of the map, weighing down a scrap of paper,
is a bloodstained ivory statuette of what looks like a crouching
reptilian devil. A bulging burlap sack sits under the table.
As soon as he sees the statuette, Mik-Mek shouts in joy. “Old Sssharptooth!” calls out the kobold as he approaches to the statuette. “Let me keep it, pleassse” pleads the black-scaled creature, trying to be as touching as he can. “My tribe will reward you with many treasuresss if you accompany me there. Pleassse!”
- 17 Small daggers
- 50 Small darts
- Ivory statuette depicting a crouching horned creature.
- A burlap sack containing 12 Small spears, 1 Small cold iron spear, 193 cp, 120 sp, and 32 gp.
- A piece of paper written in charcoal in Undercommon.
After you’re done exploring the underground system, Serolt and Roksana surface once again, leaving Kryolani and Jacobus in the mites’ lair so that they can continue their examination of the site while the Shoanti archer and the half-orc warrior track the missing horses. The storm has ceased, even though it’s still raining, and the air is pure and fresh, especially if compared to the stale, foul-smelling air of the mites’ lair.
As you climb your way up the tunnels, the first scene you see upon resurfacing is the dead body of a slain mite between Regin’s paws. It seems like Serolt’s firepelt cougar has killed the mite attempting to flee.
Roksana’s steed stands nearby, puffing calmly.
Tracking the missing horses: In order to track the missing horses, you’ll need to succeed at a DC 20 Survival check. The ground of this area is treated as firm ground (DC 15). The creatures you’re going to track are Large, thus decreasing the DC by -1. Three hours of rain passed since the horses fled, so the DC is increased by +3. The rain reduces visibility, thus increasing the DC by +3. Only a single character can attempt this check, although the others can assist him using the aid another action. You are allowed to take 10 on this check, but not 20. When finding tracks in the outdoors, you can retry a failed check after 1 hour of searching. The DC increases by +1 for every additional check after the first one, because the rain makes it harder to follow tracks. You can attempt up to a maximum of 3 Survival checks before the sun goes down.
I’ll post again at 00:30 A.M. GMT +1.
Guys, I would like you to take the opportunity allowed from this quite uneventful post to roleplay a bit among yourselves if you wish so. After all, there’s a lot to speak about after this deadly fight! Maybe a good roleplaying scene between Serolt and Roksana as they track the horses, and between Jacobus and Kryolani as they continue searching the mites’ lair. I’m perfectly aware that Serolt’s take 10 on the Survival check will result in an automatic success, but I want to give you some time to actually roleplay and improving your relationships.
Serolt |
Serolt sifts through the various bits of loot. Well we aren’t going to get rich of these guys. This barely covers my arrows!
”Anyone read undercommon? I’m curious to know what this note says. Mik-Mek what about you?”
- - - Later while discussing the statue - - -
"I think this is an object of great value Mik-Mek." he looks to the others, "Why I'd say it's worth 250 gold, maybe more, on the open market. I know you tried to help, but really we saved you already. Why should we give you the largess as well?"
Serolt grins slyly as he says it, mind seemingly already made up to give it up, but he's messing with the little kobold because, well, he can.
- - - Later while tracking the horses - - -
Serolt surfaces in the rain and looks up to let it wash some of the sweat from his face. He rubs a little, and casts Create Water to rinse his hands after. He digs in his sling bag, produces a wooden mug, and fills it with another casting - drinking deeply.
He gestures to Rok as if to say, Want some?
He then begins tracking.* He takes his time (half movement) and follows Misty’s tracks first before seeking out the other horses.
”So Rok, what do you think about that Kyrolani? I mean, he set fire to you woman. What’s up with that?”
I am not tracking the small equipment unless people really really want me to. I just don’t see us dragging all that gear for the ~30gp it’s worth. Serolt, for one, would be embarrassed trying to sell it off to Oleg…
Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 vs DC 20
Appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 vs DC 16
GM Giuseppe - a technical question. In my campaigns, I do not track the values of objects the party gives away to NPCs as a rule (barter not withstanding). So in my campaign the value of the ivory statue would not count against our Wealth By Level. Not usually a big deal wither way. Please let me know your ruling so I can track it properly on the treasure sheet. Thanks!
Also, for the record, Serolt fills his various water skins from streams and other fresh sources. He uses that water very little though as he prefers to create his own for various purposes. Still, he has the water skins for backup in the event his spells ever fail him…
* Serolt will, as already mentioned, try taking 10 to follow the tracks. If that fails he’ll try again by rolling. Serolt takes-10 a lot when there’s no penalty for doing so other than time. He’s not in a hurry…
Jacobus Varadin |
- - - Later while discussing the statue - - -
"I think this is an object of great value Mik-Mek." he looks to the others, "Why I'd say it's worth 250 gold, maybe more, on the open market. I know you tried to help, but really we saved you already. Why should we give you the largess as well?"Serolt grins slyly as he says it, mind seemingly already made up to give it up, but he's messing with the little kobold because, well, he can.
