GM_Foxy's Incident at Absalom Station (Inactive)

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

GM_Foxy's Dead Suns AP
Dead Sun Maps

Loot Log
Sunrise Maiden

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F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"You seem to hold a different opinion than I do?" Boreal asks curious

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

"Oh no, I completely agree. They are terrifying to me. Mostly due to the fact that they are natural predators for the Kasatha."

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"I imagine they are the natural predators of most things..." Boreal replies

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

"Just things with bones. Which we have plenty of."

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"I probably have more bones than you do. Our spine extends through our tails." Boreal says still not getting it

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

"Ah, then they would most likely come to love Vesk."

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Manteca, having avoided the more gruesome of the Crest Eater documentaries, finds himself being drawn into the conversation.

"Do you think it's partial to proper bones? Or would an exoskeleton suffice for it's biological needs?," he muses idly.

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

”Is your exoskeleton composed mostly of calcium?”

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"I thought it was mineral's in general they ate... I remember something about them eating rocks too."

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

”In general yes but calcium is what they go after. They do eat rocks if they need to.”

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Life Science: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"Makes sense." Boreal replies. "Doctor Manteca Imani, is your skeleton calcium?"

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Ugh, that's the third time today the site has balked when I try to edit... so doubleposting.

Boreal Typhon wrote:
"Makes sense." Boreal replies. "Doctor Manteca Imani, is your skeleton calcium?"

"Well, the exoskeleton is made of chitin, and chemically chitin is a polysaccharide, derived from glucose... so while it might eat you two first, one might simply see a shirren like myself as a dessert?" He pauses a beat. "That was a joke. I don't think Crest Eaters would have a concept of dessert, and I promise I don't think polysaccharides taste sweet. That would be an absurd presumption."

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F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"I heard they make good pets." Boreal says getting lost about halfway through Manteca's explanation

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

”... from who?”

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"Friend's of my parents. He knew a guy who had one."

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

”... uh... huh...”

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"He said they can cause issues when they get big and they cost a lot to feed though."

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

”... yeah. I bet.”

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"Is something bothering you?" Boreal asks

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

”I’m not as enthusiastic about Crest Eaters as you, that’s all.”

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"I apologise." Boreal says realizing she has been making Tannhauser feel awkward

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8
Boreal Typhon wrote:
"He said they can cause issues when they get big and they cost a lot to feed though."

"Sure - the legal fees, not to mention the intangibles like the time to cover up the missing persons cases, the loss of friends and family to its' voracious appetite or their disgust at your new lifestyle..." Manteca tilts his head at Boreal, antennae twitching curiously. "What, exactly, did this family friend of yours do for work? I'm wondering if career plays a large role in crest eater ownership."

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

”It’s okay. You like them. You’re the first person I’ve met that does.” Tannhäuser reassures the Soldier.

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4
Manteca Imani, MD wrote:
Boreal Typhon wrote:
"He said they can cause issues when they get big and they cost a lot to feed though."

"Sure - the legal fees, not to mention the intangibles like the time to cover up the missing persons cases, the loss of friends and family to its' voracious appetite or their disgust at your new lifestyle..." Manteca tilts his head at Boreal, antennae twitching curiously. "What, exactly, did this family friend of yours do for work? I'm wondering if career plays a large role in crest eater ownership."

”Their saliva can dissolve pretty much anything, so I can see it having plenty of uses.”

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"He was a <pig> farmer." Boreal explains Pig being said in another language/meaning something like a pig but not quite a pig.
"I do not understand what you mean Doctor Manteca Imani. His children used to ride it, and nobody went missing as far as I am aware."

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

And now Tannhäuser was struck trying to compile a mental image of a Crest Eater wearing a saddle.

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

LOL you guys. I'd also like to point everyone to the Loot Log at the top of the screen. We have several things that need someone to claim them (Some Grenades, a Heavy Weapon etc, more UPBs)

EH-RK murmurs something to Allison about Ipsode dias custode. and tries to hack the Firewall again, this time taking his time as it seems the Vesk, Shirren and Kasatha on their team were having a great conversation.

Taking 20 to hack the Firewall if I can

Kitsune Game Master

Eric diligently retries to get into the log. Which he might finally manage to do. But it will take a while as he triggers the lockout countermeasure. Locking everyone out of the system for 1d6 ⇒ 4 hours.
Anyone trying anything else on the computer, or are you simply sitting it out? Once the 4 hours passed, your next try will be a success for taking 20

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

Well we don't know what happened due to us being on the other end of the hallway. I suggest that we use the time to clear the rest of the ship.

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"I don't want to find anymore surprises like this one." Boreal says kicking one of the goblins. "Do you want to make sure there aren't any more?" looking at Tannhauser

Liberty's Edge

Fast 2 Dedicated 1 | +7 2d6 | HP: 22/22 | 27/18/19 | Perc: +2

"That seems a fine idea," Wraith says, standing up, cracking her back, and plopping a fresh clip into her gun. "Alright, I've got a fresh clip, so everyone else make sure you've got a fresh clip in anything that takes clips, and we'll go make sure everything worth getting rid of is gotten rid of."