Jacobus, always looking for a way to profit, was quite serious in the matter. "It is a divine mandate that we be properly compensated for a job well done. And like my friend pointed, we did the job quite well."
He looked at the kobold, no trace of mirth on his face, "So what are these treasures that we will get for selling you this statue?"
Jacobus Varadin |
waiting with Kryo
They had finally made it out of the hole in the ground and waited for Serolt and Rok to return. The inquisitor spread his arms and let the rain wash away the grime and blood from their ordeal. It felt good to have done a job well.
He turned to Kryo, "So, you know very well why I'm here. It is a divine mandate of my god to help spread civilization and my own company, well my father's for now, could very well use an advantage with new trading partners or routes."
He waited a second, "What about you? What's your real story? Why do you crawl into holes in the ground and fight giant ticks?"
Kryolani |
Kryolani scans the statue with Detect Magic as he speaks to the Kobold. "We have to make sure this won't be used to harm people. Who would we be giving the statue to? What are they going to do with it? I want to hand it over, you understand, but I can't unless we are sure our honor will be upheld as we do so."
Later, after exiting the hold and awaiting the return of the others...
"It's a family thing, Varadin." Kryolani replies to the query. "My immediate family is neither wealthy, nor powerful. I have distant relatives, though, who are. And that means to some my name can be...useful. I'll not be a tool for either side of the debate, if I can help it. Such conflict does not resolve, it only spreads. Destabilizes. Better to remove myself from the equation, at least until I have enough standing and personal wherewithal to keep myself from being used."
Kryolani turns and looks Jacobus directly in the face. "I do not serve a specific God, or company, or power, or design. Not out here. Not yet, anyway. I would keep myself free, in that way, if I can."
Roksana 'Rok' Jedynak |
Rok nods a thanks you to Jacobus as her wounds heal and stop stinging, then, leaving him and Kryo to explore the cave, she joins Serolt back outside to help find the horses.
As the rain washes over her she sighs audibly, relieved to be outside and cleaned. "Thanks Serolt." She smiles wide as she accepts some of his water, drinking heavily and gasping between gulps.
"Gods above lets never do that again, yeah?" She follows behind the ranger, occasionally pointing out to anything he may have missed or not discovered yet in their search for the horses.
"Kryo? He's not at all what I expected from a pampered city boy and he's useful in a fight." As she speaks she peels a burnt piece of skin from her hand to reveal the healed layer below as she chuckles to herself. "I definitely wanted to kill him when it happened, but it was a smart move, setting everything on fire. Would you believe it's not the first time something like that has happened?" She pulls up her shirt to reveal a thick scar that runs horizontally just above her hip.
"About four years ago the Blue Dogs were hired to investigate some bandit hideout near the Echo Wood. The 'building' they holed up in was so tight we had to squeeze together, shoulder to shoulder, just to fight them all. Well, this guy Kas, he spots one of them reaching in his belt for something, but he can't get a good swing." She shakes her head as she pulls her shirt back down. "So he made a last minute decision."She mimics the swing to show what she means, slicing from her hip.
"Needless to say his swing was too wide. We both ended up covered in tar and resin, tanglefoot bag, and if it wasn't for Captain Berin we'd both have been dead." She laughs again at the memory. "At least Kryo managed to actually damage the mites too."
She turns her attention back to the hunt for the rest of the horses, patting Kasper as he walks beside her. "What about you Serolt, what do you think of our merry band?"
CLW: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (7, 8) + 2 = 17 2 Wand Charges
Taking 10 on Aid Another Survival for 16. Provides a +3 Bonus to Serolt's score.
Jacobus Varadin |
Later, after exiting the hold and awaiting the return of the others...
Kryolani turns and looks Jacobus directly in the face. "I do not serve a specific God, or company, or power, or design. Not out here. Not yet, anyway. I would keep myself free, in that way, if I can."
Jacobus smiles, "Well, at least my family is good. I can't complain of a bad upbringing. My father even had the foresight to send me away to study at Abadar's temple. That was interesting."
He continues, "Then when I finished the first part of my studies, he put me in charge of one of his caravans. That's how I met Serolt, BTW."
He sighs, "Well that was fun but my father kept me in Brevoy and only once ventured into the River Kingdoms. That did not end well."
He looks at the man, "The only thing I regret from my time with my father is that he never let me take part of the trading done with barges. You've seen the issues I have with swimming but I think he just wanted to keep me safe from river pirates."
He wipes off rain from his brow, "So who urged to sign up for the explorations? Was your family happy you left?"
updated CLW wand
Serolt |
"Nice scar. Looks like it was a deep one." he refrains from showing his own, if only in part as they're smaller and less severe.
She turns her attention back to the hunt for the rest of the horses, patting Kasper as he walks beside her. "What about you Serolt, what do you think of our merry band?"...
The question catches him by surprise, "Hmmm?"
"Oh, I don't know. I don't like judging others much. I'm frequently wrong." he chuckles.
"Still, you're good in a fight, that's for sure. So's Jacobus - he and I have fought together before. As you say, Kyrolani is no city-boy, or at least not soft like one. So yeah, " He stretches and eyes the horizon though the haze of rain for their quarry, "A good group I think." He seems vaguely uncomfortable answering the very questions he asked just a moment before.
He calls Regin, who'd wandered off a bit from their path. He's impressed by how much he seems to be attending him of late. Properly following direction.
Kryolani |
He looks at the man, "The only thing I regret from my time with my father is that he never let me take part of the trading done with barges. You've seen the issues I have with swimming but I think he just wanted to keep me safe from river pirates."He wipes off rain from his brow, "So who urged to sign up for the explorations? Was your family happy you left?"
"Hah! River pirates? I suppose I should count myself lucky. I helped negotiate the paperwork in a few trade disputes on behalf of some of the larger trading concerns in Port Ice. No river pirates to speak of, just the normal, mercantile kind." Kryolani rubs his hip absently, still sore from the not-fully-healed wound.
"I signed myself up. Didn't need the urging. You get pretty good at reading political tides in my family. My father wasn't happy about it, not at all. Nor mother, really. But they understood the necessity of it, and supported the decision." The sorcerer grins, "Some more distant family members might get a little furious, once they realize I left, and why. We've got different interpretations as to our duty, both to the family name and to the land itself, though. I have a...temper. Sometimes. When I call the flames. Better to learn the control I need out where there's no building to burn down, or fields to set alight."
Kryolani coughs heavily for a moment, and spits. "Abadar temple, huh? Always liked them. Had a good head for legalese. Listen, I'd suggest not holding on to the idol too tightly. If we can buy the assistance and cooperation of a local kobold tribe for a shiny art peace, I'd consider it a bargain at twice the price. Just my take. They might be the only bit of civilization out here."
GM Giuseppe |
Mik-Mek hisses furiously as you seem to suddenly change your mind about giving him the statue, just now that he’s finally found it. “Please, pleassse…We’re all going to die, our ssscalesss turned yellow and sssoft…An old curse…The ssshaman sssays that if we don’t bring back the ssstatue we be cursed…Please! I don’t want to turn yellow and sssoft! I don’t want die! Please! The shaman has promised many treasuresss to those who will bring back the ssstatue!”
Serolt and Roksana track the missing horses, and thanks to Serolt’s superb skills as a tracker, and with the help of Roksana, you manage to find the horses after a few hours of pursuit. The horses seem almost relieved to see their masters again, and come to you eagerly.
A closer inspection of the mites’ lair doesn’t reveal anything else apart from what you had already discovered.
Night is approaching, so after finding the missing horses, Roksana and Serolt joins with Kryolani and Jacobus again, and they all make camp in a small cave behind a high hill in the Kamelands. Keeping watch has never been so hard, but despite the tiredness you keep a vigil eye on the camp during your shift. Thankfully, nothing noteworthy happens during the whole night though.
Date — Starday, Gozran the 9th, 4609 AR
Time — Morning to Evening
Location — The Kamelands
Weather — Shiny and temperate
The lighting storm is only a far away memory: today the sun shines bright and a temperate breeze blows from the south. You were tired last night, so you’ve slept a bit more than usual, but when the sun rises you all eat your breakfast of trail rations (whose taste is starting to disgust you) and hit the road as quickly as possible.
Early in the morning, as you’re enjoying the pleasures of travel after some nightmare hours you spent in the mites’ lair yesterday, you stumble across something unexpected: an old blindwoman wearing a turban wanders through the hills, alone except for a big rat trotting to her side and apparently guiding her, and as soon as she hears you, she approaches slowly and begs for alms. “Please, good travelers, only a few coppers will do” she says in a hesitant and trembling voice.
I’ll post again at 00:30 A.M. GMT +1.
Entering an unclaimed hex (5%): 1d100 ⇒ 10
Exploring an unclaimed hex (15%): 1d100 ⇒ 42
Camping in an unclaimed hex (15%): 1d100 ⇒ 28
Things found on the roadside: 1d100 ⇒ 24
Scenic spots: 1d100 ⇒ 67
Terrain types: 1d100 ⇒ 88
Kryolani |
Speaking to Mik-Mek
"Calm down, Mik-Mek. We'll take the idol to your shaman, we won't let you be cursed. Where do we need to go to bring it to him?" asks Kryolani, hoping to at least be led to this enclave of Kobolds.