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

Magazine..... but I think we've already had this conversation =)

Liberty's Edge

Fast 2 Dedicated 1 | +7 2d6 | HP: 22/22 | 27/18/19 | Perc: +2

I'm not reading a magazine, I'm reading Paizo. =p

Kitsune Game Master

Well, my dictionary knows both magazine and (ammo) clip.

You start investigating the remaining rooms. The four identical cabins (C7) served as shared living quarters for the Acreon’s crew. Each contains two simple bunks, a pair of lockers, a small sink, and the miners’ personal possessions. The door to one of the portside cabins was barricaded from the inside. The bed still stands close to the entrance.

Search Perception DC 15:
You find a dropped computer key card and a credstick with 500 credits stashed under one of the bunks.

Liberty's Edge

Fast 2 Dedicated 1 | +7 2d6 | HP: 22/22 | 27/18/19 | Perc: +2

Perception!: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

"Oh, hey, this might be helpful!" Wraith exclaims picking up a computer key card and 500 credits that were stashed under a bunk. "We could totally use this...if we weren't locked out of the system. Ah well, live and learn."

Added 500 credits to loot bag.

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

Tannhäuser nods to Boreal. ”Let’s.”

What I get for not refreshing before posting.

”Huh. I would have thought the crew might have been lingering here.” the Kasatha lets out as she begins to gather up the personal belongings. ”So they can make their way faster back to any surviving relatives.” she says to no one in particular.

Assuming there’s things like photos or mementos.

Host Shirren Envoy 5 (Icon) | HP: 30/30 SP: 28/28 Res 5/5 | EAC 13 | KAC 14 | Fort +2 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +1 | Percep +8

Manteca slots a few more needles into the needler, making sure to keep his 'knock-out needle' within easy access in his coat pocket. "Ready."

Kitsune Game Master

C6. Galley
The crew prepared and shared meals in this kitchen and eating area, though the quality of the preserved rations leaves something to be desired.

Kitsune Game Master

C5. Port Cargo Hold
The Acreon’s port cargo hold contains much of the ship’s supplies—extra food and water stores, replacement air filters, spare parts, and the like. There is also a shipping container approximately 8 feet square, addressed to the Eoxian Embassy on Absalom Station.

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

Tannhäuser makes a show of moving up to the container and gently patting it in front of the drone while also giving it a thumbs up. ”Do you want us to open it to make sure your stuff is okay?”

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F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"Well we found the package then." Boreal says as she follows behind Tannhauser. Watching her walk

Kitsune Game Master

"No. Just deliver it to me." Nor tells through the drone.

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

”Understood.” Tannhäuser replies to the Drone. The container didn’t seem to have any damage so the Akatas most likely didn’t originate from within. Other than that concern she didn’t feel a pressing need to investigate it.

Male LN Android Ghost Operative | SP 70 HP 58 DR 2/- | RP 10 | EAC 28; KAC 29 VS Combat Manuvers 37| Fort +6; Ref +13; Will +10 | Init: +9 | Perc: +16, SM: +0, Stealth+24 Darkvision 60' | Speed 50ft | Active conditions: None.

Once again. We have grenades and heavy weapons for someone to claim on the loot log...if only there were someone here who were proficient in both and could use them to maximum effect. Someone perhaps, with the soldier class....

Excellent Eoxian Ambassador Nor. It was a pleasure assisting you. EHRK says, moving back to the bridge in order to access the crew log and perhaps gain more info on this ship and its salvaged rock.

Kitsune Game Master

Who will claim the fire extinguisher? A minion maybe?

Ships Log:
The logs detail the discovery of the Drift Rock, the crew’s initial exploration of the asteroid’s surface and the strange “geodes” they found there. The captain then states that the crew was under attack from monsters that “hatched” from the geodes they brought back to the ship (the description of the monsters matches the akatas you have
already faced).

The next entry is more hurried, and the sounds of combat are audible in the background. “There’s something else—it came from the rock!” the captain reports with more than a trace of panic in his voice. “We’re getting overwhelmed! I’m going to open the ship to vacuum—maybe that’ll slow them down!” The log’s final entry was recorded in engineering (area C4) and shows the captain in his space suit. “Purging the air didn’t work. I’ve set the autopilot to continue on to Absalom Station, but we’re abandoning ship. We’ll fall back to the rock and try to regroup there. Acreon out.” There are no further entries.

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

Boreal will follow EH-RK to the bridge and listens to the log as he plays it.
She stands for a moment and thinks, "Are their any surveillance systems on the ship?" rubbing her chin, "It would be good to gather info on what this 'something else' is."

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

Tannhauser raises a hand up to rest her chin on. "The Akatas and undead, which we still haven't seen, were bad enough... and now there's something else?"

F Vesk Soldier 5___Init:5 Perc:0___HP:34 Stamina:36___EAC 20; KAC 22 _F/R/W: 6/2/4

"Hopefully there are no dead crew. It seems as if they have escaped. Do we have a crew list?"

Female Kasatha Solarion 1 (Priest of Talavet) SP: 21/21 HP: 14/25 R: 2/3 | EAC: 12 KAC: 13 | F +3 R +2 W +4

"That's a warming thought." Tannhäuser said, hopeful.

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