Encountering the old blind woman
His time in the wilds has perhaps made Kryolani more suspicious than he has been in the past, and he quietly mutters a Detect Magic spell, hoping to reassure himself that an elderly blind lady wandering alone, deep in the wilderness, is just as she appears.
Still, he speaks aloud to her, unwilling to appear completely churlish while his divinatory magic does it's work, "Of course, just a moment, ma'am. We've not had cause to spend much coin this far out. Let me dig up some coinage for you."
With that, Kryolani begins to rifle through his pack, looking for the coin purse he keeps stored at the bottom.
Jacobus Varadin |
Early in the morning, as you’re enjoying the pleasures of travel after some nightmare hours you spent in the mites’ lair yesterday, you stumble across something unexpected: an old blindwoman wearing a turban wanders through the hills, alone except for a big rat trotting to her side and apparently guiding her, and as soon as she hears you, she approaches slowly and begs for alms. “Please, good travelers, only a few coppers will do” she says in a hesitant and trembling voice.
The morning air and sleep had done wonders for Jacobus. His mood much improved now that he ate, he quips with the old lady, "A few copper you say? I don't give alms; you'll have to earn your money."
Before his companions interrupt him, he quickly adds, "Besides, what's a few coppers going to do for you here? Why don't take a load of your feet and share our food. We only have trail rations but are happy to share."
He then continues, "You can then tell us about this place and what you have seen and we'll give you some gold. Sounds fair?"
Serolt |
Serolt watches Kryolani cast a spell and shares his concern.
The morning air and sleep had done wonders for Jacobus. His mood much improved now that he ate, he quips with the old lady, "A few copper you say? I don't give alms; you'll have to earn your money."
Before his companions interrupt him, he quickly adds, "Besides, what's a few coppers going to do for you here? Why don't take a load of your feet and share our food. We only have trail rations but are happy to share."
He then continues, "You can then tell us about this place and what you have seen and we'll give you some gold. Sounds fair?"
Serolt sees sense in this, on all fronts, and quickly breaks out the stores, creating water and serving up what food they have to offer. He remains quiet however, as if just a servant. He reveals nothing and keeps his hand near a weapon throughout.
Roksana 'Rok' Jedynak |
Walk any road, float any river. Roksana thinks to herself as Hanspur's sacred animal walks into view guiding the blind woman.
"Of course we'll help you. As my friend here said, take a load off, you can sit my horse if you need to."
She moves closer to the woman to assist if need be. "What has brought you out all this way by yourself?"
GM Giuseppe |
The blindwoman smiles. "Oh, you're not bandits then. It's so good to know that there's still good people around. I'll take you offer, kind travelers. Let's sit down and...if you'd like to share some stories from the world outside of the Greenbelt with this poor old woman, she would appreciate it very much", says the woman as she sits down on the ground, her rat instanly jumping on his lap.
You eat the second breakfast of the day and give the old blindwoman some food. As you eat, the woman introduces herself: "Name's Nadya, even if they call me the old wanderer or the old blindwoman. I...I wander these lands and follow the river course. Have you already met Davik's cursed remains?"
Please Euan, remove one trail ration from your ration pool, since you're giving it to the old blindwoman.
Jacobus Varadin |
The blindwoman smiles. "Oh, you're not bandits then. It's so good to know that there's still good people around. I'll take you offer, kind travelers. Let's sit down and...if you'd like to share some stories from the world outside of the Greenbelt with this poor old woman, she would appreciate it very much", says the woman as she sits down on the ground, her rat instanly jumping on his lap.
You eat the second breakfast of the day and give the old blindwoman some food. As you eat, the woman introduces herself: "Name's Nadya, even if they call me the old wanderer or the old blindwoman. I...I wander these lands and follow the river course. Have you already met Davik's cursed remains?"
Jacobus smiles as he gets ready for a second breakfast, "No ma'am. We are not bandits at all. Have they been harassing you?"
After telling her about the mite/tick issue, he adds, "I'm afraid we do not know anything abut Davik. Would you please inform us and also of any other feature in these lands that you are aware of?"
diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
I'll be out and about all day and may not be able to post until later this evening. Please bot me as necessary
GM Giuseppe |
"More or less...They killed my beloved husband and took everything away from us." The old woman smiles at Jacobus, as though the pain was long forgotten. "Davik was my husband. We had a wooden bridge on the Shrike River, not far from here if the river's voice doesn't lie to me. They killed him and burnt our house down. I told him that the Water Rat wouldn't wouldn't have liked his idea of actually making people pay to cross a river...But he wouldn't listen. And so our lives were destroyed..."
The old woman smiles again as she caresses her rat. "By the way, you lads shouldn't be lingering too long in the painful memories of an old blindwoman. Tell me something joyful, something beautiful. A story of travel and adventure, perhaps?"
Serolt |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I wonder how she protects herself from these lands these days? Perhaps magic?
Serolt is no story teller, but he digs deep out of respect for the old widow. He thinks a while as he serves out the food, and then launches, rather abruptly into verse.
”There was a young man, well boy really, from the Sklar-Quah, the Sun Clan Shoanti.”
”Like everything in the Cinderlands, it began with the heat - this time in the form of a wildfire. Having approached the banks of the Yondabakari, I found the succor of the grasslands once again, for I had been travelling. I was very young at the time you understand. I cannot express how grateful my steed, Solitaire, became at the opportunity to graze until she was full. I admit I was somewhat jealous; my rations had been growing ever poorer. “
”But then suddenly there it was: a massive sheet of flame, driven by the wind. I’ve seen fire spread before, but never like this. Leapfrogging west from one patch of dry grass to the next, the fire was like a charging beast, swallowing everything in its path. Immediately I kicked Solitaire into motion and we headed for the safety of the river. “
”It was only a few moments later that I spotted a young Shoanti brave on foot. Just like me, he was making a beeline for the river, but without a horse there was no way he would make it. “
”I’m no hero, but watching a boy burned to death for no reason is beyond even me. With some cajoling of Solitaire I altered course to come up alongside the young brave and motioned for him to take my hand. By this point the flames were already licking his body, and the heat coming off of the blaze was incredible. Half-crazed, the brave seemed not to understand, so I took matters into my own hands, throwing him over my saddle for I was much larger than he even as a youth myself, and raced for the river. Hitting its banks, Solitaire plunged into the shallows, and not a moment too soon - behind us the wildfire tore a path straight up to the bank, whereupon it split to the left and right, continuing to eat every last blade of grass and shrub on the river’s eastern side. Even in water up to Solitaire’s flank, the flames were terrifying. Exultant, I shouted my defiance into the flames - for I had lived!“
”That’s when the boy wrapped both hands around my throat and tried to crush my windpipe. Caught off guard, I flailed helplessly for several moments before recovering my wits enough to land a solid punch to his temple, dropping him into the river. He came up sputtering and screaming, cries of pure frustration, and launched himself at me again, attempting to tear me from my horse.”
”As I kicked at the boy to try and keep him away from Solitaire, a stampede of a dozen Sklar-Quah horsemen burst from the flames along the bank and dashed into the water, plucking up the boy much as I had moments before. Yet instead of the expected gratitude at saving the child’s life, I found myself surrounded by spearheads. I sat motionless as they tied my hands to my saddlehorn and took my reins. They swam our horses downstream as though it were no feat at all. Finding a suitable exit point, we rode in silence until we were safely beyond the wildfire’s reach.”
”That was my first experience with the Sklar-Quah. They were upset you see. The boy was going through his own coming-of-age ritual to earn his standing within the tribe. After setting the wildfire themselves, the riders placed the boy in front of it and tasked him with outrunning it. I had ruined it of course and would be several weeks with them explaining it before we came to an understanding and they released me.”
”You should know that boy did in fact succeed at his next trial. I watched. Amazing speed the Sklar…”
Rations removed
GM Giuseppe |
"What a fascinating story, my dear boy" comments delighted the old woman. "Travelers are used to tell me a lot of stories when I meet them, but yours...Yours has been my favorite of all time".
After eating along with you, the woman pleads for a few copper coins once again. "I need them to buy rations from wandering travelers" she explains.
"You've been kind to this old blindwoman, travelers. I bestow the blessing of Hanspur upon you all and wish you good luck in your travels. Also, take this with you. It may help you when the rivers are angry" says the blindwoman as she hands you out a single scroll.
After giving you the scroll, the woman thanks you again and takes the walk. "Should you stumble across my husband, bring him my greetings. I miss him every single day."
Roksana 'Rok' Jedynak |
Roksana listens to Serolt's story, wide-eyed. When he's done she shakes her head and laughs.
"I hope you know Nadya, this is the most I've heard that man talk in the weeks that we've been traveling together!" She winks at the Shoanti as she pulls four gold pieces from her purse and hands them to the old woman.
"Don't let anyone cheat you on the change! If we see your husband I'll tell him you miss him. Water Rat guide you, and if you ever find your way to Oleg's Trading post you come find us." Roksana all but hugs Nadya as she leaves, happy to have found another of the traveling river folk, a kindred spirit of sorts.
"That was a blessing from the river god if I ever saw one." She says to the rest as they part ways and continue their journey. "I hope I'm still following the voice of the river at that age."
Serolt |
Serolt takes the scroll, but interrupts Rok. "Here, give me those. We've plenty of silver and she'll need less change that way too."
He doles out 40 silver from the coins collected from the mites, replacing it with the gold Rok offered.
He does not try to identify the scroll until after the woman is well and gone. Then he takes it out and pours over it trying to suss it's depths. "I'm new at this," he explains, "Kryolani, can you figure out what this is? I'm not sure..."
Spellcraft with Detect Magic: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Kryolani |
Kryolani nods to the old lady, as they begin preparing to part ways. "It was a pleasure to share a meal with you, ma'am. We're staying at a trading post, north of here. If you need supplies or anything, stop by. If were not in, tell Oleg that we'll spot you a meal, at least."
Kryolani doesn't know why the old lady reminds him of his grandmother. They don't look much alike, but he has sentimental memories of swimming in the lake of Mists and Veils as a boy, outside her country home. The few coins are plenty of repayment for such fond recollections.
"Hmm, perhaps. I'll take a look."
Kryolani reads through the scroll, noting a few diagrams in the layout.
"If I am correct, this would allow one to breath water, for a little while. Huh. That's....unexpected, to be held by an old wandering lady, and her enormous rat buddy."
Spellcraft with Detect Magic: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
GM Giuseppe |
Date — Starday, Gozran the 9th, 4609 AR
Time — Morning to Evening
Location — The Kamelands
Weather — Shiny and temperate
As soon as the old blindwoman walks away, the groups gets back to explore the area. The whole day passes by uneventfully, with the party trying (unsuccessfully) to find a good spot where to wade across Shrike River, but in the afternoon the party chances upon something noteworthy. A thick, sagging rope hangs across the river in this place, all that remains of the bridge that likely once spanned it. A signpost at the end of the ruined bridge reads “Nettles’ Crossing—5 coppers—ring bell for service.” A rusty bell hangs by each sign. On the south bank of the river, across the Shrike, the crumbled remains of a burnt-down wooden building are slowly being overgrown by encroaching vegetation.
I’ll post again at 10:30 A.M. GMT +1.
Jacobus Varadin |
Jacobus groaned at the sight of another river to cross. And this time, there was no chance to cross on the sad excuse for a bridge.
"Perhaps we can use the rope for the crossing. How do you feel today Kryo? I swear we'll at least learn how to swim before the season is over."
The inquisitor approached the bell and rang it but did not expect anyone to provide any service.
"Well, what do you all think? Is this the right location for the crossing?"
Is the rope floating on the river? If not, how far above the water is it? Is it tied to both shores?
GM Giuseppe |
⁞⁞⁞ » Suggested Soundtrack: The Witcher OST – Night Approaches « ⁞⁞⁞
The rope hovers at a few feet from the river, fixed at both ends. The rope could be used to climb across the river, as long as no more than two creatures attempt this at once: their combined weight could easily break the rope. The Shrike flows fast in this spot, however, and you wouldn’t define this as a good place where to cross the river; maybe it was so in the past, when the bridge still spanned the river’s course.
As soon as Jacobus rings the bell, the waters start to bubble, as though something from below the surface was going to emerge. And that is precisely what happens in a matter of seconds. A rotting body, flesh putrescent and dripping ranseur clutched in his hands, climbs from the rubble downstream and makes its inexorable way across the river’s surface, walking over the water toward you. Before you can even draw your weapon to attack, the terrifying creatures calls out to you in an eerie, soggy voice: “You are not my tormentors. Throw the Stag Lord’s body into the river that I may look upon his death, or join me instead.” The creature suddenly stops his walk, as though it was waiting for your answer.
I’ll post again at 18:30 P.M. GMT +1.
Jacobus Varadin |
Before you can even draw your weapon to attack, the terrifying creatures calls out to you in an eerie, soggy voice: “You are not my tormentors. Throw the Stag Lord’s body into the river that I may look upon his death, or join me instead.” The creature suddenly stops his walk, as though it was waiting for your answer.
Jacobus swallowed the big lump in his throat. Without making any threatening gestures, he spoke, "Greeting old one. We are just passing through here. Although we have heard of this Stag Lord, we don't know too much. Pray do tell us who he is and what he has done to you."
He quickly added, "It seems our goals may be aligned but we need more information."
nice touch with the music
Roksana 'Rok' Jedynak |
"You must be Nadya's husband, Davik." Rok says not without a tinge of fear as she addresses the dead thing. "Is the Stag Lord the one who burnt down your home and drowned you?"
He hand hovers near her hammer but she recalls the blindwomans parting words and she does not immediately draw her weapon. She takes a position in front of the rest of the group and notes that Kasper stands staunchly by her side.
"My friend is right, we've dealt with some of the Stag Lord's men, but we have yet to cross paths with the man himself."
GM Giuseppe |
⁞⁞⁞ » Suggested Soundtrack: The Witcher OST – Night Approaches « ⁞⁞⁞
The horrifying creature fixes its gaze in Jacobus’ eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time before answering with its scraped voice. “He’s the leader of the bandits. He burnt my house down and his thugs killed my hounds. He dwells south of here. Find him and throw his body into the river, for I long for vengeance.”
As soon as Roksana pronounces the name “Davik”, the creature fixes its gaze on her instantly. The strange and unnerving being stares at the half-orc for a few, long-lasting seconds, before nodding, its eyes wide with surprise. “Bring me the Stag Lord” the creature says once again, emotionless.
Jacobus, you easily realize that this creature is not so…“pleased” to talk and probably won’t give you any further information. The creature is simply offering you a deal: he spares your life and you throw the Stag Lord’s body into the river. Information are not included in the deal, apparently.
Serolt |
Serolt is repulsed by the creature, and his instinct is to slay it immediately, but he holds his bow. There is more than one way to solve this problem.
"We honor the forever dead!"
"Nadya sends her greetings good, uh, sir. She would want you to rest in the eternal peace you are due. We will slay this Stag Lord and dump his body in the river for you to see floating by."
He turns to the others, "We should leave - I do not want to press this... creature, into combat."
With that he wheels his horse and pushes north as he commands Regin, hairs rising in fear, away from this particular crossing.
GM Giuseppe, could we see the regional map again? Wondering where we are on the map. We have plenty of rations, and no real wealth, so no need to go back to Oleg's anytime soon I think. Gotta get Mik-Mek home...
Roksana 'Rok' Jedynak |
Roksana takes a cue from Serolt, mounting Kasper and riding off after him.
"Have any of you boys seen the undead before. I've got to say that was a first for me, and I hope it's a last. If we do come back with the Stag Lords body I saw we dump it in and run."
A shiver runs down the half-orcs spine as she considers the number of times she gone swimming in the river, never considering that something as foul as Davik may have been waiting beneath.
Almost enough to make a girl give up swimming. Almost.
I'm fine taking Mik-mek home, between Serolt and I we should be able to find our way home if he leads us astray.
Kryolani |
Kryolani shudders as he watches the black ichor drip from the things claws. "I'm really beginning to detest this river." he mutters, as he wheels his horse away with the others.
As they get clear of the haunted site, Kryolani says "We may learn to swim before the winter sets in again, but we surely won't be doing it in that stretch of water. Just the idea of it dragging me down. Ugh."
I agree with the plan to take Mik-Mek home. He's held up his end of the bargain so far, and if we're to be offered tresures, I'd like the reward from that.
GM Giuseppe |
The undead abomination widens its empty eyes once again when Dyana is mentioned by Serolt, but in a matter of second its face becomes emotionless and cold again. Unnerved by the sight, you decide to turn around and postpone further dialogues with the creature.
You spend the rest of the day exploring the hex, but in the attempt to try a suitable place where to ford the Shrike River you lose valuable hours of sunlight and you’re forced to camp in this area and continue the exploration the next day.
At night, when you’ve already set your camp and you’re eating your rations, both Roksana and Kryolani begins showing signs of their illness*. They feel weak and tired, much more than they should be.
* Roksana takes 1 point of Strenght damage. Kryolani takes 2 points of Strenght damage instead. Please attempt another DC 16 Fortitude save against disease in your next post.
Feel free to declare your use of the Heal skill to treat your allies’ disease. To treat a disease means to tend to a single diseased character. Every time the diseased character makes a saving throw against disease effects, you make a Heal check. If your Heal check exceeds the DC of the disease, the character receives a +4 competence bonus on his saving throw against the disease. Treating a disease requires 10 minutes for every character you assist.
Jacobus (DC 15): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
Kryolani (DC 15): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14
Roksana (DC 15): 10 + 5 = 15
Serolt (DC 15): 10 + 6 = 16
Jacobus’ Horse (DC 15): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Kryolani’s Horse (DC 15): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Serolt’s Horse (DC 15): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Kasper (DC 15): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Regin (DC 15): 10 + 5 = 15
Kryolani: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Roksana: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Jacobus Varadin |
After wiping his chin, Jacobus gets up and squints closer at Rok and Kryo. "No offense but neither of you look good. I think you got what's called Red Ache and my guess is that it's a souvenir from that big old tick we killed."
He adds, "This won't kill you but we need to be at our best around here. Let's see if we can get you better in the next couple of days. If not, we'll head back to Oleg for a full recovery."
heal check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Kryolani |
Kryolani coughs up a dark red lump of something, and grimaces. "I hate getting sick. Used to get sky fever back home every winter, when I was little. My mother would dunk me in lake water every few hours till the fever broke."
Kryolani considered the memory, "I'd almost always catch a cold immediately after, as well. I wonder if they were related. Anyway, I think next time, I'll let someone else get gnawed on by the gigantic insects. It was no fun at all."
I'll take the first heal check, under the assumption that 21 passes the disease DC. If it doesn't, I'm in some serious trouble. Cross your fingers everyone!
Resist Disease: 1d20 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 2 + 4 = 15
Jacobus Varadin |
Jacobus finishes tending to Kryo and looks at the half-orc.
After a few minutes of treatment, he says, "You look like a big, strong girl. You can kick this thing, right?"
He quickly adds a joke to lighten things up, "No offense Kryo but if I had to bet on one of you, my money would be on Rok."
Oops, my bad. I though the heal check was to identify the disease. If not, and I can roll now, then here's a second roll for Rok.
heal treat disease: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Eer... not so good. Sorry
Roksana 'Rok' Jedynak |
Roksana looks at Jacobus with an eyebrow raised.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm fine." She shakes off any attempt to tell her otherwise, though she begins to slump more in her armor, just a little, when she thinks the others can't see her.
It'll probably pass. I'm never sick for long.
Fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 yep...
Serolt |
Serolt helps, as much as he can, each of the diseased folk. He isn't much help though.
My reading of the skill says we can each try to help each of them. It's just 10 minutes of work, so 20 minutes that evening and Serolt does what he can for Rok and Kryolani.
If I can only help one, I'll try Kryolani trusting to Rok's internal fortitude.
Heal Kryolani: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Heal Rok: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
GM Giuseppe |
Date — Sunday, Gozran the 10th, 4609 AR
Time — Morning to Evening
Location — The Kamelands
Weather — Shiny and temperate
The weather keeps being stable and shiny. Another long day of travel and exploration lies ahead, although Kyolani’s and Roksana’s conditions are worsening instead of improving. You spend the whole day, from when the sun rises to when it goes down, busy exploring this large area of the Kameland. At the end of the end of the day, Mik-Mek takes the lead, suggesting to make camp in the westernmost part of the area you’re currently exploring, so that you can reach the Old Sycamore soon tomorrow morning and then continue to the kobolds’ cave.
As you travel, you spot something weird: the corpse of a bandit in a hanging cage supported by a large tree. The bandit was a woman, and lies dead and naked in the cage. The signs of rape and violence are clear on her rotting body, already assaulted by swarms of mosquitoes.
At night, when you’re making camp, Kryolani and Roksana’s conditions worsen dramatically: they feel terribly weak and Roksana can’t almost bear her armor anymore. Their eyes become bloodshot and vi-treous*.
* Roksana takes 6 points of Strenght damage. Kryolani takes 4 points of Strenght damage instead. Please attempt another DC 16 Fortitude save against disease in your next post.
You gain 25 XP for having explored a new hex.
Treat disease clarification: Each character can attempt a Heal check to treat disease by spending 10 minutes for every diseased character he tries to help. You can try and help multiple characters in this way. However, even in case of multiple successful Heal checks on the same target, the bonuses don’t stack, since they share the same source and are of the same type (circumstantial bonus).
I’ll post again at 10:30 A.M. GMT +1.
Entering an unclaimed hex (5%): 1d100 ⇒ 32
Exploring an unclaimed hex (15%): 1d100 ⇒ 34
Camping in an unclaimed hex (15%): 1d100 ⇒ 66
Things found on the roadside: 1d100 ⇒ 93
Scenic spots: 1d100 ⇒ 25
Terrain types: 1d100 ⇒ 32
Kryolani: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Roksana: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Kryolani |
Barely able to keep his head upright, Kryolani whispers, "Guys...giant ticks suck..."
He laughs dryly at the pun.
I'll take any bonus anyone can give me. As I'm currently at 2 strength, I think I'm basically non-functional until we get this fixed.
Resist Disease: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Yay! This means if I get assistance, I'll pass this check!
Jacobus Varadin |
Jacobus was not very confident in his healing abilities but he once more tried to help his comrades.
"Serolt, why don't try yourself to helad them? Maybe between the two of us, we can get these people cured once and for all."
heal treat disease Kryo: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
heal treat disease Rok: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Serolt |
Serolt worries about the health of his friends as they travel along. That night he tries healing them again.
"Kryolani you don't look good. Not good at all. You going to be OK?"
I took off an extra half day’s rations each day for Mik-Mek. Let me know if I should be taking off more… :)
Kryolani Heal check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Rok Heal check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Roksana 'Rok' Jedynak |
Roksana wakes up in the morning and doesn't even bother to put her armor on. Sitting lazily on Kasper she follows behind the rest of her group, muscles aching. By the time night falls she's barely able to keep her head up, she can't even pay attention to her surroundings.
Fort: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Serolt |
”I think we must press on to the kobolds. If they are friendly, as Mik-Mek says, we’ll find shelter there, and we need shelter. I don’t think we can go back to Oleg’s with Mik-Mek in tow. That would create quite a stir… The only other option is to setup the tent and stay here a few days, just until the disease passes at least.”
”Kryolani isn’t going to be able to hold himself in the saddle another day and Rok here certainly can’t fight. We must go to ground. And quickly.”
”I say if we can make it to the kobold camp today, we do so. If we can't, we camp right here for two or three days and ride out the worst of it.”